1 bimorph memory cell
carton cell — отделение в коробке, ячейка
array cell — ячейка матрицы; элемент матрицы
2 bimorph memory cell
Вычислительная техника: биморфная запоминающая ячейка -
3 bimorph memory cell
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > bimorph memory cell
4 bimorph memory cell
English-Russian information technology > bimorph memory cell
5 cell
1) ячейка; элемент3) секция (единый участок памяти, в котором хранится часть файла)5) ячейка (в сетевых технологиях - используемые в асинхронном режим передачи (ATM) пакеты фиксированной длины, передаваемые апериодически от отдельных пользователей)6) фрагмент7) ГИС блок ( элементов графического файла)•- barrier-layer cell
- bimorph memory cell
- binary cell
- bipolar cell
- bit storage cell
- charge-coupled cell
- charge-storage cell
- continuous film cell
- counting cell
- data cell
- dedicated trap cells
- dimension-driven cell
- disturbed cell
- feedthrough cell
- ferroelectric cell
- general cell
- graphic cell
- healthy cell
- hysteretic memory cell
- Kerr cell
- key cell
- layout-sensitive cell
- leaf cell
- library cell
- light cell
- load cell
- logic cell
- low-level cell
- master cell
- master-slice cell
- memory cell
- MOS storage cell
- multiword storage cell
- multiword cell
- off-diagonal cell
- one-device cell
- one-T cell
- optics Kerr cell
- parametrized cell
- partially selected cell
- peripheral cell
- photoconducting cell
- photoconductive cell
- photoelectric cell
- photoemissive cell
- photovoltaic cell
- photox cell
- reference cell
- resolution cell
- selected cell
- single-ended cell
- standard cell
- static magnetic cell
- storage cell
- super cell
- ultra-dense cell
- unit cell
- working cellEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > cell
6 cell
1) элемент2) ячейка3) гальванический элемент (первичный элемент, аккумулятор или топливный элемент)5) вчт ячейка (данных), пакет фиксированной длины ( в режиме асинхронной передачи данных)6) тлф сота7) клетка•- absorbing cell
- acid cell
- acid fuel cell
- acoustooptic deflection cell
- active cell
- air cell
- alkaline cell
- alcaline dry cell
- alcaline-manganese cell
- alkaline storage cell
- anchor cell
- application-specific integrated circuit cell
- aqueous-electrolyte fuel cell
- array cell
- ASIC cell
- asymmetrical cell
- azimuth cell
- back-wall photovoltaic cell
- bag-type cell
- barrier-layer photoelectric cell
- barrier photovoltaic cell
- base-centered cell
- base-centered Bravais cell
- basic cell
- Becquerel cell
- Becquerel photovoltaic cell
- Bernard cell
- bias cell
- bichromate cell
- bimorph cell
- binary cell
- biochemical fuel cell
- bipolar cell
- bit cell
- bistable cell
- blank cell
- blocking-layer cell
- body-centered cell
- body-centered Bravais cell
- boundary scan cell
- Bragg cell
- Bravais cell
- Bravais unit cell
- Brillouin cell
- B/S cell
- bubble cell
- bubble-lattice cell
- Bunsen cell
- cadmium normal cell
- cadmium selenide photoconductive cell
- cadmium-silver oxide cell
- cadmium telluride solar cell
- cad-telluride solar cell
- calomel half-cell
- canal fuel cell
- carbon cell
- carbon-zinc cell
- cartridge cell
- cationic membrane cell
- cesium plasma cell
- character cell
- chargeable cell
- charge-storage cell
- charge-transfer cell
- chromic acid cell
- Clark cell
- closed-circuit cell
- color cell
- color Bravais cell
- color unit cell
- concentration cell
- concentric fuel cell
- conductivity cell
- copper-oxide photovoltaic cell
- copper-zinc cell
- counter cell
- counter electromotive cell
- counting cell
- Crowe cell
- current cell
- cryogenic memory cell
- crystal cell
- crystallographic cell
- Daniell cell
- DDC cell
- decomposition cell
- delay cell
