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  • 1 adin

    iz. [cf. Aquit. "adin(n)-" in "Dannadinnis", cf. Iber. "adin", an external coincidence]
    1. ( p.)
    a. age; zer \adin duzu? what's your age? | what age are you?; \adin berekoak dira they're of the same age; \adinez nagusi adult | of adult age; \adinez txiki minor ;\adinez txikiko minor | underage
    b. ( bizidunei d.) age; edozein \adinetako zakurrentzat for dogs of any age; haritz horren \adina the age of that oak unibertsoaren \adin the age of the university
    c. nire \adinekoa da i. ( kanta, e.a.) it's from my time ii. ( p.) (s)he's my age
    a. ( bizi-aldiari d.) year, age; gizon gazte hura \adinaren lorean hil zen that young man died in the flower of his youth; \adinean sartua da (s)he's up in {his || her} years ; \adinetara heldua up there in years; \adinetan iragana up in {his || her} years; \adinekoa da (s)he's elderly | (s)he's up in years
    b. ( bizia banatzen den zati bakoitza) hirugarren \adinekoak the elderly | senior citizens ; \adin gordin robust age; \adin handiko aged | of great age; \adin nagusi legal age; \adin oneko adult | full-grown; \adin txikiko minor
    3. ( adimena) reason; \adinera iritsi to reach the age of reason
    4. Geog. age

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > adin

  • 2 argitu

    io. illustrious; mende honetako gizon \argituenetarik bat one of the most illustrious men of this century du/a.
    a. to shine; eguzkiak argitzen du mundua the sun {shines on || illuminates} the world
    b. to shine; zuzi horrek gutxi argitzen du that torch gives off little light
    c. ( argi elektrikoa) to illuminate, light up
    d. (irud.) emazte onak etxea argitzen du a good wife lights up a home
    2. (irud.)
    a. to enlighten, illuminate; adimena argitzen duen argia light which {enlightens || illuminates} the mind; argi nazazu nahasmenduan enlighten me in my confusion; argi iezadazu bidea light the way for me
    b. ( azaldu) to elucidate, explain, make clear; hark \argitu zizkigun arazoaren gora-behera guztiak he explain-ed every aspect of the matter to us; ulertzen ez dena argitzeko in order to explain what is not understood; amets egin dut eta ez da inor argi diezadakeenik I' ve had a dream and there' s no one who can {explain it to me|| interpret it for me}
    c. to shed light on, clear up; misterio hori \argitu nahiz wishing to shed light on that mystery; punturik ilunetako, eta \argitu beharrenetako bat one of the darkest points that most needs to be {cleared up || illuminated}
    3. ( eguargi agertu) to shine; oraindik ez du \argitu the sun' s not out yet; argitzen duenean aterako gara we' ll go out when there' s light
    4. ( norbaitek itsuak) to give sight to; Jesusek argitzen zituen itsuak Jesus give the blind their sight
    5. ( argia igorri) to shine; zilarrezko ontziak eguzkiak bezala argitzen zuen the silver receptacle {shone || gleamed} like the sun ; ilargiak zerutik argitzen du ederki the moon is shining down radiantly from the sky
    6. ( alaitu) to brighten up, perk up; pattarrak triste daudenak argitzen omen ditu booze is said to perk up those in low spirits da/ad.
    1. ( argiago bihurtu) to grow light; ilea \argitu zaio her hair' s grown light
    2. to light up; eguzkiak argitzen du eta zerua argitzen da the sun shines and the sky lights up

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > argitu

  • 3 arrazoi

    iz. [from Rom. "razone"]
    1. reason, cause, grounds, motivation; \arrazoi gabekoa zen it was groundless; gobernuak hori erabakitzeko dituen \arrazoiak the reasons for the government to decide so; erabakiaren \arrazoiak emateko in order to give reasons for the decision
    2. ( adimena) reason; \arrazoiaz baliatuz using reason; \arrazoia galdu to lose one' s reason
    3. Mat. ratio

