1 broadside dipole
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > broadside dipole
2 dipole
1) диполь•- cross-fed dipoles
- electric dipole
- endire dipoles
- fan dipole
- GaAs dipole
- half-wave dipole
- helical dipole
- magnetic dipole
- open-sleeve dipole
- oscillating dipole
- perturber dipole
- triple-folded dipole
- wide-band dipoleEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > dipole
3 antenna
= ant- active antenna
- active retrodirective antenna
- adaptive antenna
- Adcock antenna
- aerodiscone antenna
- airborne antenna
- air-inflated antenna
- Alexanderson antenna
- Alford antenna
- Alford loop antenna
- Alford slotted tubular antenna
- all-around looking antenna
- all-wave antenna
- amplitude monopulse antenna
- angle-reflector antenna
- annular antenna
- annular slot antenna
- antifading antenna
- antihunting antenna
- anti-interference antenna
- antistatic antenna
- aperiodic antenna
- aperture antenna
- apex-drive antenna
- arc antenna
- Archimedean spiral antenna
- array antenna
- artificial antenna
- autotracking antenna
- axial-mode antenna
- azimuth antenna
- backfire antenna
- balanced antenna
- ball antenna
- barrel antenna
- base antenna
- base-loaded antenna
- batwing antenna
- beacon antenna
- beam antenna
- beavertall antenna
- Bellini-Tosi antenna
- Beverage antenna
- bicone antenna
- biconical antenna
- biconical horn antenna
- bidirectional antenna
- bifocal antenna
- bilateral antenna
- billboard antenna
- bird-cage antenna
- blade antenna
- bottom-loaded antenna
- bow-tie antenna
- box antenna
- broadband antenna
- broadcast antenna
- broadside array antenna
- Bruce antenna
- buggy-whip antenna
- built-in antenna
- Butler antenna
- cage antenna
- capacitance antenna
- capacitance loaded antenna
- capacitor antenna
- car antenna
- Cassegrain antenna
- Cassegrain reflector antenna
- cavity antenna
- cavity slot antenna
- cavity-backed slot antenna
- center-fed antenna
- ceramic rod antenna
- cheese antenna
- Christiansen antenna
- cigar antenna
- Cindy antenna
- circular antenna
- circular-aperture antenna
- circular horn antenna
- circularly polarized antenna
- clam-shell antenna
- closed antenna
- clover-leaf antenna
- coaxial antenna
- coaxial-dipole antenna
- cobra antenna
- coil antenna
- collapsible antenna
- collinear antenna
- collinear array antenna
- comb antenna
- combined antenna
- command antenna
- common antenna
- community antenna
- compensated sleeve antenna
- compound circular horn antenna
- compound horn antenna
- conformal antenna
- conical antenna
- conical helix antenna
- conically scanning antenna
- conical-scan radar antenna
- conical spiral antenna
- contoured beam antenna
- corner antenna
- cornucopia antenna
- corrugated horn antenna
- corrugated-surface antenna
- cosec2 antenna
- cosec2 beam antenna
- cosecant-squared antenna
- cosecant-squared beam antenna
- cp antenna
- crossed antenna
- crossed-coil antenna
- crossed-dipole antenna
- crossed-loop antenna
- cubical antenna
- current-sheet antenna
- curtain antenna
- curtain rhombic antenna
- Cutler antenna
- cut-parabolic antenna
- cylinder antenna
- cylindrical antenna
- cylindrical-dipole antenna
- deerhorn antenna
- delta-matched impedance antenna
- demountable antenna
- density-tapered array antenna
- deployable antenna
- despun antenna
- df antenna
- diagonal horn antenna
- diamond antenna
- dielectric antenna
- dielectric-coated antenna
- dielectric foam antenna
- dielectric lens antenna
- dielectric rod antenna
- diffraction antenna
- diplexer antenna
- dipole antenna
- directional antenna
- directional broadside antenna
- directional end-on antenna
- directional-null antenna
- direction-finder antenna
- direction-finding antenna
- directive antenna
- directly excited antenna
- directly fed antenna
- director antenna
- director-type antenna
- discage antenna
- discone antenna
- dish antenna
- disk antenna - ditch antenna
- diversity antenna
- DME antenna
- Dolph-Chebyshev antenna
- Dolph-Chebyshev array antenna
- dot-beam antenna
- double antenna
- double-beam antenna
- double-cheese antenna
- double-cone antenna
- double-diamond antenna
- double-dipole antenna
- double-doublet antenna
- double-fed antenna
- double-feed antenna
- double-reflector antenna
- double-slot antenna
- doublet antenna
- double-V antenna
- downlink antenna
- dual-aperture antenna
- dual-band antenna
- dual-frequency antenna
- dual-mode antenna
- dual-pattern antenna
- dual-polarization antenna
- dual-reflector antenna
- dummy antenna
- echelon lens antenna
- ECM antenna
- electrically scanned antenna
- electrically small antenna
- electric-dipole antenna
- electromechanically scanned antenna
- electronically scanned antenna
- electronic countermeasure antenna
- elevation antenna
- elevation radar antenna
- ellipsoidal antenna
- elliptically polarized antenna
- end-fed antenna
- end-fire array antenna
- end-on array antenna
- E-plane sectoral horn antenna
- E-plane flared sectoral horn antenna
- equiangular spiral antenna
- erectable antenna
- exponential antenna
- exponential horn antenna
- external antenna
- fading-reducing antenna
- fakir's bed antenna
- fan antenna
- fan-beam antenna
- fan-shaped antenna
- feeding antenna
- ferrite antenna
- ferrite-cored antenna
- ferrite loop antenna - fin-mounted antenna
- fir-tree antenna
- fishbone antenna
- fish-eye antenna
- fishpole antenna
- fixed antenna
- flagpole antenna
- flat-top antenna
- flexrib antenna
- flush antenna
- flush-mounted antenna
- folded-dipole antenna
- folded-fan antenna
- folded-monopole antenna
- folded slot antenna
- Foster antenna
- fractal antenna
- fractal Sierpinski antenna
- frame antenna
- Franklin antenna
- frequency-controlled antenna
- frequency-independent antenna
- frequency-scan antenna
- frequency-scanned antenna
- Fresnel lens antenna
- fringe antenna
- full-wave antenna
- funnel antenna
- furlable antenna
- gain antenna
- gamma-type antenna
- geodesic lens antenna
- geodesic-lens scanning antenna
- glide-path antenna
- glide-slope antenna
- global beam antenna
- gravitational-wave antenna
- Gregorian antenna
- Gregorian reflector antenna
- ground antenna
- ground based antenna
- grounded whip antenna
- ground-plane antenna
- guidance antenna
- H-antenna
- half-cheese antenna
- half-rhombic antenna
- half-wave antenna
- half-wave dipole antenna
- half-wave resonant antenna
- hand-held antenna
- harmonic antenna
- harp antenna
- headlight antenna
- helical antenna
- helical beam antenna
- helisphere antenna
- helix antenna
- helix horn antenna
- helmet antenna
- Hertz antenna
- HF antenna
- high-frequency antenna
- high-gain antenna
- highly directive antenna
- hoghorn antenna
- holographic antenna
- homing antenna
- horizontally polarized antenna
- horn antenna
- horn-reflector antenna
- H-plane sectorial horn antenna
- H-plane flared sectorial horn antenna
- hybrid-mode horn antenna
- image antenna
- Indian club antenna
- indirectly excited antenna
- indoor antenna
- inductance loaded antenna
- inflatable antenna
- integrated thin-film antenna
- interferometer antenna
- inverted-cone antenna
- inverted L-antenna
- inverted V-antenna
- ionosonde antenna
- isotropic antenna
- J-antenna
- Janus antenna
- L-antenna
- laminated antenna
- lazy
- leaky-pipe antenna
- leaky-wave antenna
- leaky-waveguide antenna
- left-hand antenna
- left-hand sense antenna
- lens antenna
- Lewis antenna
- linear antenna
- linear array antenna
- linear dipole antenna
- linearly polarized antenna
- lip-mount antenna
- loaded antenna
- lobing antenna
- localizer antenna
- log-periodic antenna
- long-wire antenna
- loop antenna
- loopstick antenna
- low-noise antenna
- low-profile antenna
- low side-lobe antenna
- LP antenna
- Luneberg antenna
- Luneberg lens antenna
- magnetic antenna
- magnetic dipole antenna
- magnet-mount antenna
- Marconi antenna
- Marconi vertical-wire antenna
- mast antenna
- master antenna
- metallic antenna
- metallic lens antenna
- microstrip antenna - Mills antenna
- Mills cross antenna
- mirror antenna
- mobile antenna
- monitoring antenna
- monopole antenna
- monopulse antenna
- movable antenna
- multiarm spiral antenna
- multiband antenna
- multibeam antenna
- multielement antenna
- multifrequency antenna
- multilobe antenna
- multimode antenna - multiple-unit steerable antenna
- multiprogram antenna
- multitier antenna
- narrow-beam antenna
- nondirectlonal antenna
- nonresonant antenna
- normal mode helical antenna
- nose-cone antenna
- notch antenna
- null-steerable antenna
- nutating antenna
- oblate spheroidal antenna
- offset-fed reflector antenna
- offset paraboloidal reflector antenna
- omnidirectional antenna
- omnipole antenna - optical antenna
- orange peel antenna
- orthogonal antennas
- oscillating doublet antenna
- outdoor antenna
- paging antenna
- parabolic antenna
- parabolic-cylinder antenna
- parabolic-reflector antenna
- paraboloid antenna
- parasitic antenna
- passive antenna
- pencil-beam antenna
- periodic antenna
- periscope antenna
- phantom antenna
- phased antenna
- phased-array antenna
- phase monopulse antenna
- phase-shaped antenna
- pickup antenna
- pill-box antenna
- pivot antenna
- planar-array antenna
- planar spiral antenna
- plane antenna
- plane-reflector antenna
- pocket antenna
- polarization-diversity antennas
- polyphase antenna
- polyrod antenna
- portable antenna
- primary antenna
- printed-circuit antenna
- probe antenna
- progressive-wave antenna
- prolate spheroidal antenna
- proximity-coupled dipole array antenna
- pylon antenna
- pyramidal horn antenna
- Q-antenna
- quad antenna
- quadraloop antenna
- quadrant antenna
- quadrupole antenna
- quarter-wave antenna
- rabbit ears antenna
- radar antenna
- radar lobe-switching antenna
- radioastronomic antenna
- radio-relay antenna
- radome antenna
- rainspout antenna
- ram's-horn antenna
- reactive reflector antenna
- receiving antenna
- reception antenna
- rectangular horn antenna
- rectangular slot antenna
- redirective antenna
- reference antenna
- reflective array antenna
- reflector antenna
- reradiating antenna
- reradiator antenna
- resonant antenna
- resonant-V antenna
- retrodirective antenna
- rhombic antenna
- rhombic end-fire antenna
- RHS antenna
- ribbon antenna
- ridged-horn antenna
- right-hand antenna
- right-hand sense antenna
- ring antenna
- Robinson antenna
- rod antenna
- room antenna
- rotary antenna
- rotary beam antenna
- rotatable antenna
- rotating antenna
