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  • 1 עראי

    עַרְאַי, עַרַייm. (= עַרְעַי, v. עֲרַע a. אֲרַע) 1) evil, misfortune. Sifra Bḥuck., Par. 2, ch. V (ref. to קרי, Lev. 26:23, sq.) אתם עשיתם … עריי בעולם אף אני … ע׳וכ׳ you made my laws of justice a misfortune in the world, so I shall make you a misfortune in the world; ib. ch. VIII; Yalk. Lev. 675 עראי. 2) accident, chance, improvisation, opp. קבע. Succ.2a צא מדירת קבע ושב בדירת ע׳ leave the permanent, and live in a temporary dwelling. Ib. II, 9 כל … סוכתו קבע ודירתו ע׳ Ms. M. (ed. וביתו) during the seven days (of the Feast of Booths) man must make his booth the permanent and his dwelling the incidental residence. Ib. 26a אכילת ע׳ an incidental meal, luncheon, opp. to אכילת קבע a regular meal. Maasr. I, 5 אוכל מהם ע׳וכ׳ (sub אכילת) he may make of them an irregular meal until ; Tosef. ib. I, 11, a. e. אַרְעַי ed. Wil., oth. עראי. Succ. l. c. שינת ע׳ irregular sleep, a nap; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > עראי

  • 2 עראי

    adj. temporary, casual

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  • 3 עובד עראי

    temporary employee

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  • 4 עריי

    עַרְאַי, עַרַייm. (= עַרְעַי, v. עֲרַע a. אֲרַע) 1) evil, misfortune. Sifra Bḥuck., Par. 2, ch. V (ref. to קרי, Lev. 26:23, sq.) אתם עשיתם … עריי בעולם אף אני … ע׳וכ׳ you made my laws of justice a misfortune in the world, so I shall make you a misfortune in the world; ib. ch. VIII; Yalk. Lev. 675 עראי. 2) accident, chance, improvisation, opp. קבע. Succ.2a צא מדירת קבע ושב בדירת ע׳ leave the permanent, and live in a temporary dwelling. Ib. II, 9 כל … סוכתו קבע ודירתו ע׳ Ms. M. (ed. וביתו) during the seven days (of the Feast of Booths) man must make his booth the permanent and his dwelling the incidental residence. Ib. 26a אכילת ע׳ an incidental meal, luncheon, opp. to אכילת קבע a regular meal. Maasr. I, 5 אוכל מהם ע׳וכ׳ (sub אכילת) he may make of them an irregular meal until ; Tosef. ib. I, 11, a. e. אַרְעַי ed. Wil., oth. עראי. Succ. l. c. שינת ע׳ irregular sleep, a nap; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > עריי

  • 5 עַרְאַי

    עַרְאַי, עַרַייm. (= עַרְעַי, v. עֲרַע a. אֲרַע) 1) evil, misfortune. Sifra Bḥuck., Par. 2, ch. V (ref. to קרי, Lev. 26:23, sq.) אתם עשיתם … עריי בעולם אף אני … ע׳וכ׳ you made my laws of justice a misfortune in the world, so I shall make you a misfortune in the world; ib. ch. VIII; Yalk. Lev. 675 עראי. 2) accident, chance, improvisation, opp. קבע. Succ.2a צא מדירת קבע ושב בדירת ע׳ leave the permanent, and live in a temporary dwelling. Ib. II, 9 כל … סוכתו קבע ודירתו ע׳ Ms. M. (ed. וביתו) during the seven days (of the Feast of Booths) man must make his booth the permanent and his dwelling the incidental residence. Ib. 26a אכילת ע׳ an incidental meal, luncheon, opp. to אכילת קבע a regular meal. Maasr. I, 5 אוכל מהם ע׳וכ׳ (sub אכילת) he may make of them an irregular meal until ; Tosef. ib. I, 11, a. e. אַרְעַי ed. Wil., oth. עראי. Succ. l. c. שינת ע׳ irregular sleep, a nap; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > עַרְאַי

