81 nyomtatott kotta
sheet music -
82 trgovac muzikalijama
• sheet music dealer; sheet-music dealer -
83 MUS
( music)Développé par Coda Music, devenu ensuite FinaleMusic, le format MUS (abrégé du terme anglais "music", et dont l’extension de fichier est ".mus") est un format propriétaire de qualité pour la numérisation des partitions musicales. Il n’existe pas encore de format ouvert - à savoir librement utilisable par tous - offrant des caractéristiques équivalentes. Des partitions musicales sont disponibles en accès libre dans la catégorie Sheet Music du Projet Gutenberg, grande bibliothèque mondiale de textes électroniques, ou encore sur les sites du Mutopia Project et des Classical Archives.Voir aussi: numérisation, Projet Gutenberg. -
84 ноти
music* * *music; sheet music (отпечатани) -
85 nuohtat
music; sheet music -
86 kotta
music, sheet music -
87 partitura musical
f.musical score.* * *(n.) = music score, musical score, sheet music piece, sheet musicEx. The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.Ex. A close score is a musical score giving all the parts on a minimum number of staves, normally two, as with hymns.Ex. Another collection that has gradually accumulated over the years from donations is a collection of popular sheet music pieces going back as far as the mid-1850s.Ex. Using this as a starting point, reviews the history of sheet music printing and publishing in America over the last 50 years.* * *(n.) = music score, musical score, sheet music piece, sheet musicEx: The schedules are divided into two parts, one covering music scores and parts and the other concerned with music literature.
Ex: A close score is a musical score giving all the parts on a minimum number of staves, normally two, as with hymns.Ex: Another collection that has gradually accumulated over the years from donations is a collection of popular sheet music pieces going back as far as the mid-1850s.Ex: Using this as a starting point, reviews the history of sheet music printing and publishing in America over the last 50 years. -
88 Notenblatt
89 нота
1. муз. noteчетвъртина нота crotchet, a quarter noteшестнадесетина нота semiquaverпея/свиря по ноти sing/play to/from musicсвиря без ноти, не гледам ноти, като свиря play without musicмагазин за ноти a music shop2. пол. note* * *но̀та,ж., -и муз. note; \нотаи (sheet) music, sheet of music; осмина \нотаа quaver, eighth; пея/свиря по \нотаи sing/play to/from music; половина \нотаа minim, half note; свиря без \нотаи play without music; цяла \нотаа semibreve, whole note; чета \нотаи read music; четвъртина \нотаа crotchet, quarter note; шестнадесетина \нотаа semiquaver.——————ж., -и полит. note; вербална \нотаа verbal note; парафирам \нотаа initial a note; протестна \нотаа note of protest.* * *memorandum; note{nout}: a verbal нота - вербална нота* * *1. 1 муз. note 2. 2 пол. note 3. вербална НОТА a verbal note 4. магазин за ноти a music shop 5. ноти (sheet) music, a sheet of music 6. осмина НОТА quaver, eighth 7. пея/свиря по ноти sing/play to/from music 8. половина НОТА minim, a half note 9. свиря без ноти, не гледам ноти, като свиря play without music 10. цяла НОТА semibreve, a whole note 11. четвъртина НОТА crotchet, a quarter note 12. шестнадесетина НОТА semiquaver -
90 partitura
f.score.* * *1 score* * *noun f.* * *SF (Mús) score* * *femenino ( de obra orquestada) score* * *= score.Nota: Ejemplar musical en el que aparecen superpuestas en una misma página todas las partes vocales y/o instrumentales de una obra.Ex. A score is a series of staves on which all the different instrumental and/or vocal parts of a musical work are written, one under the other in vertical alignment, so that the parts may be read simultaneously.----* hoja de partitura = ballad-sheet.* partitura abreviada = condensed score, short score.* partitura de coro = chorus score.* partitura de estudio = miniature score.* partitura musical = music score, musical score, sheet music piece, sheet music.* partitura vocal = vocal score.* * *femenino ( de obra orquestada) score* * *= score.Nota: Ejemplar musical en el que aparecen superpuestas en una misma página todas las partes vocales y/o instrumentales de una obra.Ex: A score is a series of staves on which all the different instrumental and/or vocal parts of a musical work are written, one under the other in vertical alignment, so that the parts may be read simultaneously.
* hoja de partitura = ballad-sheet.* partitura abreviada = condensed score, short score.* partitura de coro = chorus score.* partitura de estudio = miniature score.* partitura musical = music score, musical score, sheet music piece, sheet music.* partitura vocal = vocal score.* * *( Mús) scoreme olvidé de la partitura I forgot my musicpartitura para voz y piano score for voice and piano* * *
partitura sustantivo femenino ( de obra orquestada) score
partitura f Mús score
' partitura' also found in these entries:
- score
* * *partitura nfscore* * *f MÚS score* * *partitura nf: (musical) score -
91 Note
f; -, -n1. PÄD. mark, bes. Am. grade2. MUS. note; ganze Note semibreve, Am. whole note; halbe Note minim, Am. half note; Noten Koll. music Sg.; Blätter: sheet music; nach Noten singen sing from music, Am. auch sight-sing; er kennt oder kann keine Noten he can’t read music; das ging ja wie nach Noten umg., hum. it went without a hitch; er hat ihn nach Noten verprügelt umg. he beat him up good and proper4. (Prägung) touch, note; eine besondere / persönliche Note verleihen add a special / personal touch (+ Dat to); das ist seine persönliche Note that’s his particular way of doing things, that’s his (personal) trademark5. meist Pl.; WIRTS. Banknote* * *die Note(Benotung) mark; grade;(Diplomatie) note;(Eigenart) touch;(Geldschein) banknote; note; bill;(Musik) note* * *No|te ['noːtə]f -, -n2) pl musicnach Nóten spielen/singen —
nach Nóten (fig inf) — thoroughly
jdm/einer Sache gute/schlechte Nóten geben — to give sb/sth good/bad marks
6) no pl (= Eigenart) (in Bezug auf Gespräch, Brief etc) note; (in Bezug auf Beziehungen, Atmosphäre) tone, character; (in Bezug auf Einrichtung, Kleidung) touchdas ist meine persönliche Nóte — that's my trademark
eine persönliche Nóte verleihen — to give sth a personal touch
ein Parfüm mit einer herben Nóte — a perfume with something tangy about it or with a tangy quality
* * *die1) (a mark for, or level in, an examination etc: He always got good grades at school.) grade2) (a written statement about a particular matter, often passed around between colleagues: a memorandum on Thursday's meeting.) memorandum3) (a written or printed symbol representing a musical note.) note* * *No·te<-, -n>[ˈno:tə]fganze/halbe \Note semibreve/minim\Noten lesen to read musicnach \Noten at sight[wie] nach \Noten thoroughly, with a vengeanceeine diplomatische \Note a note* * *die; Note, Noten1) (Zeichen) noteeine ganze/halbe Note — a crotchet/quaver (Brit.); a whole note/half note (Amer.)