- satellite tracking antenna
- saxophone antenna
- scanner antenna
- scanning antenna
- Schmidt antenna
- Schwarzschild antenna
- scimitar antenna
- screened helical antenna
- screened loop antenna
- sea/land radar antenna
- search antenna
- sectionalized vertical antenna
- sectoral horn antenna
- self-focusing antenna
- self-phased antenna
- self-phasing array antenna
- sense antenna
- sensing antenna
- series-excited antenna
- series-fed vertical antenna
- serpent antenna
- set-top antenna
- shaped-beam antenna
- sheet antenna
- shielded loop antenna
- shipborne fire control antenna
- shortwave antenna
- shovel antenna
- shunt-excited antenna
- shunt-fed vertical antenna
- side-looking antenna
- signal-proccessing antenna
- signpost antenna
- single-aperture antenna
- single-band antenna
- single-beam antenna
- single-slot antenna
- single-wire antenna
- skeleton-slot antenna
- skin antenna
- skirt antenna
- skirt-dipole antenna
- slave antenna
- sleeve antenna
- sleeve-dipole antenna
- sleeve-monopole antenna
- sleeve-stub antenna
- slit antenna
- sloping-vee antenna
- slot antenna
- slot-fed dipole antenna
- slotted waveguide antenna
- snake antenna
- solid sheet batwing antenna
- space-born antenna
- spaced antennas
- spaced-out antennas
- space-tapered array antenna
- spherical antenna
- spherical-radiator antenna
- spherical-reflector antenna
- spheroidal antenna
- spider-web antenna
- spiral antenna
- split-lobe antenna
- spot-beam antenna
- square loop antenna
- squirrel-cage antenna
- stabilized antenna
- stacked antenna
- stacked-beam antenna
- stagger antenna
- standard antenna
- standing-wave antenna
- steerable antenna
- stepped antenna
- step-scan antenna
- Sterba antenna
- stripline antenna
- stub antenna
- subsurface antenna
- superconducting antenna
- superdirective antenna
- supergain antenna
- superturnstile antenna
- surface antenna
- surface-wave antenna
- switch antenna
- switched antenna
- symmetrical antenna
- synthetic antenna
- synthetic-aperture antenna
- T-antenna
- telemetering antenna
- telescopic antenna
- television antenna
- terminated rhombic antenna
- terminated wave antenna
- thinned array antenna
- thunderstick antenna
- tilting antenna
- tin-hat antenna
- top-loaded antenna
- top-loaded vertical antenna
- tracking antenna
- trailed antenna
- trailing antenna
- transceiver antenna
- transmitting antenna
- traveling-wave antenna
- tri-band antenna
- tridipole antenna
- trigonal-reflector antenna
- triorthogonal antenna
- tripole antenna
- tubular batwing antenna
- tuned antenna
- turnstile antenna
- two-armed spiral antenna
- two-wire spiral antenna
- umbrella antenna
- umbrella reflector antenna
- underwater antenna
- unfurlable antenna
- ungrounded half-wave antenna
- unidirectional antenna
- unilateral antenna
- uniphase antenna
- unipole antenna
- unloaded antenna
- unstabilized antenna
- untuned antenna
- uplink antenna
- V-antenna
- Valentine antenna
- variable-coverage antenna
- variable-elevation beam antenna
- vehicle antenna
- venetian-blind antenna
- vertex-fed antenna
- vertical antenna
- vertically polarized antenna
- very high-frequency antenna
- VHF antenna
- wave antenna
- waveguide antenna
- whip antenna
- wide-band antenna
- Windom antenna
- wire antenna
- wire-grid lens antenna
- Wullenweber antenna
- Y-antenna
- Yagi antenna
- Yagi-Uda antenna
- Zepp antenna
- Zeppelin antenna
- zoned antenna
- zone-plate lens antenna -
4 antenna
- active antenna
- active retrodirective antenna
- adaptive antenna
- Adcock antenna
- aerodiscone antenna
- airborne antenna
- air-inflated antenna
- Alexanderson antenna
- Alford antenna
- Alford loop antenna
- Alford slotted tubular antenna
- all-around looking antenna
- all-wave antenna
- amplitude monopulse antenna
- angle-reflector antenna
- annular antenna
- annular slot antenna
- antifading antenna
- antihunting antenna
- anti-interference antenna
- antistatic antenna
- aperiodic antenna
- aperture antenna
- apex-drive antenna
- arc antenna
- Archimedean spiral antenna
- array antenna
- artificial antenna
- autotracking antenna
- axial-mode antenna
- azimuth antenna
- backfire antenna
- balanced antenna
- ball antenna
- barrel antenna
- base antenna
- base-loaded antenna
- batwing antenna
- beacon antenna
- beam antenna
- beavertall antenna
- Bellini-Tosi antenna
- Beverage antenna
- bicone antenna
- biconical antenna
- biconical horn antenna
- bidirectional antenna
- bifocal antenna
- bilateral antenna
- billboard antenna
- bird-cage antenna
- blade antenna
- bottom-loaded antenna
- bow-tie antenna
- box antenna
- broadband antenna
- broadcast antenna
- broadside array antenna
- Bruce antenna
- buggy-whip antenna
- built-in antenna
- Butler antenna
- cage antenna
- capacitance antenna
- capacitance loaded antenna
- capacitor antenna
- car antenna
- Cassegrain antenna
- Cassegrain reflector antenna
- cavity antenna
- cavity slot antenna
- cavity-backed slot antenna
- center-fed antenna
- ceramic rod antenna
- cheese antenna
- Christiansen antenna
- cigar antenna
- Cindy antenna
- circular antenna
- circular horn antenna
- circular-aperture antenna
- circularly polarized antenna
- clam-shell antenna
- closed antenna
- clover-leaf antenna
- coaxial antenna
- coaxial-dipole antenna
- cobra antenna
- coil antenna
- collapsible antenna
- collinear antenna
- collinear array antenna
- comb antenna
- combined antenna
- command antenna
- common antenna
- community antenna
- compensated sleeve antenna
- compound circular horn antenna
- compound horn antenna
- conformal antenna
- conical antenna
- conical helix antenna
- conical spiral antenna
- conically scanning antenna
- conical-scan radar antenna
- contoured beam antenna
- corner antenna
- cornucopia antenna
- corrugated horn antenna
- corrugated-surface antenna
- cosec2 antenna
- cp antenna
- crossed antenna
- crossed-coil antenna
- crossed-dipole antenna
- crossed-loop antenna
- cubical antenna
- current-sheet antenna
- curtain antenna
- curtain rhombic antenna
- Cutler antenna
- cut-parabolic antenna
- cylinder antenna
- cylindrical antenna
- cylindrical-dipole antenna
- deerhorn antenna
- delta-matched impedance antenna
- demountable antenna
- density-tapered array antenna
- deployable antenna
- despun antenna
- df antenna
- diagonal horn antenna
- diamond antenna
- dielectric antenna
- dielectric foam antenna
- dielectric lens antenna
- dielectric rod antenna
- dielectric-coated antenna
- diffraction antenna
- diplexer antenna
- dipole antenna
- directional antenna
- directional broadside antenna
- directional end-on antenna
- directional-null antenna
- direction-finder antenna
- direction-finding antenna
- directive antenna
- directly excited antenna
- directly fed antenna
- director antenna
- director-type antenna
- discage antenna
- discone antenna
- dish antenna
- disk antenna
- displaced phase center antenna
- distance-measuring equipment antenna
- ditch antenna
- diversity antenna
- DME antenna
- Dolph-Chebyshev antenna
- Dolph-Chebyshev array antenna
- dot-beam antenna
- double antenna
- double-beam antenna
- double-cheese antenna
- double-cone antenna
- double-diamond antenna
- double-dipole antenna
- double-doublet antenna
- double-fed antenna
- double-feed antenna
- double-reflector antenna
- double-slot antenna
- doublet antenna
- double-V antenna
- downlink antenna
- dual-aperture antenna
- dual-band antenna
- dual-frequency antenna
- dual-mode antenna
- dual-pattern antenna
- dual-polarization antenna
- dual-reflector antenna
- dummy antenna
- echelon lens antenna
- ECM antenna
- electrically scanned antenna
- electrically small antenna
- electric-dipole antenna
- electromechanically scanned antenna
- electronic countermeasure antenna
- electronically scanned antenna
- elevation antenna
- elevation radar antenna
- ellipsoidal antenna
- elliptically polarized antenna
- end-fed antenna
- end-fire array antenna
- end-on array antenna
- E-plane flared sectoral horn antenna
- E-plane sectoral horn antenna
- equiangular spiral antenna
- erectable antenna
- exponential antenna
- exponential horn antenna
- external antenna
- fading-reducing antenna
- fakir's bed antenna
- fan antenna
- fan-beam antenna
- fan-shaped antenna
- feeding antenna
- ferrite antenna
- ferrite loop antenna
- ferrite rod antenna
- ferrite-cored antenna
- finding antenna
- fin-mounted antenna
- fir-tree antenna
- fishbone antenna
- fish-eye antenna
- fishpole antenna
- fixed antenna
- flagpole antenna
- flat-top antenna
- flexrib antenna
- flush-antenna
- flush-mounted antenna
- folded slot antenna
- folded-dipole antenna
- folded-fan antenna
- folded-monopole antenna
- Foster antenna
- fractal antenna
- fractal Sierpinski antenna
- frame antenna
- Franklin antenna
- frequency-controlled antenna
- frequency-independent antenna
- frequency-scan antenna
- frequency-scanned antenna
- Fresnel lens antenna
- fringe antenna
- full-wave antenna
- funnel antenna
- furlable antenna
- gain antenna
- gamma-type antenna
- geodesic lens antenna
- geodesic-lens scanning antenna
- glide-path antenna
- glide-slope antenna
- global beam antenna
- gravitatlonal-wave antenna
- Gregorian antenna
- Gregorian reflector antenna
- ground antenna
- ground based antenna
- grounded whip antenna
- ground-plane antenna
- guidance antenna
- half-cheese antenna
- half-rhombic antenna
- half-wave antenna
- half-wave dipole antenna
- half-wave resonant antenna
- hand-held antenna
- H-antenna
- harmonic antenna
- harp antenna
- headlight antenna
- helical antenna
- helical beam antenna
- helisphere antenna
- helix antenna
- helix horn antenna
- helmet antenna
- Hertz antenna
- HF antenna
- high-frequency antenna
- high-gain antenna
- highly directive antenna
- hoghorn antenna
- holographic antenna
- homing antenna
- horizontally polarized antenna
- horn antenna
- horn-reflector antenna
- H-plane flared sectorial horn antenna
- H-plane sectorial horn antenna
- hybrid-mode horn antenna
- image antenna
- Indian club antenna
- indirectly excited antenna
- indoor antenna
- inductance loaded antenna
- inflatable antenna
- integrated thin-film antenna
- interferometer antenna
- inverted L-antenna
- inverted V-antenna
- inverted-cone antenna
- ionosonde antenna
- isotropic antenna
- J-antenna
- Janus antenna
- laminated antenna
- L-antenna
- lazy H antenna
- leaky-pipe antenna
- leaky-wave antenna
- leaky-waveguide antenna
- left-hand antenna
- left-hand sense antenna
- lens antenna
- Lewis antenna
- linear antenna
