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  • 61 כווא

    כַּוָּוא, כַּוָּאm., כַּוְותָא, כַּוְּתָא f. (√כו, v. כבב, to be arched, hollow) = h. חַלּוֹן, aperture, window. Targ. Zeph. 2:14 (ed. Lag. כַּוָּה). Targ. Prov. 7:6 ed. Lag. (oth. ed. כַּוַּיָּא pl.). Targ. Hos. 13:3 כַּוַּת נורא smoke-hole; a. e.M. Kat. 11a כוותא דדשא Ar. a. Rashi Ms. (ed. קביותא, Ms. M. קבוותא, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the arch of the door, upper door-post. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b bot. אודיקר׳ מן כ׳ Rabbi looked out of the window. Sabb.35a וסימניך כ׳ (or כַּוָּותָא pl.) thy sign by which to remember be ‘window (which reflects the light of the setting sun); a. fr.Pl. כַּוִּוין, כַּוַּויָּא, כַּוָּותָא, כַּוֵּי Targ. 1 Kings 6:4. Targ. Y. II Gen. 49:22. Targ. Cant. 2:9.B. Bath.6a בֵּי כַּוֵּי לאוכ׳ apertures in the party wall (for beam-rests) are no evidence of the neighbors share in the wall. Ib. 75a כ׳ דבי זיקא (Ms. O. כַּוֵּי זיקא) apertures for the air (windows, contrad. to openings for doors).Hebr. pl. כַּוִּין. Sifré Deut. 309 (play on ויכוננך, Deut. 32:6) עשאך כ׳ כ׳ he made thy body full of cavities (v. Pesik. Zutr. ed. Bub., Deut. p. 11 1); Yalk. ib. 942 כיון כיון (corr. acc.).

    Jewish literature > כווא

  • 62 כוא

    כַּוָּוא, כַּוָּאm., כַּוְותָא, כַּוְּתָא f. (√כו, v. כבב, to be arched, hollow) = h. חַלּוֹן, aperture, window. Targ. Zeph. 2:14 (ed. Lag. כַּוָּה). Targ. Prov. 7:6 ed. Lag. (oth. ed. כַּוַּיָּא pl.). Targ. Hos. 13:3 כַּוַּת נורא smoke-hole; a. e.M. Kat. 11a כוותא דדשא Ar. a. Rashi Ms. (ed. קביותא, Ms. M. קבוותא, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the arch of the door, upper door-post. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b bot. אודיקר׳ מן כ׳ Rabbi looked out of the window. Sabb.35a וסימניך כ׳ (or כַּוָּותָא pl.) thy sign by which to remember be ‘window (which reflects the light of the setting sun); a. fr.Pl. כַּוִּוין, כַּוַּויָּא, כַּוָּותָא, כַּוֵּי Targ. 1 Kings 6:4. Targ. Y. II Gen. 49:22. Targ. Cant. 2:9.B. Bath.6a בֵּי כַּוֵּי לאוכ׳ apertures in the party wall (for beam-rests) are no evidence of the neighbors share in the wall. Ib. 75a כ׳ דבי זיקא (Ms. O. כַּוֵּי זיקא) apertures for the air (windows, contrad. to openings for doors).Hebr. pl. כַּוִּין. Sifré Deut. 309 (play on ויכוננך, Deut. 32:6) עשאך כ׳ כ׳ he made thy body full of cavities (v. Pesik. Zutr. ed. Bub., Deut. p. 11 1); Yalk. ib. 942 כיון כיון (corr. acc.).

