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См. также в других словарях:

  • wine ex cask — бочковое вино cask beer бочковое пиво cask tare бочковая тара cask wine вино из бочки …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • Wine Society — The Wine Society is the world s oldest wine club [ [http://www.wineontheweb.co.uk/winenews/The Wine Society s /the wine society s .html Wine on the Web] ] having been founded at the Royal Albert Hall in London on 4th August 1874. [Edmund Penning… …   Wikipedia

  • Cask ale — or cask conditioned beer is the term for unfiltered and unpasteurised beer which is conditioned (including secondary fermentation) and served from a cask, usually without additional nitrogen or carbon dioxide pressure. Cask ale may also be… …   Wikipedia

  • Wine cask — may refer to: * A wine barrel * Especially in Australia, an alternate term for a Bag In Box storage for wine, used for box wine …   Wikipedia

  • cask — [kɑːsk ǁ kæsk] noun [countable] a container for liquids, especially in the beer and wine trades: • The wine is transported in casks and bottled in London …   Financial and business terms

  • cask|ing — «KAS kihng, KAHS », noun. 1. the filling of casks: »the casking of wine after the vintage. 2. wine in casks, collectively …   Useful english dictionary

  • cask — [ka:sk US kæsk] n [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: casque helmet , from Spanish casco broken piece of a pot, skull, helmet , from cascar to break ] a round wooden container used for storing wine or other liquids, or the amount of liquid that… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • wine —    Spain is among the largest wine producers by volume in the world. As well as being the standard accompaniment to food, wine is also drunk as an aperitif in bars, with tapas, and is also widely used in cooking. Picnics in the countryside are… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture

  • wine — wineless, adj. winish, adj. /wuyn/, n., adj., v., wined, wining. n. 1. the fermented juice of grapes, made in many varieties, such as red, white, sweet, dry, still, and sparkling, for use as a beverage, in cooking, in religious rites, etc., and… …   Universalium

  • wine cask — noun a barrel that holds wine • Syn: ↑wine barrel • Hypernyms: ↑barrel, ↑cask * * * wine cask noun A cask for holding wine • • • Main Entry: ↑wine …   Useful english dictionary

  • cask — /kask / (say kahsk) noun 1. a barrel like container, usually wooden, and of varying size, for holding liquids, etc., often one larger and stronger than an ordinary barrel. 2. the quantity such a container holds. 3. Also, wine cask. a lightweight… …  

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