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  • 1 down-at-the-heels

    down-at-heel (down-at-heels), down-at-the-heel (down-at-the-heels) adj heruntergekommen (Person, Hotel etc)

    English-german dictionary > down-at-the-heels

  • 2 down-at-the-heels

     оборваный, изношенный
     Tom’s house needs paint. It looks down-at-the-heels.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > down-at-the-heels

  • 3 down at (the) heels

       1) бeднo, нищeнcки или нepяшливo oдeтый [букв. co cтoптaнными кaблукaми]
        Some three or four years later I began to use for cleaning purposes a sometimes drunken and always impoverished and down at heels... village character - Johnny Morton by name (Th. Dreiser)
       2) бeдный, oбнищaвший; нeпpиглядный, жaлкий
        You see, my Dad, Pat Gibbons, a little down at the heels in 0, was representing a loan-shark outfit in Georgia (W. Du Bois). 'Down at the heels [oчeнь бeдный пpиxoд],' the Bishop said candidly (E. OConnor)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > down at (the) heels

  • 4 down at (the) heels

    Общая лексика: со стоптанными каблуками

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > down at (the) heels

  • 5 down at the heels


    English-Indonesian dictionary > down at the heels

  • 6 down at the heels

    • izgaženih cipela; odrpan

    English-Serbian dictionary > down at the heels

  • 7 down\ at\ the\ heels

    English-Estonian dictionary > down\ at\ the\ heels

  • 8 wear down at the heels

    Новый англо-русский словарь > wear down at the heels

  • 9 down-at-the-heel

    down-at-heel (down-at-heels), down-at-the-heel (down-at-the-heels) adj heruntergekommen (Person, Hotel etc)

    English-german dictionary > down-at-the-heel

  • 10 down at the heel, down at heels

    nevīžīgi ģērbies; ar nošķiebtiem papēžiem; noplucis

    English-Latvian dictionary > down at the heel, down at heels

  • 11 the heels of these shoes are worn down

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the heels of these shoes are worn down

  • 12 down the heels

    adj. kılıksız, perişan kılıklı, pejmürde

    English-Turkish dictionary > down the heels

  • 13 down the heels

    adj. kılıksız, perişan kılıklı, pejmürde

    English-Turkish dictionary > down the heels

  • 14 down at heel

    1) бедно, нищенски или неряшливо одетый (тж. out at (the) heels) [букв. со стоптанными каблуками]

    Some three or four years later I began to use for cleaning purposes a sometimes drunken and always impoverished and down at heels yet rather intelligent and interesting village character - Johnny Morton by name... (Th. Dreiser, ‘A Gallery of Women’, ‘Bridge Millanphy’) — Три или четыре года спустя мне пришлось использовать для уборки довольно сообразительного парня по имени Джонни Мортон... он всегда был без денег, частенько навеселе и ходил бог знает в чем - весьма любопытный деревенский тип.

    2) бедный, обнищавший; неприглядный, жалкий

    You see, my Dad, Pat Gibbons, a little down at the heels in 1860, was representing a loan-shark outfit in Georgia... (W. Du Bois, ‘The Ordeal of Mansart’, ch. VIII) — Дело в том, что мой папа, Пэт Гиббонс, тогда еще только начинавший выбиваться и люди, находился в 1860 году в Джорджии в качестве представителя одного ростовщика...

    ‘Down at the heels,’ the Bishop said candidly. (E. O'Connor, ‘The Edge of Sadness’, part I, ch. VI) — - Приход очень бедный, - откровенно сказал епископ.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > down at heel

  • 15 down-at-heels

    down-at-heel (down-at-heels), down-at-the-heel (down-at-the-heels) adj heruntergekommen (Person, Hotel etc)

    English-german dictionary > down-at-heels

  • 16 down-at-heel

    adjective (shabby, untidy and not well looked after or well-dressed.) abgerissen
    * * *
    adj pred
    adj attr building heruntergekommen fam; clothes schäbig, abgerissen fam, abgesandelt ÖSTERR pej fam; appearance ungepflegt, abgesandelt ÖSTERR pej fam
    * * *
    down-at-heel (down-at-heels), down-at-the-heel (down-at-the-heels) adj heruntergekommen (Person, Hotel etc)

