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См. также в других словарях:

  • Child neglect — is the most frequently reported form of child abuse (60% of all cases) and the most lethal. Child neglect is the failure to provide for the shelter, safety, supervision and nutritional needs of the child. Child neglect may be physical,… …   Medical dictionary

  • child neglect — n. The failure of a person responsible for a child s care and upbringing to safeguard the child s emotional and physical health and general well being. See also abuse. Webster s New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000 …   Law dictionary

  • Child neglect — Family law Entering into marria …   Wikipedia

  • child neglect — nepriežiūra statusas T sritis švietimas apibrėžtis Tėvų ir visuomenės negalėjimas rūpintis vaikų, paauglių auklėjimu dėl šeimos iširimo, vaikų bėgimo iš namų ir kt. priežasčių. Neprižiūrimi vaikai, paaugliai tampa sunkiai auklėjami, dažnai… …   Enciklopedinis edukologijos žodynas

  • child neglect — noun failure of caretakers to provide adequate emotional and physical care for a child • Hypernyms: ↑maltreatment, ↑ill treatment, ↑ill usage, ↑abuse …   Useful english dictionary

  • Developmental impact of child neglect in early childhood — Child neglect, often overlooked, is the most common form of child maltreatment.[1] Most perpetrators of child abuse and neglect are the parents themselves. A total of 79.4% of the perpetrators of abused and neglected children are the parents of… …   Wikipedia

  • Child abuse — is a very complex and dangerous set of problems that include child neglect and the physical, emotional, and sexual abuse of children. Although most people think first of physical abuse when they hear the term, physical abuse makes us 25 percent… …   Medical dictionary

  • Neglect, child — Child neglect is the most frequently reported form of child abuse (60% of all cases) and the most lethal. Child neglect is the failure to provide for the shelter, safety, supervision and nutritional needs of the child. Child neglect may be… …   Medical dictionary

  • Child discipline — is the set of rules, rewards and punishments administered to teach self control, increase desirable behaviors and decrease undesirable behaviors in children. In its most general sense, discipline refers to systematic instruction given to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Child (disambiguation) — Child (and its plural, children) normally refers to a child, a person who is not yet an adult. The term may also refer to: Child (surname) Contents 1 In psychology 2 In computer science 3 In medicine …   Wikipedia

  • Child abuse, sexual — Child abuse comprises four basic types of mistreatment: child neglect, physical abuse of a child, emotional abuse of a child, and sexual abuse of a child. Sexual abuse is the least frequently reported form of child abuse (6% of all cases).… …   Medical dictionary

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