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  • 1 ما تاريخ اليوم

    what day is today

    Arabic-English dictionary > ما تاريخ اليوم

  • 2 ما خططك اليوم

    what are your plans for today

    Arabic-English dictionary > ما خططك اليوم

  • 3 في

    في \ a; an; each; every: twice a day; 80 miles an hour. at: (showing where): at home; at the office, (showing a point of time) at midday; at 4 o’clock; He was married at 18, (after an adj) good at English; quick at sums. by: during: We travelled by night. in: showing where: In bed; in London; in the box; in his speech, showing condition In a hurry; in trouble, showing a direction; into He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket, showing when; during In the past; in January 1980; in the evening, showing what sth. contains or includes There are 60 minutes in an hour. Is he in your team?, showing what sb. wears He was in his best suit, showing a shape or arrangement They stood in a row, showing employment or activity or an event He’s in the navy. She was killed in the accident. on: showing when: on Monday; on May the 6th. showing the state of sb.:: Are you here on business or on holiday?. per: for each: He earns $8000 per annum (for each year). \ في (أيّ مَكَان)‏ \ anywhere: in or to any place: Are you going anywhere?. \ See Also إلى( إلى)‏ \ في \ home: to or at one’s house: Go home! Is your son home yet?. \ See Also إلى البيت \ في \ inside: on (or to) the inside. \ See Also إلى الداخل \ في \ inland: away from the sea: We crossed the coast and flew inland. \ See Also إلى داخل البلاد \ في \ indoors: into (or in) a building: He went (or He stayed) indoors because of the rain. \ See Also إلى داخل البيت \ في \ on board: on (or onto) a ship or aeroplane: There are 70 men on board. Can I go on board the aircraft?. \ See Also إلى دَاخِل الطَّائِرَة \ في \ upstairs: on, at or to a higher floor; up the stairs; at the top of the stairs: She went upstairs because her room is upstairs. She has an upstairs bedroom. \ See Also إلى الدَّور الأَعْلى \ في \ low: to or in a low position: The sun had sunk low in the sky. \ See Also إلى وَضْع مُنْخفِض \ في \ whereabouts: in or near which place: Whereabouts did you find this ring?. \ See Also قرب أيّ مكان؟ \ في \ upstream: against the flow of the stream; up the river: They rowed (the boat) upstream. \ See Also نَحْوَ أعلى النَّهر \ في الاتجاه المعاكس \ backward(s): towards the back: He fell over backwards. \ في أَثَر \ after: following, in search of: I ran after him but could not catch him. The police are after him. \ في أثناء الخِدْمَة (خارج أوقات الخِدمة)‏ \ on duty, (off duty): at work (not at work): The night nurse has 12 hours on duty, then 12 hours off duty. She went on duty at 18.00 and came off duty at 06.00. \ في أثناء ذلك \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في إجازة \ off: free from work: My employer gave me the afternoon off. \ See Also عطلة (عُطْلَة)‏ \ في أَحْسَن الأَحْوَال \ at best: in the most hopeful conditions: At best, we can’t be ready till Tuesday. \ في آخر \ eventually: in the end: The car kept stopping, but we got home eventually. ultimately: in the end: We must all, ultimately, die. \ See Also نهاية الأمر \ في آخر رَمَق \ on one’s last legs: (of a person or thing) not expected to last much longer; worn out; almost in ruins: That company is on its last legs. \ في آخر لحظة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في أَرْجَاء \ about: from place to place in: We wandered about the town. round: (also around) from place to place: He wandered (a)round (the town). We travelled (a)round (the country). \ في أَسْفَل \ under: (also underneath), in a lower position. underneath: (of position) below: It was hidden underneath the floor boards. \ See Also الأسفل (الأَسْفَل)‏ \ في الأَصْل \ originally: in the beginning: This school was originally a rich man’s home. \ في الأَعْلَى \ up: in or to higher position: She lives up in the hills. \ في أغلب الظَّنّ \ doubtless: probably: It will doubtless rain on the day of the garden party. \ في أَفْضَل حَالَة \ at one’s best: in one’s best state: My garden is at its best in spring. \ في أقلّ مِن \ within: in less than: He will arrive within an hour. I live within a mile of the sea. \ في الأمام \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في أَوَاخِر \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الأوْج \ in full swing: (of an activity) at its highest point; very busy: The party was in full swing when I arrived. \ في أوجِ الإزْهَار \ in bloom: flowering: The roses are in bloom now. \ في أيّ مَكَان \ anywhere: in no matter what place: Put it down anywhere. \ في أيّ وقت \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في أيّ وقت مَضَى \ ever: (in a comparative sentence) at any time: He’s working harder than ever. This is the best book I’ve ever read. \ في بادئ الأمر \ at first: at the beginning: At first the new school seemed strange, but then we got used to it. \ في البَدْء \ primarily: mainly; in the first place: This book is written primarily for foreigners. \ See Also أصلا (أَصْلاً)، أساسا (أساسًا)‏ \ في بعض الوقت \ part-time: for only part of the usual working time: She’s a part-time teacher. \ في البيت \ at home: in one’s house: He’s at home in the evenings. \ في البيت المُجَاوِر \ next, next door: in the next house: He lives next door. He is my nextdoor neighbour. \ في تَحَسُّن (من النّاحية الصحّية)‏ \ on the mend: getting better in health (after an illness). \ في تِلْكَ الحالةِ \ in that case: if that happens, or has happened: He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him, if that happens, or has happened He may be late. In that case, we shall go without him. \ في تِلْكَ اللَّحظة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. \ في التَّوّ \ straight away: at once. \ في جانب \ in favour of: supporting: I’m in favour of your plans. \ في الجَانِب الآخَر مِن \ across: on the other side of: My home is across the river. \ في جانب \ for: in favour of: Are you for this idea or against it?. \ See Also صف (صَفّ)‏ \ في جزء أدنى مِن \ down: at a lower level: My house is a little way down the hill. \ في الجِوَار \ about: around; near: There’s a lot of illness about. I went out early, when no one was about (when no one else was out). \ في الحَال \ at once: without delay: Stop that at once!. away: right away; straight away. immediately: at once. instantly: at once. on the spot: in that place and at that moment: He gave me the bill and I paid it on the spot. readily: without delay: The book you need is not readily obtainable. straight away: at once. \ في حَالَةِ \ at: (showing