    Jewish literature > כוא

  • 63 כַּוָּוא

    כַּוָּוא, כַּוָּאm., כַּוְותָא, כַּוְּתָא f. (√כו, v. כבב, to be arched, hollow) = h. חַלּוֹן, aperture, window. Targ. Zeph. 2:14 (ed. Lag. כַּוָּה). Targ. Prov. 7:6 ed. Lag. (oth. ed. כַּוַּיָּא pl.). Targ. Hos. 13:3 כַּוַּת נורא smoke-hole; a. e.M. Kat. 11a כוותא דדשא Ar. a. Rashi Ms. (ed. קביותא, Ms. M. קבוותא, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the arch of the door, upper door-post. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b bot. אודיקר׳ מן כ׳ Rabbi looked out of the window. Sabb.35a וסימניך כ׳ (or כַּוָּותָא pl.) thy sign by which to remember be ‘window (which reflects the light of the setting sun); a. fr.Pl. כַּוִּוין, כַּוַּויָּא, כַּוָּותָא, כַּוֵּי Targ. 1 Kings 6:4. Targ. Y. II Gen. 49:22. Targ. Cant. 2:9.B. Bath.6a בֵּי כַּוֵּי לאוכ׳ apertures in the party wall (for beam-rests) are no evidence of the neighbors share in the wall. Ib. 75a כ׳ דבי זיקא (Ms. O. כַּוֵּי זיקא) apertures for the air (windows, contrad. to openings for doors).Hebr. pl. כַּוִּין. Sifré Deut. 309 (play on ויכוננך, Deut. 32:6) עשאך כ׳ כ׳ he made thy body full of cavities (v. Pesik. Zutr. ed. Bub., Deut. p. 11 1); Yalk. ib. 942 כיון כיון (corr. acc.).

    Jewish literature > כַּוָּוא

  • 64 כַּוָּא

    כַּוָּוא, כַּוָּאm., כַּוְותָא, כַּוְּתָא f. (√כו, v. כבב, to be arched, hollow) = h. חַלּוֹן, aperture, window. Targ. Zeph. 2:14 (ed. Lag. כַּוָּה). Targ. Prov. 7:6 ed. Lag. (oth. ed. כַּוַּיָּא pl.). Targ. Hos. 13:3 כַּוַּת נורא smoke-hole; a. e.M. Kat. 11a כוותא דדשא Ar. a. Rashi Ms. (ed. קביותא, Ms. M. קבוותא, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note) the arch of the door, upper door-post. Y.Yeb.IV, 6b bot. אודיקר׳ מן כ׳ Rabbi looked out of the window. Sabb.35a וסימניך כ׳ (or כַּוָּותָא pl.) thy sign by which to remember be ‘window (which reflects the light of the setting sun); a. fr.Pl. כַּוִּוין, כַּוַּויָּא, כַּוָּותָא, כַּוֵּי Targ. 1 Kings 6:4. Targ. Y. II Gen. 49:22. Targ. Cant. 2:9.B. Bath.6a בֵּי כַּוֵּי לאוכ׳ apertures in the party wall (for beam-rests) are no evidence of the neighbors share in the wall. Ib. 75a כ׳ דבי זיקא (Ms. O. כַּוֵּי זיקא) apertures for the air (windows, contrad. to openings for doors).Hebr. pl. כַּוִּין. Sifré Deut. 309 (play on ויכוננך, Deut. 32:6) עשאך כ׳ כ׳ he made thy body full of cavities (v. Pesik. Zutr. ed. Bub., Deut. p. 11 1); Yalk. ib. 942 כיון כיון (corr. acc.).

    Jewish literature > כַּוָּא

  • 65 כרמת

    כָּרֶמֶתf. (denom. of כֶּרֶם) vines trained over the wall of the vineyard. Tosef.Men.IX, 10 לא מן הכ׳וכ׳ (Var. הכדמת) neither from vines trained over the wall nor from those trained on espaliers, v. דָּלִית.

    Jewish literature > כרמת

  • 66 כָּרֶמֶת

    כָּרֶמֶתf. (denom. of כֶּרֶם) vines trained over the wall of the vineyard. Tosef.Men.IX, 10 לא מן הכ׳וכ׳ (Var. הכדמת) neither from vines trained over the wall nor from those trained on espaliers, v. דָּלִית.