    English-german dictionary > down-at-heel

  • 17 down

    I 1. adverb
    1) (towards or in a low or lower position, level or state: He climbed down to the bottom of the ladder.) dol; navzdol
    2) (on or to the ground: The little boy fell down and cut his knee.) na tla; na tleh
    3) (from earlier to later times: The recipe has been handed down in our family for years.) nazaj
    4) (from a greater to a smaller size, amount etc: Prices have been going down steadily.) navzdol
    5) (towards or in a place thought of as being lower, especially southward or away from a centre: We went down from Glasgow to Bristol.) dol
    2. preposition
    1) (in a lower position on: Their house is halfway down the hill.) spodaj
    2) (to a lower position on, by, through or along: Water poured down the drain.) navzdol
    3) (along: The teacher's gaze travelled slowly down the line of children.) vzdolž
    3. verb
    (to finish (a drink) very quickly, especially in one gulp: He downed a pint of beer.) zvrniti
    - downwards
    - downward
    - down-and-out
    - down-at-heel
    - downcast
    - downfall
    - downgrade
    - downhearted
    - downhill
    - downhill racing
    - downhill skiing
    - down-in-the-mouth
    - down payment
    - downpour
    - downright
    4. adjective - downstream
    - down-to-earth
    - downtown
    - downtown
    - down-trodden
    - be/go down with
    - down on one's luck
    - down tools
    - down with
    - get down to
    - suit someone down to the ground
    - suit down to the ground
    II noun
    (small, soft feathers: a quilt filled with down.) puh
    - downy
    * * *
    I [daun]
    II [daun]
    sipina; (navadno plural) (golo) gričevje
    III [daun]
    adverb & preposition
    dol, doli; spodaj, navzdol; na tleh; na tla; v postelji; do kraja; tik do
    to drop down on s.o.strogo koga grajati
    to get down — spustiti se; pogoltniti
    down to the ground — popolnoma, temeljito
    to look down upon s.o. — zaničevati, omalovaževati koga
    down and out — popolnoma brez sredstev, gladujoč, sestradan; uničen; za borbo nesposoben
    to run s.o. downslabo o kom govoriti
    to take s.o. down the pegponižati koga
    to talk down to s.o.razumljivo komu govoriti
    down town — v mesto, v središče mesta
    down under — pri antipodih, v Avstraliji
    IV [daun]
    navzdol usmerjen; ležeč; bolan, v postelji
    down train — vlak, ki pelje iz Londona
    to be down on s.o.jeziti se na koga
    V [daun]
    transitive verb
    colloquially zrušiti; opustiti, odložiti; spustiti, spuščati se; dol vreči, zvrniti
    to down s.o. — pobiti, premagati koga
    to down tools — prenehati z delom, stavkati
    VI [daun]
    smola, neuspeh
    colloquially to have a down on s.o.imeti koga na piki
    VII [daun]
    dol!; lezi! (pes)
    down with him!dol z njim!

