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  • 1 Caen stone

    Архитектура: кайенский камень (добывается в Нормандии, широко применялся в английской средневековой архитектуре), кайенский камень (добывается в Нормандии; широко применялся в английской средневековой архитектуре)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Caen stone

  • 2 Caen-stone

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Caen-stone

  • 3 Caen stone

    English-Russian architecture dictionary > Caen stone

  • 4 stone

    1. камень (любой небольшой кусок породы или минерала) 2. драгоценный камень 3. каменный метеорит 4. руда (извлечённая и приготовленная для обработки) 5. железняк 6. каменистые обломки
    adder stone змеевик, серпентинит
    alabaster stone алебастровый камень
    Aleppo stone глазчатый агат
    alluvial stone драгоценный камень, перенесённый и отложенный аллювиальным потоком
    Amherst stone амхерст (коммерческое название разновидности синего камня)
    Arkansas stone арканзасский камень (разновидность новакулита)
    Armenian stone азурит, уст. армянский камень
    artificial stone искусственный камень
    asparagus stone спаржевый камень
    Ayr stone разновидность шотландского мелкозернистого шлифовального камня
    azure stone ляпис лазурь
    bacon stone 1. стеатит 2. кальцит, окрашенный оксидами железа
    ballpitch stone шаровой смоляной камень (разновидность шарового порфира)
    Bath stone батский камень (мягкий оолитовый известняк)
    Bedford stone бедфордский известняк
    beetle stone 1. копролитовый железняк 2. конкреции копролитового железняка
    bishop's stone см. amethyst
    Bologna stone болонский шпат (разновидность барита)
    bottle stone бутылочный камень (разновидность тектита)
    bottom stone огнеупорная глина
    boulder stone валун
    box stone 1. коробчатая или округлая железистая конкреция 2. уплощённый обломок коричневого железистого песчаника
    buck stone порода, не содержащая золота
    building stone бутовый камень
    Caen stone кайенский известняк
    cairngorm stone кернгорм (жёлтая или дымчато-бурая разновидность кварца); дымчатый топаз
    calley stone твёрдый глинистый песчаник, ассоциирующийся с углем (Англия)
    canary stone жёлтая разновидность карнелиана
    cellar stone мелкие обломки породы неправильной формы
    cement stone цементная порода
    china stone китайский камень (1. каолинизированный гранит 2. тонкозернистый плотный каменноугольный аргиллит или известняк, встречающийся в Англии)
    chrysanthemum stone лучистый агрегат рутила и циркона
    chuckie stone галька или валун в угольном пласте
    cinnamon stone коричневый камень, гессонит
    clay stone 1. аргиллит 2. глинистый известняк
    cleaving stone сланец; шифер
    coal stone 1. крупный антрацит 2. разновидность кеннельского угля 3. нефтяной сланец (Кеммериджа)
    coated stone покрытый (прозрачным веществом) камень
    colored stone цветной камень
    Combay stone карнеол, сердолик, красноватый халцедон
    copperas stone железный купорос
    Cornish [Cornwall] stone корнуоллский [корнуэллский] камень, каолинизированный гранит
    cotton stone см. mesolite
    crust stone хрупкая хлопьевидная корка кальцита или других минералов, натёчная корка (на стенах пещер)
    curio stone редкий камень
    cyclopean stone глыбы твёрдой нетрещиноватой породы не менее четырёх футов в поперечнике, пригодные для строительства молов
    day stone выход породы на дневную поверхность
    decorative stone декоративный камень
    dimension stone штучный камень (строительный камень, нарезанный блоками)
    dogger stone доггерный песчаник
    druid(ical) stone обломок песчаника
    edge stone синевато-серый полевошпатовый песчаник
    egg stone оолит, икряной камень
    Euclid stone эвклидов камень (разновидность абразивного песчаника)
    fairy stone 1. волшебный камень 2. конкреция необычной формы 3. крестообразно сдвойникованный кристалл ставролита 4. каменный наконечник стрелы 5. ископаемый морской ёж
    falling stone каменный метеорит, аэролит
    field stone валун
    figure stone см. agalmatolite
    foam stone пенистый камень (ячеистая шлаковая кора базальтовых лав)
    gem stone 1. драгоценный камень 2. поделочный камень