- linear array antenna
- linear dipole antenna
- linearly polarized antenna
- lip-mount antenna
- loaded antenna
- lobing antenna
- localizer antenna
- log-periodic antenna
- long-wire antenna
- loop antenna
- loopstick antenna
- low side-lobe antenna
- low-noise antenna
- low-profile antenna
- LP antenna
- Luneberg antenna
- Luneberg lens antenna
- magnetic antenna
- magnetic dipole antenna
- magnet-mount antenna
- Marconi antenna
- Marconi vertical-wire antenna
- mast antenna
- master antenna
- metallic antenna
- metallic lens antenna
- microstrip antenna
- microstrip linear antenna
- microwave antenna
- Mills antenna
- Mills cross antenna
- mirror antenna
- mobile antenna
- monitoring antenna
- monopole antenna
- monopulse antenna
- movable antenna
- multiarm spiral antenna
- multiband antenna
- multibeam antenna
- multielement antenna
- multifrequency antenna
- multilobe antenna
- multimode antenna
- multiple-beam antenna
- multiple-tuned antenna
- multiple-unit steerable antenna
- multiprogram antenna
- multitier antenna
- narrow-beam antenna
- nondirectlonal antenna
- nonresonant antenna
- normal mode helical antenna
- nose-cone antenna
- notch antenna
- null-steerable antenna
- nutating antenna
- oblate spheroidal antenna
- offset paraboloidal reflector antenna
- offset-fed reflector antenna
- omnidirectional antenna
- omnipole antenna
- omnirange antenna
- open antenna
- optical antenna
- orange peel antenna
- orthogonal antennas
- oscillating doublet antenna
- outdoor antenna
- paging antenna
- parabolic antenna
- parabolic-cylinder antenna
- parabolic-reflector antenna
- paraboloid antenna
- parasitic antenna
- passive antenna
- pencil-beam antenna
- periodic antenna
- periscope antenna
- phantom antenna
- phase monopulse antenna
- phased antenna
- phased-array antenna
- phase-shaped antenna
- pickup antenna
- pill-box antenna
- pivot antenna
- planar spiral antenna
- planar-array antenna
- plane antenna
- plane-reflector antenna
- pocket antenna
- polarization-diversity antennas
- polyphase antenna
- polyrod antenna
- portable antenna
- primary antenna
- printed-circuit antenna
- probe antenna
- progressive-wave antenna
- prolate spheroidal antenna
- proximity-coupled dipole array antenna
- pylon antenna
- pyramidal horn antenna
- Q-antenna
- quad antenna
- quadraloop antenna
- quadrant antenna
- quadrupole antenna
- quarter-wave antenna
- rabbit ears antenna
- radar antenna
- radar lobe-switching antenna
- radioastronomic antenna
- radio-relay antenna
- radome antenna
- rainspout antenna
- ram's-horn antenna
- reactive reflector antenna
- receiving antenna
- reception antenna
- rectangular horn antenna
- rectangular slot antenna
- redirective antenna
- reference antenna
- reflective array antenna
- reflector antenna
- reradiating antenna
- reradiator antenna
- resonant antenna
- resonant-V antenna
- retrodirective antenna
- rhombic antenna
- rhombic end-fire antenna
- RHS antenna
- ribbon antenna
- ridged-horn antenna
- right-hand antenna
- right-hand sense antenna
- ring antenna
- Robinson antenna
- rod antenna
- room antenna
- rotary antenna
- rotary beam antenna
- rotatable antenna
- rotating antenna
- satellite tracking antenna
- saxophone antenna
- scanner antenna
- scanning antenna
- Schmidt antenna
- Schwarzschild antenna
- scimitar antenna
- screened helical antenna
- screened loop antenna
- sea/land radar antenna
- search antenna
- sectionalized vertical antenna
- sectoral horn antenna
- self-focusing antenna
- self-phased antenna
- self-phasing array antenna
- sense antenna
- sensing antenna
- series-excited antenna
- series-fed vertical antenna
- serpent antenna
- set-top antenna
- shaped-beam antenna
- sheet antenna
- shielded loop antenna
- shipborne fire control antenna
- shortwave antenna
- shovel antenna
- shunt-excited antenna
- shunt-fed vertical antenna
- side-looking antenna
- signal-proccessing antenna
- signpost antenna
- single-aperture antenna
- single-band antenna
- single-beam antenna
- single-slot antenna
- single-wire antenna
- skeleton-slot antenna
- skin antenna
- skirt antenna
- skirt-dipole antenna
- slave antenna
- sleeve antenna
- sleeve-dipole antenna
- sleeve-monopole antenna
- sleeve-stub antenna
- slit antenna
- sloping-vee antenna
- slot antenna
- slot-fed dipole antenna
- slotted waveguide antenna
- snake antenna
- solid sheet batwing antenna
- space-born antenna
- spaced antenna
- spaced-out antenna
- space-tapered array antenna
- spherical antenna
- spherical-radiator antenna
- spherical-reflector antenna
- spheroidal antenna
- spider-web antenna
- spiral antenna
- split-lobe antenna
- spot-beam antenna
- square loop antenna
- squirrel-cage antenna
- stabilized antenna
- stacked antenna
- stacked-beam antenna
- stagger antenna
- standard antenna
- standing-wave antenna
- steerable antenna
- stepped antenna
- step-scan antenna
- Sterba antenna
- stripline antenna
- stub antenna
- subsurface antenna
- superconducting antenna
- superdirective antenna
- supergain antenna
- superturnstile antenna
- surface antenna
- surface-wave antenna
- switch antenna
- switched antenna
- symmetrical antenna
- synthetic antenna
- synthetic-aperture antenna
- T-antenna
- telemetering antenna
- telescopic antenna
- television antenna
- terminated rhombic antenna
- terminated wave antenna
- thinned array antenna
- thunderstick antenna
- tilting antenna
- tin-hat antenna
- top-loaded antenna
- top-loaded vertical antenna
- tracking antenna
- trailed antenna
- trailing antenna
- transceiver antenna
- transmitting antenna
- traveling-wave antenna
- tri-band antenna
- tridipole antenna
- trigonal-reflector antenna
- triorthogonal antenna
- tripole antenna
- tubular batwing antenna
- tuned antenna
- turnstile antenna
- two-armed spiral antenna
- two-wire spiral antenna
- umbrella antenna
- umbrella reflector antenna
- underwater antenna
- unfurlable antenna
- ungrounded half-wave antenna
- unidirectional antenna
- unilateral antenna
- uniphase antenna
- unipole antenna
- unloaded antenna
- unstabilized antenna
- untuned antenna
- uplink antenna
- Valentine antenna
- V-antenna
- variable-coverage antenna
- variable-elevation beam antenna
- vehicle antenna
- venetian-blind antenna
- vertex-fed antenna
- vertical antenna
- vertically polarized antenna
- very high-frequency antenna
- VHF antenna
- wave antenna
- waveguide antenna
- whip antenna
- wide-band antenna
- Windom antenna
- wire antenna
- wire-grid lens antenna
- Wullenweber antenna
- Yagi antenna
- Yagi-Uda antenna
- Y-antenna
- Zepp antenna
- Zeppellin antenna
- zoned antenna
- zone-plate lens antennaThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > antenna
5 array
2) матрица; периодическая структура; сетка3) вчт. массив4) таблица5) цепочка6) вектор7) геофиз. расстановка; схема расположения; группа8) геофиз. установка9) геофиз. зонд•-
active antenna array
active array
adaptive array
adjustable array
aerial antenna array
aerial array
automatic scanning array
autonomous solar array
avalanche photodiode imaging array
axial-dipole array
azimuthal dipole-dipole array
backfire array
bimorph array
binary array
broadside array
CCD array
cell array
cellular array
charge array
circuit array
circular array
circularly polarized array
closed array
closely spaced fuel rod array
coherent antenna array
coincidence array
collinear array
complex array
complex function array
conformal array
conformant arrays
conical array
conically scanning array
coordinate-connected array
cophasal array
core array
correlation array
coupled waveguide array
cross array
crosspoint array
crow's foot array
cylindrical array
data array
density-tapered array
deployable solar array
detector array
diamond array
diode array
diode target array
dip-angle array
dipole array
dipole-dipole array
discrete array
discretionary routed array
dislocation array
disperse array
Dolph-Chebyshev antenna array
Dolph-Chebyshev array
electrode array
electronically scanned array
end-fed array
end-fire array
equispaced array
expanding array
fan-like array
feed array
feedthrough array
field-programmable logic array
filtering array
fixed-sized array
flat array
flexible array
flexible solar array
flush-mounted array
Franclin array
frequency-scanned array
fuel rod array
fuse-programmable array
gate array
geophone array
grating array
half-wave spaced array
hemispherically scanned array
herringbone array
high-voltage photovoltaic array
hologram array
horizontal collinear array
imaging array
induced-polarization array
induction array
in-line array
lateral array
light-emitting array
lightweight solar array
linear array
linear CCD array
logic array
low sidelobe array
maintenance-free solar array
mattress array
memory array
meso-meteorological buoy array
monolithically integrated solar array
monopole array
monopulse array
MOS array
multibeam array
multichip array
multidimensional array
multiple seismometer array
multiple shot array
N-dimensional array
NEP array
nonuniform array
normal array
null-steering array
odd arm star array
one-dimensional array
open fuel rod array
parasitic array
patch array
perpendicular array
phased array
phase-scanned array
photodiode array
photosensor array
photovoltaic array
pine-tree array
pin-grid array
planar array
pointer array
pole-dipole array
pole-pole array
polycell array
probe array
processing array
programmable logic array
receiving array
reciprocal array
rectangular array
reflector array
regular array
resistivity surveying array
resistor array
resistor-capacitor array
retrodirective array
reversible array
rigid solar array
ring array
root-integrated solar array
RSI array
scanned array
seismic array
self-phased array
self-scanned array
sensor array
SEP array
series array
shot array
silicon solar-cell array
silicon solar array
slot array
solar-cell array
solar array
solarvoltaic array
S-P solar array
space solar array
space-tapered array
stocked dipole array
sun seeking solar array
switched array
systolic array
tapered array
thermistor array
thinned array
tile array
touch pad switch array
TPS array
transducer array
transmissive array
transmitting array
triangular array
trimmable resistor array
two-dimensional array
uncommitted logic array
uncommitted array
uniform array
unit cell array
unsteerable array
waveguide array
Yagi-Uda array -
6 method
1) метод; приём; способ2) методика3) технология4) система•- accelerated strength testing method-
benching method-
bullhead well control method-
electrical-surveying method-
