1 American tiger
American tiger noun ягуар -
2 American tiger
3 American tiger
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > American tiger
4 American tiger
1) Общая лексика: ягуар2) Биология: ягуар (Panthera onca) -
5 American tiger
[ə`merɪkən`taɪgə]ягуарАнгло-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > American tiger
6 American tiger
7 american tiger
8 American tiger
сущ.; зоол. -
9 tiger
tiger тигр, Panthera tigrisAmerican tiger ягуар, Panthera oncadeer tiger пума, кугуар, Felis concolorJavan tiger малайский тигр, Panthera tigris sondaicamarsupial tiger сумчатый волк, Thylacinus cynocephalusTasmanian tiger сумчатый волк, Thylacinus cynocephalusEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > tiger
10 tiger
1) тигр ( Panthera tigris)2) энт. медведица ( Arctia)•- cat tiger
- cream-spot tiger
- deer tiger
- garden tiger
- Javan tiger
- Jersey tiger
- marsupial tiger
- red tiger
- scarlet tiger
- Tasmanian tiger
- water tiger
- wood tiger* * *• тигр -
11 tiger
[ˈtaɪɡə]American tiger ягуар paper tiger неопасный противник tiger задира, хулиган tiger амер. разг. крик одобрения, завершающий троекратное "ура" tiger уст. ливрейный грум tiger опасный противник (в спорте) tiger тигр -
12 tiger
ˈtaɪɡə сущ.
1) тигр (животное) Bengal tiger ≈ бенгальский тигр man-eating tiger ≈ тигр-людоед saber-toothed tiger ≈ саблезубый тигр Siberian tiger ≈ сибирский тигр
2) а) перен. жестокий, коварный человек Ant: rabbit б) спорт. разг. серьезный, опасный противник;
сильный игрок разг. задира, забияка Syn: tease, bully
3) амер.;
разг. крик одобрения (обычно следующий за троекратным 'ура')
4) уст. ливрейный грум (зоология) тигр (Tigris tigris) - red * пума, кугуар - Bengal * бенгальский тигр - sabre-toothed * саблезубый тигр - paper * (политика) бумажный тигр - the * of the sea (образное) тигр морей, акула - to work like a * работать как одержимый жестокий, коварный человек коварство - to rouse the * in smb. разбудить зверя в ком-л. значок с изображением тигра организация, эмблемой которой является тигр;
член такой организации (спортивное) (разговорное) опасный противник, сильный игрок (в противоп. rabbit) бессовестный хвастун;
задира, забияка (американизм) (разговорное) крик в добавление к троекратному "ура" - three cheers and a * гип-гип ура (американизм) (сленг) фараон( карточная игра) (разговорное) сокр. от tiger-moth, tiger-shark и т. п.( устаревшее) ливрейный грум > blind * (американизм) (устаревшее) место незаконной продажи спиртных напитков > to buck /to fight/ the * идти ва-банк;
срывать банк > to ride a * ездить на тигре;
шутить с огнем American ~ ягуар paper ~ неопасный противник tiger задира, хулиган ~ амер. разг. крик одобрения, завершающий троекратное "ура" ~ уст. ливрейный грум ~ опасный противник (в спорте) ~ тигр -
13 American mountain lion
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > American mountain lion
14 red tiger
15 Flying Tiger Line
"Флаинг тайгер лайн"Одна из крупнейших в мире авиакомпаний, осуществлявшая грузовые перевозки между Северной Америкой, Азией, Австралией, Ближним Востоком и Европой. Рекламный лозунг: "Мы главные в доставке авиагрузов, а для нас доставка авиагрузов - главное" ["First in airfreight with airfreight first"]. Создана в 1945 пилотами-ветеранами второй мировой войны. Во время войн в Корее [ Korean War] и Вьетнаме [ Vietnam War] осуществляла перевозки военных грузов и личного состава. В конце 70-х гг. компания обогнала "Панам" [ Pan American (World Airways)] по объему грузоперевозок. В 1989 поглощена фирмой "Федерал экспресс" [ Federal Express Corp.].English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Flying Tiger Line
16 Woods, Tiger