    Gibraltar stone гибралтарский камень (разновидность мексиканского оникса)
    gizzard stone гастролит, желудочный камень
    gooseberry stone гроссуляр (желтовато-зелёный гранат)
    heated stone драгоценный камень, нагретый с целью изменения или улучшения его окраски
    hedgehod stone «камень-ёж» (кварц с игольчатыми включениями гётита)
    Hercules stone магнетит, магнитная руда (магнитная разновидность природного оксида железа, Fe304)
    ice stone см. cryolite
    indicator stone валун-индикатор
    isinglass stone слюда; мусковит
    Jewish stone еврейский камень, письменный гранит, письменный пегматит
    kidney stone 1. почечный камень (галька или желвак, по форме напоминающие почку) 2. нефрит
    lard stone жировик, плотный тальк
    leader stone глина в трещине сброса
    leading stone см. Hercules stone
    lightning stone фульгурит, след удара молнии
    lithographic stone литографский камень
    liver stone вонючий камень (разновидность битуминозного известняка)
    load stone см. Hercules stone
    log(g)an [logging] stone качающийся камень
    Lydian stone лидит, лидийский камень
    lynx stone янтарь
    meteoric stone каменный метеорит, аэролит
    mirror stone см. muscovite
    mocha stone белая, серая или желтоватая разновидность мохового агата
    natural stone натуральный камень (драгоценный камень, который встречается в природе)
    ornamental stone поделочный камень
    outsize stones камни, диаметр которых больше мощности заключающего их слоя
    pagoda stone пагодит (1. китайский известняк, ортоцератиты которого напоминают в разрезе пагоду 2. агат, рисунок которого напоминает пагоду)
    pea stone см. pisolite
    pearl stone жемчужный шпат
    pencil stone пирофиллит, грифельный камень
    perfect stone совершенный камень
    perforated stone пустотелый камень
    Petoskey stone камень Петоски (девонские колониальные кораллы)
    plaster stone гипс, CaSCv2H20
    plum-pudding stone пудинговый камень, пудинговый конгломерат
    porcelain stone китайский камень (каолинизированный гранит)
    Portland stone портландский камень (1. оолитовый известняк с полуострова Портленд, Южная Англия 2. красновато-коричневый песчаник из Портленда, штат Коннектикут, США)
    pot stone 1. горшечный камень, жировик со слюдой и хлоритом, загрязнённый стеатит 2. кремнёвое стяжение, напоминающее бочонок
    potato stone картофельный камень (жеоды, по форме напоминающие клубни картофеля)
    precious stone драгоценный камень, самоцвет
    pumice stone пемза
    rattle stone гремучий камень
    razor stone точильный камень, новакулит
    reconstructed stone искусственный сплавленный драгоценный камень
    red-brown stone родонит
    rocking stone качающийся камень
    roof stone кровля угольного пласта
    rough stone бут
    round stone валун
    rubbing stone точильный камень, новакулит
    rubble stone 1. граувакка 2. щебень
    sapanthracon stone сапантракон (сапропелевый уголь каменноугольного возраста)
    Saracen stone «камень сарацинов», (экзотическая глыба)
    sarsden stone экзотическая глыба (оставшаяся после эрозии пород)
    scientific stone искусственный камень
    seat stone подстилающая порода
    serpent stone змеиный камень
    simulated stone поддельный камень
    Solenhofen stone золенгофенский камень (литографский известняк верхней юры)
    spectacle stone селенит (бесцветная разновидность гипса)
    stained stone окрашенный камень
    stepping stone миграционный остров
    stomach stone гастролит, желудочный камень
    striated stones камни с ледниковыми шрамами
    sugar stone сахарный камень (разновидность датолита)
    swimming stone пористый опал
    three-faceted stone дрейкантер, трёхгранник, ветрогранник
    turtle stone черепаший камень (уплощённая овальная септария, из которой выветриванием удалён матрикс)
    wax stone сырой озокерит, связанный с землистым веществом
    wind-cut stone вентифакт (камень или галька, отполированные в результате абразионной деятельности переносимого ветром песка)
    wind-faceted stone пустынный камень, эоловый многогранник
    wind-grooved stone см. wind-cut stone
    wind-polished stone отполированный ветром камень
    wind-scoured [wind-shaped] stone см. wind-cut stone
    yellow stone жёлтая глина, жёлтая охра
    * * *

