Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 love

    1. noun
    1) (a feeling of great fondness or enthusiasm for a person or thing: She has a great love of music; her love for her children.) amor
    2) (strong attachment with sexual attraction: They are in love with one another.) amor
    3) (a person or thing that is thought of with (great) fondness (used also as a term of affection): Ballet is the love of her life; Goodbye, love!) amor
    4) (a score of nothing in tennis: The present score is fifteen love (written 15-0).) love
    2. verb
    1) (to be (very) fond of: She loves her children dearly.) amar
    2) (to take pleasure in: They both love dancing.) gostar de
    - lovely
    - loveliness
    - lover
    - loving
    - lovingly
    - love affair
    - love-letter
    - lovesick
    - fall in love with
    - fall in love
    - for love or money
    - make love
    - there's no love lost between them
    * * *
    [l∧v] n 1 amor, forte afeição. 2 pessoa amada. 3 cupido. 4 Sport pontuação zero (no tênis). • vt+vi amar, querer, gostar de. for love of one’s country por amor à pátria. for love or money de qualquer maneira. labour of love trabalho caritativo ou desinteressado. there’s no love last between them não se toleram. to fall in love apaixonar-se. to make love to fazer amor. to play for love jogar por passatempo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > love

  • 2 love

    1. noun
    1) (a feeling of great fondness or enthusiasm for a person or thing: She has a great love of music; her love for her children.) amor
    2) (strong attachment with sexual attraction: They are in love with one another.) amor
    3) (a person or thing that is thought of with (great) fondness (used also as a term of affection): Ballet is the love of her life; Goodbye, love!) paixão
    4) (a score of nothing in tennis: The present score is fifteen love (written 15-0).) zero
    2. verb
    1) (to be (very) fond of: She loves her children dearly.) amar
    2) (to take pleasure in: They both love dancing.) adorar, gostar de
    - lovely - loveliness - lover - loving - lovingly - love affair - love-letter - lovesick - fall in love with - fall in love - for love or money - make love - there's no love lost between them

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > love

  • 3 so

    [səu] 1. adverb
    1) ((used in several types of sentence to express degree) to this extent, or to such an extent: `The snake was about so long,' he said, holding his hands about a metre apart; Don't get so worried!; She was so pleased with his progress in school that she bought him a new bicycle; They couldn't all get into the room, there were so many of them; He departed without so much as (= without even) a goodbye; You've been so (= very) kind to me!; Thank you so much!) tão/tanto
    2) ((used to express manner) in this/that way: As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them; He likes everything to be (arranged) just so (= in one particular and precise way); It so happens that I have to go to an important meeting tonight.) assim
    3) ((used in place of a word, phrase etc previously used, or something previously stated) as already indicated: `Are you really leaving your job?' `Yes, I've already told you / said so'; `Is she arriving tomorrow?' `Yes, I hope so'; If you haven't read the notice, please do so now; `Is that so (= true)?' `Yes, it's really so'; `Was your father angry?' `Yes, even more so than I was expecting - in fact, so much so that he refused to speak to me all day!) isso/que sim/assim, etc.
    4) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.) também
    5) ((used to express agreement or confirmation) indeed: `You said you were going shopping today.' `So I did, but I've changed my mind.'; `You'll need this book tomorrow, won't you?' `So I will.') de facto
    2. conjunction
    ((and) therefore: John had a bad cold, so I took him to the doctor; `So you think you'd like this job, then?' `Yes.'; And so they got married and lived happily ever after.) de modo que
    - so-so
    - and so on/forth
    - or so
    - so as to
    - so far
    - so good
    - so that
    - so to say/speak
    * * *
    [sou] n Mus sol.
    [sou] adv 1 assim, deste modo, desta maneira, desta forma, conforme foi mostrado. so it is true? / é verdade, então? I think so / penso que sim. 2 como consta. 3 naquele estado, naquela condição. 4 tão, de tal modo, de tal grau. it is so fine a day / está um dia tão bonito. 5 muito. 6 por esta razão, então, por isto, portanto. 7 igualmente, também. are you hungry? so am I / está com fome? eu também. 8 mais ou menos, aproximadamente. he stays a week or so / ele permanecerá mais ou menos uma semana. • conj 1 de maneira que, para que. there was nothing to be done, so I went away / não havia nada que fazer, portanto fui-me embora. we left the book on the table, so that he’d find it / deixamos o livro em cima da mesa, para que ele o achasse. 2 sob a condição de, se. • interj 1 bem! 2 certo! 3 é verdade? é assim? • pron o mesmo, a mesma coisa. and so forth e assim por diante. and so on e assim por diante. be so kind as to give me... tenha a bondade de me dar... ever so much muito. if so nesse caso, caso que, se... is that so? é verdade? realmente? just/ quite so assim mesmo, bem assim. Mr. so-and-so fulano. Mrs. so-and-so fulana. not so pretty as não tão bonito como. so far so good até aqui, muito bem. so help me God! que Deus me ajude! so much for that! chega disto, basta! so much the better! tanto melhor! so so assim, assim, mais ou menos. so? so what? e daí? the more so tanto mais. why so? por quê?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > so