(р. 1975) Вудс, ТайгерНастоящее имя - Элдрик [Eldrick]. Профессиональный игрок в гольф, считается одним из лучших за всю историю игры. Сын афро-американца [Afro-American] и уроженки Таиланда. Еще в раннем детстве увлекся гольфом, его первым тренером был отец. В возрасте 15 лет стал самым молодым победителем Национального чемпионата юниоров Ассоциации гольфа США [United States Golf Association (USGA) Junior National Championship]. В 1994 выступил за команду США на Всемирном любительском чемпионате в Версале (Франция), поступил в Стэнфордский университет [ Stanford University]. В 1995 назван игроком года конференции "Пасифик-10" [Pacific-10], в 1996 победил на чемпионате Национальной ассоциации студенческого спорта [ National Collegiate Athletic Association]. В 1994-96 три сезона подряд побеждал на чемпионате США среди любителей [U.S. Amateur Championship]. В 1996 перешел в категорию профессионалов и дважды подряд победил на турнирах Ассоциации профессиональных игроков в гольф [Professional Golfers' Association (PGA)]. С 1997 неоднократно ставил рекорды и побеждал в турнирах Ассоциации. В 2002 победил на открытом чемпионате США [U.S. Open].English-Russian dictionary of regional studies > Woods, Tiger
17 panther
18 jaguar
19 moth
моль; бабочка- alder moth
- almond moth
- American moon moth
- Angoumois grain moth
- antique tussock moth
- antler moth
- apple fruit moth
- apple-leaf blister moth
- artichoke plume moth
- Atlas moth
- autumnal moth
- bagworm moths
- banded footman moth
- beautiful mining moth
- bedstraw hawk moth
- bee moth
- bee-hawk moth
- bella moth
- black-c-owlet moth
- blastobasid moths
- bright moths
- brown-tail moth
- bucculatricid moths
- bud moth
- buff tiger moth
- buff tip moth
- bumblebee hawk moth
- burnet moths
- cabbage moth
- cactus moth
- California tussock moth
- carl moths
- carpenter moths
- carpet moth
- casebearer moths
- case-bearing clothes moth
- cat-tail moth
- cecropia moth
- citrus bud moth
- clearwing moths
- clear-winged moth
- clothed-in-white footman moth
- clothes moth
- codling moth
- common goat moth
- common hawthorn moth
- common magpie moth
- cone pitch moth
- convolvulus hawk moth
- cosmopterygid moths
- cottonwood dagger moth
- cream-spot tiger moth
- ctenuchid moths
- cup moths
- currant borer moth
- currant moth
- cynthia moth
- dagger moth
- dark swordgrass moth
- dark tussock moth
- death's head hawk moth
- December moth
- dew moth
- diamondback moth
- Douglas-fir tussock moth
- douglasiid moths
- drinker moth
- ear moth
- early thorn moth
- eastern tent moth
- elachistid moths
- emperor moth
- endromid moths
- epermeniid moths
- eriocraniid moths
- ermine moth
- ethmiid moths
- European grain moth
- European pine shoot moth
- exclamator moth
- eyed hawk moth
- fairy moths
- fall webworm moth
- field moths
- figure-of-eight moth
- flannel moths
- flour moth
- footman moths
- forester moths
- four-spotted moth
- fox moth
- fur moth
- gall moth
- garden swift moth
- garden tiger moth
- gelechiid moths
- geometer moths
- geometrid moths
- ghost moth
- giant silkworm moths
- glyphipterygid moths
- goat moth
- gooseberry moth
- grape-berry moth
- grass moths
- gray dagger moth
- great winter moth
- greater wax moth
- gum leaf skeletonizer moth
- gypsy moth
- hawk moths
- hemp moth
- hepialid moths
- heteroceriid moths
- hickory tiger moth
- hickory tussock moth
- hooded owlet moth
- hook-tip moths
- hornet moth
- hummingbird hawk moth
- hummingbird moths
- hyaline-spotted clothes moth
- Indian meal moth
- io moth
- Isabella tiger moth
- kitten moth
- lappet moth
- larch lappet moth
- large emperor moth
- lawn moths
- leaf skeletonizer moths
- leaf-roller moth
- lemoniid moths
- leopard moths
- lesser bud moth
- lesser wax moth
- libytheid moths
- lichen moths
- lift moths
- lime-tree linden moth
- lime-tree winter moth
- lithosiid moths
- lobster moth
- locust-tree carpenter moth
- long-tailed sea moth
- luna moth
- lunar hornet moth
- lunas thorn moth
- magpie moth
- maia moth
- mandibulate moths
- many-plumed moths
- marsh moth
- meal moth
- meal snout moth
- measuring-worm moths
- micropterygid moths
- midget moths
- morphid moths
- mullein moth
- naked clothes moth
- Nantucket pine-tip moth
- nepticulid moths
- noctuid moths
- nolid moths
- notodontid moths
- nun moth
- oak moth
- oak procession moth
- oecophorid moths
- old tussock moth
- orache moth
- Oriental fruit moth