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > stone

  • 5 strike

    1. past tense - struck; verb
    1) (to hit, knock or give a blow to: He struck me in the face with his fist; Why did you strike him?; The stone struck me a blow on the side of the head; His head struck the table as he fell; The tower of the church was struck by lightning.) pegar, golpear
    2) (to attack: The enemy troops struck at dawn; We must prevent the disease striking again.) atacar
    3) (to produce (sparks or a flame) by rubbing: He struck a match/light; He struck sparks from the stone with his knife.) encender
    4) ((of workers) to stop work as a protest, or in order to force employers to give better pay: The men decided to strike for higher wages.) hacer huelga
    5) (to discover or find: After months of prospecting they finally struck gold/oil; If we walk in this direction we may strike the right path.) encontrar
    6) (to (make something) sound: He struck a note on the piano/violin; The clock struck twelve.) sonar, hacer sonar, tocar
    7) (to impress, or give a particular impression to (a person): I was struck by the resemblance between the two men; How does the plan strike you?; It / The thought struck me that she had come to borrow money.) parecer, dar la impresión
    8) (to mint or manufacture (a coin, medal etc).) acuñar
    9) (to go in a certain direction: He left the path and struck (off) across the fields.) seguir (por)
    10) (to lower or take down (tents, flags etc).) desmontar

    2. noun
    1) (an act of striking: a miners' strike.) huelga
    2) (a discovery of oil, gold etc: He made a lucky strike.) hallazgo, descubrimiento
    - striking
    - strikingly
    - be out on strike
    - be on strike
    - call a strike
    - come out on strike
    - come
    - be within striking distance of
    - strike at
    - strike an attitude/pose
    - strike a balance
    - strike a bargain/agreement
    - strike a blow for
    - strike down
    - strike dumb
    - strike fear/terror into
    - strike home
    - strike it rich
    - strike lucky
    - strike out
    - strike up