a state): at war; at play. on: showing the state of sth.: The house is on fire. \ في حَالَة حَسَنَة \ well, (better, best): the opposite of ill and unwell; in good health: Don’t you feel well? You’ll soon get better if you drink this medicine. How are you? Very well, thank you. I feel best in the early morning (better than at any other time). \ في حَالَة سَيِّئَة \ in a bad way: in a bad state. \ في حَالَة عَدَم توفُّر \ failing: giving a second choice of action, if the first choice fails: Ask John to do it. Failing him, ask Michael. \ في حَالَة فَوْضَى \ chaotic: in a state of chaos: The young teacher had a chaotic classroom. \ في حَالَةِ وُجُود \ in case of: in the event of; if there is: In case of fire, ring the bell. \ في حَالَةِ ما إِذَا \ in case: because of the possibility of sth. happening: Take a stick, in case you meet a snake. \ في حركة دائِمة \ on the move: moving; travelling: He’s always on the move and never settles for long. \ في الحَقِيقَة \ as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. in reality: in fact. really: truly; in fact: Is he really your son? He does not look like you!. \ في حَيْرَة من أَمْره \ at one’s wits’ end: too worried by difficulties to know what to do. \ في حين \ whereas: but: They are looking for a house, whereas we would rather live in a flat. \ في حينه \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في الخَارِج \ abroad: in or to another country: I spent my holiday abroad. out: in (or into) the open; away from shelter; in (or into) view: Don’t stand out in the rain. The ship was far out at sea. out of door, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outside: not within; in the open air; on the outer side: It’s raining outside. The cup is blue outside, and white inside. overseas: across the sea; (to the British, the mainland of Europe is abroad but it is not overseas): She is working overseas, in South America. \ في خِدمَة... \ at one’s service: ready to fulfil one’s needs: The hotel car is at your service if you want to go anywhere. \ في خَريف العُمر \ middle-aged: neither young nor old; aged between about 40 and 65. \ في خطٍّ مُستقيم \ as the crow flies: in a straight line: It is 5 miles away by road, but only 2 miles as the crow flies. \ فِي الخَفَاء \ stealth: by stealth using secret and quiet action: He got into the house by stealth, not by force. \ في خِلال \ in: showing a space of time before sth. will happen; after: I’ll come in a few days (or in a minute). in the course of: during: In the course of the morning I had seven visitors. \ في الدّاخل \ in: in a building, esp. at home, work or where one is expected to be: Is anyone in? I’m afraid Mr. Jones is out, but he’ll be in at 5 o’clock. \ في داخِل \ in: showing a direction; into: He fell in the river. He put his hand in his pocket. inside: on (or to) the inside of: Please wait inside the room. \ في داخِل النَّفْس \ inwardly: secretly; as regards one’s inner feelings: I was inwardly delighted, but I pretended not to care. \ في دَرَجَة الغَلَيان \ on the boil: boiling; at this heat. \ في ذلك المكان \ there: at that place: I live there. \ في رأيي \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في سَبِيل \ in the process of: to be doing: I am in the process of painting my house. sake, for the sake, of, for sb.’s sake: for the good of; so as to help: Soldiers die for the sake of their county (or for their country’s sake). Don’t take any risks for my sake, for the desire of Why ruin your health for the sake of a little pleasure?. \ في سِنّ المُرَاهَقَة \ teenage: in one’s teens: a teenage girl. \ في شكّ \ in doubt: uncertain: When in doubt, ask your father. \ في صحَّة جيِّدة \ fit: healthy: We take exercise so as to keep fit. \ في صَفّ \ in single file: in one line, one behind the other: We had to ride in single file down the narrow path. \ في الطّابِق الأَسْفل \ downstairs: at the bottom of the stairs; in a room at that level: I’ll wait for you downstairs. \ في الطّابِق الفوقانيّ \ overhead: above one’s head: a noise in the room overhead; clouds in the sky overhead. \ في طَرَف \ up: along (up and down are both used like this, although the course may be quite level): He lives just up the road. \ في طريق النُّور \ in sb.’s light: preventing light from reaching him: I can’t read if you stand in my light. \ في الظّاهر \ outwardly: as regards the appearance (compared with the hidden facts or inner feelings): She was outwardly calm but inwardly full of anger. \ في العَام \ annual: happening every year; of a year: an annual feast; the annual production of oil. \ في عَجلة من أمره \ in a hurry: Ants are always in a hurry. \ في العَرَاء \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under she stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في (عُرض) البَحْر \ at sea: on the sea; far from land: a storm at sea. \ في عُطلة \ on holiday, on vacation: having a holiday: The schools are on holiday. We’re going on vacation to the sea. \ See Also إجازة( إجازة)‏ \ في غابر الأزمان (كان يا ما كان...)‏ \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ في الغَالِب \ mainly: chiefly; mostly. \ في غالِب الظنّ \ probably: almost certainly; with little doubt: You’re probably right. \ في غاية الجُنون \ raving mad: noisily and violently mad. \ في غَمْضَة عَيْن \ in no time: very quickly; very soon: If you follow this path, you’ll get there in no time. \ في غِيَابِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ في كُلٍّ \ a; an; each; every: twice a day. 80 miles an hour. ten pence a packet. \ في كل مكان \ everywhere: in all places: I’ve looked for it everywhere. \ في كل وقت \ ever: at all times; always: I shall stay there for ever. \ في لحظة خاطفة \ in a flash: very quickly and suddenly: He seized the money and was gone in a flash. \ في اللحظة المناسبة \ in the nick of time: just in time; almost too late: She saved him in the nick of time from falling over the cliff. \ في اللَّيْل \ at night: during the night. overnight: for the night: I shall stay at a hotel overnight and come back tomorrow, on the night before; during the night I packed my suitcase overnight, so as to be ready to leave at sunrise. His car was stolen overnight. \ في المائَة \ per cent: for, out, of, each hundred: Six per cent of the boys failed the exam, (one part) of each hundred I’m a 100 per cent in agreement with you. About 70 per cent (written as 70%) of the people are farmers. \ في المُتَنَاوَل \ forthcoming: supplied when needed: We wanted a new school clock, but the money was not forthcoming. \ في مُتَناوَل \ within: inside; not beyond; within reach; within one’s powers. \ في متناول اليَد \ at hand: near; within reach: Help was at hand. handy: near; easily reached when wanted: Keep that book handy so that you can look at it often. \ في مَجْمُوعَة بين \ among(st): in the middle of; mixed with; surrounded by: I found this letter among my books. There is a secret enemy amongst us. \ في مِحْنة خَطَر \ in distress: (of a ship or aeroplane) in dangerous trouble; needing help. \ في المُدّة الأخيرة \ lately: not long ago; in the near past: Have you seen her lately?. \ في المرَّة التالية \ next: the next time: I’ll give it to you when I next see you. \ See Also القادمة \ في مُقَابِل \ for: showing that something is as a return or in place of: I gave him $5 for his help. Will you change this old car for a new one?. in return (for): in exchange or payment for: Give her some flowers in return for her kindness. \ في المقام الأوّل \ firstly: as the first reason, fact, etc: I need a hot drink. Firstly, because I’m cold; secondly, because I’m thirsty. \ في المقدمة \ in front: at the front: You go in front and I’ll follow. \ في مَكَان \ in sb,’s stead: in sb.’s place; instead of sb.. \ See Also بدلا من (بدلاً من)‏ \ في مَكَان آخَر \ elsewhere: in some other place. \ في المَكَان \ in position: in the correct position. \ See Also المَوضِع الصَّحيح \ في مَكَان قَريب \ by: near: He stood by and watched them. \ في مَكَانٍ ما \ somewhere: in or to some place (but usu. anywhere in negative sentences and questions): I’ve met him somewhere before. Let’s go somewhere peaceful (to some peaceful place). \ في المكان والزّمان المذكورين \ on the spot: in that place and at that moment: Fortunately a doctor was on the spot when she broke her leg. \ في مكانه \ belong: to be in the right place: This book belongs on the top shelf. \ See Also موضِعِه المناسب \ في مَلْعَبِه \ at home: (of a match) on one’s own field: Our team are playing at home tomorrow. \ في مُنْتَصَف الطَّريق \ midway: halfway; in the middle: The station is midway between the two villages. \ في مَوعِد لاَ يَتَجَاوَز \ by: before; not later than: Can you finish this by Tuesday? They ought to be here by now. \ في المَوْعِد المحدَّد \ on time: exactly at the appointed moment: The bus always leaves on time. \ في مياه أعمق من قَامَته \ out of one’s depth: in water that is too deep to stand up in: Don’t go out of your depth unless you can swim. \ في النّادِر \ rarely: not often; hardly at all: She rarely smokes. \ في نظر \ in the eyes of: in the opinion of: In his mother’s eyes he can do no wrong. \ في نَظَري \ to my mind: in my opinion: To my mind, this is most dishonest. \ في النّهايَة \ at last: in the end, after much delay: The train was very slow, but we got there at last. at length: at last; in the end: He waited two hours. At length he went home. finally: lastly; in the end. \ في نِهايَة الأمْر \ in the long run: after a period of time; in the end: It’ll be cheaper in the long run to buy good quality shoes. \ See Also عَلَى المدى الطويل \ في هذا الوقت \ now: (in a written account) at the time that is being described: The war was now over. \ في هَذا المَكَان \ about: here: Is anyone about?. \ في هذه الأَثْنَاء \ meanwhile, meantime: (in) the time between: You’ll have to wait till he’s ready; but you can read this (in the) meanwhile. \ في هذه الأَيَّام \ nowadays: in these times (compared with the past): Travel is much easier nowadays. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في هذه الحالة \ all right: (also alright), in that case: You don’t want it? All right, I’ll give it to someone else. \ في هذه اللَّحْظَة \ just: (with continuous tenses; always directly before the present participle) at this moment; at that moment: We’re just starting dinner. We were just starting dinner when he arrived. just now: at this moment: I’m busy just now. \ في الهواء الطَّلْق \ in the open: outside in the air: I like to sleep out in the open, under the stars. out of doors, outdoors: in the open air; not in a house: I like sleeping out of doors under the stars. outdoors, out of doors: the open air; not in a building: Go outdoors and play football. \ في الوَاقِع \ in reality: in fact. \ في الوَاقِع \ actually: in fact; really: She looks about thirty, but actually she’s thirty-nine. as a matter of fact, in fact: really; in truth: The dog seemed dead but in fact it was only asleep. As a matter of fact, I don’t like Michael. in point of fact: actually, in fact. truly: really: Are you truly sorry for your crimes?. virtually: actually but not officially: He was virtually a prisoner in his home, as he did not dare to go out while the police were watching. \ في الوَسَط \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَسْط المسافة \ halfway: between two places and at an equal distance from them: His house is halfway between yours and mine. \ في وَضَح (النهار)‏ \ broad: (of daylight) full; complete: The bank was robbed in broad daylight. \ في وَضع لا يجوز فيه رَكْل الكُرة \ offside: (of a player in football, etc.) breaking a rule by being in a position in which play is not allowed. \ في الوَقْت الحَاضِر \ at present: now; at the present time: At present I have no job, but I shall get one soon. for the time being: for the present: I have no job, but I’m helping my father for the time being. now: at the present time: Where are you working now? Now is the time to plant those seeds. today: the present time: the scientists of today. \ في وَقْتٍ لاَحِق \ after: later: She came first and he arrived soon after. \ في وقتٍ ما \ sometime: (often two words, some time) at a time not exactly known or stated: Come again sometime. He left sometime after dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر \ late: after the proper or usual time; not early: We always go to bed very late. He arrived too late for dinner. \ في وقتٍ متأخر مِن \ late: near the end of a period of time: Late in the year; in the late afternoon. \ في الوَقْتِ المُقَرَّر \ round: following a regular course: Wait till your turn comes round. \ في وَقْتٍ من الأوقات \ ever: (esp. in a negative sentence or a question) at any time: Nobody ever writes to me. Have you ever been to Rome? If you ever go there, you must see St. Peter’s cathedral. \ في الوَقْتِ المناسب \ early: in good time for one’s purpose; before the fixed time: We arrived early and got the best seats. in due course: later; after a reasonable delay: He will get better in due course. in good time: slightly early: He came in good time for the meeting. \ في وقت واحد \ at a time: together: They arrived three at a time (in groups of three). \ في يوم من الأيام \ once upon a time: (used at the beginning of stories). \ See Also كان يا ما كان