  • 4 So

    [səu] 1. adverb
    1) ((used in several types of sentence to express degree) to this extent, or to such an extent: `The snake was about so long,' he said, holding his hands about a metre apart; Don't get so worried!; She was so pleased with his progress in school that she bought him a new bicycle; They couldn't all get into the room, there were so many of them; He departed without so much as (= without even) a goodbye; You've been so (= very) kind to me!; Thank you so much!) tão/tanto
    2) ((used to express manner) in this/that way: As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them; He likes everything to be (arranged) just so (= in one particular and precise way); It so happens that I have to go to an important meeting tonight.) assim
    3) ((used in place of a word, phrase etc previously used, or something previously stated) as already indicated: `Are you really leaving your job?' `Yes, I've already told you / said so'; `Is she arriving tomorrow?' `Yes, I hope so'; If you haven't read the notice, please do so now; `Is that so (= true)?' `Yes, it's really so'; `Was your father angry?' `Yes, even more so than I was expecting - in fact, so much so that he refused to speak to me all day!) isso/que sim/assim, etc.
    4) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.) também
    5) ((used to express agreement or confirmation) indeed: `You said you were going shopping today.' `So I did, but I've changed my mind.'; `You'll need this book tomorrow, won't you?' `So I will.') de facto
    2. conjunction
    ((and) therefore: John had a bad cold, so I took him to the doctor; `So you think you'd like this job, then?' `Yes.'; And so they got married and lived happily ever after.) de modo que
    - so-so
    - and so on/forth
    - or so
    - so as to
    - so far
    - so good
    - so that
    - so to say/speak
    * * *
    abbr south (Sul, ao sul, para o sul).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > So

  • 5 so

    [səu] 1. adverb
    1) ((used in several types of sentence to express degree) to this extent, or to such an extent: `The snake was about so long,' he said, holding his hands about a metre apart; Don't get so worried!; She was so pleased with his progress in school that she bought him a new bicycle; They couldn't all get into the room, there were so many of them; He departed without so much as (= without even) a goodbye; You've been so (= very) kind to me!; Thank you so much!) tão, tanto, muito
    2) ((used to express manner) in this/that way: As you hope to be treated by others, so you must treat them; He likes everything to be (arranged) just so (= in one particular and precise way); It so happens that I have to go to an important meeting tonight.) assim
    3) ((used in place of a word, phrase etc previously used, or something previously stated) as already indicated: `Are you really leaving your job?' `Yes, I've already told you / said so'; `Is she arriving tomorrow?' `Yes, I hope so'; If you haven't read the notice, please do so now; `Is that so (= true)?' `Yes, it's really so'; `Was your father angry?' `Yes, even more so than I was expecting - in fact, so much so that he refused to speak to me all day!) isso
    4) (in the same way; also: `I hope we'll meet again.' `So do I.'; She has a lot of money and so has her husband.) também
    5) ((used to express agreement or confirmation) indeed: `You said you were going shopping today.' `So I did, but I've changed my mind.'; `You'll need this book tomorrow, won't you?' `So I will.') de fato
    2. conjunction
    ((and) therefore: John had a bad cold, so I took him to the doctor; `So you think you'd like this job, then?' `Yes.'; And so they got married and lived happily ever after.)
    - so-so - and so on/forth - or so - so as to - so far - so good - so that - so to say/speak