    strike1 n huelga
    strike2 vb
    1. dar / pegar
    2. hacer huelga
    3. parecer
    4. dar
    1 (by workers, students, etc) huelga
    3 (find) hallazgo; (of oil, gold, etc) descubrimiento
    4 SMALLMILITARY/SMALL ataque nombre masculino
    transitive verb (pt & pp struck tr[strʌk])
    1 (hit) pegar, golpear
    2 (knock against, collide with) dar contra, chocar contra; (ball, stone) pegar contra, dar contra; (lightning, bullet, torpedo) alcanzar
    3 (disaster, earthquake) golpear, sobrevenir; (disease) atacar, golpear
    4 (gold, oil) descubrir, encontrar, dar con; (track, path) dar con
    5 (coin, medal) acuñar
    6 (match) encender
    7 (of clock) dar, tocar
    8 SMALLMUSIC/SMALL (note) dar; (chord) tocar
    9 (bargain, deal) cerrar, hacer; (balance) encontrar, hallar; (agreement) llegar a
    10 (pose, attitude) adoptar
    11 (give impression) parecer, dar la impresión de
    it struck me as strange that... me pareció muy extraño que...
    12 (occur to) ocurrírsele a; (remember) acordarse de
    13 (render) dejar
    14 (cause fear, terror, worry) infundir
    15 (take down - sail, flag) arriar; (- tent, set) desmontar
    16 (cutting) plantar
    1 (attack - troops, animal, etc) atacar; (- disaster, misfortune) sobrevenir, ocurrir; (- disease) atacar, golpear; (- lightning) alcanzar, caer
    2 (workers etc) declararse en huelga, hacer huelga
    3 (clock) dar la hora
    strike a light! ¡caray!
    to be on strike estar en huelga
    to call a strike convocar una huelga
    to go on strike declararse en huelga
    to strike a chord sonarle a uno
    to strike a chord with somebody estar en sintonía con alguien
    to strike at the heart of something dar con el meollo de algo
    to strike camp levantar el campamento
    to strike (it) lucky tener suerte
    to strike the eye saltar a la vista
    to strike out on one's own (become independent) volar con sus propias alas 2 (set up own business) ponerse a trabajar por su propia cuenta
    to strike it rich hacerse rico,-a
    to strike while the iron's hot actuar de inmediato
    general strike huelga general
    strike fund caja de resistencia
    strike pay subsidio de huelga
    strike ['straɪk] v, struck ['strʌk] ; struck ; striking vt
    1) hit: golpear (a una persona)
    to strike a blow: pegar un golpe
    2) delete: suprimir, tachar
    3) coin, mint: acuñar (monedas)
    4) : dar (la hora)
    5) afflict: sobrevenir
    he was stricken with a fever: le sobrevino una fiebre
    6) impress: impresionar, parecer
    her voice struck me: su voz me impresionó
    it struck him as funny: le pareció chistoso
    7) : encender (un fósforo)
    8) find: descubrir (oro, petróleo)
    9) adopt: adoptar (una pose, etc.)
    strike vi
    1) hit: golpear
    to strike against: chocar contra
    2) attack: atacar
    3) : declararse en huelga
    1) blow: golpe m
    2) : huelga f, paro m
    to be on strike: estar en huelga
    3) attack: ataque m
    cerradero s.m.
    descubrimiento repentino s.m.
    golpe s.m.
    huelga s.f.
    (§ p.,p.p.: struck) or p.p.: stricken•) = batir v.
    cascar v.
    chocar v.
    chocar con v.
    dar con v.
    embestir v.
    golpear v.
    pegar v.
    percutir v.
    pulsar v.
    tropezar v.
    varear v.

    1. straɪk
    (past & past p struck) transitive verb
    a) ( hit) \<\<person\>\> pegarle* a, golpear; \<\<blow\>\> dar*, pegar*; \<\<key\>\> pulsar

    to strike somebody a blow — darle* un golpe a alguien, golpear a alguien

    b) (collide with, fall on) \<\<vehicle\>\> chocar* or dar* contra; \<\<stone/ball\>\> pegar* or dar* contra; \<\<lightning/bullet\>\> alcanzar*

    to strike somebody blind/dumb — dejar ciego/mudo a alguien

    I was struck dumb when I saw what she'd doneme quedé muda or sin habla cuando vi lo que había hecho

    b) ( introduce)

    to strike fear/terror into somebody — infundirle miedo/terror a alguien

    a) ( occur to) ocurrirse (+ me/te/le etc)

    it strikes me (that)... — me da la impresión de que..., se me ocurre que...

    b) ( impress) parecerle* a

    how did she strike you? — ¿qué impresión te causó?

    4) \<\<oil/gold\>\> encontrar*, dar* con

    to strike it lucky — tener* un golpe de suerte

    to strike it rich — hacer* fortuna

    a) \<\<match/light\>\> encender*
    b) \<\<coin/medal\>\> acuñar
    a) ( Mus) \<\<note\>\> dar*; \<\<chord\>\> tocar*
    b) \<\<clock\>\> dar*

    the clock struck the hour/five (o'clock) — el reloj dio la hora/las cinco

    7) (enter into, arrive at)

    to strike a deal — llegar* a un acuerdo, cerrar* un trato

    to strike a balance between... — encontrar* el justo equilibrio entre...

