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  • 1 gehitu

    1. to add (- (r)i: to) ; ezin diot esanari ezer \gehitu I can't add anything to what's been said
    a. to increase; 50.000 euro \gehitu zuten saria they increased the prize by 50,000 euros
    b. ( soldata) to raise, increase; soldata gehitzea eskatu zuten they asked for a raise in salary
    3. ( aniztu) to multiply da/ad. to increase; zorrak \gehituz doaz debts are piling up

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gehitu

  • 2 gehitu

    añadir, aumentar

    Glosario Euskera Español > gehitu

  • 3 areagotu

    1. to intensify, grow
    a. to increase; horrek \areagotu\\\areagotuzion ondoeza that made his indisposition still worse
    b. ( ahaleginak) to redouble da/ad.
    1. to intensify
    2. to increase; zorigaitza \areagotu zitzaion her misfortune grew still worse

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > areagotu

  • 4 bota

    iz. boot; i-i \bota eman give sb the boot; mendiko \botak mountain boots; zaldiz ibiltzeko \botaak riding boots
    1. (egotzi, jaurtiki)
    a. (oro.) to throw, toss, pitch, fling, cast; e-r uretara \bota to throw sth into the water; bekaturik ez duena \bota diezaiola lehenengo harria let he who is without sin cast the first stone
    b. (txanpona) to toss
    c. (aingura) to weigh
    d. (dadoa) to throw, cast
    a. (ardoa, ura, e.a. zerbitzatu) to pour, pour out; aizu, \bota sagardo gehiago! hey, pour me some more cider!
    b. (izerdia) to pour out; izerdia \bota behar da you have to sweat
    c. malkoak \bota zituen (s)he shed tears
    a. Sukal. to add (- ra: to)
    b. sutara ikatza \bota to put coal on the fire
    a. (etxea) to tear down, demolish, pull down
    b. tiroz \bota nuen I gunned him down
    a. (p.) to throw out, chuck out Lagunart., turf Argot., eject formala. ; etxetik \bota zuen he threw him out of the house; bere burua leihotik \bota eta hil zen he threw himself out of the window and killed himself
    b. (langilea, enplegatua) to fire, dismiss
    d. (kargutik) to throw out (- tik: of), oust (- tik: from)
    f. (zabor,e.a.) to throw out, throw away;
    g. (alferrik galdu) to throw away, waste; hori dirua \botaa da that's wasting money!; hori dirua \botatzea da that's throwing money away
    h. (amak umea, nahi gabe) to miscarry i. (urdailetik) to throw up, vomit; gibelak ahotik \bota zuen he threw his guts up
    6. (erion, jario)
    a. (kea) to belch out, give off
    b. (gasa) to give off, give out, emit
    a. (bertsoa) to come out with, come up with; Manukortak Lazkao Txikiri \bota zion bertso hau Manukorta come up with this verse for Lazkao Txiki
    b. zer edo zer galdetuko al dizut? \emdash \bota! can I ask you some-thing? \emdash shoot! ; hitzgorri galantak \bota zituen he let out some hair-curling cuss words; ez, nireak eta asto beltzarenak \bota gabe not without my giving him a piece of my mind
    8. (igaro, eman) to spend, have; egun zoragarria \bota genuen Lekeition we spent a wonderful day in Lekeitio
    a. (kimu berri) to sprout, put forth
    b. (sustrai) sustraiak \bota to take root
    10. Met. bihar elur gehiago \botako du it'll snow some more tomorrow; goiak \bota ahala \botako du it'll rain like crazy
    11. (erdarakadak) puzkerra \bota\\\bota to fart; i-i errua \bota to blame sb
    12. (-tzat hartu) onera \bota to take... to be good; txarrera \bota to take... to be bad Oharra: bota duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., faltan bota aurkitzeko, bila ezazu falta adieran io. Argot.
    1. to throw o.s., jump
    2. (uretara) to dive, jump
    Jakingarria: Norbaiti zerbait botatzen badiozu, kalte egin nahian, to throw at esan behar da. Norbaiti zer edo zer botatzen badiozu harrapa dezan, to throw to esaten da.
    iz. (I) Kir. serve du/ad. Kir. to serve

