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aware of

См. также в других словарях:

  • aware — 1. Aware is generally predicative in use, i.e. it stands after a noun or as a complement after a verb such as be, become, grow, seem, etc. It can be followed by of or a that clause: • I had to be aware of…the balance between committed pro… …   Modern English usage

  • aware — aware, cognizant, conscious, sensible, alive, awake mean having knowledge of something, especially of something that for some reason is not obvious or apparent to all. One is aware of something through information or through one’s own vigilance… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • AWARE —    Aware, or mono no aware, is a classical Japanese term used to describe the Buddhist notion of the transience of things and is often used in situations where one is moved (aware) upon seeing tangible things (mono) come to an end. Aware was… …   Japanese literature and theater

  • aware — aware; aware·ness; re·aware; un·aware; un·aware·ly; un·aware·ness; …   English syllables

  • Aware — A*ware , a. [OE. iwar, AS. gew[ae]r, fr. w[ae]r wary. The pref. ge orig. meant together, completely. ?. See {Wary}.] 1. Watchful; vigilant or on one s guard against danger or difficulty. [1913 Webster] 2. Apprised; informed; cognizant; conscious; …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • aware — [ə wer′] adj. [ME < OE gewær < wær, cautious: see WARN] 1. Obs. on one s guard; vigilant 2. knowing or realizing; conscious; informed awareness n. SYN. AWARE implies having knowledge of something through alertness in observing or in… …   English World dictionary

  • aware — index acute, artful, cognizant, guarded, knowing, learned, literate, perceptive, receptive …   Law dictionary

  • aware of — index acquainted, familiar (informed) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • aware — (adj.) late O.E. gewær, from P.Gmc. *ga waraz (Cf. O.S. giwar, M.Du. gheware, O.H.G. giwar, Ger. gewahr), from *ga intensive prefix + wær wary, cautious (see WARY (Cf. wary)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • aware — [adj] knowledgeable acquainted, alert, alive, appraised, appreciative, apprehensive, apprised, attentive, au courant, awake, cognizant, conscious, cool*, enlightened, familiar, go go*, groovy*, grounded*, heedful, hip*, informed, in the know*, in …   New thesaurus

  • aware — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. DERIVATIVES awareness noun. ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

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