    8) ( adopt) \<\<pose/attitude\>\> adoptar
    9) ( take down) \<\<sail/flag\>\> arriar*; \<\<tent\>\> desmontar
    10) ( delete) suprimir

    his name was struck off the register — se borró su nombre del registro; see also strike off

    1) ( hit) \<\<person\>\> golpear, asestar un golpe; \<\<lightning\>\> caer*

    (to be) within striking distance (of something) — (estar*) a un paso (de algo)

    to strike lucky — (BrE) tener* un golpe de suerte

    a) ( attack) \<\<bombers/commandos\>\> atacar*; \<\<snake/tiger\>\> atacar*, caer* sobre su presa

    to strike AT something/somebody — atacar* algo/a alguien

    b) ( happen suddenly) \<\<illness/misfortune\>\> sobrevenir*; \<\<disaster\>\> ocurrir
    3) ( withdraw labor) hacer* huelga, declararse en huelga or (esp AmL) en paro

    to strike for higher pay — hacer* huelga or (esp AmL) hacer* un paro por reivindicaciones salariales

    4) \<\<clock\>\> dar* la hora
    Phrasal Verbs:

    1) ( stoppage) huelga f, paro m (esp AmL)

    to be on strike — estar* en or de huelga, estar* en or de paro (esp AmL)

    to come out o go (out) on strike — ir* a la huelga, declararse en huelga, ir* al paro (esp AmL), declararse en paro (esp AmL)

    hunger strike — huelga de hambre; (before n)

    to take strike action — ir* a la huelga

    strike fundfondo m de resistencia

    strike paysubsidio m de huelga or (esp AmL) de paro

    2) ( find) descubrimiento m

    a lucky strike — (colloq) un golpe de suerte

    3) ( attack) ataque m
    4) ( Sport)
    a) ( in bowling) pleno m, chuza f (Méx)
    b) ( in baseball) strike m
    [straɪk] (vb: pt, pp struck)
    1. N
    1) (by workers) huelga f, paro m

    to come out or go on strike — declarar la huelga; see hunger 3.

    2) (=discovery) [of oil, gold] descubrimiento m

    to make a strike — hacer un descubrimiento

    3) (Baseball) golpe m ; (Bowling) strike m

    you have two strikes against you — (esp US) (fig) tienes dos cosas en contra

    three strikes and you're out — (US) (Jur) pena de cadena perpetua tras el tercer delito grave

    4) (Mil) ataque m ; (=air strike) ataque m aéreo, bombardeo m
    2. VT
    1) (=hit) golpear; (with fist etc) pegar, dar una bofetada a; (with bullet etc) alcanzar; [+ ball] golpear; [+ chord, note] tocar; [+ instrument] herir, pulsar

    to strike sb a blow, strike a blow at sb — pegar or dar un golpe a algn, pegar a algn

    to strike one's fist on the table, strike the table with one's fistgolpear la mesa con el puño

    the clock struck the hourel reloj dio la hora

    to be struck by lightningser alcanzado por un rayo

    the tower was struck by lightning — la torre fue alcanzada por un rayo, cayó un rayo en la torre

    - strike a blow for sth
    - strike a blow against sth
    2) (=collide with) [+ rocks, landmine etc] chocar con, chocar contra; [+ difficulty, obstacle] encontrar, dar con, tropezar con

    his head struck the beam, he struck his head on the beam — dio con la cabeza contra or en la viga

    a sound struck my earliter un ruido hirió mi oído

    what strikes the eye is the poverty — lo que más llama la atención es la pobreza

    a ghastly sight struck our eyesse nos presentó un panorama horroroso

    3) (=produce, make) [+ coin, medal] acuñar; [+ a light, match] encender, prender (LAm)

    to strike root — (Bot) echar raíces, arraigar

    to strike sparks from sth — hacer que algo eche chispas

    to strike terror into sb's heart — infundir terror a algn

    4) (=appear to, occur to)

    it strikes me as being most unlikely — me parece poco factible, se me hace poco probable (LAm)

    how did it strike you? — ¿qué te pareció?, ¿qué impresión te causó?

    it strikes me that..., the thought strikes me that... — se me ocurre que...

    has it ever struck you that...? — ¿has pensado alguna vez que...?

