1 coger desprevenido
• catch off guard• catch off-balance• catch on the wrong foot• catch unawares• take by surprise• take umbrage• take under a will -
2 застать врасплох
1) General subject: catch (smb.) unawares, (кого-л.) catch nodding, (кого-л.) catch off his guard, catch somebody flatfooted (His statement caught him flatfooted.), steal up, surprise, (кого-л.) take at a disadvantage, wrong-foot (catch off balance; to take by surprise in disadvantaged position), (кого-л.) take short, catch sb unawares (Example: Despite George's vigilance the snow, when it did come, took him unawares.), sneak up on sb. (If you're not aware of the symptoms, this disease can sneak up on you.), spring a surprise (on someone - кого-л.), take sb aback (surprise greatly; knock someone's socks off), walk in on (кого-л.), catch somebody bending (кого-л.), catch off balance, catch at a weak moment, catch flat-footed, take by surprise, catch sb on the wrong foot, take sb unawares (Example: Despite George's vigilance the snow, when it did come, took him unawares.), take one by surprise, catch on the back foot, catch smb. off guard2) Colloquial: catch off-balance3) American: have over the barrel4) Literal: catch sb napping, catch sb off guard5) Jargon: catch napping6) American English: catch off base7) Makarov: take unawares, (кого-л.) catch nodding, (кого-л.) catch off guard, (кого-л.) catch off his guard, (кого-л.) catch on the hop, (кого-л.) catch on the wrong foot, (кого-л.) fall upon unawares, catch napping, catch unawares, catch with pants down8) Phraseological unit: take aback9) Idiomatic expression: throw off balance -
3 coger desprevenido
v.to take by surprise, to blind-side, to catch off-balance, to catch flat-footed.* * *figurado to catch unawares* * *(v.) = come as + a great surprise, catch + unprepared, take + Nombre + unawaresEx. Such a concept came as a great surprise to many information educators who rather dismissively regarded the information qua information field of activity as being too limited.Ex. You can fend off a danger which you can see, but you are more liable to be taken unawares and be bitten by a snake in the grass.* * *(v.) = come as + a great surprise, catch + unprepared, take + Nombre + unawaresEx: Such a concept came as a great surprise to many information educators who rather dismissively regarded the information qua information field of activity as being too limited.
Ex: The pace of social and technological development has caught many statesmen unprepared.Ex: You can fend off a danger which you can see, but you are more liable to be taken unawares and be bitten by a snake in the grass. -
4 застигнуть врасплох
1) General subject: overtake, catch unawares, take unawares, wrong-foot, catch off balance, catch unaware2) Jargon: catch with pants down3) American English: catch off base4) Makarov: (кого-л.) catch unawaresУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > застигнуть врасплох
5 застичь врасплох
General subject: take unawares, catch off balance -
6 sprovvisto
sprovvisto di lackingsono sprovvisto di... I don't have any...alla sprovvista unexpectedly* * *sprovvisto agg. devoid, lacking in (sthg.); ( non fornito) unprovided, unstocked, unsupplied: essere sprovvisto di tutto, to be short of everything; quel negozio è sprovvisto, that shop is out of stock (o poorly-stocked); la casa era sprovvista di tutto, ( senza mobili) the house was completely unfurnished; completamente sprovvisto di buon senso, completely lacking in (o devoid of) common sense // alla sprovvista, unawares: cogliere qlcu. alla sprovvista, to catch s.o. unawares; preso alla sprovvista, non seppi cosa dire, I was taken by surprise and didn't know what to say.* * *[sprov'visto]sprovvisto di — (privo) lacking in, short of; (non fornito) unprovided o unsupplied with
••cogliere o prendere qcn. alla -a — to catch sb. off balance o off guard o unawares, to take sb. aback
* * *sprovvisto/sprov'visto/\cogliere o prendere qcn. alla -a to catch sb. off balance o off guard o unawares, to take sb. aback. -
7 Boden
m; -s, Böden1. (Erdreich) soil; fruchtbarer / magerer Boden fertile / barren soil; lockerer / verdichteter Boden loose / compressed soil; sandiger / steiniger Boden sandy / stony ground; leichter / mittelschwerer / schwerer Boden light / loamy / heavy ( oder clayey) soil; durchlässiger / lehmiger Boden permeable / loamy soil; den Boden bebauen oder bestellen develop ( oder till) land; ( wie Pilze) aus dem Boden schießen mushroom (up); Schadstoffe etc. gelangen in den Boden get into the soil; ein Rat / eine Mahnung etc. fällt auf fruchtbaren Boden fig. advice / a warning etc. falls on fertile ground ( oder has an effect); etw. aus dem Boden stampfen fig. conjure s.th. up (out of thin air); wie aus dem Boden gewachsen as if by magic; sie wäre am liebsten vor Scham in den Boden versunken she wished that the earth would open up and swallow her; Grund2. nur Sg.; (Erdoberfläche) ground; (Fußboden) floor (auch im Wagen etc.); fester Boden firm ground; auf den oder zu Boden fallen oder zu Boden stürzen fall to the ground ( innen: floor); zu Boden gehen (beim Boxen etc.) go down; auf dem oder am Boden liegen lie on the ground; fig. be finished ( oder bankrupt); etw. vom Boden aufheben pick s.th. up (off the ground); jemanden zu Boden schlagen oder strecken knock s.o. down (to the ground), floor s.o.; die Augen zu Boden schlagen cast one’s eyes down (to the ground); jemanden zu Boden drücken konkret: pin ( oder press oder weigh) s.o. down; fig. destroy s.o., bear s.o. down; ( festen) Boden fassen get a (firm) footing oder foothold; fig. find one’s feet; Idee etc.: take hold ( oder root); festen Boden unter den Füßen haben be standing on firm ground, be on terra firma; den Boden unter den Füßen verlieren konkret: lose one’s footing; (unsicher werden) be thrown off balance; fig. get out of one’s depth; jemandem den Boden unter den Füßen wegziehen fig. pull the rug out from under s.o.; sich auf gefährlichem oder unsicherem oder schwankendem Boden bewegen be treading on slippery ground, be skating on thin ice; der Boden wurde ihm zu heiß oder der Boden brannte ihm unter den Füßen fig. things got too hot for him; den Boden für etw. bereiten prepare the ground for s.th.; am Boden zerstört umg. (entsetzt) (completely) devastated; (erschöpft) completely drained, washed out; (an) Boden gewinnen / verlieren gain / lose ground; Boden zurückgewinnen make up for lost ground3. eines Gefäßes: bottom; eine Kiste etc. mit doppeltem Boden with a false bottom; Moral mit doppeltem Boden fig. double standards Pl.4. nur Sg.; (Grund) eines Gewässers: bottom; auf dem oder am Boden des Meeres on the sea(-)bed (Am. auch ocean floor)5. (Gebiet): auf britischem etc. Boden on British etc. soil; heiliger Boden holy ( oder consecrated) ground; heimatlicher Boden home territory6. fig. (Grundlage) basis; auf dem Boden des Grundgesetzes stehen be within the Constitution; auf dem Boden der Tatsachen bleiben stick ( oder keep) to the facts; den Boden der Tatsachen verlassen get away from ( oder forget) the facts; einem Argument etc. den Boden entziehen knock the bottom out of; Handwerk hat goldenen Boden you can’t go wrong if you learn a trade7. (Tortenboden) base* * *der Boden(Ackerboden) soil;(Dachboden) attic;(Erdboden) ground; earth;(Fußboden) floor;(Gefäßboden) bottom* * *Bo|den ['boːdn]m -s, ordm;['bøːdn]1) (= Erde, Grundfläche) ground; (= Erdreich auch) soil; (= Fußboden) floor; (= Grundbesitz) land; (no pl = Terrain) soilauf spanischem Bóden — on Spanish soil
zu Bóden fallen — to fall to the ground
jdn zu Bóden schlagen or strecken — to knock sb down, to floor sb
festen Bóden unter den Füßen haben, auf festem Bóden sein — to be or stand on firm ground, to be on terra firma
keinen Fuß auf den Bóden bekommen (fig) — to be unable to find one's feet; (fig: in Diskussion) to get out of one's depth
ihm wurde der Bóden (unter den Füßen) zu heiß (fig) — things were getting too hot for him
jdm den Bóden unter den Füßen wegziehen (fig) — to cut the ground from under sb's feet (Brit), to pull the carpet out from under sb's feet
ich hätte ( vor Scham) im Bóden versinken können (fig) — I was so ashamed that I wished the ground would (open and) swallow me up
am Bóden zerstört sein (inf) — to be shattered (Brit fig inf) or devastated
(an) Bóden gewinnen/verlieren (fig) — to gain/lose ground
etw aus dem Bóden stampfen (fig) — to conjure sth up out of nothing; Häuser auch to build overnight
er stand wie aus dem Bóden gewachsen vor mir — he appeared in front of me as if by magic
auf fruchtbaren Bóden fallen (fig) — to fall on fertile ground
jdm/einer Sache den Bóden bereiten (fig) — to prepare the ground for sb/sth
See:2) (= unterste Fläche) (von Behälter) bottom; (von Meer auch) seabed; (von Hose) seat; (= Tortenboden) baseSee:→ doppelt3) (Raum) (= Dachboden, Heuboden) loft; (= Trockenboden) (für Getreide) drying floor; (für Wäsche) drying room4) (fig = Grundlage)auf dem Bóden der Wissenschaft/Tatsachen/Wirklichkeit stehen — to base oneself on scientific fact/on fact/on reality; (Behauptung) to be based or founded on scientific fact/on fact/on reality
sie wurde hart auf den Bóden der Wirklichkeit zurückgeholt — she was brought down to earth with a bump
auf dem Bóden der Tatsachen bleiben — to stick to the facts
den Bóden der Tatsachen verlassen — to go into the realm of fantasy
sich auf unsicherem Bóden bewegen — to be on shaky ground
er steht auf dem Bóden des Gesetzes (= nicht ungesetzlich) (= hat Gesetz hinter sich) — he is within the law he has the backing of the law
* * *der1) (the lowest part of anything: the bottom of the sea.) bottom2) (the solid surface of the Earth: lying on the ground; high ground.) ground3) (the upper layer of the earth, in which plants grow: to plant seeds in the soil; a handful of soil.) soil* * *Bo·den<-s, Böden>[ˈbo:dn̩, pl bø:dn̩]mfetter/magerer \Boden fertile/barren [or poor] soildiese Böden sind [o dieser \Boden ist] für den Ackerbau nicht geeignet this land is not suited for farmingaus dem \Boden schießen (a. fig) to sprout [or spring] [or shoot] up a. figden \Boden verbessern to ameliorate the soilder \Boden bebte the ground shooknach dem Flug waren die Reisenden froh, wieder festen \Boden zu betreten after the flight the passengers were glad to be [or stand] on firm ground [or on terra firma] [again][wieder] festen [o sicheren] \Boden unter die Füße bekommen [o unter den Füßen haben] to be back on terra firma; (nach einer Schiffsreise a.) to be back on dry land; (nach einer Flugreise a.) to be back on the groundauf britischem/deutschem \Boden on British/German soilauf eigenem Grund und \Boden on one's own propertywieder den \Boden seiner Heimat betreten to be back under one's native skiesheiliger \Boden holy groundfeindlicher \Boden enemy territorybei Marianne kann man vom \Boden essen Marianne's floors are so clean that you could eat off themvor Scham wäre ich am liebsten in den \Boden versunken I was so ashamed that I wished the ground would open up and swallow medie Augen zu \Boden schlagen to look downbeschämt/verlegen zu \Boden schauen to look down in shame/embarrassmentzu \Boden fallen [o sinken] to fall to the groundsie sank ohnmächtig zu \Boden she fell unconscious to the grounddann fiel der König tot zu \Boden then the king dropped deadzu \Boden gehen Boxer to go downdie Skisachen sind alle oben auf dem \Boden all the ski gear is [up] in the loft [or attic6. (Regalboden) shelfdie Preise haben den \Boden erreicht prices hit rock-bottomder Koffer hat einen doppelten \Boden the suitcase has a false bottomauf dem \Boden des Meeres/Flusses at the bottom of the sea/river, on the seabed/riverbedeine Moral mit einem doppelten \Boden double standards pl8. (Tortenboden) [flan] basejdm/etw den \Boden bereiten to pave the way for sb/sth fig[wieder] auf festem \Boden sein to have a firm base [again]; Unternehmen to be back on its feet [again] figauf dem \Boden des Gesetzes stehen to be within [or to conform to] the constitutionauf dem \Boden der Tatsachen bleiben/stehen to stick to the facts/to be based on factsden \Boden der Tatsachen verlassen to get into the realm of fantasyauf den \Boden der Wirklichkeit zurückkommen to come down to earth fig10.▶ jdm brennt der \Boden unter den Füßen [o wird der \Boden unter den Füßen zu heiß] (fam) things are getting too hot [or are hotting up too much] for sb▶ festen [o sicheren] \Boden unter den Füßen haben (sich seiner Sache sicher sein) to be sure of one's ground; (eine wirtschaftliche Grundlage haben) to be on firm ground fig▶ wieder festen [o sicheren] \Boden unter die Füße bekommen [o unter den Füßen haben] (wieder Halt bekommen) to find one's feet again figich hoffe, mein Ratschlag ist auf fruchtbaren \Boden gefallen I hope my advice has made some impression on you▶ den \Boden unter den Füßen verlieren (die Existenzgrundlage verlieren) to feel the ground fall from beneath one's feet fam; (haltlos werden) to have the bottom drop out of one's world fam▶ jdm den \Boden unter den Füßen wegziehen to cut the ground from under sb's feet fam, to pull the rug [out] from under sb's feet fig fam▶ [jdm/etw gegenüber] an \Boden gewinnen (einholen) to gain ground [over sb/sth]; (Fortschritte machen) to make headway [or progress]▶ [jdm/etw gegenüber] [verlorenen] \Boden gutmachen [o wettmachen] to make up [lost] ground [or to catch up] [on sb/sth]▶ sich akk auf schwankendem [o unsicherem] \Boden bewegen, auf schwankendem \Boden stehen to be on shaky ground figseine Argumente stehen auf schwankendem \Boden his arguments are built on weak foundations▶ [jdm/etw gegenüber] an \Boden verlieren to lose ground [to sb/sth]* * *der; Bodens, Böden1) (Erde) ground; soiletwas [nicht] aus dem Boden stampfen können — [not] be able to conjure something up [out of thin air]
2) (FußBoden) floorzu Boden fallen/sich zu Boden fallen lassen — fall/drop to the ground
der Boxer ging zu Boden — the boxer went down
jemanden zu Boden schlagen od. (geh.) strecken — knock somebody down; floor somebody; (fig.)
am Boden zerstört [sein] — (ugs.) [be] shattered (coll.)
3) o. Pl. (Terrain)[an] Boden gewinnen/verlieren — gain/lose ground
5) (DachBoden) loft* * *1. (Erdreich) soil;fruchtbarer/magerer Boden fertile/barren soil;lockerer/verdichteter Boden loose/compressed soil;sandiger/steiniger Boden sandy/stony ground;leichter/mittelschwerer/schwerer Boden light/loamy/heavy ( oder clayey) soil;durchlässiger/lehmiger Boden permeable/loamy soil;(wie Pilze) aus dem Boden schießen mushroom (up);Schadstoffe etcgelangen in den Boden get into the soil;ein Rat/eine Mahnung etcwie aus dem Boden gewachsen as if by magic;sie wäre am liebsten vor Scham in den Boden versunken she wished that the earth would open up and swallow her; → Grundfester Boden firm ground;zu Boden stürzen fall to the ground ( innen: floor);zu Boden gehen (beim Boxen etc) go down;etwas vom Boden aufheben pick sth up (off the ground);strecken knock sb down (to the ground), floor sb;die Augen zu Boden schlagen cast one’s eyes down (to the ground);jemanden zu Boden drücken konkret: pin ( oder press oder weigh) sb down; fig destroy sb, bear sb down;(festen) Boden fassen get a (firm) footing oder foothold; fig find one’s feet; Idee etc: take hold ( oder root);festen Boden unter den Füßen haben be standing on firm ground, be on terra firma;den Boden unter den Füßen verlieren konkret: lose one’s footing; (unsicher werden) be thrown off balance; fig get out of one’s depth;jemandem den Boden unter den Füßen wegziehen fig pull the rug out from under sb;schwankendem Boden bewegen be treading on slippery ground, be skating on thin ice;der Boden brannte ihm unter den Füßen fig things got too hot for him;den Boden für etwas bereiten prepare the ground for sth;am Boden zerstört umg (entsetzt) (completely) devastated; (erschöpft) completely drained, washed out;(an) Boden gewinnen/verlieren gain/lose ground;Boden zurückgewinnen make up for lost ground3. eines Gefäßes: bottom;eine Kiste etcmit doppeltem Boden with a false bottom;am Boden des Meeres on the sea(-)bed (US auch ocean floor)5. (Gebiet):auf britischem etcBoden on British etc soil;heiliger Boden holy ( oder consecrated) ground;heimatlicher Boden home territory6. fig (Grundlage) basis;auf dem Boden des Grundgesetzes stehen be within the Constitution;auf dem Boden der Tatsachen bleiben stick ( oder keep) to the facts;den Boden der Tatsachen verlassen get away from ( oder forget) the facts;einem Argument etcden Boden entziehen knock the bottom out of;Handwerk hat goldenen Boden you can’t go wrong if you learn a trade7. (Tortenboden) base8. (Dachboden) loft, attic; (Heuboden) hayloft; (Trockenboden) drying room; → Fass, Fußboden, Grund 1* * *der; Bodens, Böden1) (Erde) ground; soiletwas [nicht] aus dem Boden stampfen können — [not] be able to conjure something up [out of thin air]
2) (FußBoden) floorzu Boden fallen/sich zu Boden fallen lassen — fall/drop to the ground
jemanden zu Boden schlagen od. (geh.) strecken — knock somebody down; floor somebody; (fig.)
am Boden zerstört [sein] — (ugs.) [be] shattered (coll.)
3) o. Pl. (Terrain)[an] Boden gewinnen/verlieren — gain/lose ground
5) (DachBoden) loft* * *¨-- (von Gefäß) m.base n. ¨-- m.bottom n.floor n.ground n.land n.soil n. -
8 równowa|ga
f sgt 1. (stała postawa) balance- narząd/zmysł równowagi an organ/the sense of balance- utrzymać a. zachować równowagę to keep one’s balance- stracić równowagę to lose one’s balance- usiłował złapać równowagę he tried to catch his balance2. (spokój) balance, equilibrium- równowaga psychiczna sb’s mental balance a. equilibrium- odzyskać równowagę to recover one’s mental equilibrium- wytrącić kogoś z równowagi to throw sb off balance przen.- wyprowadzić kogoś z równowagi to make sb angry3. (stabilizacja) balance- równowaga sił the balance of power- równowaga ekologiczna ecological balance- zachowywać równowagę między czymś a czymś to maintain a balance between sth and sth- naruszyć a. zachwiać równowagę to upset a. disturb the balance- na rynku panuje równowaga supply and demand are balanced- dla równowagi for the sake of fairness4. Fiz. balance 5. Sport deuce- □ równowaga chwiejna Fiz. unstable balance- równowaga stała Fiz. stable balanceThe New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > równowa|ga
9 overrumple
be floored, surprise, take (someone) unawares* * *vb:[ overrumple en] take somebody by surprise (el. unawares),( i et ubevogtet øjeblik) catch somebody off his guard (el. off balance),T catch somebody napping. -
10 contre-pied
contre-pied° [kɔ̃tʀəpje]masculine noun[d'opinion, attitude] (exact) opposite• prendre le contre-pied (d'une opinion) to take the opposite view ; (d'une action) to take the opposite course* * *pl contre-pieds kɔ̃tʀəpje nom masculin1) figprendre le contre-pied de ce que dit quelqu'un — ( en paroles) to say the opposite of what somebody says (de about, on)
2) Sport* * *kɔ̃tʀəpje nm(= inverse, opposé)le contre-pied de... — the exact opposite of...
prendre le contre-pied de (dans une discussion) — to take the opposing view to, (par son action) to take the opposite course to
* * *1 fig prendre le contre-pied de qn ( en paroles) to say the opposite of what sb says (de about, on);2 Sport prendre qn à contre-pied to wrong-foot sb.[kɔ̃trəpje] ( pluriel contre-pieds) nom masculin1. [d'une opinion] opposite (view)2. SPORTprendre un adversaire à contre-pied to catch an opponent off balance, to wrong-foot an opponent -
11 cuenta
f.1 count.echar cuentas to reckon upllevar/perder la cuenta de to keep/lose count ofcuenta atrás countdown2 sum.3 account (finance, Com & Inform).abonar/cargar algo en cuenta a alguien to credit/debit something to somebody's accountabrir una cuenta to open an accountllevar las cuentas to keep the bookspagar mil euros a cuenta to pay a thousand euros downcuenta bancaria bank accountcuenta comercial business accountcuenta conjunta joint accountcuenta de correo (electrónico) e-mail accountcuenta de crédito current account with an overdraft facilitycuenta de depósito deposit accountcuenta deudora overdrawn accountcuenta de explotación operating statementcuenta de inversión investment accountcuenta de pérdidas y ganancias profit and loss accountcuenta a plazo fijo deposit account4 bill (factura).domiciliar una cuenta to pay an account by direct debitpasar la cuenta to send the billcuenta por cobrar/pagar account receivable/payablecuenta de gastos expense account5 responsibility.déjalo de mi cuenta leave it to metrabajar por cuenta propia/ajena to be self-employed/an employee6 bead.7 calculation.pres.indicat.3rd person singular (él/ella/ello) present indicative of spanish verb: contar.imperat.2nd person singular (tú) Imperative of Spanish verb: contar.* * *1 (bancaria) account2 (factura) bill3 (cálculo) count, counting4 (de collar etc) bead\caer en la cuenta to realize■ y entonces caí en la cuenta de que... and then I realized that..., and then it dawned on me that...cargar algo en cuenta de alguien to charge something to somebody's accountdar a cuenta to give on accounten resumidas cuentas in shorthabida cuenta de taking into accounthacer cuentas to do sumsla cuenta de la vieja familiar counting on one's fingerslas cuentas del Gran Capitán familiar fictitious accountsmás de la cuenta too much, too manypasar la cuenta to send the billpedir cuentas to ask for an explanationpor cuenta de la casa on the housepor la cuenta que le trae in one's own interestsacar cuentas to work outtener en cuenta to take into accounttrabajar por cuenta propia to be self-employedtraer cuenta to be worthwhilecuenta al descubierto overdrawn accountcuenta atrás countdowncuenta corriente current accountcuenta bancaria bank account* * *noun f.1) account2) bill, check3) count* * *SF1) (Mat) (=operación) calculation, sum•
echar o hacer cuentas, vamos a hacer cuentas de lo que ha costado la fiesta — let's work out how much the party costno paraba de echar cuentas con los dedos — she kept doing sums o adding things up on her fingers
la cuenta de la vieja —
claro 1., 2), c)su hijo tiene 35, así que por la cuenta de la vieja ella debe de tener 60 — her son's 35, so I guess she must be 60
2) (=cálculo) count•
llevar la cuenta (de algo) — to keep count (of sth)•
perder la cuenta (de algo) — to lose count (of sth)•
salir a cuenta, sale más a cuenta — it works out cheapermás de la cuenta —
salirle las cuentas a algn —
ha empezado la cuenta atrás para las próximas Olimpiadas — the countdown to the next Olympics has already begun
3) (=factura) bill; [de restaurante] bill, check (EEUU)¿nos puede traer la cuenta? — could we have o could you bring us the bill, please?
pasar la cuenta a algn — to send sb the bill•
pedir la cuenta — to ask for the bill•
vivir a cuenta de algn — to live at sb's expense4) (Econ) [en banco] account"únicamente en cuenta del beneficiario" — "payee only"
a cuenta — on account•
abonar una cantidad en cuenta a algn — to credit a sum to sb's account•
abrir una cuenta — to open an account•
liquidar una cuenta — to settle an accountcuenta corriente — current account, checking account (EEUU)
cuenta de ahorro(s) — deposit account, savings account
cuenta de crédito — credit account, loan account
cuenta pendiente — unpaid bill, outstanding account
5) (Internet) account6) [en disputa]•
ajustar cuentas con algn — to settle one's scores with sblo está buscando para ajustar cuentas — he is searching for him because he has a few scores to settle with him
tener cuentas pendientes con algn — to have unfinished business with sb•
no querer cuentas con algn — to want nothing to do with sb7) (=explicación)•
rendir cuentas a algn — to report to sb•
en resumidas cuentas — in short, in a nutshell8) (=consideración)•
caer en la cuenta (de algo) — to catch on (to sth), see the point (of sth)por fin cayó en la cuenta — he finally caught on, the penny finally dropped
perdona, no me había dado cuenta de que eras vegetariano — sorry, I didn't realize (that) you were a vegetarian
¿te has dado cuenta de que han cortado el árbol? — did you notice (that) they've cut down the tree?
hay que darse cuenta de que... — one must not forget that...
¡date cuenta! ¿tú crees que es posible tener tanta cara? — just look at that, can you believe that anyone could have such a cheek!
