1 Paducah
География: г. Падьюка, (г.) Падьюка (шт. Кентукки, США) -
2 Paducah
[pə`djuːkə]Падьюка (США, штат Кентукки)Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > Paducah
3 Paducah
г. Падьюка; г. Падьюка (шт. Кентукки, США)* * *IПадьюка (США, шт. Кентукки)IIПадьюка (США, шт. Техас) -
4 paducah
5 Paducah
[pəʹdju:kə] n геогр.г. Падьюка -
6 Paducah
Падьюка Город в США, шт. Кентукки. 29 тыс. жителей (1980). Атомная промышленность. -
7 Paducah
[pə'djuːkə]сущ.; геогр.Падьюка (город в США, штат Кентукки) -
8 Paducah
9 Paducah
n геогр. Падьюка -
10 PI
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Protease Inhibitor, piping & instrumentation drawings, point of intersection2) Компьютерная техника: Parity Inner, Pocket Informant, Power Intelligence, Priority Inherit, Process Information, Processor Interface3) Биология: plasma4) Медицина: Prescribing Information (инструкция по медицинскому применению препарата), Principal Investigator (главный исследователь/руководитель исследования в исследовательском центре - при проведении клинических испытаний), protease inhibitor - ингибитор протеазы5) Американизм: Policy Iteration, Pure Imported6) Ботаника: Plant Introduction7) Военный термин: Photographic Interpretation/Interpreter, parachute infantry, performance improvement, performance index, periodic inspection, personal identification, personal identity, photogrammetric instrumentation, photographic intelligence, photointerpretation, photointerpreter, physical inventory, pilot item, pilotless interceptor, point initiating, point of impact, point of interception, position indicator, practice intercept, precision instrument, preflight inspection, preliminary inspection, preliminary investigation, preliminary issue, preplanned product improvements, prepositioned instruction, principal investigator, probability of identification, procedure instruction, procurement item, product improvement, proficiency index, program of instruction, programmed instruction, public information, publication instructions8) Техника: Para influenza, Proportional-plus Integral, packet interleaving, pattern information, payload interrogator, percent isolated, photo interpreter, position indication, primary input, procedural interface, program interrupter, proportional integral, purge isolation9) Сельское хозяйство: (Phosphatidylinositol) фосфатидилинозиты (обычно в сочетании PI-PLC при анализе молока в Америке), Preliminary Incubation, parainfluenza10) Шутливое выражение: Phantom Investigator11) Химия: Phosphate Ion12) Математика: Pareto Improved, показатель приоритета (priority index), полиномиальное тождество (polynomial identity)13) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Illinois Railroad14) Юридический термин: Participating Informant, Permanently Identified, Post Institutionalized15) Страхование: personal injury, premium income, professional indemnity16) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Investment17) Грубое выражение: Personal Idiot18) Сокращение: Performance Indicator, Photo-Interpreter, Physics International Co. (USA), Practice Interception, Primary in, Private Investigator, Probability of Intercept (Also POI), Process (or Program) Instruction, phase in, point-insulating, preliminary inquiry, priority index, production illustration, the ratio "pi", Product Information (Техническая Спецификация продукта), Pacing Indicator, Priority Interrupt, present illness, Техническая Спецификация продукта (Product Information), Blood Clotting, International Protocol, Ionized Phosphorus, Isoelectric Point (chemistry), Istiqlal Party (Independence Party, Morocco), Pacific Institute, Pacific Internet (Internet Service Provider), Package Insert (medications), Packet Interface, Paducah & Illinois Railroad, Paedagogisches Institut (Vienna, Austria), Page Impression (Internet advertising), Page Interleaving, Paging (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Pampers Institute (UK), Panicle Initiation, Paper Insulated, Par Interim (French: Deputizing), Paradigm Infinitum (Singapore), Parallel Interface, Parameter Identifier (ITU-T), Parameter Indicator, Paranoid Ideation, Paranormal Investigator, Parent Initial, Parents for Inclusion, Parris Island, Particular Integral, Partner Institution, Pass Interference (football), Passes Intercepted (soccer), Passive Intercept, Paternity Index, Payload Integrator, Pearl Islands (Hawaii), Penile Implant, Pentium I (Intel), Per Inch, Per Inquiry, Perception Immediate (French), Perceptually Impaired, Perforated Initials (philately), Performance Insight (Oracle), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Peripheral Iridotomy, Perlite Institute (Staten Island, NY), Perpetual Inventory, Persistently Infected, Personal Identifier, Personal Injury (legal), Personal Inspection, Personal Investigator (less common), Petroleum Institute, Phase I (clinical studies), Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper), Philippine Islands (slang), Phosphate (Inorganic), Phosphorus Index, PhotoImpact (digital imaging software), Physically Impaired, Physician Information, Physicist Interface, Physics International, Physik Instrumente, Piaui (Brazil), Pinellas (plant; Florida), Pinneberg (auto license plate), Pisa (Tuscany, Italy), Planet Internet, Plant Industry (CSIRO), Plant Information (real-time software products such as SCADA), Plant Integrity, Plasticity Index, Platform Initialization (Specification), Please Inquire, Pleasure Island (Disney World), Plouffe's Inverter, Plug In, Point of Inflection (engineering), Police Interceptor, Policy Issuance (insurance), Policy and International Affairs, Politically Incorrect, Polyisocyanurate (rigid foam contruction material), Polynomial Identity (mathematics), Ponderal Index, Population Institute, Portable Interceptors, Post Inoculation, Post Intelligencer (newspaper, Seattle, Washington), Postinjection, Power Integrations, Power Interface, Praktische Informatik (German: Applied Informatics), Pre'compte Immobilier (French: tax on real estate), Predictive