nach/ohne Noten spielen — play from/without music
3) (SchulNote) mark5) (Dipl.) note6) o. Pl. (Flair) touch* * *1. SCHULE mark, besonders US grade2. MUS note;ganze Note semibreve, US whole note;halbe Note minim, US half note;nach Noten singen sing from music, US auch sight-sing;kann keine Noten he can’t read music;das ging ja wie nach Noten umg, hum it went without a hitch;er hat ihn nach Noten verprügelt umg he beat him up good and proper4. (Prägung) touch, note;eine besondere/persönliche Note verleihen add a special/personal touch (+dat to);das ist seine persönliche Note that’s his particular way of doing things, that’s his (personal) trademark* * *die; Note, Noten1) (Zeichen) noteeine ganze/halbe Note — a crotchet/quaver (Brit.); a whole note/half note (Amer.)
nach/ohne Noten spielen — play from/without music
3) (SchulNote) mark4) (Eislauf, Turnen) score5) (Dipl.) note6) o. Pl. (Flair) touch* * *-n f.memorandum n.(§ pl.: memorandums, or: memoranda)note n. -
92 musical
adj.musical.m.musical.* * *► adjetivo1 musical1 musical* * *noun m. adj.* * *ADJ SM musical* * *adjetivo/masculino musical* * *= musical.Ex. By way of illustration: it is the machine's habit to perform remarkable feats, such as augmenting western musical heritage with the discovery that the eighteenth century gave birth to two contemporary composers.----* actuación musical = musical performance, music performance.* adaptación musical = adaptation, musical adaptation.* arreglo musical = arrangement, musical arrangement.* audición musical = music audition.* cadena musical = sound system, hi-fi system.* comedia musical = musical.* composición musical = musical composition.* composición musical manida = war horse.* desfase musical = musical lag.* dirigir interpretación musical = conduct.* grupo musical en directo = live band.* instrumento musical = instrument.* instrumento musical con teclado = keyboard instrument.* interpretación musical = musical performance.* no musical = non-musical.* nota musical = note.* obra de arte musical = musical masterpiece.* obra musical = musical work.* partitura musical = music score, musical score, sheet music.* pentagrama musical = stave.* pieza musical = piece of music.* teoría musical = music theory.* tocar un instrumento musical = play + instrument.* vídeo musical = music video.* * *adjetivo/masculino musical* * *= musical.Ex: By way of illustration: it is the machine's habit to perform remarkable feats, such as augmenting western musical heritage with the discovery that the eighteenth century gave birth to two contemporary composers.
* actuación musical = musical performance, music performance.* adaptación musical = adaptation, musical adaptation.* arreglo musical = arrangement, musical arrangement.* audición musical = music audition.* cadena musical = sound system, hi-fi system.* comedia musical = musical.* composición musical = musical composition.* composición musical manida = war horse.* desfase musical = musical lag.* dirigir interpretación musical = conduct.* grupo musical en directo = live band.* instrumento musical = instrument.* instrumento musical con teclado = keyboard instrument.* interpretación musical = musical performance.* no musical = non-musical.* nota musical = note.* obra de arte musical = musical masterpiece.* obra musical = musical work.* partitura musical = music score, musical score, sheet music.* pentagrama musical = stave.* pieza musical = piece of music.* teoría musical = music theory.* tocar un instrumento musical = play + instrument.* vídeo musical = music video.* * *musicalmusical* * *
musical adjetivo / noun masculine
I adjetivo musical
II sustantivo masculino musical
' musical' also found in these entries:
- comparsa
- cuerno
- director
- directora
- hilo
- música
- músico
- oído
- pedal
- salterio
- solfa
- tañido
- tarantela
- velada
- vena
- apreciación
- arreglo
- boquilla
- comedia
- conjunto
- corista
- coro
- cultura
- escala
- grupo
- inclinación
- ópera
- paya
- practicar
- tuna
- musical
- pantomime
- peak
- tone-deaf
- chorus
- instrument
- lilting
- long
- piped music
- signature
- theme
- tone
- valve
* * *♦ adjmusical♦ nmmusical* * *m/adj musical* * *musical adj: musical♦ musicalmente adv* * *musical adj n musical -
93 неподвързан
unbound, paper-backed, paper-boundнеподвързана книга paper-backнеподвързани ноти sheet-music* * *неподвъ̀рзан,прил. unbound, paper-backed, paper-bound; \неподвързана книга paper-back; \неподвързани ноти sheet-music.* * *1. unbound, paper-backed, paper-bound 2. НЕПОДВЪРЗАНa книга paper-back 3. НЕПОДВЪРЗАНи ноти sheet-music -
94 stand
1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.)2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.)3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.)4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.)5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.)6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?)7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.)8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.)9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.)10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!)