¿te das cuenta? — Arg can you believe it!
habida cuenta de eso — bearing that in mind•
tener en cuenta — to take into account, bear in mindtambién hay que tener en cuenta su edad — you must also take her age into account, you must also bear in mind her age
imponen sus ideas sin tener en cuenta la opinión de la gente de la calle — they impose their ideas without taking ordinary people's opinions into consideration
es otra cosa a tener en cuenta — that's another thing to remember o be borne in mind
tomar algo en cuenta a algn — to hold sth against sbestá borracho y no sabe lo que dice, no se lo tomes en cuenta — he's drunk and doesn't know what he's saying, don't take any notice of him o don't hold it against him
traer cuenta, no me trae cuenta ir — it's not worth my while goinglo harán por la cuenta que les trae o tiene — they'll do it if they know what's good for them
9) (=responsabilidad)por mi cuenta — (=solo) on my own
trabajar por cuenta propia — to work for o.s., be self-employed•
por cuenta y riesgo de algn — at one's own riskapañar 2.lo hizo por su cuenta y riesgo, sin consultar a nadie — she did it off her own bat, without consulting anyone
10) [en embarazo]está fuera de cuentas, ha salido de cuentas — she's due
11) [de rosario, collar] bead* * *I1)a) (operación, cálculo) calculation, sumhacer una cuenta — to do a calculation o sum
saca la cuenta — add it up, work it out
voy a tener que hacer or sacar or echar cuentas — I'm going to have to do some calculations o sums
luego hacemos cuentas — we'll sort it out o work it out later
a or al fin de cuentas — after all; at the end of the day
las cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso — (hum) short reckonings make long friends
las cuentas claras conservan la amistad — (CS) short reckonings make long friends
b) cuentas femenino plural ( contabilidad)encárgate tú de organizarlo, yo me ocupo de las cuentas — you take care of the organization, and I'll handle the money side (of things) (colloq)
2)a) ( cómputo) countllevar/perder la cuenta — to keep/lose count
por la cuenta que me/te/le trae — (Esp) I'd/you'd/he'd better! (colloq)
salir de cuenta(s) — (Esp fam) to be due (colloq)
salir más a or (RPl) en cuenta — to work out cheaper
traer cuenta — (Esp)
no me trae cuenta venderlo — it's not worth my while selling o to sell it
b) ( en béisbol) count3)a) ( factura) bill¿nos trae la cuenta, por favor? — could we have the check (AmE) o (BrE) bill, please?
la cuenta del gas/teléfono — the gas/phone bill
te hace un favor y luego te pasa la cuenta — she does you a favor and then expects something in return
b)entregó $2.000 a cuenta — she gave me/him/them $2,000 on account
4)a) (Com, Fin) (en un banco, un comercio) accountabrir/cerrar una cuenta — to open/close an account
b) ( negocio) account5) cuentas femenino plural (explicaciones, razones)no tengo por qué darte cuentas — I don't have to explain o justify myself to you
ajustarle las cuentas a alguien — to give somebody a piece of one's mind
dar cuenta de algo — (de noticias, sucesos) to give an account of something; de alimentos) to polish something off (colloq)
6) (cargo, responsabilidad)por/de cuenta de alguien: corre por cuenta de la empresa it's covered o paid o met by the company; la cena corre por mi cuenta dinner's on me (colloq); los deterioros serán de cuenta del inquilino the tenant will be liable for any damage; decidí editarlo por mi cuenta I decided to publish it at my own expense; se instaló por su cuenta she set up (in business) on her own; trabaja por cuenta propia she works freelance, she's self-employed; los trabajadores por cuenta ajena those who work as employees; decidí lo hice por mi propia cuenta y riesgo — I took it upon myself to do it
7) ( consideración)ni se dio cuenta de que... — he didn't even notice (that)...
eso me contestó! ¿tú te das cuenta? — that's what he said! can you believe it?
ten en cuenta que es joven — bear in mind o remember that he's young
no se lo tomes en cuenta no lo hace con mala idea don't take it seriously, she doesn't do it on purpose; ¿a cuenta de qué...? (AmL fam) why...?; a cuenta de que... just because...; caer en la cuenta de algo to realize something; no caí en la cuenta... I didn't realize...; habida cuenta de (frml) in view of; hacer cuenta que: haz (de) cuenta que lo has perdido you may as well give it up for lost; tú haz (de) cuenta (de) que yo no estoy aquí — pretend I'm not here
8) (de un collar, rosario) beadII* * *= bead, bill, tally [tallies, pl.], account, count, check.Ex. The abacus, with its beads strung on parallel wires, led the Arabs to positional numeration and the concept of zero many centuries before the rest of the world.Ex. At the end of the month a machine can readily be made to read these and to print an ordinary bill.Ex. As the various parts of the record are entered, the document summary indicates the additions by the tallies opposite the record parts.Ex. This enables people to draw cash by means of a debit card (as opposed to a credit card, to help distinguish between money that is in one's account and money being borrowed from the credit-card organization).Ex. Not much data beyond loan counts was available and re-keying and remanipulations were frequently needed to make the information useful.Ex. What is the protocol these days when it comes to paying the check on a first date (dinner, movie, coffee, etc.)?.----* a cuenta de = at the expense of.* a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.* a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.* a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.* a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.* a final de cuentas = after all is said and done.* a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.* ajustar cuentas = settle + a score, settle + things, get + even.* ajuste de cuentas = grudge fight, grudge match, settling of scores.* al final de cuentas = when all is said and done.* antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.* a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.* balance de cuentas = financial statement.* bomba de relojería + empezar la cuenta atrás = time bomb + tick away.* borrón y cuenta nueva = a fresh start, clean slate, new leaf.* cada cual por su cuenta = every man for himself.* caer en la cuenta = dawn on, wise up, the penny dropped, suss (out).* caer en la cuenta de = realise [realize, -USA].* calcular la cuenta = tot up, tote up.* correr de la cuenta de Alguien = be on + Pronombre.* cuenta atrás = count down, countdown.* cuenta bancaria = bank account.* cuenta complementaria = satellite account.* cuenta corriente = current account, checking account, deposit account.* cuenta de ahorro(s) = deposit account, savings account.* cuenta de correo electrónico = email account.* cuenta espermática = sperm count.* cuentas = statistics.* dar cuenta = render + an account of.* dar cuenta de = account for.* dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.* dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.* darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.* darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, become + cognisant of, see through.* darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.* darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.* decidir por cuenta propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.* empezar a darse cuenta de = grow on/upon + Pronombre.* en resumidas cuentas = after all, in short, in a nutshell, in sum, to sum up, to sum it up, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, in essence, to make a long story short, all in all, all in all, the short story + be.* estado de cuentas = financial statement.* estudiar + Nombre + teniendo en cuenta + Nombre = place + Nombre + against the background of + Nombre.* extracto de cuentas = bank statement.* fichero de cuentas = accounting file.* gastar más de la cuenta = overspend.* gastos + correr a cuenta de = bear + the cost(s).* hablar más de la cuenta = shoot + Posesivo + mouth off.* hacer Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.* hacer borrón y cuenta nueva = start with + a clean slate, cut + Posesivo + losses, turn over + a new leaf.* hacer cuadrar las cuentas = reconcile + receipts.* hacer el balance de cuentas = balance + the cash drawer.* hacer la cuenta = tot up, tote up.* libro de cuentas = account book.* llevar la cuenta = tally.* llevar la cuenta de = keep + track of.* mantener las cuentas = keep + Posesivo + accounts.* más de la cuenta = one too many.* necesitarse tener en cuenta = need + consideration.* no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.* no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.* no tener en cuenta = disregard, overlook, skip over, be oblivious of/to, close + the door on, skip, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, fly in + the face of, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.* organizar Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.* pedirle cuentas a Alguien = bring + Nombre + to book.* perder la cuenta (de) = lose + count (of).* ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia = strike out on + Posesivo + own.* por cuenta ajena = vicariously.* por cuenta de uno = privately.* por cuenta propia = freelance, self-employed, at + Posesivo + own expense.* por cuenta y riesgo de Uno = at + Posesivo + peril.* por + Posesivo + cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.* por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.* por + Reflexivo + cuenta = for + Reflexivo.* por su cuenta y riesgo = at + Posesivo + own risk.* que no tienen que rendir cuentas a nadie = unaccountable.* rendición de cuentas = accountability.* rendir cuentas = render + an account of, bring + Nombre + to book.* rendir cuentas a = report to.* saber hacer cuentas = be numerate.* saldar una cuenta = settle + an account.* saldo de cuenta bancaria = bank balance.* saldo del libro de cuentas = account book balance.* sentir que no tienen en cuenta a Alguien = feel + left out.* sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.* sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.* sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly.* sin tener en cuenta = never mind, without regard to, independently of, disregarding, not including.* sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.* tener en cuenta = allow for, bear in + mind, cater for/to, consider (as), heed, make + allowances, take + account of, take + cognisance of, take + cognition of, take into + account, take into + consideration, make + provision for, bring into + play, give + an ear to, factor, have + regard for, factor in, be aware of, note, keep in + mind.* tener en cuenta las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.* tener en cuenta un punto de vista = contemplate + view.* tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint.* tener la cuenta bancaria = bank.* tenerse muy en cuenta por = carry + weight with.* téngase en cuenta = witness.* téngase en cuenta que = Note that....* teniendo en cuenta = on the basis of.* teniendo en cuenta que = providing (that).* titular de cuenta bancaria = bank account holder.* titular de la cuenta = account holder.* trabajador por cuenta propia = freelancer [free-lancer].* trabajo por cuenta propia = self-employment.* trabajo por + Posesivo + cuenta = freelance [free-lance].* vender a cuenta = trade for + credit.* viajero por su cuenta = independent traveller.* y antes de que + Pronombre + dar + cuenta = the next thing + Pronombre + know.* * *I1)a) (operación, cálculo) calculation, sumhacer una cuenta — to do a calculation o sum
saca la cuenta — add it up, work it out
voy a tener que hacer or sacar or echar cuentas — I'm going to have to do some calculations o sums
luego hacemos cuentas — we'll sort it out o work it out later
a or al fin de cuentas — after all; at the end of the day
las cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso — (hum) short reckonings make long friends
las cuentas claras conservan la amistad — (CS) short reckonings make long friends
b) cuentas femenino plural ( contabilidad)encárgate tú de organizarlo, yo me ocupo de las cuentas — you take care of the organization, and I'll handle the money side (of things) (colloq)
2)a) ( cómputo) countllevar/perder la cuenta — to keep/lose count
por la cuenta que me/te/le trae — (Esp) I'd/you'd/he'd better! (colloq)
salir de cuenta(s) — (Esp fam) to be due (colloq)
salir más a or (RPl) en cuenta — to work out cheaper
traer cuenta — (Esp)
no me trae cuenta venderlo — it's not worth my while selling o to sell it
b) ( en béisbol) count3)a) ( factura) bill¿nos trae la cuenta, por favor? — could we have the check (AmE) o (BrE) bill, please?
la cuenta del gas/teléfono — the gas/phone bill
te hace un favor y luego te pasa la cuenta — she does you a favor and then expects something in return
b)entregó $2.000 a cuenta — she gave me/him/them $2,000 on account
4)a) (Com, Fin) (en un banco, un comercio) accountabrir/cerrar una cuenta — to open/close an account
b) ( negocio) account5) cuentas femenino plural (explicaciones, razones)no tengo por qué darte cuentas — I don't have to explain o justify myself to you
ajustarle las cuentas a alguien — to give somebody a piece of one's mind
dar cuenta de algo — (de noticias, sucesos) to give an account of something; de alimentos) to polish something off (colloq)
6) (cargo, responsabilidad)por/de cuenta de alguien: corre por cuenta de la empresa it's covered o paid o met by the company; la cena corre por mi cuenta dinner's on me (colloq); los deterioros serán de cuenta del inquilino the tenant will be liable for any damage; decidí editarlo por mi cuenta I decided to publish it at my own expense; se instaló por su cuenta she set up (in business) on her own; trabaja por cuenta propia she works freelance, she's self-employed; los trabajadores por cuenta ajena those who work as employees; decidí lo hice por mi propia cuenta y riesgo — I took it upon myself to do it
7) ( consideración)ni se dio cuenta de que... — he didn't even notice (that)...
eso me contestó! ¿tú te das cuenta? — that's what he said! can you believe it?
ten en cuenta que es joven — bear in mind o remember that he's young
no se lo tomes en cuenta no lo hace con mala idea don't take it seriously, she doesn't do it on purpose; ¿a cuenta de qué...? (AmL fam) why...?; a cuenta de que... just because...; caer en la cuenta de algo to realize something; no caí en la cuenta... I didn't realize...; habida cuenta de (frml) in view of; hacer cuenta que: haz (de) cuenta que lo has perdido you may as well give it up for lost; tú haz (de) cuenta (de) que yo no estoy aquí — pretend I'm not here
8) (de un collar, rosario) beadII* * *= bead, bill, tally [tallies, pl.], account, count, check.Ex: The abacus, with its beads strung on parallel wires, led the Arabs to positional numeration and the concept of zero many centuries before the rest of the world.
Ex: At the end of the month a machine can readily be made to read these and to print an ordinary bill.Ex: As the various parts of the record are entered, the document summary indicates the additions by the tallies opposite the record parts.Ex: This enables people to draw cash by means of a debit card (as opposed to a credit card, to help distinguish between money that is in one's account and money being borrowed from the credit-card organization).Ex: Not much data beyond loan counts was available and re-keying and remanipulations were frequently needed to make the information useful.Ex: What is the protocol these days when it comes to paying the check on a first date (dinner, movie, coffee, etc.)?.* a cuenta de = at the expense of.* a cuenta de la empresa = at company expense.* a cuenta de otro = at someone else's expense.* a cuenta de otros = at other people's expense.* a cuenta propia = at + Posesivo + expense, at + Posesivo + own expense.* a final de cuentas = after all is said and done.* a fin de cuentas = at the end of the day, in the end, in the final count, in the grand scheme of things, when all is said and done, after all is said and done.* ajustar cuentas = settle + a score, settle + things, get + even.* ajuste de cuentas = grudge fight, grudge match, settling of scores.* al final de cuentas = when all is said and done.* antes de darse cuenta = before + Pronombre + know what + happen, before + Pronombre + know it.* a tener en cuenta en el futuro = for future reference.* balance de cuentas = financial statement.* bomba de relojería + empezar la cuenta atrás = time bomb + tick away.* borrón y cuenta nueva = a fresh start, clean slate, new leaf.* cada cual por su cuenta = every man for himself.* caer en la cuenta = dawn on, wise up, the penny dropped, suss (out).* caer en la cuenta de = realise [realize, -USA].* calcular la cuenta = tot up, tote up.* correr de la cuenta de Alguien = be on + Pronombre.* cuenta atrás = count down, countdown.* cuenta bancaria = bank account.* cuenta complementaria = satellite account.* cuenta corriente = current account, checking account, deposit account.* cuenta de ahorro(s) = deposit account, savings account.* cuenta de correo electrónico = email account.* cuenta espermática = sperm count.* cuentas = statistics.* dar cuenta = render + an account of.* dar cuenta de = account for.* dar cuenta de Algo = be held to account.* dar la cuenta atrás = count + Nombre + out.* darse cuenta = become + aware, dawn on, detect, perceive, find, note, make + aware, come to + realise, wise up, reach + understanding, eye + catch, strike + home, suss (out), hit + home.* darse cuenta de = be aware of, be cognisant of, realise [realize, -USA], sense, wake up to, become + cognisant of, see through.* darse cuenta del peligro que = see + the danger that.* darse cuenta de un problema = alight on + problem.* decidir por cuenta propia = take it upon + Reflexivo + to.* empezar a darse cuenta de = grow on/upon + Pronombre.* en resumidas cuentas = after all, in short, in a nutshell, in sum, to sum up, to sum it up, to cut a long story short, bottom line, the, in essence, to make a long story short, all in all, all in all, the short story + be.* estado de cuentas = financial statement.* estudiar + Nombre + teniendo en cuenta + Nombre = place + Nombre + against the background of + Nombre.* extracto de cuentas = bank statement.* fichero de cuentas = accounting file.* gastar más de la cuenta = overspend.* gastos + correr a cuenta de = bear + the cost(s).* hablar más de la cuenta = shoot + Posesivo + mouth off.* hacer Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.* hacer borrón y cuenta nueva = start with + a clean slate, cut + Posesivo + losses, turn over + a new leaf.* hacer cuadrar las cuentas = reconcile + receipts.* hacer el balance de cuentas = balance + the cash drawer.* hacer la cuenta = tot up, tote up.* libro de cuentas = account book.* llevar la cuenta = tally.* llevar la cuenta de = keep + track of.* mantener las cuentas = keep + Posesivo + accounts.* más de la cuenta = one too many.* necesitarse tener en cuenta = need + consideration.* no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.* no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.* no tener en cuenta = disregard, overlook, skip over, be oblivious of/to, close + the door on, skip, leave + Nombre + out of the picture, fly in + the face of, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.* organizar Algo por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = make + Posesivo + own arrangements.* pedirle cuentas a Alguien = bring + Nombre + to book.* perder la cuenta (de) = lose + count (of).* ponerse a trabajar por cuenta propia = strike out on + Posesivo + own.* por cuenta ajena = vicariously.* por cuenta de uno = privately.* por cuenta propia = freelance, self-employed, at + Posesivo + own expense.* por cuenta y riesgo de Uno = at + Posesivo + peril.* por + Posesivo + cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.* por + Posesivo + propia cuenta = at + Posesivo + own expense.* por + Reflexivo + cuenta = for + Reflexivo.* por su cuenta y riesgo = at + Posesivo + own risk.* que no tienen que rendir cuentas a nadie = unaccountable.* rendición de cuentas = accountability.* rendir cuentas = render + an account of, bring + Nombre + to book.* rendir cuentas a = report to.* saber hacer cuentas = be numerate.* saldar una cuenta = settle + an account.* saldo de cuenta bancaria = bank balance.* saldo del libro de cuentas = account book balance.* sentir que no tienen en cuenta a Alguien = feel + left out.* sin darme cuenta = before I know what's happened.* sin darnos cuenta = out of sight.* sin darse cuenta = inadvertently, unwittingly, without realising, without noticing, unconsciously, unknowingly.* sin tener en cuenta = never mind, without regard to, independently of, disregarding, not including.* sin tener en cuenta el hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.* tener en cuenta = allow for, bear in + mind, cater for/to, consider (as), heed, make + allowances, take + account of, take + cognisance of, take + cognition of, take into + account, take into + consideration, make + provision for, bring into + play, give + an ear to, factor, have + regard for, factor in, be aware of, note, keep in + mind.* tener en cuenta las posibilidades de Algo = consider + possibilities.* tener en cuenta un punto de vista = contemplate + view.* tener en cuenta un punto de vista = take into + account + viewpoint.* tener la cuenta bancaria = bank.* tenerse muy en cuenta por = carry + weight with.* téngase en cuenta = witness.* téngase en cuenta que = Note that....* teniendo en cuenta = on the basis of.* teniendo en cuenta que = providing (that).* titular de cuenta bancaria = bank account holder.* titular de la cuenta = account holder.* trabajador por cuenta propia = freelancer [free-lancer].* trabajo por cuenta propia = self-employment.* trabajo por + Posesivo + cuenta = freelance [free-lance].* vender a cuenta = trade for + credit.* viajero por su cuenta = independent traveller.* y antes de que + Pronombre + dar + cuenta = the next thing + Pronombre + know.* * *A1 (operación, cálculo) calculation, sumhacer una cuenta to do a calculation o sumsaca la cuenta add it up, work it outvoy a tener que hacer or sacar or echar cuentas I'm going to have to do some calculations o sumsluego hacemos cuentas we'll sort it out o work it out latera or al fin de cuentas after alllas cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso ( hum); short reckonings make long friendslas cuentas claras conservan la amistad (CS); short reckonings make long friends(contabilidad): encárgate tú de organizarlo, yo me ocupo de las cuentas you take care of the organization, and I'll handle the money side (of things) ( colloq)ella lleva las cuentas de la casa she pays all the bills and looks after the moneyB1 (cómputo) countya he perdido la cuenta de las veces que ha llamado I've lost count of the number of times he's called¿estás llevando la cuenta? are you keeping count?más de la cuenta too muchhe comido/bebido más de la cuenta I've eaten too much/had too much to drinksiempre tienes que hablar más de la cuenta why do you always have to talk too much?he gastado más de la cuenta I've spent too much o more than I should havepor la cuenta que me/te/le trae: ¿tú crees que vendrá Pedro? — por la cuenta que le trae do you think Pedro will come? — he'd better! o he will if he knows what's good for him! ( colloq)salir más a or ( RPl) en cuenta to work out cheapertraer cuenta: no me trae cuenta venderlo it's not worth my while selling o to sell itrealmente trae cuenta comprar al por mayor it's really well worth buying wholesale2 (en béisbol) countCompuestos:countdownya ha empezado la cuenta atrás de las elecciones the countdown to the elections has begunstanding countsperm countcountdownC1 (factura) billla cuenta del gas/teléfono the gas/phone billno ha mandado/no nos ha pasado la cuenta he hasn't sent us the billes de las que te hace un favor y luego te pasa la cuenta she's one of those people who do you a favor and then expect something in returntengo varias cuentas pendientes (de pago) I've got several bills to pay o bills outstandingyo no tengo cuentas pendientes con nadie I don't owe anybody anythingtiene cuentas con todo el mundo he owes everybody money2a cuenta on accountentregó $2.000 a cuenta she gave me/him/them $2,000 on accounttoma este dinero a cuenta de lo que te debo here's some money toward(s) what I owe youDabrir/cerrar una cuenta to open/close an accountdepositó or ( Esp) ingresó un cheque en su cuenta she paid a check into her accountincluimos las siguientes partidas con cargo a su cuenta ( Corresp) the following items have been charged to your accountcárguelo a mi cuenta charge it to o put it on my accounttiene cuenta en ese restaurante he has an account at that restaurant2 (negocio) accountconsiguieron la cuenta de Vigarsa they got the Vigarsa accountCompuestos:sight deposit account( Méx); dollar accountjoint accountsavings accountcharge account, credit account ( BrE)interactive user-guidebudget accountprofit and loss account(explicaciones, razones): no tengo por qué darle cuentas a ella de lo que hago I don't have to explain o justify to her the things I do, I don't have to answer o account to her for the things I dovas a tener que rendir cuentas or cuenta del tiempo que has perdido you're going to have to account for all the time you've wastedhacer lo que uno quiere sin tener que rendirle cuentas a nadie to do as you please without having to answer to anybodyajustarle las cuentas a algn to give sb a piece of one's minddar cuenta de algo (de noticias, sucesos) to give an account of sth; (de alimentos) to polish sth off ( colloq)se reunió con los periodistas para dar cuenta de la situación she met the journalists to explain o to tell them about the situationel despacho da cuenta del accidente aéreo the press release gives details of the plane crashen resumidas cuentas in short… en resumidas cuentas: que casarse sería una locura … in short o all in all, it would be madness for them to get marrieden resumidas cuentas, que hay que seguir esperando in short o in a nutshell, we'll just have to keep waitingF(cargo, responsabilidad): por/de cuenta de algn: la Seguridad Social corre por cuenta de la empresa Social Security contributions are covered o paid o met by the companylos deterioros serán de cuenta del inquilino the tenant will be liable for any damagedecidí editarlo por mi cuenta I decided to publish it at my own expensetrabajó con un famoso modisto francés y luego se instaló por su cuenta she worked for a famous French fashion designer and then she set up (in business) on her ownahora trabaja por cuenta propia she works freelance now, she's self-employed nowlos trabajadores por cuenta ajena workers with employment contracts/workers with employee statusdecidí hacerlo por mi propia cuenta y riesgo I decided to do it myselfla cena corre por mi cuenta the dinner's on me ( colloq)Cuando la frase darse cuenta va seguida de una oración subordinada introducida por de que, en el español latinoamericano existe cierta tendencia a omitir la preposición de en el lenguaje coloquial - se dio cuenta que no iba a convencerla = he realized (that) he wasn't going to convince herdarse cuenta de algo to realize sthlo hizo/dijo sin darse cuenta he did/said it without realizingni se dio cuenta de que me había cortado el pelo he didn't even notice I'd had my hair cutdate cuenta de que es imposible you must see o realize that it's impossibleella se da cuenta de todo she's aware of everything that's going on (around her)¡eso me contestó! ¿tú te das cuenta? that's what he said! can you believe it o can you imagine?tener algo en cuenta: ten en cuenta que lleva poco tiempo en este país bear in mind o remember that he's only been in the country a short timesin tener en cuenta los gastos without taking the expenses into account, not including the expensesteniendo en cuenta su situación la eximieron del pago they exempted her from payment because of her circumstancesése es otro factor a tener en cuenta that's another factor to be taken into account o taken into consideration o borne in mindtomar algo en cuenta: no se lo tomes en cuenta, no sabe lo que dice don't take any notice of him o don't pay any attention to him o just ignore him, he doesn't know what he's talking abouttomaron en cuenta mis conocimientos de francés/mi experiencia my knowledge of French/my experience was taken into considerationa cuenta de que … just because …caer en la cuenta de algo to realize sthentonces caí en la cuenta de por qué lo había hecho that was when I realized o saw o ( colloq) when it clicked why he had done itno caí en la cuenta de que me había mentido hasta que … I didn't grasp the fact that o realize that he'd lied to me until …habida cuenta de ( frml); in view ofhacer cuenta que: haz (de) cuenta que lo has perdido, porque no creo que te lo devuelvan you may as well give it up for lost, because I don't think you'll get it backtú haz (de) cuenta (de) que yo no estoy aquí pretend I'm not here o carry on as if I wasn't herehagan (de) cuenta de que están en su casa make yourselves at homeH (de un collar, rosario) bead* * *
Del verbo contar: ( conjugate contar)
cuenta es:
3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
contar ( conjugate contar) verbo transitivo
1 ‹dinero/votos/días› to count;
y eso sin cuenta las horas extras and that's without including overtime;
lo cuento entre mis amigos I consider him (to be) one of my friends
2 ‹cuento/chiste/secreto› to tell;
es muy largo de cuenta it's a long story;
¿qué cuentas (de nuevo)? (fam) how're things? (colloq)
verbo intransitivo
1 ( en general) to count;
¿este trabajo cuenta para la nota final? does this piece of work count toward(s) the final grade?;
ella no cuenta para nada what she says (o thinks etc) doesn't count for anything
◊ cuento contigo para la fiesta I'm counting o relying on you being at the party;
sin cuenta con que … without taking into account that …
contarse verbo pronominala) (frml) ( estar incluido):
su novela se cuenta entre las mejores his novel is among the bestb)◊ ¿qué te cuentas? how's it going? (colloq)
cta. (◊ cuenta) a/c
cuenta sustantivo femeninoNota:
Cuando la frase darse cuenta va seguida de una oración subordinada introducida por de que, en el español latinoamericano existe cierta tendencia a omitir la preposición de en el lenguaje coloquial: se dio cuenta que no iba a convencerla = he realized (that) he wasn't going to convince her
◊ hacer una cuenta to do a calculation o sum;
saca la cuenta add it up, work it out;
hacer or sacar cuentas to do some calculations;
a fin de cuentas after allb)◊ cuentas sustantivo femenino plural ( contabilidad) accounts: yo llevo las cuentas del negocio I do the accounts for the business, I handle the money side of the business (colloq);
ella se ocupa de las cuentas de la casa she pays all the bills and looks after the money
◊ llevar/perder la cuenta to keep/lose count;
cuenta atrás countdown;
más de la cuenta too much
◊ ¿nos trae la cuenta, por favor? could we have the check (AmE) o (BrE) bill, please?;
la cuenta del gas the gas bill;
a cuenta on account;
entregó $2.000 a cuenta she gave me/him/them $2,000 on account;
este dinero es a cuenta de lo que te debo this money is to go toward(s) what I owe you
◊ abrir/cerrar/liquidar una cuenta to open/close/to settle an account;
cuenta corriente/de ahorro(s) current/savings account
3◊ cuentas sustantivo femenino plural ( explicaciones): no tengo por qué darte cuentas I don't have to explain o justify myself to you;
dar or rendir cuentas de algo to account for sth;
en resumidas cuentas in short
4 (cargo, responsabilidad):◊ los gastos corren por cuenta de la empresa the expenses are covered o paid by the company;
se instaló por su cuenta she set up (in business) on her own;
trabaja por cuenta propia she's self-employed
( notar) to notice (sth);
date cuenta de que es imposible you must realize (that) it's impossible;
tener algo en cuenta to bear sth in mind;
ten en cuenta que es joven bear in mind that he's young;
sin tener en cuenta los gastos without taking the expenses into account;
tomar algo en cuenta to take sth into consideration
6 (de collar, rosario) bead
I verbo transitivo
1 (un suceso, una historia) to tell
2 (numerar) to count
II verbo intransitivo to count
♦ Locuciones: contar con, (confiar en) to count on
(constar de) to have
cuenta sustantivo femenino
1 (recibo) bill
2 (cálculo) count
hacer cuentas, to do sums
perder la cuenta, to lose count
cuenta atrás, countdown
3 (de collar) bead
4 Fin (de banco) account
cuenta corriente, current account, US checking account
cuenta de ahorros, savings account
♦ Locuciones: ajustar cuentas, to settle up
caer en la cuenta o darse cuenta, to realize
dar cuenta, to report
pedir cuentas, to ask for an explanation
salir de cuentas, to be due (to give birth)
tener en cuenta, to take into account
trabajar por cuenta propia, to be self-employed
traer cuenta, to be worthwhile
a cuenta, on account
en resumidas cuentas, in short
más sillas de la cuenta, too many chairs
' cuenta' also found in these entries:
- abonar
- abonada
- abonado
- abrir
- advertir
- ajustar
- anda
- bloquear
- borrón
- cancelar
- cargar
- cero
- cerrar
- conforme
- contarse
- contingente
- contraponer
- corriente
- cta.