Index, Preliminary Injunction, Presque Isle (Michigan), Pressure Indicator (industrial control description), Price Integrity, Primary Immunodeficiency, Primary Investigations, Prime Implicant, Principal Insured, PrintImage International, Priority Inheritance, Privacy International (human rights group), Private Idaho, Private Investigations (movie), Process & Instrumentation, Process Improvement, Process Industries, Processing Instruction, Procurement Instruction, Product Integration, Product Integrity, Productivity Increase, Professional Indemnity (insurance coverage), Professional Informant, Profil Infirmier, Proforma Invoice, Program Identification, Program Improvement, Program Index, Program Information, Program Instructions, Program Integrity, Program Interruption, Program Isolation (IBM), Project Identification (number), Projector Infantry, Projets Individuels, Propidium Iodide, Proportional-Integral (controller), Propriedade Intelectual (Intellectual Property, Brazil), Prospective Internationale, Protease Inhibitor, Protocol Interpreter, Psicologi'a Integrada (Portugese), Psykoterapiinstitut (Stockholm, Sweden), Public Intoxication (law enforcement), Pulsatility Index, Pulse Induction, Pulse Inverter, Punto Informatico, Purchasing Instruction, Pursuit Inc., Pusat Informasi (Indonesian: Information Center)19) Физика: 3. 1415926535, Polarisation Index20) Физиология: Post Injection, Pulmonary Insufficiency21) Вычислительная техника: program interrupt, Placement and Interconnect (system, VLSI, MIT), Информационная система производства (ИСП)22) Нефть: Petroleum Information, high resolution induction log, impregnated paper, phasor induction log, production index, коэффициент продуктивности (productivity index), процент обнаруженных неисправностей (percent isolated), Phasor-Induction Spherically Focussed Log23) Иммунология: фагоцитарный индекс24) Биохимия: Pepsin Inhibitor25) Связь: "Program Invocation"26) Картография: photo interpretation, place, point of intersection27) Фирменный знак: Precision Instruments, Priceless Inn29) Деловая лексика: Plant Information, Process Innovation, Project Idea, Provider Independent, индекс прибыльности30) SAP. пенсионное страхование31) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: performance information, profitability index (profit/investment ratio discounted), индекс продуктивности, индикатор давления (pressure indicator), показывающий манометр (pressure indicator), productivity index (profit/investment ratio discounted), (log) high resolution induction log32) Менеджмент: индекс доходности, индекс рентабельности33) Образование: Public Instruction34) Сетевые технологии: Path Identifier, Presence Information35) Полимеры: penetration index, polyimidazole, polyimide, polyisoprene, полиимид36) Программирование: Pages In37) Автоматика: proportional-integral38) Сахалин Р: Productivity Index, pressure indicator39) Сахалин Ю: profitability index40) Химическое оружие: Pulse input, project instruction41) Макаров: Penning ionization42) Табуированная лексика: сутенёр43) Безопасность: Personal Information44) Расширение файла: Programmer's Interface45) Нефть и газ: ЭП, эксплуатационный показатель, Performance Indicators46) Логистика: Proforma-Invoice (проформа-инвойс)47) Карачаганак: (productivity index) коэффициент продуктивности48) Электротехника: point insulation, power input, Polarization Index49) Арматура: (position indicator) УП (указатель положения)50) Общественная организация: Project Inform51) Должность: Physician Investigator, Political Informant, Pool Instructor, Position Independent, Primary Investigator, Principle Investigator, Problem Investigator, Program Integrator, Property Inspector, Pure Integrity52) Программное обеспечение: Programming Interface53) Единицы измерений: Pyramid Inch -
11 Pi
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Protease Inhibitor, piping & instrumentation drawings, point of intersection2) Компьютерная техника: Parity Inner, Pocket Informant, Power Intelligence, Priority Inherit, Process Information, Processor Interface3) Биология: plasma4) Медицина: Prescribing Information (инструкция по медицинскому применению препарата), Principal Investigator (главный исследователь/руководитель исследования в исследовательском центре - при проведении клинических испытаний), protease inhibitor - ингибитор протеазы5) Американизм: Policy Iteration, Pure Imported6) Ботаника: Plant Introduction7) Военный термин: Photographic Interpretation/Interpreter, parachute infantry, performance improvement, performance index, periodic inspection, personal identification, personal identity, photogrammetric instrumentation, photographic intelligence, photointerpretation, photointerpreter, physical inventory, pilot item, pilotless interceptor, point initiating, point of impact, point of interception, position indicator, practice intercept, precision instrument, preflight inspection, preliminary inspection, preliminary investigation, preliminary issue, preplanned product improvements, prepositioned instruction, principal investigator, probability of identification, procedure instruction, procurement item, product improvement, proficiency index, program of instruction, programmed instruction, public information, publication instructions8) Техника: Para influenza, Proportional-plus Integral, packet interleaving, pattern information, payload interrogator, percent isolated, photo interpreter, position indication, primary input, procedural interface, program interrupter, proportional integral, purge isolation9) Сельское хозяйство: (Phosphatidylinositol) фосфатидилинозиты (обычно в сочетании PI-PLC при анализе молока в Америке), Preliminary Incubation, parainfluenza10) Шутливое выражение: Phantom Investigator11) Химия: Phosphate Ion12) Математика: Pareto Improved, показатель приоритета (priority index), полиномиальное тождество (polynomial identity)13) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Illinois Railroad14) Юридический термин: Participating Informant, Permanently Identified, Post