- dichromate cell
- diffraction cell
- direct fuel cell
- direct-oxidation fuel cell
- displacement cell
- divalent silver oxide cell
- Doppler-resolution cell
- double-fluid cell
- dry cell
- dry-charged cell
- dry-tape cell
- dual-dielectric charge-storage cell
- dye cell
- E-cell
- edge-centered cell
- edge-centered Bravais cell
- Edison cell
- EL cell
- electric cell
- electrode concentration cell
- electroluminescence cell
- electrolytic cell
- electrooptic liquid-crystal cell
- element cell
- emergency cells
- emission cell
- end cells
- end-centered cell
- end-centered Bravais cell
- face-centered cell
- face-centered Bravais cell
- Faraday cell
- ferrimagnetic cell
- ferrite cell
- ferroelectric cell
- ferromagnetic cell
- force cell
- front-wall photovoltaic cell
- fuel cell
- fuel-gas cell
- function cell
- functional logic cell
- fused-electrolyte cell
- galvanic cell
- ganglion cell
- gas cell
- gas-filled cell
- glass half-cell
- Golay cell
- Golay pneumatic cell
- gravity cell
- Grenet cell
- grid-bias cell - hexagonal cell
- high-temperature fuel cell
- hot cell
- hydroelectric cell
- hydrogen-air cell
- hydrogen-oxygen cell
- hypercube cell
- hysteretic memory cell
- indirect-oxidation cell
- ion-exchange cell
- ion-exchange membrane cell
- iterative master cells
- jumbo cell
- Kerr cell
- L-cell
- Lalande cell
- lattice cell
- lead cell
- lead-acid cell
- lead-calcium cell
- lead-dioxide primary cell
- lead sulfide cell
- leaf cell
- Leclanche cell
- light-sensitive cell
- Li-ion cell
- Li-pol cell
- liquid-crystal cell
- liquid-crystal display cell
- liquid diffraction cell
- liquid-gas cell
- liquid-liquid cell
- liquid-metal fuel cell
- lithium cell
- lithium-ion cell
- lithium-iron sulfide secondary cell
- lithium-pol cell
- lithium-polymer cell
- lithium-silver chromate cell
- lithium-water cell
- load cell
- logic cell
- low-temperature fuel cell
- macro cell
- magnesium cell
- magnesium-cuprous chloride cell
- magnesium-silver chloride cell
- magnesium-water cell
- magnetic cell
- magnetic tunnel junction memory cell
- magnetic unit cell
- manganese-magnesium cell
- master cell
- memory cell
- mercury cell
- metal-air storage cell
- metal fuel cell
- metal-based fuel cell
- metallic rectifier cell
- metal-oxide-semiconductor cell
- metal-semiconductor barrier cell
- microphoto cell
- molten-carbonate fuel cell
- molten-electrolyte fuel cell
- MOS cell
- multijunction solar cell
- Na/S cell
- nerve cell
- nickel-cadmium cell
- nickel-iron cell
- nickel metal-hydride cell
- NiMH cell
- n-on-p solar cell
- nonprimitive Bravais cell
- nonprimitive unit cell
- nonregenerative fuel cell
- nuclear cell
- organic-semiconductor solar cell
- oxygen concentration cell
- oxygen-hydrogen cell
- Penning cell
- photochemical cell
- photoconducting cell
- photoconductive cell
- photoelectric cell
- photoelectrolytic cell
- photoemissive cell
- photogalvanic cell
- photovoltaic cell
- photronic cell
- piezoelectric cell
- pilot cell
- planar solar cell
- Plante cell
- plasma cell
- Pockels cell
- polycrystalline-film photoconducting cell
- p-on-n solar cell
- postsynaptic cell
- pressure cell
- presynaptic cell
- primary cell
- primary fuel cell
- primitive cell
- primitive unit cell
- processing cell
- promethium cell
- protected cell
- Purkinje cell
- quinhydrone electrode half-cell
- radar cell
- Raman cell
- range-resolution cell
- rapid single flux quantum cell
- rectifier photoelectric cell
- rectifying cell
- regenerative fuel cell
- reserve cell
- resolution cell
- resolving cell
- resonance cell
- rhombohedral cell
- robotic work cell
- RSFQ cell
- Ruben cell
- rubidium gas cell
- sal-ammonia cell
- SAM cell
- saturated standard cell