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > arrazoi

  • 4 atzeratu

    a. ( herria) backward, under-developed
    b. ( metodoa, e.a.) backward
    2. ( p., adimena) retarded
    3. ( aldizkariari d.) back; ale \atzeratua back issue du/ad.
    a. to postpone, put back; jaialdia \atzeratuegin dute the festival has been postponed
    b. to set back; gidariaren gaisoaldiak \atzeratu egin zuen ibilaldia the driver' s illness set the trip back
    c. ( uste edo behar baino denbora gehiago igaro) to set back, put back; bi urte \atzeratu zen lana bukatzeko the work was set back two years to finish it
    a. to hold back; haren zakartasunak atzeratzen nau joatetik his rudeness holds me back from going
    b. ( erloju) to put back, set back; erlojua \atzeratu egin du he' s set his watch back; erloju horrek hamar mintu atzeratzen ditu eguero that clock runs ten minutes behind every day
    a. to put back; ez oinik \atzeratu! don' t step back!
    b. ( bultzatuz) to push back; atzera itzazu aulki horiek! push those chairs back!; atzera ezazu aulkia scoot your chair back
    4. {\atzeraturik || \atzeratu(t)a} egon to be behind; \atzeratu(t)a dabil eskolan she' s behind in school; arlo horretan inguruko herriak baino \atzeratuagoak gabiltza in that field we' re running behind the neighbouring countries da/ad.
    1. ( berandu heldu) to {be || run} behind; lagun batekin suertatu eta \atzeratu egin naiz I {chanced upon || ran into} a friend and {got || fell} behind
    a. ( atzera egin) to withdraw; ibaiaz beste aldera \atzeratu ziren they withdrew to the other side of the river
    b. ( pauso bat atzera) to step back, take a step back; atzera zaitez apur bat step back a bit
    a. ( utzi) to stop, hold back; on egitetik \atzeratu to {stop || hold back from} doing good
    b. to quit; erabakia hartuz gero ez zen \atzeratu once he made the decision, he didn' t quit

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > atzeratu

  • 5 azkartu

    1. ( lasterragotu) to hurry up, speed up
    2. ( premiatu) to urge, press; azkar ezazu alfer handi hori liven up that big layabout! | put some life in that loafer! da/ad.
    1. ( p.)
    a. ( bizkortu) to hurry up; azkar zaitez, oraintxe itxaroten aspertzen naiz hurry up, right now I' m getting bored
    b. ( adimena ernatu) to smarten up, get smarter; asko \azkartu omen da eskolan he' s said to have smartened up quite a bit at school
    2. ( pausoak, e.a.) to accelerate, quicken, grow quicker

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > azkartu

  • 6 bizi

    1. ( oso.) life; planeta hartan ba ote dago \bizirik? could there be life on that planet?; \bizia itsasoan sortu omen zen life is said to have originated in the sea
    a. ( norberea) life; guregatik eman zuen \bizia he gave his life for us; i-i \bizia kendu to take sb's life; \bizia galdu to lose one's life
    b. ( irud.) life; hizkuntzen \bizia the life of languages
    a. (bizitza) life; bere \bizian eta heriotzan in his life and death; neure \bizian ez dut horrelakorik ikusi I've never seen anything like it in my life; mila \bizi banitu ere even if I had a thousand lives to live
    b. [ izenen aurrean ] \bizi arnasa vital breathing; \bizi-maila standard of living
    c. (esa.) neguk luzaroko \bizirik ez dauka winter's not going to last very long | winter's on its last legs io.
    a. ( bizirik dagoena) living; \biziak eta hilak the living and the dead | the quick and the dead formala.
    b. (irud.) living; hizkuntza \biziak living languages
    a. (begia) bright
    b. (kolorea) bright, gaudy
    c. (pilota) bouncy
    d. (adimena) sharp, keen, alert
    e. (gorrotoa, maitasuna) intense, fervent; amorru \bizian in a furious bout of anger
    f. (ura) rough
    g. (edaria) strong, stiff
    3. ( negua) negu \bizian in the depths of winter
    a. (harri, e.a.) bare; arroka \bizian in bare rock
    b. (haragi) raw
    c. gerritik gora larru-\bizi zegoen he was naked from the waist up adb. (azkar) quick; goazen \bizi-\bizi! let's go, quick!