2. noun1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.)2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.)3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.)4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.)5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.)•- standing
3. noun1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.)2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.)•- stand-by
4. adjective((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.)
5. adverb(travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.)- stand-in- standing-room
- make someone's hair stand on end
- stand aside
- stand back
- stand by
- stand down
- stand fast/firm
- stand for
- stand in
- stand on one's own two feet
- stand on one's own feet
- stand out
- stand over
- stand up for
- stand up to
stand1 n tribuna / graderíawe had a good view from our seats in the stand veíamos bien desde nuestras localidades en la tribunastand2 vb1. estar de pie2. ponerse de pie / levantarseeveryone stood when the headmaster came in al entrar el director, todo el mundo se puso de pie3. estar4. poner5. aguantar / soportarstand still! ¡estáte quieto! / ¡no te muevas!
stand m (pl stands) Com stand ' stand' also found in these entries: Spanish: abordaje - aguantar - arisca - arisco - así - atragantarse - atravesarse - atril - banquillo - brazo - campar - cara - caseta - condescendencia - contemplación - convoy - cruzarse - cuadrarse - desorganizada - desorganizado - despuntar - destacar - destacarse - distinguirse - dominar - elevarse - erguirse - erizar - erizarse - estrado - expositor - expositora - flojera - frente - fritura - gorda - gordo - imponer - intríngulis - levantarse - obstaculizar - pabellón - parar - parada - parado - paragüero - pararse - paripé - perchero - pie English: angular - bear - booth - chance - end - fast - hair - humour - hypocrite - leg - news-stand - one-night - pace - stand - stand about - stand around - stand aside - stand back - stand by - stand down - stand for - stand in - stand out - stand over - stand up - stand-in - stand-off - stand-offishness - stand-to - stand-up comic - standby ticket - still - stood - taxi stand - wastefulness - whereas - witness stand - attention - band - bristle - clear - coat - crowd - ease - freeze - get - grand - ground - hand - headtr[stænd]1 (position) lugar nombre masculino, sitio; (attitude, opinion) posición nombre femenino, postura; (defence, resistence) resistencia3 (stall - in market) puesto, tenderete nombre masculino; (- at exhibition) stand nombre masculino; (- at fair) caseta, barraca4 (for taxis) parada5 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (in stadium) tribuna6 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (witness box) estrado1 (person - be on one's feet) estar de pie, estar; (- get up) ponerse de pie, levantarse; (- remain on one's feet) quedarse de pie; (- take up position) ponerse■ stand still! ¡estáte quieto,-a!, ¡no te muevas!■ don't just stand there! ¡no te quedes allí parado!2 (measure - height) medir; (- value, level) marcar, alcanzar■ inflation stands at 6% la inflación alcanza el 6%3 (thing - be situated) estar, encontrarse, haber4 (remain valid) seguir en pie, seguir vigente5 (be in a certain condition) estar■ he stands high in their opinion tienen muy buena opinión de él, le tienen mucho respeto6 (be in particular situation) estar■ how do things stand between you and your boss? ¿cómo están las cosas entre tu jefe y tú?7 (take attitude, policy) adoptar una postura■ where do you stand on abortion? ¿cuál es tu posición sobre el aborto?8 (be likely to) poder10 SMALLPOLITICS/SMALL (run) presentarse1 (place) poner, colocar■ I stood the boy on a box so he could see the procession puso el niño encima de un caja para que viera el desfile■ will it stand the test of time? ¿resistirá el paso del tiempo?\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALL'No standing' SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL "Prohibido estacionarse"'Stand and deliver!' "La bolsa o la vida"to do something standing on one's head hacer algo con los ojos cerradosto know where one stands saber a qué atenersenot to stand a chance no tener ni la más remota posibilidadto stand bail (for somebody) salir fiador,-ra (por alguien)to stand clear (of something) apartarse (de algo)■ stand clear of the doors! ¡apártense de las puertas!to stand fast / stand firm mantenerse firmeto stand guard over vigilarto stand in the way of impedir, obstaculizar, poner trabas ato stand on ceremony ser muy ceremonioso,-ato stand one's ground mantenerse firme, seguir en sus treceto stand on one's head hacer el pinoto stand on one's own two feet apañárselas solo,-ato stand out a mile saltar a la vistato stand somebody in good stead resultarle muy útil a alguiento stand something on its head dar la vuelta a algo, poner algo patas arribato stand to attention estar firmes, cuadrarseto stand to reason ser lógico,-ato stand trial ser procesado,-ato stand up and be counted dar la cara por sus principioscake stand bandeja para pastelescoat stand / hat stand percheronewspaper stand quiosco1) : estar de pie, estar paradoI was standing on the corner: estaba parada en la esquinathey stand third in the country: ocupan el tercer lugar en el paísthe machines are standing idle: las máquinas están paradashow does he stand on the matter?: ¿cuál es su postura respecto al asunto?5) be: estarthe house stands on a hill: la casa está en una colina6) continue: seguirthe order still stands: el mandato sigue vigentestand vt1) place, set: poner, colocarhe stood them in a row: los colocó en hilera2) tolerate: aguantar, soportarhe can't stand her: no la puede tragar3)to stand firm : mantenerse firme4)to stand guard : hacer la guardiastand n1) resistance: resistencia fto make a stand against: resistir a2) booth, stall: stand m, puesto m, kiosko m (para vender periódicos, etc)3) base: pie m, base f4) : grupo m (de árboles, etc.)5) position: posición f, postura f6) stands nplgrandstand: tribuna fn.