- Schottky-barrier solar cell
- sealed cell
- secondary cell
- selenium cell
- silicon rectifying cell
- silicon solar cell
- silver-hydrogen cell
- silver-oxide cell
- silver-zinc primary cell
- single-bit storage cell
- slot cell
- solar cell
- solid-electrolyte fuel cell
- standard cell
- standard Daniell cell
- Stark cell
- storage cell
- synchronous active-memory machine cell
- thallofide cell
- thermal cell
- thermoelectric solar cell
- thin-film solar cell
- TR cell
- transition cell
- transmit-receive cell
- tube fuel cell
- ultrasonic modulation cell
- ultrasonic refraction cell
- ultrasonic storage cell
- unit cell
- unsaturated standard cell
- vertical junction solar cell
- vertical memory cell
- voltaic cell
- Weston cell
- Weston standard cell
- wet cell
- Wigner-Seitz cell
- zinc-air fuel cell
- zinc-chlorine cell
- zinc-copper oxide cell
- zinc-iron cell
- zinc-mercury oxide cell
- zinc-silver chloride primary cell
- zinc-silver oxide cell -
7 cell
1) элемент2) ячейка3) гальванический элемент (первичный элемент, аккумулятор или топливный элемент)5) вчт. ячейка (данных), пакет фиксированной длины ( в режиме асинхронной передачи данных)6) тлф. сот7) клетка•- absorbing cell
- acid cell
- acid fuel cell
- acoustooptic deflection cell
- active cell
- air cell
- alcaline dry cell
- alcaline-manganese cell
- alkaline cell
- alkaline storage cell
- anchor cell
- application-specific integrated circuit cell
- aqueous-electrolyte fuel cell
- array cell
- ASIC cell
- asymmetrical cell
- azimuth cell
- B/S cell
- back-wall photovoltaic cell
- bag-type cell
- barrier photovoltaic cell
- barrier-layer photoelectric cell
- base-centered Bravais cell
- base-centered cell
- basic cell
- Becquerel cell
- Becquerel photovoltaic cell
- Bernard cell
- bias cell
- bichromate cell
- bimorph cell
- binary cell
- biochemical fuel cell
- bipolar cell
- bistable cell
- bit cell
- blank cell
- blocking-layer cell
- body-centered Bravais cell
- body-centered cell
- boundary scan cell
- Bragg cell
- Bravais cell
- Bravais unit cell
- Brillouin cell
- bubble cell
- bubble-lattice cell
- Bunsen cell
- cadmium normal cell
- cadmium selenide photoconductive cell
- cadmium telluride solar cell
- cadmium-silver oxide cell
- cad-telluride solar cell - carbon cell
- carbon-zinc cell
- cartridge cell
- cationic membrane cell
- cesium plasma cell
- character cell
- chargeable cell
- charge-storage cell
- charge-transfer cell
- chromic acid cell
- Clark cell
- closed-circuit cell
- color Bravais cell
- color cell
- color unit cell
- concentration cell
- concentric fuel cell
- conductivity cell
- copper-oxide photovoltaic cell
- copper-zinc cell
- counter cell
- counterelectromotive cell
- counting cell
- Crowe cell
- cryogenic memory cell
- crystal cell
- crystallographic cell
- current cell
- Daniell cell
- DDC cell
- decomposition cell
- delay cell
- dichromate cell
- diffraction cell
- direct fuel cell
- direct-oxidation fuel cell
- displacement cell
- divalent silver oxide cell
- Doppler-resolution cell
- double-fluid cell
- dry cell
- dry-charged cell
- dry-tape cell
- dual-dielectric charge-storage cell
- dye cell
- E cell
- edge-centered Bravais cell
- edge-centered cell
- Edison cell
- EL cell
- electric cell
- electrode concentration cell
- electroluminescence cell
- electrolytic cell
- electrooptic liquid-crystal cell
- element cell
- emergency cells
- emission cell
- end cells
- end-centered Bravais cell
- end-centered cell
- face-centered Bravais cell
- face-centered cell
- Faraday cell
- ferrimagnetic cell
- ferrite cell
- ferroelectric cell
- ferromagnetic cell
- force cell
- front-wall photovoltaic cell
- fuel cell
- fuel-gas cell
- function cell
- functional logic cell