    English-Slovenian dictionary > down

  • 18 down

    /daun/ * phó từ - xuống =to go down+ đi xuống =to fall down+ ngã xuống =to throw down+ ném xuống =to look down+ nhìn xuống =food goes down+ thức ăn trôi xuống - xuống, bỏ xuống, lặn xuống, ngã xuống, nằm xuống; ở dưới =to be not down yet+ chưa dậy, chưa ở buồng ngủ xuống =the sun is down+ mặt trời đã lặn =the blinds are down+ rèm cửa đã buông xuống =the ship is down+ tàu chìm nghỉm =to be down with malaria+ bị ốm liệt vì sốt rét - xuống cho đến, cho đến tận, xuôi theo =to sail down with the wind+ căng buồm xuôi theo chiều gió =from the XVIIIth century down to the present time+ từ thế kỷ 18 cho đến tận ngày nay - hạ bớt, giảm bớt, dần =to cut down prices+ hạ giá =to cool down+ nguôi đi; bình tĩnh lại =rice is down+ giá gạo hạ, gạo hơn - ở phía dưới, ở vùng dưới, xuôi về (ngụ ý xa nơi trung tâm, xa thành phố lớn; ở nơi trung tâm về...) =to go down to the country+ về miền quê =to live somewhere down in Bacthai+ ở đâu đây trên Bắc thái =to go down to Brighton+ về Brai-tơn (ở Luân-đôn về) - gục xuống, kiệt sức, ở thế cùng, cùng đường; im đi (ngụ ý trấn áp, bắt im, làm kiệt sức, dồn vào thế cùng...) =to hunt down a deer+ săn đuổi một con hươu đến cùng đường =to run down a horse+ bắt ngựa chạy kiệt sức =the clock has run down+ đồng hồ chết vì không lên dây cót =to hiss down+ la ó (huýt sáo) bắt (một diễn giả...) im =to put down a rebellion+ đàn áp một cuộc nổi loạn - ngay mặt tiền (trả tiền) =to pay down+ trả tiền mặt =money (cash) down+ tiền mặt - ghi chép (trên giấy...) =to have something down on one's notebook+ ghi chép cái gì vào sổ tay - xông vào, lăn xả vào, đánh đập =to be down upon somebody+ lăn xả vào đánh ai !to be down at heels - vẹt gót (giày) - đi giày vẹt gót, ăn mặc nhếch nhác (người) !to be down !to be down in (at) health - sức khoẻ giảm sút !to be down in the mouth - ỉu xìu, chán nản, thất vọng !to be down on one's luck - (xem) luck !down to the ground - hoàn toàn =that suits me down to the ground+ cái đó hoàn toàn thích hợp với tôi !down with! - đả đảo! =down with imperialism!+ đả đảo chủ nghĩa đế quốc! !down and out - (thể dục,thể thao) gục không dậy được nữa, bị đo ván (quyền Anh) - cùng đường, cùng kế, thất cơ lỡ vận; thua cháy túi (đánh bạc) !down on the nail - ngay lập tức !up and down - (xem) up * giới từ - xuống, xuôi, xuôi dọc theo =down the hill+ xuống đồi =to go down town+ xuống phố =down the river+ xuôi dòng sông =down the wind+ xuôi gió =to go down the road+ đi xuôi dọc theo con đường - ở phía thấp, ở dưới =to live somewhere down the street+ ở đâu đó dưới phố !to let go down the wind - (nghĩa bóng) vứt bỏ, bỏ đi * tính từ - xuống, xuôi =down leap+ cái nhảy xuống =down look+ cái nhìn xuống =down grade+ (ngành đường sắt) dốc xuống; (nghĩa bóng) sự sút kém, sự tồi tệ =down train+ (ngành đường sắt) chuyến xe xuôi (từ Luân-đôn hoặc một thủ đô, một thành phố lớn đến) - chán nản, nản lòng, thất vọng - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (thể dục,thể thao) kém điểm (đối phương) =he is one down+ anh ta kém một điểm * ngoại động từ - đặt xuống, hạ xuống, bỏ xuống - đánh gục, đánh ngã (ai); hạ, bắn rơi (máy bay) !to down a glass of wine - nốc một cốc rượu !to down tools - bãi công - ngừng việc * danh từ - ((thường) số nhiều) cảnh sa sút, vận xuống dốc =ups and downs+ sự lên xuống, sự thăng trầm (của cuộc đời) - (thông tục) sự ghét (chỉ muốn nện cho một trận) =to have a down on somebody+ ghét ai chỉ muốn nện cho một trận * danh từ - lông tơ chim (để nhồi gối...) - lông tơ (ở trái cây, ở má...) * danh từ - vùng cao nguyên, vùng đồi - (số nhiều) vùng đồi trọc (có nhiều bãi cỏ chăn nuôi ở miền nam nước Anh) - cồn cát, đụn cát