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > bizi

  • 7 buru

    1. Anat.
    a. head; \burua gora ekarriko du he'll come with his head held high; \burua behera ekarriko du he'll come with his head hanging low; \burua hautsi zion he smashed his head in
    b. (esa.) \burutik oinera from head to foot; \burua egingo nuke egia dela I'd bet my life it's true; ez du \bururik ez buztanik it makes no sense at all; \buru eta bihotz heart and soul; \buru agertu i. to uncover one's head ii. (nabaritu) to stand off, make o.s. conspicuous; bere \burua aitaren aurrean agertu zuen he appeared before his father; \burua jaso to raise one's head
    2. (gauzakiei d., e.a.)
    a. Tek. head
    b. head; orratzaren \burua the head of a needle
    c. (ezpatari d.) pommel
    d. (oheari d.) bedstead
    e. (etxeari d.) top
    3. Nekaz. head; hogei \buru dituzte abeltegi hartan they've got twenty head of cattle in that corral
    a. end; kale \buruan dago it's at the end of the street; \burutik \burura i. from end to end ii. (liburuari d.) from cover to cover; \bururen \buru (I) from beginning to end; -(r)i \buru eman to put an end to; \burutan atera to carry out |to finish
    b. (hatzari d.) tip; hatz-\buru fingertip\buru
    5. (aurrekoalde) head; manifestazioaren \buru\\\buruzebilen he went at the head of the demonstration
    b. liburaren \buruan at the beginning of the book
    a. head, leader; sail\buru department head | head of the department; Elizaren \burua the head of the Church ; familiaren \burua the head of the family; nor da etxe honetako \buru\\\burua? who is the head of this household?; nik, bederen, posible ikusten dut, noizbait, nekearen nekez, Sri Lankako Gobernu batek, nornahi duela \buru, amore ematea autodeterminazioaren eskakizunari I, for one, think it possible that some day, after a great deal of strife, a government in Sri Lanka, whoever heads it, will give in to the demand for self-determination
    b. (bilerari, bilkurari d.) \buru izan to preside (- (e)an: at) ; \buru ibili to preside; \buru dabilen apezpiku \\ apezpikutza \\ agintari \\ apaizgodun aitzindari presiding Bishop \\ Bishopric \\ authority \\ priesthood leader
    a. mind, head; \buru argia du she's got a bright mind; \burua behar da horretarako you've got to have a mind for that; \burutan hartu to bear in mind; bihotz euskaldunaren eta \buru erdaldunaren arteko borroka amaigabea the never-ending struggle between the Basque-speaking heart and the {Spanish-speaking || French-speaking} mind
    b. (esa.) i-i \burua berotu i. to rile up, stir up ii. (zirrara eman) to excite; edariak \burua berotzen du drink excites you iii. (kezkatu) to worry ; \burua galdu to lose one's mind ; i-i \burua hartu i. (alkoholak i-r, e.a.) to cloud; pattarrak \burua hartu zion booze clouded his mind ii. (beti berdin pentsarazi) to get to one's head ; i-i \burua jan to brainwash sb ; -(r)i \burua zoratu to go mad; \buruak eman to occur; \buruak ematen dion guztia egin behar du he's got to do whatever strikes his fancy; \buruan erabili i. to think of | to ponder about; zer edo zer erabiliko du \buruan dirurik ez galtzeko he'll of think something so as not to lose any money ii. (azpikerietan ibili) to plot ; \buru(t)an hartu to take into consideration |to give thought to; \buruan gatza izan (du/ad.) to be bright; \buruan sartu i. (bururatu, otu) to get... into one's head | to get the idea ii. (hartu, ulertu) to understand, grasp; horrelako gauzak ez dira nire \buruan sartzen I simply can't understand such things; \burutik egon to be {mad || crazy || nuts}, be off one's rocker; \burutik {igaro || pasa} i. to go through one's mind ii. (aurrez susmatu) to have a feeling; susmo txar bat igaro zitzaion \burutik she had a terrible foreboding; \burutik jauzi to go {crazy || mad}, crack up ; \burutik joanda crazy, mad ; \burutik {kendu || atera || bota} to forget; ezin zuen \burutik kendu he couldn't get her out of his {mind || head}; beldurra \burutik kentzeko in order to get over the fear
    8. (oroimen) memory, head; \buru txarra du he's got a bad memory | he's got a head like a sieve
    9. (jatorri) origin; bekatu guztien \burua the origin of all sins
    10. Geog. Naut. cape
    b. (mendikoa) top, peak
    11. Landr.
    a. (gariarena) ear
    b. (artoarena) cob, ear
    12. Mat. \burura gorde to carry; hamar gehi hamaika hogeita bat eta \bururako bi ten plus eleven equals twenty-one carry two
    13. (arma) warhead; \buru nuklear nuclear warhead
    a. self; nire \buruari esan nion... I said to myself...; bere \burua garbitu du he killed himself; bere \burua trenari bota zion he threw himself against a train; \burua zuritu to justify oneself; nork bere \buruaz beste egin to kill o.s. | to commit suicide; begi zorrotzak izan ditut hutsak ikusteko, batez ere, huts horiek geure \buruarenak, neronenak barne, direnean I've kept a sharp eye out for mistakes, especially mistakes committed by ourselves, including my own
    b. ez dut nahi zuekin \burua bat egin I do not wish to join you
    c. [izenen aurrean] self-; \burujabetasun independence

