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  • 1 breeding

    noun (education and training; good manners: a man of good breeding.) educação
    * * *
    [br'i:diŋ] n 1 procriação, geração. 2 parição, chocagem. 3 criação (de animais). 4 educação, maneiras, comportamento. a-breeding prenhe. good breeding boas maneiras, boa educação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > breeding

  • 2 breeding

    noun (education and training; good manners: a man of good breeding.) educação

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > breeding

  • 3 breeding-cage

    [br'i:diŋ keidʒ] n gaiola de criação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > breeding-cage

  • 4 breeding-ground

    [br'i:diŋ graund] n local de procriação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > breeding-ground

  • 5 breeding-pond

    [br'i:diŋ pɔnd] n açude de desova.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > breeding-pond

  • 6 good breeding

    good breeding
    boa educação.
    good breeding
    boas maneiras, boa educação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > good breeding

  • 7 a-breeding


    English-Portuguese dictionary > a-breeding

  • 8 cattle-breeding

    [k'ætəl bri:diŋ] n pecuária.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cattle-breeding

  • 9 ill breeding

    ill breed.ing
    [il br'i:diŋ] n má educação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ill breeding

  • 10 breed

    [bri:d] 1. past tense, past participle - bred; verb
    1) (to produce young: Rabbits breed often.) reproduzir-se
    2) (to keep animals for the purpose of breeding young: I breed dogs and sell them as pets.) criar
    2. noun
    (a type, variety or species (of animal): a breed of dog.) raça
    - breeding
    * * *
    [bri:d] n 1 raça, criação. a breed of horses / uma criação de cavalos. 2 classe, espécie, gênero. • vt+vi (ps and pp bred) 1 produzir, dar cria. 2 chocar, criar. 3 produzir, causar, provocar. war breeds misery / a guerra provoca miséria. 4 ser fonte de, ser lugar de nascença. 5 educar, instruir. 6 formar-se, originar-se, desenvolver-se. 7 procriar, cruzar. they bred the black stallion with the white mare / eles cruzaram o garanhão preto com a égua branca. bred in the bone inato, de nascença. he was bred a doctor fizeram-no estudar medicina. to breed true produzir sempre cria com as características dos pais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > breed

  • 11 mate

    [meit] 1. verb
    1) (to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding: The bears have mated and produced a cub.) acasalar
    2) ((chess) to checkmate (someone).) dar xeque-mate
    2. noun
    1) (an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding: Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.) par
    2) (a husband or wife.) cônjuge
    3) (a companion or friend: We've been mates for years.) companheiro
    4) (a fellow workman or assistant: a carpenter's mate.) colega
    5) (a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain: the first mate.) imediato
    6) (in chess, checkmate.) xeque-mate
    * * *
    [meit] n 1 companheiro, companheira, colega. 2 cônjuge, consorte. 3 macho ou fêmea (de animais). 4 imediato de navio mercante. 5 ajudante. • vt+vi 1 casar, unir. 2 acasalar.
    [meit] n Chess xeque-mate. • vt dar xeque-mate.
    [m'a:tei] n Bot 1 erva-mate. 2 chá-mate.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mate

  • 12 maté

    [meit] 1. verb
    1) (to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding: The bears have mated and produced a cub.) acasalar
    2) ((chess) to checkmate (someone).) dar xeque-mate
    2. noun
    1) (an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding: Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.) par
    2) (a husband or wife.) cônjuge
    3) (a companion or friend: We've been mates for years.) companheiro
    4) (a fellow workman or assistant: a carpenter's mate.) colega
    5) (a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain: the first mate.) imediato
    6) (in chess, checkmate.) xeque-mate
    * * *
    [m'a:tei] n = link=mate mate.3.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > maté

  • 13 breed

    [bri:d] 1. past tense, past participle - bred; verb
    1) (to produce young: Rabbits breed often.) reproduzir(-se)
    2) (to keep animals for the purpose of breeding young: I breed dogs and sell them as pets.) criar
    2. noun
    (a type, variety or species (of animal): a breed of dog.) raça
    - breeding

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > breed

  • 14 mate

    [meit] 1. verb
    1) (to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding: The bears have mated and produced a cub.) acasalar(-se)
    2) ((chess) to checkmate (someone).) dar xeque-mate
    2. noun
    1) (an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding: Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.) parceiro
    2) (a husband or wife.) cônjuge
    3) (a companion or friend: We've been mates for years.) companheiro
    4) (a fellow workman or assistant: a carpenter's mate.) sócio
    5) (a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain: the first mate.) contramestre
    6) (in chess, checkmate.) xeque-mate

