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с английского на греческий


  • 1 Αγδιστιν

    fem acc sg

    Morphologia Graeca > Αγδιστιν

  • 2 πτυχά

    a fold met.

    ξένον κλυταῖσι δαιδαλωσέμεν ὕμνων πτυχαῖς O. 1.105

    b valley

    Κρισαίαις ἐνὶ πτυχαῖς P. 6.18

    Πίνδου κλεενναῖς ἐν πτυχαῖς P. 9.15

    ἐν ἐσλοῦ Πέλοπος πτυχαῖς ὀκτὼ στεφάνοις ἔμιχθεν ἤδη i. e. at the Isthmian games N. 2.21

    Lexicon to Pindar > πτυχά

  • 3 θῦμα

    -ατος + τό N 3 5-4-4-2-0=15 Gn 43,16; Ex 29,28; 34,15.25; Dt 18,3
    sacrifice, offering Ex 29,28; victim (esp. of anim.) Ez 40,41; animals slaughtered (for food) Gn 43,16
    παρὰ τῶν θυόντων τὰ θύματα from those who offer sacrifices Dt 18,3 Cf. BICKERMAN 1946=1980 96-97

    Lust (λαγνεία) > θῦμα

  • 4 γενετήρ

    A = γενέτης, Epic.Alex.Adesp.3.10, Arist.Mu. 397a4, IG3.716, Coluth.373, Tryph.294: in pl., parents, IG7.2543, Nonn.D.4.61, al.

    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > γενετήρ

  • 5 ἔχαδον

    A Homeric dictionary (Greek-English) (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ομηρικό λεξικό) > ἔχαδον

  • 6 λοβός

    Grammatical information: m.
    Meaning: `lobe, lap, slip' as appellation of several lap- or sliplike parts of body or plant, esp. `lobe of the ear' (Ξ 182), also `lobe of liver' (Hp., A., E., Pl.), `of the lung' (medic.) etc.; `lap, Blättchen des Fliederblattes' (Thphr.), `capsula with seeds, (hanging down) pods of siliquosae- and leguminous plants' ans these themselves, `pod, seed-lobe, fruit-lobe in gen.' (Thphr., Dsc., Gal.). Details in Strömberg Eranos 40, 90ff.; he wants to explain the meaning `pod, case' through popular association with λοπός `shell, bark, scale', which is superfluous with the development of meanings scetched above. Demin. λόβιον (Gal., Dsc.).
    Compounds: Often as 2. member, e.g. πρό-λοβος m. `crop of birds, Adam's apple' (Arist., LXX), but προ-λόβιον `the front part of the lobe of the ear' (Poll., H.); ἔλ-λοβος `in a pod, with pod' (Thphr.; lengthened ἐλλοβ-ώδης `id.'; cf. Strömberg Theophrastea 164), but ἐλ-λόβιον `ear-ring' (Luc., S.E.); ἀντι-λόβιον, - βίς `part of the ear-lobe opposite to the προλόβιον' (medic.); ἐπιλοβίς μέρος τοῦ ἥπατος H.; as adj. in ἡ ἐπιλοβὶς γλῶσσα `lobe of the liver' (of soothsayers, PAmh. 2, 14, 21; III--IVp); as building term καταλοβεύς m. `uppercornice, cross-beam' (Epid., Hierapytna); ὀξυλοβ-έω ' τὸ ταχέως ἀκούω' (Suid.), from *ὀξύ-λοβος, s. Strömberg l.c.
    Derivatives: Dimin. λόβιον (Gal, Dsc.).
    Origin: XX [etym. unknown]
    Etymology: Etymology unknown. Semantically attractive is the connection with NHG Lappen a. cognates., e.g. OE læppa m. `tip, lap', ēar-læppa `ear-lobe', also without expressive gemination as WNo. lapa `hang slack', MLG ōr-lepel `ear-lobe'. Further with deviating ă-vowel Lat. lăbāre `totter, give way' beside long vowel in lābor, lābī `glide'; with initial sl- e.g. MLG slap 'sleck', Lith. slãbnas, OCS slabъ `slack'; extensively on these WP. 2, 431 f., W.- Hofmann s. labō; also Pok. 655 f.; Fraenkel Wb. s. slãbnas, Vasmer Wb. s. slábyj. The IE b may, like the varying vocalisation, be connected with the popular-expressive character of these words. - Connection with Lat. legūmen `leguminous plant etc.' (Fick, Prellwitz) would presuppose IE * legʷ-, which would be more attractive; the Lat. word, however, has also been interpreted differently, s. W.-Hofmann s. v. - Beside λοβός there seems to have been a form *λέβος, s. 1. λεβηρίς (?). If this is correct - but it is rather unreliable - the word may be Pre-Greek; the cited IE forms rather point to a European substratum word.
    Page in Frisk: 2,131-132

