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  • 1 zilarrezko txanpona

    moneda de plata

    Glosario Euskera Español > zilarrezko txanpona

  • 2 atera

    du/ad. [from ate (door) + -ra]
    1. ( oro.)
    a. to take out ( -tik: of) ; giltzak sakeletik \atera zituen he took the keys out of his pocket ; txakurra kanpora \atera zuen he took the dog outside
    b. to get out, take out ( -tik: of) ; txanpona kaxatik \atera zuen she {took || got} the coin out of the box ; txanpona kaxatik \atera zuen she {took || got} the coin out of the box
    c. ( tinko den zerbait, e.a. hortz) to pull out, draw out ( -tik: of)
    d. ( begi) to take out, pluck out
    e. ( p.) to take out ; paseatzera \atera to take sb out for a walk; i-r espetxetik \atera i. to get sb out of prison ii. ( ihes eginez) to spring sb from prison; harrika \atera dute herritik they' ll stone him out of town
    f. Kim. to extract
    g. ( arma) to draw ( -tik: from) ; ezpata \atera to draw one' s sword
    h. Fin. ( bankutik) to withdraw ( -tik: from)
    i. ( ezabatu) kendu, borratu
    j. ( arnasa) to take ( -tik: from)
    k. argitara \atera to expose to light
    2. (irud.)
    a. to get out ( -tik: of) ; datuak liburu askotatik \ateratakoak dira the information is gleaned from many books ; hitzik ere ez du \atera he didn' t {utter || say} a word; i-r bere onetik \atera to get on sb' s nerves; nondik \atera duzu ideia hori? where did you get that idea from?
    3. ( zikindura, tinta gune, e.a.) to get out ( -tik: of), remove ( -tik: from)
    4. ( soldadu, ordezkari) to withdraw
    5. (Josk.) ( janzki) to let out
    a. to get; harena behar du beti \atera he' s always got to get his way ; pobreek nekez \ateratzen dute beren bizia the poor struggle to {get by || make ends meet}
    b. ( dirua) to make, get
    c. ( titulua, ikastagiria) to get, earn
    7. ( gorputzatala) mingaina \atera to stick one' s tongue out; mingaina \atera zidan she stuck her tongue out at me
    a. ( soluziobide) to reach, obtain, get
    b. ( ondorioa) to draw; ondorioa \atera to draw conclusions |to reach a conclusion; hori \atera dezakegu ikusten dugunetik that we can infer from what we see
    a. ( produktu) to produce, make
    b. ( modelu berri bat) to come out with
    c. ( kanta, abesti) to make up, compose
    d. ( moda berri bat) to create
    e. Leg. to come out with; horren kontrako lege bat \atera zuten they came out with a law against that
    a. ( argazkia) to take; argazki bat \atera nahi zigun he wanted to take a picture of us
    b. ( kopia) to make, have made
    a. ( sari, loteria) to get, receive; horrela ez duzu ezer \aterako you won' t get anything that way; urtean enpresa honek 2.000.000 dolarretako mozkina \ateratzen du that company makes a profit of 2,000,000 dollars a year
    a. ( bete) to keep, fulfill, comply with; emandako hitzak \atera behar dira promises must be kept
    b. ( zorrak) to pay up, liquidate
    c. ( bekatu) to atone for
    13. ( frogatu) to prove, demonstrate; lana izango du bere errugabetasuna \ateratzeko it' ll be hard for him to prove his innocence | he' s got his work cut out to prove his innocence
    14. ( albiste) to let it be known ; {hil dela || hil delakoa || hil delako } \atera dute word' s gone out that he' s died
    15. Kir. ( pilota, baloi)
    a. ( tenis) to serve
    b. ( futbola) to throw in
    a. ( hartu) \atera gehiago help yourself to some more
    b. aizak, \atera beste hiru gorri waiter, we' ll have another three ros—s
    17. (Pol.) to elect, have elected da/ad.
    1. ( p.)