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > so

  • 6 pick

    I 1. [pik] verb
    1) (to choose or select: Pick the one you like best.) escolher
    2) (to take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc), usually by hand: The little girl sat on the grass and picked flowers.) apanhar
    3) (to lift (someone or something): He picked up the child.) levantar
    4) (to unlock (a lock) with a tool other than a key: When she found that she had lost her key, she picked the lock with a hair-pin.) forçar
    2. noun
    1) (whatever or whichever a person wants or chooses: Take your pick of these prizes.) escolha
    2) (the best one(s) from or the best part of something: These grapes are the pick of the bunch.) nata
    - pick-up
    - pick and choose
    - pick at
    - pick someone's brains
    - pick holes in
    - pick off
    - pick on
    - pick out
    - pick someone's pocket
    - pick a quarrel/fight with someone
    - pick a quarrel/fight with
    - pick up
    - pick up speed
    - pick one's way
    II [pik] noun
    ((also (British) pickaxe, (American) pickax - plural pickaxes) a tool with a heavy metal head pointed at one or both ends, used for breaking hard surfaces eg walls, roads, rocks etc.) picareta
    * * *
    [pik] n 1 picareta, picão, alvião. 2 coll palito. 3 palheta para instrumentos de corda.
    [pik] n 1 picada: golpe com instrumento contundente. 2 direito de escolha. 3 escolha, seleção. 4 escol, fina flor, nata. 5 lambisco. 6 colheita: parte recolhida em certo tempo. 7 Typogr tipo manchado. • vt+vi 1 picar, esburacar, abrir buracos em. 2 bicar, apanhar com o bico. 3 roubar, furtar. 4 descarnar, roer (ossos). 5 colher, apanhar (frutas, flores). 6 escolher, separar, selecionar. 7 provocar, promover (disputas, brigas). don’t pick a quarrel with me! / não procure encrenca comigo! 8 palitar, esgaravatar. 9 debicar, lambiscar, comer aos pedacinhos. 10 desfiar (lã, etc.). 11 abrir com gazua. 12 Amer dedilhar (instrumento de cordas). 13 arrancar (com os dedos ou um instrumento pontudo). to have a bone to pick with ter contas a ajustar com, ter uma questão a resolver com. to pick a bone with discutir ou disputar com. to pick and choose selecionar cuidadosamente, escolher a dedo. to pick and steal surripiar. to pick at a) comer beliscando, ciscar na comida. b) tratar superficialmente (um asssunto). c) implicar com. to pick holes in achar defeitos em. to pick off a) colher, apanhar. b) matar, abater um por um. to pick on a) escolher. b) escolher como vítima, perseguir, apoquentar, atormentar. to pick one’s way escolher cuidadosamente onde colocar os pés. she picked her way through the puddles / ela escolheu cuidadosamente seu caminho por entre as poças d’água. to pick out a) escolher, selecionar. b) distinguir, apanhar, perceber. c) tocar de ouvido. d) realçar mediante contraste de cores. to pick someone’s brains usar as idéias de alguém para os seus próprios interesses. to pick to pieces a) fazer em pedaços. b) esmiuçar, analisar detalhadamente para achar defeitos. c) criticar, humilhar, reduzir a pó de traque. she picked him to pieces / ela o reduziu a nada (com críticas). to pick up a) abrir ou extrair com picareta. b) apanhar, pegar. c) assimilar, aprender. he picked up the language / ele assimilou o idioma. d) adquirir. I picked up the thing for a song / obtive esta coisa por uma ninharia. e) descobrir, encontrar. f) apanhar, pegar (passageiros). g) Radio, TV captar, sintonizar. h) recuperar, recobrar (saúde, forças). she picked up her strength ou she picked up again / ela recuperou suas forças. i) coll convalescer. j) acumular, ganhar (forças, pressão, etc.). k) arrumar (sala). l) arranjar, conseguir. m) aproximar-se com intenções sexuais.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pick

  • 7 pick

    I 1. [pik] verb
    1) (to choose or select: Pick the one you like best.) escolher
    2) (to take (flowers from a plant, fruit from a tree etc), usually by hand: The little girl sat on the grass and picked flowers.) catar
    3) (to lift (someone or something): He picked up the child.) pegar
    4) (to unlock (a lock) with a tool other than a key: When she found that she had lost her key, she picked the lock with a hair-pin.) forçar
    2. noun
    1) (whatever or whichever a person wants or chooses: Take your pick of these prizes.) escolha
    2) (the best one(s) from or the best part of something: These grapes are the pick of the bunch.) nata
    - pick-up - pick and choose - pick at - pick someone's brains - pick holes in - pick off - pick on - pick out - pick someone's pocket - pick a quarrel/fight with someone - pick a quarrel/fight with - pick up - pick up speed - pick one's way II [pik] noun
    ((also (British) pickaxe, (American) pickax - plural pickaxes) a tool with a heavy metal head pointed at one or both ends, used for breaking hard surfaces eg walls, roads, rocks etc.) picareta