electromagnetic surveying method-
long-wire transmitter method-
operational method-
rule of thumb method-
straight flange method of rolling beams-
symbolical method-
tee-test method-
testing method-
triangulation method-
value-iteration method -
7 antenna
см. тж. aerial- achromatic antenna
- active antenna
- actual antenna
- adaptive antenna
- aerodiscone antenna
- aerospace antenna
- air-frame antenna
- airplane antenna
- Alexanderson antenna
- Alford antenna
- annular antenna
- antifading antenna
- antistatic antenna
- aperiodic antenna
- aperture antenna
- aperture-angle antenna
- arc antenna
- artificial antenna
- automobile antenna
- auxiliary ship antenna
- axial-symmetric antenna
- backfire antenna
- back-to-back antenna
- band antenna
- base antenna
- batwing antenna
- beam antenna
- Beverage antenna
- biconical antenna
- bifocal antenna
- bilateral antenna
- billboard antenna
- block antenna
- bobtail curtain antenna
- bow-tie antenna
- box antenna
- broadband antenna
- broadbeam antenna
- broadside antenna
- built-in antenna
- butterfly antenna
- cage antenna
- capacitance-feeded antenna
- cap-type antenna
- car antenna
- car TV-antenna
- Cassegrain antenna
- cavity antenna
- center-fed reflector antenna
- cheese antenna
- circular antenna
- coaxial antenna
- coil antenna
- colinear antenna
- combined antenna
- communal antenna
- compact antenna
- complementary-pair antenna
- complementary-steerable antenna
- compound reflector antenna
- cone antenna
- conical antenna
- conical-horn antenna
- conical-monopole antenna
- corner antenna
- corrugated antenna
- cosecant-squared antenna
- coupled antenna
- cradle antenna
- cross antenna
- crossed antenna
- cryogenic antenna
- cubical antenna
- curtain rhombic antenna
- custom-configured antenna
- custom-made antenna
- cylinder antenna
- deer-horn antenna
- delta-loop antenna
- despun antenna
- diamond antenna
- diamond-loop antenna
- dielectric-rod antenna
- dieletric-lens antenna
- diffraction antenna
- dipole antenna
- direct-aperture antenna
- directed-sector antenna
- directional antenna
- dish antenna
- disk antenna
- disk-cone antenna
- disk-on-rod antenna
- dismountable antenna
- dome antenna
- double-band antenna
- double-square antenna
- doublet antenna
- double-umbrella antenna
- driven antenna
- dual-offset antenna
- dummy antenna
- earth-coverage antenna
- electric-pair antenna
- electronically scanned antenna
- electronically steerable antenna
- elementary antenna
- eleven-element antenna
- embedded-wire anti-ice antenna
- emergency antenna
- emergency ship antenna
- empty-helix antenna
- end-fire antenna
- E-plane-type pillbox antenna
- equiangular-spiral antenna
- exciting antenna
- factory-made antenna
- fan antenna
- fan-beam antenna
- fanned-beam antenna
- ferrite-rod antenna
- filament antenna
- filter-plexed antenna
- fin antenna
- finding antenna
- fin-mounted antenna
- fishbone antenna
- fishpole antenna
- flagpole antenna
- flat antenna
- flat-top antenna
- flexible antenna
- flush-mounted antenna
- FM unipolar antenna
- foldable antenna
- fold-down antenna
- four-element antenna
- four-tier antenna
- frame antenna
- Fresnel antenna
- full-band antenna
- fully steerable antenna
- glass-mount antenna
- glass-plastic antenna
- global coverage antenna
- GP antenna
- Gregorian antenna
- ground-to-air antenna
- half-pillbox antenna
- half-rhomb antenna
- half-slot antenna
- half-wave antenna
- halo antenna
- harmonic antenna
- hectometer antenna
- helical antenna
- H-field antenna
- high-efficient antenna
- high-impact antenna
- hoghorn antenna
- horizontally-polarized antenna
- horn-lens antenna
- H-plane antenna
- hula-loop antenna
- hyperbolic antenna
- image antenna
- imaging antenna
- indoor antenna
- instrumentation antenna
- instrument-panel antenna
- internal antenna
- intersatellite antenna
- inverse Cassegrain antenna
- inverted vee antenna
- IR-antenna
- isotrope antenna
- isotropic antenna
- laminated antenna
- L-antenna
- lazy H antenna
- LB-antenna
- leaky-wave antenna
- lens antenna
- linear antenna
- linear-conductor antenna
- locomotive antenna
- log-periodic antenna
- long wire antenna
- long-conductor antenna
- long-range antenna
- loop antenna
- loop-monopole antenna
- loop-stick antenna
- low-angle antenna
- low-frequency antenna
- low-silhoette antenna
- LP antenna
- magnetic antenna
- magnetic-based antenna
- magnetic-cored antenna
- magnetic-dipole antenna
- magnetic-sole antenna
- main ship antenna
- mains antenna
- manypole antenna
- mast antenna
- master antenna
- matched-filter antenna
- meander-type chain antenna
- metallic antenna
- microwave antenna
- miniloop antenna
- mirror antenna
- monoconical antenna
- monopillar helix antenna
- monopole antenna
- monopole-notch antenna
- monopulse antenna
- multiband antenna
- multibeam antenna
- multichannel antenna
- multielement dipole antenna
- multifeed antenna
- multilevel antenna
- multilobed antenna
- multimode antenna
- multiple antenna
- multiple-beam antenna
- multiunit antenna
- MW/DW antenna
- narrow-band antenna
- narrow-beam antenna
- near-field antenna
- near-field Cassegrain antenna
- near-surface antenna
- noise antenna
- noise-protected antenna
- nondirectional antenna
- nonresonant antenna
- notch antenna
- offset antenna
- off-surface antenna
- omniazimuthal antenna
- omnidirectional antenna
- open antenna
- orthogonal antennas
- outdoor antenna
- outer frame antenna
- outer pager antenna
- overtuned antenna
- paddle antenna
- paired antenna
- parabolic-dish antenna
- paraboloid antenna
- paracylinder antenna
- passive antenna
- paste-on antenna
- paste-on-type antenna
- pencil-beam antenna
- periodic antenna
- periscope antenna
- pickup antenna
- piggyback antenna
- pill-box antenna
- pin antenna
- pivot antenna
- planar antenna
- planar-array antenna
- plastic antenna
- plate antenna
- plural-beam antenna
- pocket antenna
- polar antenna
- prepositioned antenna
- prime-focal antenna
- progressive wave antenna
- pylon antenna
- pyramidal antenna
- quadrate antenna
- quarter-wave antenna
- radio-relay antenna
- reference antenna
- reflective array antenna
- reflector antenna
- replaceable-elongated antenna
- reserve antenna
- resonance antenna
- resonant antenna
- retrodirective antenna
- retroreflector antenna
- rhombic antenna
- ribbon antenna
- rib-mesh antenna
- ring antenna
- rod antenna
- roof antenna
- roof-top antenna
- room antenna
- rotatable antenna
- round diagram antenna
- running wave antenna
- satcom antenna
- satellite-communication antenna
- satellite-to-earth station antenna
- satellite-to-satellite antenna
- SB-antenna
- scimitar antenna
- scin antenna
- sector antenna
- sectoral antenna
- self-phasing antenna
- self-resonant antenna
- sense antenna
- sensing antenna
- series-fed vertical antenna
- seven-element antenna
- shaped-beam antenna
- sharp directional antenna
- shorted antenna
- Shpindler antenna
- shunt-excited antenna
- shunt-fed vertical antenna
- single-band antenna
- single-channel antenna
- single-element antenna
- single-horn antenna
- single-polarized antenna
- sixteen-element antenna
- slave antenna
- sleeve antenna
- sleeve-dipole antenna
- slope beam antenna
- slot antenna
- slotted-ring antenna
- solid antenna
- spaced antennas
- space-erected antenna
- spark-proof antenna
- spherical antenna
- spiderweb antenna
- spike antenna
- spiral antenna
- spiral-helix antenna
- spiral-phase antenna
- split-beam antenna
- square antenna
- stacked antenna
- stacked-dipole antenna
- standard antenna
- standing wave antenna
- static antenna
- stationary antenna
- steerable antenna
- stowable antenna
- strength antenna
- stripline antenna
- stripline-slot antenna
- stub-matched antenna
- submarine receiving antenna
- submarine transmitting antenna
- subwavelength antenna
- suppressed antenna
- surface wave antenna
- surrogate antenna
- suspended-patch antenna
- symmetrical antenna
- synphased antenna
- synthetic antenna
- synthetic-aperture antenna
- T-antenna
- telemetering antenna
- telescopic antenna
- television receive only antenna
- terminal antenna
- terrestrial-microwave point-to-point horn antenna
- test antenna
- three-band antenna
- three-element antenna
- three-sector antenna
- tiny antenna
- tower antenna
- tower-type antenna
- trailing antenna
- transceiving redirecting antenna
- transistorized antenna
- transmitting-receiving antenna
- trap-loaded antenna
- traveling-wave antenna
- triangular antenna
- triple-square antenna
- tripole antenna
- trumpet antenna
- turnstile antenna
- TV-antenna
- twelve-channel antenna
- two-element antenna
- Tx antenna
- UHF-antenna
- umbrella antenna
- unipole antenna
- unipole-notch antenna
- universal antenna
- unpositioned antenna
- USB-antenna
- V-antenna
- vertical antenna
- vertical polarization antenna
- vibrator antenna
- Vivaldi antenna
- V-strip antenna
- wave-channel antenna
- waveguide antenna
- whip antenna
- wide-band antenna
- wire antenna
- world-wide receiving antenna
- Wullenweber antenna
- X-beam antenna
- Yagi antenna
- Yagi-Uda antenna
- zig-zag antenna
- zoned antennaEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > antenna
8 antenna
1) антенна
2) антенный
– aft antenna
– aircraft-type antenna
– all-wave antenna
– annular antenna
– antenna power
– antenna amplifier
– antenna aperture
– antenna area
– antenna array
– antenna assembly
– antenna attenuator
– antenna circuit
– antenna coupling
– antenna crosstalk
– antenna current
– antenna curtain
– antenna effeciency
– antenna element
– antenna eliminator
– antenna EMF
– antenna fairlead
– antenna feed
– antenna feed-impedance
– antenna field
– antenna gain
– antenna inductance
– antenna lead
– antenna lead-in
– antenna lens
– antenna mounting
– antenna noise
– antenna reel
– antenna reflector
– antenna relay
– antenna resistance
– antenna socket
– antenna switch
– antenna system
– antenna tilt
– antenna tower
– antenna wire
– anti-fading antenna
– anti-interference antenna
– antistatic antenna
– aperiodic antenna
– aperture of antenna
– artificial antenna
– azimuth antenna
– balanced antenna
– base-driven antenna
– base-driving antenna
– base-fed antenna
– beacon antenna
– beam antenna
– beamwidth of antenna
– bedspring antenna
– Beverage antenna
– biconical antenna
– bidirectional antenna
– bilateral antenna
– billboard antenna
– bird-cage antenna
– box antenna
– broadband antenna
– broadcasting antenna
– built-in antenna
– bumper antenna
– buried antenna
– capacitor antenna