    a. to come out, go out; kalera \atera ginen we went out; ez \atera ez egon zen she couldn' t make up her mind whether to go out or not; nondik \atera zara? where did you {come || pop up} from?; zinetik \ateratzean ikusi genuen {on leaving the cinema || when we were coming out of the cinema} we saw her; hemendik \ateratzean egingo dugu we' ll do it on the way out of here; etxetik gehiago \atera behar genuke we should get out of the house some more ; noiz \atera zen espetxetik? when did he get out of prison?
    b. ( agertu) to appear, emerge
    c. (irud.) bizirik \atera to survive, come out alive; istripuan soilik bera \atera zen bizirik only he survived the accident; larrialditik \atera to get out of a {jam || fix}; komatik \atera to emerge from a coma | to come out of a coma; ez da bere eleetatik \ateratzen he' s sticking to his {guns || story}; mahaiburuaren kargutik \ateratzekoa da aurten he' s giving up the chairmanship this year
    2. ( gauzak b.b.)
    a. ( oro.) to come out ( -tik: of) ; ura hemendik \ateratzen da water comes out here
    b. ( ageri) to emerge, appear ; pikortak aurpegian \atera zitzaizkion pimples {broke out || appeared} on his face
    c. ( landare) to appear, come up
    d. ( aldizkari) to come out, appear
    e. Astron. to rise, come up
    f. ( eguzki) to come out, come up
    g. ( kale, karrika) to lead ( -ra: to) ; kale hori enparantzara \ateratzen da that street leads to the square
    h. ( etorri) to come out ( -tik: from), come ( -tik: from) ; ardoa mahatsetatik \ateratzen da wine comes from grapes
    i. ( hortz) haurrari hortz bat \atera zaio the child cut a tooth
    j. ( eraztun kendu, e.a.) to come off, slip off; eraztuna hatzetik \atera zait my ring has {slipped || come} off my finger; zapata \aterata daukazu your shoe' s {come || slipped} off
    k. ( albiste) to come out ; berri hori atzoko egunkarian \atera zen that piece of news came out in the paper yesterday
    l. (irud.) aurpegiari bozkarioa \atera zitzaion joy showed on her face
    3. ( ondorio izan; suertatu)
    a. to turn out; to be, prove, turn out to be ; ez zaio ongi \atera it didn' t work out for him very well; ehiztari \atera zen he turned out to be a hunter
    b. ( arrakasta) to turn out; garaile \atera ziren they turned out to be the victor ; azterketa ondo \atera zitzaion he did well on the test |he aced the test (USA) Lagunart.
    c. ( porrot egin) to come out; asmoa gaizki \atera zitzaien the scheme misfired | the plan went wrong on them
    d. ( prezio) to cost; oso garestia \aterako zaizu this is going to cost you | this is going to run into a lot of money
    a. ( p.) to leave, depart ( -tik: from) ; zortzietan hiritik \atera ziren they left the city at eight o' clock
    b. ( autobusa, trena) to leave, depart ( -tik: from)
    c. Naut. ( itsasontzia) to sail
    5. i-kin \atera to go out with, date; 3 urte dira \ateratzen direla they have been going out for three years
    6. ( bide) to lead ; nora \ateratzen da bide hau? where does this road lead to? ; Kale Nagusira \ateratzen da it leads to {Main Street (USA) || High Street (GB) }
    7. ( esankizun) to come out; eta orain honekin \atera da and now he comes out with this; esan ba! — ez zait \ateratzen! say it! — I just can' t!
    8. ( balkoi, leiho bat, e.a.) to jut out, project
    a. Tek. to become disconnected
    b. Trenb. trenbidetik \atera to leave the rails | to jump the track
    10. ( jokoetan, e.a.)
    a. ( xakejokoan) to have the first move
    b. Kartak. to lead; batekoarekin \atera to lead with an ace
    c. Kir. to start
    11. Inform. to exit, quit
    12. Antz. to come on, enter; harakin bezala jantzita \ateratzen da he comes on dressed as a butcher Oharra: atera duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila ezazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., argazkiak atera aurkitzeko, bila ezazu argazki sarreran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atera