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bota

  • 5 emendatu

    1. ( itzali) to put out, blow out ; argia \emendatu to put out the light
    2. (I) ( gehitu) to increase, augment; ehun euroz \emendatu zioten hileko saria his salary was increased by 100 euros a month; aberastasunak emendatzeko in order to increase his wealth
    3. ( beharrak, e.a.) to satisfy, fill, do for; ordua \emendatu to do for now; premiak \emendatu to {satisfy || meet}needs
    4. ( eztabaida, e.a.) to smooth over, calm
    5. ( itzali) to put out
    6. ( okerrak zuzendu) Arkaismoa. to amend, right da/ad.
    1. ( gehiagotu) to increase, grow; haien zuhurtza \emendatu da their wisdom grew
    2. ( ugaritu) to multiply, reproduce
    3. ( hedatu) to spread, extend

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > emendatu

  • 6 erantsi

    1. addition, add-on
    2. person added to a group io.
    1. adjoining, contiguous, abutting, adjacent
    2. added du/ad.
    a. to stick
    b. (irud.) to adhere
    a. to add, adjoin, join; Malta inperioari \erantsi zioten Malta was added to the empire; letra bat ez bakarra ere ez kendu eta ez \erantsiz neither adding nor taking away a single letter
    b. to annex
    c. Inform. to attach
    d. (irud.) to add, throw in ; liburuari bizi apurtxo bat \erantsi zion he added a bit of zest to the book
    3. ( kutsatu) to give, spread, infect
    4. to couple, join da/ad.
    1. to stick; janari-usaina \erantsi zait the smell of the food has stuck to me
    2. ( kutsatu) to spread (-(r)i: to) ; eria besoetan hartu eta berehala gaitza \erantsi zitzaion he took the sick man in his arms and soon afterwards came down with the disease

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > erantsi

  • 7 eratxiki

    1. to stick, adhere (- (r)i: to)
    2. ( eratorri) to derive (- (r)i: from) du/ad.
    a. to stick; hitz bati atzizki bat \eratxiki to stick a suffix onto a word
    b. (irud.) to adhere
    2. ( gehitu) to add, adjoin, join (- (r)i: to) ; Transvaal inperioari \eratxiki zioten Transvaal was added to the empire; Luzaidekook, Hego Euskal Herriari \eratxikiak izanik ere, Garazikoak gara we people from Luzaide, even though we're attached to the Southern Basque Country, are really from Donebane-Garazi; letra bat ez bakarra ere ez kendu eta ez \eratxikiz not adding nor taking away a single letter
    b. to annex
    c. (irud.) to add, throw in ; liburuari bizi apurtxo bat \eratxiki zion he added a bit of zest to the book
    3. ( errua, e.a.) to attribute, credit, ascribe (- (r)i: to)
    4. to couple, join
    5. (L) ( piztu, irazeki) to light

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > eratxiki

  • 8 gurendu

    a. to make... holy, sanctify
    b. to canonize
    2. ( gehitu) to increase da/ad. to grow, increase

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gurendu

  • 9 jarri

    1. ( oro.) to put, place; get; non \jarri duzu nire liburua? where did you put my book?; i-r hiltzeko arriskuan \jarri to place sb in mortal danger
    b. ( txapela, arropa) to put on
    c. ( mahaia) to lay, set
    d. ( dendako leihoa) to arrange, dress
    2. ( telebista, irratia) to turn on, switch on
    b. ( bideoa) to play
    3. ( erlojua) to set, adjust
    4. ( hitza, testua) to say; zer jartzen du horrek? what does that say?; paperean \jarri to set down on paper
    b. ( bertsoa) to set
    5. ( denda) to set up, open, establish
    6. ( dirua) to contribute, put up; nork \jarri zuen dirua? who put the money up?
    b. ( dema, apustua) to stake, place
    7. ( izena) to give; umeari Joanes \jarri zioten izena they give the child the name Joanes
    8. Tel. X Ykin \jarri to connect X with Y | to put X through to Y
    9. ( gehitu) to add, put on; zati berria makinari \jarri zioten they added a new piece to the machine
    10. barren guztia kiskaltzen \jarri dit I got all burnt up inside da/ad.
    1. to put o.s., place o.s.; Errezilen \jarri da bizitzen he settled down in Errezil
    2. ( + io., adb.) begira \jarri to stand there looking; zutik \jarri to stand up; zuri-zuri \jarri zaio aurpegia his face turned all white
    3. ( eseri, jazarri) to sit down, sit; \jarri ondo! sit up!; hortxe \jarrita dago she's sitting over there
    4. ( ohitu) to get used (- ra: t o) ; ongi \jarri behar zuen hango hizkerara he really had to get used to that local accent Oharra: jarri duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., oztopoak jarri aurkitzeko, bila ezazu oztopo adieran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jarri