• apostadero s.m.• banca s.f.• caseta s.f.• etapa s.f.• parada s.f.• pedestal s.m.• pie s.m.• posición s.f.• postura s.f.• puesto s.m.• quiosco s.m.• soporte s.m.• tarima s.f. (Election, UK)v.v.(§ p.,p.p.: stood) = estar v.(§pres: estoy, estás...) pret: estuv-•)• resistir v.• soportar v.stænd
1)a) ( position) lugar m, sitio mb) ( attitude) postura f, posición fto take a stand on something — adoptar una postura or posición (con) respecto a algo
c) ( resistance) resistencia fto make a stand against something — oponer* resistencia a algo
2)a) (pedestal, base) pie m, base fb) ( for sheet music) atril mc) (for coats, hats) perchero m3) (at fair, exhibition) stand m, caseta f; ( larger) pabellón mnewspaper stand — puesto m de periódicos
a hot-dog stand — (esp AmE) un puesto de perritos calientes
4) ( for spectators) (often pl) tribuna f5) ( witness box) (AmE) estrado m
(past & past p stood) intransitive verb1)a) (be, remain upright) \<\<person\>\> estar* de pie, estar* parado (AmL)I've been standing here for hours — llevo horas aquí de pie or (AmL) aquí parado
b) ( rise) levantarse, ponerse* de pie, pararse (AmL)her hair stood on end — se le pusieron los pelos de punta, se le pararon los pelos (AmL); see also stand up
c) ( in height)the tower stands 30 meters high — la torre tiene or mide 30 metros de altura
2) (move, take up position) ponerse*, pararse (AmL)stand over there — ponte or (AmL tb) párate allí
he stood on a chair — se subió a or (AmL tb) se paró en una silla
to stand aside — hacerse* a un lado, apartarse
can you stand on your head? — ¿sabes pararte de cabeza or (Esp) hacer el pino?
3)a) (be situated, located)the chapel stands on the site of a pagan temple — la capilla ocupa el lugar de un antiguo templo pagano
b) ( hold position)where do you stand on this issue? — ¿cuál es tu posición en cuanto a este problema?
c) (be mounted, fixed)a hut standing on wooden piles — una choza construida or que descansa sobre pilotes de madera
4)a) (stop, remain still) \<\<person\>\>can't you stand still for two minutes? — ¿no puedes estarte quieto un minuto?
no standing — (AmE) estacionamiento prohibido, prohibido estacionarse
to stand firm o fast — mantenerse* firme
b) ( remain undisturbed) \<\<batter/water\>\>c) (survive, last)5) (remain unchanged, valid) \<\<law/agreement\>\> seguir* vigente or en vigor6)a) (be)b) ( be currently)to stand AT something: unemployment stands at 17% el desempleo alcanza el 17%; receipts stand at $150,000 — el total recaudado asciende a 150.000 dólares
c) ( be likely to)to stand to + INF: he stands to lose a fortune puede llegar a perder una fortuna; what does she stand to gain out of this? — ¿qué es lo que puede ganar con esto ?
7) (for office, election) (BrE) presentarse (como candidato)to stand FOR something: she is standing for the presidency — se va a presentar como candidata a la presidencia
vt1) ( place) poner*; (carefully, precisely) colocar*he stood the ladder against the wall — puso or colocó or apoyó la escalera contra la pared
2)a) (tolerate, bear) (with can, can't, won't) \<\<pain/noise\>\> aguantar, soportarI can't stand him — no lo aguanto or soporto, no lo trago (fam)
I can't stand it any longer! — no puedo más!, no aguanto más!
to stand -ING: she can't stand being interrupted — no soporta or no tolera que la interrumpan
b) ( withstand) \<\<heat/strain\>\> soportar, resistir3) ( pay for) \<\<drink/dinner\>\> invitar a•Phrasal Verbs:- stand by- stand in- stand up[stænd] (vb: pt, pp stood)1. N1) (=position) posición f, puesto m2) (fig) (=stance) actitud f, postura f3) (Mil)- make a standone-night standto make or take a stand against sth — oponer resistencia a algo
4) (for taxis) parada f (de taxis)5) (=lamp stand) pie m; (=music stand) atril m; (=hallstand) perchero m6) (=newspaper stand) quiosco m, puesto m (esp LAm); (=market stall) puesto m; (in shop) estante m, puesto m; (at exhibition) caseta f, stand m; (=bandstand) quiosco m7) (Sport) (=grandstand) tribuna f8) (Jur) estrado mto take the stand — (esp US) (=go into witness box) subir a la tribuna de los testigos; (=give evidence) prestar declaración
9) [of trees] hilera f, grupo m10) *** (=erection) empalme *** m11) = standstill2. VT1) (=place) poner, colocar2) (=withstand) resistirit won't stand the cold — no resiste el or al frío
his heart couldn't stand the shock — su corazón no resistió el or al choque
- stand one's ground3) (=tolerate) aguantarI can't stand it any longer! — ¡no aguanto más!
I can't stand (the sight of) him — no lo aguanto, no lo puedo tragar
chance 1., 3)I can't stand waiting for people — no aguanto or soporto que me hagan esperar
4) * (=pay for)to stand sb a drink/meal — invitar a algn a una copa/a comer
3. VI1) (=be upright) estar de pie or derecho, estar parado (LAm)we must stand together — (fig) debemos unirnos or ser solidarios
- stand on one's own two feet- stand tallease 1., 4)2) (=get up) levantarse, pararse (LAm)all stand! — ¡levántense!