  • 6 עַרַיי

    עַרְאַי, עַרַייm. (= עַרְעַי, v. עֲרַע a. אֲרַע) 1) evil, misfortune. Sifra Bḥuck., Par. 2, ch. V (ref. to קרי, Lev. 26:23, sq.) אתם עשיתם … עריי בעולם אף אני … ע׳וכ׳ you made my laws of justice a misfortune in the world, so I shall make you a misfortune in the world; ib. ch. VIII; Yalk. Lev. 675 עראי. 2) accident, chance, improvisation, opp. קבע. Succ.2a צא מדירת קבע ושב בדירת ע׳ leave the permanent, and live in a temporary dwelling. Ib. II, 9 כל … סוכתו קבע ודירתו ע׳ Ms. M. (ed. וביתו) during the seven days (of the Feast of Booths) man must make his booth the permanent and his dwelling the incidental residence. Ib. 26a אכילת ע׳ an incidental meal, luncheon, opp. to אכילת קבע a regular meal. Maasr. I, 5 אוכל מהם ע׳וכ׳ (sub אכילת) he may make of them an irregular meal until ; Tosef. ib. I, 11, a. e. אַרְעַי ed. Wil., oth. עראי. Succ. l. c. שינת ע׳ irregular sleep, a nap; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > עַרַיי

  • 7 אהל

    אֹהֶל, אֹוהֶלm. (b. h.; prob. √אה = או, cmp. אַוְנָא) tent, shelter. Succ.21b א׳ עראי a temporary dwellinng. א׳ קבע a permanent dwelling.Naz.55a א׳ זרוק a movable cover, e. g. a person carried in a vehicle over a grave, v. foreg.B. Bath.27b, a. fr. א׳ הטומאה something spread over an unclean object, e. g. a tree shading a corpse; v. foreg. Naz.VII, 2, v. אָהִיל.Pl. אֹוהֳלִים, אֹוהֳלִין (אָהֳולִין). Y.Sabb.XX, beg.17c נטע א׳ to spread sheets over poles (Tosef. ib. XII (XIII), 14, a. e. עשה א׳). Y.Erub.I, 19d בשיירה א׳ tents in a caravan, שבמחנה א׳ in a camp. Tosef.Kil.V, 25 אהולין ed. Zuck.

    Jewish literature > אהל

  • 8 אוהל

    אֹהֶל, אֹוהֶלm. (b. h.; prob. √אה = או, cmp. אַוְנָא) tent, shelter. Succ.21b א׳ עראי a temporary dwellinng. א׳ קבע a permanent dwelling.Naz.55a א׳ זרוק a movable cover, e. g. a person carried in a vehicle over a grave, v. foreg.B. Bath.27b, a. fr. א׳ הטומאה something spread over an unclean object, e. g. a tree shading a corpse; v. foreg. Naz.VII, 2, v. אָהִיל.Pl. אֹוהֳלִים, אֹוהֳלִין (אָהֳולִין). Y.Sabb.XX, beg.17c נטע א׳ to spread sheets over poles (Tosef. ib. XII (XIII), 14, a. e. עשה א׳). Y.Erub.I, 19d בשיירה א׳ tents in a caravan, שבמחנה א׳ in a camp. Tosef.Kil.V, 25 אהולין ed. Zuck.

    Jewish literature > אוהל

  • 9 אֹהֶל

    אֹהֶל, אֹוהֶלm. (b. h.; prob. √אה = או, cmp. אַוְנָא) tent, shelter. Succ.21b א׳ עראי a temporary dwellinng. א׳ קבע a permanent dwelling.Naz.55a א׳ זרוק a movable cover, e. g. a person carried in a vehicle over a grave, v. foreg.B. Bath.27b, a. fr. א׳ הטומאה something spread over an unclean object, e. g. a tree shading a corpse; v. foreg. Naz.VII, 2, v. אָהִיל.Pl. אֹוהֳלִים, אֹוהֳלִין (אָהֳולִין). Y.Sabb.XX, beg.17c נטע א׳ to spread sheets over poles (Tosef. ib. XII (XIII), 14, a. e. עשה א׳). Y.Erub.I, 19d בשיירה א׳ tents in a caravan, שבמחנה א׳ in a camp. Tosef.Kil.V, 25 אהולין ed. Zuck.