- fused-electrolyte cell
- galvanic cell
- ganglion cell
- gas cell
- gas-filled cell - Golay pneumatic cell
- gravity cell
- Grenet cell
- grid-bias cell - hexagonal cell
- high-temperature fuel cell
- hot cell
- hydroelectric cell
- hydrogen-air cell
- hydrogen-oxygen cell
- hypercube cell
- hysteretic memory cell
- indirect-oxidation cell
- ion-exchange cell
- ion-exchange membrane cell
- iterative master cells
- jumbo cell
- Kerr cell
- Lalande cell
- lattice cell
- L-cell
- lead cell
- lead sulfide cell
- lead-acid cell
- lead-calcium cell
- lead-dioxide primary cell
- leaf cell
- Leclanche cell
- light-sensitive cell
- Li-ion cell
- Li-pol cell
- liquid diffraction cell
- liquid-crystal cell
- liquid-crystal display cell
- liquid-gas cell
- liquid-liquid cell
- liquid-metal fuel cell
- lithium cell
- lithium-ion cell
- lithium-iron sulfide secondary cell
- lithium-pol cell
- lithium-polymer cell
- lithium-silver chromate cell
- lithium-water cell
- load cell
- logic cell
- low-temperature fuel cell
- macro cell
- magnesium cell
- magnesium-cuprous chloride cell
- magnesium-silver chloride cell
- magnesium-water cell
- magnetic cell
- magnetic tunnel junction memory cell
- magnetic unit cell
- manganese-magnesium cell
- master cell
- memory cell
- mercury cell
- metal fuel cell
- metal-air storage cell
- metal-based fuel cell
- metallic rectifier cell
- metal-oxide-semiconductor cell
- metal-semiconductor barrier cell
- microphoto cell
- molten-carbonate fuel cell
- molten-electrolyte fuel cell
- MOS cell
- multijunction solar cell
- Na/S cell
- nerve cell
- nickel metal-hydride cell
- nickel-cadmium cell
- nickel-iron cell
- NiMH cell
- n-on-p solar cell
- nonprimitive Bravais cell
- nonprimitive unit cell
- nonregenerative fuel cell
- nuclear cell
- organic-semiconductor solar cell
- oxygen concentration cell
- oxygen-hydrogen cell
- Penning cell
- photochemical cell
- photoconducting cell
- photoconductive cell
- photoelectric cell
- photoelectrolytic cell
- photoemissive cell
- photogalvanic cell
- photovoltaic cell
- photronic cell
- piezoelectric cell
- pilot cell
- planar solar cell
- Plante cell
- plasma cell
- Pockels cell
- polycrystalline-film photoconducting cell
- p-on-n solar cell
- postsynaptic cell
- pressure cell
- presynaptic cell
- primary cell
- primary fuel cell
- primitive cell
- primitive unit cell
- processing cell
- promethium cell
- protected cell
- Purkinje cell - Raman cell
- range-resolution cell
- rapid single flux quantum cell
- rectifier photoelectric cell
- rectifying cell
- regenerative fuel cell
- reserve cell
- resolution cell
- resolving cell
- resonance cell
- rhombohedral cell
- robotic work cell
- RSFQ cell
- Ruben cell
- rubidium gas cell
- sal-ammonia cell
- SAM cell
- saturated standard cell
- Schottky-barrier solar cell
- sealed cell
- secondary cell
- selenium cell
- silicon rectifying cell
- silicon solar cell
- silver-hydrogen cell
- silver-oxide cell
- silver-zinc primary cell
- single-bit storage cell
- slot cell
- solar cell
- solid-electrolyte fuel cell
- standard cell
- standard Daniell cell
- Stark cell
- storage cell
- synchronous active-memory machine cell
- thallofide cell
- thermal cell
- thermoelectric solar cell
- thin-film solar cell
- TR cell
- transition cell
- transmit-receive cell
- tube fuel cell
- ultrasonic modulation cell
- ultrasonic refraction cell
- ultrasonic storage cell
- unit cell
- unsaturated standard cell
- vertical junction solar cell
- vertical memory cell
- voltaic cell
- Weston cell
- Weston standard cell
- wet cell
- Wigner-Seitz cell
- zinc-air fuel cell
- zinc-chlorine cell
- zinc-copper oxide cell
- zinc-iron cell
- zinc-mercury oxide cell
- zinc-silver chloride primary cell
