Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 waiter

    feminine - waitress; noun (a person who serves people with food etc at table: She is a waitress in a café; Which waiter served you in the restaurant?) criado
    * * *
    [w'eitə] n 1 garçom. 2 quem espera, protela ou retarda. 3 bandeja. 4 elevador de cozinha. 5 estante giratória portátil.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > waiter

  • 2 waiter

    feminine - waitress; noun (a person who serves people with food etc at table: She is a waitress in a café; Which waiter served you in the restaurant?) garçom

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > waiter

  • 3 waiter

    garçom, criado

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > waiter

  • 4 dumb waiter

    dumb wait.er
    [d∧m w'eitə] n 1 criado-mudo, aparador. 2 Amer elevador para comida.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dumb waiter

  • 5 land-waiter

    [l'ænd weitə] n agente alfandegário que fiscaliza o desembarque de mercadorias de um navio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > land-waiter

  • 6 bilingual

    1) (written or spoken in two languages: a bilingual dictionary.) bilingue
    2) (speaking two languages equally well: a bilingual waiter.) bilingue
    * * *
    [bail'iŋgwəl] adj bilíngüe: 1 que fala duas línguas. 2 que está escrito em duas línguas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bilingual

  • 7 check

    [ ek] 1. verb
    1) (to see if something (eg a sum) is correct or accurate: Will you check my addition?) verificar
    2) (to see if something (eg a machine) is in good condition or working properly: Have you checked the engine (over)?) verificar
    3) (to hold back; to stop: We've checked the flow of water from the burst pipe.) suster
    2. noun
    1) (an act of testing or checking.) verificação
    2) (something which prevents or holds back: a check on imports.) controle
    3) (in chess, a position in which the king is attacked: He put his opponent's king in check.) xeque
    4) (a pattern of squares: I like the red check on that material.) xadrez
    5) (a ticket received in return for handing in baggage etc.) talão
    6) ((especially American) a bill: The check please, waiter!) conta
    7) ((American) a cheque.) cheque
    - checkbook
    - check-in
    - checkmate
    3. verb
    (to put (an opponent's king) in this position.) fazer xeque-mate
    - checkpoint
    - check-up
    - check in
    - check out
    - check up on
    - check up
    * * *
    [tʃek] n 1 parada repentina, pausa. 2 repressão, coibição. they suffered a check / foram impedidos. 3 controle, supervisão. 4 obstáculo, empecilho, contratempo, estorvo, freio, restrição. 5 recuo, retrogressão. 6 comparação. 7 chancela, rubrica, marca, sinal de exame ou de controle. 8 talão, senha. 9 Amer nota, conta de restaurante. 10 Amer cheque. 11 exame, teste, verificação. 12 Mil revés. 13 racha, fenda, pequeno defeito. 14 chess xeque. 15 controlador, fiscal. 16 Gambling ficha. • vt+vi 1 parar repentinamente, estacar. 2 reprimir, controlar, deter, impedir, frear, conter. 3 controlar, fiscalizar, inspecionar, conferir, verificar. 4 rubricar, marcar, pôr sinal de visto em. 5 conferir, corresponder, estar de acordo. 6 Amer receber talão ou senha. 7 Amer enviar bagagem (identificada por talão) a um destino determinado. 8 dar xeque a. check! xeque! checking copy prova, exemplar para conferir. in check 1 sob controle. 2 em xeque. I must keep them in check / tenho de refreá-los. system of checks and balances Amer sistema de controle mútuo pelas diversas repartições governamentais. to check in 1 registrar-se (em hotel). 2 apresentar-se no aeroporto ou outro porto de embarque para mostrar a passagem e despachar a bagagem. to check off 1 contar, marcar, rubricar. 2 Amer guardar ou despachar bagagem. to check out 1 pagar a conta, devolver as chaves e sair (hotel). 2 somar as compras e receber pagamento (diz-se de caixas em supermercados). to check over controlar, conferir. to check the plumbing sl ir ao banheiro. to check up conferir (cálculo). to check up on examinar. to check with conferir com, estar de acordo com. to give a check upon reprimir, atalhar, mandar parar. to give check dar xeque.
    [tʃek] n 1 padrão enxadrezado. 2 quadradinho de xadrez. 3 tecido ou pano axadrezado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > check

  • 8 endeavour

    [in'devə] 1. verb
    (to attempt; to try (to do something): He endeavoured to attract the waiter's attention.) tentar
    2. noun
    (an attempt: He succeeded in his endeavour to climb the Everest.) tentativa
    * * *
    [ind'ev2] n diligência, esforço, empenho. • vt+vi esforçar-se, diligenciar, empreender, empenhar-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > endeavour