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > buru

  • 8 entzute

    1. listening; \entzutez ikasi to learn by ear; \entzutez dakit hori I've heard about that; ez dut horren \entzuterik I've never heard of it
    2. ( entzun) hearing; e-i \entzutea ez eman not to pay attention to sth
    3. ( adimena) intelligence, mind; \entzute gaitzeko gizona evil-minded man
    4. ( omen) fame, renown, name, reputation; haren \entzutea zabaldu zen his fame spread; \entzute handia du he's very famous; \entzute handiko soldadua a very {renowned || illustrious} soldier; \entzutea hartu to gain fame | to become famous; i-i \entzutea eman to bring sb fame; \entzute txarra du herrian he's got a bad reputation in town

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > entzute

  • 9 fin

    a. ( mehea, xehea) slender; aurpegi \fina slender face
    b. ( zatia) thin
    2. ( mehetasunari, leuntasunari d.) fine, smooth; gazte larru \fina a youth with smooth skin; gorputz ederra eta aurpegi \fina zuen she had a beautiful body and an exquisite face
    3. ( p.)
    a. ( jokabideari d.) fine
    b. ( lanbideari d.) fine, hard-working
    c. ( dotorea) refined, fine, debonair
    d. ( zintzoa) fine, upright, honest; gizon ona eta \fina a fine and upright gentleman; kristau gazte \fin bat a fine young Christian; zerbitzari \fina eta leiala a fine and loyal servant
    4. ( zolia, zorrotza)
    a. ( umorea) subtle, dry
    b. ( adimena) shrewd, acute, keen
    c. ( zentzu) keen, sharp, fine, excellent
    a. ( oro.) excellent, exquisite, superb
    b. ( ardoa, fruitua) choice, quality
    c. ( tabakoa) select
    d. ( artilea) high-grade
    e. ( urrea) fine, pure
    6. ( ardura handiz landutakoa) exquisite, fine, delicate; haren pipa beltz \fina his exquisite black pipe adb.
    1. urbanely, in a refined manner
    2. beti \fin jokatzen duen gizona a man who always plays fair
    1. Lit. end
    2. azken \finean in the final analysis | in the end

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > fin

  • 10 giza

    iz. [ izenen aurrean ]
    1. human; \giza adimena human intelligence | human mind; \giza bihotza eta arima human body and soul; \giza eraile homicide; \giza geografia human geography; \giza gorputza human body; \giza eskubideak human rights; harrizko \giza irudi bat a stone human figure; \giza itxurako human-like; \giza itxurako bi-oinetakoak humanoid bipedals; \giza kultura human culture; horra gizartea, \giza erlauntza hori such is society, that human hive
    2. ( gizona) \giza-emakumeak men and women; \giza lanetan dabilen emakumea a woman doing a man's work; \giza artean among men

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > giza

  • 11 gogamen

    1. ( gogoeta) thought; zer \gogamen ote darabiltza buruan what thoughts might be going through their heads? | what could they be thinking about?
    2. ( adimena) intelligence

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gogamen

  • 12 gogo

    1. ( adimena) mind ; Platonen \gogo argia Plato's bright mind ; e-r \gogotik egotzi to get sth out of one's mind; \gogora ekarri to remind, come to mind; \gogora etorri to come to mind; Axularren hitzak datozkit Axular's words come to mind; \gogora datorkizun guztia esatea ez zaizu komeni it is best not to say everything that comes to mind; \gogoak eman i. ( iruditu, susmatu) to have a feeling, suspect; \gogoak eman dit ez daudela urrun I've got the feeling they're close ii. ( nahi izan) to feel like; \gogoak ematen digunean when we feel like | when we're in the mood for it; \gogoan erabili to ponder on; i-i \gogoa argitu to cheer sb up; " Erregea eta Ni" obrako Anna-k bezala, jabetzen naiz "doinu alai" bat txistuka jotzeak, eta abesteak (batez ere bakarrik nagoenean) gogoa argitzen didatela like Anna in "The King and I", I find whistling "a happy tune" and singing (especially when I am alone) can also lighten my spirits ; i-i \gogoa berotu to encourage sb; hara joateko gogoa berotu zioten they talked him into going there
    2. ( desioa, nahikundea) will; ez du lanerako \gogorik he's doesn't feel like working; ez dut \gogorik I don't feel like it; \gogo bero zeal, fervor, enthusiasm; \gogo gabe reluctantly; \gogo onez willingly; \gogo txarrez unwillingly, reluctantly; \gogoa hartu to make one's mind up; zerbait egiteko \gogoa hartzen dugunean when we make our minds up to do something; \gogoan jo to disgust; \gogoz beste against one's will
    3. ( oroimena) memory, recall; \gogoan {eduki || izan} to remember, recall; "Mikel, \gogoan zaitugu" "Mikel, we shall never forget you"; \gogoan hartu to bear in mind
    4. ( espiritua) spirit; G\gogo Saindua Holy Ghost