- zinc-silver oxide cellThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > cell
8 cell
1) клетка3) элемент7) эл. шайба ( выпрямителя)8) эл. изолировочная гильза9) камера для работы с радиоактивными веществами10) строит. сегмент ребристого свода11) мн. ч. строит. пустоты в кирпиче или камне12) машиностр. гибкий производственный модуль, ГП-модуль, ГПМ; гибкий автоматизированный участок, ГАУ; ставочный участок13) ячейка памяти14) грозовой очаг, грозовой район ( в зоне полёта)16) полигр. растровая ячейка ( формы глубокой печати)17) пищ. диффузор18) ячейка ( тарный вкладыш)•cell with free diffusion boundaries — ячейка со свободной диффузией на границе жидкостей;cell with liquid junction — ячейка с жидкостным соединением;cell with open liquid junction — ячейка с открытым жидкостным соединением;cell without transference — элемент без переноса;-
polka dot solar cell
absorbing cell
accumulator cell
acid cell
Acker cell
AD cell
aeration cell
aftertreatment cell
agglomerate cell
air-depolarizing cell
air-hydrogen fuel cell
airlift flotation cell
airproof cell
alkali-chlorine cell
alkaline cell
Allen-Moore cell
aluminum cell
amalgam cell
ammonia-air fuel cell
amorphous solar cell
anisotropically etched solar cell
aqueous fuel cell
arc-heated cell
array cell
asymmetrical cell
automated cell
back-emf cell
back-surface-field solar cell
bag-type cell
balloon calibrated solar cell
basket cathode cell
battery cell
bearing cell
Becquerel cell
bell-jar cell
bell cell
bending part cell
bifacial solar cell
Billiter cell
bimorph cell
binary cell
biomass fuel cell
bipolar cell
bit cell
body cell
body-centered cubic cell
border cell
box cell
Bragg cell
brine cell
bubble cell
cadmium cell
carbon cell
cascade solar cell
cell of table
central cell
chargeable cell
chemical cell
chlorine cell
Clark cell
cleaner cell
climatic cell
closed cell
close-packed atomic cell
color cell
combustion cell
competent cell
complex galvanic cell
composite cell
conductivity cell
consumable-electrode cell
convection cell
corrosion cell
counter electromotive cell
counter cell
counting cell
crown cell
crystal cell
data cell
delay cell
desalting cell
detector cell
diamond cubic unit cell
diaphragm cell
diffraction cell
diffused-junction solar cell
diffusion cell
disk stack cell
Doppler-resolution cell
drift field solar cell
driver cell
dry cell
dummy cell
dye cell
ECM cell
edge-illuminated solar cell
Edison storage cell
electrical electrochemical cell
electric electrochemical cell
electrical cell
electric cell
electrochemical machining cell
electroluminescent cell
electrolytic cell
electrowinning cell
emergency cell
emission cell
end cell
epitaxial solar cell
exposure cell
fabric cell
face-centered cubic cell
faceted solar cell
Faraday cell
filter cell
flat cell
flotation cell
flow-through cell
fluid cooled solar cell
fluorine cell
front-surface-field solar cell
front-wall solar cell
froth flotation cell
fuel cell
fuel debottling cell
fuel handling cell
fuel-reprocessing cell
fused cell
galvanic cell
gamma-measuring cell
gas cell
graded bandgap solar cell
grating-type solar cell
group-technology cell
Hall cell
heteroface solar cell
heterojunction solar cell
high-bandgap solar cell
high-intensity solar cell
high-level cell
high-temperature fuel cell
hole matrix vertical junction solar cell
hole matrix vertical solar cell
homojunction solar cell
hot cell
humidity cell
hydraulic load cell
hydrogen cell
hydrogenerated amorphous silicon solar cell
indicator cell
induced-junction solar cell
integral diode solar cell
intermediate-level cell
inversion layer solar cell
junction solar cell
Kerr cell
lattice cell
lead-acid cell
lead cell
lead-zinc cell
Leclanche cell
library cell
light cell