- owlet moths
- pale brindled beauty moth
- pale moth
- pale tussock moth
- pandora moth
- pea moth
- peacock moths
- pear codling moth
- peppered moth
- phalonid moths
- phycitid moths
- phyllocnistid moths
- pigmy moths
- pine clear-wing moth
- pine hawk moth
- pine looper moth
- pine moth
- pine sphinx moth
- pine-shoot moth
- pine-tip moth
- pitch pine-tip moth
- pitch twig moth
- plum moth
- plume moths
- Polyphemus moth
- ponderosa pine-tip moth
- poplar hawk moth
- Portland moth
- primitive moths
- privet hawk moth
- processionary moth
- Promethea moth
- puss moth
- pyralid moths
- pyraustid moths
- raisin moth
- regal moth
- rusty tussock moth
- satin moth
- scalloped oak moth
- scalloped owlet moth
- scallop-shell moth
- scarlet tiger moth
- scythrid moth
- sea moths
- sequoia moth
- shield moths
- short-cloaked moth
- silk moth
- silkworm moth
- six-spotted burnet moth
- slug caterpillar moths
- slug moths
- small ermine moths
- smoky moths
- snout moths
- solidago gall moth
- sphinx moths
- spotted clover moth
- spotted tussock moth
- spurge hawk moth
- stenomid moths
- sunflower moth
- swallow-tail moth
- swift moths
- sycamore moth
- sycamore tussock moth
- tapestry moth
- tent caterpillar moths
- tent moths
- thyatirid moths
- tiger moths
- tobacco moth
- tortricid moths
- tortricid onion moth
- tortrix moths
- tussock moths
- two-colored footman moth
- underwing moth
- vaporer moth
- vine hawk moth
- Virginia tiger moth
- v-moth
- water betony moth
- wax moths
- white-tipped moth
- window-winged moths
- winter moth
- wood leopard moth
- woolen moth
- woollen moth
- yellow diacrisia moth
- yellow-horned moth
- yucca moths
- Zimmerman's pine moth* * * -
20 beetle
жук; pl жуки ( Coleoptera)- alder flea beetle
- alder leaf beetle
- alfalfa snout beetle
- alleculid beetles
- Alleghany spruce beetle
- ambrosia beetle
- American seed beetle
- ant beetle
- antelope beetle
- anthribid beetles
- antlike beetles
- antlike flower beetles
- antlike stone beetles
- aphodian dung beetles
- Arizona pine beetle
- ash-gray blister beetle
- Asiatic garden beetle
- asparagus beetle
- aspen leaf beetle
- atlas beetle
- bacon beetle
- banded cucumber beetle
- bark beetles
- barley leaf beetle
- beaver beetles
- beet tortoise beetle
- belladonna-flea beetle
- Betsy beetles
- black beetles
- black blister beetle
- black carpet beetle
- black flea beetle
- Black Hills beetle
- black lady beetle
- black larder beetle
- black pine beetle
- black pine leaf beetle
- black-legged leaf beetle
- blister beetles
- bloody nosed beetle
- blossom beetle
- blue willow beetle
- bombardier beetle
- bone beetle
- brassy willow beetle
- brenthid beetles
- broad-horned flour beetle
- broad-nosed bark beetles
- brown scavenger beetles
- brown willow beetle
- bumble flower beetle
- buprestid beetles
- burying beetle
- cabbage stem flea beetle
- cambium beetles
- capricorn beetles
- carabid beetles
- cardinal beetles
- carpet beetles
- carrion beetles
- carrot beetle
- cedar beetles
- cellar beetle
- cereal leaf beetle
- checkered beetles
- cherry leaf beetle
- chrysomelid beetles
- cigarette beetle
- clambid beetles
- clematis blister beetle
- click beetles
- clock beetle
- Colorado pine beetle
- Colorado potato beetle
- Columbian timber beetle
- comb-clawed bark beetles
- common bean beetle
- common stag beetle
- cone beetle
- confused flour beetle
- corn sap beetle
- cottonwood leaf beetle
- cranberry-tree leaf beetle
- crawling water beetles
- crucifer flea beetle
- cryptophagid beetles
- cucujid beetles
- cucumber flea beetle
- cylindrical bark beetles
- darkling beetles
- death-watch beetle
- dermestid beetles
- diving beetles
- Douglas-fir beetle
- dressed flour beetle
- dried-fruit beetle
- drugstore beetle
- dryopid beetles
- dumble beetle
- dung beetles
- dust beetle
- earth-boring dung beetle
- eastern Hercules beetle
- eastern larch beetle
- eastern spruce beetle
- echo flea beetle
- eggplant flea beetle
- elephant beetle
- elm leaf beetle
- Engelmann spruce beetle
- engraver beetles