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > pick

  • 8 stone

    [stəun] 1. noun
    1) (( also adjective) (of) the material of which rocks are composed: limestone; sandstone; a stone house; stone walls; In early times, men made tools out of stone.) pedra
    2) (a piece of this, of any shape or size: He threw a stone at the dog.) pedra
    3) (a piece of this shaped for a special purpose: a tombstone; paving-stones; a grindstone.) pedra
    4) (a gem or jewel: She lost the stone out of her ring; diamonds, rubies and other stones.) pedra
    5) (the hard shell containing the nut or seed in some fruits eg peaches and cherries: a cherry-stone.) caroço
    6) (a measure of weight still used in Britain, equal to 6.35 kilogrammes: She weighs 9.5 stone.) (medida de peso)
    7) (a piece of hard material that forms in the kidney, bladder etc and causes pain.) pedra
    2. verb
    1) (to throw stones at, especially as a ritual punishment: Saint Stephen was stoned to death.) apedrejar
    2) (to remove the stones from (fruit): She washed and stoned the cherries.) tirar o caroço
    - stonily
    - stoniness
    - stone-cold
    - stone-dead
    - stone-deaf
    - stoneware
    - stonework
    - leave no stone unturned
    - a stone's throw
    * * *
    [stoun] n 1 pedra, rocha, rochedo. 2 pedaço de rocha, pedregulho, seixo, calhau. 3 pedra trabalhada, lápide, laje, túmulo. 4 rebolo, pedra de afiar. 5 Med cálculo. 6 pedra preciosa, jóia, gema. 7 caroço, semente dura. 8 Brit (pl inalterado) unidade de peso correspondente a 14 libras. 9 paralelepípedo. 10 granizo. • vt 1 colocar pedras, revestir de pedras. 2 jogar, atirar pedras, apedrejar. 3 descaroçar. • adj 1 de pedra, feito de pedra. 2 relativo a pedra. 3 de grés, de louça ou de barro. a rolling stone gathers no moss pedra que rola não cria limo. people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones quem tem telhado de vidro não atire pedras no do vizinho. rolling stone a) pedra que rola. b) pessoa nômade. to cast the first stone ser o primeiro a criticar, atirar a primeira pedra. to get blood from a stone tirar leite das pedras. to have a heart of stone ter um coração duro / de pedra, não ter sentimentos. to kill two birds with one stone matar dois coelhos com uma só cajadada. to leave no stone standing não deixar pedra sobre pedra. to leave no stone unturned mover céus e terras, tentar de tudo. to mark the day with a white stone marcar o dia na folhinha. within a stone’s throw dentro da distância de uma pedrada, bem perto.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stone

  • 9 store

    [sto:] 1. noun
    1) (a supply of eg goods from which things are taken when required: They took a store of dried and canned food on the expedition; The quartermaster is the officer in charge of stores.) reserva
    2) (a (large) collected amount or quantity: He has a store of interesting facts in his head.) depósito
    3) (a place where a supply of goods etc is kept; a storehouse or storeroom: It's in the store(s).) armazém
    4) (a shop: The post office here is also the village store; a department store.) loja
    2. verb
    1) (to put into a place for keeping: We stored our furniture in the attic while the tenants used our house.) guardar
    2) (to stock (a place etc) with goods etc: The museum is stored with interesting exhibits.) abastecer
    - storehouse
    - storeroom
    - in store
    - set great store by
    - set store by
    - store up
    * * *
    [stɔ:] n 1 Amer armazém, loja, casa de negócios. 2 estoque, suprimento. 3 (especialmente Brit) depósito, armazém. 4 provisões, abastecimento. 5 propriedade, riqueza, tesouro (de conhecimentos), grande quantidade, abundância, fartura. • vt 1 suprir, pôr em estoque. 2 guardar, acumular, armazenar (também Comp). she stored away her treasures / ela guardou seus tesouros. 3 abastecer, prover, fornecer. chain store estabelecimento de uma rede de lojas de departamentos ou rede de supermercados, filial. department store loja de departamentos. in store de reserva. to be in store algo está para acontecer. there is a great surprise in store for you / há uma grande surpresa à sua espera. to set great store by something dar muito valor a. he sets great store by her opinion / ele dá muito valor à opinião dela. to store up reservar, guardar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > store