Institutionalized15) Страхование: personal injury, premium income, professional indemnity16) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Investment17) Грубое выражение: Personal Idiot18) Сокращение: Performance Indicator, Photo-Interpreter, Physics International Co. (USA), Practice Interception, Primary in, Private Investigator, Probability of Intercept (Also POI), Process (or Program) Instruction, phase in, point-insulating, preliminary inquiry, priority index, production illustration, the ratio "pi", Product Information (Техническая Спецификация продукта), Pacing Indicator, Priority Interrupt, present illness, Техническая Спецификация продукта (Product Information), Blood Clotting, International Protocol, Ionized Phosphorus, Isoelectric Point (chemistry), Istiqlal Party (Independence Party, Morocco), Pacific Institute, Pacific Internet (Internet Service Provider), Package Insert (medications), Packet Interface, Paducah & Illinois Railroad, Paedagogisches Institut (Vienna, Austria), Page Impression (Internet advertising), Page Interleaving, Paging (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Pampers Institute (UK), Panicle Initiation, Paper Insulated, Par Interim (French: Deputizing), Paradigm Infinitum (Singapore), Parallel Interface, Parameter Identifier (ITU-T), Parameter Indicator, Paranoid Ideation, Paranormal Investigator, Parent Initial, Parents for Inclusion, Parris Island, Particular Integral, Partner Institution, Pass Interference (football), Passes Intercepted (soccer), Passive Intercept, Paternity Index, Payload Integrator, Pearl Islands (Hawaii), Penile Implant, Pentium I (Intel), Per Inch, Per Inquiry, Perception Immediate (French), Perceptually Impaired, Perforated Initials (philately), Performance Insight (Oracle), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Peripheral Iridotomy, Perlite Institute (Staten Island, NY), Perpetual Inventory, Persistently Infected, Personal Identifier, Personal Injury (legal), Personal Inspection, Personal Investigator (less common), Petroleum Institute, Phase I (clinical studies), Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper), Philippine Islands (slang), Phosphate (Inorganic), Phosphorus Index, PhotoImpact (digital imaging software), Physically Impaired, Physician Information, Physicist Interface, Physics International, Physik Instrumente, Piaui (Brazil), Pinellas (plant; Florida), Pinneberg (auto license plate), Pisa (Tuscany, Italy), Planet Internet, Plant Industry (CSIRO), Plant Information (real-time software products such as SCADA), Plant Integrity, Plasticity Index, Platform Initialization (Specification), Please Inquire, Pleasure Island (Disney World), Plouffe's Inverter, Plug In, Point of Inflection (engineering), Police Interceptor, Policy Issuance (insurance), Policy and International Affairs, Politically Incorrect, Polyisocyanurate (rigid foam contruction material), Polynomial Identity (mathematics), Ponderal Index, Population Institute, Portable Interceptors, Post Inoculation, Post Intelligencer (newspaper, Seattle, Washington), Postinjection, Power Integrations, Power Interface, Praktische Informatik (German: Applied Informatics), Pre'compte Immobilier (French: tax on real estate), Predictive Index, Preliminary Injunction, Presque Isle (Michigan), Pressure Indicator (industrial control description), Price Integrity, Primary Immunodeficiency, Primary Investigations, Prime Implicant, Principal Insured, PrintImage International, Priority Inheritance, Privacy International (human rights group), Private Idaho, Private Investigations (movie), Process & Instrumentation, Process Improvement, Process Industries, Processing Instruction, Procurement Instruction, Product Integration, Product Integrity, Productivity Increase, Professional Indemnity (insurance coverage), Professional Informant, Profil Infirmier, Proforma Invoice, Program Identification, Program Improvement, Program Index, Program Information, Program Instructions, Program Integrity, Program Interruption, Program Isolation (IBM), Project Identification (number), Projector Infantry, Projets Individuels, Propidium Iodide, Proportional-Integral (controller), Propriedade Intelectual (Intellectual Property, Brazil), Prospective Internationale, Protease Inhibitor, Protocol Interpreter, Psicologi'a Integrada (Portugese), Psykoterapiinstitut (Stockholm, Sweden), Public Intoxication (law enforcement), Pulsatility Index, Pulse Induction, Pulse Inverter, Punto Informatico, Purchasing Instruction, Pursuit Inc., Pusat Informasi (Indonesian: Information Center)19) Физика: 3. 1415926535, Polarisation Index20) Физиология: Post Injection, Pulmonary Insufficiency21) Вычислительная техника: program interrupt, Placement and Interconnect (system, VLSI, MIT), Информационная система производства (ИСП)22) Нефть: Petroleum Information, high resolution induction log, impregnated paper, phasor induction log, production index, коэффициент продуктивности (productivity index), процент обнаруженных неисправностей (percent isolated), Phasor-Induction Spherically Focussed Log23) Иммунология: фагоцитарный индекс24) Биохимия: Pepsin Inhibitor25) Связь: "Program Invocation"26) Картография: photo interpretation, place, point of intersection27) Фирменный знак: Precision Instruments, Priceless Inn29) Деловая лексика: Plant Information, Process Innovation, Project Idea, Provider Independent, индекс прибыльности30) SAP. пенсионное страхование31) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: performance information, profitability index (profit/investment ratio discounted), индекс продуктивности, индикатор давления (pressure indicator), показывающий манометр (pressure indicator), productivity index (profit/investment ratio discounted), (log) high resolution induction log32) Менеджмент: индекс доходности, индекс рентабельности33) Образование: Public Instruction34) Сетевые технологии: Path Identifier, Presence Information35) Полимеры: penetration index, polyimidazole, polyimide, polyisoprene, полиимид36) Программирование: Pages In37) Автоматика: proportional-integral38) Сахалин Р: Productivity Index, pressure indicator39) Сахалин Ю: profitability index40) Химическое оружие: Pulse input, project instruction41) Макаров: Penning ionization42) Табуированная лексика: сутенёр43) Безопасность: Personal Information44) Расширение файла: Programmer's Interface45) Нефть и газ: ЭП, эксплуатационный показатель, Performance Indicators46) Логистика: Proforma-Invoice (проформа-инвойс)47) Карачаганак: (productivity index) коэффициент продуктивности48) Электротехника: point insulation, power input, Polarization Index49) Арматура: (position indicator) УП (указатель положения)50) Общественная организация: Project Inform51) Должность: Physician Investigator, Political Informant, Pool Instructor, Position Independent, Primary Investigator, Principle Investigator, Problem Investigator, Program Integrator, Property Inspector, Pure Integrity52) Программное обеспечение: Programming Interface53) Единицы измерений: Pyramid Inch -
12 pI
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Protease Inhibitor, piping & instrumentation drawings, point of intersection2) Компьютерная техника: Parity Inner, Pocket Informant, Power Intelligence, Priority Inherit, Process Information, Processor Interface3) Биология: plasma4) Медицина: Prescribing Information (инструкция по медицинскому применению препарата), Principal Investigator (главный исследователь/руководитель исследования в исследовательском центре - при проведении клинических испытаний), protease inhibitor - ингибитор протеазы5) Американизм: Policy Iteration, Pure Imported6) Ботаника: Plant Introduction7) Военный термин: Photographic Interpretation/Interpreter, parachute infantry, performance improvement, performance index, periodic inspection, personal identification, personal identity, photogrammetric instrumentation, photographic intelligence, photointerpretation, photointerpreter, physical inventory, pilot item, pilotless interceptor, point initiating, point of impact, point of interception, position indicator, practice intercept, precision instrument, preflight inspection, preliminary inspection, preliminary investigation, preliminary issue, preplanned product improvements, prepositioned instruction, principal investigator, probability of identification, procedure instruction, procurement item, product improvement, proficiency index, program of instruction, programmed instruction, public information, publication instructions8) Техника: Para influenza, Proportional-plus Integral, packet interleaving, pattern information, payload interrogator, percent isolated, photo interpreter, position indication, primary input, procedural interface, program interrupter, proportional integral, purge isolation9) Сельское хозяйство: (Phosphatidylinositol) фосфатидилинозиты (обычно в сочетании PI-PLC при анализе молока в Америке), Preliminary Incubation, parainfluenza10) Шутливое выражение: Phantom Investigator11) Химия: Phosphate Ion12) Математика: Pareto Improved, показатель приоритета (priority index), полиномиальное тождество (polynomial identity)13) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Illinois Railroad14) Юридический термин: Participating Informant, Permanently Identified, Post Institutionalized15) Страхование: personal injury, premium income, professional indemnity16) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Investment17) Грубое выражение: Personal Idiot18) Сокращение: Performance Indicator, Photo-Interpreter, Physics International Co. (USA), Practice Interception, Primary in, Private Investigator, Probability of Intercept (Also POI), Process (or Program) Instruction, phase in, point-insulating, preliminary inquiry, priority index, production illustration, the ratio "pi", Product Information (Техническая Спецификация продукта), Pacing Indicator, Priority Interrupt, present illness, Техническая Спецификация продукта (Product Information), Blood Clotting, International Protocol, Ionized Phosphorus, Isoelectric Point (chemistry), Istiqlal Party (Independence Party, Morocco), Pacific Institute, Pacific Internet (Internet Service Provider), Package Insert (medications), Packet Interface, Paducah & Illinois Railroad, Paedagogisches Institut (Vienna, Austria), Page Impression (Internet advertising), Page Interleaving, Paging (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Pampers Institute (UK), Panicle Initiation, Paper Insulated, Par Interim (French: Deputizing), Paradigm Infinitum (Singapore), Parallel Interface, Parameter Identifier (ITU-T), Parameter Indicator, Paranoid Ideation, Paranormal Investigator, Parent Initial, Parents for Inclusion, Parris Island, Particular Integral, Partner Institution, Pass Interference (football), Passes Intercepted (soccer), Passive Intercept, Paternity Index, Payload Integrator, Pearl Islands (Hawaii), Penile Implant, Pentium I (Intel), Per Inch, Per Inquiry, Perception Immediate (French), Perceptually Impaired, Perforated Initials (philately), Performance Insight (Oracle), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Peripheral Iridotomy, Perlite Institute (Staten Island, NY), Perpetual Inventory, Persistently Infected, Personal Identifier, Personal Injury (legal), Personal Inspection, Personal Investigator (less common), Petroleum Institute, Phase I (clinical studies), Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper), Philippine Islands (slang), Phosphate (Inorganic), Phosphorus Index, PhotoImpact (digital imaging software), Physically Impaired, Physician Information, Physicist Interface, Physics International, Physik Instrumente, Piaui (Brazil), Pinellas (plant; Florida), Pinneberg (auto license plate), Pisa (Tuscany, Italy), Planet Internet, Plant Industry (CSIRO), Plant Information (real-time software products such as SCADA), Plant Integrity, Plasticity Index, Platform Initialization (Specification), Please Inquire, Pleasure Island (Disney World), Plouffe's Inverter, Plug In, Point of Inflection (engineering), Police Interceptor, Policy Issuance (insurance), Policy and International Affairs, Politically Incorrect, Polyisocyanurate (rigid foam contruction material), Polynomial Identity (mathematics), Ponderal Index, Population Institute, Portable Interceptors, Post Inoculation, Post Intelligencer (newspaper, Seattle, Washington), Postinjection, Power Integrations, Power Interface, Praktische Informatik (German: Applied Informatics), Pre'compte Immobilier (French: tax on real estate), Predictive Index, Preliminary Injunction, Presque Isle (Michigan), Pressure Indicator (industrial control description), Price Integrity, Primary Immunodeficiency, Primary Investigations, Prime Implicant, Principal Insured, PrintImage International, Priority Inheritance, Privacy International (human rights group), Private Idaho, Private Investigations (movie), Process & Instrumentation, Process Improvement, Process Industries, Processing Instruction, Procurement Instruction, Product Integration, Product Integrity, Productivity Increase, Professional Indemnity (insurance coverage), Professional Informant, Profil Infirmier, Proforma Invoice, Program Identification, Program Improvement, Program Index, Program Information, Program Instructions, Program Integrity, Program Interruption, Program Isolation (IBM), Project Identification (number), Projector Infantry, Projets Individuels, Propidium Iodide, Proportional-Integral (controller), Propriedade Intelectual (Intellectual Property, Brazil), Prospective Internationale, Protease Inhibitor, Protocol Interpreter, Psicologi'a Integrada (Portugese), Psykoterapiinstitut (Stockholm, Sweden), Public Intoxication (law enforcement), Pulsatility Index, Pulse Induction, Pulse Inverter, Punto Informatico, Purchasing Instruction, Pursuit Inc., Pusat Informasi (Indonesian: Information Center)19) Физика: 3. 1415926535, Polarisation Index20) Физиология: Post Injection, Pulmonary Insufficiency21) Вычислительная техника: program interrupt, Placement and Interconnect (system, VLSI, MIT), Информационная система производства (ИСП)22) Нефть: Petroleum Information, high resolution induction log, impregnated paper, phasor induction log, production index, коэффициент продуктивности (productivity index), процент обнаруженных неисправностей (percent isolated), Phasor-Induction Spherically Focussed Log23) Иммунология: фагоцитарный индекс24) Биохимия: Pepsin Inhibitor25) Связь: "Program Invocation"26) Картография: photo interpretation, place, point of intersection27) Фирменный знак: Precision Instruments, Priceless Inn29) Деловая лексика: Plant Information, Process Innovation, Project Idea, Provider Independent, индекс прибыльности30) SAP. пенсионное страхование31) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: performance information, profitability index (profit/investment ratio discounted), индекс продуктивности, индикатор давления (pressure indicator), показывающий манометр (pressure indicator), productivity index (profit/investment ratio discounted), (log) high resolution induction log32) Менеджмент: индекс доходности, индекс рентабельности33) Образование: Public Instruction34) Сетевые технологии: Path Identifier, Presence Information35) Полимеры: penetration index, polyimidazole, polyimide, polyisoprene, полиимид36) Программирование: Pages In37) Автоматика: proportional-integral38) Сахалин Р: Productivity Index, pressure indicator39) Сахалин Ю: profitability index40) Химическое оружие: Pulse input, project instruction41) Макаров: Penning ionization42) Табуированная лексика: сутенёр43) Безопасность: Personal Information44) Расширение файла: Programmer's Interface45) Нефть и газ: ЭП, эксплуатационный показатель, Performance Indicators46) Логистика: Proforma-Invoice (проформа-инвойс)47) Карачаганак: (productivity index) коэффициент продуктивности48) Электротехника: point insulation, power input, Polarization Index49) Арматура: (position indicator) УП (указатель положения)50) Общественная организация: Project Inform51) Должность: Physician Investigator, Political Informant, Pool Instructor, Position Independent, Primary Investigator, Principle Investigator, Problem Investigator, Program Integrator, Property Inspector, Pure Integrity52) Программное обеспечение: Programming Interface53) Единицы измерений: Pyramid Inch -
13 pi
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Protease Inhibitor, piping & instrumentation drawings, point of intersection2) Компьютерная техника: Parity Inner, Pocket Informant, Power Intelligence, Priority Inherit, Process Information, Processor Interface3) Биология: plasma4) Медицина: Prescribing Information (инструкция по медицинскому применению препарата), Principal Investigator (главный исследователь/руководитель исследования в исследовательском центре - при проведении клинических испытаний), protease inhibitor - ингибитор протеазы5) Американизм: Policy Iteration, Pure Imported6) Ботаника: Plant Introduction7) Военный термин: Photographic Interpretation/Interpreter, parachute infantry, performance improvement, performance index, periodic inspection, personal identification, personal identity, photogrammetric instrumentation, photographic intelligence, photointerpretation, photointerpreter, physical inventory, pilot item, pilotless interceptor, point initiating, point of impact, point of interception, position indicator, practice intercept, precision instrument, preflight inspection, preliminary inspection, preliminary investigation, preliminary issue, preplanned product improvements, prepositioned instruction, principal investigator, probability of identification, procedure instruction, procurement item, product improvement, proficiency index, program of instruction, programmed instruction, public information, publication instructions8) Техника: Para influenza, Proportional-plus Integral, packet interleaving, pattern information, payload interrogator, percent isolated, photo interpreter, position indication, primary input, procedural interface, program interrupter, proportional integral, purge isolation9) Сельское хозяйство: (Phosphatidylinositol) фосфатидилинозиты (обычно в сочетании PI-PLC при анализе молока в Америке), Preliminary Incubation, parainfluenza10) Шутливое выражение: Phantom Investigator11) Химия: Phosphate Ion12) Математика: Pareto Improved, показатель приоритета (priority index), полиномиальное тождество (polynomial identity)13) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Illinois Railroad14) Юридический термин: Participating Informant, Permanently Identified, Post Institutionalized15) Страхование: personal injury, premium income, professional indemnity16) Биржевой термин: Portfolio Investment17) Грубое выражение: Personal Idiot18) Сокращение: Performance Indicator, Photo-Interpreter, Physics International Co. (USA), Practice Interception, Primary in, Private Investigator, Probability of Intercept (Also POI), Process (or Program) Instruction, phase in, point-insulating, preliminary inquiry, priority index, production illustration, the ratio "pi", Product Information (Техническая Спецификация продукта), Pacing Indicator, Priority Interrupt, present illness, Техническая Спецификация продукта (Product Information), Blood Clotting, International Protocol, Ionized Phosphorus, Isoelectric Point (chemistry), Istiqlal Party (Independence Party, Morocco), Pacific Institute, Pacific Internet (Internet Service Provider), Package Insert (medications), Packet Interface, Paducah & Illinois Railroad, Paedagogisches Institut (Vienna, Austria), Page Impression (Internet advertising), Page Interleaving, Paging (assembly language ASM51 assembler control), Pampers Institute (UK), Panicle Initiation, Paper Insulated, Par Interim (French: Deputizing), Paradigm Infinitum (Singapore), Parallel Interface, Parameter Identifier (ITU-T), Parameter Indicator, Paranoid Ideation, Paranormal Investigator, Parent Initial, Parents for Inclusion, Parris Island, Particular Integral, Partner Institution, Pass Interference (football), Passes Intercepted (soccer), Passive Intercept, Paternity Index, Payload Integrator, Pearl Islands (Hawaii), Penile Implant, Pentium I (Intel), Per Inch, Per Inquiry, Perception Immediate (French), Perceptually Impaired, Perforated Initials (philately), Performance Insight (Oracle), Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Peripheral Iridotomy, Perlite Institute (Staten Island, NY), Perpetual Inventory, Persistently Infected, Personal Identifier, Personal Injury (legal), Personal Inspection, Personal Investigator (less common), Petroleum Institute, Phase I (clinical studies), Philadelphia Inquirer (newspaper), Philippine Islands (slang), Phosphate (Inorganic), Phosphorus Index, PhotoImpact (digital imaging software), Physically Impaired, Physician Information, Physicist Interface, Physics International, Physik Instrumente, Piaui (Brazil), Pinellas (plant; Florida), Pinneberg (auto license plate), Pisa (Tuscany, Italy), Planet Internet, Plant Industry (CSIRO), Plant Information (real-time software products such as SCADA), Plant Integrity, Plasticity Index, Platform Initialization (Specification), Please Inquire, Pleasure Island (Disney World), Plouffe's Inverter, Plug In, Point of Inflection (engineering), Police Interceptor, Policy Issuance (insurance), Policy and International Affairs, Politically Incorrect, Polyisocyanurate (rigid foam contruction material), Polynomial Identity (mathematics), Ponderal Index, Population Institute, Portable Interceptors, Post Inoculation, Post Intelligencer (newspaper, Seattle, Washington), Postinjection, Power Integrations, Power Interface, Praktische Informatik (German: Applied Informatics), Pre'compte Immobilier (French: tax on real estate), Predictive Index, Preliminary Injunction, Presque Isle (Michigan), Pressure Indicator (industrial control description), Price Integrity, Primary Immunodeficiency, Primary Investigations, Prime Implicant, Principal Insured, PrintImage International, Priority Inheritance, Privacy International (human rights group), Private Idaho, Private Investigations (movie), Process & Instrumentation, Process Improvement, Process Industries, Processing Instruction, Procurement Instruction, Product Integration, Product Integrity, Productivity Increase, Professional Indemnity (insurance coverage), Professional Informant, Profil Infirmier, Proforma Invoice, Program Identification, Program Improvement, Program Index, Program Information, Program Instructions, Program Integrity, Program Interruption, Program Isolation (IBM), Project Identification (number), Projector Infantry, Projets Individuels, Propidium Iodide, Proportional-Integral (controller), Propriedade Intelectual (Intellectual Property, Brazil), Prospective Internationale, Protease Inhibitor, Protocol Interpreter, Psicologi'a Integrada (Portugese), Psykoterapiinstitut (Stockholm, Sweden), Public Intoxication (law enforcement), Pulsatility Index, Pulse Induction, Pulse Inverter, Punto Informatico, Purchasing Instruction, Pursuit Inc., Pusat Informasi (Indonesian: Information Center)19) Физика: 3. 1415926535, Polarisation Index20) Физиология: Post Injection, Pulmonary Insufficiency21) Вычислительная техника: program interrupt, Placement and Interconnect (system, VLSI, MIT), Информационная система производства (ИСП)22) Нефть: Petroleum Information, high resolution induction log, impregnated paper, phasor induction log, production index, коэффициент продуктивности (productivity index), процент обнаруженных неисправностей (percent isolated), Phasor-Induction Spherically Focussed Log23) Иммунология: фагоцитарный индекс24) Биохимия: Pepsin Inhibitor25) Связь: "Program Invocation"26) Картография: photo interpretation, place, point of intersection27) Фирменный знак: Precision Instruments, Priceless Inn29) Деловая лексика: Plant Information, Process Innovation, Project Idea, Provider Independent, индекс прибыльности30) SAP. пенсионное страхование31) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: performance information, profitability index (profit/investment ratio discounted), индекс продуктивности, индикатор давления (pressure indicator), показывающий