    Jewish literature > כָּרֶמֶת

  • 67 מחיצה II

    מְחִיצָהII f. (חוּץ I or חָצַץ) 1) division. B. Bath.2b אימא מ׳ פלוגתא may I not say, mḥitsah (ib. I, 1) means a division of property?Answ. רצו לחצותוכ׳ then it ought to have read, ‘they agreed to divide. 2) partition, wall. Ib. 3a, v. גּוּדָּא; a. e.Esp. (in Sabbath law) a partition ten handbreadths high, to mark a space off as private ground ( רשות היחיד). Erub.VIII, 7 אמת …אא״כ עשו להוכ׳ if a canal runs through a (private) court, you must not draw water out of it on the Sabbath, unless you made at its entrance and its exit a partition ; כותל … תדון משום מ׳ the wall over the channel may serve as a legal partition. Ib. 8. Sabb.101a, a. fr. מ׳ תלויה an overhanging mḥitsah (not connected with the ground). Erub.5a קורה משום מ׳ the beam (across an alley) serves as a legal fiction for a m. (as if its broadside were prolonged so as to form a partition), v. נְגַד; a. v. fr. 3) divided off space, compartment; (for sacred law) camp, precinct, cmp. מַחֲנֶה. Num. R. s. 4 מְחִיצַת הכהנים the camp of the priestly division. Macc.20a, a. e. מ׳ לאכול the limit (the area of Jerusalem) for consuming (the second tithes); מ׳ לקלוט the limit for protecting it (as having once entered the sacred precinct). Lev. R. s. 26 עמי במְחִיצָתִי ‘with me (1 Sam. 28:19) in my division (in heaven). Ib. אין לי רשות ליכנס למְחִיצָתְךָ I am not permitted to enter thy compartment. Num. R. s. 20 מְחִיצָתָן their compartment.Gen. R. s. 98 (play on חצים, Gen. 49:23) בעלי מְחִיצָתוֹ his camp fellows (brothers); a. fr.Pl. מְחִיצוֹת. Erub.89a במ׳ הניכרות when the partitions (between one house and the other) are distinguishable on the roof. Num. R. s. 7 נתנו חכמים מ׳ the scholars fixed camps (for sacred law); Sifré Num. 1 מנו חכמים למ׳ (v. Kel. I, 9); a. fr.מְחִיצִין laws concerning partitions for Sabbath purposes, v. supra. Erub.4a; Succ.5b.

    Jewish literature > מחיצה II

  • 68 מְחִיצָה

    מְחִיצָהII f. (חוּץ I or חָצַץ) 1) division. B. Bath.2b אימא מ׳ פלוגתא may I not say, mḥitsah (ib. I, 1) means a division of property?Answ. רצו לחצותוכ׳ then it ought to have read, ‘they agreed to divide. 2) partition, wall. Ib. 3a, v. גּוּדָּא; a. e.Esp. (in Sabbath law) a partition ten handbreadths high, to mark a space off as private ground ( רשות היחיד). Erub.VIII, 7 אמת …אא״כ עשו להוכ׳ if a canal runs through a (private) court, you must not draw water out of it on the Sabbath, unless you made at its entrance and its exit a partition ; כותל … תדון משום מ׳ the wall over the channel may serve as a legal partition. Ib. 8. Sabb.101a, a. fr. מ׳ תלויה an overhanging mḥitsah (not connected with the ground). Erub.5a קורה משום מ׳ the beam (across an alley) serves as a legal fiction for a m. (as if its broadside were prolonged so as to form a partition), v. נְגַד; a. v. fr. 3) divided off space, compartment; (for sacred law) camp, precinct, cmp. מַחֲנֶה. Num. R. s. 4 מְחִיצַת הכהנים the camp of the priestly division. Macc.20a, a. e. מ׳ לאכול the limit (the area of Jerusalem) for consuming (the second tithes); מ׳ לקלוט the limit for protecting it (as having once entered the sacred precinct). Lev. R. s. 26 עמי במְחִיצָתִי ‘with me (1 Sam. 28:19) in my division (in heaven). Ib. אין לי רשות ליכנס למְחִיצָתְךָ I am not permitted to enter thy compartment. Num. R. s. 20 מְחִיצָתָן their compartment.Gen. R. s. 98 (play on חצים, Gen. 49:23) בעלי מְחִיצָתוֹ his camp fellows (brothers); a. fr.Pl. מְחִיצוֹת. Erub.89a במ׳ הניכרות when the partitions (between one house and the other) are distinguishable on the roof. Num. R. s. 7 נתנו חכמים מ׳ the scholars fixed camps (for sacred law); Sifré Num. 1 מנו חכמים למ׳ (v. Kel. I, 9); a. fr.מְחִיצִין laws concerning partitions for Sabbath purposes, v. supra. Erub.4a; Succ.5b.