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > down

  • 19 down at heels

    Общая лексика: (the) со стоптанными каблуками

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > down at heels

  • 20 wear\ down

    1. III
    wear down smth. /smth. down/ wear down the heels of one's shoes стаптывать /снашивать/ каблуки; wear down smb.'s health (smb.'s energy, smb.'s nerves, etc.) подтачивать чье-л. здоровье и т.д.; wear down smb.'s resistance (smb.'s opposition to the scheme, etc.) преодолеть /сломить/ чье-л. сопротивление и т.д.; wear down smb.'s arguments опровергать чьи-л. доводы /аргументы/; wear down smb. /smb. down/ his constant talking wears me down он все время говорит, и это меня крайне утомляет; the hectic rush of my work is wearing me down лихорадочный темп работы меня изнуряет; looking after high-spirited children soon wore her down от этих живых /подвижных/ детей она скоро устала
    2. XI
    be worn down the steps have been worn down ступени были стерты; be worn down in some manner heels are usually worn down at one side каблуки обычно стаптываются на одну сторону; the record is so worn down we can hardly hear the tune пластинка так истерлась /так заезжена/, что даже трудно разобрать мотив; be worn down by smth. he returned from the tropics worn down by fever он вернулся из тропиков, ослабевший от лихорадки /измотанный лихорадкой/

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > wear\ down

См. также в других словарях:

  • down-at-the-heels — • down at heel • down at the heel • down at the heels adj Poorly kept up or dressed shabby; not neat; sloppy. John is always down at the heels, but his sister is always very neat. Old houses sometimes look down at the heel …   Словарь американских идиом

  • down-at-the-heels — adjective see down at heel * * * (also down at the heel or down at heel) adj. (of a person, thing, or place) showing signs of neglect and deterioration; shabby a down at the heels house * * * (chiefly US) (or chiefly Brit …   Useful english dictionary

  • down-at-the-heels — or down at heel; also down at the heel or down at heels adjective Date: 1732 shabby …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • down-at-the-heel — • down at heel • down at the heel • down at the heels adj Poorly kept up or dressed shabby; not neat; sloppy. John is always down at the heels, but his sister is always very neat. Old houses sometimes look down at the heel …   Словарь американских идиом

  • down at the heel — Synonyms and related words: beat up, bedraggled, beggared, beggarly, bereaved, bereft, blowzy, careless, chintzy, deprived, dilapidated, disadvantaged, dowdy, down at heel, down at the heels, drabbletailed, draggled, draggletailed, fleeced,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • down-at-the-heel — adjective see down at the heels …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Down on the Upside — Studio album by Soundgarden Released May 21, 1996 …   Wikipedia

  • To cool the heels — Heel Heel, n. [OE. hele, heele, AS. h[=e]la, perh. for h[=o]hila, fr. AS. h[=o]h heel (cf. {Hough}); but cf. D. hiel, OFries. heila, h[=e]la, Icel. h[ae]ll, Dan. h[ae]l, Sw. h[ a]l, and L. calx. [root]12. Cf. {Inculcate}.] 1. The hinder part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To have the heels of — Heel Heel, n. [OE. hele, heele, AS. h[=e]la, perh. for h[=o]hila, fr. AS. h[=o]h heel (cf. {Hough}); but cf. D. hiel, OFries. heila, h[=e]la, Icel. h[ae]ll, Dan. h[ae]l, Sw. h[ a]l, and L. calx. [root]12. Cf. {Inculcate}.] 1. The hinder part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • To show the heels — Heel Heel, n. [OE. hele, heele, AS. h[=e]la, perh. for h[=o]hila, fr. AS. h[=o]h heel (cf. {Hough}); but cf. D. hiel, OFries. heila, h[=e]la, Icel. h[ae]ll, Dan. h[ae]l, Sw. h[ a]l, and L. calx. [root]12. Cf. {Inculcate}.] 1. The hinder part of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • lay by the heels — phrasal 1. : to seize and imprison : capture 2. : to cause the downfall of : bring down : overtake Romanticism … proceeded to hold the field till it was laid by the heels by naturalism Edmund Wilson * * * lay by the heels …   Useful english dictionary

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