  • 9 head

    [hed] 1. noun
    1) (the top part of the human body, containing the eyes, mouth, brain etc; the same part of an animal's body: The stone hit him on the head; He scratched his head in amazement.) cabeça
    2) (a person's mind: An idea came into my head last night.) cabeça
    3) (the height or length of a head: The horse won by a head.) cabeça
    4) (the chief or most important person (of an organization, country etc): Kings and presidents are heads of state; ( also adjective) a head waiter; the head office.) chefe
    5) (anything that is like a head in shape or position: the head of a pin; The boy knocked the heads off the flowers.) cabeça
    6) (the place where a river, lake etc begins: the head of the Nile.) nascente
    7) (the top, or the top part, of anything: Write your address at the head of the paper; the head of the table.) topo
    8) (the front part: He walked at the head of the procession.) frente
    9) (a particular ability or tolerance: He has no head for heights; She has a good head for figures.) cabeça
    10) (a headmaster or headmistress: You'd better ask the Head.) director
    11) ((for) one person: This dinner costs $10 a head.) por cabeça
    12) (a headland: Beachy Head.) promontório
    13) (the foam on the top of a glass of beer etc.) colar
    2. verb
    1) (to go at the front of or at the top of (something): The procession was headed by the band; Whose name headed the list?) encabeçar
    2) (to be in charge of; to be the leader of: He heads a team of scientists investigating cancer.) dirigir
    3) ((often with for) to (cause to) move in a certain direction: The explorers headed south; The boys headed for home; You're heading for disaster!) dirigir-se
    4) (to put or write something at the beginning of: His report was headed `Ways of Preventing Industrial Accidents'.) encabeçar
    5) ((in football) to hit the ball with the head: He headed the ball into the goal.) cabecear
    - - headed
    - header
    - heading
    - heads
    - headache
    - headband
    - head-dress
    - headfirst
    - headgear
    - headlamp
    - headland
    - headlight
    - headline
    - headlines
    - headlong
    - head louse
    - headmaster
    - head-on
    - headphones
    - headquarters
    - headrest
    - headscarf
    - headsquare
    - headstone
    - headstrong
    - headwind
    - above someone's head
    - go to someone's head
    - head off
    - head over heels
    - heads or tails?
    - keep one's head
    - lose one's head
    - make head or tail of
    - make headway
    - off one's head
    * * *
    [hed] n 1 cabeça. 2 cabeça de prego, de alfinete, de martelo, etc. 3 o que, pela sua forma, dá idéia de cabeça (p ex: cabeça de alho). 4 parte superior ou mais importante, ponta, topo, alto. 5 parte frontal, proa de um navio, vanguarda de tropas. 6 promontório, cabo. 7 face de uma medalha ou moeda. 8 lugar de honra ou de comando. 9 pessoa principal, chefe, diretor. 10 pessoa, indivíduo. 11 unidade (de gado), cabeça. 12 vida. 13 cabeçalho. 14 tópico, assunto. 15 categoria, divisão. 16 culminação, crise. 17 parte amadurecida de uma úlcera. 18 espuma de cerveja (colarinho). 19 pressão de água com vapor (para fins industriais). 20 isenção às restrições, liberdade de ação. 21 raciocínio, inteligência. 22 Mus couro do tambor. 23 parte superior ou inferior de um barril. 24 aumento gradual de força, impulso. 25 fonte, nascente (de um rio). 26 cabeceira (cama). • vt+vi 1 encabeçar, liderar, chefiar, dirigir. 2 ser ou formar cabeça. 3 prover de cabeça. 4 ser ou pôr cabeçalho. 5 ir na dianteira. 6 podar (árvores). 7 opor, enfrentar, deter, interceptar. 8 Ftb cabecear. • adj 1 na cabeceira, vanguarda ou ponta. 2 que vem da frente. 3 principal, dirigente, comandante. from head to foot dos pés à cabeça. head and ears totalmente. head and shoulders above muito superior ou muito acima de. head over heels a) de pernas para o ar. b) precipitadamente. he is off his head ele perdeu a cabeça. I make neither head nor tail of it não sei o que pensar a respeito. out of one’s own head a) de invenção própria. b) de livre vontade. over one’s head a) além da compreensão. b) superior em autoridade. peanut head sl cabeça-de-bagre. the ship could not make head against the wind o navio não conseguiu progredir contra o vento. the wind heads us temos vento desfavorável. to come to a head a) maturar, amadurecer. b) atingir o ponto culminante. c) formar pus. to give one his head dar liberdade ou licença a alguém. to go to one’s head subir à cabeça, envaidecer, deixar tonto. to head for mover-se em direção a, ir para, rumar, seguir. to lose one’s head perder a cabeça, o controle. to turn one’s head a) afetar. b) deixar tonto. c) deixar convencido, orgulhoso.
    [hed] n sl 1 viciado em drogas pesadas. 2 ressaca. 3 a cabeça do pênis.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > head