    Jewish literature > מְחִיצָה

  • 69 מסטווה

    מִסְטָוָוהf. h. same (cmp. אִיסְטְוָוא, אִיסְטֵיו). Y.Kil.IX, 32a נתוןע״ג מ׳ placed on a stationary stone bench, opp. מיטה, couch. Y.Erub.VII, 24b bot. עשה מ׳ על פניוכ׳ (not עשרה) if he attached a porch along the whole front of the wall.Pl. מִסְטְוָיֹות. Y.Pes.V, 32c bot. מ׳ היו עושין להון they made for them projecting boards (along the wall, that they should not step on the blood; Bab. ib. 65b דמסגי אאיצטבי, v. אִיסְטְבָא).

    Jewish literature > מסטווה

  • 70 מִסְטָוָוה

    מִסְטָוָוהf. h. same (cmp. אִיסְטְוָוא, אִיסְטֵיו). Y.Kil.IX, 32a נתוןע״ג מ׳ placed on a stationary stone bench, opp. מיטה, couch. Y.Erub.VII, 24b bot. עשה מ׳ על פניוכ׳ (not עשרה) if he attached a porch along the whole front of the wall.Pl. מִסְטְוָיֹות. Y.Pes.V, 32c bot. מ׳ היו עושין להון they made for them projecting boards (along the wall, that they should not step on the blood; Bab. ib. 65b דמסגי אאיצטבי, v. אִיסְטְבָא).

    Jewish literature > מִסְטָוָוה

  • 71 נדבךְ

    נִדְבָּךְm. ( דוך = דבך; v. Del. Prol., p. 150) 1) rammed wall (pisé), a mould fitted with earth or rubble; a block of a certain size (four handbreadths cubic measure), or a course of bricks, used as ‘binder (coagmentum); in gen. a course of stones, layer. Y.Shebi.III, 34c bot. זה שהוא מקבל נ׳ צריךוכ׳ he who contracts to build nidbakh, must build with blocks of four handbreadths as far as the space contracted for (v. infra). Sabb.115a אמר לבנאי שקעהו תחת הנ׳ he said to the builder, sink it (the translation of the Book of Job) under the rubble; Y. ib. XVI, 15c top. Ber.II, 4 mechanics at work may read the Shma בראש הנ׳ while standing on top of a course of the wall. Sabb.125b נ׳ של אבנים a mouldful of stones (v. מִרְבָּךְ); a. fr. 2) a frame carried to the building ground with tools and vessels above and under it. Tosef.Ohol.VII, 1 ארבעה שהיו נושאין את הנ׳ ואיןוכ׳ if four persons carry a frame the poles of which have not the size of a plough-handle; Ohol. VI, 1 (ed. Dehr. נדוד; Ar. נרווד, read: נִדְוָךְ, נִדְוָוךְ; Maim. a bier). Zab. V, 2 אצבעו של זב תחת הנ׳ if the gonorrhœist has his finger under the frame (while it is carried).Pl. נִדְבָּכִין, נִדְבָּכוֹת. Ohol. XIV, 1 שלשה נ׳וכ׳ a distance of three courses of stones which is twelve handbreadths; Tosef. ib. XIV, 8; Y.Shebi.III, 34d top. Ib. שלשה נ׳ עשרהוכ׳ three courses of trimmed stones making ten handbreadths, v. סִיתּוּת.