- dejar
- desbloquear
- descongelar
- embargar
- engordar
- engrosar
- escopetazo
- extracto
- fantasía
- finiquitar
- hallar
- intervenir
- movimiento
- nota
- notar
- número
- pancha
- pancho
- reparar
- revisión
- saldar
- saldo
- saneada
- saneado
- sumar
- temblar
- titular1
- ubicarse
- abono
- adición
- allow for
- allowance
- alone
- ambit
- amenities
- angry
- appreciate
- aware
- balance
- bank
- bank account
- bank statement
- bead
- bill
- branch out
- catch on
- charge
- charge account
- check
- clean
- click
- consider
- consideration
- considering
- count
- count in
- countdown
- credit
- credit account
- current account
- dawn
- debit
- deposit
- deposit account
- ecological
- expense
- feel
- foot
- give
- gross
- holder
- irrespective
- joint account
- motion
- notice
- overdraw
- overspend
- pass by
- pay
* * *♦ nf1. [acción de contar cifras] count;[cálculo] sum;el niño está aprendiendo a hacer cuentas the child is learning to do sums;voy a hacer cuentas de los gastos I'm going to tot up o work out what we've spent;vamos a echar cuentas de cuánto te debo let's work out how much I owe you;espera un momento, que saco la cuenta wait a minute, I'll tot it up for you;¿está llevando alguien la cuenta? is anyone keeping count?;he perdido la cuenta, tendré que empezar de nuevo I've lost count, I'll have to start again;salir a cuenta to work out cheaper;Famhacer las cuentas de la lechera to count one's chickens before they are hatched;Famhacer las cuentas del Gran Capitán to be overoptimistic in one's calculations;Famhacer la cuenta de la vieja to count on one's fingers;salir de cuentas, estar fuera de cuentas to be due (to give birth)cuenta atrás countdown2. [depósito de dinero] account;abrir/cerrar una cuenta to open/close an account;abónelo/cárguelo en mi cuenta, por favor please credit/debit o charge it to my account;me han abonado el sueldo en cuenta they've paid my wages into my account;he cargado el recibo en tu cuenta I've charged the bill to your account;ingresó el cheque en su cuenta she paid the cheque into her account;póngalo en mi cuenta put it on my accountcuenta abierta active account;cuenta acreedora credit account;Esp cuenta de ahorros savings account; Esp cuenta de ahorro vivienda = tax-exempt savings account used for paying deposit on a house;cuenta bancaria bank account;cuenta de caja cash account;cuenta comercial business account;cuenta conjunta joint account;cuenta de crédito = current account with an overdraft facility;cuenta de depósito deposit account;cuenta deudora overdrawn account;cuenta de explotación operating statement;cuenta de giros giro account;cuenta indistinta joint account;cuenta de inversiones investment account;cuenta a plazo fijo deposit account;cuenta transitoria suspense account;cuenta a la vista instant access account;Esp cuenta vivienda = tax-exempt savings account used for paying deposit on a houselas cuentas de esta empresa no son nada transparentes this company's books o accounts are not very transparent;él se encarga de las cuentas de la casa he deals with the financial side of things in their household;llevar las cuentas to keep the books;cuentas por cobrar/pagar accounts receivable/payable;ajustar o [m5]arreglar cuentas: [m5]¡ya le ajustaré o [m5] arreglaré las cuentas cuando le vea! I'll get my own back on him next time I see him!cuenta de gastos expenditure account;cuenta pendiente outstanding account;Figtengo unas cuentas pendientes con él I've a few scores to settle with him;cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias profit and loss account;4. [factura] bill;[en restaurante] Br bill, US check;la cuenta del supermercado/teléfono the shopping/phone bill;¡la cuenta, por favor! could I have the Br bill o US check, please?;pagar 10 euros a cuenta to pay 10 euros down;pasar la cuenta to send the bill;tarde o temprano te pasará la cuenta de los favores que te ha hecho sooner or later she'll want something in return for o she'll call in the favours she's done for youse encarga de las grandes cuentas de la empresa she looks after the company's most important accounts6. Informát accountcuenta de correo (electrónico) e-mail account7. [obligación, cuidado] responsibility;esa tarea es cuenta mía that task is my responsibility;el vino corre de mi cuenta the wine's on me;déjalo de mi cuenta leave it to me;por mi/tu/ etc [m5]cuenta: investigaré esto por mi cuenta, no me fío de la policía I'll look into this matter myself, I don't trust the police;lo tendrás que hacer por tu cuenta, nadie te va ayudar you'll have to do it yourself o on your own, no one's going to help you;cualquier daño al vehículo corre por cuenta del conductor the driver is liable for any damage to the vehicle;tomas esa decisión por tu cuenta y riesgo, yo no te apoyo on your head be it, I don't agree with your decision;por su cuenta y riesgo decidió aprobar la operación he decided to approve the operation without consulting anyone;trabajar por cuenta propia/ajena to be self-employed/an employee;ha crecido el número de trabajadores por cuenta propia the number of self-employed has risen;por la cuenta que le trae, más vale que llegue pronto if he's got any sense at all, he'll arrive early;lo haré bien, por la cuenta que me trae I'm going to have to do it well, there's a lot riding on itno tengo por qué dar cuentas de mis acciones a nadie I don't have to explain myself o answer to anybody;el jefe nos convocó para darnos cuentas de la situación the boss called us in to explain the situation to us;pedir cuentas a alguien to call sb to account;rendir cuentas de algo ante alguien to give an account of sth to sb;no tengo por qué rendirle cuentas de mi vida privada I don't have to explain to her what I do in my private life;en resumidas cuentas, el futuro es prometedor in short, the future looks good;¿a cuenta de qué? why on earth?, for what earthly reason?ese gasto no entraba en nuestras cuentas we hadn't reckoned with that expenseten paciencia, ten en cuenta que es nuevo en el trabajo be patient, you have to remember that o bear in mind that he's new to the job;eso, sin tener en cuenta el dinero que hemos perdido ya without, of course, taking into account o counting the money we've lost so far;un factor a tener en cuenta es la reacción del público one factor that has to be taken into account o borne in mind is the public's reaction;tomar en cuenta to take into account;habida cuenta de considering;habida cuenta de todo esto… bearing all this in mind…;habida cuenta de que… bearing in mind that…11. [de collar, rosario] bead12. Compa fin de cuentas: no te preocupes, a fin de cuentas es mi problema don't you worry about it, after all, it's my problem;caer en la cuenta: ¡ahora caigo en la cuenta! now I see o understand!;no cayó en la cuenta de su error hasta una semana después she didn't realize her mistake until a week later;caí en la cuenta de que había que hacer algo I realized that something had to be done;dar cuenta de: en menos de cinco minutos dio cuenta de todos los pasteles it took him less than five minutes to account for o polish off all the cakes;dieron cuenta del rival con gran facilidad they easily disposed of the opposition;darse cuenta de algo to realize sth;lo hice sin darme cuenta I did it without realizing;¿te das cuenta?, ya te dije que no era ella you see, I told you it wasn't her;no se dio cuenta de que necesitaba ayuda she didn't realize that she needed help;no sé si te habrás dado cuenta, pero parece muy nervioso I don't know if you've noticed, but he seems very nervous;es muy insensible, no se da cuenta de nada he's very insensitive, he never notices o picks up what's going on;¿te das cuenta? no me ha dado las gracias can you believe it? he didn't even say thank you;más de la cuenta: bebí más de la cuenta I had one too many, I had too much to drink;siempre habla más de la cuenta he always talks too much, he always has to open his mouth* * *f1 ( cálculo) sum;echar cuentas de algo work sth out;perder la cuenta lose count2 de restaurante check, Brbill;pasar la cuenta a alguien send s.o. the bill;no me gusta pedirle favores porque siempre te pasa la cuenta fig I don’t like asking him for favors because he always wants something in return;tener una cuenta pendiente con alguien fam have unfinished business with s.o.3 COM account;a cuenta on account;póngamelo en la cuenta put it on the slate4 ( justificación):dar cuenta de give an account of;pedir cuentas a alguien ask s.o. for an explanation5 ( responsabilidad):corre por mi/su cuenta I’ll/he’ll pay for it;por su propia cuenta off one’s own bat;trabajar por cuenta ajena/propia be employed/self-employed6:más de la cuenta too much;caer en la cuenta realize;darse cuenta de algo realize sth;tener otomar en cuenta take into account;en resumidas cuentas in short;dar buena cuenta de finish off, polish off fam ;a fin de cuentas after all* * *cuenta nf1) : calculation, count2) : account3) : check, bill4)darse cuenta : to realize5)tener en cuenta : to bear in mind* * *cuenta n1. (de dinero) account2. (factura) bill3. (operación matemática) sum¿sabes hacer cuentas? can you do sums?4. (rosario) bead -
12 partido
adj.cut, cleft, split, riven.m.1 party.2 game (Sport).partido amistoso friendlyun partido de baloncesto/rugby a game of basketball/rugby3 match.buen/mal partido good/bad match4 advantage, profit, gain.sacar partido de take advantage of...5 team.6 hair parting, part, part in one's hair.7 prospect, prospect for marriage.past part.past participle of spanish verb: partir.* * *1 (grupo político) party, group2 (provecho) profit, advantage————————1→ link=partir partir► adjetivo1 (dividido) divided2 (roto) broken, split1 (grupo político) party, group2 (provecho) profit, advantage\sacar partido de to profit fromser un buen partido familiar to be a good catchtomar partido to take sidestomar partido por alguien to side with somebodypartido amistoso friendly gamepartido de exhibición exhibition matchpartido de ida first legpartido de vuelta second legpartido judicial administrative areapartido político political partysistema de partidos party system* * *noun m.1) party2) game, match3) play4) tie•* * *SM1) (Pol) partytomar partido por algo/algn — to side with sth/sb
2) (Dep) game, matchpartido amistoso — friendly (game o match)
partido de casa — home game o match
partido de dobles — (Tenis) doubles match, game of doubles
partido de exhibición — exhibition game o match
partido de fútbol — football game o match
partido (de) homenaje — benefit game o match
partido de ida — away game o match, first leg
partido de vuelta — return game o match, second leg
3) (=provecho)4)ser un buen partido — [persona] to be a good match
5) (=distrito) district, administrative areapartido judicial — district under the jurisdiction of a local court
6) frm (=apoyo) support7) frmdarse a partido, venir(se) a partido — to give way
8) Cono Sur (Naipes) hand* * *I- da adjetivo2) (Mat)IInueve partido por tres da... — nine divided by three gives...
1)b) (AmL) ( partida) game2) (Pol) partyun partido de izquierda/centro — a left-wing/center party
sistema de partido único — one-party o single-party system
3) ( provecho)4) ( para casarse)5) ( comarca) administrative area* * *I- da adjetivo2) (Mat)IInueve partido por tres da... — nine divided by three gives...
1)b) (AmL) ( partida) game2) (Pol) partyun partido de izquierda/centro — a left-wing/center party
sistema de partido único — one-party o single-party system
3) ( provecho)4) ( para casarse)5) ( comarca) administrative area* * *partido11 = party.Ex: Surely the concept 'Conservative party' appears last in the citation order of this class number.
* aparato del partido = party machinery.* buen partido = eligible party, eligible bachelor.* de dos partidos políticos = bipartisan [bi-partisan].* obtener partido de = capitalise on/upon [capitalize, -USA].* partido conservador = conservative party.* partido de derechas = right wing party.* partido de izquierdas = left-wing party.* partido de la oposición = opposition party.* partido disidente = splinter party.* partido en el gobierno = governing party.* partido en el poder, el = ruling party, the.* partido gobernante = governing party.* Partido Laborista, el = Labour Party, the.* Partido Liberal Democrático, el = Liberal Democrats, the.* partido político = political party.* Partido Socialista Nacional, el = National Socialist Party, the.* sacar el máximo partido = exploit + full potential, take + full advantage (of), take + the best advantage.* sacar el máximo partido a = get + the most out of.* sacar el máximo partido a Algo = reach + the full potential of.* sacar el máximo partido de = harness + the power of, make + the best of.* sacar el máximo partido de Algo = make + the most of.* sacar el mayor partido al dinero de uno = get + the most for + Posesivo + money.* sacar el mejor partido de = get + the best out of.* sacar el mejor partido de Algo = make + the best advantage of, make + the best use of, make + the best possible use of.* sacar el mejor partido posible = get + the best of both worlds, get + the best of all worlds.* sacarle partido a = make + an opportunity (out) of.* sacar más partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.* sacar mayor partido a = squeeze + more life out of.* sacar mejor partido = get + more for + Posesivo + money.* sacar partido = take + advantage (of), exploit + benefits.* sacar partido a una oportunidad = capitalise on + opportunity.* sin afiliación a un partido político = non-partisan [nonpartisan].* tomar partido = take + sides.* tomar partido por = side with.* tomar partido por Alguien = side in + Posesivo + favour.* un buen partido = a good catch.partido22 = sports match, game, match, fixture.Ex: School events may be regular and seasonal, like Christmas and vacations, or occasional and minor like sports matches.
Ex: A game is a set of materials designed for play according to prescribed rules.Ex: That was one of the finest matches they ever played.Ex: New fixtures for the rest of the season have been issued along with some changes in the First Division.* partido amistoso = friendly match.* partido de competición = club game.* partido de fútbol = football game, soccer game, football match.* partido de ida = away game, first leg.* partido de liga = league game.* partido de vuelta = second leg, home game.* partido entre equipos rivales = local derby.* partido oficial = official game.* partido que se juega en casa = home game.* partido que se juega fuera de casa = away game.* perder un partido = lose + match.* resultado de un partido = score.* tres goles en un mismo partido = hat trick.partido33 = cloven, forked.Ex: It is a very old belief that the Devil always appears with a cloven foot as a distinguishing mark.
Ex: One theory suggests that the forked section of the hieroglyph represents an animal's legs with the central shaft as the body or elongated neck (like a giraffe).* con el corazón partido = broken-hearted.* luchar a brazo partido = fight + tooth and nail.* pelear a brazo partido = fight + tooth and nail.* * *A ‹labios› chapped; ‹barbilla› cleftB ( Mat):siete partido por diez seven over teneste número, partido por tres, nos da el valor de X this number, divided by three, gives us the value of XA1 (de fútbol) game, match ( BrE)vamos a echar un partido de tenis let's have a game of tennisel partido de tenis entre Gómez y Rendall the tennis match between Gómez and Rendallun partido de ajedrez a game of chessCompuestos:friendly game o match, friendlyreplay, deciding gameexhibition game o matchbenefit game o match, benefitfirst legsecond leghome game o ( BrE also) matchaway game o ( BrE also) matchB1 ( Pol) partypartido político political partypartido de la oposición opposition partyun partido de izquierda(s)/derecha(s)/centro a left-wing/right-wing/center partysistema de partido único one-party o single-party systemtomar partido to take sides2 (partidarios) followingsu música tiene mucho partido entre la juventud his music has a big following among young peopleesta postura tiene mucho partido entre los agricultores this position enjoys wide support among farmers o is widely supported by farmersCompuesto:C(provecho): le sabe sacar partido a cualquier situación he knows how to make the most of any situationtrata de sacar el mejor partido de tus conocimientos try to make the best use of o try to take full advantage of your knowledgeD(para casarse): un buen partido a good catchno pudo encontrar peor partido para casarse she couldn't have found anyone worse to marryE (comarca) administrative areaCompuesto:( Esp) administrative area* * *
Del verbo partir: ( conjugate partir)
partido es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
partido 1◊ -da adjetivo
1 ‹ labios› chapped;
‹ barbilla› cleft
2 (Mat):
nueve partido por tres da … nine divided by three gives …
partido 2 sustantivo masculino
( de tenis) match;
un partido de béisbol a baseball game;
partido amistoso friendly game o match;
partido de desempate deciding game, decider;
partido en casa/fuera de casa home/away match
2 (Pol) party;
tomar partido to take sides
3 ( provecho):
sacarle partido a algo to make the most of sth
4 ( para casarse):
partir ( conjugate partir) verbo transitivo
‹nuez/avellana› to crack;
‹rama/palo› to break
‹ cabeza› to split open
verbo intransitivo
2a) partido DE algo ‹de una premisa/un supuesto› to start from sthb)◊ a partir de from;
a partido de ahora/ese momento from now on/that moment on;
a partido de hoy (as o starting) from today
partirse verbo pronominal
‹ diente› to break, chip
partido,-a sustantivo masculino
1 Pol party
2 Dep match, game
partido de vuelta, return match
3 (beneficio, oportunidades, jugo) advantage, benefit: sácale partido a la vida, make the most of life 4 ser un buen partido, to be a good catch
♦ Locuciones: tomar partido por, to side with
I verbo transitivo
1 (romper, quebrar) to break: me parte el corazón verte tan desalentada, it's heartbreaking to see you so depressed
partir una nuez, to shell a walnut
2 (dividir) to split, divide
(con un cuchillo) to cut
II vi (irse) to leave, set out o off
♦ Locuciones: a partir de aquí/ahora, from here on/now on
a partir de entonces no volvimos a hablarnos, we didn't speak to each other from then on
' partido' also found in these entries:
- adhesión
- antológica
- antológico
- arrojadiza
- arrojadizo
- bajón
- baño
- barrer
- beneficio
- centenaria
- centenario
- continuismo
- convoy
- correligionaria
- correligionario
- cotización
- cualquiera
- decidir
- depurar
- desempate
- desmembrarse
- despeje
- dirección
- dirigir
- dirigente
- disputada
- disputado
- engranaje
- entrar
- épica
- épico
- ser
- escaño
- europeísta
- fila
- fracturar
- fruto
- ganarse
- grupúsculo
- imperante
- independiente
- izquierda
- izquierdo
- judicial
- laborista
- liberal
- lucha
- mayoría
- mayoritaria
- amid
- brain
- brokenhearted
- call off
- cancel
- capital
- cardholder
- centre
- close
- closely
- decider
- derby
- disappoint
- double
- equal
- eventual
- fair
- fixture
- football match
- fortunately
- friendly
- game
- grass roots
- heart-broken
- hooligan
- hot up
- international
- job
- join
- kick-off
- labour
- Liberal Party
- line
- machine
- majority
- match
- member
- membership
- minority
- office
- opponent
- opposing
- ostracize
- party line
- pep talk
- play
- profit
- quite
* * *partido nm1. [político] party;partido político political party;un partido de izquierda(s) a left-wing party;el partido en el gobierno the ruling party;un partido de (la) oposición an opposition partypartido bisagra = minority party holding the balance of power2. [deportivo] game, Br match;un partido de baloncesto/rugby a game of basketball/rugby;un partido de liga/copa a league/cup game o Br matchpartido amistoso friendly;partido de consolación consolation final;partido de desempate play-off;partido de las estrellas all-star game;partido (de) homenaje testimonial (game);partido de ida [en copa] first leg;partido internacional international, Br international match;partido de vuelta [en copa] second leg3. Am [partida] game;un partido de ajedrez a game of chess4. [futuro cónyuge]ser buen/mal partido to be a good/bad match6. Compsacar partido de, sacarle partido a to make the most of;tomar partido por [ponerse de parte de] to side with;[decidir] to decide on;tomar partido por hacer algo to decide to do sth* * *m1 POL party2 DEP game;partido en casa home game3:sacar partido de take advantage of;tomar partido take sides* * *partido nm1) : (political) party2) : game, matchpartido de futbol: soccer game3) apoyo: support, following4) provecho: profit, advantagesacar partido de: to profit from* * *partido n1. (competición) match2. (organización) party -
13 chiudere
close, shuta chiave lockstrada close offgas, luce turn offfabbrica, negozio per sempre close down, shut downfig chiudere un occhio turn a blind eyefinance chiudere in pareggio break evenchiudere in perdita/in attivo show a loss/a profit* * *chiudere v.tr.1 to shut*, to close; ( sbarrare) to bar: chiudere a catenaccio, to bolt; chiudere a chiave, to lock; chiudere un cancello, una finestra, una porta, to shut a gate, a window, a door; chiudere un cassetto, to shut a drawer; chiudere con lucchetto, to padlock; chiudere il gas, un rubinetto, to turn off the gas, a tap; chiudere la radio, to switch off the radio; chiudere una busta, to seal an envelope; chiudere un libro, to shut a book; chiudere un passaggio, to bar a passage; chiudere violentemente, to slam (o to bang); chiudere il pugno, to clench one's fist // non ho chiuso occhio la notte scorsa, I did not sleep a wink last night // chiudere al traffico, to close to traffic // chiudere le frontiere, to close the borders // chiudere la bocca, to shut one's mouth; chiudere la bocca a qlcu., ( impedirgli di parlare) to gag s.o. // chiudere gli occhi, ( morire) to end one's days // chiudere un occhio su qlco., to turn a blind eye to sthg. (o to pretend not to see sthg.)2 ( recingere) to enclose, to fence (in), to surround: chiudere un giardino con un muro, to enclose a garden with a wall3 ( concludere) to conclude, to close; ( finire) to end, to finish; (fam.) to wind up: è ora che tu chiuda il tuo discorso, it's time you wound up your speech; chiudere una conferenza con un motto di spirito, to close a lecture with a joke; chiudere un dibattito al Parlamento, to close (o to wind up) a debate in Parliament; chiudere una lettera, to close a letter; la banda chiudeva il corteo, the band brought up the rear (of the procession)4 (comm.) to close: chiudere un conto, to close an account; chiudere i conti, to balance (o to close the books); chiudere il bilancio, to balance accounts (o to strike a final balance); (banca) chiudere il credito, to stop credit5 ( rinchiudere) to shut up: dovresti chiudere i gioielli nella cassaforte, you ought to shut up your jewels in your safe; ti chiuderò nella tua stanza, I'll shut you up in your room; chiudere ( il bestiame) in un recinto, to corral (cattle)6 ( un negozio, un ufficio, una fabbrica) ( temporaneamente) to close; ( permanentemente) to shut down, to close down7 ( delimitare) to shut in: due catene di montagne chiudono la valle, two ranges of mountains shut in (o enclose) the valley9 ( un circuito elettrico) to close // (elettr.) chiudere un motore in corto circuito, to close a motor in a short circuit◆ v. intr.1 to close: la finestra non chiude, the window won't close (o shut); i negozi chiudono alle sei in questa città, the shops close at six in this town; questa porta chiude bene?, does this door close well?2 ( finire) to close: la riunione chiuse alle sei, the meeting closed at six // (cinem.) chiudere in dissolvenza, to fade out3 (comm.) chiudere in pareggio, to balance: il bilancio chiuse in pareggio l'anno scorso, the budget balanced last year; chiudere in attivo, to show a profit (o a credit balance) // chiudere con prezzi fermi, to close firm.◘ chiudersi v.rifl. o intr.pron.1 to close: le acque si chiusero sulla nave che affondava, the waters closed over the sinking ship; la porta si chiuse senza rumore, the door closed noiselessly; questi fiori si chiudono di sera, these flowers close at night2 ( di tempo) to close in, to get* cloudy: il tempo si chiude, the weather is closing in (o getting cloudy)3 ( rinchiudersi) to shut oneself up4 ( ritirarsi, concentrarsi) to withdraw: chiudere in se stesso, to withdraw into oneself; chiudere nel dolore, to withdraw into one's sufferings; chiudere nel silenzio, to withdraw into silence5 ( finire, terminare) to close, to shut*, to end: l'incontro si è chiuso con un discorso del primo ministro, the meeting closed with a speech by the Prime Minister; l'anno finanziario si chiude il 30 giugno, the financial year ends on June 30th.* * *1. ['kjudere]vb irreg vt1) to close, shut, (pugno, lista, caso) to close, (busta, lettera) to seal, (giacca, camicia) to do up, fasten, (gas, rubinetto) to turn offchiudi la bocca! o il becco! fam — shut up!
chiudi la finestra, per favore — close the window please
2) (strada) to block off, (frontiera) to close, (aeroporto, negozio, scuola) to close (down), shut (down), (definitivamente: fabbrica) to close down, shut down3) (recingere) to enclose4) (terminare) to end2. vi3. vip (chiudersi)(porta, ombrello) to close, shut, (fiore, ferita) to close up, (periodo lungo, vacanze) to finish4. vr (chiudersi)chiudersi in casa — to shut o.s. up in the house
chiudersi in se stesso — to withdraw into o.s.