    Arabic-English dictionary > في

  • 4 على

    عَلَى \ against: touching (usually sth. upright): The rain beat against the window. He pressed his nose against the glass. on: showing where sb. or sth. is placed: He lay on his back on the bed. The picture hung on a nail on the wall. Your name is on the list. He hit me on the nose. The boat is on the river (in the water). The house is on the river (beside the water), as in the previous meaning, but with movement (often with to) He jumped on (to) his horse. The book fell on (to) the floor. onto: on to: He sprang onto the table. over: lying across; resting on; covering: A cloud was over the sun. She spread a cloth over the table, across the surface of Ships sail over the sea, above (in rank, etc.) He rules over a proud people, about; concerning They quarrelled over the resutl of the race. You need not hurry over your dinner. upon: on. \ عَلَى \ on shore, ashore: on dry land; not on the sea; on or to the shore: Sailors are unhappy ashore. We swam ashore from the boat. \ See Also نَحْوَ البَرّ، اليابسة (اليَابِسَة)‏ \ عَلَى \ ashore: on or to the shore: Sailors are unhappy ashore. We swam ashore from the boat. on shore, ashore: on dry land; not on the sea. \ See Also نَحْوَ الشّاطِئ \ عَلَى اتِّصَال (عكس مُنْقَطع عن)‏ \ in touch: (the opposite is out of touch) giving or receiving news: I’ve been in touch with my brother by telephone. The radio keeps us in touch with world events. \ عَلَى أتَمّ ما يكُون من التَّرتيب والهِنْدام \ spick and span: (as a predic. phrase) neat, clean and bright: Sailors usually keep their boats spick and span. \ عَلَى الأَثير \ on the air: being sent out on the radio or television. \ عَلَى أَحْسَن وَجْه \ best, well, better: in the best way: Peter played best last week. \ عَلَى أرْبَع \ on all fours: on hands and knees: She went down on all fours to look for the needle. \ عَلَى الأرض \ over: from an upright (or straight) position to a flat (or bent) position: I fell over. He knocked me over. She bent over to pick it up. \ عَلَى استعداد \ content: willing: I’m content to wait for my turn. \ عَلَى أشُدِّه \ in full swing: (of an activity) at its highest point; very busy: The party was in full swing when I arrived. \ عَلَى الإطلاق \ little: (coming just before the verb) not at all: I little knew (or Little did I know) that next day he would be dead. not in the least: not at all: It doesn’t matter in the least. whatever: at all: I have no money whatever. whatsoever: a strong form of whatever; at all: Tell him nothing whatsoever!. \ عَلَى الأَغْلَب \ for the most part: mostly: He is old and for the most part he stays at home. \ عَلَى أَقْصَى ما تستطيع رؤيتَه \ in the distance: far away (from the point where one is): In the distance he could see the mountains. \ عَلَى الأَقَلّ \ a good: (with numbers) at least: He lives a good 3 miles away. at least: (showing that sth. is true, necessary, etc., even if sth. else is not) in spite of what has just been said or is just going to be said: He may be lazy but at least he’s honest. You can at least be polite even if you don’t like him, not less than It cost at least $100. quite: at least; not less than: The journey took quite three hours. \ عَلَى الأَكثَر \ largely: mostly: The accident was largely his own fault. mainly: chiefly; mostly. \ عَلَى انفِراد \ private: (only in the phrase in private) privately; where nobody can hear except those concerned: May I speak to you in private. \ عَلَى أُهْبَة الاستعداد \ stand by: to be ready, in case one may be needed: The soldiers were told to stand by. \ عَلَى أَيّ حال \ anyhow: in any case: I don’t really need this; anyhow, it costs too much. anyway: in any case: I may be late; anyway, don’t wait for me, in any case I don’t really need this; anyhow, it costs too much. at all events, in any event: in any case; whatever may happen or has happened: He didn’t win but, at all events, he did try hard. at any rate: at least; in any case: He wasn’t there; at any rate, I don’t think he was. I may not succeed; but I’ll try, at any rate. in any case: no matter what else may be considered, anyhow: It costs too much. In any case, I don’t really need it. \ عَلَى أيَّة حال \ all the same, at the same time: (only at the start of a sentence; comparing points that are for and against) in spite of this: He’s not clever; all the same, he does try hard. however: all the same; in spite of what has just been said: I’m very tired; however, I’ll come and help you. \ عَلَى بُعد \ away: at a distance: Brighton is 60 miles away. Keep away from the wet paint. beyond: further; on or to the farther side: I looked across the river to the hills beyond. \ عَلَى التَّخْصِيص \ in particular: especially: I enjoyed his first song in particular. \ عَلَى التَّوَالي \ respectively: separately, in that order: Boys and girls will be examined on Monday and Tuesday respectively (the boys on Monday, the girls on Tuesday). \ عَلَى جَانِب \ up: along (up and down are both used like this, although the course may be quite level): He lives just up the road. \ عَلَى الجميع \ round: to everyone: He handed the coffee round. There were not enough cups to go round. \ عَلَى حَدٍّ \ as far as, so far as: (showing a limit): As far as I know, he’s not here. \ عَلَى حَدٍّ سَواء \ alike: in the same way: He treats us all alike. \ عَلَى حَدِّ عِلْمي \ to the best knowledge: as far as I know: To the best of my knowledge, he is honest (I have no reason to doubt his honesty). \ عَلَى حِدَة \ private: (only in the phrase in private) privately; where nobody can hear except those concerned: May I speak to you in private?. separate: not joined or shared; apart: Keep the new milk separate from the old. \ عَلَى حَقّ (مُحِقّ)‏ \ be in the right: not be at fault: Although they said she’d made a mistake, they discovered she was in the right. \ عَلَى حِين غِرَّة \ all of a sudden: in a sudden manner. suddenly: in a sudden manner: The door opened suddenly. \ عَلَى خَطَأ \ in the wrong: mistaken (in one’s judgement, behaviour etc.). \ عَلَى الدَّوام \ always: at all times. \ عَلَى رؤوس الأصابِع \ on tiptoe: on the tips of one’s toes: I can reach that if I stand on tiptoe. \ عَلَى الرّاجح \ likely: (usu. with very, most, more or quite) probably: She’s very likely right. \ عَلَى الرُّغْم مِن \ despite: in spite of: Despite his age, the old man walks several miles every day. for all: in spite of: For all his strength, he could not lift it. much as: although: Much as I admire him, I could not work with him. spite, in spite of: (of sth. that fails) even with: In spite of his efforts, he could not save her life, without regard to; not caring about (a difficulty) In spite of his illness, he attended the ceremony. \ عَلَى الرُّغْم مِنْ أَنَّ \ although: in spite of the fact that; (without a verb) in spite of being: Although (he was) ill, he went to work. \ عَلَى الرُّغْم من ذلك \ even so: in spite of that: He may be foolish; even so, you should help him. just the same: (showing one thing that is not the natural result of another) in spite of this: He’s a thief, but I like him just the same. nevertheless: in spite of that: I told him it would be dangerous, but nevertheless he did it. still: in spite of that: We rarely win; but still, we enjoy playing. \ عَلَى سَبيل المِثال \ for instance: as an example: He’s often late. Yesterday, for instance, he came home after midnight. \ عَلَى السَّطح كلِّه \ over: (esp. with all) across a surface: The table was wet all over. He rubbed it over with a dry cloth. \ عَلَى سَوِيَّة \ level: equal in height or position: His eyes were level with my shoulder. I soon drew level with the leading runner. \ عَلَى سَوِيَّة \ flush: exactly on a level with; not sticking out from; meeting exactly at the edges: The door is flush with the wall when it is closed. \ See Also مستوى (مُسْتَوًى)‏ \ عَلَى سَوِيَّة واحدة \ even: equal: The table legs were not of even length. He shared the money evenly among them. \ عَلَى شاكِلَة \ like: the same as: What is he like (in appearance and character)? He’s just like his father., What does it feel (or look or taste or smell or sound) like?. in the same way as:: He swims like a fish. \ عَلَى