3) (=stay, stand still)don't just stand there, do something! — ¡no te quedes ahí parado, haz algo!
to stand talking — seguir hablando, quedarse a hablar
we stood chatting for half an hour — charlamos durante media hora, pasamos media hora charlando
stand and deliver! — ¡la bolsa o la vida!
4) (=tread)he stood on the brakes — (Aut) * pisó el freno a fondo
5) (=measure) medirthe mountain stands 3,000m high — la montaña tiene una altura de 3.000m
6) (=have reached)the thermometer stands at 40° — el termómetro marca 40 grados
the record stands at ten minutes — el record está en diez minutos, el tiempo récord sigue siendo de diez minutos
sales stand at five per cent more than last year — las ventas han aumentado en un cinco por cien en relación con el año pasado
7) (=be situated) encontrarse, ubicarse (LAm)8) (=be mounted, based) apoyarse9) (=remain valid) [offer, argument, decision] seguir en pie or vigenteit has stood for 200 years — ha durado 200 años ya, lleva ya 200 años de vida
10) (fig) (=be placed) estar, encontrarseas things stand, as it stands — tal como están las cosas
how do we stand? — ¿cómo estamos?
where do you stand with him? — ¿cuáles son tus relaciones con él?
11) (=be in a position)what do we stand to gain by it? — ¿qué posibilidades hay para nosotros de ganar algo?, ¿qué ventaja nos daría esto?
we stand to lose a lot — para nosotros supondría una pérdida importante, estamos en peligro de perder bastante
12) (=be)to stand (as) security for sb — (Econ) salir fiador de algn; (fig) salir por algn
clear 2., 3), correct 2., 1)it stands to reason that... — es evidente que..., no cabe duda de que...
13) (=remain undisturbed) estarto let sth stand in the sun — poner algo al sol, dejar algo al sol
14) (Brit) (Pol) presentarse (como candidato)•
to stand against sb in an election — presentarse como oponente a algn en unas elecciones•
to stand as a candidate — presentarse como candidato•
to stand for Parliament — presentarse como candidato a diputado15) (Econ)there is £50 standing to your credit — usted tiene 50 libras en el haber
- stand by- stand in- stand to- stand up* * *[stænd]
1)a) ( position) lugar m, sitio mb) ( attitude) postura f, posición fto take a stand on something — adoptar una postura or posición (con) respecto a algo
c) ( resistance) resistencia fto make a stand against something — oponer* resistencia a algo
2)a) (pedestal, base) pie m, base fb) ( for sheet music) atril mc) (for coats, hats) perchero m3) (at fair, exhibition) stand m, caseta f; ( larger) pabellón mnewspaper stand — puesto m de periódicos
a hot-dog stand — (esp AmE) un puesto de perritos calientes
4) ( for spectators) (often pl) tribuna f5) ( witness box) (AmE) estrado m
(past & past p stood) intransitive verb1)a) (be, remain upright) \<\<person\>\> estar* de pie, estar* parado (AmL)I've been standing here for hours — llevo horas aquí de pie or (AmL) aquí parado
b) ( rise) levantarse, ponerse* de pie, pararse (AmL)her hair stood on end — se le pusieron los pelos de punta, se le pararon los pelos (AmL); see also stand up
c) ( in height)the tower stands 30 meters high — la torre tiene or mide 30 metros de altura
2) (move, take up position) ponerse*, pararse (AmL)stand over there — ponte or (AmL tb) párate allí
he stood on a chair — se subió a or (AmL tb) se paró en una silla
to stand aside — hacerse* a un lado, apartarse
can you stand on your head? — ¿sabes pararte de cabeza or (Esp) hacer el pino?
3)a) (be situated, located)the chapel stands on the site of a pagan temple — la capilla ocupa el lugar de un antiguo templo pagano
b) ( hold position)where do you stand on this issue? — ¿cuál es tu posición en cuanto a este problema?
c) (be mounted, fixed)a hut standing on wooden piles — una choza construida or que descansa sobre pilotes de madera
4)a) (stop, remain still) \<\<person\>\>can't you stand still for two minutes? — ¿no puedes estarte quieto un minuto?
no standing — (AmE) estacionamiento prohibido, prohibido estacionarse
to stand firm o fast — mantenerse* firme
b) ( remain undisturbed) \<\<batter/water\>\>c) (survive, last)5) (remain unchanged, valid) \<\<law/agreement\>\> seguir* vigente or en vigor6)a) (be)b) ( be currently)to stand AT something: unemployment stands at 17% el desempleo alcanza el 17%; receipts stand at $150,000 — el total recaudado asciende a 150.000 dólares
c) ( be likely to)to stand to + INF: he stands to lose a fortune puede llegar a perder una fortuna; what does she stand to gain out of this? — ¿qué es lo que puede ganar con esto ?
7) (for office, election) (BrE) presentarse (como candidato)to stand FOR something: she is standing for the presidency — se va a presentar como candidata a la presidencia
vt1) ( place) poner*; (carefully, precisely) colocar*he stood the ladder against the wall — puso or colocó or apoyó la escalera contra la pared
2)a) (tolerate, bear) (with can, can't, won't) \<\<pain/noise\>\> aguantar, soportarI can't stand him — no lo aguanto or soporto, no lo trago (fam)
I can't stand it any longer! — no puedo más!, no aguanto más!
to stand -ING: she can't stand being interrupted — no soporta or no tolera que la interrumpan
b) ( withstand) \<\<heat/strain\>\> soportar, resistir3) ( pay for) \<\<drink/dinner\>\> invitar a•Phrasal Verbs:- stand by- stand in- stand up -
95 нота
I жен.;
прям. и перен.