    Jewish literature > אֹהֶל

  • 10 אֹוהֶל

    אֹהֶל, אֹוהֶלm. (b. h.; prob. √אה = או, cmp. אַוְנָא) tent, shelter. Succ.21b א׳ עראי a temporary dwellinng. א׳ קבע a permanent dwelling.Naz.55a א׳ זרוק a movable cover, e. g. a person carried in a vehicle over a grave, v. foreg.B. Bath.27b, a. fr. א׳ הטומאה something spread over an unclean object, e. g. a tree shading a corpse; v. foreg. Naz.VII, 2, v. אָהִיל.Pl. אֹוהֳלִים, אֹוהֳלִין (אָהֳולִין). Y.Sabb.XX, beg.17c נטע א׳ to spread sheets over poles (Tosef. ib. XII (XIII), 14, a. e. עשה א׳). Y.Erub.I, 19d בשיירה א׳ tents in a caravan, שבמחנה א׳ in a camp. Tosef.Kil.V, 25 אהולין ed. Zuck.

    Jewish literature > אֹוהֶל

  • 11 דירה I

    דִּירָהI f. (preced.) human dwelling. Yoma 10a בית ד׳ a compartment in the Temple designated for a dwelling. Ib. b דִּירַת קבע permanent residence, opp. ד׳ עראי. Ib. ד׳ בעל כרחהוכ׳ a dwelling not freely chosen (as the High-priests in the Temple) is not called a dwelling (to require Mzuzah). Ib. 11b מיוחד לד׳, v. יָחַד; a. fr.Pl. דִּירוֹת. Pesik. R. s. 15; v., however, דִּיר.

    Jewish literature > דירה I

  • 12 דִּירָה

    דִּירָהI f. (preced.) human dwelling. Yoma 10a בית ד׳ a compartment in the Temple designated for a dwelling. Ib. b דִּירַת קבע permanent residence, opp. ד׳ עראי. Ib. ד׳ בעל כרחהוכ׳ a dwelling not freely chosen (as the High-priests in the Temple) is not called a dwelling (to require Mzuzah). Ib. 11b מיוחד לד׳, v. יָחַד; a. fr.Pl. דִּירוֹת. Pesik. R. s. 15; v., however, דִּיר.

    Jewish literature > דִּירָה

  • 13 מולךְ

    מוֹלֶךְm. (b. h. מֹלֶךְ) Molekh, the fire-god of the Canaanites and others. Snh.VII, 7 למ׳ … עד שימסור למ׳וכ׳ he who dedicates a child to M., is not punishable until he surrenders it to M. and passes it through fire. Ib. 64a קתניעכו״ם וקתני מ׳ the Mishnah speaks first of idolatry (in general) and then of M.; מ׳ לאועכו״ם היא (sub. עבודת) the Molekh worship is not included in general idolatry. Tosef. ib. 10, 5 אחד מ׳ ואחדוכ׳ whether he passes his son through fire for M. or for any other idol, he is equally punishable; Snh. l. c. Ib. מפני מה … מ׳ כל שהמליכוהו עליהםוכ׳ why does theTorah use the expression Molekh (when meaning any idol)? Whatever people make their ruler (מֶלֶךְ); Y. ib. VII, 25c top. Bab. ib. l. c. מ׳ עראי a an improvised object of worship (a stone, piece of wood); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מולךְ

  • 14 מוֹלֶךְ

    מוֹלֶךְm. (b. h. מֹלֶךְ) Molekh, the fire-god of the Canaanites and others. Snh.VII, 7 למ׳ … עד שימסור למ׳וכ׳ he who dedicates a child to M., is not punishable until he surrenders it to M. and passes it through fire. Ib. 64a קתניעכו״ם וקתני מ׳ the Mishnah speaks first of idolatry (in general) and then of M.; מ׳ לאועכו״ם היא (sub. עבודת) the Molekh worship is not included in general idolatry. Tosef. ib. 10, 5 אחד מ׳ ואחדוכ׳ whether he passes his son through fire for M. or for any other idol, he is equally punishable; Snh. l. c. Ib. מפני מה … מ׳ כל שהמליכוהו עליהםוכ׳ why does theTorah use the expression Molekh (when meaning any idol)? Whatever people make their ruler (מֶלֶךְ); Y. ib. VII, 25c top. Bab. ib. l. c. מ׳ עראי a an improvised object of worship (a stone, piece of wood); a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מוֹלֶךְ