  • 10 jo

    1. ( kolpea) hit
    2. Kir. shot; \jo laburra short shot; \jo luzea long shot; \jo luzeko pilotaria a jai-alai player with a long shot; \jo huts missed shot; zer \jo ederrak egiten zituen! what beautiful shots he made!
    3. (irud.)
    a. atearen \joa knocking at the door
    b. umearen \jo kicking (in the belly)
    c. bihotzaren \joa the beating of a heart | the heartbeat
    4. ( astoarena) heehaw io. worn out, exahausted du/ad.
    a. to hit, strike; Joanesek \jo nau! Joanes hit me!; \jotzera egin to attack | to charge
    b. ( ukabilaka) to punch, sock
    c. ( kolpatu) to pound, beat; dinbi-danba \jo to beat to a pulp
    d. i-r ostikoz \jo to kick sb
    e. ( atea) to knock
    f. ( garia) to thresh, thrash
    2. ( kaltetu, eraso, e.a.)
    a. Med. to strike; malariak \jo zuen he was struck down by malaria
    b. ( desegin, suntsitu) to deteriorate, devastate; sitsak \jotako arropa moth-eaten clothes; harrak \jotako sagarrak worm-infested apples | worm-eaten apples
    c. (irud.) zorigaitzak \jo zuen he was struck by bad luck
    d. (esa.) eleberriaren pasarte batek \jo ninduen begietan a passage in the novel caught my eye
    a. to hit, strike; horma \jo arte ez zen gelditu it didn't stop until it hit the wall; konortea galdurik lurra \jo zuen he hit the ground when he lost consciousness; tximistak \jo zuen he was struck by lightning
    b. ( gauza batez, tresna batez, e.a.) to strike; burdina \jo to strike iron; ezpataz \jo zuen he struck him with his sword; zuhaitza aizkoraz \jo to chop a tree (with an axe)
    c. (esa.) bihotzean \jo ninduen it hit me where it hurt; loak \jotzen nau I'm falling asleep; ihortziak \jo balu bezala as if struck by lightning
    a. ( inork musika tresna) to play; danborra \jo to {beat || play} the drum; txistua \jo to play the txistu flute
    b. ( inork musika) to play; Brasilgo musika \jo to play Brazilian music; Mozart-en sinfonia bat \jo to play a symphony of Mozart's
    c. ( ordulariari d.) to strike; ordu batak \jo du it's struck one ; hamabiak \jo zuten the clock struck twelve; goizeko bostak \jotzen ari zenean when it was striking five in the morning
    d. oilarrak \jo zuen the cock crowed
    e. ( soinu egin) to ring; kanpaiak \jo zuen the bell rang; txirrinak \jo zuen the bell {rang || buzzed}; telefonoak \jo zuen the phone rang
    a. to hit, reach; non \jo du lehenbizi itsasontzia honakoan? where did the ship stop at on its way here?
    b. ( xede, muga) to reach, hit
    c. (irud.) {lur || erreka} \jo to hit rock bottom; zurian \jo nuen I hit the target; hogei urte \jo ditu he's reached twenty
    6. ( ibili) to travel, go across; bazter asko \jo ditu he's {been || travelled} to many countries
    a. to head (- ra: for), make one's way ( -ra, aldera: to) ; itsasontziak Australiara \jo zuen the ship {sailed || headed} for Australia; Walensak goizeko 4 t'erdietan \jo zuen ontzioletara Mercedes auto batean eta bi bizkarzainek lagunduta Walesa headed for the shipyards at four thirty in the morning in a Mercedes, accompanied by two bodyguards; aurrera \jo baino lehen before going ahead; nondik \jo ez nekiela in which I didn't know where to turn; egun guztia \jo hona eta \jo hara spending the whole day going to and fro; \jo goiak \jo beheak going every which way
    b. ( leiho batek, e.a.) to look out on, face; leihoak hegoaldera \jotzen du the window faces south
    c. \jo horra eta \jo hara || \jo bat eta \jo beste || \jo Ondarro eta \jo Mutriku to go to and fro | to go from one place to another
    8. ( zer edo zer lortu, jakin, edo konpontzeko)
    a. ( p.) to turn to; larrialdietan gurasoengana \jotzen dut I turn to my parents in times of trouble ; poliziarengana \jo zuen he went to the police
    b. ( lana, hiztegia, telefonoa, liburua, e.a.) to refer to, consult; zenbait duda-muda argitzeko, hiztegi batera \jotzen dut to clear up some doubts, I refer to a dictionary
    c. ( auzitegia) to resort to, refer to, take recourse to; gora \jo to appeal
    d. to turn to, resort to; taldeak izubidera \jo zuen the group resorted to terrorism
    e. \jotzen duenak \jotzen duela whatever happens
    9. ( sexuari d.) larrua \jo hitz itsusia. to screw, fuck hitz itsusia.
    10. ( joera izan) to be inclined; edanera \jotzen du he tends to drink; horretara \jo dute ere euskaraz ari direnean they're inclined that way even when speaking Basque; nahiz eta elkarren berri ez jakin, nolabait helburu batera \jo zuten even though they did not know about each other, they tended towards the same goal
    11. ( kopuruei d.)
    a. to reckon, calculate, estimate; zenbat urte \jotzen dizkiozu maisuari? how old would you reckon the teacher to be?; zenbat balio duela \jotzen duzu? how much do you reckon it's worth?; behetik \jota conservatively estimated; gehienez \jota at most
    b. to boil down, come down (- ra: to) ; badago liburu guztiak bitara \jotzerik all of the books can reduced to two volumes
    c. sariak miloiraino \jotzen du the prize amounts up to a million
    12. Met.
    a. to blow; haizeak \jotzen du the wind is blowing; bihar haizeak ere hotz \joko du, iparraldetik etorriko baita tomorrow there will be a cold wind blowing as it will be coming from the north
    b. hemen eguzkiak \jotzen du the sun beats down here
    13. ( gehitu) to add; \jo ezazu hau lehengo zerrendara add this to the list
    14. ( eman, suposatu) to assume, suppose; \jo dezagun hori egia dela let's {assume || suppose} that's true
    15. -tzat \jo to consider as, take for; galdutzat \jo behar dut borroka hau I should consider this fight a losing proposition; mirarigarritzat \jo zuten they considered it miraculous
    16. ( ekin) to get to, take to; lanari \jo zion he got down to work
    17. (+ eta) \jo eta ke busily, actively, up a storm; lanean ari dira \jo eta ke they've working up a storm | they're working like the dickens; \jo eta \jo ari dira they're having at
    18. \jota dago (s)he's exhausted