  • 3 bota

    iz. boot; i-i \bota eman give sb the boot; mendiko \botak mountain boots; zaldiz ibiltzeko \botaak riding boots
    1. (egotzi, jaurtiki)
    a. (oro.) to throw, toss, pitch, fling, cast; e-r uretara \bota to throw sth into the water; bekaturik ez duena \bota diezaiola lehenengo harria let he who is without sin cast the first stone
    b. (txanpona) to toss
    c. (aingura) to weigh
    d. (dadoa) to throw, cast
    a. (ardoa, ura, e.a. zerbitzatu) to pour, pour out; aizu, \bota sagardo gehiago! hey, pour me some more cider!
    b. (izerdia) to pour out; izerdia \bota behar da you have to sweat
    c. malkoak \bota zituen (s)he shed tears
    a. Sukal. to add (- ra: to)
    b. sutara ikatza \bota to put coal on the fire
    a. (etxea) to tear down, demolish, pull down
    b. tiroz \bota nuen I gunned him down
    a. (p.) to throw out, chuck out Lagunart., turf Argot., eject formala. ; etxetik \bota zuen he threw him out of the house; bere burua leihotik \bota eta hil zen he threw himself out of the window and killed himself
    b. (langilea, enplegatua) to fire, dismiss
    d. (kargutik) to throw out (- tik: of), oust (- tik: from)
    f. (zabor,e.a.) to throw out, throw away;
    g. (alferrik galdu) to throw away, waste; hori dirua \botaa da that's wasting money!; hori dirua \botatzea da that's throwing money away
    h. (amak umea, nahi gabe) to miscarry i. (urdailetik) to throw up, vomit; gibelak ahotik \bota zuen he threw his guts up
    6. (erion, jario)
    a. (kea) to belch out, give off
    b. (gasa) to give off, give out, emit
    a. (bertsoa) to come out with, come up with; Manukortak Lazkao Txikiri \bota zion bertso hau Manukorta come up with this verse for Lazkao Txiki
    b. zer edo zer galdetuko al dizut? \emdash \bota! can I ask you some-thing? \emdash shoot! ; hitzgorri galantak \bota zituen he let out some hair-curling cuss words; ez, nireak eta asto beltzarenak \bota gabe not without my giving him a piece of my mind
    8. (igaro, eman) to spend, have; egun zoragarria \bota genuen Lekeition we spent a wonderful day in Lekeitio
    a. (kimu berri) to sprout, put forth
    b. (sustrai) sustraiak \bota to take root
    10. Met. bihar elur gehiago \botako du it'll snow some more tomorrow; goiak \bota ahala \botako du it'll rain like crazy
    11. (erdarakadak) puzkerra \bota\\\bota to fart; i-i errua \bota to blame sb
    12. (-tzat hartu) onera \bota to take... to be good; txarrera \bota to take... to be bad Oharra: bota duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., faltan bota aurkitzeko, bila ezazu falta adieran io. Argot.
    1. to throw o.s., jump
    2. (uretara) to dive, jump
    Jakingarria: Norbaiti zerbait botatzen badiozu, kalte egin nahian, to throw at esan behar da. Norbaiti zer edo zer botatzen badiozu harrapa dezan, to throw to esaten da.
    iz. (I) Kir. serve du/ad. Kir. to serve

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bota

  • 4 faltsu

    [from Lat. "falsu"] io.
    a. ( oro.) false; jainko \faltsu false god
    b. ( txanpona, dirutxartela, seilua) counterfeit, fake, forged
    c. ( margozkia, pintura) fake, bogus
    d. ( adierazpena) false
    e. ( froga) false, untrue
    f. ( harribitxia) imitation
    a. ( p.: tolesduna) insincere, hollow; gizon \faltsua eta gezurtia an insincere and deceitful man
    b. ( adiskidea) false, treacherous
    c. ( irria) false, artificial, feigned, affected, unnatural
    d. ( hitza) false, insincere