شَرْط \ provide (that), also providing (that): if; on condition that: I’ll go, provided (that) you’ll go too. \ عَلَى شَفَا \ on the brink of: close to (sth. dangerous or exciting): on the brink of war. on the point of doing sth.: starting to do sth.: I was on the point of telephoning you, when I got your letter. on one’s last legs: (of a person or thing) not expected to last much longer; worn out; almost in ruins: That company is on its last legs. on the verge of: close to: She was on the verge of tears. \ See Also شفير (الموت أو الإفلاس، إلخ)، عَلى وَشْك \ عَلَى صَهْوَةِ الجَوَاد \ on horseback: on a horse: He travelled on horseback. \ عَلَى ضِغْن \ grudgingly: unwillingly. \ See Also على غير رَغْبَة \ عَلَى طُولِ \ along: following the line of: He ran along the road. down: along (without regard to level): We raced down the street. My friend lives just down the road. \ عَلَى ظَهْر \ on deck: on an uncovered deck, in the open air. \ See Also سَطْح السفينة \ عَلَى ظَهْر الحِصان \ on horseback: on a horse: He travelled on horseback. \ عَلَى ظَهْر السَّفينة \ on board: on (or on to) a ship or aeroplane: There are 70 men on board. Can I go on board the aircraft?. \ عَلَى ظَهْر الصَّفْحَة \ overleaf: on the back of the page: Please fill in this paper, and sign your name overleaf. \ عَلَى عَرْض \ across: over; from one side to the other of: He ran across the street. There is a bridge across the stream. \ عَلَى العَكْس \ on the contrary: (expressing disagreement) the opposite is true: It’s not worn out - on the contrary, it’s quite new. \ عَلَى عِلْم بِـ \ familiar with: knowing; accustomed to: I’m not familiar with English law. \ عَلَى عُلُوّ \ high: (in compounds) to the height of: The grass was waist-high. \ عَلَى الغالِب \ probably: almost certainly; with little doubt: You’re probably right. \ عَلَى غَيْر انتظار \ surprisingly: unexpectedly: a surprisingly good result. \ عَلَى غَيْر رَغْبَة \ grudgingly: unwillingly. \ عَلَى غَيْر هُدًى \ adrift: (of boats) loose; floating about with no control: Our ship was wrecked and we were left adrift in a small boat on the ocean. \ عَلَى فَتَرات مُنْتَظِمة \ periodically: from time to time. \ عَلَى فَرض أنّ \ (conj.) supposing: if: Supposing he’s late, shall we wait for him? Even supposing the lorry comes, it will still be too late. \ عَلَى الفِطْرة \ na]ve: too simple to be sensible; lacking wisdom and experience: a na]ve question; a na]ve young girl. \ عَلَى فِكْرَة \ by the way: used to show that the speaker is about to change the subject: Thank you for your help. By the way, would you like to come to our party next week?. \ عَلَى الفَوْر \ directly: at once: He arrived directly after me. instantly: at once. off-hand: without thought or preparation: I can’t say off-hand what it cost, but it was over $1000. \ عَلَى قافية واحدة \ rhyme: (of word endings) to have the same sound: ‘Consideration’ rhymes with ‘nation’, ‘Port’ rhymes with ‘thought’. ‘Pleasure’ rhymes with ‘measure’ but not with ‘pressure’. \ عَلَى قَدْر \ according to: in the proper way for; depending on: Each man was paid according to his skill. \ عَلَى قَدَم وَسَاق \ in full swing: (of an activity) at its highest point; very busy: The party was in full swing when I arrived. \ عَلَى قَيْد الحَيَاة \ alive: living: He was buried alive when part of a cliff fell on him. \ عَلَى كُلّ حال \ at any rate: at least; in any case: He wasn’t there; at any rate, I don’t think he was. I may not succeed; but I’ll try, at any rate. \ عَلَى مَا يَبْدُو \ apparently: it seems (from what people say): I thought she was 15, but apparently is older. \ عَلَى ما يَصِل إليه عِلْمي \ to the best of my knowledge: as far as I know: To the best of my knowledge, my son has never met her. \ See Also على مَبْلَغ علمي \ عَلَى المَدَى الطَّويل \ in the long run: after a period of time; in the end: It’ll be cheaper in the long run to buy good quality shoes. \ عَلَى مسؤوليَّته الشخصيّة \ at one’s own risk: agreeing that any troube will be one’s own fault: The bridge is unsafe but you can cross it at your own risk. \ عَلَى مسافة قريبة مِن \ off: a short distance from: an island off the English coast. \ عَلَى مُسْتَوًى \ level: equal in height or position: His eyes were level with my shoulder. \ عَلَى مِصْرَاعَيْه (فَتَحَ الباب)‏ \ wide: (with open) fully: open the door wide. Leave it wide open. \ عَلَى نَحْو مماثِل \ similarly: in the same way: They were similarly dressed. \ عَلَى نَسَق \ on the lines of: in the general form of: We’re planning some sports on the lines of the Olympic Games, but for schoolboys only. \ عَلَى نَفْس الوَتيرة \ even: (of movement) regular; steady: Her heart was not beating evenly. \ عَلَى نَوبات \ fits and starts: in short bursts; starting and stopping: The engine only goes in fits and starts. \ See Also فترات \ عَلَى هذا المُعَدَّل \ at that rate: if those conditions continue: He keeps stopping for a rest; at that rate, he won’t finish the job today. \ عَلَى هذا النَّحْو \ so: in this way; in that way: Don’t shout so!. thus: in this way. \ عَلَى الهَوَاء \ on the air: being sent out on the radio or television. \ عَلَى وَتِيرَة واحدة \ monotonous: (of a voice, a job, a way of life, etc.) dull, never changing and therefore uninteresting. \ عَلَى وَجْهٍ \ unusually: (with an adj.) very; strangely: It is unusually cold in here today. \ See Also بشكل غير عاديّ \ عَلَى وَجْهِ التَّقْريب \ roughly: (with numbers and amounts) not exactly; about: roughly 50 trees; roughly a mile away. \ عَلَى وَجْهِ الخُصُوص \ particularly: especially: a particularly nasty smell. \ عَلَى الوَجهِ الصحيح \ duly: properly; as expected: The bill was duly paid. The train duly arrived. \ عَلَى وَجْهِ العُمُوم \ in general: in most cases: Men in general are taller than women. \ عَلَى وَجْهٍ ما \ somehow: in some way or other, by some means or other: I’ll pay for it somehow, even if I have to ask someone to lend me the money. \ عَلَى وَجْهٍ مُسْتَهْجَن \ oddly: strangely: She behaved very oddly last night. \ عَلَى مِقْدار عِلْمي \ for all I know: as far as I know: For all I know, you may have stolen this. \ عَلَى مَقْرُبةٍ \ near: close to, in position: His house is near my own. \ عَلَى مَقرُبة مِن \ about: around; near There’s a lot of illness about. I went out early, when no one was about (when no one else was out). \ عَلَى مَهْل \ leisurely: without haste: He likes a leisurely walk in the evening. \ عَلَى نَحْو أسوأ \ worse: more bad; more badly: Murder is worse than stealing. It is a worse crime. You write even worse than I do. \ عَلَى نَحْوٍ أَفْضَل \ better, well, best: in a better way: He drives better than I do. \ عَلَى نَحْو تامّ \ strictly: exactly: Strictly speaking (If I tell you the exact truth) this ticket is out of date; but I’ll let you travel with it. \ See Also كامل (كامِل)‏ \ عَلَى نَحْو خَطير \ badly: seriously: He was badly wounded. \ عَلَى نَحْو رَخْو \ loosely: in a loose way: a loosely tied knot. \ See Also غير مُحْكَم \ عَلَى نَحْو رَدِيء \ badly: in a bad manner: badly dressed; badly made. \ عَلَى نَحْو صارم \ strictly: very firmly: Smoking in this cinema is strictly forbidden. \ See Also دَقيق \ عَلَى نَحْو صَحيح \ right: correctly: You guessed right. \ عَلَى نَحْو صَحيح \ rightly: justly; correctly: You acted rightly. \ See Also ملائم (مُلائم)‏ \ عَلَى نَحْوٍ كَامِل \ absolutely: without conditions: You must agree absolutely and not to try to change matters later. \ عَلَى نَحو مألوف \ ordinarily: usually. \ عَلَى نَحْو مُرْضٍ \ well: (the adv. form of the adj. good; see better, best) in a good and pleasing way: Well done! You played very well. \ عَلَى نَحْو مُلحّ \ badly: (with need, want) very much: They need money badly. \ عَلَى وَشْك \ on the point of doing sth.: starting to do sth.: I was on the point of telephoning you, when I got your letter. \ عَلَى وَشْك أَنْ \ be about to do sth.: to be ready to do it; be just going to do it: I was about to go when he arrived. on the verge of: close to: She was on the verge of tears. \ عَلَى يَد (مِن قِبَل)‏ \ by: (showing who or what did sth.): He was bitten by a dog. \ عَلَى اليدين والرِّجلين \ on all fours: on hands and knees: She went down on all fours to look for the needle.