light-sensitive cell
light-switching cell
liquid crystal cell
liquid junction solar cell
lithium counterdoped silicon solar cell
lithium-chlorine cell
lithium-sulfur cell
load cell
low-bandgap solar cell
low-level cell
machining cell
magnesium cell
manufacturing cell
master cell
matrix solar cell
mat-type cell
measuring cell
memory cell
mercury cell
minimum manned machining cell
monofacial solar cell
monolithic solar cell
multibandgap solar cell
multicolor solar cell
multielectrode cell
multijunction solar cell
multilayer solar cell
multilevel cell
multipass absorption cell
NC cell
neoprene fuel cell
new fuel storage cell
nickel-cadmium cell
nickel-iron cell
nickel-zinc cell
noise cell
nonideal solar cell
normal cell
one-device cell
optimum work cell
optoelectronic cell
oxidation-reduction cell
oxygen cell
oxygen-hydrogen cell
oxyhydrogen cell
painting cell
part washing cell
partially manned machining cell
parting cell
permeabilized cell
petite cell
photochemical cell
photoconducting cell
photoelectric cell
photoelectrochemical cell
photoelectrolytical cell
photoelectrolytic cell
photoemissive cell
photogalvanic cell
photomultiplier cell
photoresistance cell
photosensitive cell
photovoltaic cell
pickling cell
piezoelectric cell
pilot cell
p-i-n solar cell
planar solar cell
plunge cell
pneumatic cell
point contact solar cell
polycrystalline solar cell
pressure cell
primary cell
processing cell
pump cell
purification cell
radar-resolution cell
radar cell
radiation hardened solar cell
range-resolution cell
rechargeable cell
rectifying cell
reference solar cell
refining cell
refresh cell
regenerative fuel cell
regulator cell
resolution cell
resting cell
retreatment cell
ribbon solar cell
robotic work cell
robot work cell
robotic cell
robotic welding cell
rocking cell
roll cell
rotating anode cell
rotating cathode cell
Schottky-barrier solar cell
Schottky solar cell
sealed cell
sealed-in cell
seawater conductivity cell
secondary cell
selenium cell
self-adapting production cell
self-contained machining cell
self-refreshing cell
self-sufficient cell
semiconductor-electrolyte junction solar cell
semimanned machining cell
shadowed solar cell
sheet solar cell
sheet-pile cell
silicon solar cell
silo cell
silver-zinc cell
single manufacturing cell
single cell
single junction solar cell
single-crystalline solar cell
slot-type cell
solar cell
solid-electrolyte cell
solid-state cell
space solar cell
spherical solar cell
spinning cell
spray-deposited solar cell
stacked solar cell
standard cell
storage cell
surface-passivated solar cell
swarf removing cell
switching cell
tandem solar cell
thermal cell
thermal conductivity cell
thermoelectric solar cell
thermogalvanic cell
thin-film solar cell
transfer cell
tube cell
twisted nematic type cell
two-mirror absorption cell
ultrathin solar cell
unit cell
unmanned production cell
vertical junction solar cell
vertical solar cell
V-groove sofar cell
voltaic cell
water cell
wedged channel solar cell
weighing cell
welding cell
Weston standard cell
Weston cell
wet cell
work cell
wraparound solar cell -
9 read only memory
1. постоянное запоминающее устройствоmemory resistor — запоминающий резистор; мемистор
2. запоминающее устройство ЭВМmemory matrix — матрица памяти; запоминающая матрица
memory system — система памяти; запоминающая система
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > read only memory
10 bucket-brigade memory
запоминающее устройство на приборах типа "пожарная цепочка"memory matrix — матрица памяти; запоминающая матрица
memory system — система памяти; запоминающая система
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > bucket-brigade memory
11 биморфная запоминающая ячейка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > биморфная запоминающая ячейка