– Cassegrainian antenna
– center-driven antenna
– cheese antenna
– christmastree antenna
– cigar antenna
– circular antenna
– coaxial antenna
– collinear antenna
– communications antenna
– community antenna
– corkscrew antenna
– corner antenna
– corner-reflector antenna
– cosecant-squared antenna
– crossed antenna
– dielectric antenna
– dipole antenna
– direction-finding antenna
– directional antenna
– director antenna
– discone antenna
– dish antenna
– dish-shaped antenna
– disk antenna
– diversity antenna
– double antenna
– double-faced antenna
– double-umbrella antenna
– drag antenna
– dumb antenna
– eagle antenna
– elevate antenna
– elevated antenna
– elevation antenna
– elliptical antenna
– end-fire antenna
– extended antenna
– fan antenna
– ferrite-rod antenna
– fishbone antenna
– fixed antenna
– fixed-coil antenna
– fixed-loop antenna
– flagpole antenna
– flattop antenna
– flush-mounted antenna
– focal-line fed antenna
– folded antenna
– folded-dipole antenna
– forward-looking antenna
– frame antenna
– frequency-scanned antenna
– gamma antenna
– Goldschmidt antenna
– grid antenna
– ground antenna
– half-wave antenna
– harmonic antenna
– harp antenna
– height of antenna
– height-finding antenna
– helical antenna
– HF antenna
– high-frequency antenna
– highly-directional antenna
– homing antenna
– horn antenna
– horn-lens antenna
– horn-reflector antenna
– image antenna
– indoor antenna
– inverted V antenna
– inverted-L antenna
– isotropic antenna
– leaky-pipe antenna
– lens antenna
– LF antenna
– lobe-switching antenna
– lobing antenna
– localizer antenna
– Lodge-Muirhead antenna
– loop antenna
– low-angle antenna
– low-frequency antenna
– magnet-core antenna
– marker antenna
– mast antenna
– medium-frequency antenna
– MF antenna
– microwave antenna
– millimeter-wave antenna
– monitoring antenna
– monopulse antenna
– multiband antenna
– multibeam antenna
– multielement antenna
– multiple-horn antenna
– multiwire antenna
– mushroom antenna
– narrow-banded antenna
– non-directional antenna
– omnidirectional antenna
– operate on antenna
– outdoor antenna
– parabolic antenna
– paraboloid antenna
– parasitic antenna
– pencil-beam antenna
– phantom-target antenna
– phase-locked antenna
– pick-up antenna
– pillbox antenna
– plane-reflector antenna
– quadrant antenna
– quarter-wave antenna
– quiescent antenna
– radar antenna
– random antenna
– rear-looking antenna
– receiving antenna
– reel in antenna
– reflector-type antenna
– resonant antenna
– rhombic antenna
– ribbon antenna
– rig an antenna on supports
– rockinghorse antenna
– rod antenna
– running-board antenna
– sausage antenna
– screened antenna
– search antenna
– sense antenna
– series-fed antenna
– shaped-beam antenna
– shaped-reflector antenna
– shipboard antenna
– short-wave antenna
– shunt-fed antenna
– skid-fin antenna
– sleeve antenna
– sleeve-dipole antenna
– slot antenna
– slotted-guide antenna
– spheroidal antenna
– spiderweb antenna
– squirrel-cage antenna
– stacked antenna
– stacked-V antenna
– stagger antenna
– standing-wave antenna
– steerable antenna
– step-and-repeat antenna
– stream-line antenna
– streamlined antenna
– stripline antenna
– stub antenna
– submerged antenna
– submersible antenna
– superdirectional antenna
– superdirective antenna
– superturnstile antenna
– suppressor antenna
– supressor antenna
– surface-wave antenna
– tail antenna
– tapered antenna
– telescopic antenna
– telescopic rod antenna
– television antenna
– tier antenna
– tiltable antenna
– tilted antenna
– TL antenna
– top antenna
– top-fed antenna
– tower-type antenna
– tracking antenna
– trailing antenna
– transmission-line antenna
– transmitting antenna
– travelling-wave antenna
– tuned antenna
– turnstile antenna
– twin antenna
– two-element antenna
– two-wire antenna
– umbrella antenna
– umbrella-type antenna
– underwater antenna
– unidirectional antenna
– unloaded antenna
– vehicle-borne antenna
– vertical antenna
– VHF antenna array
– VHF-UHF antenna
– wide-band antenna
– wideband antenna
– wire antenna
– Yagi antenna
– Zeppelin antenna
– zig-zag antenna
Alford loop antenna — <naut.> антенна альфордовская, квадратная рамочная антенна
antenna area efficiency — <electr.> эффективность по площади
antenna lightning protector — < radio> разрядник антенный
antenna snatch block — < radio> блоки для натяжки антенны
antenna tuning inductor — < radio> катушка настройки антенны
bent rhombic antenna — < radio> антенна согнутая ромбическая
broadside directional antenna — < radio> антенна плашмя направленная
Chireix and Mesny antenna — < radio> антенна Ширекса-Мени
circularly polarized antenna — < radio> антенна вращающей поляризации
cylindrical cosecant antenna — косекансная цилиндрическая антенна
double rhombic antenna — < radio> антенна двойная ромбическая
electronically scanned antenna — антенна с электронным сканированием
leaky waveguide antenna — < radio> антенна волноводно-щелевая
parabolic reflector antenna — антенна с параболическим отражателем, параболическая антенна
pencil beam antenna — антенна с игольчатой диаграммой направленности
set antenna to bear on an object — наводить антенну на объект
slotted waveguide antenna — < radio> антенна волноводная щелевая
spark-gap switched antenna — < radio> антенна переключаемая разрядником
strut airborne antenna — < radio> антенна вертикальная самолетная
synthetic aperture antenna — антенна с синтезированной апертурой
tapered rectangular antenna — < radio> антенна клинообразная прямоугольная
top-loaded vertical antenna — антенна-мачта, мачта-антенна
traveling wave antenna — < radio> антенна бегущей волны
trigonal reflector antenna — антенна с треугольным отражателем
zoning of a lens antenna — < radio> выравнивание фазового фронта линзовой антенны
9 array
1) антенная решетка, АР•- active array
- adaptive array
- aerial array
- algorithmic antenna array
- angle-fire antenna array
- antenna array
- antenna lens array
- aperture antenna array
- axial-dipole array
- azimuthal dipole-dipole array
- backward angle-fire antenna array
- bipolarized antenna array
- broadside array
- circularly-polarized array
- coherent array
- collinear antenna array
- conformal array
- conically-scanning array
- coupled-waveguide array
- cubical array
- curtain array
- cylindrical array
- data array
- data processing array
- density-tapered array
- detector array
- diode array
- double-row array
- driven array
- electronically-scanned array
- end-fed array
- end-fire array
- equispaced array
- extendible array
- feedthrough array
- field-antenna array
- field-emitter array
- field-programmable logic array
- flat array
- foldable array
- four-level array
- gate array
- horizontal collinear array
- image-antenna array
- image-storage array
- infrared-detector array
- light-emitting array
- light-weight array
- linear array
- logoperiodic array
- matrix antenna array
- mattress array
- monopulse array
- multibeam array
- multielement array
- nonuniformly-filled array
- nulling antenna array
- parametric acoustic array
- parasitic array
- phased array
- photodetector array
- photodiode array
- pine-tree array
- planar array
- pole-dipole array
- pole-pole array
- primary antenna array
- processing array
- programmable logic array
- random removal antenna array
- rearrangeable switching array
- receiving array
- recessed array
- rectangular array
- resistor array
- ring array
- scanning array
- self-phased array
- self-steering microwave array
- signal array
- slot array
- solar array
- space-optimized array
- space-tapered array
- stacked array
- synphased array
- thinned array
- transducer array
- transmitting array
- triangular array
- two-face antenna array
- uniform array
- uniform-linear array
- uniformly-spaced array
- unsteerable array
- Yagi-Uda array
- zig-zag arrayEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > array
10 array
1) решётка; (упорядоченный) массив; периодическая структура; матрица || формировать решётку или (упорядоченный) массив; образовывать периодическую структуру или матрицу3) вчт массив ( однотипных индексированных элементов)4) (прямоугольная) таблица ( элементов); матрица•- array of MOS capacitors
- array of open-ended waveguides
- array of vortices
- array with ECC
- array with parity
- array with rotating parity
- active antenna array - adjustable array
- advanced function array
- aerial array
- antenna array
- antidot array
- association array - bedspring array
- bidimensional array
- billboard array
- binomial array - bubble-domain array
- CCD array
- CCD logic array
- ceramic ball-grid array - channelless gate array
- Chebyshev array
- chip scale ball-grid array
- Chireix-Mesny array
- circular array
- circular grid array
- circular-loop array
- circular-waveguide array
- close spaced antenna array
- CML array
- CMOS transistor array
- coaxial-feed array
- coherent optical array
- collinear array
- column-grid array
- column-steered array
- concentric-ring array
- conformal array
- conformant arrays
- conical antenna array
- continuous linear antenna array
- cophasal array
- cophased array
- corporate-feed array
- correlation array
- Costas array
- Coulmer antenna array
- crosspoint array
- cubical antenna array
- curtain array
- curtain antenna array
- curved array
- cylindrical array
- cylindrical antenna array
- data array
- data processing array
- density-tapered array
- detector array - digital phased array
- diode array
- dipole array
- discrete array - disperse array
- Dolph-Chebyshev array
- Dolph-Chebyshev antenna array
- dot array - dynamic array
- edge enhanced array
- electronically addressed matrix array
- electronically scanned array
- end-fed array
- end-fire array
- end-fire antenna array
- equal-amplitude antenna array
- equally spaced array - feedthrough array - fir-tree array
- fixed-beam array
- flat array
- flexible array
- four-bay array
- four-over-four array
- four-stacked array
- fractal array
- Franklin array
- frequency-controlled array
- frequency-multiplexed array
- frequency-scanned array
- functional array
- fuse-programmable logic array - geometrically addressed matrix array
- glide-slope array
- grating array
- grating-lobe array
- green array
- half-wave spaced array
- helical antenna array
- hemispherically scanned array
- hexagonal antenna array
- hexagonal bubble array - homogeneous antenna array
- horn antenna array
- hydrophone array
- image-storage array
- imaging array
- immutable array
- infrared-detector array
- integer-indexed array