  • 10 store

    [sto:] 1. noun
    1) (a supply of eg goods from which things are taken when required: They took a store of dried and canned food on the expedition; The quartermaster is the officer in charge of stores.) provisão
    2) (a (large) collected amount or quantity: He has a store of interesting facts in his head.) estoque
    3) (a place where a supply of goods etc is kept; a storehouse or storeroom: It's in the store(s).) depósito
    4) (a shop: The post office here is also the village store; a department store.) armazém
    2. verb
    1) (to put into a place for keeping: We stored our furniture in the attic while the tenants used our house.) guardar
    2) (to stock (a place etc) with goods etc: The museum is stored with interesting exhibits.) abastecer
    - storehouse - storeroom - in store - set great store by - set store by - store up

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > store

  • 11 star

    1. noun
    1) (the fixed bodies in the sky, which are really distant suns: The Sun is a star, and the Earth is one of its planets.) estrela
    2) (any of the bodies in the sky appearing as points of light: The sky was full of stars.) estrela
    3) (an object, shape or figure with a number of pointed rays, usually five or six, often used as a means of marking quality etc: The teacher stuck a gold star on the child's neat exercise book; a four-star hotel.) estrela
    4) (a leading actor or actress or other well-known performer eg in sport etc: a film/television star; a football star; ( also adjective) She has had many star rôles in films.) estrela
    2. verb
    1) (to play a leading role in a play, film etc: She has starred in two recent films.) fazer o papel principal
    2) ((of a film etc) to have (a certain actor etc) as its leading performer: The film starred Elvis Presley.) ter como estrela
    - starry
    - starfish
    - starlight
    - starlit
    - star turn
    - see stars
    - thank one's lucky stars
    * * *
    [sta:] n 1 estrela. 2 astro, corpo celeste. 3 figura em forma de estrela. 4 asterisco. 5 ator, atriz, pessoa que se distingue em alguma arte (estrela de cinema, de teatro). 6 insígnia. 7 fig sorte, fortuna, destino, horóscopo. • vt+vi (ps, pp starred) 1 estrelar, colocar estrelas, ornamentar com estrelas. the picture is starring a new actress / o filme apresenta uma nova estrela. 2 marcar com asterisco. 3 brilhar, ser proeminente ou célebre. 4 representar como estrela. • adj principal, excelente, célebre, talentoso. a three-star hotel hotel três estrelas. fixed star estrela fixa. his star has set fig ele está em decadência. his star is in the ascendant fig sua estrela é ascendente. shooting star estrela cadente. stars and bars Amer bandeira da confederação. stars and stripes bandeira dos EUA. thank your stars that you have escaped dê graças a Deus, agradeça à sua boa estrela por ter escapado. the Star-Chamber Brit corte, tribunal da Idade Média. to see stars coll ver estrelas, ter a sensação de ver pontos de luz resultante de um golpe na cabeça. under an unlucky star fig sem sorte.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > star

  • 12 star

    1. noun
    1) (the fixed bodies in the sky, which are really distant suns: The Sun is a star, and the Earth is one of its planets.) estrela
    2) (any of the bodies in the sky appearing as points of light: The sky was full of stars.) estrela
    3) (an object, shape or figure with a number of pointed rays, usually five or six, often used as a means of marking quality etc: The teacher stuck a gold star on the child's neat exercise book; a four-star hotel.) estrela
    4) (a leading actor or actress or other well-known performer eg in sport etc: a film/television star; a football star; ( also adjective) She has had many star rôles in films.) estrela
    2. verb
    1) (to play a leading role in a play, film etc: She has starred in two recent films.) estrelar
    2) ((of a film etc) to have (a certain actor etc) as its leading performer: The film starred Elvis Presley.) ser estrelado por
    - starry - starfish - starlight - starlit - star turn - see stars - thank one's lucky stars

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > star

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