1) note восьмая нота ≈ quaver, eighth note половинная нота ≈ minim, half-note тянуть ноту ≈ to sustain a note шестнадцатая нота ≈ semiquaver, sixteenth четвертная нота ≈ quarter note, crotchet целая нота ≈ whole note, semibreve
2) мн. ноты music, printed music;
(непереплетенные) sheet music играть без нот ≈ to play without music играть по нотам ≈ to read music, to play from music папка для нот ≈ music case ∙ как по нотам ≈ smoothly, superbly, like clockwork II жен.;
дипл. (diplomatic) note, memorandum обмен нотами ≈ exchange of notes дипломатическая нота ≈ memorandum, diplomatic notemus. note -
96 музыкальное сопровождение
1) General subject: accomp, background music2) Engineering: mood music, music, musical illustration, sheet music3) Cinema: music underneath, musical score4) Advertising: incidental music, music score (фильма)5) Makarov: background (театр., кино)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > музыкальное сопровождение
97 spartito
m score* * ** * *[spar'tito] 1.participio passato spartire2.aggettivo divided3.sostantivo maschile score-i — sheet music
* * *spartito/spar'tito/→ spartireII aggettivodividedIII sostantivo m.score; -i sheet music. -
98 stand
I [stænd]1) (piece of furniture) (for coats, hats) appendiabiti m., attaccapanni m.; (for plant) portavasi m.; (for sheet music) leggio m.2) (stall) (on market) bancarella f.; (kiosk) chiosco m.; (at exhibition, trade fair) stand m., padiglione m.3) sport (in stadium) tribuna f., stand m.4) dir. (witness box) banco m. dei testimoni5) (stance)to take o make a stand on sth. — prendere posizione su qcs
6) (resistance)7) (standstill)II 1. [stænd]2) (bear)I can't stand liars — non posso soffrire o non sopporto i bugiardi
he can't stand to do o doing non sopporta di fare; she won't stand any nonsense non ammetterà sciocchezze; it won't stand close scrutiny — non reggerà a un esame attento
3) colloq. (pay for)to stand sb. sth. — pagare qcs. a qcn
4) dir.5) (be liable)2.to stand to lose sth. — rischiare di perdere qcs.
2) (be upright) [ person] stare in piedi; [ object] essere in piedi, essere drittodon't just stand there, do something! — non stare lì impalato, fai qualcosa!
3) (be positioned) [building etc.] essere situato, trovarsi; (clearly delineated) stagliarsi4) (step)to stand on — calpestare [ insect]; pestare [ foot]
5) (be)to stand empty — [ house] restare vuoto
I want to know where I stand — fig. vorrei sapere come sono messe le cose per me
nothing stands between me and getting the job — non c'è niente che mi impedisca di ottenere il posto
to stand in sb.'s way — bloccare il passaggio a qcn.; fig. ostacolare qcn
6) (remain valid) [ offer] rimanere valida; [agreement, statement] valere9) (be a candidate) candidarsi ( for a)10) (not move) [ water] stagnare; [ mixture] riposare•- stand by- stand in- stand to- stand up••to leave sb. standing — [ athlete] infliggere un notevole distacco a; [student, company] superare
* * *[stænd] 1. past tense, past participle - stood; verb1) (to be in an upright position, not sitting or lying: His leg was so painful that he could hardly stand; After the storm, few trees were left standing.) (stare in piedi)2) ((often with up) to rise to the feet: He pushed back his chair and stood up; Some people like to stand (up) when the National Anthem is played.) (stare in piedi), (alzarsi in piedi)3) (to remain motionless: The train stood for an hour outside Newcastle.) restare4) (to remain unchanged: This law still stands.) (essere valido)5) (to be in or have a particular place: There is now a factory where our house once stood.) trovarsi6) (to be in a particular state, condition or situation: As matters stand, we can do nothing to help; How do you stand financially?) trovarsi, essere, stare7) (to accept or offer oneself for a particular position etc: He is standing as Parliamentary candidate for our district.) candidarsi8) (to put in a particular position, especially upright: He picked up the fallen chair and stood it beside the table.) mettere9) (to undergo or endure: He will stand (his) trial for murder; I can't stand her rudeness any longer.) sopportare10) (to pay for (a meal etc) for (a person): Let me stand you a drink!) offrire2. noun1) (a position or place in which to stand ready to fight etc, or an act of fighting etc: The guard took up his stand at the gate; I shall make a stand for what I believe is right.) posto, posizione2) (an object, especially a piece of furniture, for holding or supporting something: a coat-stand; The sculpture had been removed from its stand for cleaning.) stand, supporto3) (a stall where goods are displayed for sale or advertisement.) bancarella4) (a large structure beside a football pitch, race course etc with rows of seats for spectators: The stand was crowded.) tribuna5) ((American) a witness box in a law court.) (banco dei testimoni)•- standing 3. noun1) (time of lasting: an agreement of long standing.) durata2) (rank or reputation: a diplomat of high standing.) posizione, condizione•- stand-by4. adjective((of an airline passenger or ticket) costing or paying less than the usual fare, as the passenger does not book a seat for a particular flight, but waits for the first available seat.) (in lista di attesa)5. adverb(travelling in this way: It costs a lot less to travel stand-by.) (in lista di attesa)- stand-in- standing-room
- make someone's hair stand on end
- stand aside
- stand back
- stand by
- stand down
- stand fast/firm
- stand for
- stand in
- stand on one's own two feet
- stand on one's own feet
- stand out