    Greek-English etymological dictionary (Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά ετυμολογική λεξικό) > λοβός

  • 7 σφραγίς

    σφραγίς, ῖδος, ἡ (s. prec. entry; Trag., Hdt.+; ins, pap, LXX; PsS 2:6; TestPs, ParJer; ApcMos 42; Philo; Jos., Ant. 15, 408; 18, 93 al.; loanw. in rabb.) prim. ‘seal, signet’.
    the instrument used for sealing or stamping, signet (Aristot., Strabo et al., Appian, Liby. 32 §137; 104 §493, Bell. Civ. 2, 22 §82; pap, LXX; Hippol., Ref. 9, 11, 5) σφραγὶς θεοῦ Rv 7:2 (against power of demons, etc. RCharles, Comm. I 196).
    the substance which bears the imprint of a signet and seals a document, seal (ParJer 3:10) GPt 8:33; 1 Cl 43:5. In Rv a book w. seven seals 5:1 (a last will and testament acc. to EHuschke, Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln 1860, Zahn, JWeiss; cp. JMarquardt, Römisches Privatieben2 1886, 805f; TBirt, Die Buchrolle in der Kunst 1907, 243.—On Rv 5f: WSattler, ZNW 20, 1921, 231–40; 21, 1922, 43–53; KStaritz, ibid. 30, ’31, 157–70; WTaylor, JTS 31, 1930, 266–71). λῦσαι τὰς σφραγῖδας Rv 5:2, 5 v.l. (cp. λύω 1a). Also ἀνοῖξαι vs. 5, 9; 6:1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12 (Aeschyl., Eum. 828); 8:1 (ἀνοίγω 4).
    the impression made by a signet, mark (Hdt. et al.; LXX; ApcMos 42) Rv 9:4 (cp. Martial 3, 21, of a slave ‘fronte notata’). In imagery ὁ θεμέλιος τοῦ θεοῦ ἔχων τὴν σφραγῖδα ταύτην κτλ. God’s foundation that bears the following mark (= inscription) … 2 Ti 2:19 (s. Dölger, Sphragis 3; Straub 63).—Cp. Hs 8, 2, 4, prob. of a document bearing a mark that permits passage, a pass (cp. Aberciusins. 9 λαὸς λαμπρὰν σφραγεῖδαν ἔχων and the Naasene hymn in Hippol., Ref. 5, 10, 2 σφραγῖδας ἔχων καταβήσομαι; likewise the books of Jeû and the Mandaean wr.; Mani, Kephal. I 225, 13; 15; 18; difft. Leutzsch, Hermas p. 480 n. 201).
    that which confirms or authenticates, attestation, confirmation, certification, fig. ext. of 3
    w. the gen. of that which is confirmed or authenticated ἡ σφραγίς μου τῆς ἀποστολῆς ὑμεῖς ἐστε you are the certification of my apostleship 1 Cor 9:2. σημεῖον ἔλαβεν περιτομῆς σφραγῖδα τῆς δικαιοσύνης τῆς πίστεως he (Abraham) received the sign of circumcision as something that confirms the righteousness through faith that was already present Ro 4:11. σφ. need be no more than a metaphor for attestation or confirmation in περιτέτμηται ὁ λαὸς εἰς σφραγῖδα B 9:6.