    Jewish literature > נדבךְ

  • 72 נִדְבָּךְ

    נִדְבָּךְm. ( דוך = דבך; v. Del. Prol., p. 150) 1) rammed wall (pisé), a mould fitted with earth or rubble; a block of a certain size (four handbreadths cubic measure), or a course of bricks, used as ‘binder (coagmentum); in gen. a course of stones, layer. Y.Shebi.III, 34c bot. זה שהוא מקבל נ׳ צריךוכ׳ he who contracts to build nidbakh, must build with blocks of four handbreadths as far as the space contracted for (v. infra). Sabb.115a אמר לבנאי שקעהו תחת הנ׳ he said to the builder, sink it (the translation of the Book of Job) under the rubble; Y. ib. XVI, 15c top. Ber.II, 4 mechanics at work may read the Shma בראש הנ׳ while standing on top of a course of the wall. Sabb.125b נ׳ של אבנים a mouldful of stones (v. מִרְבָּךְ); a. fr. 2) a frame carried to the building ground with tools and vessels above and under it. Tosef.Ohol.VII, 1 ארבעה שהיו נושאין את הנ׳ ואיןוכ׳ if four persons carry a frame the poles of which have not the size of a plough-handle; Ohol. VI, 1 (ed. Dehr. נדוד; Ar. נרווד, read: נִדְוָךְ, נִדְוָוךְ; Maim. a bier). Zab. V, 2 אצבעו של זב תחת הנ׳ if the gonorrhœist has his finger under the frame (while it is carried).Pl. נִדְבָּכִין, נִדְבָּכוֹת. Ohol. XIV, 1 שלשה נ׳וכ׳ a distance of three courses of stones which is twelve handbreadths; Tosef. ib. XIV, 8; Y.Shebi.III, 34d top. Ib. שלשה נ׳ עשרהוכ׳ three courses of trimmed stones making ten handbreadths, v. סִיתּוּת.

    Jewish literature > נִדְבָּךְ

  • 73 סדומי

    סְדוֹמִי, סוֹדָמִיm. (preced.) Sodomite. Gen. R. s. 41 כשאדם רע קורין אותו ס׳ when a man is bad, they call him a Sodomite; Tosef.Sabb.VII (VIII), 23. Ib. 24; a. fr.Pl. סְדוֹמִיִּים, סְדוֹמִים, סְדוֹמִין, סוֹדָ׳. Gen. R. s. 26; Yalk. ib. 44; a. fr.Y.B. Bath.II, 13c top כותל סודמין a wall of the Sodomites, i. e. a wall which may not have windows looking into the adjoining lot.

    Jewish literature > סדומי

  • 74 סודמי

    סְדוֹמִי, סוֹדָמִיm. (preced.) Sodomite. Gen. R. s. 41 כשאדם רע קורין אותו ס׳ when a man is bad, they call him a Sodomite; Tosef.Sabb.VII (VIII), 23. Ib. 24; a. fr.Pl. סְדוֹמִיִּים, סְדוֹמִים, סְדוֹמִין, סוֹדָ׳. Gen. R. s. 26; Yalk. ib. 44; a. fr.Y.B. Bath.II, 13c top כותל סודמין a wall of the Sodomites, i. e. a wall which may not have windows looking into the adjoining lot.