* * *['kjudere] 1.verbo transitivo1) to close, to shut* [occhi, bocca, finestra, scatola, cassetto, libro]; to fasten [ valigia]; to seal [ busta]; (tirando) to draw*, to pull, to close [tende, porta]; (piegando) to fold [sedia, ventaglio, ombrello, coltellino, ali]; (abbottonando, allacciando) to fasten, to do* up [ vestito]; to tie up [ scarpe]2) (spegnere) to turn off [rubinetto, gas, acqua]; to switch off [luce, radio]3) (sbarrare) to close (off), to bar, to block [passaggio, accesso, frontiera]chiudere fuori qcn. — to lock sb. out, to turn the key on sb. (anche fig.)
chiudere qcn. in o dentro (a) una stanza to to lock sb. in a room; chiudere qcs. in cassaforte — to lock sth. away o up
5) (recingere) to surround, to enclose, to fence [giardino, terreno]6) (sospendendo un'attività) (temporaneamente) to close, to shut*; (definitivamente) to close (down), to shut* (down) [fabbrica, negozio]7) (terminare, concludere) to close, to conclude [ dibattito]; to close, to end [udienza, festival, giornata]; to complete [stagione, progetto, inchiesta]; (venendo per ultimo) to bring* up the rear of [marcia, corteo]chiudere il caso — dir. to rest one's case
9) banc. comm. to close [ conto bancario]10) inform. to close [ file]2.1) [fabbrica, negozio, teatro] (temporaneamente) to close, to shut*; (definitivamente) to close (down), to shut* (down)chiudere bene — [porta, valigia] to close properly
3) econ. [mercato, azione] to closechiudere in rialzo, ribasso — to close up, down
4) fig.3.verbo pronominale chiudersi1) [porta, finestra, scatola, occhi, bocca] to close, to shut*; [ fiore] to close up; [cappotto, braccialetto, valigia] to fasten; [sedia, ombrello] to fold (up)- rsi dentro — to lock oneself in [stanza, auto]
- rsi in se stesso — to become withdrawn, to withdraw into oneself
2) (concludersi) [serata, festival, discorso] to end, to finish ( con with)3) (rimarginarsi) [ ferita] to heal over, to heal up4) colloq. (schiacciarsi)- rsi un dito nella porta — to get one's finger caught o trapped in the door
••chiudere bottega — to shut up shop, to put up the shutters
* * *chiudere/'kjudere/ [11]1 to close, to shut* [occhi, bocca, finestra, scatola, cassetto, libro]; to fasten [ valigia]; to seal [ busta]; (tirando) to draw*, to pull, to close [tende, porta]; (piegando) to fold [sedia, ventaglio, ombrello, coltellino, ali]; (abbottonando, allacciando) to fasten, to do* up [ vestito]; to tie up [ scarpe]; chiudere il pugno to clench one's fist; chiudere a chiave to lock; chiudere la porta con un calcio to kick the door shut2 (spegnere) to turn off [rubinetto, gas, acqua]; to switch off [luce, radio]3 (sbarrare) to close (off), to bar, to block [passaggio, accesso, frontiera]; chiudere al traffico to close to traffic; chiudere fuori qcn. to lock sb. out, to turn the key on sb. (anche fig.)4 (rinchiudere) chiudere qcn. in o dentro (a) una stanza to to lock sb. in a room; chiudere qcs. in cassaforte to lock sth. away o up5 (recingere) to surround, to enclose, to fence [giardino, terreno]6 (sospendendo un'attività) (temporaneamente) to close, to shut*; (definitivamente) to close (down), to shut* (down) [fabbrica, negozio]7 (terminare, concludere) to close, to conclude [ dibattito]; to close, to end [udienza, festival, giornata]; to complete [stagione, progetto, inchiesta]; (venendo per ultimo) to bring* up the rear of [marcia, corteo]; chiudere il caso dir. to rest one's case10 inform. to close [ file](aus. avere)1 [fabbrica, negozio, teatro] (temporaneamente) to close, to shut*; (definitivamente) to close (down), to shut* (down)2 (stare chiuso) chiudere bene [porta, valigia] to close properly; il coperchio non chiude bene the lid won't go on properly3 econ. [mercato, azione] to close; chiudere a 45 euro to close at 45 euros; chiudere in rialzo, ribasso to close up, down; chiudere in pareggio to break even; chiudere in attivo to show a profit4 fig. con te ho chiuso I'm through with youIII chiudersi verbo pronominale1 [porta, finestra, scatola, occhi, bocca] to close, to shut*; [ fiore] to close up; [cappotto, braccialetto, valigia] to fasten; [sedia, ombrello] to fold (up); - rsi dentro to lock oneself in [stanza, auto]; - rsi fuori to lock oneself out of [ casa]; - rsi in casa to shut oneself up at home; - rsi in se stesso to become withdrawn, to withdraw into oneself2 (concludersi) [serata, festival, discorso] to end, to finish ( con with)3 (rimarginarsi) [ ferita] to heal over, to heal upchiudere bottega to shut up shop, to put up the shutters; chiudi il becco! shut up! -
14 conseguir
v.1 to obtain, to get.consiguió todo lo que se propuso she achieved everything she set out to doconseguir hacer algo to manage to do somethingno consiguió que me enfadara she didn't (manage to) get me annoyedMaría consiguió un descuento grande Mary got a huge discount.2 to get hold of, to get over here.María consiguió a Ricardo al fin Mary got hold of Richard at last.3 to manage to, to be able to, to get to, to find a way to.María consiguió llegar a tiempo Mary mMaríaged to arrive on time.* * *1 (cosa) to obtain, get; (objetivo) to attain, achieve2 (lograr) to manage, succeed in■ ¡lo conseguí! I did it!* * *verb1) to achieve, attain2) get3) manage (to)* * *VT [+ meta, objetivo] to achieve; [+ resultado] to obtain, achieve; [+ premio, campeonato] to win; [+ entradas, empleo, dinero] to get; [+ documento, visado, beca, permiso] to get, obtain; [+ acuerdo] to reachconsiguieron la mayoría absoluta — they won o gained an absolute majority
conseguir hacer algo — to manage to do sth•
conseguir que algn haga algo — to get sb to do sthal final conseguí que me devolvieran el dinero — I got them to give me my money back in the end, I got my money back from them in the end
* * *1.verbo transitivoa) <objetivo/fin/resultado> to achieve, obtain; <entrada/permiso/empleo> to getsi lo intentas, al final lo conseguirás — if you try, you'll succeed in the end
b)conseguir + inf — to manage to + inf
c)2.conseguir que + subj: vas a conseguir que me enfade you're going to get me annoyed; al final conseguí que me dejaran pasar I finally got them to let me through; conseguí que me lo prestara — I got him to lend it to me
conseguir vi (RPl)conseguir con alguien/algo — to get through to somebody/something
* * *= accomplish, achieve, attain, cultivate, gain, get, obtain, procure, secure, work out, yield, effect, galvanise [galvanize, -USA], come by, get (a)round to, get + hold of, land, acquire, line up, win over.Ex. If a library prefers to simplify records in particular areas, this can usually be accomplished by not entering particular types of information.Ex. The above citation order is achieved by the intercalation of (73).Ex. A fully comparative account of recommendations for filing orders is likely to prove confusing until the reader has attained some familiarity with the general problems, and the solutions offered by one code.Ex. Such familiarity can be cultivated with experience, and will consider the following features of data bases.Ex. To many, therefore, this emphasis on information can provide a much-needed opportunity to gain the public library new influence and respect.Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.Ex. In the event that the position in the matrix contains more than 32 entries, it is necessary for the user to interact with the system to obtain the miniature catalog that will contain the entry s/he seeks.Ex. They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.Ex. They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.Ex. The details of how the assignment of numbers by authorized agencies would be controlled have yet to be worked out.Ex. This mixture of approaches is designed to yield maximum retrieval for as many users as possible by combining the different strengths of controlled and natural language indexing.Ex. Historically, the main reasons for unionization have been to effect better wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions.Ex. The author discusses how librarians should present themselves to effectively galvanize public support for their leadership in the digital age.Ex. This article shows how teachers came by such information and the use they made it of in their work.Ex. The best way is to talk to them, using a structured plan so that you do get round to asking the right questions.Ex. It is difficult for Western librarians to find out what is being published, or to get hold of the materials that they know about.Ex. For example, Mile High Comics has served libraries in the past and is eager to land more library customers.Ex. Many libraries have special collections of foreign, unpublished or unusual materials which include items unlikely to be acquired by other libraries.Ex. The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.Ex. It is the latest incentive being offered to attract the Web user and win over their loyalty of custom.----* casi conseguir = come close to + Gerundio.* conseguir acceso = gain + access, gain + admittance.* conseguir admiración = gain + respect.* conseguir algo = get + anywhere.* conseguir Algo con esfuerzo = hack.* conseguir Algo contra todo pronóstico = beat + the odds.* conseguir algo de = get + something out of.* conseguir Algo en contra de lo previsible = beat + the odds.* conseguir Algo fácilmente = coast.* conseguir Algo, lograr Algo = pull + Nombre + off.* conseguir apoyo = mobilise + support, win + support, line up + support, gain + support.* conseguir ayuda = secure + help.* conseguir beneficio = accrue + benefit.* conseguir calmarse = regain + Posesivo + composure.* conseguir con dificultad = eke out.* conseguir con esfuerzo = mine.* conseguir el control = gain + control (over/of).* conseguir el derecho para = win + the right to.* conseguir el dinero = come up with + the money.* conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.* conseguir éxito = achieve + success.* conseguir éxitos y fracasos = encounter + problems and successes.* conseguir fondos = win + funds.* conseguir hablar con = catch up with.* conseguir la reconciliación = bring about + reconciliation.* conseguir liberarse de = secure + relief from.* conseguirlo = pull it off, nail it.* conseguir localizar = get + hold of.* conseguir lo imposible = achieve + the impossible, accomplish + the impossible, shoot (for) + the moon.* conseguir lo que Uno quiere = have + Posesivo + way (with).* conseguir mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.* conseguir mucho = do + much.* conseguir ocupar un lugar específico = secure + a niche.* conseguir + Posesivo + aprobación = win + Posesivo + approval.* conseguir que = galvanise into.* conseguir realizarse plenamente = achieve + Posesivo + full potential.* conseguir reconocimiento = win + recognition.* conseguir recursos = mobilise + resources.* conseguir respeto = gain + respect.* conseguirse = accrue.* conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = grab + the limelight.* conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.* conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight, grab + the limelight.* conseguir tiempo = buy + time.* conseguir una buena formación en = get + a good grounding on.* conseguir una meta = accomplish + goal.* conseguir una solución = achieve + solution.* conseguir un equilibrio = strike + a balance.* conseguir un estándar = attain + standard.* conseguir un fin = secure + end.* conseguir un ideal = attain + ideal, achieve + ideal.* conseguir unir = rally.* conseguir un objetivo = accomplish + objective, achieve + objective, attain + goal.* conseguir un premio = earn + an award, win + award, win + prize.* conseguir un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.* conseguir un trabajo = enter + job, land + job.* difícil de conseguir = difficult to come by.* ejercer presión para conseguir Algo = push for.* esforzarse por conseguir = strive for, work toward(s).* estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.* fácil de conseguir = easy-to-get, easy to come by.* forma de conseguir Algo = lever.* intentar conseguir = aim for, work toward(s).* intentar conseguir Algo = take + a swing at.* modo de conseguir Algo = lever.* muy lejos de conseguir = a long way toward.* no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.* no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.* para conseguir = in pursuit of.* pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.* presionar para conseguir Algo = press for.* que no se puede conseguir = unobtainable.* resultar difícil de conseguir = prove + elusive.* ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.* ser difícil de conseguir = be hard to get.* ser fácil de conseguir = be readily available.* un medio para conseguir un fin = a means to an end.* * *1.verbo transitivoa) <objetivo/fin/resultado> to achieve, obtain; <entrada/permiso/empleo> to getsi lo intentas, al final lo conseguirás — if you try, you'll succeed in the end
b)conseguir + inf — to manage to + inf
c)2.conseguir que + subj: vas a conseguir que me enfade you're going to get me annoyed; al final conseguí que me dejaran pasar I finally got them to let me through; conseguí que me lo prestara — I got him to lend it to me
conseguir vi (RPl)conseguir con alguien/algo — to get through to somebody/something
* * *= accomplish, achieve, attain, cultivate, gain, get, obtain, procure, secure, work out, yield, effect, galvanise [galvanize, -USA], come by, get (a)round to, get + hold of, land, acquire, line up, win over.Ex: If a library prefers to simplify records in particular areas, this can usually be accomplished by not entering particular types of information.
Ex: The above citation order is achieved by the intercalation of (73).Ex: A fully comparative account of recommendations for filing orders is likely to prove confusing until the reader has attained some familiarity with the general problems, and the solutions offered by one code.Ex: Such familiarity can be cultivated with experience, and will consider the following features of data bases.Ex: To many, therefore, this emphasis on information can provide a much-needed opportunity to gain the public library new influence and respect.Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.Ex: In the event that the position in the matrix contains more than 32 entries, it is necessary for the user to interact with the system to obtain the miniature catalog that will contain the entry s/he seeks.Ex: They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.Ex: They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.Ex: The details of how the assignment of numbers by authorized agencies would be controlled have yet to be worked out.Ex: This mixture of approaches is designed to yield maximum retrieval for as many users as possible by combining the different strengths of controlled and natural language indexing.Ex: Historically, the main reasons for unionization have been to effect better wages, fringe benefits, and working conditions.Ex: The author discusses how librarians should present themselves to effectively galvanize public support for their leadership in the digital age.Ex: This article shows how teachers came by such information and the use they made it of in their work.Ex: The best way is to talk to them, using a structured plan so that you do get round to asking the right questions.Ex: It is difficult for Western librarians to find out what is being published, or to get hold of the materials that they know about.Ex: For example, Mile High Comics has served libraries in the past and is eager to land more library customers.Ex: Many libraries have special collections of foreign, unpublished or unusual materials which include items unlikely to be acquired by other libraries.Ex: The actress flaked out again and the director is trying to line up a replacement.Ex: It is the latest incentive being offered to attract the Web user and win over their loyalty of custom.* casi conseguir = come close to + Gerundio.* conseguir acceso = gain + access, gain + admittance.* conseguir admiración = gain + respect.* conseguir algo = get + anywhere.* conseguir Algo con esfuerzo = hack.* conseguir Algo contra todo pronóstico = beat + the odds.* conseguir algo de = get + something out of.* conseguir Algo en contra de lo previsible = beat + the odds.* conseguir Algo fácilmente = coast.* conseguir Algo, lograr Algo = pull + Nombre + off.* conseguir apoyo = mobilise + support, win + support, line up + support, gain + support.* conseguir ayuda = secure + help.* conseguir beneficio = accrue + benefit.* conseguir calmarse = regain + Posesivo + composure.* conseguir con dificultad = eke out.* conseguir con esfuerzo = mine.* conseguir el control = gain + control (over/of).* conseguir el derecho para = win + the right to.* conseguir el dinero = come up with + the money.* conseguir en gran medida + Infinitivo = go + a long way (towards/to/in) + Gerundio.* conseguir éxito = achieve + success.* conseguir éxitos y fracasos = encounter + problems and successes.* conseguir fondos = win + funds.* conseguir hablar con = catch up with.* conseguir la reconciliación = bring about + reconciliation.* conseguir liberarse de = secure + relief from.* conseguirlo = pull it off, nail it.* conseguir localizar = get + hold of.* conseguir lo imposible = achieve + the impossible, accomplish + the impossible, shoot (for) + the moon.* conseguir lo que Uno quiere = have + Posesivo + way (with).* conseguir mediante engaño = bluff + Posesivo + way into.* conseguir mucho = do + much.* conseguir ocupar un lugar específico = secure + a niche.* conseguir + Posesivo + aprobación = win + Posesivo + approval.* conseguir que = galvanise into.* conseguir realizarse plenamente = achieve + Posesivo + full potential.* conseguir reconocimiento = win + recognition.* conseguir recursos = mobilise + resources.* conseguir respeto = gain + respect.* conseguirse = accrue.* conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = grab + the limelight.* conseguir ser el blanco de todas las miradas = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight.* conseguir ser el centro de atención = capture + spotlight, grab + the spotlight, grab + the limelight.* conseguir tiempo = buy + time.* conseguir una buena formación en = get + a good grounding on.* conseguir una meta = accomplish + goal.* conseguir una solución = achieve + solution.* conseguir un equilibrio = strike + a balance.* conseguir un estándar = attain + standard.* conseguir un fin = secure + end.* conseguir un ideal = attain + ideal, achieve + ideal.* conseguir unir = rally.* conseguir un objetivo = accomplish + objective, achieve + objective, attain + goal.* conseguir un premio = earn + an award, win + award, win + prize.* conseguir un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.* conseguir un trabajo = enter + job, land + job.* difícil de conseguir = difficult to come by.* ejercer presión para conseguir Algo = push for.* esforzarse por conseguir = strive for, work toward(s).* estar en vías de conseguir = be on the road to.* fácil de conseguir = easy-to-get, easy to come by.* forma de conseguir Algo = lever.* intentar conseguir = aim for, work toward(s).* intentar conseguir Algo = take + a swing at.* modo de conseguir Algo = lever.* muy lejos de conseguir = a long way toward.* no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.* no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.* para conseguir = in pursuit of.* pero sin conseguirlo = but no dice.* presionar para conseguir Algo = press for.* que no se puede conseguir = unobtainable.* resultar difícil de conseguir = prove + elusive.* ser algo muy fácil de conseguir = be there for the taking.* ser difícil de conseguir = be hard to get.* ser fácil de conseguir = be readily available.* un medio para conseguir un fin = a means to an end.* * *vt1 ‹objetivo/fin/resultado› to achieve, obtain; ‹entrada/plaza/empleo› to getno conseguirás nada de él you won't get anything out of himsiempre consigue lo que se propone she always achieves what she sets out to dosi lo intentas, al final lo conseguirás if you try, you'll succeed in the endun artista que ha conseguido un estilo propio an artist who has developed o achieved his own styleal final consiguió un permiso de trabajo he finally got o managed to get a work permittodavía no ha conseguido trabajo she still hasn't got a job o found workconsiguió el primer premio en el concurso she won first prize in the competitionla película consiguió un gran éxito de crítica the film was very well received by the criticsconsiguieron una mayoría aplastante they obtained an overwhelming majorityconsiguió la victoria con su último lanzamiento she won with her last throw2 conseguir + INF to manage to + INFno consigo entenderlo I can't work it outal final conseguí convencer a mis padres I finally managed to talk my parents roundconsiguió clasificarse para la final she managed to qualify o she qualified for the final3 conseguir QUE + SUBJ:si sigues así vas a conseguir que me enfade if you carry on like that, you're going to get me annoyedal final conseguí que me dejaran pasar I finally got them to let me through, I finally managed to persuade them to let me throughconseguí que me lo prestara I got him o I managed to get him to lend it to me■ conseguirvi( RPl) conseguir CON algn/algo; to get through TO sb/sthno puedo conseguir con él/con ese número I can't get through to him/to that number* * *
conseguir ( conjugate conseguir) verbo transitivo ‹objetivo/fin/resultado› to achieve, obtain;
‹entrada/permiso/empleo› to get;
‹medalla/título› to win;◊ si lo intentas, al final lo conseguirás if you try, you'll succeed in the end;
la película consiguió un gran éxito the film was a great success;
conseguir hacer algo to manage to do sth;
no consigo entenderlo I can't work it out;
conseguí que me lo prestara I got him to lend it to me
conseguir verbo transitivo
1 (obtener) to get, obtain
(alcanzar) to achieve: consiguió su propósito, he achieved his purpose
2 (con infinitivo) to manage to: consiguieron convencernos, they managed to persuade us ➣ Ver nota en manage
' conseguir' also found in these entries:
- bregar
- buscar
- concurso
- costar
- frustrarse
- hacerse
- lince
- método
- obtener
- porfiar
- precio
- santa
- santo
- trampear
- triunfo
- adelantar
- alcanzar
- cazar
- consiga
- lucha
- luchar
- pituto
- ser
- achieve
- aim
- apprentice
- attain
- autonomous
- bargain
- bid
- boat
- bring off
- bungle
- come by
- contrive
- divorce
- fail
- find
- gain
- get
- go after
- hold
- influence
- land
- lobby
- manage
- mooch
- obtain
- obtainable
- one-upmanship
- per cent
- procure
- rally
- running
- seek
- shop around
- snatch
- succeed
- unobtainable
- wangle
- whip up
- white elephant
- win
- available
- bring
- come
- draw
- drum
- easy
- enlist
- have
- nowhere
* * *conseguir vt[obtener] to obtain, to get; [un objetivo] to achieve;conseguir un premio Nobel/dos Óscars to win o get a Nobel Prize/two Oscars;consiguió la mayoría absoluta he won o got an absolute majority;consiguió todo lo que se propuso she achieved everything she set out to do;con esa actitud no conseguirás nada you won't get anywhere with that attitude;conseguir hacer algo to manage to do sth;tras un disputado esprint consiguió alzarse con el triunfo she won a very closely contested sprint;no consiguieron encontrar el camino they didn't manage to find the way;no consiguió que me enfadara she didn't (manage to) get me annoyed;al menos conseguimos que nos escucharan at least we got them to listen to us* * *v/t1 get; objetivo achieve2:conseguir hacer algo manage to do sth* * *conseguir {75} vt1) : to get, to obtain2) : to achieve, to attain3) : to manage toconsiguió acabar el trabajo: she managed to finish the job* * *conseguir vb1. (obtener) to obtain / to getel partido consiguió el 40% de los votos the party got 40% of the votes2. (lograr) to achieve¿qué has conseguido? what have you achieved? -
15 aire
m.1 air (fluido).al aire libre in the open aircon el pecho al aire bare-chestedcambiar de aires to have a change of scenedejar algo en el aire to leave something up in the airestar en el aire to be in the airsaltar o volar por los aires to be blown sky hightomar el aire to go for a breath of fresh aira mi aire in my own wayaire acondicionado air-conditioningaire comprimido compressed airaire puro fresh airaire viciado foul air2 wind (viento).hoy hace mucho aire it's very windy today3 air, appearance (aspecto).tiene un aire a su madre she has something of her motherdarse aires (de algo) to put on airs (about something)4 resemblance, likeness, air, look.* * *1 air2 (viento) wind; (corriente) draught4 figurado (parecido) resemblance, likeness7 figurado (ambiente) atmosphere8 MÚSICA air, melody\al aire libre in the open air, outdoorscambiar de aires to change one's surroundings, have a change of scenerydarse aires to put on airsestar en el aire (en antena) to be on the airhacerse/darse aire to fan oneselfsaltar por los aires to blow uptener aires to put on airstomar el aire to take the air, get some fresh airvivir del aire to live on air¡vete a tomar (el) aire! familiar get lost!aire acondicionado air conditioningaire puro clean air* * *noun m.* * *SM1) (=elemento) air¡fuera de aquí, aire! — * get out of here! scram! *
al aire, lanzar algo al aire — to throw sth into the air•
estar en el aire — [balón, paracaidista] to be in the air; (Radio) to be on (the) airtodo está en el aire hasta que se conozcan los resultados — it's all up in the air until the results are known
dejar una pregunta/problema en el aire — to leave a question/an issue up in the air
al aire libre — [con verbo] outdoors, in the open air; [con sustantivo] outdoor antes de s, open-air antes de sel concierto se celebró al aire libre — the concert was held outdoors o in the open air
una piscina al aire libre — an outdoor o open-air pool
salir al aire — (Radio) to go on (the) air•
saltar por los aires — to blow up, explode•
tomar el aire — to get some fresh airsalió a tomar un poco el aire — he went out to get o for some fresh air
¡vete a tomar el aire! — * scram! *, clear off! *
volar por los aires — to blow up, explodea mi/tu/su aire —
ir a su aire — to go one's own way, do one's own thing *
darle un aire a algn —
aire colado — cold draught, cold draft (EEUU)
2) (Meteo) (=viento) wind; (=corriente) draught, draft (EEUU)•
dar aire a algn — to fan sbla prensa no da aire al éxito del gobierno — the press is giving no coverage to the government's success
darse aire — to fan o.s.
aires de cambio — (Pol) winds of change
3) (=aspecto) airlos techos altos le daban un aire señorial a la casa — high ceilings gave a stately air to the house
tienen aire de no haber roto un plato en su vida — they look as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths
eso te pasa por darte aires de superioridad — that's what happens when you think you're better than everyone else o when you put on airs
4) (=parecido)¿no le notas un aire con Carlos? — don't you think he looks a bit like Carlos?
darse un aire a algn — to look a bit like sbaire de familia — family resemblance, family likeness
5) (=aerofagia) wind6) (=garbo) style, panache7) (Mús) air* * *1) airal aire libre — outdoors, in the open air
a mi/tu/su aire: ellos salen en grupo, yo prefiero ir a mi aire they go out in a group, I prefer doing my own thing (colloq); cambiar or mudar de aire(s): necesito cambiar de aires I need a change of scene o air; dejar a alguien en el aire to leave somebody in suspense; quedar en el aire: todo quedó en el aire everything was left up in the air; su futuro quedó en el aire his future hung in the balance; saltar or volar por los aires to explode, blow up; vivir del aire — to live on air
3) (Rad, TV)salir al aire — to go out
4)a) ( aspecto) airdarse aires (de grandeza) — to put on o give oneself airs
b) ( parecido) resemblance5) (Mús) tuneaires populares — traditional tunes o airs
* * *= air.Ex. This article diagnoses the information needs of those who work in the area of pollution of air, soil and earth.----* actividad al aire libre = outdoor activity.* aire acondicionado = air-conditioning.* aire a presión = air pressure.* aire caliente = hot air.* aire cargado = fug.* aire comprimido = compressed air.* aire de optimismo = air of optimism.* aire de superioridad = condescension, condescension, attitude of superiority.* aire fresco = fresh air.* aire puro = fresh air.* aires de cambio = wind(s) of change, the, seas of change, the.* aire viciado = fug.* al aire libre = open-air, outdoors, in the open, out of doors.* amante de la vida al aire libre = outdoor enthusiast.* aparato de aire acondicionado = air conditioner.* a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.* bocanada de aire = gust of wind, blast.* bocanada de aire caliente = gust of warm air, gust of hot air, gust of heat.* bocanada de aire fresco = breath of fresh air.* bolsa de aire = air bag [airbag].* bolsa de aire caliente = pocket of warm air.* calentador de aire = air heater.* calidad del aire = air quality.* cambiar de aire = move on to + pastures new.* cambiar de aires = change + scenery.* cambio de aires = change of air and scene, change of scenery, change of air, change of scene, greener pastures, pastures new.* castillo en el aire = castle in the air.* circulación del aire = air flow, airflow.* comida al aire libre = cookout.* compresor de aire = air compressor.* con aire acondicionado = air conditioned.* conducto de aire = air duct.* conducto de aire caliente = hot air duct.* con el culo al aire = out in the cold.* contaminación del aire = air pollution.* contaminante del aire = air pollutant.* con un aire de = with an air of.* corriente de aire = air current, draught [draft, -USA].* dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.* darse aires = strut.* darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.* darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.* dejar a su aire = leave to + Reflexivo, leave + unchecked.* dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.* dispersado por el aire = wind-blown, wind-borne.* echarse una cana al aire = have + a fling.* echarse una canita al aire = have + a fling.* echar una cana al aire = one-night stand, kick up + Posesivo + heels.* echar una cana al aire antes de sentar la cabeza = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* echar una cana al aire cuando joven = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* echar una canica al aire = disport + Reflexivo.* ejército del aire = Army Air Force, Air Force.* en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.* entrada de aire = air intake.* espacio al aire libre = outdoor space.* espray de aire comprimido = compressed air can.* filtro del aire = air cleaner.* flujo del aire = airflow.* globo de aire caliente = hot-air balloon.* haber un aire de emoción = there + be + an air of excitement.* haber un aire de expectación = there + be + an air of expectation.* hacer el aire irrespirable = choke + the air.* hacer saltar por los aires = blow + sky high.* índice de calidad del aire = air quality index.* industria de actividades al aire libre, la = outdoor industry, the.* juego de exterior, juego al aire libre = outdoor game.* lata de aire comprimido = compressed air can.* llevado por el aire = wind-borne.* llevar por el aire = waft.* mantener suspenso en el aire = suspend.* masa de aire = air mass.* mercadillo al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* mercado al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* palos al aire = a stab in the dark, a shot in the dark.* pared con cámara de aire = cavity wall.* piscina al aire libre = outdoor pool, open-air swimming pool, open-air pool.* piscina climatizada al aire libre = outdoor heated pool.* presión del aire = air pressure.* purificación del aire = air purification.* quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.* racha de aire = blast.* ráfaga de aire = blast.* rejilla para el aire = air vent.* respirarse emoción en el aire = there + be + an air of excitement.* respirarse un aire de expectación = there + be + an air of expectation.* salida de aire = venting.* sistema de aire acondicionado = air conditioning system, air cooling system.* soplado por el aire = wind-blown.* suspender en el aire = hover.* teatro al aire libre = outdoor theatre.* tener aire acondiconado = be air-conditioned.* toma de aire = air intake.* transmitido por el aire = airborne [air-borne].* transportado por el aire = wind-borne, wind-blown.* transportar por aire = airlift.* tubo de aire caliente = hot air duct.* un aire de = an air of, a whiff of.* ventilador del aire = heater blower.* volar en el aire = fly in + the air.* * *1) airal aire libre — outdoors, in the open air
a mi/tu/su aire: ellos salen en grupo, yo prefiero ir a mi aire they go out in a group, I prefer doing my own thing (colloq); cambiar or mudar de aire(s): necesito cambiar de aires I need a change of scene o air; dejar a alguien en el aire to leave somebody in suspense; quedar en el aire: todo quedó en el aire everything was left up in the air; su futuro quedó en el aire his future hung in the balance; saltar or volar por los aires to explode, blow up; vivir del aire — to live on air
3) (Rad, TV)salir al aire — to go out
4)a) ( aspecto) airdarse aires (de grandeza) — to put on o give oneself airs
b) ( parecido) resemblance5) (Mús) tuneaires populares — traditional tunes o airs
* * *= air.Ex: This article diagnoses the information needs of those who work in the area of pollution of air, soil and earth.