    as a term for baptism in 2 Cl and Hermas (Theognis ln. 19: the author’s name, as a σφρηγίς [Ionic form], ensures his work against all possibility of falsification): ἡ σφραγίς 2 Cl 7:6; 8:6; Hs 8, 6, 3; 9, 16, 3ff al. ἡ σφ. τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ θεοῦ Hs 9, 16, 3 (also AcThom 131 [Aa II/2, 239, 3; s. Leutzsch, Hermas p. 483 n. 239]. Cp. ἡ σφ. τοῦ κυρίου Clem. Alex., Quis Div. Salv. 42, 4. ἡ σφ. τοῦ Χριστοῦ AcPh 134 [Aa II/2, 65, 11]; τῆς ἐν κυρίῳ σφραγῖδος AcPl Ha 3, 24; 11, 23 [s. μυέω]; ἡ ἐν Χριστῷ σφ. AcPlTh 25 [Aa I, 253, 7f]; AcThom, end [Aa II/2, 291, 7f]). Used with the verbs διδόναι τινὶ (τὴν σφ.) Hs 9, 16, 5b (AcThom 49 [Aa II/2, 165, 14]; s. also 27 [Aa II/2, 142f]). λαμβάνειν 8, 6, 3; 9, 16, 3; 9, 17, 4. ἔχειν 9, 16, 5a; 7; κηρύσσειν 9, 16, 4b. τεθλακέναι 8, 6, 3. τηρεῖν 2 Cl 7:6; 8:6= τηρεῖν τὸ βάπτισμα 6:9 (δέχεσθαι AcThom 26 [Aa II/2, 141, 14]; περιτιθέναι Celsus in Origen, C. Cels. 2, 96f).—GAnrich, Das Antike Mysterienwesen 1894, 120ff; GWobbermin, Religionsgesch. Studien 1896, 144ff; ASeeberg, Der Katechismus der Urchristenheit 1903, 232ff; FDölger, Sphragis als Taufbez. 1911, 49ff, Ac I 1929, 88–91; AvStromberg, Studien zur Theorie u. Praxis der Taufe 1913, 89ff; WHeitmüller, ΣΦΡΑΓΙΣ: Heinrici Festschr. 1914, 40ff; WBousset, Kyrios Christos2 1921, 227ff; FPreisigke, Die Gotteskraft der frühchristl. Zeit 1922, 25f; EMaass, Segnen, Weihen, Taufen: ARW 21, 1922, 241ff; JYsebaert, Greek Baptismal Terminol., ’62, 204f.—Kl. Pauly V 309; OEANE IV 509–12; DBS XII 66–228 esp. 213–28 on NT; BHHW III 1786–90.—DELG. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > σφραγίς

  • 8 καρύδι


    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά νέο λεξικό (Greek-English new dictionary) > καρύδι

  • 9 τροπαιοῦχος

    τροπαίουχ-ος (properisp.), ον, ([etym.] ἔχω)
    A having or gaining trophies: Ζεὺς τ. the god to whom trophies are dedicated, Arist.Mu. 401a23, CIG 4340f, g ([place name] Pamphylia); = Lat. Jupiter Feretrius, D.H.2.34, Plu. 2.306c; as an epith. of Roman Emperors, OGI723.2 (Antinoopolis, iv A. D.), CIG 3992 ([place name] Iconium), 4350 ([place name] Pamphylia), SIG 906B (Magn. Mae., iv A. D., τροπε-), al.;

    Δᾶτις ὁ τ. Polem.Cyn.41


    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > τροπαιοῦχος

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