    Jewish literature > סודמי

  • 75 סְדוֹמִי

    סְדוֹמִי, סוֹדָמִיm. (preced.) Sodomite. Gen. R. s. 41 כשאדם רע קורין אותו ס׳ when a man is bad, they call him a Sodomite; Tosef.Sabb.VII (VIII), 23. Ib. 24; a. fr.Pl. סְדוֹמִיִּים, סְדוֹמִים, סְדוֹמִין, סוֹדָ׳. Gen. R. s. 26; Yalk. ib. 44; a. fr.Y.B. Bath.II, 13c top כותל סודמין a wall of the Sodomites, i. e. a wall which may not have windows looking into the adjoining lot.

    Jewish literature > סְדוֹמִי

  • 76 סוֹדָמִי

    סְדוֹמִי, סוֹדָמִיm. (preced.) Sodomite. Gen. R. s. 41 כשאדם רע קורין אותו ס׳ when a man is bad, they call him a Sodomite; Tosef.Sabb.VII (VIII), 23. Ib. 24; a. fr.Pl. סְדוֹמִיִּים, סְדוֹמִים, סְדוֹמִין, סוֹדָ׳. Gen. R. s. 26; Yalk. ib. 44; a. fr.Y.B. Bath.II, 13c top כותל סודמין a wall of the Sodomites, i. e. a wall which may not have windows looking into the adjoining lot.

    Jewish literature > סוֹדָמִי

  • 77 סלע

    סֶלַעm. (b. h.; Arab. salʿa, to cleave) 1) rock, clod, boulder. Tosef.B. Bath.I, 1 בס׳ הבא בידים if there is (between the two pits) a clod which crumbles under ones hands; B. Bath.17b; 19a. Orl. I, 3 אילן שנעקר והס׳ עמו if a tree has been uprooted with the clod on its roots; a. fr.Pl. סְלָעִים, סְלָעִין. B. Bath.II, 1 מרחיקין … את הס׳וכ׳ deposits of stones (or earth) must be kept off the neighbors wall ; Y.Sabb.IV, 6d bot. לא שהס׳ מרתיחיןוכ׳ not because they generate heat, but because they generate mould and ruin the wall. B. Bath. l. c. תנא הכא ס׳ והוא הדין לחול the Mishnah mentions stones and implies sand. Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 20 ס׳ כמין שדים rocks protruding like breasts; a. fr. 2) pl. as ab. scales on the bodies of serpents. Tanḥ. Mtsorʿa 2 הס׳ שהן על הנחשוכ׳ the scales on the serpents back are its leprosy. 3) Sela, a weight and a coin equal to one sacred or two common Shekels (v. Zuckerm. Talm. Münz., pp. 9; 2 4). Kel. XII, 7 ס׳ שנפסלהוכ׳ a Sela which has been unfitted (as a coin) and which has been fitted up for use as a weight. Bekh.50a ס׳ של קדשוכ׳ the sacred S. contains 48 dupondia. Ib. כל כסף האמור בתורה סתם ס׳ every silver piece mentioned in the Pentateuch without any qualification means a S. Ib. b (ref. to B. Kam.VIII, 6) ולא תימא ס׳ ארבע זוזיוכ׳ think not that the Mishnah means a S. of four Zuz, but it means half a Zuz, for people call half a Zuz a Sela (split, cmp. בֶּקַע); B. Kam.36b ס׳ צורי a Tyrian S.; ס׳ מדינה a country S. (one eighth of a Tyrian S., half a Zuz; v. supra); a. v. fr.In gen. coin. Sabb.VI, 6 ס׳ שעל הצינית a coin placed on a sore of the foot. Ab. Zar.54b ס׳ שלי my (the Lords) coin (divine image of man), v. פּוּמְבִּי.Pl. as ab. Y. Sabb. l. c. תיפתר בס׳ של כסף it means slaʿim (coins) of silver; בשל זהבוכ׳ golden, copper slaʿim. Keth.V, 9 משקל חמשה ס׳ שתיוכ׳ warp of the weight of five S. in Judaea which is equal to ten S. in Galilee Y.Kidd.I, 59d bot., a. e. כל שקלים … ס׳ all Shekels mentioned in the Pentateuch mean S., v. supra; a. fr.Tosef.Ukts.I, 2 (Tbul Yom III) ס׳ של שבלים, v. מֵלַע.