- European blister beetle
- European elm bark beetle
- European ground beetle
- European musk beetle
- European spruce beetle
- eyed click beetle
- eye-spotted lady beetle
- false darkling beetles
- feather-winged beetles
- fire beetles
- fire-colored beetles
- five-dotted tortoise beetle
- flat bark beetles
- flat grain beetle
- flea beetles
- flour beetle
- forked fungus beetle
- fourteen-spotted asparagus beetle
- fringe-winged beetles
- fringe-winged fungus beetles
- fruitworm beetles
- Fuller's rose beetle
- fungus beetles
- furniture beetles
- furniture carpet beetle
- giant stag beetle
- gnawer beetles
- gnawing beetles
- golden apple beetles
- golden spider beetle
- goldsmith beetle
- Goliath beetle
- grape flea beetle
- gray blister beetle
- great diving beetle
- green june beetle
- ground beetle
- hairy fungus beetles
- haliplid beetles
- handsome fungus beetles
- hazel flea beetle
- hazelnut flea beetle
- heather beetle
- helodid beetles
- Hercules beetle
- heterocerid beetles
- hickory bark beetle
- hide beetle
- hister beetles
- hop flea beetle
- horseradish flea beetle
- house longicorn beetle
- hygrobiid beetles
- hygrobiid water beetles
- imported willow leaf beetle
- Japanese beetle
- Jeffrey pine beetle
- lady beetles
- ladybird beetles
- lagriid beetles
- lamellicorn beetles
- lamellicorn scavenger beetles
- larch bark beetle
- larder beetle
- large flax flea beetle
- larger Mexican pine beetle
- leaf beetles
- leaf mining beetle
- leaf-horned beetles
- leather beetles
- leather-winged beetles
- lighting beetles
- lizard beetles
- lodgepole cone beetle
- lodgepole pine beetle
- long-horned beetles
- long-horned leaf beetles
- lycid beetles
- malachiid beetles
- mammal-nest beetles
- margined water beetle
- May beetle
- melandryid beetle
- mimic beetles
- mite beetles
- mould beetles
- mountain pine beetle
- mud-loving beetles
- museum beetle
- musk beetle
- mustard beetle
- native elm bark beetle
- net-winged beetles
- Nuttall blister beetle
- oat leaf beetle
- oedemerid beetle
- oil beetle
- old-fashioned potato beetle
- one-dotted tortoise beetle
- onion lily beetle
- oriental beetle
- ostomatid beetles
- passalid beetles
- patent leather beetles
- pea beetle
- peach black beetle
- peach-tree bark beetle
- pear blight beetle
- pear twig beetle
- peppergrass beetle
- pill beetles
- pinch beetles
- pine beetle
- pine-flower snout beetles
- plaster beetles
- pleasing fungus beetles
- ponderosa-pine cone beetle
- potato beetle
- potato flea beetle
- powderpost beetles
- prairie flea beetle
- predacious diving beetles
- pselaphid beetle
- ptiliid beetles
- pythid beetles
- raspberry beetles
- red flour beetle
- red pine cone beetle
- red poplar leaf beetle
- red turnip beetle
- red turpentine beetle
- red-legged ham beetle
- red-shouldered ham beetle
- red-winged pine beetle
- reed beetle
- rhinoceros beetle
- rhipiphorid beetles
- riffle beetles
- road beetles
- rodent beetles
- rove beetles
- rusty grain beetle
- sacred beetle of Egyptians
- sap beetles
- sap feeding beetles
- saw-toothed grain beetle
- sawyer beetle
- scarred snout beetle
- seed beetles
- sexton beetle
- shield beetles
- shining flower beetles
- shining fungus beetles
- ship-timber beetle
- silken fungus beetles
- silver water beetle
- Sitka-spruce beetle
- skin beetles
- smaller Mexican pine beetle
- snapping beetles
- snout beetles
- soft-bodied plant beetles
- soft-winged flower beetles
- soldier beetles
- southern lyctus beetle
- southern pine beetle
- southwestern pine beetle
- speckled oil beetle
- sphaeriid beetles
- spider beetles
- spine leaf beetle
- spotted asparagus beetle
- spotted blister beetle
- spotted cucumber beetle
- squash beetle
- stag beetles
- steel beetles
- stone beetles
- strawberry leaf beetle
- striped blister beetle
- striped flea beetle
- sugar-cane beetle
- sunflower beetle
- ten-lined June beetle
- three-lined potato beetle
- three-striped blister beetle
- tiger beetle
- timber beetles
- tobacco flea beetle
- tonsy leaf beetle
- toothed flea beetle