    5) (=impress)

    I'm not much struck (with him) — no me llama la atención, no me impresiona mucho

    6) (=find) [+ gold, oil] descubrir
    - strike gold
    - strike it lucky
    7) (=arrive at, achieve) [+ agreement] alcanzar, llegar a

    to strike an averagesacar el promedio

    to strike a balanceencontrar el equilibrio

    to strike a bargaincerrar un trato

    to strike a deal — alcanzar un acuerdo, llegar a un acuerdo; (Comm) cerrar un trato

    8) (=assume, adopt)
    9) (=cause to become)

    to strike sb blindcegar a algn

    to strike sb deadmatar a algn

    may I be struck dead if... — que me maten si...

    to be struck dumbquedarse sin habla

    10) (=take down)

    to strike camplevantar el campamento

    to strike the flagarriar la bandera

    11) (=remove, cross out) suprimir ( from de)
    3. VI
    1) (Mil etc) (=attack) atacar; [disaster] sobrevenir; [disease] golpear; [snake etc] morder, atacar

    when panic strikes — cuando cunde el pánico, cuando se extiende el pánico

    to strike against sth — dar con algo, dar contra algo, chocar contra algo

    to strike at sb — (with fist) tratar de golpear a algn; (Mil) atacar a algn

    we must strike at the root of this evil — debemos atacar la raíz de este mal, debemos cortar este mal de raíz

    to be within striking distance of — [+ place] estar a poca distancia or a un paso de

    he had come within striking distance of the presidency — estuvo muy cerca de ocupar la presidencia; see home 1., 2); see iron 1., 1)

    2) [workers] declarar la huelga, declararse en huelga
    3) [clock] dar la hora
    4) [match] encenderse
    - strike lucky
    6) (=move, go)

    to strike across country — ir a campo traviesa

    to strike into the woods — ir por el bosque, penetrar en el bosque

    7) (Naut) (=run aground) encallar, embarrancar
    8) (esp Naut) (=surrender) arriar la bandera
    9) (Bot) echar raíces, arraigar

    strike ballot Nvotación f a huelga

    strike committee Ncomité m de huelga

    strike force Nfuerza f de asalto, fuerza f de choque

    strike fund Nfondo m de huelga

    strike pay Nsubsidio m de huelga

    strike vote N= strike ballot

    * * *

    1. [straɪk]
    (past & past p struck) transitive verb
    a) ( hit) \<\<person\>\> pegarle* a, golpear; \<\<blow\>\> dar*, pegar*; \<\<key\>\> pulsar

    to strike somebody a blow — darle* un golpe a alguien, golpear a alguien

    b) (collide with, fall on) \<\<vehicle\>\> chocar* or dar* contra; \<\<stone/ball\>\> pegar* or dar* contra; \<\<lightning/bullet\>\> alcanzar*

    to strike somebody blind/dumb — dejar ciego/mudo a alguien

    I was struck dumb when I saw what she'd doneme quedé muda or sin habla cuando vi lo que había hecho

    b) ( introduce)

    to strike fear/terror into somebody — infundirle miedo/terror a alguien

    a) ( occur to) ocurrirse (+ me/te/le etc)

    it strikes me (that)... — me da la impresión de que..., se me ocurre que...

    b) ( impress) parecerle* a

    how did she strike you? — ¿qué impresión te causó?

    4) \<\<oil/gold\>\> encontrar*, dar* con

    to strike it lucky — tener* un golpe de suerte

    to strike it rich — hacer* fortuna

    a) \<\<match/light\>\> encender*
    b) \<\<coin/medal\>\> acuñar
    a) ( Mus) \<\<note\>\> dar*; \<\<chord\>\> tocar*
    b) \<\<clock\>\> dar*

    the clock struck the hour/five (o'clock) — el reloj dio la hora/las cinco

    7) (enter into, arrive at)

    to strike a deal — llegar* a un acuerdo, cerrar* un trato

    to strike a balance between... — encontrar* el justo equilibrio entre...