- integrated array
- integrated-curcuit array
- integrating array
- interlaced stacked rhombic array
- ion-implanted array
- isosceles triangular lattice array
- iterative array
- Janus antenna array
- Koomans array
- large aperture array - large-scale integration/discretionary routed-array - linear tapered array
- logic array - log-periodic folded-monopole array
- log-periodic folded-slot array
- longitudinal-slot array
- low-sidelobe array
- magnetic-dot array
- magnetostatic-wave reflecting array
- Marconi-Franklin antenna array
- mask-programmable logic array
- matrix-fed array
- mattress array
- mechanically-scanned array
- memory array
- micro ball-grid array
- micromirror array
- microstrip array
- microvia array
- microvia-based array
- microwave array
- mirrored array
- modulator array
- monopole array
- monopulse array
- MOS array
- multibeam array
- multichip array
- multielement array
- multielement detector array
- multirate systolic array
- mutable array
- N-dimensional array
- nonrectangular array
- nonredundant array
- nonuniformly spaced array
- null-steering array
- oblique triangular lattice array
- one-dimensional array
- optical gate array
- optically fed array - parallel array
- parallel-fed array
- parallel-fed antenna array
- parallel stripe array
- parametric array
- parasitic array
- passive array
- phase array
- phased array
- phase-scanned array
- photodetector array
- photovoltaic solar array
- pin-grid array
- pine-tree array
- planar array
- plastic ball-grid array - pointer array
- point-source array
- processing array - ragged array
- RAID array
- RAID tape array
- random array
- receiving array
- rectangular antenna array
- rectangular grid array
- red array
- redirective array
- redundant arrays of inexpensive disks
- reflector array
- retrodirective array
- ridge-waveguide array
- right triangular lattice array
- ring array
- roll-out solar array
- row-and-column steered array
- row-steered array
- scanned array
- self-phased array
- self-scanned array
- self-steering array
- series-fed array
- shaped Fourier plane photodetector array
- shunt-slot array
- silicon solar array
- slot array
- slotted-waveguide array
- slotted-waveguide antenna array array
- solar array
- solar-cell array
- space fed array
- space-regular array
- space-tapered array
- sparse array
- spherical antenna array
- square lattice bubble array
- SRAM-based field-programmable gate array
- stacked array
- stepped-scanned array
- Sterba antenna array
- Sterba-curtain array
- storage logic array
- stripline array - superdirectional array
- superdirective array
- supergain array
- supergain antenna array
- switched array
- systolic array - thermally addressed matrix array
- thin-film solar array
- thinned array
- three-dimensional array
- tier array
- time-sampled array
- transducer array
- transmissive array
- transmitting array
- traveling-wave array
- traveling-wave antenna array
- triangular array
- triangular grid array
- twin-bay array
- twistor array
- two-dimensional array - unidirectional couplet antenna array
- uniform antenna array
- uniformly spaced array
- universal logic array
- Van Atta array - VLSI array
- wavefront array
- waveguide array
- waveguide slot array
- waveguide slot antenna array -
11 array
1) решётка; (упорядоченный) массив; периодическая структура; матрица || формировать решётку или (упорядоченный) массив; образовывать периодическую структуру или матрицу3) вчт. массив ( однотипных индексированных элементов)4) (прямоугольная) таблица ( элементов); матрица•- active Van Atta array
- adaptive array
- adjustable array
- advanced function array
- aerial array
- antenna array
- antidot array
- array of cores
- array of MOS capacitors
- array of open-ended waveguides
- array of vortices
- array with ECC
- array with parity
- array with rotating parity
- association array
- ball-grid array
- beam-scanning array
- bedspring array
- bidimensional array
- billboard array
- binomial array
- board on chip ball grid array
- broadside array
- bubble-domain array
- CCD array
- CCD logic array
- ceramic ball-grid array
- ceramic pin-grid array
- channeled gate array
- channelless gate array
- Chebyshev array
- chip scale ball-grid array
- Chireix-Mesny array
- circular array
- circular grid array
- circular-loop array
- circular-waveguide array
- close spaced antenna array
- CML array
- CMOS transistor array
- coaxial-feed array
- coherent optical array
- collinear array
- column-grid array
- column-steered array
- concentric-ring array
- conformal array
- conformant arrays
- conical antenna array
- continuous linear antenna array
- cophasal array
- cophased array
- corporate-feed array
- correlation array
- Costas array
- Coulmer antenna array
- crosspoint array
- cubical antenna array
- curtain antenna array
- curtain array
- curved array
- cylindrical antenna array
- cylindrical array
- data array
- data processing array
- density-tapered array
- detector array
- die dimension ball-grid array
- dielectric covered array
- digital phased array
- diode array
- dipole array
- discrete array
- discretionary-routed array
- dislocation array
- disperse array
- Dolph-Chebyshev antenna array
- Dolph-Chebyshev array
- dot array
- double roll-out array
- driven array
- dynamic array
- edge enhanced array
- electronically addressed matrix array
- electronically scanned array
- end-fed array
- end-fire antenna array
- end-fire array
- equal-amplitude antenna array
- equally spaced array
- extended graphics array
- feed array
- feedthrough array
- field-programmable analog array
- field-programmable gate array
- field-programmable logic array
- fine-pitch land-grid array
- finite array
- fir-tree array
- fixed-beam array
- flat array
- flexible array
- four-bay array
- four-over-four array
- four-stacked array
- fractal array
- Franklin array
- frequency-controlled array
- frequency-multiplexed array
- frequency-scanned array
- functional array
- fuse-programmable logic array
- fusible-link logic array
- gate array
- geometrically addressed matrix array
- glide-slope array
- grating array
- grating-lobe array
- green array
- half-wave spaced array
- helical antenna array
- hemispherically scanned array
- hexagonal antenna array
- hexagonal bubble array
- high thermal plastic-ball grid array
- hologram array
- homogeneous antenna array
- horn antenna array
- hydrophone array
- image-storage array
- imaging array
- immutable array
- infrared-detector array
- integer-indexed array
- integrated array
- integrated-circuit array
- integrating array
- interlaced stacked rhombic array
- ion-implanted array
- isosceles triangular lattice array
- iterative array
- Janus antenna array
- Koomans array
- large aperture array
- large aperture seismic array
- large-scale integration array
- large-scale integration/discretionary routed array
- light-emitting-diode array
- linear array
- linear tapered array
- logic array
- log-periodic dipole array
- log-periodic folded-dipole array
- log-periodic folded-monopole array
- log-periodic folded-slot array
- longitudinal-slot array
- low-sidelobe array
- magnetic-dot array
- magnetostatic-wave reflecting array
- Marconi-Franklin antenna array
- mask-programmable logic array
- matrix-fed array
- mattress array
- mechanically-scanned array
- memory array
- micro ball-grid array
- micromirror array
- microstrip array
- microvia array
- microvia-based array
- microwave array
- mirrored array
- modulator array
- monopole array
- monopulse array
- MOS array
- multibeam array
- multichip array
- multielement array
- multielement detector array
- multirate systolic array
- mutable array
- N-dimensional array
- nonrectangular array
- nonredundant array
- nonuniformly spaced array
- null-steering array
- oblique triangular lattice array
- one-dimensional array
- optical gate array
- optically fed array
- organic land-grid array
- pad-grid array
- parallel array
- parallel stripe array
- parallel-fed antenna array
- parallel-fed array
- parametric array
- parasitic array
- passive array
- phase array
- phased array
- phase-scanned array
- photodetector array
- photovoltaic solar array
- pine-tree array
- pin-grid array
- planar array
- plastic ball-grid array
- plastic land-grid array
- plastic pin-grid array
- p-n-junction array
- pointer array
- point-source array
- processing array
- programmable logic array
- radar array
- ragged array
- RAID array
- RAID tape array
- random array
- receiving array
- rectangular antenna array
- rectangular grid array
- red array
- redirective array
- redundant arrays of inexpensive disks
- reflector array
- retrodirective array
- ridge-waveguide array
- right triangular lattice array
- ring array
- roll-out solar array
- row-and-column steered array
- row-steered array
- scanned array
- self-phased array
- self-scanned array
- self-steering array
- series-fed array
- shaped Fourier plane photodetector array
- shunt-slot array
- silicon solar array
- slot array
- slotted-waveguide antenna array
- slotted-waveguide array
- solar array
- solar-cell array
- space fed array
- space-regular array
- space-tapered array
- sparse array
- spherical antenna array
- square lattice bubble array
- SRAM-based field-programmable gate array
- stacked array
- stepped-scanned array
- Sterba antenna array
- Sterba-curtain array
- storage logic array
- stripline array
- super extended graphics array
- super video graphics array
- superconducting array
- superdirectional array
- superdirective array
- supergain antenna array
- supergain array
- switched array
- systolic array
- tape-ball grid array
- tapered array
- thermally addressed matrix array
- thin-film solar array
- thinned array
- three-dimensional array
- tier array
- time-sampled array
- transducer array
- transmissive array
- transmitting array
- traveling-wave antenna array
- traveling-wave array
- triangular array
- triangular grid array
- twin-bay array
- twistor array
- two-dimensional array
- ultra extended graphics array
- uncommitted logic array
- unidirectional couplet antenna array
- uniform antenna array
- uniformly spaced array
- universal logic array
- Van Atta array
- very large array
- video graphics array
- VLSI array
- wavefront array
- waveguide array
- waveguide slot antenna array
- waveguide slot arrayThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > array
12 antenna
антенна || антенныйto orient an antenna on — ориентировать антенну на...
