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  • 1 uretara botatze

    выброс в воду

    Euskal-errusiar hiztegi > uretara botatze

  • 2 uretara isurtze

    выброс в воду

    Euskal-errusiar hiztegi > uretara isurtze

  • 3 выброс в воду

    uretara isurtze; uretara botatze

    Русско-баскский словарь > выброс в воду

  • 4 bota

    iz. boot; i-i \bota eman give sb the boot; mendiko \botak mountain boots; zaldiz ibiltzeko \botaak riding boots
    1. (egotzi, jaurtiki)
    a. (oro.) to throw, toss, pitch, fling, cast; e-r uretara \bota to throw sth into the water; bekaturik ez duena \bota diezaiola lehenengo harria let he who is without sin cast the first stone
    b. (txanpona) to toss
    c. (aingura) to weigh
    d. (dadoa) to throw, cast
    a. (ardoa, ura, e.a. zerbitzatu) to pour, pour out; aizu, \bota sagardo gehiago! hey, pour me some more cider!
    b. (izerdia) to pour out; izerdia \bota behar da you have to sweat
    c. malkoak \bota zituen (s)he shed tears
    a. Sukal. to add (- ra: to)
    b. sutara ikatza \bota to put coal on the fire
    a. (etxea) to tear down, demolish, pull down
    b. tiroz \bota nuen I gunned him down
    a. (p.) to throw out, chuck out Lagunart., turf Argot., eject formala. ; etxetik \bota zuen he threw him out of the house; bere burua leihotik \bota eta hil zen he threw himself out of the window and killed himself
    b. (langilea, enplegatua) to fire, dismiss
    d. (kargutik) to throw out (- tik: of), oust (- tik: from)
    f. (zabor,e.a.) to throw out, throw away;
    g. (alferrik galdu) to throw away, waste; hori dirua \botaa da that's wasting money!; hori dirua \botatzea da that's throwing money away
    h. (amak umea, nahi gabe) to miscarry i. (urdailetik) to throw up, vomit; gibelak ahotik \bota zuen he threw his guts up
    6. (erion, jario)
    a. (kea) to belch out, give off
    b. (gasa) to give off, give out, emit
    a. (bertsoa) to come out with, come up with; Manukortak Lazkao Txikiri \bota zion bertso hau Manukorta come up with this verse for Lazkao Txiki
    b. zer edo zer galdetuko al dizut? \emdash \bota! can I ask you some-thing? \emdash shoot! ; hitzgorri galantak \bota zituen he let out some hair-curling cuss words; ez, nireak eta asto beltzarenak \bota gabe not without my giving him a piece of my mind
    8. (igaro, eman) to spend, have; egun zoragarria \bota genuen Lekeition we spent a wonderful day in Lekeitio
    a. (kimu berri) to sprout, put forth
    b. (sustrai) sustraiak \bota to take root
    10. Met. bihar elur gehiago \botako du it'll snow some more tomorrow; goiak \bota ahala \botako du it'll rain like crazy
    11. (erdarakadak) puzkerra \bota\\\bota to fart; i-i errua \bota to blame sb
    12. (-tzat hartu) onera \bota to take... to be good; txarrera \bota to take... to be bad Oharra: bota duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., faltan bota aurkitzeko, bila ezazu falta adieran io. Argot.
    1. to throw o.s., jump
    2. (uretara) to dive, jump
    Jakingarria: Norbaiti zerbait botatzen badiozu, kalte egin nahian, to throw at esan behar da. Norbaiti zer edo zer botatzen badiozu harrapa dezan, to throw to esaten da.
    iz. (I) Kir. serve du/ad. Kir. to serve