  • 15 קבע II

    קָבַעII (preced.) (to squeeze in, make a hole, 1) to insert, drive in; to fix. B. Bath.7b קְבַעוכ׳, v. מַסְמָר. Tanḥ. Bhaʿal. 15 (ref. to Koh. 12:11 משמרות) אם קָבַעְתָּ אותם כמ̇ס̇מ̇ר̇ בלבך הן מ̇ש̇מ̇ר̇ין אותך if thou hast driven them (the words of the Law) like a nail into thy heart, they will guard thee. Lev. R. s. 5 (ref. to Is. 22:16) אפי׳ איזה מסמר קבעת כאן what nail hast thou driven into it (to acquire ownership)? Tosef.Kel.B. Mets.X, 6 אע״פ שקְבָעָןוכ׳ (not שקבאן) although he fastened them with nails; a. fr.Part. pass. קָבוּעַ; f. קְבוּעָה Ib. צריך אדם … יתד ק׳וכ׳ a man ought to have a nail or a peg fixed in the burial ground so as to take possession and be sure to be buried in the designated place. Y.Maas. Sh. V, beg. 55d אבן ק׳ a stone affixed to the ground, stationary, opp. תלושה; a. fr.Trnsf. to fix, appoint, make permanent. Ber.6b כל הקוֹבֵעַ מקוםוכ׳ he who designates a certain place where to pray regularly; ib. 7b. Sabb.31b קָבַעְתָּוכ׳, v. עֵת. Meg.7a בתחלה קְבָעוּהָוכ׳ at first they instituted the feast of Purim for Shushan, and afterwards for the whole world. Ib. שלחה … קִבְעוּנִי לדורות Esther sent word to the scholars, Appoint my memory to be celebrated for all generations. Ab. III, 2 הקב״ה קובע לו שכר the Lord will determine his reward. Bets.20a בקשו לִקְבּוֹעַ הלכהוכ׳ they attempted (by vote) to establish the law in agreement with their opinion; Tosef.Ḥag.II, 11; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Tosef.Ab. Zar. I, 1 אידין הקְבוּעִין regular (annual) festivals. Ab. Zar.11b חמשה בתיע״ז ק׳ הן five idolatrous temples (and the fairs connected therewith) are permanent; expl. ib. לעולם חדיראוכ׳ permanent, regular, and all the year through B. Bath. l. c. הלכות קְבוּעוֹת הן they are established laws; a. fr. 2) (denom. of קֶבַע) to impart the character of a regular appointed meal. Bets.34b שבת מהו שתִּקְבַּע מוקצה למעשר does the Sabbath give, to fruit not yet ready for regular use, the character of an appointed meal with reference to the duty of tithing (so that you dare not eat of them on the Sabbath even as a luncheon, אכילת עראי)? Ib. שבת קוֹבַעַתוכ׳ the Sabbath gives that character, whether the food you partake of be sufficiently ready for consumption or not. Pes.105a כשם שהשבת … קובעת לקידוש as the Sabbath makes every meal an appointed one with regard to tithes, so does it with reference to Ḳiddush (that you dare not taste anything before reciting the Ḳiddush, v. קִידּוּש). Ib. קָבְעָה להבדלה the exit of the Sabbath makes every meal an appointed one as regards the Habdalah (v. הַבְדָּלָה); a. fr. Pl. קִבֵּעַ to wedge in, set. Sabb.67b המְקַבַּעַת Rashi Var., v. בָּקַע.Part. pass. מְקוּבַּע; f. מְקוּבַּעַת. Num. R. s. 12 כעטרה הזאת שמק׳ באבניםוכ׳ like the royal crown which is beset with precious stones and pearls. Nif. נִקְבַּע to be appointed, established. Tosef.Hag.II, 11 נִקְבְּעָה הלכה כדבריוכ׳ the law was established (by vote) in accordance with the opinion of ; (Bets.20b וקבעווכ׳). Y.Yoma V, beg.42b שאין … נִקְבָּעִין אלאוכ׳ congregational sacrifices are designated as such only by the act of slaughtering. Ḥall. IV, 11 שלא יִקָּבַע הדבר חובה that this usage may not become an established obligation; a. e.