    Jewish literature > סלע

  • 78 סֶלַע

    סֶלַעm. (b. h.; Arab. salʿa, to cleave) 1) rock, clod, boulder. Tosef.B. Bath.I, 1 בס׳ הבא בידים if there is (between the two pits) a clod which crumbles under ones hands; B. Bath.17b; 19a. Orl. I, 3 אילן שנעקר והס׳ עמו if a tree has been uprooted with the clod on its roots; a. fr.Pl. סְלָעִים, סְלָעִין. B. Bath.II, 1 מרחיקין … את הס׳וכ׳ deposits of stones (or earth) must be kept off the neighbors wall ; Y.Sabb.IV, 6d bot. לא שהס׳ מרתיחיןוכ׳ not because they generate heat, but because they generate mould and ruin the wall. B. Bath. l. c. תנא הכא ס׳ והוא הדין לחול the Mishnah mentions stones and implies sand. Tanḥ. Ḥuck. 20 ס׳ כמין שדים rocks protruding like breasts; a. fr. 2) pl. as ab. scales on the bodies of serpents. Tanḥ. Mtsorʿa 2 הס׳ שהן על הנחשוכ׳ the scales on the serpents back are its leprosy. 3) Sela, a weight and a coin equal to one sacred or two common Shekels (v. Zuckerm. Talm. Münz., pp. 9; 2 4). Kel. XII, 7 ס׳ שנפסלהוכ׳ a Sela which has been unfitted (as a coin) and which has been fitted up for use as a weight. Bekh.50a ס׳ של קדשוכ׳ the sacred S. contains 48 dupondia. Ib. כל כסף האמור בתורה סתם ס׳ every silver piece mentioned in the Pentateuch without any qualification means a S. Ib. b (ref. to B. Kam.VIII, 6) ולא תימא ס׳ ארבע זוזיוכ׳ think not that the Mishnah means a S. of four Zuz, but it means half a Zuz, for people call half a Zuz a Sela (split, cmp. בֶּקַע); B. Kam.36b ס׳ צורי a Tyrian S.; ס׳ מדינה a country S. (one eighth of a Tyrian S., half a Zuz; v. supra); a. v. fr.In gen. coin. Sabb.VI, 6 ס׳ שעל הצינית a coin placed on a sore of the foot. Ab. Zar.54b ס׳ שלי my (the Lords) coin (divine image of man), v. פּוּמְבִּי.Pl. as ab. Y. Sabb. l. c. תיפתר בס׳ של כסף it means slaʿim (coins) of silver; בשל זהבוכ׳ golden, copper slaʿim. Keth.V, 9 משקל חמשה ס׳ שתיוכ׳ warp of the weight of five S. in Judaea which is equal to ten S. in Galilee Y.Kidd.I, 59d bot., a. e. כל שקלים … ס׳ all Shekels mentioned in the Pentateuch mean S., v. supra; a. fr.Tosef.Ukts.I, 2 (Tbul Yom III) ס׳ של שבלים, v. מֵלַע.