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > mate

  • 15 cross

    [kros] I adjective
    (angry: I get very cross when I lose something.) zangado
    II 1. plural - crosses; noun
    1) (a symbol formed by two lines placed across each other, eg + or x.) cruz
    2) (two wooden beams placed thus (+), on which Christ was nailed.) cruz
    3) (the symbol of the Christian religion.) cruz
    4) (a lasting cause of suffering etc: Your rheumatism is a cross you will have to bear.) cruz
    5) (the result of breeding two varieties of animal or plant: This dog is a cross between an alsatian and a labrador.) cruzamento
    6) (a monument in the shape of a cross.) cruzeiro
    7) (any of several types of medal given for bravery etc: the Victoria Cross.) cruz
    2. verb
    1) (to go from one side to the other: Let's cross (the street); This road crosses the swamp.) atravessar
    2) ((negative uncross) to place (two things) across each other: He sat down and crossed his legs.) cruzar
    3) (to go or be placed across (each other): The roads cross in the centre of town.) cruzar
    4) (to meet and pass: Our letters must have crossed in the post.) cruzar
    5) (to put a line across: Cross your `t's'.) cortar
    6) (to make (a cheque or postal order) payable only through a bank by drawing two parallel lines across it.) cruzar
    7) (to breed (something) from two different varieties: I've crossed two varieties of rose.) cruzar
    8) (to go against the wishes of: If you cross me, you'll regret it!) contrariar
    - crossing
    - crossbow
    - cross-breed
    - cross-bred
    - crosscheck
    3. noun
    (the act of crosschecking.)
    - cross-country skiing
    - cross-examine
    - cross-examination
    - cross-eyed
    - cross-fire
    - at cross-purposes
    - cross-refer
    - cross-reference
    - crossroads
    - cross-section
    - crossword puzzle
    - crossword
    - cross one's fingers
    - cross out
    * * *
    [krɔs; krɔ:s] n 1 cruz. 2 Cross cruz de Cristo. 3 Cross Redenção de Cristo. 4 religião cristã. 5 crucifixo. 6 símbolo da religião cristã. 7 símbolo das cruzadas. 8 cruz que se põe em lugar do nome. 9 desenho, marca ou objeto em forma de cruz. 10 Astr cruzeiro. 11 sofrimento, aflição, atribulação. 12 cruzamento de raças ou castas, hibridação. 13 híbrido, resultado de cruzamento. 14 encruzilhada, cruzamento. 15 sl fraude, trapaça. 16 interseção de duas linhas. 17 Electr contato entre fios. • vt+vi 1 marcar com cruz. 2 riscar em cruz, cruzar, cancelar. 3 colocar através. 4 estar colocado em forma de cruz, estar deitado através. 5 cruzar, atravessar, transpor, passar sobre. he crossed the threshold / ele transpôs a soleira. 6 cruzar(-se), passar por. the two roads cross each other / as duas estradas se cruzam. they crossed the frontier / cruzaram a fronteira. 7 fazer o sinal-da-cruz sobre. he crossed himself / ele fez o sinal-da-cruz. 8 opor, impedir. 9 fazer cruzamento (entre raças). 10 cruzar, dispor em cruz. he crossed his arms / ele cruzou os braços. 11 cortar (letras). 12 formar cruzamento (ruas). 13 fazer atravessar. 14 estender-se sobre. 15 sl fazer fraude em competições esportivas. 16 sl trair, enganar. • adj 1 atravessado, transversal, oblíquo. we are talking at cross purposes / estamos falando sem nos entendermos. 2 oposto, contrário. 3 rabugento, mal-humorado, zangado, irritadiço. 4 recíproco. 5 cruzado, híbrido. • adv 1 de lado a lado, através. 2 em cruz. 3 transversalmente. 4 contrariamente. 5 desfavoravelmente. as cross as two sticks muito mal-humorado. keep your fingers crossed! fig torça para mim! Maltese Cross Cruz de Malta. no cross, no crown fig não há recompensa sem esforço. on the cross coll por meios desonestos. the idea crossed my mind veio-me a idéia de... the Southern Cross o Cruzeiro do Sul. they had their plans crossed seus planos fracassaram. they were crossed in love seu amor acabou mal. to cross off, out riscar, apagar, cortar. to cross over atravessar. let us cross over to the other side / vamos atravessar (a rua). to cross the floor Pol fig bandear-se para a oposição, abandonar seu partido. to go cross errar. he went cross / ele errou. to make the sign of the cross fazer o sinal-da-cruz. to take up one’s cross carregar sua cruz. with crossed arms de braços cruzados.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cross