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > faltsu

  • 5 hartu

    a. to take, get; har ezazu zor dizudana take what I owe you; neskari eskua \hartu zion she took the girl's hand; besoetan hartu zuen he took her into his arms
    b. (irud.) to get, acquire; loak \hartu ninduen I fell asleep
    a. ( erdietsi) to get, acquire; gauean liburuak irakurtzeko \hartu dut I've got into the habit of reading books at night
    b. ( jaso) to get, pick up; txanpona erori zaizu, har ezazu! you've dropped the coin, get it!
    a. ( gutuna, e.a.) to receive, get
    b. (mina, kaltea) to get; teilatutik erori da eta min hartu du he fell off the roof and got hurt
    c. ( irratia, e.a.) to receive, pick up
    a. ( harrera egin) to take to, receive; ez naute ongi \hartu I haven't taken to them; ez dute gure proposamena ongi \hartu they didn't take to our proposal | our proposal wasn't well received; emaitza gaizki \hartu zuen she didn't take the result very well
    b. to receive; etxe pobre batean \hartu zuten he was received into a poor house
    a. Mil. to take, capture; 1.940an Danimarka oso-osorik \hartu zuten they complely took over Denmark in 1940
    b. ( lantokia, unibertsitatea) to occupy
    c. ( eraikina) to take, seize
    d. (irud.) minbiziak birika \hartu dio cancer has taken hold of his lung
    6. ( edaria, janaria) to have; zer hartuko duzu? what will you have?
    a. ( trena, autobusa, igogailua) to take, catch; ozta-otza hartu zuen autobusa she just barely caught the bus
    b. ( kalea, lasterbidea) to take
    a. ( tenperatura, e.a.) to take
    b. ( apunteak) to take
    c. ( argazkia) to take
    a. ( neurriak) to take, adopt
    b. ( ohiturak) to acquire
    a. ( eraman) to carry; bizkarrean \hartua eraman nuen etxera I carried her on my back home
    b. (irud.) gaur ezin dut, oso \hartua nago eta I can't today as I am very busy
    11. ( ulertu) to understand, get; hartzen al duzu? do you get it?
    12. ( landareek) to take root
    13. to occupy, take up; sofak leku asko hartzen du the sofa takes up a lot of room
    14. ( eduki) hold; ontzi honek 15 litro hartzen ditu this container holds 15 {liters (USA) || litres (GB) }
    15. -tzat \hartu to consider, take for; lapurtzat hartzen dute he is considered to be a thief, they take him for a thief
    16. ( alderatu) i-ra \hartu to veer towards somewhere; ezkerretara \hartu du he's taken a left Oharra: hartu duten esaerak aurkitzeko, bila itzazu izenaren, adjektiboaren eta abarren adieran, adib., eguzki hartu aurkitzeko, bila ezazu eguzki adieran

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > hartu

  • 6 lauko

    1. foursome
    2. ( metrika) four verse stanza; \lauko handi quartet
    3. Sukal. four pound bread; makinatxo bat izerdi, \laukoa irabazteko so much toil for a scrap of bread
    4. ( txanpona) farthing il.
    1. of four
    2. Kartak. \lauko ezpata four of swords

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > lauko

  • 7 potolo

    1. ( haurren jolas batean, hurrak, e.a botatzen den zulotxoa) little hole
    2. ( txanpona) Lagunart.
    a. 2 euro coin
    b. Zah. 100 peseta coin io. chubby, plump

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > potolo

  • 8 sartu

    io. ( begia) sunken du/ad.
    1. ( oro.)
    a. ( barruan jarri, e.a.) to put (- (e)an: in)
    b. ( makila zuloan, e.a.) to stick in; labana \sartu zion he stuck a knife in him
    c. ( txanpona, e.a.) to put (- (e)an: in), insert, introduce (- (e)an: —)
    d. Sukal. ( osagaia) to add (- (e)an: to)
    e. (l andareak) to plant
    2. Kir. ( gola) to score ( -(r)i: against)
    3. Fin.
    a. ( burtsan, e.a.) to invest; diru asko \sartu dute taberna berri hartan they've put a lot of money into that new bar
    b. ( kontuan) to deposit
    4. ( p.) to involve, get mixed up, implicate; nork \sartu zintuen afera honetan who got you mixed up in this affair?
    5. ( ideia, e.a.) to ram down; "erregio" hitz sartu nahiz ari zaizkigu kazetari batzuk some journalists are trying to ram the word "erregio" down our throats
    6. ( barne) to include; 100 gizon, mutilak \sartu gabe 100 men, not including the boys da/ad..
    a. to get (- (e)an: into) ; autoan \sartu to get into the car; eskolara sartu eta berehala ikusi nituen I went into the school and immediately I saw them
    b. ( ibiliz) to go (- ra: into), enter ( -ra: —) ; gelara \sartu ziren they went into the room | they entered the room; korrika \sartu ziren they ran in; zalapartaka \sartu ziren they rushed in; danbaka \sartu ziren they burst in; parrastaka \sartu ziren they flooded in; hegan \sartu ziren they flew in
    c. erdaratik \sartu diren hitzak words which have entered the language through {Spanish || French}
    2. zerbait buruan sartzen zaizunean, akabo once you've got something in your head, that's it
    3. Geog. to empty (-- ra: into) ; ibaia itsasoan sartzen da the river empties into the sea
    4. ( p.) baina non \sartu da hura? where has he disappeared to?
    5. ( eguzkia) to set, go down
    6. ( eskua sartu, e.a.) to get involved
    a. to become; morroi \sartu zen he became a farm hand; apaiz \sartu zen he became a priest
    b. politikan \sartu zen she went into politics

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > sartu

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