1 med.
2 med.
medizinisch medical (med.); medicinal* * *abbr See: von medizinisch* * *med.Dr. \med. Birgit Jentsch Birgit Jentsch, MD [or M.D.] -
3 Dr. med.
4 Dr. med.
5 rheumatisch
MED.II Adv. rheumatically* * *rheumatic* * *rheu|ma|tisch [rɔy'maːtɪʃ]1. adjrheumatic2. advrheumátisch bedingte Schmerzen — rheumatic pains
* * ** * *rheu·ma·tisch[rɔyˈma:tɪʃ]adj rheumatic* * *1.(Med.) Adjektiv rheumatic2.adverbial rheumatically* * *rheumatisch MEDA. adj rheumatic, rheumaticky umg;rheumatisches Fieber rheumatic feverB. adv rheumatically* * *1.(Med.) Adjektiv rheumatic2.adverbial rheumatically* * *adj.rheumatic adj. -
6 Halluzinogen
MED.I Adj. hallucinogenic* * *das Halluzinogenhallucinogen* * *Hal|lu|zi|no|gen [halutsino'geːn]nt -s, -e (MED)hallucinogen* * *Hal·lu·zi·no·gen<-s, -e>[halutsinoˈge:n]nt hallucinogen* * *halluzinogen MEDA. adj hallucinogenic* * *n.hallucinogen n. -
7 halluzinogen
MED.I Adj. hallucinogenic* * *das Halluzinogenhallucinogen* * *Hal|lu|zi|no|gen [halutsino'geːn]nt -s, -e (MED)hallucinogen* * *Hal·lu·zi·no·gen<-s, -e>[halutsinoˈge:n]nt hallucinogen* * *halluzinogen MEDA. adj hallucinogenic* * *n.hallucinogen n. -
8 Rektal
MED.I Adj. rectalII Adv.: rektal untersuchen / die Temperatur messen examine s.th. / take s.o.’s temperature rectally* * *rectal* * *rek|tal [rɛk'taːl]1. adj (MED)rectal2. advdie Temperatur rektál messen — to take the temperature rectally
* * *rek·tal[rɛkˈta:l]adj (geh) rectal* * *Rektal… im subst MED rectal* * *adj.rectal adj. adv.rectally adv. -
9 rektal
MED.I Adj. rectalII Adv.: rektal untersuchen / die Temperatur messen examine s.th. / take s.o.’s temperature rectally* * *rectal* * *rek|tal [rɛk'taːl]1. adj (MED)rectal2. advdie Temperatur rektál messen — to take the temperature rectally
* * *rek·tal[rɛkˈta:l]adj (geh) rectal* * *rektal MEDA. adj rectalB. adv:rektal untersuchen/die Temperatur messen examine sth/take sb’s temperature rectally* * *adj.rectal adj. adv.rectally adv. -
10 Anästhetisierung
MED. (Nervbetäubung) local an(a)esthetic* * * -
11 antiseptisch
MED.I Adj. antisepticII Adv. antiseptically* * *antiseptic* * *an|ti|sẹp|tisch1. adjantiseptic2. advantiseptically* * *((of) a substance that destroys bacteria (eg in a wound): You ought to put some antiseptic on that cut; an antiseptic cream.) antiseptic* * *an·ti·sep·tisch[antiˈzɛptɪʃ]adj antiseptic* * *antiseptisch MEDA. adj antisepticB. adv antiseptically* * *adj.antiseptic adj. adv.antiseptically adv. -
12 auditiv
13 fiebersenkend
MED.I Adj. antipyretic* * *fie|ber|sen|kendadjfever-reducing* * *fie·ber·sen·kend\fiebersenkendes Medikament medicine to reduce [or sep bring down] fever, antipyretic [drug [or agent]] spec* * *Adjektiv antipyretic* * *fiebersenkend MEDA. adj antipyreticB. adv:das wirkt fiebersenkend this brings the temperature down* * *Adjektiv antipyretic -
14 Knochenmarkkrebs
15 Rhesus
MED.: Rhesus negativ / positiv rhesus negative / positive* * *Rhesus MED:Rhesus negativ/positiv rhesus negative/positive -
16 Rückenmarkanästhesie
17 serologisch
MED.I Adj. serologicalII Adv. untersuchen etc.: serologically* * *serological* * *se|ro|lo|gisch [zero'loːgɪʃ]adjserological* * *serologisch MEDA. adj serologicalB. adv untersuchen etc: serologically -
18 Periost
(med. Knochenhaut)periosteum -
19 operativ
I Adj.2. MIL. operational, strategic3. WIRTS. operational; Verluste: auch operating; das operative Geschäft the operational side of the businessII Adv.1. MED.: etw. operativ entfernen operate to remove s.th., remove s.th. by (operative) surgery2. WIRTS. operationally; sich operativ in den schwarzen / roten Zahlen befinden be operating at a profit / loss; auf einem Markt operativ tätig werden begin operations in a market* * *ope|ra|tiv [opəra'tiːf]1. adj1) (MED) operative, surgicaldas ist nur durch einen operatíven Eingriff zu beseitigen — that can only be removed by (means of) surgery
3) (ECON) Ergebnis, Verluste operational2. adveine Geschwulst operatív entfernen — to remove a growth surgically or by surgery
operatív denken — to think strategically
wir sollten operatív vorgehen — we should attempt to develop a strategy
3) (ECON)das Unternehmen steckt operatív in den roten Zahlen — the company is operating in the red
die Firma wirtschaftet seit geraumer Zeit operatív mit Verlust — the firm has been operating at a loss for quite some time
unser Betrieb ist auch in den USA operatív tätig — our company also has operations in the USA
die Behörde sollte in dieser Sache operatív tätig werden — the authorities should take action on this matter