* actividad al aire libre = outdoor activity.* aire acondicionado = air-conditioning.* aire a presión = air pressure.* aire caliente = hot air.* aire cargado = fug.* aire comprimido = compressed air.* aire de optimismo = air of optimism.* aire de superioridad = condescension, condescension, attitude of superiority.* aire fresco = fresh air.* aire puro = fresh air.* aires de cambio = wind(s) of change, the, seas of change, the.* aire viciado = fug.* al aire libre = open-air, outdoors, in the open, out of doors.* amante de la vida al aire libre = outdoor enthusiast.* aparato de aire acondicionado = air conditioner.* a + Posesivo + aire = to + Posesivo + heart's content.* bocanada de aire = gust of wind, blast.* bocanada de aire caliente = gust of warm air, gust of hot air, gust of heat.* bocanada de aire fresco = breath of fresh air.* bolsa de aire = air bag [airbag].* bolsa de aire caliente = pocket of warm air.* calentador de aire = air heater.* calidad del aire = air quality.* cambiar de aire = move on to + pastures new.* cambiar de aires = change + scenery.* cambio de aires = change of air and scene, change of scenery, change of air, change of scene, greener pastures, pastures new.* castillo en el aire = castle in the air.* circulación del aire = air flow, airflow.* comida al aire libre = cookout.* compresor de aire = air compressor.* con aire acondicionado = air conditioned.* conducto de aire = air duct.* conducto de aire caliente = hot air duct.* con el culo al aire = out in the cold.* contaminación del aire = air pollution.* contaminante del aire = air pollutant.* con un aire de = with an air of.* corriente de aire = air current, draught [draft, -USA].* dar la vuelta en el aire = give + a toss.* darse aires = strut.* darse aires de grandeza = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.* darse (muchos) aires = give + Reflexivo + such airs, aggrandise + Reflexivo.* dejar a su aire = leave to + Reflexivo, leave + unchecked.* dejar con el culo al aire = leave + Nombre + out in the cold.* dispersado por el aire = wind-blown, wind-borne.* echarse una cana al aire = have + a fling.* echarse una canita al aire = have + a fling.* echar una cana al aire = one-night stand, kick up + Posesivo + heels.* echar una cana al aire antes de sentar la cabeza = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* echar una cana al aire cuando joven = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* echar una canica al aire = disport + Reflexivo.* ejército del aire = Army Air Force, Air Force.* en el aire = in mid-air, airborne.* entrada de aire = air intake.* espacio al aire libre = outdoor space.* espray de aire comprimido = compressed air can.* filtro del aire = air cleaner.* flujo del aire = airflow.* globo de aire caliente = hot-air balloon.* haber un aire de emoción = there + be + an air of excitement.* haber un aire de expectación = there + be + an air of expectation.* hacer el aire irrespirable = choke + the air.* hacer saltar por los aires = blow + sky high.* índice de calidad del aire = air quality index.* industria de actividades al aire libre, la = outdoor industry, the.* juego de exterior, juego al aire libre = outdoor game.* lata de aire comprimido = compressed air can.* llevado por el aire = wind-borne.* llevar por el aire = waft.* mantener suspenso en el aire = suspend.* masa de aire = air mass.* mercadillo al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* mercado al aire libre = street market, open-air market.* palos al aire = a stab in the dark, a shot in the dark.* pared con cámara de aire = cavity wall.* piscina al aire libre = outdoor pool, open-air swimming pool, open-air pool.* piscina climatizada al aire libre = outdoor heated pool.* presión del aire = air pressure.* purificación del aire = air purification.* quedarse con el culo al aire = come + unstuck.* racha de aire = blast.* ráfaga de aire = blast.* rejilla para el aire = air vent.* respirarse emoción en el aire = there + be + an air of excitement.* respirarse un aire de expectación = there + be + an air of expectation.* salida de aire = venting.* sistema de aire acondicionado = air conditioning system, air cooling system.* soplado por el aire = wind-blown.* suspender en el aire = hover.* teatro al aire libre = outdoor theatre.* tener aire acondiconado = be air-conditioned.* toma de aire = air intake.* transmitido por el aire = airborne [air-borne].* transportado por el aire = wind-borne, wind-blown.* transportar por aire = airlift.* tubo de aire caliente = hot air duct.* un aire de = an air of, a whiff of.* ventilador del aire = heater blower.* volar en el aire = fly in + the air.* * *aire1A airsintió que le faltaba el aire en aquel cuarto tan pequeño she felt as if she was going to suffocate in that tiny roomabre la ventana, que entre un poco de aire open the window and let some (fresh) air invoy a salir a tomar el aire I'm going outside for a breath of fresh airtengo que ponerles aire a las ruedas I have to put some air in the tiresel globo se elevó por los aires the balloon rose up into the airuna piscina al aire libre an outdoor pool, an open-air pool ( BrE)debería pasar más tiempo al aire libre he ought to spend more time outdoors o out of doors o in the open airun vestido con la espalda al aire a backless dressdeja la herida al aire leave the wound uncovereddisparar un tiro al aire to fire a shot into the aira mi/tu/su aire: ellos salen en grupo, yo prefiero ir a mi aire they go out in a group, I prefer doing my own thing ( colloq)cambiar or mudar de aire(s): lo que necesitas es cambiar de aires (cambio temporal) what you need is a change of scene o change of air; (cambio permanente) what you need is a change of sceneestar/dejar/quedar en el aire: todo quedó muy en el aire everything was left very much up in the airsu futuro quedó en el aire a question mark hung over his future, his future hung in the balanceno me contestó ni sí ni no, dejándome en el aire he left me in suspense, not giving me a definite yes or noestamos todos en el aire sin saber qué hacer we're all at a loss as to what to dosaltar or volar por los aires to explode, blow upCompuestos:air-conditioninglocal con (instalación de) aire acondicionado air-conditioned premisescompressed airuna escopeta de aire comprimido an air rifleun airecillo fresco a cool breeze¡qué calor! no corre nada de aire it's so hot! there's not a breath of windse daba aire con un abanico she was fanning herselfdarle un aire a algn ( fam): le dio un aire y quedó con la boca torcida he had some sort of stroke which left his mouth twistedC ( Rad, TV):estar en el or ( Méx) al aire to be on the air[ S ] en el aire on airsalir al aire to go outsale al aire en dos canales it goes out o is shown on two different channelsD1(aspecto): ese pequeño detalle le da un aire distinguido that little touch gives him a distinguished appearancetiene un aire extranjero she has a foreign air about hersu rostro tiene un aire infantil his face has a childish look about itsus composiciones tienen un aire melancólico her compositions have a melancholy feel to themesto tiene todo el aire de tratarse de una broma this looks for all the world like a jokecon ese aire de superioridad/inocencia que tiene with that air of superiority/innocence he hasla protesta tomó aires de revuelta the protest began to look like a revoltdarse aires to put on o give oneself airs2(parecido): ¿no le encuentras un aire con Alberto? don't you think he looks (a bit) like Alberto?se dan or tienen un aire they look a bit alike, there is a slight likeness o resemblance between themCompuesto:family resemblanceE ( Mús) tune, airaires populares castellanos traditional Castilian tunes o airsaire2* * *
Del verbo airar: ( conjugate airar)
airé es:
1ª persona singular (yo) pretérito indicativo
aíre es:
1ª persona singular (yo) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente subjuntivo3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) imperativo
Multiple Entries:
aire sustantivo masculino
1 air;
salir a tomar el aire to go outside for a breath of fresh air;
al aire libre outdoors, in the open air;
aire acondicionado air-conditioning;
con aire acondicionado air-conditioned;
a mi/tu/su aire: ellos salen en grupo, yo prefiero ir a mi aire they go out in a group, I prefer doing my own thing (colloq);
quedar en el aire: todo quedó en el aire everything was left up in the air;
saltar or volar por los aires to explode, blow up;
2 ( viento) wind;
( corriente) draft (AmE), draught (BrE)
3 (Rad, TV):
la protesta tomó aires de revuelta the protest began to look like a revolt;
darse aires (de grandeza) to put on o give oneself airs
aire sustantivo masculino
1 air
aire acondicionado, air conditioning
2 (aspecto) air, appearance
(parecido) resemblance: tiene un aire a su padre, she looks like her father
3 (viento) wind: hace aire, it's windy
4 Mús tune
5 Auto choke
6 aires (alardes, pretensiones) airs: ¡vaya unos aires de condesa que se da!, she really gives herself such airs
♦ Locuciones: al aire: (hacia arriba) tirar al aire, to throw into the air
(al descubierto) llevar los brazos al aire, to have one's arms uncovered
comer al aire libre, to eat in the open air
estar en el aire, (una pregunta, un proyecto) to be up in the air
Rad on the air
necesitar un cambio de aires, to need a change of scene
saltar por los aires, to blow up
tomar el aire, to get some fresh air
' aire' also found in these entries:
- acondicionado
- ahogar
- ahogarse
- bocanada
- bolsa
- bombear
- bombeo
- brizna
- cana
- castillo
- circular
- condescendiente
- corriente
- cortante
- desinflarse
- dotada
- dotado
- echar
- espantar
- familia
- frigoría
- globo
- hinchada
- hinchado
- izar
- inspiración
- mover
- pura
- puro
- refrigeración
- remolino
- remontar
- remontarse
- resuello
- sabor
- sofocarse
- surcar
- suspensión
- tomar
- vacía
- vacío
- viciar
- vilo
- volandas
- voltear
- acondicionador
- aliento
- bomba
- burbuja
- air gun
- air pocket
- air-conditioning
- airborne
- airlock
- breezy
- clear
- crisp
- dangle
- device
- dissipate
- door
- draught
- draughty
- festival
- foul
- fresh
- fug
- garden party
- gasp
- grim
- hair
- hang
- hover
- impure
- inhale
- intake
- jet
- jet-stream
- kiss
- likeness
- manner
- midair
- open
- open-air
- outdoor
- outdoors
- outdoorsman
- pipe dream
- pocket
- puff
- rush
- sardonically
- sleep out
- somersault
- spirit level
- spring
- still
- stuffy
* * *♦ nm1. [fluido] air;al aire [al descubierto] exposed;con el pecho al aire bare-chested;con las piernas al aire with bare legs, bare-legged;si duermes con los pies al aire te enfriarás if you sleep with your feet sticking out from under the covers, you'll catch cold;el médico le aconsejó que dejara la quemadura al aire the doctor advised him to leave the burn uncovered;disparar al aire to shoot into the air;disparó al aire she fired a shot into the air;aire-aire [misil] air-to-air;a esta rueda le falta aire this tyre is a bit flat;al aire libre in the open air;un concierto al aire libre an open-air concert;tú a tu aire, si te aburres vete a casa do whatever you like, if you're bored just go home;cambiar de aires to have a change of scene;el médico le recomendó cambiar de aires the doctor recommended a change of air;dejar algo en el aire to leave sth up in the air;estar en el aire [sin decidir] to be in the air;Rad & TV to be on the air;el resultado todavía está en el aire the result could still go either way;el programa sale al aire los lunes a las nueve the programme is broadcast on Mondays at nine o'clock;saltar o [m5]volar por los aires: el automóvil saltó o [m5] voló por los aires the car was blown into the air;tomar el aire to go for a breath of fresh air;Famvivir del aire [no tener nada] to live on thin air;[comer poco] to eat next to nothing;sin trabajo ni casa, ¿es que piensa vivir del aire? how does she expect to survive without a job or a home?aire acondicionado air-conditioning;aire comprimido compressed air;aire líquido liquid oxygen;aire del mar sea air;aire puro fresh air;aire viciado foul air2. [viento] wind;hoy hace mucho aire it's very windy today;cierra la puerta que entra aire close the door, there's a draughtaire polar polar wind;aire tropical tropical wind3. [aspecto] air, appearance;un vehículo de aire deportivo a sporty-looking car;tiene un aire distraído she has an absent-minded air about her, she comes across as rather absent-minded;su respuesta tenía un cierto aire de escepticismo there was a touch of scepticism about her answertiene un aire con alguien que conozco he reminds me of someone I know5.desde que es jefe se da muchos aires (de grandeza) since he became the boss he's been giving himself airsle dio un aire he had a fit[ritmo] tempo aire lento slow tempo;aire popular folk song, traditional song;aire rápido fast o upbeat tempo8. [ventosidad] wind;tener aire to have winddio aire a su novio she dumped her boyfriend♦ interjFam clear off!;¡aire, y no se te ocurra volver por aquí! clear off and don't let me see you here again!* * *m1 air;al aire libre in the open air;traer aire fresco a algo bring a breath of fresh air to sth;estar en el aire fig fam be up in the air fam ;dejar en el aire fig leave … up in the air;vivir del aire fam live on thin air;a mi aire in my own way2 MÚS tune3 ( viento):hace mucho aire it is very windy;corre mucho aire it is very windy;cambiar de aires have a change of scene4:darse aires fam give o.s. airs, put on airs and graces* * *aire nm1) : air2)aire acondicionado : air-conditioning3)darse aires : to give oneself airs* * *aire n1. (en general) air2. (viento) wind -
16 Gewinn
Gewinn m 1. BÖRSE return; 2. FIN profit, assets, earnings, surplus; 3. FREI benefit; 4. GEN advantage, surplus, income, gain, net income; 5. RW profit, book profit, surplus; 6. STEUER emolument; 7. WIWI surplus • einen Gewinn melden RW report a profit • Gewinn bringend 1. GEN advantageous, beneficial, gainful; 2. RW profitable; 3. WIWI productive • Gewinn erwirtschaften WIWI run a surplus, generate a profit • Gewinn erzielen 1. BÖRSE move into the money; 2. RW make a profit • Gewinn machen 1. RW make a profit, make profits; 2. WIWI run a surplus • Gewinne abziehen WIWI (infrml) milk profits • Gewinne einheimsen GEN (infrml) rake in profits • Gewinne erzielen BÖRSE make gains, make a profit • Gewinne übertrafen die Vorhersagen im ersten Quartal FIN profits surpassed forecasts in the first quarter* * *m 1. < Börse> return; 2. < Finanz> assets, earnings, surplus; 3. < Frei> benefit; 4. < Geschäft> advantage, surplus, income; 5. < Rechnung> book profit, surplus; 6. < Steuer> emolument; 7. < Verwalt> earnings; 8. <Vw> surplus ■ einen Gewinn melden < Rechnung> report a profit ■ Gewinn bringend 1. < Geschäft> advantageous, beneficial, gainful; 2. < Rechnung> profitable; 3. <Vw> productive ■ Gewinn erwirtschaften <Vw> run a surplus, generate a profit ■ Gewinn erzielen 1. < Börse> move into the money; 2. < Rechnung> make a profit ■ Gewinn machen 1. < Rechnung> make a profit, make profits; 2. <Vw> run a surplus ■ Gewinne abziehen <Vw> milk profits infrml ■ Gewinne einheimsen infrml < Geschäft> rake in profits infrml ■ Gewinne erzielen < Börse> make gains, make a profit ■ Gewinne übertrafen die Vorhersagen im ersten Quartal < Finanz> profits surpassed forecasts in the first quarter* * *Gewinn
profit, gain, gainings, getting, increment, cleanup (US sl.), (Einkünfte) emolument, spoil, (Erfolg) benefit, (Ertrag) receipts, proceeds, return, yield, produce, avails (US), (Ertrag aus Grund und Boden) issue, (gute Gelegenheit) catch, bargain, market, (aus Gewerbebetrieb) profit, earnings, gain, (Gewinnspanne) [profit] margin, (Kursgewinn) increase, advance, gains, (Nutzen) advantage, account, fruit, (Spekulation) gain, (Überschuss) surplus;
• auf Gewinn gerichtet with a view to profit, for pecuniary benefit, profitmaking, commercial;
• nicht auf Gewinn gerichtet non-commercial, non-profit[-making];
• auf gemeinschaftlichen Gewinn und Verlust gerichtet on joint profit and loss;
• mit Gewinn at a profit, profitably;
• ohne Gewinn profitless, unprofitable;
• abgeführter Gewinn amount surrendered;
• an konzernfremde Gesellschaften abgeführter Gewinn (Bilanz) mandatory profit distributions under agreement;
• an Händler abgegebener Gewinn pass-over profit (US);
• abgezweigter Gewinn profit set aside;
• abrechnungspflichtiger Gewinn profit subject to accounting;
• im Rechnungsabschnitt angefallener Gewinn accounting profit;
• im Geschäft wieder angelegter Gewinn retained earnings (US), earnings ploughed (Br.) (plowed, US) back;
• angemessener Gewinn fair return (profit), reasonable return;
• angesammelte Gewinne accumulated profits;
• rapid ansteigende Gewinne soaring profits;
• auffallende Gewinne striking gains;
• auf die Abteilungen aufgeschlüsselter Gewinn departmental profit;
• ausgeschüttete Gewinne distributed profits;
• nicht ausgeschüttete Gewinne undivided (unappropriated, US) profits, retained earnings (US);
• noch nicht ausgeschüttete Gewinne accumulated profits;
• ausgewiesener Gewinn reported profit;
• ausgezahlter Gewinn (Versicherung) bonus in cash;
• ausschüttungsfähiger Gewinn distributable earnings, unappropriated earned surplus (US);
• außerordentliche Gewinne non-recurring profits;
• beachtlicher Gewinn substantial gain;
• steuerlich bereinigter (berichtigter) Gewinn adjusted profit;
• auf Neubewertung beruhender Gewinn appreciated surplus;
• besteuerungsfähiger Gewinn taxable gain;
• betriebsbedingter Gewinn operating profit;
• betrügerische Gewinne fraudulent gains;
• buchmäßiger Gewinn book profit;
• dicker Gewinn fat profit;
• echter Gewinn actual profit;
• ehrliche Gewinne honest profits;
• einbehaltene Gewinne retained earnings (US);
• einmaliger Gewinn banner profit;
• einmalige Gewinne one-time (banner) gains, banner profits;
• entgangener Gewinn ceasing (lost) profit, ceasing gain;
• nicht entnommener Gewinn retained income (earnings, profit) (US), unwithdrawn (non-drawn, undistributed, paid-in, US) profit, profit ploughed (plowed, US) back;
• im Liquidationszeitraum entstandene Gewinne profits arising during a winding-up;
• ergaunerter Gewinn plunder (sl.);
• erhebliche Gewinne (Börse) substantial gain;
• erhoffter Gewinn anticipated profit;
• erwarteter (zu erwartender) Gewinn prospective (anticipated) profit, lucrative interest;
• aus Arbeit zu erwirtschaftender Gewinn profit derivable from work;
• erzielter Gewinn realized (secured) profit, profit made;
• beim Autoverkauf erzielter Gewinn profit on sale of a motor car;
• an der Börse erzielte Gewinne profits on exchange;
• durch Fremdkapitaleinsatz erzielter Gewinn return earned with use of borrowed funds;
• leicht erzielter Gewinn (Börse) velvet (US);
• im ersten Quartal erzielter Gewinn first-quarter profit;
• tatsächlich erzielter Gewinn actual profit;
• in Übersee erzielte Gewinne overseas gains;
• eventueller Gewinn contingent profit;
• früherer Gewinn past earnings;
• gelegentliche Gewinne casual profits;
• geringer Gewinn small profit;
• gewerblicher Gewinn operating (industrial, commercial) profit;
• glänzende Gewinne booming profits;
• glatter Gewinn clear profit;
• unerwartet hoher Gewinn bonanza (US);
• imaginärer Gewinn expected profit;
• inflationsbedingter Gewinn inflation-generated profit;
• zur Ausschüttung kommender Gewinn distributable profit;
• körperschaftssteuerpflichtige Gewinne profits chargeable to corporation tax;
• laufender Gewinn current earnings;
• mäßiger Gewinn light (slight) profit;
• mitgenommener Gewinn realized profit;
• müheloser Gewinn easy profit;
• optimaler Gewinn optimum profit;
• realisierter Gewinn realized profit (revenue);
• nicht realisierter Gewinn unrealized profit;
• noch nicht realisierter Gewinn contingent (paper, US) profit;
• unrealisierter rechnerischer Gewinn paper profit;
• reiner Gewinn net profit (avails, US);
• rückständige Gewinne back profits;
• schwindende Gewinne shrivel(l)ing profits;
• sicherer Gewinn certain percentage;
• stattlicher Gewinn handsome profit;
• für die Aktionäre zur Verfügung stehender Gewinn profit attributable to shareholders (Br.) (stockholders, US);
• stehen gebliebener Gewinn jackpot, profit left;
• stehen gelassener Gewinn retained (US) (unrealized, left) profit, retained income (US), profit ploughed (Br.) (plowed, US) back;
• zur Ausschüttung zur Verfügung stehender Gewinn distributable earnings, unappropriated earned surplus (US);
• steigender Gewinn growing profit;
• steuerpflichtiger Gewinn attributable profit before taxation, taxable (chargeable, assessable) profit, chargeable gain;
• tatsächlicher Gewinn actual profit;
• thesaurierter Gewinn accumulated (unappropriated, US) profit, profit retained (US), retained earnings (profit, surplus, US, income), accumulated earnings;
• überschießender (überschüssiger) Gewinn excess profit, surplus income (profit);
• unausgeschütteter Gewinn undistributed (undivided) profits, retained earnings;
• unerlaubte Gewinne illicit profits;
• unerwarteter Gewinn windfall profit;
• unlautere Gewinne sordid gains;
• unrealisierte Gewinne paper profits;
• unrechtmäßiger Gewinn illegal profit;
• der Steuerpflicht unterliegende Gewinne profits brought within the charge of tax, chargeable gains;
• der Körperschaftssteuer unterworfene Gewinne profits chargeable to corporation tax;
• unverteilter Gewinn unappropriated [earned, US] surplus, undistributed (non-distributed) net profit (Br.), undivided profit;
• veranlagungspflichtiger Gewinn chargeable gain, profit brought within the charge of tax;
• verfügbarer Gewinn available profit;
• für die Dividendenausschüttung verfügbarer Gewinn unappropriated profit (US), unappropriated earned surplus (US);
• nach Rückstellung auf Rücklagekonto verfügbarer Gewinn net surplus (US);
• verkürzter Gewinn shave-off profit;
• versteckter Gewinn hidden (secret) profit;
• zu versteuernder Gewinn taxable profit (earnings);
• dieses Jahr zu versteuernder Gewinn gain taxable this year;
• versteuerter Gewinn taxed profit, profit after tax;
• verteilbarer Gewinn available profit;
• zu verteilender Gewinn distributable earnings;
• verteilter Gewinn appropriated surplus;
• nicht verteilter (verwertbarer) Gewinn accumulated profit, unappropriated [earned, US] surplus, surplus earnings (US);
• nicht verwendete Gewinne unapplied profits;
• vorgetragener Gewinn profit carried forward;
• vorweggenommener Gewinn anticipated bonus, deferred profit;
• wesentliche Gewinne material gains;
• den Rücklagen zugewiesene (zugeführte) Gewinne (Bilanz) appropriated earnings (US), earned surplus (US), profit retained and added to reserve;
• gesetzlich zugerechneter Gewinn profit appendant;
• vertraglich zugerechneter Gewinn profit appurtenant;
• zurechenbarer Gewinn (Einkommensteuer) attributable profit;
• zusätzlicher Gewinn extra profit;
• nicht zweckgebundener Gewinn available (disposable) surplus;
• einbehaltene Gewinne und Abschreibungen retained cashflow;
• Gewinne nach Abzug von Steuern after-tax earnings (profit);
• Gewinn vor Abzug von Steuern pretax profit (earnings), earnings (profit) before tax;
• Gewinn je Aktie earnings per share (stock, US);
• Gewinn vor Berücksichtigung der Steuern pretax profit;
• Gewinn aus Beteiligungen investment profit, profit due from participation;
• Gewinn aus Buchwerterhöhungen appreciated surplus, surplus of appreciation;
• Gewinn aus Devisengeschäften gain from exchange operations;
• Gewinn vor Fusionierung profit prior to consolidation;
• Gewinne im Geschäftsjahr (Versicherung) underwriting (insurance) profits;
• Gewinne aus einem nicht genehmigten Gewerbe unlawful profits;
• Gewinn aus Gewerbebetrieb business profit;
• Gewinn aus der Hauptbetriebstätigkeit operating profit;
• Gewinn bei Kalkulation zu Marktpreisen nach Abzug fälliger Steuern current cost profit after deducting taxation payable;
• Gewinn aus Kapitalanlagen income from capital investment;
• Gewinn je Kapitaleinheit profitability ratio (US);
• Gewinne aus Monopolen (Bilanz) profits from patents and secret processes (Br.), monopoly profits (US);
• Gewinn aus Neubewertung reappraisal surplus;
• Gewinn aus Prägung von Scheidemünzen minor coinage profit fund (US);
• Gewinn nach Steuern profit after taxes;
• kleine Gewinne, große Umsätze small profits, quick returns;
• Gewinn aus Veräußerungen sales profit;
• Gewinne aus dem Verkauf von Anlagegütern profits on the sale of fixed assets;
• Gewinn und Verlust profit and loss account, losings and winnings;
• Gewinn vor Vornahme von Abschreibungen profit before depreciation;
• Gewinn nach Vortrag (Bilanz) profit balance;
• Gewinne aus Wertpapieranlagen income from securities, investment income;
• Gewinn abwerfend paying, remunerative;
• Gewinn bringend profitable, gainful, lucrative, profit-producing (-making), remunerative, revenue- (profit-) earning, pay[ing], payable, advantageous;
• Gewinn abführen to surrender a profit;
• seinen Gewinn vom Wettbüro abholen to collect one’s winnings from the betting shop;
• mit Gewinn abschließen to show a profit;
• Transaktion mit Gewinn abschließen to make a profit out of a transaction;
• Gewinne abschöpfen to siphon off (cream away) profits;
• Gewinn abwerfen to leave (bring in, render, yield, return) profit, to leave a margin, to be profitable, to pay;
• angemessenen Gewinn abwerfen to yield a fair profit, to bring an adequate return;
• Gewinne aktivieren to capitalize profits;
• Gewinn bringend anlegen to invest advantageously (one’s money to good account);
• mit Gewinn arbeiten to operate (run) at a profit, to operate in the black (coll.), to be on a profitable basis, to work with good result;
• wieder mit Gewinn arbeiten to be back in the black (US coll.);
• Gewinne aufschlüsseln (verhältnismäßig aufteilen, anteilmäßig aufteilen) to prorate profits (US);
• Gewinn untereinander aufteilen to split the profit;
• Gewinn aufweisen to show profit;
• keinerlei Gewinne aufweisen to show a nil balance on its profits;
• seine Gewinne aufzehren to eat up (improve away) one’s profits;
• Gewinn und Verlust durchschnittlich ausgleichen to give and take, to average;
• Gewinn ausschütten to distribute a surplus, to divide profits;
• Gewinne nachteilig beeinflussen to hurt profits;
• Gewinn beschneiden to trim profits;
• j. am Gewinn beteiligen to give s. o. a share in the profits;
• mit Gewinn betreiben to be on a profitable basis, to operate profitably, to be in the black (US coll.);
• Bergwerk mit Gewinn betreiben to work a mine at a profit;
• Gewinn [ein]bringen to be profitable, to show profit, to pay, to bring in, to [yield a handsome] profit;
• Gewinne einkalkulieren to compute profits;
• Gewinn einstreichen to reap a profit, to sweep the board;
• gewaltige Gewinne einstreichen to make huge profits;
• unberechtigten Gewinn einstreichen to pocket a profit;
• unerlaubte Gewinne einstreichen to make illicit profits;
• Gewinn entnehmen to draw the profits;
• Gewinn nicht entnehmen und im Geschäft wieder anlegen to plough (plow, US) back earnings into business;
• Gewinn ermitteln to determine profit;
• Gewinn erzielen to realize (operate at, make, secure, draw) a profit, to come out of the red (US coll.);
• angemessenen Gewinn erzielen to turn a healthy profit;
• anständige Gewinne erzielen to make fair profits;
• 10 Pfund Gewinn erzielen to be ten pounds to the good;
• Gewinn feststellen to ascertain (determine) the profit;
• Anteil am Gewinn haben to have a share in the profit;
• reinen Gewinn ergeben haben to have netted;
• bisher noch keinen Gewinn gemacht haben to have produced zero profit to date;
• seine Gewinne niedrig halten to hold down profits;
• mit einem Gewinn herauskommen (Lotterie) to win a prize;
• Gewinne hochschrauben to kick up earnings;
• Gewinn kassieren to lock in the profit;
• dicke Gewinne kassieren to mop profits;
• lukrative Gewinne buchungstechnisch in Steueroasen anfallen lassen to book most of one’s lucrative business through tax havens;
• Gewinne machen to make profits;
• Gewinn mitnehmen to take profits, to pick up bargains;
• Gewinne realizieren (Börse) to reap (realize, take) profits, to cash in;
• mit Gewinn rechnen to look to profit;
• Gewinne scheffeln to rake in profits;
• am Gewinn beteiligt sein to have an interest in the profits, to share in profits;
• ganzen Gewinn aufs Spiel setzen to play on the velvet (US);
• Gewinn teilen to share gains, to pool profits, to cut (US sl.);
• am Gewinn teilnehmen to partake of the profits;
• Gewinn thesaurieren to retain the profit;
• Gewinn und Verlust zu gleichen Teilen tragen to go shares;
• Gewinne transferieren to repatriate (remit) profits;
• sich von jem. ohne Gewinn und Verlust trennen to break even with s. o.;
• mit Gewinn verkaufen to sell to advantage (at a profit), (Wertpapiere) to sell at a premium;
• Gewinn verrechnen to appropriate profits;
• mit späteren Gewinnen verrechnen to carry forward long-term losses (US);
• Gewinn mit einem Verlust verrechnen to set off a gain against a loss;
• Gewinne verschleiern to conceal profits;
• Gewinn verteilen to divide (distribute) the profits (proceeds);
• Gewinn unter die Angestellten verteilen to allocate the profit among the employees;
• thesaurierte Gewinne für Investitionen verwenden to retain profits for expansion;
• Gewinne verzeichnen to post profits, to post (record) gains;
• kleine Gewinne verzeichnen to register (show) small gains;
• große Gewinne vorweisen to exhibit large profits;
• mit einem Gewinn winken to hold forth hopes of profit;
• Gewinn mit etw. erzielen wollen to do s. th. for profit;
• schnell Gewinn machen wollen to be out for quick killing (fam.);
• großen Gewinn zeitigen to result in a large profit;
• Gewinn ziehen aus to take advantage of, to benefit from;
• einen großen Gewinn aus etw. ziehen to thrive on s. th.;
• Gewinn aus einem Geschäft ziehen to make a profit on a transaction;
• keinen bedeutenden Gewinn aus etw. ziehen to extract no unusual profit from s. th.;
• Gewinne steuerlich zurechnen to allocate (attribute) profits;
• Gewinnabfall profit drop, skid in profits;
• Gewinnabführung surrender of profits, profit transfer;
• Gewinnabführungssteuer excess-profits tax (US);
• Gewinnabführungsvertrag surrender-of-profits agreement;
• Gewinnabnahme fall in profits. -
17 luz
f.1 light.apagar la luz to switch off the lightestas farolas dan poca luz these streetlights don't shine very brightly o aren't very brighta la luz de in the light ofa plena luz del día in the full light of dayarrojar luz sobre to shed light ona todas luces whichever way you look at itdar a luz (un niño) to give birth (to a child)dar luz verde to give the green light o the go-aheadsacar a la luz to bring to light2 electricity.cortar la luz to cut off the electricity supplyse ha ido la luz the lights have gone outpagar (el recibo de) la luz to pay the electricity (bill)3 gap.4 luz.5 airway.* * *► nombre femenino (pl luces)1 (gen) light2 familiar (electricidad) electricity3 (iluminación) lighting4 ARQUITECTURA span5 (modelo) torch\a la luz del día in daylighta plena luz del día in broad daylighta todas luces obviously, clearlydar a luz to give birthdar luz verde a to give the green light tosacar a la luz to bring to lightsalir a la luz to come outluces de cruce dipped headlightsluces de posición sidelightsluces cortas dipped headlightsluces de carretera full beamluz del día daylightluz del sol sunlightluces largas full beam* * *noun f.1) light2) electricity3) span•* * *SF1) (=claridad) lightuna casa con mucha luz — a very bright house, a house that gets a lot of light
a media luz, la habitación estaba a media luz — the room was in half-darkness•
a primera luz — at first lightaparta de ahí, que me quitas o tapas la luz — get out of the way, you're in my light
estar entre dos luces — * (=borracho) to be mellow, be tipsy
- ver la luz al final del túnelluz del día, se despierta con la luz del día — she wakes up when it gets light o liter at first light
con la luz del día lo veremos de otra manera — we'll see things differently in the cold light of day
luz de (la) luna, a la luz de la luna — by the light of the moon, by moonlight
luz de las velas, a la luz de las velas — by candlelight
brillarluz y sonido, un espectáculo de luz y sonido — a son et lumière show
2) (=lámpara, foco) light•
apagar la luz — to switch o turn o put the light offluces altas — Chile full-beam headlights (Brit), high beams (EEUU)
luces cortas — dipped headlights, low beams (EEUU)
poner las luces cortas o Chile bajas — to dip one's headlights, dim one's headlights (EEUU)
luces de aterrizaje — (Aer) landing lights
luces de balización — (Aer) runway lights
luces de carretera — full-beam headlights (Brit), high beams (EEUU)
poner las luces de carretera — to put one's headlights on full beam o (EEUU) high beam
poner las luces de cruce — to dip one's headlights, dim one's headlights (EEUU)
luces de frenado, luces de freno — brake lights
luces largas — = luces de carretera
luces traseras — rear lights, tail lamps
luz de Bengala — (Mil) flare, star-shell; LAm (=fuego de artificio) sparkler
luz de cortesía — courtesy light; CAm sidelight
luz de situación — sidelight, parking light
luz piloto — sidelight, parking light
luz relámpago — (Fot) flashlight
dar luz verde a un proyecto — to give a project the go-ahead o the green light
recibir luz verde — to get the go-ahead o the green light
traje IIluz vuelta — Méx direction indicator
3) (=suministro de electricidad) electricity¿cuánto has pagado de luz este mes? — how much was your electricity bill this month?