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > jo

  • 11 joan

    [from *e-oa-n] iz.
    1. passage, course; denboraren \joana gelditzeko in order to stem the passage of time
    2. balea bueltaka zebilen, \joan eta etorrian the whale flipped around back and forth du/ad. (I) (NG) ( eroan, eraman)
    1. to take
    2. ( kendu) to take away; ohoinek \joan zizkigun ondasunak thieves took our possessions io. aldi \joanetako euskaldunak Basques from bygone times da/ad.
    a. ( oro.) to go; Aiara joaten naiz I go to Aia; Aiara noa I'm going to Aia; \joan Amaiarengana! go over to Amaia!
    b. ( oinez) to walk, go
    c. ( autoz) to drive, go; gero Getariara \joan ginen (kotxean) then we drove to Getaria
    d. ( trenez) to go, travel
    e. ( hegazkinez) to go, fly, travel
    f. ( zaldiz, txirrinduz) to go, ride
    g. ( nola adieraziz) Oriora \joan zen igerika he swam to Orio; Azkoitiara \joan zen {lasterka || atxitxinketan || korrika} she ran to Azkoitia h. ( leku jakin batera) eskolara \\ elizara \\ mezatara \\ ohera \joan to go to school \\ church \\ Mass \\ bed; etxera \joan to go home
    2. ( jarraitu, aurreratu) zer moduz doaz gauzak? how are things going?; gauzak gaizki doaz things are going badly; gaixoa gaizki doa the patient is better | the patient is {getting || coming} along nicely
    a. ( iragan, igaro, pasa) to go by; urteak \joan, urteak etorri as time goes by; \joan zen astean \\ hilean last week \\ month; hola dihoakigu bizia, isilik eta ohartzeke that's how life goes, stealthily and without warning
    b. ( zendu, desagertu) to go away; Henry Fonda ere \joan zaigu Henry Fonda has also passed away | Henry Fonda has also departed from us; haurtzaroa \joan zaigu behin betirako our childhood is gone forever
    4. ( abiatu, alde egin)
    a. to go away, leave, depart; joateko ordua da it's time to go; \joan! go away!, \joan, ba! off with you!; goazen! let's go! ; noan etxera, garaia da 'ta I'll be off now, it's already time
    b. (esa.) \joan eta bila! found out for yourself!
    5. ( sartu) to become, join; soldadu \joan zen he become a soldier | he joined the army
    6. ( egon) [ zaio ]
    a. ( arropa) to fit; soinekoa ongi dihoakizu the dress fits you well
    b. ( atxiki) saria bihoakio Amaiari the prize should go to Amaia; herriari dihoazkion arazoetan in matters corresponding to the town; ez dihoakit niri nor izanen den erabakitzea it is not up to me to decide who it will be
    a. (+ -tuz) euskaldunen kopurua gehituz doa the number of Basque-speakers is gradually increasing
    b. (+ -tzen) zorrak gehitu ahala dirua urritzen zihoakigun our money was decreasing in proportion to how much debts were increasing
    8. (+ -tzera) to be going to; ezkontzera doazela iragarri dute they have announced that they are going to get married Oharra: joan duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., pikotara aurkitzeko, bila ezazu pikota adieran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > joan

