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См. также в других словарях:

  • Dependency — or dependent may refer to: Contents 1 Sciences 1.1 Computer science 1.2 Economics 1.3 Linguistics 1.4 …   Wikipedia

  • Dependency — De*pend en*cy, n.; pl. {Dependencies}. 1. State of being dependent; dependence; state of being subordinate; subordination; concatenation; connection; reliance; trust. [1913 Webster] Any long series of action, the parts of which have very much… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dependency — index appurtenance Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 dependency n. A territory …   Law dictionary

  • dependency — 1590s (adj.), 1610s (n.); see DEPENDENT (Cf. dependent) + CY (Cf. cy). Originally also dependancy, on the French model, but the Latinate form gradually pushed this into disuse; see ance. Meaning territory subordinate to another nation is recorded …   Etymology dictionary

  • dependency — ► NOUN (pl. dependencies) 1) a country or province controlled by another. 2) the state of being dependent …   English terms dictionary

  • dependency — [dē pen′dən sē, dipen′dən′sē] n. pl. dependencies 1. dependence 2. something dependent or subordinate 3. a land or territory geographically distinct from the country governing it, and held in trust or as a possession, etc. in a subordinate status …   English World dictionary

  • dependency — [[t]dɪpe̱ndənsi[/t]] dependencies 1) N COUNT A dependency is a country which is controlled by another country. ...the tiny British dependency of Montserrat in the eastern Caribbean. 2) N UNCOUNT: oft N on n You talk about someone s dependency… …   English dictionary

  • dependency — n. 1) a colonial dependency 2) drug dependency * * * [dɪ pendənsɪ] a colonial dependency drug dependency …   Combinatory dictionary

  • dependency — dependence, dependency The state of being connected to and subordinate to someone or something. The opposite of self reliance, this term may be encountered in a variety of sociological contexts. In the study of economic growth and the sociology… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • dependency — noun 1) her dependency on her husband Syn: dependence on, reliance on; need for 2) the association of retirement with dependency Syn: helplessness, dependence, weakness, defenselessness, vulnerability Ant …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • dependency — dependence, dependency Dependence is ‘a state of depending’; dependency can also mean this but is more usually ‘something, especially a country or province, that is dependent on another’. The distinction was somewhat blurred by the emergence in… …   Modern English usage

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