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > gogo

  • 13 ilundu

    a. ( zerua) to darken; hodeiek zerua iluntzen dute clouds darken the sky
    b. ( gela) to darken, make... {dark || dull}; {alfonbrak || tapizak} gela iluntzen du the rug makes the room (look) dark
    a. ( p.) to fill... with gloom, sadden; berri hark bihotza \ilundu zion the news filled his heart with gloom
    b. ( bizitza, bidaialdia, e.a.) to cast a shadow over; zorigaitzak haren izaera \ilundu du misfortune has given him a gloomy outlook on life | misfortune has made him a gloomy person
    3. ( ulergaitza bihurtu) to obscure; horrek misterioa areago iluntzen du that deepens the mystery even more; kritikari honek gauzarik errazenak iluntzen ditu this critic likes to {cloud || obsure} the simplest issues; ardoak adimena iluntzen du wine muddles one's mind; esaldia argitu beharrean \ilundu to make a sentence obscure instead of clear
    4. ( eguna) to darken; \ilundu baino lehen before dark; goazen, iluntzen ari du let's go, it's getting dark ; neguan berehala iluntzen du it gets dark quickly in winter da/ad.
    a. ( zerua, gela) to darken, grow dark
    b. ( eguna) to {get || grow} dark
    c. ( eguraldia, zerua) to become overcast, darken
    d. ( kolorea) to grow sombre (GB), somber (USA), darken
    e. eguzkia eta ilargia \ilunduko dira orduan then the sun and the moon will grow dark
    a. ( p., izaera) to become {gloomy || morose || glum}; aurpegia \ilundu zitzaion his face saddened; barrua \ilundu zitzaion eta nahastu zen he become gloomy inside and grew confused
    b. ( egoera) gloomy, woeful; egoera politikoa \ilundu da the political situation has turned gloomy
    c. ( behatu) to cloud over; beren begiak ilun bitez gauza onik ikus ez dezaten may their eyes be blinded so that they may not see anything good

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > ilundu

  • 14 lausotu

    1. ( ikusmen) to blur; ardoak begiak lausotzen ditu wine can blur the vision
    2. (irud.) to obscure, obfuscate; adimena haserreak \lausotua with his mind blocked by rage

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > lausotu

  • 15 zorrotz

    a. ( labana, e.a.) sharp; atzapar \zorrotzak sharp claws
    b. ( punta) pointed, sharp
    c. ( Mat.) ( angelua) acute
    a. ( Mus.) ( nota) high, high-pitched
    b. ( soinua) piercing, penetrating
    c. (H. Jak.) acute
    3. (irud.)
    a. ( adimena, zentzua) keen, sharp, acute, penetrating, discerning
    b. ( oharra) clever, smart
    c. ( zaporea) sharp, pungent
    d. ( kritika) penetrating, trenchant, biting, pungent, scathing, caustic
    e. ( galdera) acute, searching
    f. ( begirada) searching, sharp, penetrating
    g. ( erantzuna, ihardespena) stinging, sharp-tongued, barbed
    h. ( mingaina, mihia) sharp
    i. ( espiritua) eager; espiritua \zorrotza da baina haragia erorkor the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
    a. ( mina) sharp, shooting, acute; oinaze \zorrotz excruciating pain
    b. ( eritasuna) pungent; eritasuna \zorrotza eta bortitza denean when the disease is pungent and virulent
    a. ( p., izaera) severe, harsh, stern; hura bezain \zorrotza izan banintz, ez ginen inola ere konponduko if I had been as severe as him, we wouldn't have {got on (GB) || gotten along (USA) } at all
    b. ( gurasoa, irakaslea) strict, harsh
    c. ( diziplina) strict
    d. ( zigorra) harsh, severe
    e. ( aurpegiara) grim, stern
    f. ( agindua) strict
    g. ( araua) rigorous, tough, strict; debeku \zorrotz strict prohibition
    h. ( neurria) harsh, tough, strict, stringent adb. sharply; \zorrotz erantzun to reply wittily

    Euskara Ingelesa hiztegiaren > zorrotz

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