  • 16 farm

    1. noun
    1) (an area of land, including buildings, used for growing crops, breeding and keeping cows, sheep, pigs etc: Much of England is good agricultural land and there are many farms.) quinta
    2) (the farmer's house and the buildings near it in such a place: We visited the farm; ( also adjective) a farm kitchen.) quinta
    2. verb
    (to cultivate (the land) in order to grow crops, breed and keep animals etc: He farms (5,000 acres) in the south.) cultivar
    - farming
    - farmhouse
    - farmyard
    * * *
    [fa:m] n 1 fazenda, granja, chácara, herdade, quinta, propriedade rústica, sítio. dairy farm / fazenda leiteira. home farm / propriedade agrícola cultivada pelo próprio dono. poultry farm / granja de avicultura. 2 casa de fazenda. • vt+vi 1 cultivar, amanhar, lavrar (terra), criar gado. 2 cultivar uma fazenda, ser fazendeiro. fat farms coll spa: clínica de emagrecimento. funny farms sl 1 hospício. 2 clínica de tratamento de alcoólatras, drogados, etc. to bet the farm sl apostar tudo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > farm

  • 17 fish farm

    noun (an area of fresh water for breeding fish as a business.)
    * * *
    fish farm
    [f'iʃ fa:m] n lugar onde se criam peixes com propósitos comerciais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fish farm

  • 18 good

    [ɡud] 1. comparative - better; adjective
    1) (well-behaved; not causing trouble etc: Be good!; She's a good baby.) bom
    2) (correct, desirable etc: She was a good wife; good manners; good English.) bom
    3) (of high quality: good food/literature; His singing is very good.) bom
    4) (skilful; able to do something well: a good doctor; good at tennis; good with children.) bom
    5) (kind: You've been very good to him; a good father.) bom
    6) (helpful; beneficial: Exercise is good for you.; Cheese is good for you.) bom
    7) (pleased, happy etc: I'm in a good mood today.) bom
    8) (pleasant; enjoyable: to read a good book; Ice-cream is good to eat.) bom
    9) (considerable; enough: a good salary; She talked a good deal of nonsense.) bom
    10) (suitable: a good man for the job.) certo
    11) (sound, fit: good health; good eyesight; a car in good condition.) bom
    12) (sensible: Can you think of one good reason for doing that?) bom
    13) (showing approval: We've had very good reports about you.) bom
    14) (thorough: a good clean.) bom
    15) (healthy or in a positive mood: I don't feel very good this morning.) bem
    2. noun
    1) (advantage or benefit: He worked for the good of the poor; for your own good; What's the good of a broken-down car?) bem
    2) (goodness: I always try to see the good in people.) lado bom
    3. interjection
    (an expression of approval, gladness etc.) muito bem
    4. interjection
    ((also my goodness) an expression of surprise etc.) santo Deus!
    - goody
    - goodbye
    - good-day
    - good evening
    - good-for-nothing
    - good humour
    - good-humoured
    - good-humouredly
    - good-looking
    - good morning
    - good afternoon
    - good-day
    - good evening
    - good night
    - good-natured
    - goodwill
    - good will
    - good works
    - as good as
    - be as good as one's word
    - be up to no good
    - deliver the goods
    - for good
    - for goodness' sake
    - good for
    - good for you
    - him
    - Good Friday
    - good gracious
    - good heavens
    - goodness gracious
    - goodness me
    - good old
    - make good
    - no good
    - put in a good word for
    - take something in good part
    - take in good part
    - thank goodness
    - to the good
    * * *
    [gud] n 1 bem, benefício, vantagem. 2 o que é bom, justo, útil, coisa boa, gente boa. 3 bem-estar, prosperidade. • adj (compar better, sup best) 1 bom, admirável, desejável. 2 justo, próprio. 3 comportado. 4 benigno, bondoso. 5 sincero, verdadeiro. 6 seguro, certo. 7 real, genuíno. 8 agradável. 9 vantajoso, útil, beneficente. 10 satisfatório, pleno. 11 suficiente, adequado, muito. 12 capaz, eficiente, minucioso. 13 bastante, considerável. 14 devoto, virtuoso. 15 saudável, benéfico, salutar. 16 conveniente, decente. 17 fresco, não deteriorado. 18 válido, corrente (moeda). 19 Com solvente, seguro, idôneo. 20 Law vigorante, em vigor. 21 perfeito, completo. 22 amável, cortês. 23 aceitável, apetitoso. • interj bom! bem! a good deal bastante. a good half mais do que a metade. a good hour bem uma hora. a good many bastante. a good press uma imprensa favorável. a good turn uma mudança para o bem, um obséquio. are you good for $10? será que me podia emprestar $10? as good as done praticamente feito. as good as gold com um coração de ouro. be good enough to do this tenha a bondade de fazer isto. being in good faith ter boa fé. for good (and all) para sempre, definitivamente. for the good of para o bem de. gone for good foi-se definitivamente. good and Amer muito, bem. good and bad bem e mal. good and dry bem seco. good breeding boa educação. good debts dívidas seguras. good fruit frutas frescas. good humour bom humor, amabilidade. good temper jovialidade, serenidade. good title título juridicamente em ordem. have a good time! bom divertimento! he has as good as told me ele me deu a entender. he is good at telling stories ele sabe contar histórias. he is good company ele é bom companheiro. he was as good as his word ele cumpriu com sua palavra. I must make good my promise preciso cumprir minha promessa. in good earnest seriamente. in good faith de boa fé. in good time em tempo, oportunamente, logo. I think it good acho conveniente. it holds good, it stands good é válido. it is a good thing é conveniente. it is good for you fará bem a você, isto é bom para você. it looks good (to me) parece(-me) bom. my good man meu caro senhor. on good authority de fonte segura. that is no good isto não adianta. the good homens de bem. the good of the state o bem do estado. this food looks good esta comida tem bom aspecto. to feel good estar disposto, estar alegre. to have a good mind to do estar bem disposto a fazer. to have a good time divertir-se bastante. to have good health estar com boa saúde. to have good looks ser bonito, ser vistoso. to make good confirmar, demonstrar, executar, cumprir, substituir, compensar. to make good a loss to someone compensar a perda a alguém. to the good além, extra, de sobra. what is it good for? para que serve? what is the good of that? qual é a vantagem disto?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > good