    8) ( adopt) \<\<pose/attitude\>\> adoptar
    9) ( take down) \<\<sail/flag\>\> arriar*; \<\<tent\>\> desmontar
    10) ( delete) suprimir

    his name was struck off the register — se borró su nombre del registro; see also strike off

    1) ( hit) \<\<person\>\> golpear, asestar un golpe; \<\<lightning\>\> caer*

    (to be) within striking distance (of something) — (estar*) a un paso (de algo)

    to strike lucky — (BrE) tener* un golpe de suerte

    a) ( attack) \<\<bombers/commandos\>\> atacar*; \<\<snake/tiger\>\> atacar*, caer* sobre su presa

    to strike AT something/somebody — atacar* algo/a alguien

    b) ( happen suddenly) \<\<illness/misfortune\>\> sobrevenir*; \<\<disaster\>\> ocurrir
    3) ( withdraw labor) hacer* huelga, declararse en huelga or (esp AmL) en paro

    to strike for higher pay — hacer* huelga or (esp AmL) hacer* un paro por reivindicaciones salariales

    4) \<\<clock\>\> dar* la hora
    Phrasal Verbs:

    1) ( stoppage) huelga f, paro m (esp AmL)

    to be on strike — estar* en or de huelga, estar* en or de paro (esp AmL)

    to come out o go (out) on strike — ir* a la huelga, declararse en huelga, ir* al paro (esp AmL), declararse en paro (esp AmL)

    hunger strike — huelga de hambre; (before n)

    to take strike action — ir* a la huelga

    strike fundfondo m de resistencia

    strike paysubsidio m de huelga or (esp AmL) de paro

    2) ( find) descubrimiento m

    a lucky strike — (colloq) un golpe de suerte

    3) ( attack) ataque m
    4) ( Sport)
    a) ( in bowling) pleno m, chuza f (Méx)
    b) ( in baseball) strike m