4) (tb: luz pública)ver la luz — [libro, disco] to appear, come out
5) (Med)6) Cono Sur (=ventaja)7) (=aclaración) lightarrojar luz sobre algo — to cast o shed o throw light on sth
8) (Arquit) [de puerta, hueco] span; [de edificio] window, opening; [de puente] spancorto de luces, de pocas luces — dim, stupid
10) ( Hist, Literat)12) And ** dough **, money* * *1)a) ( claridad) lightluces y sombras — (Art) light and shade
entre dos luces — (liter) ( al amanecer) at daybreak (liter); ( al anochecer) at twilight (liter)
sacar algo a la luz — <secreto/escándalo> to bring something to light; < publicación> to bring out
salir a la luz — secreto/escándalo to come to light; publicación to come out
tener pocas luces — (fam) to be dim-witted
ver la luz — (liter) persona to come into the world (liter); publicación to be published ( for the first time)
a todas luces: esto es, a todas luces, una injusticia — whichever way you look at it, this is an injustice
2) (fam) ( electricidad) electricityse fue la luz — ( en una casa) the electricity went off; ( en una zona) there was a power cut
3) ( dispositivo) lightencender or (AmL) prender la luz — to turn on o switch on the light
apagar la luz — to turn off o switch off the light
comerse una or la luz — (Ven fam) to go through a red light
dar luz verde a algo — to give something the green light
4) (Arquit, Ing) span* * *= illumination, light, power, light fitting, light fixture, lighting fixture.Ex. Also if the illumination is uneven, comfort conditions can be impaired.Ex. Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.Ex. This article covers requirements of space, power, environment, security and alarm systems, and data and telecommunications.Ex. During the war, all of the light fittings on the bridge were screened as a blackout measure.Ex. By replacing the five most frequently used light fixtures in your home with energy-saving models, you can save more than $65 each year.Ex. Deuxville's main downtown library was beautifully decorated in rare woods and marbles, bronze lighting fixtures and stained glass.----* a años luz de = light years away from.* a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.* a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.* a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.* a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.* a la luz del día = in the light of day.* a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.* a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.* año luz = light year.* apagar la luz = turn + the light off.* apagón de luz = electrical power blackout.* a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.* araña de luces = chandelier.* arrojar luz = shed + light (on/upon), shed + understanding.* arrojar luz sobre = throw + light on, cast + light on.* a todas luces = patently.* bombilla de la luz = light bulb.* con poca luz = badly-lit.* contador de la luz = electric meter, electricity meter.* corte de luz = power outage, power failure, outage, disruption in the flow of electricity, power cut.* corto de luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].* dar a luz = birth, deliver.* dar a luz a = give + birth to.* dar luz verde = give + green light, give + the go-ahead.* de pocas luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].* desvanecerse la luz = light + fail.* emisor de luz = light-emitting.* emitir luz = emit + light.* encender la luz = turn + the light on.* enchufe de la luz = light socket.* epilepsia causada por la luz = photosensitive epilepsy.* epilético sensible a la luz = photosensitive epileptic.* exponer a la luz = expose to + light.* exponer a la luz del día = expose to + daylight.* exponer a la luz del sol = expose to + sunlight.* fuente de luz = light source.* hacer que se encienda una luz = activate + light.* haz de luz = beam.* inducido por la luz = light-induced.* LED [diodo emisor de luz] = LED [light-emitting diode].* llenar de luz = flood with + light, brighten up.* luces de emergencia = blackout facilities, hazard lights.* luz + apagarse = light + go out.* luz artificial = artificial light.* luz cálida = warm white light.* luz cegadora = blinding light.* luz de aviso = warning light.* luz débil = glimmer.* luz de emergencia = emergency warning light.* luz de frenado = brake light, stoplamp, stoplight.* luz de freno = brake light, stoplamp, stoplight.* luz de la luna = moonlight.* luz delantera = headlight, headlamp.* luz de las estrellas = starlight.* luz del día = daylight.* luz del sol = sunlight, sunshine.* luz de mesa = table light.* luz de mesita de noche = bedside lamp.* luz descendente = downlight.* luz deslumbradora = glare.* luz embutida = recessed light, recessed downlight, downlight.* luz empotrada = recessed light, recessed downlight, downlight.* luz guía = beacon light.* luz natural = daylight, natural daylight, natural light.* luz piloto = pilot light.* luz posterior = tail light.* luz roja = red light.* luz tenue = glimmer.* luz trasera = tail light.* luz ultravioleta = UV light.* luz verde = green light, go-ahead.* luz y guía = lodestar.* media luz = half-light.* noche de luz de luna = moonlight night.* no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.* no tener pocas luces = as daft as a brush.* plantear a la luz de = discuss + in the light of.* poste de la luz = lamppost, light pole.* punto de luz = power point, electrical outlet, socket outlet, outlet.* rayo de luz = light beam, light ray, ray of light.* reflejar la luz = trap + light.* sacar a la luz = bring to + light, dredge up.* salir a la luz = come to + light, go + live.* sensible a la luz = light-sensitive.* Siglo de las Luces, el = Enlightenment, the, Age of Enlightenment, the.* sin luz de luna = moonless.* tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, knucklehead.* toma de luz = outlet, power point, socket, socket outlet.* toques de luz = highlights.* un rayo de luz esperanzador = a faint glimmer of light.* velocidad de la luz, la = speed of light, the.* ver la luz = see + the light.* ver la luz al final del túnel = see + the light at the end of the tunnel.* ver la luz del día = see + the light of day.* * *1)a) ( claridad) lightluces y sombras — (Art) light and shade
entre dos luces — (liter) ( al amanecer) at daybreak (liter); ( al anochecer) at twilight (liter)
sacar algo a la luz — <secreto/escándalo> to bring something to light; < publicación> to bring out
salir a la luz — secreto/escándalo to come to light; publicación to come out
tener pocas luces — (fam) to be dim-witted
ver la luz — (liter) persona to come into the world (liter); publicación to be published ( for the first time)
a todas luces: esto es, a todas luces, una injusticia — whichever way you look at it, this is an injustice
2) (fam) ( electricidad) electricityse fue la luz — ( en una casa) the electricity went off; ( en una zona) there was a power cut
3) ( dispositivo) lightencender or (AmL) prender la luz — to turn on o switch on the light
apagar la luz — to turn off o switch off the light
comerse una or la luz — (Ven fam) to go through a red light
dar luz verde a algo — to give something the green light
4) (Arquit, Ing) span* * *= illumination, light, power, light fitting, light fixture, lighting fixture.Ex: Also if the illumination is uneven, comfort conditions can be impaired.
Ex: Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.Ex: This article covers requirements of space, power, environment, security and alarm systems, and data and telecommunications.Ex: During the war, all of the light fittings on the bridge were screened as a blackout measure.Ex: By replacing the five most frequently used light fixtures in your home with energy-saving models, you can save more than $65 each year.Ex: Deuxville's main downtown library was beautifully decorated in rare woods and marbles, bronze lighting fixtures and stained glass.* a años luz de = light years away from.* a la luz de = in light of, in the light of.* a la luz de la luna = by moonlight, in the moonlight, moonlit.* a la luz de las estrellas = by starlight.* a la luz de las velas = by candlelight, candlelight, candlelit.* a la luz del día = in the light of day.* a la luz de una lámpara de gas = by gaslight.* a la velocidad de la luz = at the speed of light.* año luz = light year.* apagar la luz = turn + the light off.* apagón de luz = electrical power blackout.* a plena luz del día = in broad daylight.* araña de luces = chandelier.* arrojar luz = shed + light (on/upon), shed + understanding.* arrojar luz sobre = throw + light on, cast + light on.* a todas luces = patently.* bombilla de la luz = light bulb.* con poca luz = badly-lit.* contador de la luz = electric meter, electricity meter.* corte de luz = power outage, power failure, outage, disruption in the flow of electricity, power cut.* corto de luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].* dar a luz = birth, deliver.* dar a luz a = give + birth to.* dar luz verde = give + green light, give + the go-ahead.* de pocas luces = dim [dimmer -comp., dimmest -sup.], dim-witted [dimwitted].* desvanecerse la luz = light + fail.* emisor de luz = light-emitting.* emitir luz = emit + light.* encender la luz = turn + the light on.* enchufe de la luz = light socket.* epilepsia causada por la luz = photosensitive epilepsy.* epilético sensible a la luz = photosensitive epileptic.* exponer a la luz = expose to + light.* exponer a la luz del día = expose to + daylight.* exponer a la luz del sol = expose to + sunlight.* fuente de luz = light source.* hacer que se encienda una luz = activate + light.* haz de luz = beam.* inducido por la luz = light-induced.* LED [diodo emisor de luz] = LED [light-emitting diode].* llenar de luz = flood with + light, brighten up.* luces de emergencia = blackout facilities, hazard lights.* luz + apagarse = light + go out.* luz artificial = artificial light.* luz cálida = warm white light.* luz cegadora = blinding light.* luz de aviso = warning light.* luz débil = glimmer.* luz de emergencia = emergency warning light.* luz de frenado = brake light, stoplamp, stoplight.* luz de freno = brake light, stoplamp, stoplight.* luz de la luna = moonlight.* luz delantera = headlight, headlamp.* luz de las estrellas = starlight.* luz del día = daylight.* luz del sol = sunlight, sunshine.* luz de mesa = table light.* luz de mesita de noche = bedside lamp.* luz descendente = downlight.* luz deslumbradora = glare.* luz embutida = recessed light, recessed downlight, downlight.* luz empotrada = recessed light, recessed downlight, downlight.* luz guía = beacon light.* luz natural = daylight, natural daylight, natural light.* luz piloto = pilot light.* luz posterior = tail light.* luz roja = red light.* luz tenue = glimmer.* luz trasera = tail light.* luz ultravioleta = UV light.* luz verde = green light, go-ahead.* luz y guía = lodestar.* media luz = half-light.* noche de luz de luna = moonlight night.* no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.* no tener pocas luces = as daft as a brush.* plantear a la luz de = discuss + in the light of.* poste de la luz = lamppost, light pole.* punto de luz = power point, electrical outlet, socket outlet, outlet.* rayo de luz = light beam, light ray, ray of light.* reflejar la luz = trap + light.* sacar a la luz = bring to + light, dredge up.* salir a la luz = come to + light, go + live.* sensible a la luz = light-sensitive.* Siglo de las Luces, el = Enlightenment, the, Age of Enlightenment, the.* sin luz de luna = moonless.* tener pocas luces = as thick as a brick, as thick as two (short) planks, knucklehead.* toma de luz = outlet, power point, socket, socket outlet.* toques de luz = highlights.* un rayo de luz esperanzador = a faint glimmer of light.* velocidad de la luz, la = speed of light, the.* ver la luz = see + the light.* ver la luz al final del túnel = see + the light at the end of the tunnel.* ver la luz del día = see + the light of day.* * *A1 (claridad) lightla luz del sol the sunlighta las 10 de la noche todavía hay luz it's still light at 10 o'clock at nightla habitación tiene mucha luz it's a very light room, the room gets a lot of lightme está dando la luz en los ojos the light's in my eyesa plena luz del día in broad daylightesta bombilla da muy poca luz this bulb isn't very bright o doesn't give off much lightno leas con tan poca luz don't read in such poor lightla habitación estaba a media luz the room was in semi-darkness/half-lightesta planta necesita mucha luz this plant needs a lot of lightme estás tapando or quitando la luz you're in my light, you're blocking the lightclaro como la luz del día: fue él, eso está claro como la luz del día it was him, that's patently obvious, it was him, it's as plain as daylightbueno ¿te ha quedado claro? — como la luz del día right, is that clear then? — crystal cleardar a luz to give birthdio a luz (a) un precioso bebé she gave birth to a beautiful baby boyentre dos luces ( liter) (al amanecer) at daybreak ( liter), at first light ( liter), at dawn; (al anochecer) at twilight ( liter), at dusksacar algo a la luz ‹secreto/escándalo› to bring sth to light;‹publicación› to bring outsalir a la luz «secreto/escándalo» to come to light;«publicación» to come outel diario salió a la luz en 1951 the newspaper first came out o was first published in 1951el segundo número nunca salió a la luz the second issue never saw the light of day o was never publishedtiene pocas luces he's a bit dim-witted o dim, he's not very brightser una luz ( Arg); to be as bright as a button«publicación» to be published ( for the first time)2(que permite la comprensión): a la luz de los últimos acontecimientos in the light of recent eventsarrojar or echar luz sobre algo to throw o cast o shed light on stha todas luces: esto es, a todas luces, una injusticia whichever way o however o no matter how you look at it, this is an injusticehacérsele la luz a algn: entonces se me hizo la luz then it became clear to meCompuestos:artificial lightwhite lightoverhead lightnatural lightblack lightB ( fam) (electricidad) electricityles cortaron la luz their electricity was cut offel recibo de la luz the electricity billse fue la luz (en la casa) the power went off, the electricity went (off); (en toda la calle, zona) there was a power cutC (dispositivo) lightse ha fundido la luz del cuarto de baño the bathroom light's fused o goneencender or ( AmL) prender la luz to turn on o switch on the lightda la luzor dale a la luz ( Esp); turn on o switch on the lightapagar la luz to turn off o switch off the light¿qué haces todavía con la luz encendida or ( AmL) prendida? what are you doing with the light still on?las luces de la ciudad the city lightsdejó la luz de la mesita encendida he left the table lamp oncruzó con la luz roja she crossed when the lights were redbrillar con luces propias: un discípulo suyo que ya brilla con luces propias a student of his who has now become a great scholar ( o performer etc) in his own right, a student of his who has now become famous in his own rightdar luz verde a algo to give sth the green light o the go-aheadCompuestos:fpl dipped headlights (pl)fpl warning lights (pl)fpl landing lights (pl)fpl parking lights (pl)fpl colored* lights (pl)fpl dipped headlights (pl)fpl clearance lights (pl)fpl navigation lights (pl)fpl runway lightsfpl:pon las luces largas put the headlights on main o full beamA ( Art) light and shadeB (aspectos buenos y malos) the good and the badluces y sombras en el balance del gobierno the good and bad aspects of the government’s performancecourtesy lightcourtesy lightstoplight, brake light ( BrE)( Arg) indicatormercury vapor* lampneon lightsodium vapor* lamppilot lightson et lumièreD ( Taur):siempre había soñado con vestirse de luces he had always dreamed of becoming a bullfightertraje de luces (↑ traje (1))* * *
luz sustantivo femenino
1 ( en general) light;
me da la luz en los ojos the light's in my eyes;
a plena luz del día in broad daylight;
este reflector da mucha luz this spotlight is very bright;
leer con poca luz to read in poor light;
a la luz de los últimos acontecimientos in the light of recent events;
a todas luces: whichever way you look at it;
dar a luz to give birth;
sacar algo a la luz ‹secreto/escándalo› to bring sth to light;
‹ publicación› to bring out;◊ salir a la luz [secreto/escándalo] to come to light;
[ publicación] to come out
se fue la luz ( en una casa) the electricity went off;
( en una zona) there was a power cut
encender or (AmL) prender or (Esp) dar la luz to turn on o switch on the light;◊ apagar la luz to turn off o switch off the light;
cruzar con la luz roja to cross when the lights are red;
luces de estacionamiento or (Esp) de situación parking lights (pl) (AmE), sidelights (pl) (BrE);
luces de cruce or cortas or (AmL) bajas dipped headlights (pl);
poner las luces largas or altas to put the headlights on high (AmE) o (BrE) full beam;
luz de frenado stoplight, brake light (BrE);
luz de giro (Arg) indicator
luz sustantivo femenino
1 light
luz natural, sunlight
2 (foco) light: apaga las luces, por favor, put out the lights, please
3 (electricidad) me cortaron la luz, my electricity has been cut off
4 Auto light
luz larga, headlights pl; luces de cruce, dipped headlights
luces de posición, sidelights 5 luces, (entendimiento) intelligence sing; tener pocas luces, to be dim-witted 6 traje de luces, bullfighter's costume
♦ Locuciones: figurado dar a luz, (parir) to give birth to
figurado dar luz verde a, to give the green light to
a la luz de, in the light of
a todas luces, obviously
' luz' also found in these entries:
- ancha
- ancho
- año
- apagar
- apagada
- apagado
- aviso
- brillar
- brillo
- buena
- bueno
- cañón
- cegador
- cegadora
- cobrador
- cobradora
- contador
- corta
- cortar
- corto
- dar
- débil
- desconectar
- deslumbrar
- día
- divisar
- domiciliar
- encenderse
- enchufar
- enfocar
- escasa
- escaso
- gasto
- haz
- interruptor
- irradiar
- linterna
- oscilar
- oscuras
- oscuridad
- piloto
- precisa
- preciso
- proyectar
- proyector
- ráfaga
- rayo
- reflector
- reflectora
- birth
- blaze
- blind
- blink
- board
- bright
- brilliance
- brownout
- burn
- candlelight
- cast
- catch
- chink
- come through
- cut out
- dark
- day
- daylight
- deflect
- die
- diffuse
- dim
- disconnect
- dull
- electricity bill
- emit
- exposure
- fade
- flash
- flicker
- fluorescent light
- fuel
- give off
- glare
- glaring
- glimmer
- glow
- glowing
- go off
- go on
- go out
- go-ahead
- infrared
- lay on
- leave on
- light
- light year
- moonlight
- nod
* * *luz nf1. [foco, energía, luminosidad] light;[destello] flash (of light);se veía una luz a lo lejos a light could be seen in the distance;estas farolas dan poca luz these streetlights don't shine very brightly o aren't very bright;esta habitación tiene mucha luz you get a lot of sunlight in this room;ya no hay luz a esas horas it's no longer light at that time of day, the light has gone by that time of day;apagar la luz to switch off the light;la habitación estaba a media luz [con luz natural] it was almost dark in the room;[con luz artificial] the room was dimly lit;ponlo a la luz, que lo veamos mejor hold it up to the light so we can see it better;con las primeras luces [al amanecer] at first light;quitarle la luz a alguien [ponerse en medio] to block sb's light;leer a la luz de una vela to read by the light of a candle;una cena a la luz de las velas a candlelit dinner;Figa la luz de [los hechos, los acontecimientos] in the light of;a plena luz del día in the full light of day;arrojar luz sobre to shed light on;a todas luces whichever way you look at it;dar a luz (un niño) to give birth (to a child);con luz y taquígrafos with absolute transparency;dar luz verde (a) to give the green light o the go-ahead (to);Literario [entre la noche y el día] at first light; Fam Fig [achispado] tipsy;sacar algo a la luz [revelar] to bring sth to light;[publicar] to bring sth out, to publish sth;salir a la luz [descubrirse] to come to light;[publicarse] to come out; RP Famser una luz to be a bright spark;ver la luz [publicación, informe] to see the light of day;[tras penalidades] to see the light at the end of the tunnel luz blanca white light;luz cenital light from above;luz del día daylight;luz de discoteca strobe light;luz eléctrica electric light;luz de luna moonlight;RP luz mala will-o'-the-wisp;luz natural [del sol] natural light;luz de neón neon light;luz del sol sunlight;luz solar sunlight2. [electricidad] electricity;cortar la luz a alguien to cut off sb's electricity supply;se ha ido la luz the lights have gone out;pagar (el recibo de) la luz to pay the electricity (bill)3.luces [de automóvil] lights;darle las luces a alguien to flash (one's lights) at sb;dejarse las luces del coche puestas to leave one's lights onAm luces altas: Am luces bajas Br dipped headlights, US low beams;luces de carretera: [m5] poner las luces de carretera to put one's headlights on Br full o US high beam;luces de frenado brake lights;luces de freno brake lights;luces de gálibo clearance lights;Arg luz de giro Br indicator, US turn signal;luz de marcha atrás reversing light;luces de navegación navigation lights;luces de niebla fog lamps o lights;luces de posición sidelights;luces de señalización traffic lights;luces de situación sidelights;luces de tráfico traffic lights;4.[ancho de ventana] spanluces [inteligencia] intelligence;* * *f light;a la luz del día in daylight;dar la luz turn on the light;arrojar luz sobre algo fig shed light on s.th.;dar a luz give birth to;sacar a la luz fig bring to light;salir a la luz fig come to light;a todas luces evidently, clearly;de pocas luces fig fam dim fam, not very bright* * *1) : light2) : lighting4) : window, opening5) : light, lamp6) : span, spread (between supports)7)a la luz de : in light of8)dar a luz : to give birth9)traje de luces : matador's costume* * *luz n1. (en general) light2. (electricidad) electricity -
18 cabeza
f.1 head.me duele la cabeza I've got a headachelavarse la cabeza to wash one's hairpor cabeza per headtirarse de cabeza (al agua) to dive (into the water)cabeza de ajo head of garliccabeza (lectora) (gen)&(computing) headcabeza nuclear nuclear warhead2 unit.3 lead, leading position.* * *1 (gen) head3 (de región) main town1 (jefe) head, leader\a la cabeza de at the front of, at the top ofandar de cabeza / ir de cabeza to be rushed off one's feetandar de cabeza por alguien to be crazy about somebodycabeza abajo upside downcabeza arriba the right way up, uprightcalentarse la cabeza por algo to get worked up about somethingdarse de cabeza contra algo to bang one's head against somethingde pies a cabeza from head to toe, from top to toeestar mal de la cabeza figurado not to be right in the headírsele a uno la cabeza figurado to feel dizzymeterse algo en la cabeza familiar to get something into one's headno tener ni pies ni cabeza figurado to be absurd, make no sensepasarle a alguien por la cabeza figurado to occur to somebodyperder la cabeza figurado to lose one's headquitarle a alguien algo de la cabeza figurado to talk somebody out of somethingquitarse algo de la cabeza to get something out of one's head, forget somethingser un cabeza dura to be stubbornsubirse algo a la cabeza figurado to go to one's headtengo la cabeza como un bombo familiar my head is splittingtirarse de cabeza to dive head first (a/en, into)traer a alguien de cabeza / llevar a alguien de cabeza to drive somebody crazy, drive somebody madvolver la cabeza to look roundcabeza cuadrada familiar bigotcabeza de ajo bulb of garliccabeza de chorlito familiar scatterbraincabeza de espárrago asparagus tipcabeza de lista main candidatecabeza de partido administrative capitalcabeza de puente bridgeheadcabeza de turco scapegoatcabeza hueca scatterbraincabeza loca familiar scatterbraincabeza rapada skinhead* * *noun f.- cabeza de serie
- cabeza de turco
- cabeza dura* * *1. SF1) [de persona] headme duele la cabeza — I've got a headache, my head aches
afirmar con la cabeza — to nod (one's head)•
agarrarse la cabeza — to hold one's head in one's hands•
asentir con la cabeza — to nod (one's head)•
caer de cabeza — to fall headfirst o headlongmarcar de cabeza — (Dep) to score with a header
lavarse la cabeza — to wash one's hair•
negar con la cabeza — to shake one's head•
por cabeza, cinco dólares por cabeza — five dollars a head, five dollars per person•
se me va la cabeza — I feel giddy•
volver la cabeza — to look round, turn one's headal oírlos volví la cabeza — when I heard them I looked round o turned my head
me da vueltas la cabeza — my head's spinning2)- andar o ir de cabezacortar cabezas —
írsele a algn de la cabeza —
el Sporting sigue sin levantar cabeza — Sporting still haven't managed to end their poor run of form, Sporting haven't managed to turn the corner
hay sectores como la construcción que empiezan a levantar cabeza — some sectors, such as construction, are starting to pick up
estar mal de la cabeza *, no estar bien de la cabeza * —
meter algo en la cabeza a algn —
por fin le metimos en la cabeza que... — we finally got it into his head that...