13 array
1) клеточная матрица
2) <comput.> массив
3) <engin.> растр
4) состав
5) расположение в определенном порядке
6) таблица
– antenna array
– array addition
– array by diagonals
– array cell
– array component
– array of cores
– array ordering
– billboard array
– bound of array
– broadside array
– cloverleaf array
– collinear array
– crosspoint array
– data array
– diode array
– end-fire array
– gate array
– lazy-H array
– mattress array
– modulator array
– multifunction array
– outcome array
– pad-grid array
– phased array
– pin-grid array
– pine-tree array
– rectangular array
– sheet of array
– stacked-dipole array
– tier array
– VHF antenna array
horizontal collinear array — < radio> антенна Татаринова
integrated array processor — интегральный матричный процессор
lattice-wire broadside array — < radio> антенна из наклонных проводов
master-slice gate array — базовая матрица логических элементов
programmable interconnect array — программируемая матрица соединений
14 survey
1) осмотр; обследование || осматривать; обследовать2) наблюдение || наблюдать3) съёмка || производить съёмку5) обзор || делать обзор6) радиационный контроль ( на АЭС)•-
aerial gamma survey
aerial snow survey
aerial survey
aeromagnetic survey
aeroradiometric survey
air pollution survey
airborne resistivity survey
airborne survey
aircraft survey
all-weather survey
azimuthal survey
bathymetric survey
biological survey
borehole survey
broadside survey
carbon-oxygen survey
conditioning survey
continuous directional survey
continuous velocity survey
dc conduction survey
dc resistivity survey
deep bottom surveys
deep bottom survey
detailed survey
dipmeter survey
dipole-dipole survey
directional survey
dual induction survey
echo-sounding survey
electrical survey
electromagnetic induction survey
electromagnetic survey
engineering survey
equipotential line survey
equipotential survey
eye survey
field survey
fixed-transmitter survey
flowmeter survey
free point survey
galvanic resistivity survey
gamma-radiation survey
geodetic survey
geological survey
geophysical survey
gravitational survey
gravity prospecting survey
gravitymeter survey
gravity survey
ground survey
groundwater survey
helicopter survey
horizontal-loop survey
hydrographical survey
induced polarization survey
induction survey
instrumental survey
integrated air-ground survey
landscape-tract snow survey
large-scale survey
laterolog survey
layout survey
line survey
magnetic prospecting survey
magnetic survey
magnetometer survey
magnetotelluric survey
marine survey
microlog survey
mine survey
multifrequency survey
ocean chlorophyl survey
parallel-line survey
photogeologic survey
pilot survey
plane-table survey
radar survey
radial survey
radiation exposure survey
radiation survey
radioactivity survey
railway location survey
reconnaissance survey
reflection survey
refraction survey
resistivity survey
river survey
rough survey
route survey
sanitary survey
satellite survey
sediment survey
seismic survey
self-potential survey
shallow survey
shallow-water survey
snow survey
soil survey
sounding survey
spinner survey
stadia survey
tacheometric survey
tandem survey
telluric current survey
telluric survey
temperature survey
theodolite survey
thermal survey
thermal-infrared survey
three-dimensional seismic survey
traffic survey
transit survey
triangulation survey
underground survey
underwater survey
uphole survey
vertical velocity survey
vertical-loop survey
wastewater survey
water survey
well log survey
well survey
well-velocity survey -
15 antenna
active antenna
actual antenna
adaptive antenna
Adcock antenna
aerospace antenna
airborne antenna
Alford antenna
all-band antenna
annular antenna
antifading antenna
aperiodic antenna
aperture antenna
approach antenna
arc antenna
array antenna
artificial antenna
backfire antenna
balanced antenna
barrel antenna
batwing antenna
beamca antenna
beam antenna
beam-steering antenna
Beverage antenna
biconical antenna
bifocal antenna
billboard antenna
blade antenna
block antenna
box antenna
broadband antenna
broadbeam antenna
broadcasting antenna
broadcast antenna
broadside antenna
buggy-whip antenna
cage antenna
Cassegrain antenna
cavity antenna
center-fed antenna
cheese-box antenna
cheese antenna
circular antenna
circularly polarized antenna
closed antenna
coaxial antenna
coil antenna
collapsible antenna
collinear antenna
comb antenna
common antenna
communication antenna
community antenna
cone antenna
conformal antenna
conical antenna
- conically scanning antenna -
corner antenna
corrugated surface antenna
corrugated antenna
cosecant antenna
cosecant-squared antenna
crossed antenna
cubical antenna
cubic antenna
curtain antenna
cylinder antenna
deep-space antenna
diamond antenna
dielectric antenna
diffraction antenna
dipole antenna
directional antenna
directly excited antenna
dish antenna
disk antenna
double-beam antenna
doublet antenna
driven antenna
dummy antenna
earth-coverage antenna
electronically scanned antenna
electronically steerable antenna
elementary antenna
elliptical antenna
end-fed antenna
end-fire antenna
exciting antenna
exterior antenna
fan-beam antenna
fan antenna
feeding antenna
ferrite antenna
finding antenna
fishbone antenna
fixed antenna
fixed-beam antenna
flagpole antenna
flat-top antenna
flat antenna
flush-mounted antenna
flush antenna
foldable antenna
folded antenna
folding antenna
frame antenna
gain antenna
glide-path antenna
Gregorian antenna
half-wavelength antenna
half-wave antenna
harp antenna
helical antenna
hoghorn antenna
homing antenna
horizontally polarized antenna
horn antenna
horn-lens antenna
image antenna
indoor antenna
intermediate-feed antenna
internal antenna
isotropic antenna
leaky-wave antenna
lens antenna
lobing antenna
localizer antenna
log-periodic antenna
long-range antenna
loop antenna
low-angle antenna
low-profile antenna
low-side lobe antenna
low-silhouette antenna
Luneburg lens antenna
Luneburg antenna
magnetic antenna
mains antenna
mast antenna
master antenna
microstrip antenna
microwave antenna
mirror antenna
mock antenna
monopole antenna
monopulse antenna
multi-beam antenna
multibeam antenna
multiband antenna
multidirectional antenna
multifrequency antenna
multilobed antenna
multimode antenna
multiple antenna
multiple-tuned antenna
multiunit antenna
near-omnidirectional antenna
near-surface antenna
nondirectional antenna
nonresonant antenna
notch antenna
nutating antenna
offset reflector antenna
omnidirectional antenna
open antenna
outdoor antenna
outside antenna
parabolic antenna
parasitic antenna
pencil-beam antenna
periscope antenna
phased antenna
pickup antenna
pillbox antenna
pivot antenna
planar antenna
plate antenna
pocket antenna
prism antenna
progressive-wave antenna
pylon antenna
quad antenna
quadrant antenna
quarter-wavelength antenna
quarter-wave antenna
radar antenna
radome-covered antenna
radome antenna
receiving antenna
reference antenna
reflector antenna
resonant antenna
retrodirective antenna
rhombic antenna
ribbon antenna
ring antenna
rod antenna
rooftop antenna
roof antenna
room antenna
rotable antenna
rotary-beam antenna
rotatable antenna
rotating-field antenna
scanning antenna
scimitar antenna
searching antenna
search antenna
self-phasing antenna
series-fed antenna
shaped-beam antenna
shunt-fed antenna
sleeve antenna
slit antenna
slotted-guide antenna
space-borne antenna
spacecraft antenna
spherical antenna
spheric antenna
spike antenna
spiral antenna
split-beam antenna
stacked antenna
standing-wave antenna
steerable-beam antenna
steerable antenna
stripline antenna
stub antenna
stub-matched antenna
superdirective antenna
suppressed antenna
surface antenna
surface-wave antenna
symmetrical antenna
synthetic-aperture antenna
synthetic antenna
telescopic antenna
tower-type antenna
tower antenna
trailing antenna
transmit-receive antenna
transmitting antenna
traveling-wave antenna
triangle antenna
tripole antenna
turnstile antenna
umbrella-type antenna
umbrella antenna
unipole antenna
V antenna
wave antenna
waveguide antenna
whip antenna
wide-angle antenna
wide-band antenna
wire antenna
Yagi antenna
zoned antenna -
16 radiation
излучение; радиация; испускание-
absorbed radiation
absorbed solar radiation
acoustic radiation
actinic radiation
activating radiation
alpha-particle radiation
alpha radiation
anisotropic neutron radiation
atmospheric radiation
atmospheric thermal radiation
auroral radiation
back radiation
backfire radiation
background radiation
backscattered radiation
backward radiation
band-to-band radiation
beam solar radiation
beta radiation
blackbody radiation
broadside radiation
capture radiation
Cerenkov radiation
characteristic radiation
circular radiation
circumsolar radiation
coherent radiation
collision radiation
concentrated solar radiation
corpuscular radiation
cosmic radiation
cyclotron radiation
daily solar radiation
decay radiation
deceleration radiation
densely ionizing radiation
diffuse sky radiation
diffused radiation
diffuse radiation
diffusion neutron radiation
dipole radiation
direct solar radiation
directed radiation
direct radiation
directional neutron radiation
direct-ionizing radiation
Earth-emitted radiation
Earth radiation
Earth-reflected radiation
electromagnetic radiation
electron radiation
end-fire radiation
extra-terrestrial radiation
extraterrestrial solar radiation
far red radiation
forward-scattered radiation
free-space radiation
fringe radiation
gamma radiation
global solar radiation
hard radiation
head-on radiation
high-energy radiation
high-level radiation
hourly solar radiation
impact radiation
incident radiation
incoherent radiation
incoming solar radiation
indirect-ionizing radiation
infrared radiation
intersolid radiation
ionizing radiation
isotopic neutron radiation
K-capture radiation
laser radiation
lateral radiation
leakage radiation
long-lived radiation
long-range radiation
low-energy radiation
low-level radiation
microwave radiation
mixed radiation
monochromatic radiation
monthly solar radiation
multimodal radiation
multiple radiation
natural background radiation
natural radiation
net radiation
neutron radiation
nocturnal radiation
noncoherent radiation
nonionizing radiation
nonluminous radiation
nonpolarized radiation
nuclear radiation
omnidirectional radiation
optical radiation
outgoing radiation
out-of-band radiation
particle radiation
penetrating radiation
polarized radiation
primary radiation
proton radiation
pulse radiation
radiation of conductors
radio radiation
radioactive radiation
radio-wave radiation
Raman radiation
receiver radiation
red radiation
residual radiation
resonance radiation
return radiation
roentgen radiation
scattered radiation
scene radiation
secondary radiation
sewage gamma radiation
short-lived radiation
short-range radiation
sidelobe radiation
single-mode radiation
sky radiation
slowing-down radiation
soft radiation
solar radiation
space radiation
spurious radiation
steady-state radiation
stimulated radiation
suppressed radiation
synchrotron radiation
terrestrial radiation
thermal radiation
total solar radiation
transient radiation
ultraviolet radiation
upwelling radiation
visible radiation
yearly solar radiation -
17 spread
1) распространение; простирание, протяжение || распространять(ся); простираться2) расширение; уширение || расширять(ся); уширять(ся)3) рассеивание || рассеиваться4) зона [область\] рассеяния5) диапазон отклонения; разброс8) разжимать ( борта шины)9) геофиз. система наблюдений11) строительный комплекс ( оборудование и персонал) на трубопроводе14) полигр. растискивание ( изображения)15) разворот (книги, газеты)16) наносить, намазывать (краску, клей, резиновую смесь)17) растекание (краски, припоя) || растекаться( о краске, припое)18) пищ. паста, пастообразный продукт•to spread outward — развальцовывать; раскатывать (напр. конец трубы);to spread rolls — увеличивать межвальцовый зазор-
boiling spread
broadside spread
center spread
close spread
data spread
dipole spread
dot spread
double-page spread
electrode spread
energy spread
extended spread
flame spread
geophone spread
image spread
jet spread
overall spread
parameter spread
plasma spread
reading spread
single-ended spread
spread of discharge
spread of indications
spread of network
spread of points
straddle spread
tackifying spread
time spread
two-page spread
velocity spread -
18 method
метод; способ; средство; приём; технология; система; порядокconstant casing pressure method — метод борьбы с выбросом поддержанием постоянного давления в затрубном пространстве
displacement method of plugging — цементирование через заливочные трубы (без пробок, с вытеснением цементного раствора буровым)
gas-drive liquid propane method — процесс закачки в пласт газа под высоким давлением с предшествующим нагнетанием жидкого пропана
single core dynamic method — динамический метод определения относительной проницаемости по отдельному образцу
transient method of electrical prospecting — метод электроразведки, использующий неустановившиеся электрические явления
— colour band method
* * *
метод; способ; приёмbullhead well control method — способ глушения скважины с вытеснением пластового флюида в пласт из кольцевого пространства
constant bottomhole pressure well control method — способ глушения скважины при постоянном забойном давлении
driller's well control method — способ глушения скважины с раздельным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
one-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
reliability matrix index method — метод контроля за обеспечением надёжности путём задания показателей надёжности
two-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с разделёнными удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
Vlugter method of structural group analysis — структурно-групповой метод анализа (углеводородов) по Флюгтеру
wait and weight well-control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
* * *
метод, способ
* * *
метод; способ; приём- method of assurancemethod for determination relative water wettability — метод определения относительной водосмачиваемости ( пород);
- method of borehole section correlation
- method of calculating gas reserves
- method of circles