  • 10 motion

    ['məuʃən] 1. noun
    1) (the act or state of moving: the motion of the planets; He lost the power of motion.) movimento
    2) (a single movement or gesture: He summoned the waiter with a motion of the hand.) movimento
    3) (a proposal put before a meeting: She was asked to speak against the motion in the debate.) moção
    2. verb
    (to make a movement or sign eg directing a person or telling him to do something: He motioned (to) her to come nearer.) chamar
    - motion picture
    - in motion
    * * *
    [m'ouʃən] n 1 movimento, deslocação. 2 gesto. 3 impulso. 4 moção, proposta. 5 evacuação intestinal. 6 mecanismo de engrenagem. 7 requerimento solicitando medida ou ordem judicial. • vt+vi 1 guiar por gestos. 2 acenar. 3 gesticular. to go through the motions fingir, simular. to motion someone out mostrar a porta a alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > motion

  • 11 pot

    [pot] 1. noun
    (any one of many kinds of deep container used in cooking, for holding food, liquids etc or for growing plants: a cooking-pot; a plant-pot; a jam-pot; The waiter brought her a pot of tea.) pote
    2. verb
    (to plant in a pot.) plantar
    - pothole
    - pot-shot
    - take pot luck
    * * *
    [pɔt] n 1 pote: a) panela, caçarola. b) bule. c) cântaro, vaso, caneca. 2 panelada, caldeirada. 3 bebida. 4 capelo de chaminé. 5 vaso de flores. 6 Tech cadinho. 7 sl bolada: grande soma de dinheiro. 8 sl maconha. 9 sl cartola. 10 Games bolo, parada. 11 covo. 12 formato de papel (12 l/2" X 15" ou 13" X 16"). 13 Sports favorito (em corridas de cavalos). 14 sl Sports taça. • vt 1 pôr em conserva. 2 plantar em vasos. he makes pots of money ele ganha rios de dinheiro. in pots bêbado, intoxicado. to boil the pot ganhar a vida. to go to pots coll falir, arruinar-se. they went to pots / eles caíram na miséria. to keep the pot boiling viver ativamente, estar sempre fazendo algo.
    [pɔt] abbr 1 potential (potencial). 2 potentiometer (potenciômetro).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pot

  • 12 query

    ['kwiəri] 1. plural - queries; noun
    1) (a question: In answer to your query about hotel reservations I am sorry to tell you that we have no vacancies.) pergunta
    2) (a question mark: You have omitted the query.) ponto de interrogaçao
    2. verb
    1) (to question (a statement etc): I think the waiter has added up the bill wrongly - you should query it.) questionar
    2) (to ask: `What time does the train leave?' she queried.) perguntar
    * * *
    [kw'iəri] n 1 questão, pergunta. 2 dúvida. 3 ponto de interrogação. • vt 1 perguntar, indagar. 2 examinar, inquirir. 3 assinalar com ponto de interrogação.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > query

  • 13 sweet

    [swi:t] 1. adjective
    1) (tasting like sugar; not sour, salty or bitter: as sweet as honey; Children eat too many sweet foods.) doce
    2) (tasting fresh and pleasant: young, sweet vegetables.) fresco
    3) ((of smells) pleasant or fragrant: the sweet smell of flowers.) perfumado
    4) ((of sounds) agreeable or delightful to hear: the sweet song of the nightingale.) melodioso
    5) (attractive or charming: What a sweet little baby!; a sweet face/smile; You look sweet in that dress.) encantador
    6) (kindly and agreeable: She's a sweet girl; The child has a sweet nature.) meigo
    2. noun
    1) ((American candy) a small piece of sweet food eg chocolate, toffee etc: a packet of sweets; Have a sweet.) rebuçado
    2) ((a dish or course of) sweet food near or at the end of a meal; (a) pudding or dessert: The waiter served the sweet.) sobremesa
    3) (dear; darling: Hallo, my sweet!) querido
    - sweetener
    - sweetly
    - sweetness
    - sweetheart
    - sweet potato
    - sweet-smelling
    - sweet-tempered
    * * *
    [swi:t] n 1 coisa doce, doçura. 2 Brit doce, sobremesa. 3 sweets bombom, doce, coisa agradável. 4 querida, amor (forma de tratamento carinhosa). • adj 1 doce, açucarado, adocicado. 2 perfumado, cheiroso, de cheiro agradável. 3 atraente, bonito, gracioso, amável, agradável, encantador. 4 amável, gentil, meigo, suave. 5 fresco, saudável. 6 sl ótimo, excelente. 7 fértil, próprio para cultura (terra). 8 caro, querido. 9 sl apaixonado (geralmente com on). he is mighty sweet on her / sl ele está muito apaixonado por ela. at one’s own sweet will de acordo com sua própria vontade. home sweet home lar doce lar. to have a sweet tooth gostar de doces. she has a sweet tooth / ela gosta de doces.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sweet