metérsele a algn en la cabeza —
se le ha metido en la cabeza hacerlo solo — he's taken o got it into his head to do it alone
pasársele a algn por la cabeza —
subirse a la cabeza —
3) (=frente)•
a la cabeza de, a la cabeza de la manifestación — at the head o front of the demonstration•
ir en cabeza — to be in the leadir en cabeza de la lista — to be at the top of the list, head the list
4) (=distancia) head5) [de montaña] top, summit6) (=objeto)cabeza buscadora — homing head, homing device
cabeza de biela — (Mec) big end
cabeza de dragón — (Bot) snapdragon
cabeza de escritura — (Tip) golf ball
cabeza de impresión — (Inform) head, printhead
cabeza de plátanos — LAm bunch of bananas
cabeza impresora — (Inform) head, printhead
2. SMF1) (=líder) head, leaderes cabeza de las fuerzas armadas — he's head o the leader of the armed forces
2)cabeza cuadrada — * bigot
cabeza de chorlito — * scatterbrain
cabeza de serie — (Dep) seed
cabeza de serrín — * airhead *
cabeza pelada — ( Hist) Roundhead
cabeza visible — head, leader
* * *1)a) (Anat) headun día vas a perder la cabeza — (fam & hum) you'd lose your head if it wasn't screwed on (colloq & hum)
de la cabeza a los pies — from head to toe o foot
pararse en la or de cabeza — (AmL) to do a headstand
b) ( medida) headle lleva or saca una cabeza a su hermana — he's a head taller than his sister
c) ( pelo) haird) ( inteligencia)tiene cabeza — he's bright, he has a good head on his shoulders
qué poca cabeza! — have you/has he no sense?
e) ( mente)tú estás mal de la cabeza — you're out of your mind
se le ha metido en la cabeza que... — she's got it into her head that...
andar or ir de cabeza — (fam)
ando de cabeza con tanto trabajo — I'm up to my eyeballs o eyes in work
anda de cabeza por ella — he's crazy about her
calentarle a algn la cabeza con algo — (fam) to fill sb's head with sth
calentarse la cabeza — (fam) to get worked up (colloq)
cortar cabezas: en cuanto asumió el cargo entró a cortar cabezas as soon as she took up her post, heads started to roll; darse (con) la cabeza contra la pared ver cabezazo; ir con la cabeza ( bien) alta to hold one's head high; írsele a algn la cabeza: se me va la cabeza I feel dizzy; jugarse la cabeza (RPl fam): va a llegar tarde, me juego la cabeza you can bet your bottom dollar she'll be late (colloq); levantar cabeza (fam) ( superar problemas) to get back on one's feet; levantar la cabeza: ha estado estudiando sin levantar la cabeza she's had her head buried in her work; si tu padre levantara la cabeza! if your father was alive today...!; meterse de cabeza en algo (fam) to throw oneself into sth; no caberle a algn en la cabeza (fam): no me cabe en la cabeza que te guste I just can't understand how you can like it; en qué cabeza cabe! how could anyone be so stupid!; perder la cabeza: no perdamos la cabeza let's not panic o lose our heads; perdió la cabeza por esa mujer he lost his head over that woman; quebrarse la cabeza (Andes fam) to rack one's brains; quitarle a algn algo de la cabeza to get sth out of sb's head; quitarse algo de la cabeza < idea> to get sth out of one's head; romperse la cabeza (fam) ( preocuparse) to rack one's brains; ( lastimarse) to break one's neck (colloq); sentar (la) cabeza (fam) to settle down; subírsele a algn a la cabeza vino/éxito to go to one's head; tener la cabeza sobre los hombros (fam) to have one's head screwed on tight (AmE colloq) o (BrE colloq) screwed on; tener la cabeza llena de pájaros (fam) to have one's head in the clouds; tengo/tiene la cabeza como un bombo (fam) (me/le duele) my/his/her head feels ready to burst (colloq); (estoy/está confundido) my/his/her head's spinning; traer or llevar a algn de cabeza (fam) to drive sb crazy (colloq); nadie escarmienta en cabeza ajena — people only learn from their own mistakes
2)a) ( individuo)por cabeza — each, a head
b) ( de ganado) head3) (primer lugar, delantera)a la or en cabeza: estamos a la cabeza del sector we are the leading company in this sector; se colocaron a la cabeza de los otros partidos they took the lead over the other parties; iban a la cabeza de la manifestación they were at the front o head of the demonstration; el equipo va en cabeza de la clasificación — the team is at the top of the division
4)a) (de alfiler, clavo, fósforo) headb) ( de misil) warhead5) (Audio, Video) head6) ( de plátanos) hand, bunch•* * *= head, knocker.Ex. From the way his left shoulder is tipped forward, from the set of his head and the length of his stride, one gets the feeling that he is a fully clothed sprinter just leaving the starting blocks.Ex. He got hit with a cricket ball, smack right on top of his knocker.----* abrirse la cabeza = smash + Posesivo + head, smash + Posesivo + head open.* águila de cabeza blanca = bald eagle.* a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.* apostarse la cabeza = bet + Posesivo + life.* asentimiento con la cabeza = head-nod [head nod], nodding assent, nod.* asentir con la cabeza = nod, nod + assent, concur with + an assenting nod, agree with + a nod.* asomar la cabeza = poke + Posesivo + head, pop + Posesivo + head.* caber en la cabeza = get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around.* cabeza de ajo = head of garlic, bulb of garlic.* cabeza de chorlito = scatterbrain, ditzy [ditzier -comp., ditziest -sup.], ditz, dits, ditsy [ditsier -comp., ditsiest -sup.], airhead, airheaded, empty-headed, bonehead, birdbrain, nong, ning-nong.* cabeza de familia = head of the household, householder, head of the family.* cabeza de impresión = print head.* cabeza de la manada = leader of the pack.* cabeza de lanza = spearhead.* cabeza de lectura = scanning head.* cabeza de línea = railhead.* cabeza de muñeco que se balancea ligeramente = bobble head.* cabeza de playa = beachhead.* cabeza de puente = bridgehead.* cabeza de puente aéreo = airhead.* cabeza de semillas = seed head.* cabeza de serrín = ditz, dits, airhead, airheaded.* cabeza de turco = patsy, scapegoat, whipping boy.* cabeza dura = pigheaded.* cabeza fría = cool head.* cabeza hueca = empty-headed, ditzy [ditzier -comp., ditziest -sup.], ditz, dits, ditsy [ditsier -comp., ditsiest -sup.], airhead, airheaded, bonehead, nong, ning-nong.* cabeza lectora = read head, reading head.* cabeza lectora de disco = disc reading head.* cabeza llena de pájaros = head in the clouds.* cabeza nuclear = warhead.* cabeza + rodar = head + roll.* caer de cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* cigüeña de cabeza pelada = wood stork.* con la cabeza en las nubes = ditzy [ditzier -comp., ditziest -sup.], ditsy [ditsier -comp., ditsiest -sup.].* cortar la cabeza = behead.* dar quebraderos de cabeza = give + headaches.* declarar la guerra a muerte a = declare + open season on.* de la cabeza a los pies = from head to foot, from head to toe.* de pies a cabeza = from head to toe, from head to foot.* desde la cabeza hasta los pies = from head to toe.* desde la cabeza hasta los pies = head to toe, from head to foot.* destornillador de cabeza plana = flathead screwdriver.* dolor de cabeza = headache.* dolor de cabeza espantoso = splitting headache.* echar una cana al aire antes de sentar la cabeza = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* en + Posesivo + cabeza = on + Posesivo + mind.* entrar en la cabeza = get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get it into + Posesivo + head.* esconder la cabeza como el avestruz = bury + Posesivo + head in the sand (like an ostrich), stick + Posesivo + head in the sand.* herida en la cabeza = head injury.* irse la cabeza = go + bananas.* írsele la cabeza = go off + Posesivo + head.* jugarse la cabeza = bet + Posesivo + life.* lanzarse de cabeza = jump in with + both feet.* lavarse la cabeza = wash + Posesive + hair, shampoo + Posesivo + hair.* lesión en la cabeza = head injury.* levantar la cabeza = cock + Posesivo + head.* liarse la manta a la cabeza = jump in + head first, jump in at + the deep end, throw + caution to the wind.* mantener la cabeza = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together.* mantener la cabeza alta = hold + Posesivo + head high.* mantener la cabeza fría = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* mantenerse a la cabeza = stay + ahead of the pack.* meter en la cabeza = get it into + Posesivo + head.* mover la cabeza = shake + head.* mover la cabeza de arriba abajo = bob.* mover la cabeza de forma brusca hacia delante y hacia atrás = jerk + head.* no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.* no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.* no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.* no tener ni pies ni cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of, be pointless.* pasar por encima de la cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* pedir la cabeza de Alguien = bay for + Posesivo + blood.* pensamiento que ronda la cabeza de uno = thought + run through + Posesivo + head.* perder la cabeza = lose + Posesivo + mind, lose + Posesivo + head, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, fly off + the handle, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go out of + Posesivo + mind, go + soft in the head.* piojo de la cabeza = head louse.* poner a + Nombre + a la cabeza de = put + Nombre + ahead in.* poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = put + a price on + Posesivo + head.* por cabeza = per person.* quebradero de cabeza = headache.* rascarse la cabeza = scratch + Posesivo + head.* reventarse la cabeza = smash + Posesivo + head.* romperse la cabeza = puzzle + Reflexivo, scratch + Posesivo + head, rack + Posesivo + brains.* sentar la cabeza = settle down.* señal con la cabeza = nod.* sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.* sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.* subírsele a la cabeza, creérselo = go to + Posesivo + head.* subírsele los humos a la cabeza = get + too big for + Posesivo + boots, get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* tirarse de cabeza = jump in + head first, dive in, dive + head-first.* * *1)a) (Anat) headun día vas a perder la cabeza — (fam & hum) you'd lose your head if it wasn't screwed on (colloq & hum)
de la cabeza a los pies — from head to toe o foot
pararse en la or de cabeza — (AmL) to do a headstand
b) ( medida) headle lleva or saca una cabeza a su hermana — he's a head taller than his sister
c) ( pelo) haird) ( inteligencia)tiene cabeza — he's bright, he has a good head on his shoulders
qué poca cabeza! — have you/has he no sense?
e) ( mente)tú estás mal de la cabeza — you're out of your mind
se le ha metido en la cabeza que... — she's got it into her head that...
andar or ir de cabeza — (fam)
ando de cabeza con tanto trabajo — I'm up to my eyeballs o eyes in work
anda de cabeza por ella — he's crazy about her
calentarle a algn la cabeza con algo — (fam) to fill sb's head with sth
calentarse la cabeza — (fam) to get worked up (colloq)
cortar cabezas: en cuanto asumió el cargo entró a cortar cabezas as soon as she took up her post, heads started to roll; darse (con) la cabeza contra la pared ver cabezazo; ir con la cabeza ( bien) alta to hold one's head high; írsele a algn la cabeza: se me va la cabeza I feel dizzy; jugarse la cabeza (RPl fam): va a llegar tarde, me juego la cabeza you can bet your bottom dollar she'll be late (colloq); levantar cabeza (fam) ( superar problemas) to get back on one's feet; levantar la cabeza: ha estado estudiando sin levantar la cabeza she's had her head buried in her work; si tu padre levantara la cabeza! if your father was alive today...!; meterse de cabeza en algo (fam) to throw oneself into sth; no caberle a algn en la cabeza (fam): no me cabe en la cabeza que te guste I just can't understand how you can like it; en qué cabeza cabe! how could anyone be so stupid!; perder la cabeza: no perdamos la cabeza let's not panic o lose our heads; perdió la cabeza por esa mujer he lost his head over that woman; quebrarse la cabeza (Andes fam) to rack one's brains; quitarle a algn algo de la cabeza to get sth out of sb's head; quitarse algo de la cabeza < idea> to get sth out of one's head; romperse la cabeza (fam) ( preocuparse) to rack one's brains; ( lastimarse) to break one's neck (colloq); sentar (la) cabeza (fam) to settle down; subírsele a algn a la cabeza vino/éxito to go to one's head; tener la cabeza sobre los hombros (fam) to have one's head screwed on tight (AmE colloq) o (BrE colloq) screwed on; tener la cabeza llena de pájaros (fam) to have one's head in the clouds; tengo/tiene la cabeza como un bombo (fam) (me/le duele) my/his/her head feels ready to burst (colloq); (estoy/está confundido) my/his/her head's spinning; traer or llevar a algn de cabeza (fam) to drive sb crazy (colloq); nadie escarmienta en cabeza ajena — people only learn from their own mistakes
2)a) ( individuo)por cabeza — each, a head
b) ( de ganado) head3) (primer lugar, delantera)a la or en cabeza: estamos a la cabeza del sector we are the leading company in this sector; se colocaron a la cabeza de los otros partidos they took the lead over the other parties; iban a la cabeza de la manifestación they were at the front o head of the demonstration; el equipo va en cabeza de la clasificación — the team is at the top of the division
4)a) (de alfiler, clavo, fósforo) headb) ( de misil) warhead5) (Audio, Video) head6) ( de plátanos) hand, bunch•* * *= head, knocker.Ex: From the way his left shoulder is tipped forward, from the set of his head and the length of his stride, one gets the feeling that he is a fully clothed sprinter just leaving the starting blocks.
Ex: He got hit with a cricket ball, smack right on top of his knocker.* abrirse la cabeza = smash + Posesivo + head, smash + Posesivo + head open.* águila de cabeza blanca = bald eagle.* a la cabeza de = in the forefront of/in.* apostarse la cabeza = bet + Posesivo + life.* asentimiento con la cabeza = head-nod [head nod], nodding assent, nod.* asentir con la cabeza = nod, nod + assent, concur with + an assenting nod, agree with + a nod.* asomar la cabeza = poke + Posesivo + head, pop + Posesivo + head.* caber en la cabeza = get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around.* cabeza de ajo = head of garlic, bulb of garlic.* cabeza de chorlito = scatterbrain, ditzy [ditzier -comp., ditziest -sup.], ditz, dits, ditsy [ditsier -comp., ditsiest -sup.], airhead, airheaded, empty-headed, bonehead, birdbrain, nong, ning-nong.* cabeza de familia = head of the household, householder, head of the family.* cabeza de impresión = print head.* cabeza de la manada = leader of the pack.* cabeza de lanza = spearhead.* cabeza de lectura = scanning head.* cabeza de línea = railhead.* cabeza de muñeco que se balancea ligeramente = bobble head.* cabeza de playa = beachhead.* cabeza de puente = bridgehead.* cabeza de puente aéreo = airhead.* cabeza de semillas = seed head.* cabeza de serrín = ditz, dits, airhead, airheaded.* cabeza de turco = patsy, scapegoat, whipping boy.* cabeza dura = pigheaded.* cabeza fría = cool head.* cabeza hueca = empty-headed, ditzy [ditzier -comp., ditziest -sup.], ditz, dits, ditsy [ditsier -comp., ditsiest -sup.], airhead, airheaded, bonehead, nong, ning-nong.* cabeza lectora = read head, reading head.* cabeza lectora de disco = disc reading head.* cabeza llena de pájaros = head in the clouds.* cabeza nuclear = warhead.* cabeza + rodar = head + roll.* caer de cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* cigüeña de cabeza pelada = wood stork.* con la cabeza en las nubes = ditzy [ditzier -comp., ditziest -sup.], ditsy [ditsier -comp., ditsiest -sup.].* cortar la cabeza = behead.* dar quebraderos de cabeza = give + headaches.* declarar la guerra a muerte a = declare + open season on.* de la cabeza a los pies = from head to foot, from head to toe.* de pies a cabeza = from head to toe, from head to foot.* desde la cabeza hasta los pies = from head to toe.* desde la cabeza hasta los pies = head to toe, from head to foot.* destornillador de cabeza plana = flathead screwdriver.* dolor de cabeza = headache.* dolor de cabeza espantoso = splitting headache.* echar una cana al aire antes de sentar la cabeza = sow + Posesivo + wild oats.* en + Posesivo + cabeza = on + Posesivo + mind.* entrar en la cabeza = get + Posesivo + head around, wrap + Posesivo + head around, get it into + Posesivo + head.* esconder la cabeza como el avestruz = bury + Posesivo + head in the sand (like an ostrich), stick + Posesivo + head in the sand.* herida en la cabeza = head injury.* irse la cabeza = go + bananas.* írsele la cabeza = go off + Posesivo + head.* jugarse la cabeza = bet + Posesivo + life.* lanzarse de cabeza = jump in with + both feet.* lavarse la cabeza = wash + Posesive + hair, shampoo + Posesivo + hair.* lesión en la cabeza = head injury.* levantar la cabeza = cock + Posesivo + head.* liarse la manta a la cabeza = jump in + head first, jump in at + the deep end, throw + caution to the wind.* mantener la cabeza = keep + Posesivo + head, keep + Posesivo + head together.* mantener la cabeza alta = hold + Posesivo + head high.* mantener la cabeza fría = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* mantenerse a la cabeza = stay + ahead of the pack.* meter en la cabeza = get it into + Posesivo + head.* mover la cabeza = shake + head.* mover la cabeza de arriba abajo = bob.* mover la cabeza de forma brusca hacia delante y hacia atrás = jerk + head.* no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.* no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.* no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.* no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.* no tener ni pies ni cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of, be pointless.* pasar por encima de la cabeza = go over + Posesivo + head.* pedir la cabeza de Alguien = bay for + Posesivo + blood.* pensamiento que ronda la cabeza de uno = thought + run through + Posesivo + head.* perder la cabeza = lose + Posesivo + mind, lose + Posesivo + head, lose + Posesivo + marbles, go + bonkers, fly off + the handle, go (right) off + Posesivo + rocker, go out of + Posesivo + mind, go + soft in the head.* piojo de la cabeza = head louse.* poner a + Nombre + a la cabeza de = put + Nombre + ahead in.* poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = put + a price on + Posesivo + head.* por cabeza = per person.* quebradero de cabeza = headache.* rascarse la cabeza = scratch + Posesivo + head.* reventarse la cabeza = smash + Posesivo + head.* romperse la cabeza = puzzle + Reflexivo, scratch + Posesivo + head, rack + Posesivo + brains.* sentar la cabeza = settle down.* señal con la cabeza = nod.* sin cabeza = headless, decapitated.* sin pies ni cabeza = without rhyme or reason.* subírsele a la cabeza, creérselo = go to + Posesivo + head.* subírsele los humos a la cabeza = get + too big for + Posesivo + boots, get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.* tirarse de cabeza = jump in + head first, dive in, dive + head-first.* * *A1 ( Anat) [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] headnegó con la cabeza she shook her headasintió con la cabeza he nodded, he nodded his headsacó la cabeza por la ventanilla he stuck o put his head out of the windowvolvió la cabeza para ver si lo seguían he looked around o turned his head to see if he was being followedbajó la cabeza avergonzado he lowered his head in shameme duele la cabeza I've got a headache, my head acheses para darse de or la cabeza contra la pared it's enough to make you cryse tiró al agua de cabeza she dived into the water (head first)marcó de cabeza he scored with a header o with his head, he headed the ball into the netun día vas a perder la cabeza ( fam hum); you'd lose your head if it wasn't screwed on ( colloq hum)me unté de grasa de la cabeza hasta los pies I got covered in grease from head to toe o footpararse en la or de cabeza ( AmL); to stand on one's head, to do a headstand2 (medida) headganó por una cabeza he won by a headle lleva una cabeza a su hermana he's a head taller than his sister, his sister only comes up to his shoulder3 (pelo) hairme tengo que lavar la cabeza I have to wash my hair4(inteligencia): tiene cabeza, pero es muy vago he's bright o ( AmE) smart o he has a good head on his shoulders, but he's very lazyal pobre niño no le da la cabeza the poor kid doesn't have the brains for itusa la cabeza use your headnunca tuve cabeza para las ciencias I never had a head for scienceno lo copié, salió todo de mi cabeza I didn't copy it, it was all out of my own head¡qué poca cabeza! have you/has he no sense?5(mente): ¡que cabeza la mía! se me había olvidado completamente su cumpleaños what a memory! I had totally forgotten her birthdaytenía la cabeza en otra cosa my mind was elsewhere o I was thinking about something elsetú estás mal or no estás bien de la cabeza you're crazy, you're out of your mind, you're out of ( AmE) o ( BrE) off your head ( colloq)con tantos halagos se le llenó la cabeza de humos all that praise went to his headse me ha ido de la cabeza it's gone right out of my head¿quién te ha metido esas ideas en la cabeza? who's put those ideas into your head?se le ha metido en la cabeza que se quiere casar she's got it into her head that she wants to get marriedle dije lo primero que me vino a la cabeza I said the first thing that came into my headjamás se me pasó por la cabeza semejante idea the idea never even crossed my mindya te puedes ir quitando or sacando a esa mujer de la cabeza you'd better start getting that woman out of your head, you'd better start forgetting about that womananda de cabeza por ella he's crazy about hercalentarle a algn la cabeza con algo ( fam); to fill sb's head with sthcomo malo de la cabeza ( fam): se puso a comer como malo de la cabeza he stuffed himself silly ( colloq), he ate like there was no tomorrow ( colloq)cortar cabezas: en cuanto asumió el cargo entró a cortar cabezas as soon as she took up her post, heads started to rollir con la cabeza alta to hold one's head highírsele a algn la cabeza: se me va la cabeza I feel dizzyjugarse la cabeza ( RPl fam): seguro que llega tarde, me juego la cabeza you can bet your life o your bottom dollar she'll be late ( colloq)levantar cabeza ( fam); to get back on one's feetaún tienen muchas deudas pero ya levantarán cabeza they've still got a lot of debts but they'll pull through o pick themselves up o get back on their feetla selección no levanta cabeza the national team can't get out of its rutlevantar la cabeza: ha estado estudiando todo el día sin levantar la cabeza she's had her head buried in her work all day¡si tu padre levantara la cabeza! your father would turn in his grave!, if your father was alive today … !meterse de cabeza en algo ( fam); to throw oneself into sthno caberle a algn en la cabeza ( fam): no me cabe en la cabeza que te guste vivir aquí I just can't understand how you like living here¡en qué cabeza cabe meter un plato de plástico en el horno! who'd be stupid enough to put a plastic plate in the oven?perder la cabeza: tranquilidad, no perdamos la cabeza keep calm, let's not panic o lose our heads¿has perdido la cabeza? have you gone crazy?, are you out of your mind?perdió la cabeza por esa mujer he lost his head over that womanromperse or ( Andes) quebrarse la cabeza ( fam) (preocuparse) to rack one's brains; (lastimarse) to break one's neck ( colloq)sentar (la) cabeza ( fam); to settle downser duro de cabeza ( fam); to be stupidsubírsele a algn a la cabeza: el vino/éxito se le ha subido a la cabeza the wine/her success has gone to her headtener la cabeza como un bombo ( fam): tengo la cabeza como un bombo (me duele) I have o I've got a splitting headache! ( colloq), my head feels ready o ( BrE) fit to burst ( colloq) (estoy confundido) my head's spinning, my head feels ready o ( BrE) fit to burst ( colloq)tener la cabeza como un colador to have a head like a sievetener la cabeza en su sitio or bien puesta or sobre los hombros ( fam); to have one's head screwed on tight ( AmE colloq), to have one's head screwed on ( BrE colloq)tener la cabeza llena de pájaros ( fam); to have one's head in the clouds, be living in a fantasy world, be living in cloud-cuckoo-landtrae a los hombres de cabeza she drives men wild o crazy ( colloq)más vale ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león it's better to be a big fish in a small pond than a small fish in a big pondnadie escarmienta en cabeza ajena people only learn from their own mistakes, you have to make your own mistakesCompuestos:hablaban cabezas de pescado they were talking a load of nonsense ( colloq)masculine and feminine scapegoatAmasculine and feminine skinheadB1(individuo): por cabeza each, a headpagamos $50 por cabeza we paid $50 a head o each2 (de ganado) headtienen más de 600 cabezas (de ganado) they have more than 600 head of cattleC(primer lugar, delantera): se hizo con la cabeza she got to the front, she went into the leada la or en cabeza: estamos a la cabeza de las empresas del sector we are the leading company in this sectorse colocaron a la cabeza de los otros partidos en los sondeos they took the lead over the other parties in the opinion pollsiban a la cabeza de la manifestación they were at the front o head of the demonstration, they were leading o heading the demonstrationel equipo va en cabeza de la clasificación the team is at the top of o leads the divisionCompuestos:masculine and feminine leader, lead climbermasculine and feminine head of the familymasculine head of the Churchfeminine beachheadfeminine bridgeheadderrotó a Guillén, cabeza de serie número cuatro he beat Guillén, seeded number four o the fourth seed o the number four seedD1 (de un alfiler, un clavo, una cerilla) head2 (de un misil) warheadCompuestos:atomic warhead● cabeza de biela or émbolomain bearing, big end ( BrE)warheadnuclear warheadCompuestos:write headrecording headplayback headplayback headF (de plátanos) hand, bunchCompuesto:bulb of garlicG (de un camión) tractor unit* * *
cabeza sustantivo femenino
1a) (Anat) head;◊ de la cabeza a los pies from head to toe o foot;
me duele la cabeza I've got a headache;
marcó de cabeza he scored with a header;
pararse en la or de cabeza (AmL) to do a headstand;
cabeza rapada skinhead
d) ( inteligencia):
¡qué poca cabeza! have you/has he no sense?e) ( mente):◊ ¡que cabeza la mía! what a memory!;
tú estás mal de la cabeza you're out of your mind;
se me ha ido de la cabeza it's gone right out of my head;
se le ha metido en la cabeza que … she's got it into her head that …;
no se me pasó por la cabeza it didn't cross my mind;
cabeza de chorlito sustantivo masculino y femenino (fam) scatterbrain (colloq);