- stand over
- stand up for
- stand up to* * *stand /stænd/A n.1 arresto; fermata; pausa; sosta: Our work was brought to a stand, il nostro lavoro ha subito una battuta d'arresto3 posto; posizione ( anche fig.); presa di posizione: He took his stand at the rear, prese posto in coda (s'accodò); to make a stand for justice, prendere posizione per una causa giusta; schierarsi dalla parte della giustizia; to take a stand, prendere posizione (o partito); puntare i piedi; What's your stand on the issue?, qual è la tua posizione in merito alla faccenda?5 palco; impalcatura; tavolato; stand; podio; ( sport, ecc.; spesso al pl.) tribuna ( d'ippodromo, stadio, ecc.): DIALOGO → - Discussing football- My seat's down the front of the west stand just to the right of the halfway line, il mio posto è nelle prime file in basso della tribuna ovest, appena a destra della linea di metà campo; pubblico delle tribune: (mil.) a reviewing stand, una tribuna per passare in rivista truppe, ecc.7 (mecc.) cavalletto; sostegno; supporto8 (market.) chiosco; edicola; bancarella: a fruit stand, una bancarella di fruttivendolo; a news-stand, una edicola di giornalaio; display stand, banco di mostra; espositore9 mobile (o oggetto) fatto per posarvi (o mettervi dentro) qc. ( per lo più in parole composte); supporto; sostegno; piedistallo; (mus.) leggio10 (ecol.) stazione11 (naut.) livello medio di marea; ( anche) stanca: high water stand, stanca d'alta marea; low water stand, stanca di bassa marea12 (leg., USA) banco dei testimoni: to take the stand, presentarsi al banco dei testimoni; testimoniare14 (agric.) distesa; coltivazione; area coltivata: a good stand of wheat, una bella distesa di grano15 (teatr.) esecuzione; rappresentazione; recita; spettacolo: one-night stand, rappresentazione unica, serata unica; (fig. fam.) avventura sessuale di una sola notte18 (volg.) erezioneB a. attr.(comm.) di stand; standistico: stand space, superficie standistica● (comm.) stand attendant, standista ( impiegato) □ stand camera, macchina fotografica su cavalletto □ (mil.) stand of colours, bandiere del reggimento □ stand rest, sgabello per pittori □ to take one's stand, alzarsi in piedi □ three-legged stand, treppiede.♦ (to) stand /stænd/(pass. e p. p. stood)A v. i.1 stare in piedi; star ritto; reggersi (o tenersi) in piedi: I had to stand during the whole trip, dovetti stare in piedi per tutto il viaggio; DIALOGO → - Accident and Emergency- Can you stand?, riesci a stare in piedi?2 ( di solito to stand up) alzarsi; rizzarsi; alzarsi in piedi: Everyone stood (up) when the headmaster came in, tutti si sono alzati quando è entrato il preside; Stand up, please, alzatevi, prego!; per favore, in piedi!3 stare; essere; farsi; trovarsi; essere messo (fam.): The benches stood by the wall, le panche stavano presso il (o erano addossate al) muro; How do we stand as regards money?, come stiamo a quattrini?; That player stands five feet four, quel giocatore è (alto) cinque piedi e quattro pollici; John stands first on the list, John è il primo in elenco; Don't stand there fiddling, non star lì a gingillarti!4 durare; resistere; rimanere in piedi (fig.); essere (ancora) valido: The castle has been standing for six centuries, il castello resiste (o è in piedi) da sei secoli; His record stood for twenty years, il suo record ha resistito per vent'anni; My offer still stands, la mia offerta è ancora valida5 avere buone probabilità (di): We stand to lose a lot of money on the deal, rischiamo di perdere molti soldi in questo affare7 ( di liquido) ristagnare; posare, stare in infusione; depositarsi: Let it stand for five minutes, lascialo posare per cinque minuti8 (polit.) candidarsi; entrare in lizza (fig.): to stand as an independent, candidarsi come indipendente9 (spec. USA) fermarsi; sostare: A taxi was standing at the rank, c'era un taxi fermo al posteggio; Don't stand on the tracks, vietato sostare sui binariB v. t.1 mettere ( in piedi, ritto); collocare; appoggiare: I stood the bicycle against the wall, appoggiai la bici contro il muro2 sopportare; soffrire; resistere a; tollerare: I cannot stand the pain, non riesco a sopportare il dolore; I cannot stand that man ( o the sight of that man), non posso soffrire quell'uomo; I won't stand any rude behaviour in class!, non tollero comportamenti scorretti in classe!; My nerves could not stand the strain, i miei nervi non hanno resistito alla tensione3 sostenere; subire (mil.) to stand a siege, sostenere un assedio; to stand trial, subire un processo4 (fam.) sostenere la spesa di ( un pranzo, ecc.); offrire; to stand a round, pagare da bere a tutti6 avere (buone) probabilità di: You stand a good chance of winning, hai buone probabilità di vincere● to stand alone, essere solo, essere senza amici; essere unico, essere senza pari □ to stand aloof (o to stand apart), tenersi da parte, stare in disparte, non immischiarsi □ (mil.) to stand and fight, attestarsi e accettare il combattimento □ (leg.) to stand convicted of an offence, essere riconosciuto colpevole di un reato □ to stand corrected, accettare una correzione; riconoscere il proprio errore □ (mil.) to stand fire, sostenere il fuoco nemico senza indietreggiare; resistere sotto il fuoco □ to stand firm, tener duro; non cedere; non cambiare idea □ to stand godfather to sb., fare da padrino a q. □ to stand good, essere vero; valere; esser valido: The same remark stands good, la stessa osservazione vale in questo caso □ ( anche fig.) to stand one's ground, stare saldo, tener duro; non cedere terreno; tenere il