    Arabic-English dictionary > على

  • 5 radio

    أَرْسَلَ باللاّسلكيّ \ radio: to send (a message) by radio: The ship radioed for help. \ جِهَاز لاسِلْكي \ radio: an instrument for receiving sounds by electrical waves: We were listening to the radio. I was given a new radio (set) today. What is on the radio?. \ راديو (جهازُ استقبالٍ لاسِلكيّ)‏ \ radio. \ _(field) Elec. Comm. \ مِذْيَاع (راديو)‏ \ radio: an instrument for receiving sounds by electrical waves: We were listening to the radio. I was given a new radio (set) today. What is on the radio?.

    Arabic-English glossary > radio

  • 6 how

    [hau] adverb, conjunction
    1) in what way:

    How do you make bread?

    2) to what extent:

    How do you like my new hat?

    How far is Paris from London?

    إلى أي مدى؟
    3) by what means:

    I've no idea how he came here.

    كيْفَ، بأي طريقَه
    4) in what condition:

    How are you today?

    How do I look?

    كيْفَ؟ في أي حال؟
    5) for what reason:

    How is it that I am the last to know about this?

    كيْفَ؟ لماذا؟ لأي سبب؟

    Arabic-English dictionary > how

  • 7 كثير

    كَثِير \ ample: enough or more than is necessary: There is an ample supply of food. We have ample time to catch the train. considerable: great (of amount, cost, difficulty, distance, etc.). constant: happening very often: He paid constant visit to the doctor. good: fairly large: It cost a good deal of money. many: a large number (of): He has (very) many friends. Many (of them) are at school with him. Many hands make light work (A job is done faster if we help each other). many a: used with a singular noun, equal in sense to a plural noun: I’ve been there many a time (many times). plentiful: (esp. of fruit or vegetables) obtainable in large numbers: Apples are plentiful this year. We had a plentiful supply of fruit. \ بِكَثِير \ all: (with comparatives) much: If you run you’ll get there all the sooner. by far: by a long way or very much: He is by far the better player of the two. He plays better by far. far: (comparing things) much: He works far harder than you do. lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (in comparisons; before more, etc., and before too) a lot; by a great amount: This is much more useful than that. I feel much better today. It’s much too expensive. well: quite a long way: He’s well over 60. Stand well back from the line. \ كَثِير الأحلام \ dreamy: having an appearance of dreaming; inattentive to what is around one. \ كَثِير الأعشاب الضَّارَّة \ weedy: full of weeds or weed. \ كَثِير إلى هذا الحَدّ \ so many, so much: such a lot of: I never knew that you had so many brothers. \ كَثِير الإنتاج \ productive: (of land, work, plans, etc.) producing (many) goods or results. \ كَثِير التِّلال \ hilly: (of a country or roads) full of hills. \ كَثِير التَّنقُّل \ on the move: moving; travelling: He’s always on the move and never settles for long. \ كَثِير الجِبال \ mountainous: (of land) full of mountains. \ كَثِير جدًّا \ a good many, a great many: very many: a good many people. immensely: very much: I enjoyed myself immensely. in abundance: in large quantities. so many, so much: such a lot of: I never knew that you had so many brothers. \ كَثِير الحِجارة \ stony: having many stones: stony soil. \ كَثِير الحَرَاشِف \ scaly: covered with scales: A scaly creature; a scaly surface. \ كَثِير الدُّخَان \ smoky: producing much smoke; full of smoke; of a greyish brown colour. \ كَثِير الرّياح \ windy: having a lot of wind: Windy weather; a windy hillside. \ كَثِير الرِّيح \ breezy: (of weather) rather windy; fresh. \ كَثِير السُّؤَال \ inquisitive: too eager to know about other people’s affairs. \ كَثِير الشَّعْر \ hairy: covered with hair: hairy legs. \ كَثِير الضَّباب \ foggy: not clear because of fog: a foggy day. \ كَثِير الضَّجيج \ noisy: making a lot of noise: noisy children. \ كَثِير العَدَد \ numerous: great in number; very many: numerous mistakes. \ كَثِير العُشْب \ grassy: covered with grass. \ كَثِير العُصَارة \ juicy: (of fruit, etc.) containing a lot of liquid: a juicy apple. \ كَثِير العَظْم \ bony: (of fish or meat) full of bones. \ كَثِير العَمَل \ busy: working; having much to do: My wife is busy cooking. I’ve had a busy day at the office. \ See Also مشغول (مَشْغُول)‏ \ كَثِير مِن \ a lot of, lots of: a great deal of (but much or many is more common in questions or negative sentences): He has a lot of money but he hasn’t much sense. a good deal, a great deal: a lot: he suffers a good deal of pain. He has a great deal of money. dozen: a lot: I have dozens of relations. masses: a lot: I’ve got masses of work to finish. much: (it should be used: (a) only with nu nouns; use many for nc. nouns; (b) in negative sentences or questions; (c) in statements only when it describes the subject or when it follows how, too, so or as; in other statements use a lot, plenty of, a good deal of) a large amount of: We haven’t much food. Much money was spent on repairs. You eat too much sugar. \ كَثِير النُّتُوءات \ lumpy: full of lumps; covered with lumps; not smooth. \ كَثِير النِّسْيَان \ forgetful: often failing to remember things. \ كَثيرًا \ lot: a lot very much: I feel a lot better today. He likes her a lot. much: (only in negative sentences or questions; always after the verb) often: Does he come here much?, (with p.p) greatly a much-loved friend, (with verbs (a) it must not come between the verb and its object, (b) it may come at the end of a negative sentence or question, (c) it may only come at the end of a statement if it follows very) greatly: I don’t much like it or (I don’t like it). often: many times: It often rains in winter. \ كَثيرًا جدًّا \ highly: greatly; very; very much: I was highly delighted at his success. This substance is highly poisonous. She is a highly experienced taecher. I value your advice highly. \ كَثيرةُ الأرجُل (من المَفْصِليّات)‏ \ millepedes or millipedes, Myriapoda. \ _(field) Zool.