  • 12 txertatu

    [from Lat. "insertare"] du/ad.
    1. Nekaz. to graft (- (r)i: to)
    2. Med. to vaccinate
    a. to insert, put in
    b. (H. Jak.)
    c. (irud.) to embed, ingrain
    a. ( gehitu) to add (- (r)i: to)
    b. (Inp.) to insert

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > txertatu

  • 13 ugaldu

    a. ( aniztu, ugaritu) to increase, multiply, grow; irabaziak ugaltzeko in order to increase earnings
    b. ( animaliak, e.a.) to reproduce, multiply
    2. ( gehitu) to increase, boost da/ad.
    a. ( aniztu) to increase, multiply, grow; asko \ugaldu dira tabernak bars have increased a lot
    b. ( animaliak, e.a.) to reproduce, multiply
    a. to increase, expand
    b. ( haizea) to grow stronger

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ugaldu

  • 14 zama

    [from Lat. "sagma"] iz.
    a. load, burden; \zama {atera || kendu} to unload ; \zama handi {great || heavy} load; \zama areagotu to increase the load; \zama arindu to lighten the load; \zama gehitu to increase the load; belar \zama load of grass; \zamak jota egon i. to be overloaded ii. (irud.) to be overloaded
    b. (irud.) burden; \zamarik nekeena urteena time is the greatest burden ; gizon zuriaren \zama the white man's burden; eta Abraham Lincolnek ere zera esan zuen behin: "Bizkarrean gau eta egun daramadan \zama beldurgarri honekin, barre egingo ez banu hil egingo nintzateke" and Lincoln once said, "With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die"; hanbait urtetan gordean eraman dugan \zama hori jaurtirik having thrown off that burden that we had been bearing for so many years
    a. ( fardela) bale; artile \zama bale of wool; \zama askatu to unbale
    b. ( azaoa) sheaf
    c. ( paperezkoa) bundle
    3. (B) (: Nekaz.) transport sledge
    4. (B) ( egurrari d.) whiteness

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zama

См. также в других словарях:

  • Gehitu — es una asociación sin ánimo de lucro de lesbianas, gays, transexuales y bisexuales centrada en el País Vasco, independiente, plural y democrática, inscrita legalmente, que colabora con las instituciones públicas y con otras ONGs en la gestión de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Prix Sebastiane — Le Prix Sebastiane est un prix decerné au film ou au documentaire projecté lors du Festival de Saint Sébastien qui reflète au mieux les valeurs et la realité des lesbiennes, gays, transexuels et bisexuels[1]. La sélection du film primé a lieu… …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Certificado Bai Euskarari — El certificado Bai Euskarari ( Sí al euskera ) es una distinción creada en junio de 2000 que acredita la normalización del euskera en el ámbito laboral. Esta promocionado por Euskara Kontseilua. El ámbito de actuación es el territorio cultural de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Homosexualidad en España — En España las referencias a la homosexualidad datan desde la antigüedad romana hasta nuestros días. La homosexualidad en España no ha tenido un tratamiento unif …   Wikipedia Español

  • FELGTB — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Federación Estatal de Lesbianas, Gays, Transexuales y Bisexuales es una de las principales asociaciones LGBT de España. Desde 1997 hasta 2003 estuvo presidida por Pedro Zerolo, y desde 2003 hasta 2007 (periodo en… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Vicky Cristina Barcelona — Título Vicky Cristina Barcelona Ficha técnica Dirección Woody Allen Guion Woody Allen Fotografía …   Wikipedia Español

  • Íñigo Lamarca — Iñigo Lamarca Iturbe (San Sebastián, 13 de julio de 1959) es el actual ararteko (defensor del pueblo) del País Vasco. Fue profesor de Derecho Constitucional de la Universidad del País Vasco de 1984 a 1994. Está especializado en temas de derecho… …   Wikipedia Español

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