* * *ope·ra·tiv[opəraˈti:f]I. adj1. MED operative, surgical\operativer Eingriff surgery2. MIL operational, strategicII. adv1. MED surgically2. MIL strategically* * *1. 2.adverbial (Med.) by operative surgery* * *A. adj1. MED operative, surgical;ein operativer Eingriff an operation, a piece of surgery2. MIL operational, strategic3. WIRTSCH operational; Verluste: auch operating;das operative Geschäft the operational side of the businessB. adv1. MED:etwas operativ entfernen operate to remove sth, remove sth by (operative) surgery2. WIRTSCH operationally;sich operativ in den schwarzen/roten Zahlen befinden be operating at a profit/loss;auf einem Markt operativ tätig werden begin operations in a market* * *1.Adjektiv; nicht präd. (Med.) operative2.adverbial (Med.) by operative surgery -
20 ambulant
I Adj. MED. outpatient...2. ambulatory, itinerant förm.; ambulantes Gewerbe street-trading, door-to-door trading (Am. selling), Am. traveling sales förm.; ambulanter Händler, ambulante Händlerin street-trader, door-to-door trading (Am. selling), hawker umg.II Adv. MED.: ambulant behandelt werden get outpatient treatment, be treated as an outpatient; ambulant behandelter Patient outpatient* * *ambulant* * *am|bu|lạnt [ambu'lant]1. adj1) (MED in Arztpraxis, Krankenhaus) Versorgung, Behandlung, Operation outpatient attr2) (= wandernd) itinerant2. advambulant behandelt werden (Patient: in Praxis, Krankenhaus) — to receive outpatient treatment, to be treated as an outpatient; (Fall) to be treated in the outpatient department
jdn ambulant behandeln — to treat sb as an outpatient
ambulant operieren/arbeiten or tätig sein — to operate on/treat outpatients
* * *am·bu·lant[ambuˈlant]ein \ambulanter Patient an out-patientII. advjdn \ambulant behandeln to treat sb as an out-patientsich \ambulant versichern to insure oneself against non-hospital treatment* * *1.1) (Med.) outpatient attrib. <treatment, therapy, etc.>2) (umherziehend) itinerant2.adverbial (Med.)jemanden ambulant behandeln — treat somebody as an outpatient or give somebody outpatient treatment
* * *A. adj MED outpatient …2. ambulatory, itinerant form;ambulanter Händler, ambulante Händlerin street-trader, door-to-door trading (US selling), hawker umgB. adv MED:ambulant behandelt werden get outpatient treatment, be treated as an outpatient;ambulant behandelter Patient outpatient* * *1.1) (Med.) outpatient attrib. <treatment, therapy, etc.>2) (umherziehend) itinerant2.adverbial (Med.)jemanden ambulant behandeln — treat somebody as an outpatient or give somebody outpatient treatment
См. также в других словарях:
MED TV — is an International Kurdish satellite TV station with studios in London, England and Denderleeuw, Belgium. MED TV broadcast programs mainly in six languages, Kurdish (Sorani and Kurmanji dialects), Zaza, English, Arabic, Assyrian and Turkish. MED … Wikipedia
Med-Fi — Sommaire 1 Introduction 1.1 La med fi et ses « grands frères » 2 Origine 2.1 Influences … Wikipédia en Français
med — mȇd m <G mȅda> DEFINICIJA 1. pčel. sladak gust sok što ga pčele tvore od nektara koji skupljaju na cvjetovima [bagremov med; livadski med; med od maslačka (maslačkov med); šumski med] 2. pren. slast, ugoda FRAZEOLOGIJA (imati) kao ciganka… … Hrvatski jezični portal
med-1 — med 1 English meaning: to measure; to give advice, healing Deutsche Übersetzung: “messen, ermessen” Material: A. O.Ind. masti f. “das Messen, Wägen” (*med tis, with in isolierten word not rũckgängig gemachtem alteration from d t… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Med-X — Origin El Paso, Texas, United States Genres Hardcore punk Years active 2003–present Website myspace.com/medx … Wikipedia
med. — med. med. (fork. for medicinae); dr.med.; cand.med.; stud.med … Dansk ordbog
med — [med] adj [only before noun] informal an abbreviation of ↑medical ▪ med school ▪ a med student … Dictionary of contemporary English
med. — med. (medical) n. of or concerning the science or practice of medicine med. (medicine) n. the science or practice of medicine med. (medieval) n. of the Middle Ages med. (medium) n. something intermediate, mean; means of communication by which a… … English contemporary dictionary
med — *med, *medi, *meþ, *mid, *midi; germ., Präposition: nhd. mit; ne. with; Rekontruktionsbasis: got., an., ae., afries., anfrk., as., ahd.; Etymologie … Germanisches Wörterbuch
MED-TV — MED TV was the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) affil iated television station that began broadcasting from Great Britain and Belgium to Kurdistan and the Middle East, as well as Europe, in 1995. Its name was taken from the Medes, an ancient… … Historical Dictionary of the Kurds
med — med1 [med] adj. Informal medical [med school] med2 abbrev. 1. medical 2. medicine 3. medieval 4. medium … English World dictionary