írsele a algn la cabeza to feel dizzy;
levantar cabeza (fam) ( superar problemas) to get back on one's feet;
perder la cabeza: no perdamos la cabeza let's not panic o lose our heads;
perdió la cabeza por esa mujer he lost his head over that woman;
quitarle a algn algo de la cabeza to get sth out of sb's head;
romperse la cabeza (fam) ( preocuparse) to rack one's brains;
( lastimarse) to break one's neck (colloq);
tener la cabeza llena de pájaros (fam) to have one's head in the clouds
2a) ( individuo):
3 (primer lugar, delantera):
a la cabeza de la manifestación at the front o head of the demonstration;
el equipo va en cabeza de la clasificación the team is at the top of the division;
cabeza de familia head of the family;
cabeza de serie seed
5 (Audio, Video) head
6 ( de plátanos) hand, bunch;
cabeza sustantivo femenino
1 head: le dolía la cabeza, she had a headache
2 (sentido común) sense
3 (mente) mind, head: no se me pasó por la cabeza it didn't even occur to me
no puedo quitármelo de la cabeza, I can't get it out of my mind
me vino a la cabeza la idea, the idea sprang to my mind
4 (habilidad) no tiene cabeza para los negocios, he hasn't got a good head for business
5 (cabellera) hair: se lavó la cabeza, he washed his hair
6 (responsable, líder) es la cabeza pensante de la banda, he's the brains behind the gang
la cabeza de la Iglesia Anglicana, the head of the Anglican Church
cabeza de familia, head of the family 7 cabeza de ajo, bulb of garlic
8 familiar cabeza de chorlito, scatterbrain, featherhead
cabeza dura, stubborn o obstinate person
cabeza de turco, scapegoat
cabeza rapada, skinhead
Dep cabeza de serie, heat, seed: jugará contra el cabeza de serie número 2, she's going to play against the second seed
9 cabeza de ganado, head of cattle
♦ Locuciones: a la cabeza de, at the front o top of
con la cabeza alta, with one's head held high: puedes decirlo con la cabeza bien alta, you can say it with your head held high
de cabeza, (de lleno) completely
(en natación) se tiró de cabeza a la piscina, he dived headfirst into the pool
Dep metió un gol de cabeza, he headed a goal
en cabeza, in the lead
estar mal/tocado de la cabeza, to be a mental case
perder la cabeza, to lose one's temper
rodar cabezas: si baja la cotización, van a rodar cabezas, if the share price goes down heads will roll
romperse la cabeza, to rack one's brains
traer a alguien de cabeza, to drive sb mad
por cabeza, per person: debemos poner cinco mil pesetas por cabeza, we should charge five thousand pesetas per head
sentar la cabeza: ya tienes edad de sentar la cabeza, it's about time you settled down
' cabeza' also found in these entries:
- acéfalo
- ajo
- asentir
- bajar
- brecha
- cabecear
- caber
- cabezazo
- cabezón
- cabezona
- cabezudo
- calentar
- calentarse
- cantidad
- casco
- chorlito
- coco
- dar
- descolgarse
- descontar
- desgraciada
- desgraciado
- entrar
- escalabrar
- escarmentar
- gacha
- gacho
- girar
- hueca
- hueco
- inclinar
- infernal
- jaqueca
- ladear
- matar
- melón
- mover
- negación
- pájaro
- pañuelo
- pie
- por
- quebradero
- reclinar
- remate
- reposar
- romperse
- rondar
- sacar
- ache
- aching
- ahead
- bad
- balance
- bang
- bare
- bash
- bash in
- bend
- bonk
- bow
- bump
- catch up
- clear
- cock
- crack
- crush
- crushing
- dive
- dizzy
- excruciating
- giddy
- grave
- hair
- hammer
- hang
- head
- head-first
- headache
- headroom
- hit
- hold
- idea
- incline
- keep down
- knock
- lead
- lift
- look round
- lose
- mind
- monstrous
- nod
- nut
- one-track
- overhead
- pat
- per capita
* * *♦ nf1. [de persona, animal] head;me duele la cabeza I've got a headache;de cabeza [en fútbol] with a header;marcó de cabeza he scored with his head o with a header, he headed a goal;tirarse de cabeza (al agua) to dive (into the water);se tiró de cabeza a la piscina she dived into the pool;Amen cabeza [sin sombrero] bareheaded;le lleva una cabeza a su madre she's a head taller than her mother;Famle abrieron la cabeza de un ladrillazo they split his skull with a brick;lavarse la cabeza to wash one's hair;Famdesde que perdieron la final, no han conseguido alzar o [m5] levantar cabeza they still haven't recovered from losing the final, they still haven't managed to pick themselves up after losing the final;¡si tu padre levantara la cabeza…! your father would turn in his grave…!;Famno te calientes más la cabeza, no hay nada que hacer stop getting worked up o Br het up about it, there's nothing we can do;con la cabeza (bien) alta with one's head held high;Famla cabeza me da vueltas my head's spinning;darse de cabeza en la pared: se dio de cabeza en la pared por haber actuado tan torpemente she kicked herself for behaving so stupidly;Famse me va la cabeza [me mareo] I feel dizzy;RP Famjugarse la cabeza to be absolutely sure;¿te parece que al final se van a casar? – ¡me juego la cabeza! do you think that they'll end up getting married? – you can bet on it!;me juego la cabeza que hoy gana Nacional I'll give you any odds Nacional wins today;meter la cabeza to get one's foot in the door;meterse de cabeza en algo to plunge into sth;Famtengo la cabeza como un bombo my head is throbbing;Famme estás poniendo la cabeza como un bombo con tantas preguntas estúpidas you're making my head spin o hurt with all those stupid questions;Famrodar cabezas: si no se producen resultados, rodarán cabezas if things don't get better, heads will roll;Famle amenazó con romperle la cabeza he threatened to smash her head in o to bash her brains in;sacar la cabeza [aparecer] to show one's face;[atreverse] to speak up; Famsubirse a la cabeza: se le subió a la cabeza it went to his head;el vino se le subió a la cabeza the wine went to her head;se le ha subido a la cabeza el ascenso his promotion has gone to his head;Fam Famtener la cabeza como una olla de grillos to be round the bend;Famtenía la cabeza en otra parte my mind was wandering, my thoughts were elsewhere;Famtener la cabeza en su sitio o [m5] bien puesta to have a sound head on one's shoulders, to have one's head screwed on (properly);volver la cabeza [negar el saludo] to turn away;más vale ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león it's better to reign in Hell than to serve in HeavenCulin cabeza de jabalí Br brawn, US headcheese Famno me cabe en la cabeza I simply can't understand it;no me cabe en la cabeza que haya sido él I can't believe it was him;írsele a alguien de la cabeza: se me ha ido completamente de la cabeza it's gone clean out of my mind o head;no consigo que el accidente se me vaya de la cabeza I can't get the accident out of my mind;meter algo en la cabeza a alguien to get sth into sb's head;métete en la cabeza que no vas a poder ir get it into your head that you're not going to be able to go;se le ha metido en la cabeza que… he has got it into his head that…;se me pasó por la cabeza it crossed my mind;venir a la cabeza to come to mind;ahora no me viene a la cabeza I can't think of it right now;me he olvidado, ¡qué mala cabeza tengo! how silly of me to forget!tener mucha cabeza to have brains3. [juicio] sense;tener poca cabeza to have no sense;obrar con cabeza to use one's head;tener mala cabeza to act foolishly;perder la cabeza to lose one's head;Pedro ha perdido la cabeza por esa chica Pedro has lost his head over that girl;¿has perdido la cabeza o qué? are you out of your mind?4. [posición] front, head;cabeza abajo upside down;cabeza arriba the right way up;[en lista] at the top o head;el equipo francés está a la cabeza de la clasificación the French team is top of the league;está situado en (la) cabeza del pelotón he's at the front of the pack, he's amongst the leaders of the pack;a la cabeza de [delante de] at the head of;[al cargo de] in charge of;estar a la cabeza de la empresa to run the company;Juan está a la cabeza de la expedición Juan is the leader of the expedition;la cabeza visible del movimiento the public face of the movementcabeza de mina coalface; Mil cabeza de playa beachhead; Mil & Fig cabeza de puente bridgehead;5. [de clavo, alfiler, fémur, cometa] headcabeza de ajo head of garlic;cabeza atómica nuclear warhead;Aut cabeza de biela big end; Informát & TV cabeza de borrado erase head;cabeza buscadora [en misil] homing device;cabeza de combate warhead;cabeza grabadora [en vídeo, casete] recording head;cabeza de guerra warhead;cabeza lectora [en vídeo, casete] (read) head;Informát cabeza lectora-grabadora read-write head;cabeza magnética magnetic head;cabeza nuclear nuclear warhead;cabeza reproductora [en vídeo, casete] (playback) head7.por cabeza [persona] per head;costará 500 por cabeza it will cost 500 per head;pagamos diez euros por cabeza we paid ten euros each9. CompEsp Famesta semana voy de cabeza y no he tenido tiempo de llamar a nadie I'm really snowed under this week and I haven't had time to call anyone;Espescarmentar en cabeza ajena to learn from another's mistakes;RPdarle por la cabeza a alguien to really lay o slang into sb;Famir de cabeza a to head straight for;Esp Famir de cabeza con alguien [enamorado] to be head over heels in love with sb;Esp Famllevar a alguien de cabeza: los hijos la llevan de cabeza the children drive her up the wall;Famsentar la cabeza to settle down;Fam(estar) tocado de la cabeza (to be) touched;Esp Famtraer de cabeza a alguien to drive sb mad♦ nmfFam cabeza de chorlito [despistado] scatterbrain; [estúpido] airhead; Fam cabeza cuadrada:es un cabeza cuadrada he's got his ideas and he won't listen to anyone else;Fam cabeza dura:es un cabeza dura he's got his ideas and he won't listen to anyone else;cabeza de familia head of the family;Fam cabeza hueca airhead; Pol cabeza de lista = person who heads a party's list of candidates;va como cabeza de lista por Salamanca he's the head of the party list for Salamanca;Fam cabeza loca airhead; RP cabeza de novia airhead;cabeza pensante: [m5] las cabezas pensantes de la derecha venezolana the policy-makers of the Venezuelan right;las cabezas pensantes de la organización the brains behind the organization;cabeza rapada skinhead;Dep cabeza de serie seed;el primer cabeza de serie se enfrenta al segundo the top o number one seed will play the second o number two seed;cabeza de turco scapegoat* * *I f1 ANAT head;no estar bien de la cabeza fam not be right in the head fam ;írsele la cabeza feel giddy o dizzy;con la cabeza alta with one’s head held high;subírsele a alguien a la cabeza fig go to s.o.’s head;llevarse las manos a la cabeza fig throw one’s hands up (in the air);andar oir de cabeza be snowed under;sentar la cabeza settle down;levantar cabeza ( recuperarse) pick up;no levantar cabeza fig be knocked sideways;tras la derrota, el equipo no consiguió levantar cabeza the team was knocked sideways by the defeat2 ( razón):perder la cabeza fig lose one’s head;llevar otraer a alguien de cabeza drive s.o. crazy;3 ( memoria):tener mala cabeza have a bad memory4 ( pensamiento):pasarle a alguien por la cabeza occur to s.o.;se me viene a la cabeza … it occurs to me …;meterse algo en la cabeza get sth into one’s head;quitarse algo de la cabeza get sth out of one’s head;calentarle la cabeza a alguien fig fill s.o.’s head with ideas;calentarse la cabeza get worked up;mantener la cabeza fría keep a cool head;romperse la cabeza fig rack one’s brains5 ( persona):por cabeza per head, per person6:en cabeza the team at the top;estar a la cabeza be out in front, be the leader* * *cabeza nf1) : head2)cabeza hueca : scatterbrain3)de cabeza : head first4)dolor de cabeza : headache* * *cabeza n1. (en general) head2. (seso) intelligence3. (memoria) memoryde cabeza headlong / headfirstpor cabeza a head / per head -
19 perdido
adj.1 lost, missing, mislaid.2 lost.3 lost, confused.past part.past participle of spanish verb: perder.* * *1→ link=perder perder► adjetivo1 (extraviado) lost2 (desperdiciado) wasted3 (bala) stray4 (aislado) isolated, cut-off5 familiar (como enfatizador) complete, utter, total► nombre masculino,nombre femenino1 (person) degenerate\ponerse perdido,-a familiar to get filthy, get dirty* * *(f. - perdida)adj.1) lost2) inveterate* * *perdido, -a1. ADJ1) (=extraviado) lost; [bala] strayrato 3), bala 1., 1)2) (=aislado) remote, isolatedun pueblo perdido en las montañas — a remote o isolated village in the mountains
3) (=sin remedio)estaba borracho perdido — he was totally o dead * drunk
¡estamos perdidos! — we're done for!
4) (=enamorado)estar perdido por algn — to be mad o crazy about sb
5) * (=sucio)ponerlo todo perdido de barro — to get everything covered in mud, get mud everywhere
2.SM / F libertineperdida* * *I- da adjetivo1) [estar]a) <objeto/persona> lostde perdido — (Méx fam) at least
b) (confundido, desorientado) lost, confusedc) <bala/perro> stray (before n)2) [estar] ( en un apuro)si se enteran, estás perdido — if they find out, you've had it o you're done for (colloq)
4)a) < idiota> complete and utter (before n), total (before n); < loco> raving (before n); < borracho> out and out (before n)b) (como adv) ( totalmente) completely, totally5) (Esp fam) ( sucio) filthyIIponerse perdido DE algo — de aceite/barro to get covered with something
- da masculino, femenino degenerate* * *I- da adjetivo1) [estar]a) <objeto/persona> lostde perdido — (Méx fam) at least
b) (confundido, desorientado) lost, confusedc) <bala/perro> stray (before n)2) [estar] ( en un apuro)si se enteran, estás perdido — if they find out, you've had it o you're done for (colloq)
4)a) < idiota> complete and utter (before n), total (before n); < loco> raving (before n); < borracho> out and out (before n)b) (como adv) ( totalmente) completely, totally5) (Esp fam) ( sucio) filthyIIponerse perdido DE algo — de aceite/barro to get covered with something
- da masculino, femenino degenerate* * *perdido1= misplaced, mislaid, strayed, stray, missing, off course.Ex: A recitation of the best thought out principles for a cataloging code is easily drowned out by the clatter of a bank of direct access devices vainly searching for misplaced records.
Ex: But to employ a professional librarian on a case where the intellectual content is trifling and the clerical labour massive is as unreasonable as to call in a detective to trace a pair of mislaid spectacles = Aunque contratar a un bibliotecario para un trabajo donde el contenido intelectual es insignificante y el trabajo administrativo enorme es tan poco razonable como llamar a un detective para buscar unas gafas extraviadas.Ex: Many libraries have had fine free days or weeks in an effort to entice strayed material back.Ex: If the machine is in constant use the selenium drum may not be cleaned sufficiently and stray particles of carbon will appear as minute black spots on the copies.Ex: As you read each frame, cover the area below each frame and attempt to supply the missing word.Ex: Russia has launched an investigation into why a manned space capsule returned to earth hundreds of miles off course.* andar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head.* batalla perdida = losing battle.* causa perdida = lost cause, losing battle.* causar pérdidas = cause + losses.* con la mirada perdida = gaze into + space.* continente perdido = lost continent.* dar por perdido = be past praying for, write off.* de perdíos al río = in for a penny, in for a pound.* eslabón perdido = missing link.* estar perdido = be out of + Posesivo + league, be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head, be all at sea.* llamada perdida = missed call.* luchar por una causa perdida = fight + a losing battle.* objetos perdidos = lost property, lost and found, lost property.* perdido de rumbo = off course.* perdido hace tiempo = long-lost.* perdido para siempre = irretrievably lost.* recuperar el tiempo perdido = make up for + lost time.* sentirse perdido = be out of + Posesivo + depth, be in over + Posesivo + head, feel at + sea, be all at sea.* tener la mirada perdida = stare into + space, gaze into + space.* tierras perdidas = lost lands.* totalmente perdido = babe in the wood.* una causa perdida = a dead dog.* un caso perdido = a dead dog.* un poco perdido = a bit at sea.perdido22 = certified.Ex: She is a certified TV-addict -- you simply cannot talk to her when she's glued to the box.
* bala perdida = loose cannon.* caso perdido = basket case.* chalado perdido = as daft as a brush, stir-crazy, knucklehead.* chiflado perdido = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, stir-crazy, knucklehead.* loco perdido = stark raving mad, raving mad, raving lunatic.* tonto perdido = as daft as a brush, as thick as two (short) planks, knucklehead.* * *A [ ESTAR]1 ‹objeto/persona› (extraviado) lostme di cuenta de que estaban perdidos I realized that they were lostdar algo por perdido to give sth up for lost2 (confundido, desorientado) at a lossanda perdido desde que se fueron sus amigos he's been at a loss since his friends leftno me han explicado cómo hacerlo y estoy totalmente perdido they haven't explained how to do it and I'm completely lost o I'm at a complete loss3 ‹bala/perro› stray ( before n)B [ ESTAR](en un apuro): ¿pero no trajiste dinero tú? pues estamos perdidos but didn't you bring any money? we've had it then o ( BrE) that's torn it ( colloq)si se entera tu padre, estás perdido if your father finds out, you've had it o you're done for ( colloq)C (aislado) ‹lugar› remote, isolated; ‹momento› idle, spareen una isla perdida del Pacífico on a remote island in the Pacificen algún lugar perdido del mundo in some far-flung o faraway corner of the worldDes un borracho perdido he's an out and out o a total drunkard, he's an inveterate drinker2 ( como adv) (totalmente) completely, totallyllegó borracho perdido he was blind drunk o totally drunk when he arrivedestá lelo perdido por ella he's absolutely crazy about her ( colloq)te has puesto el traje perdido de aceite you've got oil all over your suitestoy perdido de tinta I'm covered in inkmasculine, femininedegenerate* * *
Del verbo perder: ( conjugate perder)
perdido es:
el participio
Multiple Entries:
perder ( conjugate perder) verbo transitivo
1 ( en general) to lose;
quiere perdido peso he wants to lose weight;
con preguntar no se pierde nada we've/you've nothing to lose by asking;
perdido la vida to lose one's life, to perish;
See also→ cabeza 1 e, vista 2 3;
yo no pierdo las esperanzas I'm not giving up hope;
perdido la práctica to get out of practice;
perdido el equilibrio to lose one's balance;
perdido el conocimiento to lose consciousness, to pass out;
perdido el ritmo (Mús) to lose the beat;
( en trabajo) to get out of the rhythm
◊ ¡no me hagas perdido (el) tiempo! don't waste my time!;
no hay tiempo que perdido there's no time to lose
‹ examen› (Ur) to fail
4 ‹agua/aceite/aire› to lose
verbo intransitivo
1 ( ser derrotado) to lose;
no sabes perdido you're a bad loser;
llevar las de perdido to be onto a loser;
la que sale perdiendo soy yo I'm the one who loses out o comes off worst
2 [cafetera/tanque] to leak
3◊ echar(se) a perder ver echar I 1a, echarse 1a
perderse verbo pronominal
1 [persona/objeto] to get lost;
se le perdió el dinero he's lost the money;
cuando se ponen a hablar rápido me pierdo when they start talking quickly I get lost
2 ‹fiesta/película/espectáculo› to miss
perdido◊ -da adjetivo
1 [estar]
de perdido (Méx fam) at least
2 [estar] ( en un apuro):◊ si se enteran, estás perdido if they find out, you've had it o you're done for (colloq)
3 ( aislado) ‹ lugar› remote, isolated;
‹ momento› idle, spare
4 ‹ idiota› complete and utter ( before n), total ( before n);
‹ loco› raving ( before n);
‹ borracho› out and out ( before n)
■ sustantivo masculino, femenino
I verbo transitivo
1 (un objeto) to lose
2 (un medio de transporte) to miss
3 (el tiempo) to waste
4 (oportunidad) to miss ➣ Ver nota en miss
5 (cualidad, costumbre, sentido) to lose: tienes que perder tus miedos, you have to overcome your fears
6 (agua, aceite) to leak
II verbo intransitivo
1 (disminuir una cualidad) to lose
2 (estropear) to ruin, go off
3 (en una competición, batalla) to lose
♦ Locuciones: echar (algo) a perder, to spoil (sthg)
llevar las de perder, to be onto a loser
I adjetivo
1 lost
2 (desorientado) confused
3 (perro, bala) stray
II adv fam (totalmente, rematadamente) es tonto perdido, he's completely stupid
III mf (libertino) degenerate, vicious
♦ Locuciones: ponerse perdido, to get dirty
' perdido' also found in these entries:
- caso
- dar
- estimable
- fondo
- lustre
- manual
- motricidad
- nitidez
- norte
- paladar
- perdida
- pertenencia
- pista
- principio
- punto
- resguardo
- tiempo
- vivienda
- caber
- recuperar
- catch up
- discover
- gap-toothed
- give up
- habit
- lost
- majority
- make up
- mislay
- miss
- missing
- mud
- raving
- recover
- row
- stray
- thread
- appear
- but
- by
- dated
- despair
- downmarket
- get
- have
- hopelessly
- long
- misspent
- sunk
- waste
- write
* * *perdido, -a♦ adj1. [extraviado] lost;lo podemos dar por perdido it is as good as lost;estaba perdido en sus pensamientos he was lost in thought;Esp Fam Humestar más perdido que un pulpo en un garaje to be totally lost2. [animal, bala] stray3. [tiempo] wasted;[ocasión] missed4. [remoto] remote, isolated;un pueblo perdido a remote o isolated village5. [acabado] done for;¡estamos perdidos! we're done for!, we've had it!;¡de perdidos, al río! in for a penny, in for a poundes idiota perdido he's a complete idiot;es una esquizofrénica perdida she's a complete schizophrenicse puso perdida de pintura she got herself covered in paint;lo dejaron todo perdido de barro they left it covered in mud♦ nm,freprobate* * *adj lost;ponerse perdido get filthy;loco perdido absolutely crazy* * *perdido, -da adj1) : lost2) : inveterate, incorrigiblees un caso perdido: he's a hopeless case3) : in trouble, done for4)* * *perdido adj1. (en general) lost2. (animal) stray -
20 Schlussinventar
ending (final, closing) inventory;
• Schlussinventur final stock-taking;
• Schlusskurs bid close, (Börse) final quotation, closing price, (Devisen) closing rate;
• in gängigen Aktien höhere Schlusskurse erzielen to close higher in active trading;
• bei ruhigen Schlusskursen liegen to close in quiet markets;
• Schlussmarkt terminal market;
• Schlussnote (Börse) bought [and sold] note (Br.), call, stockbroker’s contract (Br.), contract note (Br.), broker’s memorandum (note), purchase contract, sale[s] note (US);
• Schlussnotenregister bargain book;
• Schlussnotenstempel contract stamp (Br.), transfer tax (US);
• Schlussnotierung (Börse) closing (last, final, terminal) quotation, closing price;
• gestrige Schlussnotierung yesterday’s closing rates;
• Schlussplädoyer summation, summing-up;
• Schlussprotokoll erstellen to finalize an agreement;
• Schlussquittung receipt in full [discharge], receipt for the balance;
• Schlussquote final dividend, (Konkursverfahren) liquidation dividend;
• Schlussrate final instal(l)ment;
• Schlussrechnung final account (invoice), account of settlement, (Nachlassverwalter) final settlement;
• Schlussredakteur night editor;
• Schlusssaldo (Bilanz) final balance;
• Schlusssätze concluding lines;
• Schlussschein (Börse) broker’s note, call, contract note (Br.), sale[s] note (US), bought [and sold] note (Br.);
• Schlussscheinbuch contract book;
• Schlussspalte last column;
• Schlussstempel contract stamp (Br.), transfer tax (US);
• Schlusstermin latest (cut-off, closing, ending) date, deadline (US), (Gericht) final hearing;
• Schlussvereinbarung final accord;
• Schlussvergütung (Lebensversicherung) terminal bonus;
• Schlussverhandlung final negotiation;
• Schlussverkauf close-out (clearance, US) sale, (Frühjahr) spring sales, (Inventurausverkauf) inventory sale, (Räumungsverkauf) closing-down sale, (Saisonausverkauf) [seasonal] sale;
• Schlussverteilung (Konkurs) distribution of the assets of a bankrupt’s estate, (Nachlass) final settlement (distribution);
• Schlussvignette tailpiece;
• Schlusswagen, Schlusswaggon (Bahn) end carriage (Br.);
• Schlussworte concluding (last) words, summary;
• Schlusszahlung terminal payment (US), final instal(l)ment;
• Schlusszeile catch line;
• Schlusszettel broker’s (contract, Br., sales, US) note, delivery ticket.
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
catch off balance — {v. phr.} To confront someone with physical force or with a statement or question he or she is not prepared to answer or deal with; to exploit the disadvantage of another. * /The smaller wrestler caught his opponent off balance and managed to… … Dictionary of American idioms
catch off balance — {v. phr.} To confront someone with physical force or with a statement or question he or she is not prepared to answer or deal with; to exploit the disadvantage of another. * /The smaller wrestler caught his opponent off balance and managed to… … Dictionary of American idioms
catch\ off\ balance — v. phr. To confront someone with physical force or with a statement or question he or she is not prepared to answer or deal with; to exploit the disadvantage of another. The smaller wrestler caught his opponent off balance and managed to throw… … Словарь американских идиом
off-balance — adj [not before noun] 1.) in an unsteady position and likely to fall throw/knock/push etc sb off balance ▪ The sudden movement of the ship knocked them both off balance. 2.) catch/throw sb off balance to surprise or shock someone because they are … Dictionary of contemporary English
off balance — 1) not steady or upright, for example because more weight is on one side That wheel is off balance. throw/knock someone/something off balance: He kept pulling my arm, throwing me off balance. 2) surprised, upset, or confused by something… … English dictionary
off-balance — adjective (not before noun) 1 in an unsteady position so that you are likely to fall: throw/knock/push sb off balance: Lee caught hold of my wrist and pulled me off balance. 2 unprepared for something, so that it surprises or shocks you: catch sb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
throw (or catch) someone off balance — make someone unsteady or catch someone unawares. → balance … English new terms dictionary
throw someone off balance — throw (or catch) someone off balance cause someone to become unsteady and in danger of falling ■ figurative confuse or bewilder someone … Useful english dictionary
throw off balance — verb To unsettle, to catch by surprise … Wiktionary
(catch somebody) off balance — … Useful english dictionary
balance — bal|ance1 [ bæləns ] noun *** ▸ 1 ability to stay upright ▸ 2 correct relationship ▸ 3 mental/emotional calm ▸ 4 money in bank ▸ 5 amount remaining ▸ 6 majority of information ▸ 7 for weighing things ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) uncount the ability to remain … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English