campo (o la posizione); difendersi bene; fare resistenza: The bear turned round and stood its ground, l'orso si voltò e fece resistenza □ (mil.) to stand guard, fare la guardia □ to stand sb. in good stead, essere assai utile a q.; rendere un buon servizio a q. □ to stand in need of help, aver bisogno d'aiuto □ to stand in the way, stare tra i piedi (fig.); essere d'ingombro, d'impaccio □ to stand opposed to, essere contrario a; combattere; osteggiare □ ( sport) to stand the pace, tenere l'andatura ( del gruppo, ecc.); reggere il ritmo □ to stand pat, ( poker) essere servito; darsi servito; (fig.) restare fermo alla propria idea; non cambiare ( piano, parere, ecc.), tener duro □ to stand still, non muoversi, stare fermo; non reagire; (fig.) rimanere fermo, fermarsi: Stand still!, (sta) fermo! □ (leg.) to stand surety for sb., farsi garante per q.; pagare la cauzione per q. □ to stand treat, offrire (o pagare) da bere (o da mangiare, ecc.) □ (mil.) to stand watch, essere di sentinella □ to stand to win [to lose] st., avere buone probabilità di vincere [correre serio rischio di perdere] qc. □ (arc.) Stand and deliver, o la borsa o la vita! □ Stand clear!, largo!; indietro! □ not to stand a chance, non avere la ben che minima possibilità □ to know where one stands, conoscere la propria situazione; sapere che cosa aspettarsi □ to know where one stands with sb., sapere che cosa aspettarsi da q.; sapere come la pensa q.* * *I [stænd]1) (piece of furniture) (for coats, hats) appendiabiti m., attaccapanni m.; (for plant) portavasi m.; (for sheet music) leggio m.2) (stall) (on market) bancarella f.; (kiosk) chiosco m.; (at exhibition, trade fair) stand m., padiglione m.3) sport (in stadium) tribuna f., stand m.4) dir. (witness box) banco m. dei testimoni5) (stance)to take o make a stand on sth. — prendere posizione su qcs
6) (resistance)7) (standstill)II 1. [stænd]2) (bear)I can't stand liars — non posso soffrire o non sopporto i bugiardi
he can't stand to do o doing non sopporta di fare; she won't stand any nonsense non ammetterà sciocchezze; it won't stand close scrutiny — non reggerà a un esame attento
3) colloq. (pay for)to stand sb. sth. — pagare qcs. a qcn
4) dir.5) (be liable)2.to stand to lose sth. — rischiare di perdere qcs.
2) (be upright) [ person] stare in piedi; [ object] essere in piedi, essere drittodon't just stand there, do something! — non stare lì impalato, fai qualcosa!
3) (be positioned) [building etc.] essere situato, trovarsi; (clearly delineated) stagliarsi4) (step)to stand on — calpestare [ insect]; pestare [ foot]
5) (be)to stand empty — [ house] restare vuoto
I want to know where I stand — fig. vorrei sapere come sono messe le cose per me
nothing stands between me and getting the job — non c'è niente che mi impedisca di ottenere il posto
to stand in sb.'s way — bloccare il passaggio a qcn.; fig. ostacolare qcn
6) (remain valid) [ offer] rimanere valida; [agreement, statement] valere9) (be a candidate) candidarsi ( for a)10) (not move) [ water] stagnare; [ mixture] riposare•- stand by- stand in- stand to- stand up••to leave sb. standing — [ athlete] infliggere un notevole distacco a; [student, company] superare
99 нота
I жен.; муз.; прям. и перен.1) noteчетвертная нота — quarter note, crotchet
восьмая нота — quaver, eighth note
половинная нота — minim, half-note
целая нота — whole note, semibreve
шестнадцатая нота — semiquaver, sixteenth
2) мн. ч. ноты music, printed music; ( непереплетенные) sheet musicиграть по нотам — to read music, to play from music
••II жен.; дипл.как по нотам — smoothly, superbly, like clockwork
(diplomatic) note, memorandumдипломатическая нота — memorandum, diplomatic note
100 играть по нотам
играть по нотам; читать ноты — to read music
См. также в других словарях:
Sheet Music — Studioalbum von 10cc Veröffentlichung 1974 Label UK Records Format … Deutsch Wikipedia
sheet music — sheet .music n [U] ↑microphone, ↑sheet music music that is printed on single sheets and not fastened together inside a cover … Dictionary of contemporary English
Sheet Music — Album par 10cc Sortie mai 1974 Enregistrement Strawberry Studios (Stockport) Durée 37:12 Genre rock Producteur … Wikipédia en Français
sheet music — ► NOUN 1) printed music, as opposed to performed or recorded music. 2) music published in single or interleaved sheets … English terms dictionary
sheet music — sheet ,music noun uncount music printed on pages that do not form part of a book … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
sheet music — n. music printed on unbound sheets of paper … English World dictionary
Sheet-Music — [englisch, ʃiːtmjuːzik; sinngemäß »gedruckte Musik«], Bezeichnung für Verlagsausgaben von populärer Musik (Songbooks, Chorusbücher, Druckarrangements usw.) … Universal-Lexikon
Sheet music — For other uses, see Sheet music (disambiguation). Sheet music is written representation of music. This is a homorhythmic (i.e., hymn style) arrangement of a traditional piece entitled Adeste Fideles, in standard two staff format for mixed voices … Wikipedia
sheet music — noun a musical composition in printed or written form (Freq. 1) she turned the pages of the music as he played • Topics: ↑music • Hypernyms: ↑musical composition, ↑opus, ↑composition, ↑piece, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
sheet music — N UNCOUNT Sheet music is music that is printed on sheets of paper without a hard cover. ...a copy of the sheet music to Happy Days … English dictionary
sheet music — Musicians in bed use sheet music … English expressions