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bota

  • 5 ur

    iz. [ -r- ]
    a. water; \ura bildu to dam up; e-i \ura kendu i. to dehydrate sth ii. to drain water out of sth; \ura nahi nuke I'd like some water; \uretan dago he's in the water; \ur epeletan dago he's in warm water; \uretara erori zen she fell into the water; \ura sartu zait I'm wet through; txalupa \uraren azalean ikusi zuenean when he saw the boat on the surface of the water
    b. ( io., il.) dirakien \ura boiling water; edateko \ura drinking water; hondakin-\ura sewage water; itsasoko \ura sea water; Kolonia-\ura cologne | eau de Cologne; Vichy-ko \ur Vichy water; \ur alfer still water; \ur bedeinkatu holy water; \ur bigun soft water; \ur destilatua distilled water; \ur eztia sweet water; \ur gazi salt water; \ur gogor hard water; \ur gordin hard water \ur geza fresh water; \ur gorri rust water, \ur lasterrak rapids; \ur leihar crystal-clear water; \ur minerala mineral water; \ur oxigenatu oxigenated water; \ur txikia shallow water; \ur zilar crystal-clear water
    c. (+ aditza) \uretara bota to throw sth into the water
    d. (esa.) ez \ur ez ardo neither fish nor fowl; \ur beroz errea, hotzaren {beldur || lotsa} (atsot.) once bitten, twice shy (atsot.) ; \ur bizietako mutila da he's a lively boy | he's a live wire; \ur eta su datoz gariak the wheat is coming up strong; \ur gaiztoan dago he has ill intentions; \ur handiko arrainak big fish Lagunart. | fat cats Lagunart. | hot shots Argot. ; \ur handitan ibili to live it up; \ur onean dago his intentions are good; \ura aireak edan du the water's evaporated \ura hartu i. Naut. to leak, take in water ii. Trenb. to take on water; \urra joanda eta presa egin to shut the barn door after the horse is out; \urak bide handiak egingo ditu a lot of water will pass under the bridge before then; \urak ez zaroaz (B) don't get carried away!; Aitaren \urk dauzka horrek (B) he looks like Father; \uraren gainean dago he's barely afloat | he's having problems; \urari erakutsi to rinse; e-i \ur-jo bat eman to rinse sth out; hizkuntza gaietan \urak bere bidera itzuli direnean when language questions settle down
    2. [ izenen aurrean ] water-, aquatic; \ur-arkakuso water flea
    3. \ur handi i. (I) ( ibaia) river ii. ( ur sakona) deep water; \ur handietara joan zen igeri jakin gabe she got into deep water without knowing how to swim
    4. (B) \ur behera low tide; \ur gora high tide
    5. \urak [ izen plurala ]
    a. waters; Namibiako \uretan in Namibian waters; lurraldeko \urak territorial waters
    b. Urumeako \uretan in the waters of the Urumea
    c. \ur {biziak || erreak} rough water; \ur {geldiak || hilak} i. still water ii. ( itsas behera) low tide, ebb tide; \ur zikinak sewage
    a. ( fruituei d.) juice; limoi-\ura lemon juice; -(r)i \ura kendu to squeeze juice out of sth
    b. ( okelari d.) juice
    c. belar \ura infusion
    7. Med.
    a. watery blister
    b. \urak eta suak hartu to fester up

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ur

  • 6 dzanga egin

    1. ( murgildu) to dive; uretara \dzanga egin egin to dive into the water
    2. to gulp down

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > dzanga egin

  • 7 jauzi egin

    to jump, leap, bound; Carl Lewis-ek \jauzi egin ikaragarria egin zuen Carl Lewis made an tremendous jump; bat batean esnatu eta ohetik jauzi egin nuen I suddenly woke up and jumped out of bed; uretara \jauzi egin zuen she jumped into the water; zaldiaren gainera \jauzi egin egin zuen he {jumped || hopped} on his horse

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jauzi egin

  • 8 sare

    a. Naut. net ; bolanta-\sarea drift net; \sarea uretara bota to cast the net into the water
    b. Kir. net
    2. ( h.g. burdin\sarea) grating
    3. Nekaz.
    b. ( aska) manger, trough
    4. web
    a. network; kutxazain automatikoen \sarea network of ATMs
    b. Inform. net, network; \sare lokala local network
    6. (irud.) trap, trick; \sarean sartu nahi zituen he wanted to ensnare them; azkenean erori zen mafiaren \sareetan finally he fell into the clutches of the mafia io.
    1. ( kortxoa) porous
    2. thin, transparent

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > sare

См. также в других словарях:

  • Katikati — (population 3,579 at 2006 census) is a town located on the Uretara Stream near the tidal inlet opened by Matakana Island in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. The nearest city is Tauranga, which is 40 kilometres to the southeast. Katikati lies 28… …   Wikipedia

  • Katikati — Katikati …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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