манометр (pressure indicator), productivity index (profit/investment ratio discounted), (log) high resolution induction log32) Менеджмент: индекс доходности, индекс рентабельности33) Образование: Public Instruction34) Сетевые технологии: Path Identifier, Presence Information35) Полимеры: penetration index, polyimidazole, polyimide, polyisoprene, полиимид36) Программирование: Pages In37) Автоматика: proportional-integral38) Сахалин Р: Productivity Index, pressure indicator39) Сахалин Ю: profitability index40) Химическое оружие: Pulse input, project instruction41) Макаров: Penning ionization42) Табуированная лексика: сутенёр43) Безопасность: Personal Information44) Расширение файла: Programmer's Interface45) Нефть и газ: ЭП, эксплуатационный показатель, Performance Indicators46) Логистика: Proforma-Invoice (проформа-инвойс)47) Карачаганак: (productivity index) коэффициент продуктивности48) Электротехника: point insulation, power input, Polarization Index49) Арматура: (position indicator) УП (указатель положения)50) Общественная организация: Project Inform51) Должность: Physician Investigator, Political Informant, Pool Instructor, Position Independent, Primary Investigator, Principle Investigator, Problem Investigator, Program Integrator, Property Inspector, Pure Integrity52) Программное обеспечение: Programming Interface53) Единицы измерений: Pyramid Inch -
14 PAH
1) Военный термин: parts application handbook2) Техника: полициклические ароматические углеводороды( ПАУ) (сокр. рус. ПАУ)3) Химия: (polyaromatic hydrocarbon) ПАУ (полиароматические углероды)4) Сокращение: Panzerabwehrhubschrauber (Anti-tank helicopter (Germany))5) Физиология: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension6) Нефть: poly aromatic hydrocarbon7) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, верхняя установка сигнализации давления (pressure alarm high), полициклические ароматические углеводороды (Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons)8) Сахалин Р: Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, pressure alarm high9) Химическое оружие: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon10) Аэропорты: Paducah, Kentucky USA11) Общая лексика: polynuclear hydrocarbon (polyaromatic hydrocarbon) -
15 PAL
1) Компьютерная техника: Platform Abstraction Layer, Playlist Automation Language, Pooling Allying And Linking, Privileged Architecture Library, Process Assets Library2) Военный термин: Presence And Availability List, Protect All Life, parts authorization list, penetration aids launcher, permissive action link, permissive arming link, personnel accounting level, personnel augmentation list, portable ambush light, prescribed action link, price and availability list, prisoner-at-large, problem action log, pulsed argon laser, ПУЯБ, предохранительное устройство ядерного боеприпаса3) Техника: personnel airlock, ПАЛ (система цветного телевидения, ФРГ), система ПАЛ4) Шутливое выражение: Personal Android Lackey5) Метеорология: Present Atmospheric Level6) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Louisville Railroad7) Юридический термин: Police At Last, Protect A Life, patent associated literature8) Бухгалтерия: Passive Activity Loss, Programmatic Adjustment Loan9) Финансы: provisional allotment letter10) Страхование: Particular average loss11) Ветеринария: People And Animals Learning12) Телекоммуникации: Phase Alternate Line (television)13) Сокращение: Pahlavi, Panoramic Annular Lens (Sniper detection/location device), Paradox Application Language, Parcel Air Lift mail service (military space available mail), Phase Alternation Line, Phase Alternation Line-rate, Portable Advanced Laser, Portable, Accurate, Lightweight, Postal Advertising Label (New Zealand Post creates for private concerns, 2004), Postal Answer Line, Psycho-Acoustical Laboratory, Police Athletic League, Paid for Added Luxury, Pale and Lifeless, Peace At Last, Price/Availability List14) Физиология: Power- Assisted Liposuction15) Электроника: Phase Alternate Line16) Вычислительная техника: Programming Application Language, program assembly language, programmable array logic, programmed application library, Paradox Application Language (Borland, DB), Privileged Architecture Library (DEC, Alpha), библиотека прикладных программ, язык программирования приложений Paradox17) Нефть: pipe analysis log18) Транспорт: Philippines Airlines, Pitch, Angle, And Level, Plane Always Late19) Деловая лексика: Productivity, Accountability, And Learning, Professionalism Advocacy And Leadership, Purpose Agenda And Limit20) Бытовая техника: система цветного телевидения PAL21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: pressure alarm low22) Образование: Parents And Literature, Participant Active Learning, Partners At Learning, Partnership Approach To Literacy, Peer Assistance And Leadership, Peer Assistance Leadership, People Animals Learning, Performance Assessment Laboratory, Physically Active Lifestyle, Play And Learn, Positive And Loving, Program For Alternative Learners23) Сетевые технологии: phase alternating line24) Авиационная медицина: psychoacoustical laboratory25) Безопасность: Personal Access List26) Расширение файла: Color palette, Programmed Array Logic, Programming Assembly Language, Paradox Applications Language (Borland), Palette file (Microsoft Draw, Win. Paintbrush)27) Майкрософт: стандарт PAL28) Общественная организация: Physicians Against Landmines29) Должность: Peer Assistance Leader, Personal Assistant For Leisure30) Чат: Personal Assistance Link31) Программное обеспечение: Palmtop Application Library -
16 Pal