    Jewish literature > קבע II

  • 16 קָבַע

    קָבַעII (preced.) (to squeeze in, make a hole, 1) to insert, drive in; to fix. B. Bath.7b קְבַעוכ׳, v. מַסְמָר. Tanḥ. Bhaʿal. 15 (ref. to Koh. 12:11 משמרות) אם קָבַעְתָּ אותם כמ̇ס̇מ̇ר̇ בלבך הן מ̇ש̇מ̇ר̇ין אותך if thou hast driven them (the words of the Law) like a nail into thy heart, they will guard thee. Lev. R. s. 5 (ref. to Is. 22:16) אפי׳ איזה מסמר קבעת כאן what nail hast thou driven into it (to acquire ownership)? Tosef.Kel.B. Mets.X, 6 אע״פ שקְבָעָןוכ׳ (not שקבאן) although he fastened them with nails; a. fr.Part. pass. קָבוּעַ; f. קְבוּעָה Ib. צריך אדם … יתד ק׳וכ׳ a man ought to have a nail or a peg fixed in the burial ground so as to take possession and be sure to be buried in the designated place. Y.Maas. Sh. V, beg. 55d אבן ק׳ a stone affixed to the ground, stationary, opp. תלושה; a. fr.Trnsf. to fix, appoint, make permanent. Ber.6b כל הקוֹבֵעַ מקוםוכ׳ he who designates a certain place where to pray regularly; ib. 7b. Sabb.31b קָבַעְתָּוכ׳, v. עֵת. Meg.7a בתחלה קְבָעוּהָוכ׳ at first they instituted the feast of Purim for Shushan, and afterwards for the whole world. Ib. שלחה … קִבְעוּנִי לדורות Esther sent word to the scholars, Appoint my memory to be celebrated for all generations. Ab. III, 2 הקב״ה קובע לו שכר the Lord will determine his reward. Bets.20a בקשו לִקְבּוֹעַ הלכהוכ׳ they attempted (by vote) to establish the law in agreement with their opinion; Tosef.Ḥag.II, 11; a. fr.Part. pass. as ab. Tosef.Ab. Zar. I, 1 אידין הקְבוּעִין regular (annual) festivals. Ab. Zar.11b חמשה בתיע״ז ק׳ הן five idolatrous temples (and the fairs connected therewith) are permanent; expl. ib. לעולם חדיראוכ׳ permanent, regular, and all the year through B. Bath. l. c. הלכות קְבוּעוֹת הן they are established laws; a. fr. 2) (denom. of קֶבַע) to impart the character of a regular appointed meal. Bets.34b שבת מהו שתִּקְבַּע מוקצה למעשר does the Sabbath give, to fruit not yet ready for regular use, the character of an appointed meal with reference to the duty of tithing (so that you dare not eat of them on the Sabbath even as a luncheon, אכילת עראי)? Ib. שבת קוֹבַעַתוכ׳ the Sabbath gives that character, whether the food you partake of be sufficiently ready for consumption or not. Pes.105a כשם שהשבת … קובעת לקידוש as the Sabbath makes every meal an appointed one with regard to tithes, so does it with reference to Ḳiddush (that you dare not taste anything before reciting the Ḳiddush, v. קִידּוּש). Ib. קָבְעָה להבדלה the exit of the Sabbath makes every meal an appointed one as regards the Habdalah (v. הַבְדָּלָה); a. fr. Pl. קִבֵּעַ to wedge in, set. Sabb.67b המְקַבַּעַת Rashi Var., v. בָּקַע.Part. pass. מְקוּבַּע; f. מְקוּבַּעַת. Num. R. s. 12 כעטרה הזאת שמק׳ באבניםוכ׳ like the royal crown which is beset with precious stones and pearls. Nif. נִקְבַּע to be appointed, established. Tosef.Hag.II, 11 נִקְבְּעָה הלכה כדבריוכ׳ the law was established (by vote) in accordance with the opinion of ; (Bets.20b וקבעווכ׳). Y.Yoma V, beg.42b שאין … נִקְבָּעִין אלאוכ׳ congregational sacrifices are designated as such only by the act of slaughtering. Ḥall. IV, 11 שלא יִקָּבַע הדבר חובה that this usage may not become an established obligation; a. e.

    Jewish literature > קָבַע

См. также в других словарях:

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  • עובד עראי — עובד זמני, ממלא מקום {{}} …   אוצר עברית

  • Divine Providence — In theology, Divine Providence, or simply Providence, is the sovereignty, superintendence, or agency of God over events in people s lives and throughout history.EtymologyThis word comes from Latin providentia foresight, prudence , from pro ahead… …   Wikipedia

  • Divine providence (Judaism) — In Judaism, Divine Providence (Hebrew השגחה פרטית Hashgochoh Protis / Hashgachah Pratit, lit. Divine supervision of the individual) is discussed throughout Rabbinic literature, by the classical Jewish philosophers, and by the tradition of Jewish… …   Wikipedia

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