    Arabic-English dictionary > كثير

  • 8 عمل

    عَمَلٌ \ act: a deed; sth. done: Men judge us by our acts, not by our words. action: doing things: We want more action and less talk. activity: sth. one does; a form of work or play: Music and swimming are among our school activities. affair: a happening; event; action: The meeting was a noisy affair. appointment: the position for which sb. is chosen: I hope to get a government appointment. business: one’s work: My business is writing books. career: one’s job in life: What career shall I follow on leaving school? A business career?. deed: sth. done; an act: an evil deed. doing: (an) action: This damage was not my doing. Tell me about your doings in London. employment: work; activity: I am growing lazy for lack of employment. function: special work or duty: The function of an ear is to hear. job: regular employment: He has an office job. They lost their jobs when the factory closed, a piece of work I have several jobs to do in my garden. labour: hard work (esp. work with the hands; digging, lifting, carrying, etc.): Heavy labour is very tiring. occupation: employment; job: What is your occupation? Are you a teacher?. operation: the working of a machine or plan: The law is not yet in operation - it comes into operation next year. performance: (an act of) performing: Our team’s performance has been very good this year. There were seven performances of the play. post: a job with particular duties; an official position: He held the post of headmaster for ten years. profession: (used loosely, in a general sense) any work or job. thing: an action: You did the wrong thing. undertaking: a job that has been undertaken: a dangerous undertaking. work: doing or making sth.; sth. that needs doing; the opposite of rest and play: school work; office work; work in the home; a brain always at work (always busy), employment; a paid job He has left school and started work. I’m out of work (unemployed). Jane is at work (at her place of work), sth. sb. has made or done Writers have to sell their work. This crime was the work of a madman.. A work of art: the works of Shakespeare (his plays and poems; to be busy (for some good purpose) \ See Also نشاط (نَشاطٌ)، وظيفة (وَظيفَة)‏ \ أَعمال \ works. \ See Also عمل (عَمَل)‏ \ أَعْمال الخَشَب (في مَبْنى)‏ \ woodwork: the wooden parts of a structure; the art of making things with wood. \ أَعْمال منزليّة \ housework: work done in taking care of a house, esp. cleaning. \ عَمَلٌ أَحْمَق \ folly: foolishness; an example of this; youthful follies. \ عَمَلٌ بارِع \ trick: a skilful act that is done for amusement: Animals can be taught to perform tricks. \ عَمَلٌ تافِه \ trash: worthless writing, painting, etc.. \ عَمَلٌ تِجاريّ \ business: to trade in general: Social disorder is bad for business. Business is quiet today. \ عَمَلٌ تَخريبيّ \ sabotage: serious damage that is done secretly by an enemy, so as to make sth. useless (esp. a machine, a factory, a ship, a railway, etc.). \ عَمَلٌ رَتيب \ chore: a piece of uninteresting or disliked work: It’s such a chore to do the shopping every day. \ عَمَلٌ رتيب مُتكرِّر \ routine: a usual and regular way of doing things: Her morning routine is to wash, dress, feed the cats, sweep the floor and prepare breakfast. \ عَمَلٌ سَهْل \ child’s play: sth. that is very easy to do: Climbing hills is child’s play for a mountaineer. \ عَمَلٌ شاقّ \ task: a piece of work (usu. hard work) that has to be done: I was given the task of preparing the sports field for the races. toil: old use hard work. \ عَمَلٌ طائش \ escapade: a wild or slightly dangerous act, usu. against the rules. \ عَمَلُ القِسّيس \ ministry: the work of a Christian priest. \ عَمَلٌ مُتّصِل \ application: continual hard work: You need application to learn a foreign language. \ عَمَلٌ مُثير لا فائدة مِنْه \ stunt: a clever, sometimes dangerous, but useless act, esp. one which aims to draw public attention. \ عَمَلٌ مَجيد \ exploit: a bold and exciting deed: The lion-hunter described his exploits. \ عَمَلٌ مُخْزٍ \ outrage: a shameful or violent act that shocks public opinion. \ عَمَلٌ مزيَّف \ fake: (often attrib.) sth. that is not what it pretends or seems to be: This ring isn’t real gold, it’s a fake. \ عَمَلٌ وَحْشيّ \ atrocity: a very cruel action. \ عَمَلٌ وِدِّيّ \ a good turn: a helpful action: You did me a good turn. \ عَمَلٌ يَدَويّ \ handiwork: sth. done or made by a certain person: These pictures are all my own handiwork.

    Arabic-English dictionary > عمل

  • 9 رأى

    رَأَى \ catch sight of: to have a sudden short view of: He caught sight of his friends in the crowd for one moment. consider: to think; have an opinion: Do you consider that I am to blame?. observe: to notice: He crept past without being observed. see: to find out: See if you can reach it. Go and see what he wants, to notice with one’s eyes; use one’s eyes effectively Did you see what happened? I never saw him coming. Cats can see in the dark. set eyes on: (usu. with not or never) to see: I’ve never set eyes on her before today. think: to believe; consider; have a firm opinion: I think she’s beautiful. Don’t you think so?.

    Arabic-English dictionary > رأى

  • 10 catch sight of

    رَأَى \ catch sight of: to have a sudden short view of: He caught sight of his friends in the crowd for one moment. consider: to think; have an opinion: Do you consider that I am to blame?. observe: to notice: He crept past without being observed. see: to find out: See if you can reach it. Go and see what he wants, to notice with one’s eyes; use one’s eyes effectively Did you see what happened? I never saw him coming. Cats can see in the dark. set eyes on: (usu. with not or never) to see: I’ve never set eyes on her before today. think: to believe; consider; have a firm opinion: I think she’s beautiful. Don’t you think so?.