- method of defining petroleum reserves
- method of defining reserves
- method of determining static corrections
- method of drilling
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole motor
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole unit
- method of estimating reserves
- method of evaluating petroleum reserves
- method of formation
- method of formation damage analysis
- method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- method of formation nonuniformity analysis
- method of increasing oil mobility
- method of limiting well production rate
- method of liquid saturation determination
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by air injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by gas injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by water injection
- method of measuring critical water saturation
- method of mirror
- method of operation
- method of planting
- method of sample taking
- method of sampling
- method of sharpening
- method of stimulating production
- method of strong formation explosions
- method of testing
- method of three coefficients
- airborne magnetometer method
- air-hammer drilling method
- airlift well operation method
- alcohol-slug method
- arc refraction method
- aromatic adsorption method
- average velocity method
- average velocity approximation method
- bailer method of cementing
- band method
- barrel per acre method
- Barthelmes method
- basic volume method of estimating reserves
- beam pumping well operation method
- blasthole method
- bomb method
- borderline method
- borehole method
- borehole wall consolidation method
- bottom-packer method
- bottom water isolation method
- bottom water shutoff method
- bottomhole pressure build-up method
- broadside refraction method
- cable tool percussion drilling method
- Cabot method
- building method
- bullhead well control method
- capillarimetric method for determination wettability
- carbonized water injection method
- casing method of cementing
- casing-pressure method
- catenary pipe laying method
- cementing method
- cetane test method
- charcoal method
- chemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- chemical method of borehole wall lining
- circulating method
- clean recirculation method
- cold method of oil fractionation
- combination drilling method
- common-depth-point method
- common-midpoint method
- common-reflection-point method
- compressional-wave method
- concurrent method
- concurrent method of well killing
- constant bottomhole pressure well control method
- constant casing pressure method
- constant pit level method
- continuous-correlation method
- continuous-profiling method
- controlled directivity reception method
- converted wave method
- copper dish method
- correlation method of refracted waves
- correlation refraction method
- countercirculation-wash-boring method
- crosshole method
- cube method
- curved-path method
- cyclic steam-soaking secondary oil recovery method
- cycloidal ray-path method
- cylinder method
- deep-hole method
- deep-refraction method
- delay-and-sum method
- derrick assembling method
- derrick erection method
- desalting method
- development method
- dewatering method
- diesel cetane method
- differential liberation method
- diffraction stack method
- dipole profiling method
- direct method of orientation
- directional survey method
- dispersed gas injection method
- displacement method of plugging
- distillation method
- distillation method of liquid saturation determination
- double control method
- downhole method
- downhole sucker-rod pump well operation method
- down-the-hole induced polarization method
- drill steam method of coke removal
- driller's method
- driller's well control method
- drilling method
- drilling-in method
- dual coil ratiometer method
- effusion method
- electrical method of geophysical prospecting
- electrical-audibility method
- electrical-exploration method
- electrical-logging method
- electrical-prospecting method
- electrical-sounding method
- electrical-surveying method
- electrochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- electrochemical method of borehole wall lining
- electromagnetic method of orientation
- electromagnetic-exploration method
- electromagnetic-prospecting method
- electromagnetic-profiling method
- electromagnetic-sounding method
- electromagnetic-surveying method
- enhanced recovery method
- enriched gas injection method
- Eshka method
- evaporation method of measuring critical water saturation
- exploration method
- exploration prospecting survey method
- exploration seismic method
- explosion drilling method
- explosion seismic method
- express method
- express method of production calculation
- filter-and-sum method
- fire flooding method
- firing line method
- first-break method
- first-event method
- float-and-chains method
- float-on method
- formation evaluation method
- four-point control method
- fracture method
- freepoint-string shot method
- freezing method
- freezing point depression method
- from-bottom-upward method of derrick assembling
- from-top-downward method of derrick assembling
- frontal advance gas-oil displacement method
- Galician method
- gamma-ray method
- gas blow-around method
- gas-chromatography method
- gas-drive liquid propane method
- gaslift well operation method
- gas-production test method
- gas-recovery method
- geological petroleum exploration method
- geological petroleum prospecting method
- geophysical petroleum exploration method
- grasshopper pipeline coupling method
- gravity method of geophysical prospecting
- gravity exploration method
- heat injection secondary oil recovery method
- hectare method of estimating reserves
- hesitation method
- high-pressure dry gas injection method
- high-resolution method
- hit-and-miss method
- holoseismic method
- horizontal-loop method
- hot-water drive method
- hydraulic drilling method
- hydraulic fracturing method
- hydraulic hammer drilling method
- hydraulic jet drilling method
- hydrodynamic method of calculating oil production
- hydrodynamic drilling method
- ice-plug method
- image method
- indirect method of orientation
- induction logging method
- infiltration method
- injection flow method
- in-situ combustion method
- interval change method
- isolation method
- isoline method of reserves estimation
- Kiruna method
- knock intensity method
- lamp method
- lean mixture rating method
- liquid solvent injection method
- logging method
- long-hole method
- long-interval method
- long-wire transmitter method
- luminescent-bitumen method
- magnesium-hydroxide method
- magnetic method of geophysical prospecting
- magnetic-exploration method
- magnetic-flaw detection method
- magnetic-particle method
- magnetic-particle flaw detection method
- magnetoelectrical control method
- magnetometrical method
- magnetotelluric method
- magnetotelluric-exploration method
- magnetotelluric-sounding method
- maintenance method
- mercury injection method of measuring critical water saturation
- micrometric method of rock analysis
- microseismic method
- migration method
- mining method
- moving-plug method of cementing
- moving-source method
- mud-balance method
- mudcap method
- mudflush drilling method
- multiple detection method
- nonionic surfactant water solution injection method
- nonreplacement method
- Norwegian method
- oil drive method
- oil production method
- oil recovery method
- oil withdrawal method
- one-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- one-agent borehole wall lining method
- one-circulation well control method
- outage method
- oxygen-bomb method
- parabolic method
- passive method
- pattern method
- pattern-type gas injection method
- penetration method
- penetrating fluid method
- percussion method
- perforation method
- Perkins method
- phase-velocity method
- physicochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- physicochemical method of borehole wall lining
- picric acid method
- pipe-bridge method
- pipe-driving method
- pipeline-assembly method
- pipeline-coupling method
- placement method
- plane front method
- plasma drilling method
- polarization method
- Poulter method
- pour point depression method
- pressure build-up method of formation damage analysis
- pressure build-up method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- pressure-drop method of estimating gas reserves
- primary oil recovery method
- probe method
- producing method
- producing well testing method
- production method
- production test method
- profiling method
- projected-vertical-plane method of orienting
- prospecting method
- pump-out method
- punching method
- radioactive method
- radioactive method of geophysical prospecting
- radio-direction-finder method
- ray-path method
- ray-stretching method
- ray-tracing method
- record presentation method
- recovery method
- rectilinear ray-path method
- reflection method
- reflection interpretation method
- refracted wave method
- refraction method
- refraction correlation method
- refraction interpretation method
- reliability method
- reliability matrix index method
- remedial cementing method
- replacement method
- repressuring method
- resistivity method
- restored-state method of measuring critical water saturation
- retort method of liquid saturation determination
- reversed refraction method
- ring-and-ball method
- rod tool percussion drilling method
- rodless pump well operation method
- roll-on method
- rope-and-drop pull method
- rotary drilling method
- rotation drilling method
- sampling method
- sand jet method
- saturation method
- saturation method of pore volume measurement
- secondary oil recovery method
- sectional method of pipeline assembly
- sectional pipe-coupling method
- sectorial pipe-coupling method
- sedimentology method of measuring particle size distribution
- seismic method
- seismic method of geophysical prospecting
- seismic-detection method
- seismic-exploration method
- seismic-identification method
- seismic-interpretation method
- seismic-reflection method
- seismic-refraction method
- self-potential method
- sequence firing method
- shear-wave method
- short-hole method
- shot-drilling method
- shot-popping method
- side-tracking method
- side-wall coring method
- single-core dynamic method
- single-fold continuous-coverage method
- slalom-line method
- small-bore deep-hole method
- soap suds method
- sounding method
- spontaneous polarization method
- squeeze cementing method
- squeezing method
- standardizing performance method
- standby method
- stationary liquid method of relative permeability determination
- statistical method of calculating oil production
- statistical method of estimating reserves
- steam oil drive method
- stepwise method of McCabe and Thiele
- stimulation method
- stove pipe method
- stove pipe flange method of rolling beams
- straight ray-path method
- subsurface method of geophysical prospecting
- suction method of cleaning
- summation method
- surface method of geophysical prospecting
- surface-wave method
- swabbing method
- swinging-gage method
- tertiary oil recovery method
- testing method
- thermal-acid formation treatment method
- thermal-recovery method
- thickened water injection method
- three-dimensional seismic method
- thumper method
- top-packer method
- towing method
- transient method of electrical prospecting
- transmitted wave method
- transposed method
- triaxial test method
- tubing method of cementing
- two-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- two-agent borehole wall lining method
- two-circulation well control method
- ultrasonic method
- ultrasonic flaw detection method
- variable-area method
- velocity-analysis method
- vertical loop method
- Vibroseis method
- Vlugter method of structural group analysis
- volume method of estimating reserves
- volume-statistical method of estimating reserves
- volume-weight method of estimating reserves
- volumetric method of estimating reserves
- volumetric-genetic method of estimating reserves
- wait-and-weight well-control method
- Walker's method
- wash-and-drive method
- washing method
- water flooding method
- water influx location method
- weathering computation method
- weight-drop method
- weight-saturation method
- well-casing method
- well-completion method
- well-control method
- well-drill method
- well-geophone method
- well-operation method
- well-shooting method
- well-testing method
- wireline method
- X-ray diffraction method* * * -
19 array
1) матрица; сетка2) вчт массив3) радио антенная решётка4) таблица6) расстановка, схема расположения, порядок7) набор, комплект; совокупность, масса9) наряжать(ся)
См. также в других словарях:
Metamaterial antenna — This Z antenna tested at the National Institute of Standards and Technology is smaller than a standard antenna with comparable properties. Its high efficiency is derived from the Z element inside the square that acts as a metamaterial, greatly… … Wikipedia
Antenna (radio) — Whip antenna on car … Wikipedia
Signal strength — In telecommunications, particularly in radio, signal strength refers to the magnitude of the electric field at a reference point that is a significant distance from the transmitting antenna. It may also be referred to as received signal level or… … Wikipedia
radar — /ray dahr/, n. 1. Electronics. a device for determining the presence and location of an object by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns. 2. a means or sense of awareness or… … Universalium
Helical antenna — Helical antennas can operate in one of two principal modes: normal (broadside) mode or axial (or endfire) mode.In the normal mode , the dimensions of the helix are small compared with the wavelength. The far field radiation pattern is similar to… … Wikipedia
communication — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Act of communicating ideas Nouns 1. communication, intercourse, conversation, speech, writing, correspondence; message, tidings, news(see information). 2. communicator, messenger, nuncio; herald, crier,… … English dictionary for students