- toothed-nose snout beetles
- tooth-necked fungus beetles
- tortoise beetles
- tree fungus beetles
- true powderpost beetles
- tuber flea beetle
- tumbling flower beetles
- turnip blossom beetle
- twelve-spotted asparagus beetle
- twig beetles
- two-spotted lady beetle
- varied carpet beetle
- vine flea beetle
- wasp beetle
- water beetles
- water scavenger beetles
- water-lily leaf beetle
- western balsam bark beetle
- western black leaf beetle
- western pine beetle
- western potato flea beetle
- western spotted cucumber beetle
- whirligig beetles
- white-marked spider beetle
- willow leaf beetle
- wood tiger beetle
- wrinkled bark beetles
- yellow-margined diving beetle* * *• жук• жуки
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
American tiger — Tiger Ti ger, n. [OE. tigre, F. tigre, L. tigris, Gr. ti gris; probably of Persian origin; cf. Zend tighra pointed, tighri an arrow, Per. t[=i]r; perhaps akin to E. stick, v. t.; probably so named from its quickness.] 1. A very large and powerful … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
american tiger — noun Usage: usually capitalized A : jaguar * * * American tiger noun A jaguar • • • Main Entry: ↑American … Useful english dictionary
American tiger — Jaguar Ja*guar , n. [Braz. yago[ a]ra: cf. & Pg. jaguar.] (Zo[ o]l.) A large and powerful feline animal ({Panthera onca}, formerly {Felis onca}), ranging from Texas and Mexico to Patagonia. It is usually brownish yellow, with large, dark,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tiger — Ti ger, n. [OE. tigre, F. tigre, L. tigris, Gr. ti gris; probably of Persian origin; cf. Zend tighra pointed, tighri an arrow, Per. t[=i]r; perhaps akin to E. stick, v. t.; probably so named from its quickness.] 1. A very large and powerful… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tiger beetle — Tiger Ti ger, n. [OE. tigre, F. tigre, L. tigris, Gr. ti gris; probably of Persian origin; cf. Zend tighra pointed, tighri an arrow, Per. t[=i]r; perhaps akin to E. stick, v. t.; probably so named from its quickness.] 1. A very large and powerful … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tiger bittern — Tiger Ti ger, n. [OE. tigre, F. tigre, L. tigris, Gr. ti gris; probably of Persian origin; cf. Zend tighra pointed, tighri an arrow, Per. t[=i]r; perhaps akin to E. stick, v. t.; probably so named from its quickness.] 1. A very large and powerful … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tiger cat — Tiger Ti ger, n. [OE. tigre, F. tigre, L. tigris, Gr. ti gris; probably of Persian origin; cf. Zend tighra pointed, tighri an arrow, Per. t[=i]r; perhaps akin to E. stick, v. t.; probably so named from its quickness.] 1. A very large and powerful … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tiger cowrie — Tiger Ti ger, n. [OE. tigre, F. tigre, L. tigris, Gr. ti gris; probably of Persian origin; cf. Zend tighra pointed, tighri an arrow, Per. t[=i]r; perhaps akin to E. stick, v. t.; probably so named from its quickness.] 1. A very large and powerful … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tiger flower — Tiger Ti ger, n. [OE. tigre, F. tigre, L. tigris, Gr. ti gris; probably of Persian origin; cf. Zend tighra pointed, tighri an arrow, Per. t[=i]r; perhaps akin to E. stick, v. t.; probably so named from its quickness.] 1. A very large and powerful … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tiger grass — Tiger Ti ger, n. [OE. tigre, F. tigre, L. tigris, Gr. ti gris; probably of Persian origin; cf. Zend tighra pointed, tighri an arrow, Per. t[=i]r; perhaps akin to E. stick, v. t.; probably so named from its quickness.] 1. A very large and powerful … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tiger lily — Tiger Ti ger, n. [OE. tigre, F. tigre, L. tigris, Gr. ti gris; probably of Persian origin; cf. Zend tighra pointed, tighri an arrow, Per. t[=i]r; perhaps akin to E. stick, v. t.; probably so named from its quickness.] 1. A very large and powerful … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English