    Jewish literature > סֶלַע

  • 79 סרט

    סָרַט(b. h. שָׂרַט; contr. of סחרט, Saf. of חָרַט) to make an incision; to mark. Tosef.Sabb.XI (XII), 6 הסוֹרֵט סריטהוכ׳ he who draws one mark over two boards at the same time; (Sabb.103b שָׂרַט שריטה). Gen. R. s. 33, end יִסְרוֹט לו סריטהוכ׳ let him make a mark on the wall (indicating the standing of the sun) Ex. R. s. 12, beg. ס׳ לו סריטהוכ׳ (Tanḥ. Vaëra 16 ש׳ לו שריטה) he drew a mark for him on the wall Lam. R. introd. (Zabdi 2); ib. to IV, 12 (ref. to Is. 10:19) ששה שכן … להיות שׂורֵט שריטה six were left over, for that is a childs way to make a stroke (resembling ו = six); (Midr. Till. to Ps. 79, beg.; v. ed. Bub. note 2 1); a. fr.Esp. to wound the body in mourning, v. שָׂרַט. Pi. סֵירֵט same. Sabb.XII, 4 המְסָרֵט על בשרו he who makes a mark on his body by scratching, contrad. to הכותב. Sot.48a (expl. נוקפין) שהיו מְסָרְטִין לעגלוכ׳ they used to make a scratch between the calfs horns, that the blood might run over its eyes; (Tosef.Sot.XIII, 10 שמכין, ed. Zuck. שמושכין). Ex. R. s. 24 שאילולי היה … ומְשָׂרֶטֶת אותו if a man were to eat (and swallow) a piece of bread in its natural condition (not softened by the moisture of saliva), it would enter his entrails and wound him; a. e.Tosef.B. Mets. III, 29 משרבטין ומסרטין, strike out ומסרטין as a corrupt dittography of משרבטין; v. ed. Zuck.V. שָׂרַט. Nif. נִסְרַט, Hithpa. הִסְתָּרֵט to be scratched, wounded. Sabb.53b כדי שלא יִסָּרְטוּ דדיהן that their udders may not be scratched (when passing between bushes). Ex. R. s. 2 וכשהוא מוציאה מִסְתָּרֶטֶת but when he takes his hand out, it will be wounded.

    Jewish literature > סרט

  • 80 סָרַט

    סָרַט(b. h. שָׂרַט; contr. of סחרט, Saf. of חָרַט) to make an incision; to mark. Tosef.Sabb.XI (XII), 6 הסוֹרֵט סריטהוכ׳ he who draws one mark over two boards at the same time; (Sabb.103b שָׂרַט שריטה). Gen. R. s. 33, end יִסְרוֹט לו סריטהוכ׳ let him make a mark on the wall (indicating the standing of the sun) Ex. R. s. 12, beg. ס׳ לו סריטהוכ׳ (Tanḥ. Vaëra 16 ש׳ לו שריטה) he drew a mark for him on the wall Lam. R. introd. (Zabdi 2); ib. to IV, 12 (ref. to Is. 10:19) ששה שכן … להיות שׂורֵט שריטה six were left over, for that is a childs way to make a stroke (resembling ו = six); (Midr. Till. to Ps. 79, beg.; v. ed. Bub. note 2 1); a. fr.Esp. to wound the body in mourning, v. שָׂרַט. Pi. סֵירֵט same. Sabb.XII, 4 המְסָרֵט על בשרו he who makes a mark on his body by scratching, contrad. to הכותב. Sot.48a (expl. נוקפין) שהיו מְסָרְטִין לעגלוכ׳ they used to make a scratch between the calfs horns, that the blood might run over its eyes; (Tosef.Sot.XIII, 10 שמכין, ed. Zuck. שמושכין). Ex. R. s. 24 שאילולי היה … ומְשָׂרֶטֶת אותו if a man were to eat (and swallow) a piece of bread in its natural condition (not softened by the moisture of saliva), it would enter his entrails and wound him; a. e.Tosef.B. Mets. III, 29 משרבטין ומסרטין, strike out ומסרטין as a corrupt dittography of משרבטין; v. ed. Zuck.V. שָׂרַט. Nif. נִסְרַט, Hithpa. הִסְתָּרֵט to be scratched, wounded. Sabb.53b כדי שלא יִסָּרְטוּ דדיהן that their udders may not be scratched (when passing between bushes). Ex. R. s. 2 וכשהוא מוציאה מִסְתָּרֶטֶת but when he takes his hand out, it will be wounded.

    Jewish literature > סָרַט

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