12 array
2) матрица; периодическая структура; сетка3) вчт. массив4) таблица5) цепочка6) вектор7) геофиз. расстановка; схема расположения; группа8) геофиз. установка9) геофиз. зонд•-
active antenna array
active array
adaptive array
adjustable array
aerial antenna array
aerial array
automatic scanning array
autonomous solar array
avalanche photodiode imaging array
axial-dipole array
azimuthal dipole-dipole array
backfire array
bimorph array
binary array
broadside array
CCD array
cell array
cellular array
charge array
circuit array
circular array
circularly polarized array
closed array
closely spaced fuel rod array
coherent antenna array
coincidence array
collinear array
complex array
complex function array
conformal array
conformant arrays
conical array
conically scanning array
coordinate-connected array
cophasal array
core array
correlation array
coupled waveguide array
cross array
crosspoint array
crow's foot array
cylindrical array
data array
density-tapered array
deployable solar array
detector array
diamond array
diode array
diode target array
dip-angle array
dipole array
dipole-dipole array
discrete array
discretionary routed array
dislocation array
disperse array
Dolph-Chebyshev antenna array
Dolph-Chebyshev array
electrode array
electronically scanned array
end-fed array
end-fire array
equispaced array
expanding array
fan-like array
feed array
feedthrough array
field-programmable logic array
filtering array
fixed-sized array
flat array
flexible array
flexible solar array
flush-mounted array
Franclin array
frequency-scanned array
fuel rod array
fuse-programmable array
gate array
geophone array
grating array
half-wave spaced array
hemispherically scanned array
herringbone array
high-voltage photovoltaic array
hologram array
horizontal collinear array
imaging array
induced-polarization array
induction array
in-line array
lateral array
light-emitting array
lightweight solar array
linear array
linear CCD array
logic array
low sidelobe array
maintenance-free solar array
mattress array
memory array
meso-meteorological buoy array
monolithically integrated solar array
monopole array
monopulse array
MOS array
multibeam array
multichip array
multidimensional array
multiple seismometer array
multiple shot array
N-dimensional array
NEP array
nonuniform array
normal array
null-steering array
odd arm star array
one-dimensional array
open fuel rod array
parasitic array
patch array
perpendicular array
phased array
phase-scanned array
photodiode array
photosensor array
photovoltaic array
pine-tree array
pin-grid array
planar array
pointer array
pole-dipole array
pole-pole array
polycell array
probe array
processing array
programmable logic array
receiving array
reciprocal array
rectangular array
reflector array
regular array
resistivity surveying array
resistor array
resistor-capacitor array
retrodirective array
reversible array
rigid solar array
ring array
root-integrated solar array
RSI array
scanned array
seismic array
self-phased array
self-scanned array
sensor array
SEP array
series array
shot array
silicon solar-cell array
silicon solar array
slot array
solar-cell array
solar array
solarvoltaic array
S-P solar array
space solar array
space-tapered array
stocked dipole array
sun seeking solar array
switched array
systolic array
tapered array
thermistor array
thinned array
tile array
touch pad switch array
TPS array
transducer array
transmissive array
transmitting array
triangular array
trimmable resistor array
two-dimensional array
uncommitted logic array
uncommitted array
uniform array
unit cell array
unsteerable array
waveguide array
Yagi-Uda array
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