    Arabic-English glossary > catch sight of

  • 11 consider

    رَأَى \ catch sight of: to have a sudden short view of: He caught sight of his friends in the crowd for one moment. consider: to think; have an opinion: Do you consider that I am to blame?. observe: to notice: He crept past without being observed. see: to find out: See if you can reach it. Go and see what he wants, to notice with one’s eyes; use one’s eyes effectively Did you see what happened? I never saw him coming. Cats can see in the dark. set eyes on: (usu. with not or never) to see: I’ve never set eyes on her before today. think: to believe; consider; have a firm opinion: I think she’s beautiful. Don’t you think so?.

    Arabic-English glossary > consider

  • 12 observe

    رَأَى \ catch sight of: to have a sudden short view of: He caught sight of his friends in the crowd for one moment. consider: to think; have an opinion: Do you consider that I am to blame?. observe: to notice: He crept past without being observed. see: to find out: See if you can reach it. Go and see what he wants, to notice with one’s eyes; use one’s eyes effectively Did you see what happened? I never saw him coming. Cats can see in the dark. set eyes on: (usu. with not or never) to see: I’ve never set eyes on her before today. think: to believe; consider; have a firm opinion: I think she’s beautiful. Don’t you think so?.

    Arabic-English glossary > observe

  • 13 see

    رَأَى \ catch sight of: to have a sudden short view of: He caught sight of his friends in the crowd for one moment. consider: to think; have an opinion: Do you consider that I am to blame?. observe: to notice: He crept past without being observed. see: to find out: See if you can reach it. Go and see what he wants, to notice with one’s eyes; use one’s eyes effectively Did you see what happened? I never saw him coming. Cats can see in the dark. set eyes on: (usu. with not or never) to see: I’ve never set eyes on her before today. think: to believe; consider; have a firm opinion: I think she’s beautiful. Don’t you think so?.

    Arabic-English glossary > see

  • 14 set eyes on

    رَأَى \ catch sight of: to have a sudden short view of: He caught sight of his friends in the crowd for one moment. consider: to think; have an opinion: Do you consider that I am to blame?. observe: to notice: He crept past without being observed. see: to find out: See if you can reach it. Go and see what he wants, to notice with one’s eyes; use one’s eyes effectively Did you see what happened? I never saw him coming. Cats can see in the dark. set eyes on: (usu. with not or never) to see: I’ve never set eyes on her before today. think: to believe; consider; have a firm opinion: I think she’s beautiful. Don’t you think so?.

    Arabic-English glossary > set eyes on

  • 15 think

    رَأَى \ catch sight of: to have a sudden short view of: He caught sight of his friends in the crowd for one moment. consider: to think; have an opinion: Do you consider that I am to blame?. observe: to notice: He crept past without being observed. see: to find out: See if you can reach it. Go and see what he wants, to notice with one’s eyes; use one’s eyes effectively Did you see what happened? I never saw him coming. Cats can see in the dark. set eyes on: (usu. with not or never) to see: I’ve never set eyes on her before today. think: to believe; consider; have a firm opinion: I think she’s beautiful. Don’t you think so?.

    Arabic-English glossary > think

  • 16 لا تؤجل عمل اليوم إلى غد

    لا تُؤَجّلْ عَمَلَ اليَوْمِ إلى غَد
    never put off till tomorrow what can be done today; procrastination is the thief of time

    Arabic-English new dictionary > لا تؤجل عمل اليوم إلى غد

  • 17 good

    [gud] comparative better [ˈbetə]: superlative best [best]
    1. adjective
    1) well-behaved; not causing trouble etc:

    Be good!

    She's a good baby.

    جيّد، حَسَن السُّلوك
    2) correct, desirable etc:

    good English.

    جيّد، فاضِل
    3) of high quality:

    good food/literature

    His singing is very good.

    ذو جودَه عاليَه
    4) skilful; able to do something well:

    good with children.

    ماهِر، بارِع
    5) kind:

    a good father.

    حَسَن، طيّب
    6) helpful; beneficial:

    Exercise is good for you.

    Cheese is good for you.

    7) pleased, happy etc:

    I'm in a good mood today.

    فَرِح، مَسْرور
    8) pleasant; enjoyable:

    Ice-cream is good to eat.

    9) considerable; enough:

    She talked a good deal of nonsense.

    كَبير، كَثير
    10) suitable:

    a good man for the job.

    11) sound, fit:

    a car in good condition.

    سَليم، صَحيح
    12) sensible:

    Can you think of one good reason for doing that?

    مَعْقول، مَنطقي
    13) showing approval:

    We've had very good reports about you.

    إيجابي، اسْتِحْساني
    14) thorough:

    a good clean.

    كلّي، شامِل، كامِل
    15) healthy or in a positive mood:

    I don't feel very good this morning.

    بصحَّةٍ جَيِّدَه
    2. noun
    1) advantage or benefit:

    What's the good of a broken-down car?

    فائِدَه، مَصْلَحَه
    2) goodness:

    I always try to see the good in people.

    3. interjection
    an expression of approval, gladness etc.
    تَعبير استِحْسان

    Arabic-English dictionary > good

  • 18 grace

    [greɪs] noun
    1) beauty of form or movement:

    The dancer's movements had very little grace.

    2) a sense of what is right:

    At least he had the grace to leave after his dreadful behaviour.

    فَضيلَه، نِعْمَه
    3) a short prayer of thanks for a meal.
    صَلاة الشُّكْر
    4) a delay allowed as a favour:

    You should have paid me today but I'll give you a day's grace.

    5) the title of a duke, duchess or archbishop:

    Your/His Grace.

    سِيادَة، نِيافَة
    6) mercy:

    by the grace of God.

    بِنِعْمَة الله، بِرَحْمَة الله

    Arabic-English dictionary > grace

  • 19 inconsistent

    [ɪnkənˈsɪstənt] adjective
    1) ( often with with) contradictory in some way; not in agreement:

    What you're saying today is quite inconsistent with the statement you made yesterday.

    غَيْر مُتوافِق، غَيْر مُنْسَجِم
    2) changeable, eg in standard:

    His work is inconsistent.

    غَيْر ثابِت، مُتَغَيِّر

    Arabic-English dictionary > inconsistent

  • 20 menu

    [ˈmenjuː] noun
    1) (a card with) a list of dishes that may be ordered at a meal:

    What's on the menu today?

    قائِمَة طَعّام في المَطْعَم
    2) a list of options on a computer screen, from which a user can choose.
    قائِمَة الخيارات في الحاسوب

    Arabic-English dictionary > menu

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