1) Компьютерная техника: Platform Abstraction Layer, Playlist Automation Language, Pooling Allying And Linking, Privileged Architecture Library, Process Assets Library2) Военный термин: Presence And Availability List, Protect All Life, parts authorization list, penetration aids launcher, permissive action link, permissive arming link, personnel accounting level, personnel augmentation list, portable ambush light, prescribed action link, price and availability list, prisoner-at-large, problem action log, pulsed argon laser, ПУЯБ, предохранительное устройство ядерного боеприпаса3) Техника: personnel airlock, ПАЛ (система цветного телевидения, ФРГ), система ПАЛ4) Шутливое выражение: Personal Android Lackey5) Метеорология: Present Atmospheric Level6) Железнодорожный термин: Paducah and Louisville Railroad7) Юридический термин: Police At Last, Protect A Life, patent associated literature8) Бухгалтерия: Passive Activity Loss, Programmatic Adjustment Loan9) Финансы: provisional allotment letter10) Страхование: Particular average loss11) Ветеринария: People And Animals Learning12) Телекоммуникации: Phase Alternate Line (television)13) Сокращение: Pahlavi, Panoramic Annular Lens (Sniper detection/location device), Paradox Application Language, Parcel Air Lift mail service (military space available mail), Phase Alternation Line, Phase Alternation Line-rate, Portable Advanced Laser, Portable, Accurate, Lightweight, Postal Advertising Label (New Zealand Post creates for private concerns, 2004), Postal Answer Line, Psycho-Acoustical Laboratory, Police Athletic League, Paid for Added Luxury, Pale and Lifeless, Peace At Last, Price/Availability List14) Физиология: Power- Assisted Liposuction15) Электроника: Phase Alternate Line16) Вычислительная техника: Programming Application Language, program assembly language, programmable array logic, programmed application library, Paradox Application Language (Borland, DB), Privileged Architecture Library (DEC, Alpha), библиотека прикладных программ, язык программирования приложений Paradox17) Нефть: pipe analysis log18) Транспорт: Philippines Airlines, Pitch, Angle, And Level, Plane Always Late19) Деловая лексика: Productivity, Accountability, And Learning, Professionalism Advocacy And Leadership, Purpose Agenda And Limit20) Бытовая техника: система цветного телевидения PAL21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: pressure alarm low22) Образование: Parents And Literature, Participant Active Learning, Partners At Learning, Partnership Approach To Literacy, Peer Assistance And Leadership, Peer Assistance Leadership, People Animals Learning, Performance Assessment Laboratory, Physically Active Lifestyle, Play And Learn, Positive And Loving, Program For Alternative Learners23) Сетевые технологии: phase alternating line24) Авиационная медицина: psychoacoustical laboratory25) Безопасность: Personal Access List26) Расширение файла: Color palette, Programmed Array Logic, Programming Assembly Language, Paradox Applications Language (Borland), Palette file (Microsoft Draw, Win. Paintbrush)27) Майкрософт: стандарт PAL28) Общественная организация: Physicians Against Landmines29) Должность: Peer Assistance Leader, Personal Assistant For Leisure30) Чат: Personal Assistance Link31) Программное обеспечение: Palmtop Application Library -
Радио: AM-1450, Paducah, Kentucky (and formerly TV-29) -
1) Техника: waveguide cutoff frequency2) Биржевой термин: Womens Growth Capital Fund3) Радио: FM-89.3, Christian Radio, Paducah, Kentucky4) Общественная организация: Western Growers Charitable Foundation -
1) Юридический термин: West Kent Police Department
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Paducah — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Contenido 1 Paducah 2 Geografía 3 Población 4 Ciudadanos ilustres … Wikipedia Español
Paducah — Paducah, KY U.S. city in Kentucky Population (2000): 26307 Housing Units (2000): 13221 Land area (2000): 19.483717 sq. miles (50.462592 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.022139 sq. miles (0.057341 sq. km) Total area (2000): 19.505856 sq. miles… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Paducah — is the name of multiple places in the United States of America:Places * Paducah, Kentucky (Largest city and most well known) * Paducah, TexasShips * The tugboat Paducah , which was featured in the novel The Hunt for Red October as the tugboat… … Wikipedia
Paducah — steht für Paducah (Kentucky), Stadt in Kentucky, USA Paducah (Texas), Stadt in Texas, USA Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe … Deutsch Wikipedia
Paducah, KY — U.S. city in Kentucky Population (2000): 26307 Housing Units (2000): 13221 Land area (2000): 19.483717 sq. miles (50.462592 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.022139 sq. miles (0.057341 sq. km) Total area (2000): 19.505856 sq. miles (50.519933 sq. km)… … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Paducah, TX — U.S. town in Texas Population (2000): 1498 Housing Units (2000): 820 Land area (2000): 1.520756 sq. miles (3.938740 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 1.520756 sq. miles (3.938740 sq. km) FIPS code … StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places
Paducah — Paducah, Hauptort der Grafschaft Mac Cracken im Staate Kentucky (Nordamerika), an der Mündung des Tennessee River in den Ohio River; 5 Kirchen, Industrie u. Handel (namentlich mit Vieh u. Tabak); 3000 Ew … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Paducah — Paducah, Hauptstadt der Grafschaft Mc Cracken im nordamerikan. Staat Kentucky, unterhalb der Mündung des Tennessee in den Ohio, Bahnknotenpunkt und Dampfschiffstation. P. hat eine Universität, ein Seminar, Maschinenfabriken, Whiskybrennereien,… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Paducah — Paducah, (spr. päddjuhkĕ), Stadt im nordamerik. Staate Kentucky, am Ohio, (1900) 19.446 E … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Paducah — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différentes localités partageant un même nom. Paducah peut désigner deux villes américaines : Paducah (Kentucky) Paducah (Texas) Catégorie : Homonymie de localités … Wikipédia en Français
Paducah — /peuh dooh keuh, dyooh /, n. a city in W Kentucky, at the junction of the Tennessee and Ohio rivers. 29,315. * * * ▪ Kentucky, United States city, seat of McCracken county, southwestern Kentucky, U.S., at the confluence of the Ohio (Ohio… … Universalium