  • 19 multiply

    1) (to add a number to itself a given number of times and find the total: 4 + 4 + 4 or 4 multiplied by 3 or 4 × 3 = 12.) multiplicar
    2) (to (cause to) increase in number, especially by breeding: Rabbits multiply very rapidly.) multiplicar
    * * *
    [m'∧ltiplai] vt+vi 1 multiplicar. 2 aumentar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > multiply

  • 20 stud

    I noun
    (a collection of horses and mares kept for breeding.) coudelaria
    II 1. noun
    1) (a knob, or nail with a large head, put into the surface of something as a protection or decoration etc: metal studs on the soles of football boots; a belt decorated with studs.) tacha
    2) (a type of button with two heads for fastening a collar: a collar stud.) botão de colarinho
    2. verb
    (to cover with studs: The sky was studded with stars.) tachonado
    * * *
    [st∧d] n 1 cravo, cabeça de prego, tacha, botão, botão de pressão. 2 abotoadura. 3 poste, batente, suporte. 4 Mech pino, perno, prisioneiro, ferrolho, fuso, travessa do elo. • vt 1 enfeitar com tachas ou pregos. 2 estar enfeitado ou guarnecido (com tachas). 3 espalhar, esparramar. studded with stars salpicado de estrelas.
    [st∧d] n 1 criação de cavalos. 2 caudelaria, haras. 3 Amer garanhão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stud

См. также в других словарях:

  • Breeding — is the producing of offspring, usually animals or plants* Animal breeding, through selected specimens such as dogs, horses, and rabbits * Plant breeding, through selected specimens such as treesBreeding may also refer to:in science: * Biobreeding …   Wikipedia

  • Breeding — Breed ing, n. 1. The act or process of generating or bearing. [1913 Webster] 2. The raising or improving of any kind of domestic animals; as, farmers should pay attention to breeding. [1913 Webster] 3. Nurture; education; formation of manners.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Breeding — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Brett Breeding (* 1963), US amerikanischer Comiczeichner James Floyd Breeding (1901–1977), US amerikanischer Politiker Marv Breeding (1934–2006), US amerikanischer Baseballspieler Breeding steht als Name… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • breeding — breeding; non·breeding; post·breeding; …   English syllables

  • breeding — [brēdiŋ] n. [see BREED] 1. the producing of young 2. the rearing of young; upbringing, education, or training, esp. in manners or social behavior 3. good upbringing or training [tolerance is a sign of breeding] 4. the producing of plants and… …   English World dictionary

  • breeding — breeding. См. скрещивание. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • Breeding — См. Воспроизводство Термины атомной энергетики. Концерн Росэнергоатом, 2010 …   Термины атомной энергетики

  • breeding — index conduct, deportment Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • breeding — / bri:diŋ/, it. / briding/ s. ingl. [propr. generazione; allevamento , der. di (to ) breed generare, allevare ], usato in ital. al masch. 1. (zoot.) [riproduzione controllata d animali e piante] ▶◀ selettocoltura. 2. (tecnol.) [proprietà dei… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • breeding — (n.) late 14c., hatching, incubation; also formation, development, growth, from prp. of BREED (Cf. breed) (v.). Meaning good manners is from 1590s …   Etymology dictionary

  • breeding — cultivation, *culture, refinement Analogous words: *tact, address, poise, savoir faire: *courtesy, amenity, gallantry: grace, dignity, *elegance Antonyms: vulgarity Contrasted words: boorishness, churlishness (see corresponding adjectives under… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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