    English-spanish dictionary > strike

  • 6 Brunel, Isambard Kingdom

    b. 9 April 1806 Portsea, Hampshire, England
    d. 15 September 1859 18 Duke Street, St James's, London, England
    English civil and mechanical engineer.
    The son of Marc Isambard Brunel and Sophia Kingdom, he was educated at a private boarding-school in Hove. At the age of 14 he went to the College of Caen and then to the Lycée Henri-Quatre in Paris, after which he was apprenticed to Louis Breguet. In 1822 he returned from France and started working in his father's office, while spending much of his time at the works of Maudslay, Sons \& Field.
    From 1825 to 1828 he worked under his father on the construction of the latter's Thames Tunnel, occupying the position of Engineer-in-Charge, exhibiting great courage and presence of mind in the emergencies which occurred not infrequently. These culminated in January 1828 in the flooding of the tunnel and work was suspended for seven years. For the next five years the young engineer made abortive attempts to find a suitable outlet for his talents, but to little avail. Eventually, in 1831, his design for a suspension bridge over the River Avon at Clifton Gorge was accepted and he was appointed Engineer. (The bridge was eventually finished five years after Brunel's death, as a memorial to him, the delay being due to inadequate financing.) He next planned and supervised improvements to the Bristol docks. In March 1833 he was appointed Engineer of the Bristol Railway, later called the Great Western Railway. He immediately started to survey the route between London and Bristol that was completed by late August that year. On 5 July 1836 he married Mary Horsley and settled into 18 Duke Street, Westminster, London, where he also had his office. Work on the Bristol Railway started in 1836. The foundation stone of the Clifton Suspension Bridge was laid the same year. Whereas George Stephenson had based his standard railway gauge as 4 ft 8½ in (1.44 m), that or a similar gauge being usual for colliery wagonways in the Newcastle area, Brunel adopted the broader gauge of 7 ft (2.13 m). The first stretch of the line, from Paddington to Maidenhead, was opened to traffic on 4 June 1838, and the whole line from London to Bristol was opened in June 1841. The continuation of the line through to Exeter was completed and opened on 1 May 1844. The normal time for the 194-mile (312 km) run from Paddington to Exeter was 5 hours, at an average speed of 38.8 mph (62.4 km/h) including stops. The Great Western line included the Box Tunnel, the longest tunnel to that date at nearly two miles (3.2 km).
    Brunel was the engineer of most of the railways in the West Country, in South Wales and much of Southern Ireland. As railway networks developed, the frequent break of gauge became more of a problem and on 9 July 1845 a Royal Commission was appointed to look into it. In spite of comparative tests, run between Paddington-Didcot and Darlington-York, which showed in favour of Brunel's arrangement, the enquiry ruled in favour of the narrow gauge, 274 miles (441 km) of the former having been built against 1,901 miles (3,059 km) of the latter to that date. The Gauge Act of 1846 forbade the building of any further railways in Britain to any gauge other than 4 ft 8 1/2 in (1.44 m).
    The existence of long and severe gradients on the South Devon Railway led to Brunel's adoption of the atmospheric railway developed by Samuel Clegg and later by the Samuda brothers. In this a pipe of 9 in. (23 cm) or more in diameter was laid between the rails, along the top of which ran a continuous hinged flap of leather backed with iron. At intervals of about 3 miles (4.8 km) were pumping stations to exhaust the pipe. Much trouble was experienced with the flap valve and its lubrication—freezing of the leather in winter, the lubricant being sucked into the pipe or eaten by rats at other times—and the experiment was abandoned at considerable cost.
    Brunel is to be remembered for his two great West Country tubular bridges, the Chepstow and the Tamar Bridge at Saltash, with the latter opened in May 1859, having two main spans of 465 ft (142 m) and a central pier extending 80 ft (24 m) below high water mark and allowing 100 ft (30 m) of headroom above the same. His timber viaducts throughout Devon and Cornwall became a feature of the landscape. The line was extended ultimately to Penzance.
    As early as 1835 Brunel had the idea of extending the line westwards across the Atlantic from Bristol to New York by means of a steamship. In 1836 building commenced and the hull left Bristol in July 1837 for fitting out at Wapping. On 31 March 1838 the ship left again for Bristol but the boiler lagging caught fire and Brunel was injured in the subsequent confusion. On 8 April the ship set sail for New York (under steam), its rival, the 703-ton Sirius, having left four days earlier. The 1,340-ton Great Western arrived only a few hours after the Sirius. The hull was of wood, and was copper-sheathed. In 1838 Brunel planned a larger ship, some 3,000 tons, the Great Britain, which was to have an iron hull.
    The Great Britain was screwdriven and was launched on 19 July 1843,289 ft (88 m) long by 51 ft (15.5 m) at its widest. The ship's first voyage, from Liverpool to New York, began on 26 August 1845. In 1846 it ran aground in Dundrum Bay, County Down, and was later sold for use on the Australian run, on which it sailed no fewer than thirty-two times in twenty-three years, also serving as a troop-ship in the Crimean War. During this war, Brunel designed a 1,000-bed hospital which was shipped out to Renkioi ready for assembly and complete with shower-baths and vapour-baths with printed instructions on how to use them, beds and bedding and water closets with a supply of toilet paper! Brunel's last, largest and most extravagantly conceived ship was the Great Leviathan, eventually named The Great Eastern, which had a double-skinned iron hull, together with both paddles and screw propeller. Brunel designed the ship to carry sufficient coal for the round trip to Australia without refuelling, thus saving the need for and the cost of bunkering, as there were then few bunkering ports throughout the world. The ship's construction was started by John Scott Russell in his yard at Millwall on the Thames, but the building was completed by Brunel due to Russell's bankruptcy in 1856. The hull of the huge vessel was laid down so as to be launched sideways into the river and then to be floated on the tide. Brunel's plan for hydraulic launching gear had been turned down by the directors on the grounds of cost, an economy that proved false in the event. The sideways launch with over 4,000 tons of hydraulic power together with steam winches and floating tugs on the river took over two months, from 3 November 1857 until 13 January 1858. The ship was 680 ft (207 m) long, 83 ft (25 m) beam and 58 ft (18 m) deep; the screw was 24 ft (7.3 m) in diameter and paddles 60 ft (18.3 m) in diameter. Its displacement was 32,000 tons (32,500 tonnes).
    The strain of overwork and the huge responsibilities that lay on Brunel began to tell. He was diagnosed as suffering from Bright's disease, or nephritis, and spent the winter travelling in the Mediterranean and Egypt, returning to England in May 1859. On 5 September he suffered a stroke which left him partially paralysed, and he died ten days later at his Duke Street home.
    Further Reading
    L.T.C.Rolt, 1957, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, London: Longmans Green. J.Dugan, 1953, The Great Iron Ship, Hamish Hamilton.

    Biographical history of technology > Brunel, Isambard Kingdom

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