  • 14 tip

    I 1. [tip] noun
    (the small or thin end, point or top of something: the tips of my fingers.) ponta
    2. verb
    (to put, or form, a tip on: The spear was tipped with an iron point.) guarnecer com ponta
    - tip-top
    - be on the tip of one's tongue
    II 1. [tip] past tense, past participle - tipped; verb
    1) (to (make something) slant: The boat tipped to one side.) virar
    2) (to empty (something) from a container, or remove (something) from a surface, with this kind of motion: He tipped the water out of the bucket.) verter
    3) (to dump (rubbish): People have been tipping their rubbish in this field.) despejar
    2. noun
    (a place where rubbish is thrown: a refuse/rubbish tip.) lixeira
    III 1. [tip] noun
    (a gift of money given to a waiter etc, for personal service: I gave him a generous tip.) gorjeta
    2. verb
    (to give such a gift to.) dar gorjeta
    IV [tip] noun
    (a piece of useful information; a hint: He gave me some good tips on/about gardening.) sugestão
    * * *
    [tip] n 1 ponta (dos dedos), extremidade. 2 cume, pico, parte mais alta. 3 parte final. 4 ponta, ponteira. 5 declive, ladeira. • vt 1 colocar ponta, formar ponta. 2 inclinar, tombar, derrubar. give a tip to this! / tombe isto! 3 virar, bascular. 4 inclinar-se, saudar, tirar o chapéu. on the tip of the tongue na ponta da língua. tip of the iceberg a ponta do iceberg. tip-up seat assento de dobrar. to have something at the tip of the fingers ter qualquer coisa na ponta dos dedos. to tip all nine (boliche) derrubar todos os pinos. to tip in Typogr intercalar gravura. to tip off, to tip out despejar, virar, derramar. to tip one’s hat tirar o chapéu, tocar a aba do chapéu em cumprimento. to tip over tombar, virar. to tip the scale pesar na balança, ser um fator decisivo num resultado. to tip the trees podar as árvores. to tip up levantar, pôr de canto.
    [tip] n 1 gorjeta, gratificação. 2 palpite, aviso, informação secreta. 3 sugestão, conselho, dica. he took my tip / ele seguiu meu conselho. 4 pancada leve. • vt 1 dar gorjeta. 2 dar palpite. they tipped me the wink / deram-me um palpite. 3 aconselhar, indicar, sugerir. 4 bater. hot tip palpite bom. straight tip palpite acertado. to tip someone off prevenir alguém. to tip a dolar dar um dólar de gorjeta. to tip the wink 1 insinuar. 2 informar furtivamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tip

  • 15 usher

    1. feminine - usherette; noun
    (a person who shows people to their seats in a theatre etc.) porteiro
    2. verb
    (to lead, escort: The waiter ushered him to a table.) acompanhar
    * * *
    ['∧ʃə] n 1 porteiro. 2 oficial de justiça. 3 indicador de lugar (em cinema, teatro), Braz coll vaga-lume, lanterninha. 4 (Parlamento) introdutor. 5 professor assistente. 6 Amer paraninfo, padrinho (de casamento). • vt 1 conduzir, acompanhar. 2 introduzir. 3 anunciar. to usher in prenunciar, profetizar, antecipar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > usher

  • 16 wait

    [weit] 1. verb
    1) ((with for) to remain or stay (in the same place or without doing anything): Wait (for) two minutes (here) while I go inside; I'm waiting for John (to arrive).) esperar
    2) ((with for) to expect: I was just waiting for that pile of dishes to fall!) esperar
    3) ((with on) to serve dishes, drinks etc (at table): This servant will wait on your guests; He waits at table.) servir
    2. noun
    (an act of waiting; a delay: There was a long wait before they could get on the train.) espera
    - waiting-list
    - waiting-room
    * * *
    [weit] n 1 espera, tardança, delonga, demora. they had a long wait at the gate / eles tiveram de esperar muito no portão. 2 Theat entreato, intervalo. 3 cilada, emboscada. 4 Hist banda de música, um dos músicos ou cantores ambulantes, música por eles executada. • vt+vi 1 esperar, aguardar. we waited for him at the station / esperamos por ele na estação. we kept him waiting / fizemo-lo esperar. 2 retardar, protelar, adiar, demorar. 3 ter paciência ( until até). wait for it! / espere, aguarde o resultado! 4 servir, atender, cuidar de (at/on/ upon). 5 visitar, fazer visita respeitosa a (on/ upon). 6 resultar de. to lie in wait esperar em emboscada. to wait at table servir à mesa. to wait in line esperar em fila. to wait up a) esperar acordado. don’t wait up for me to come / não fique acordado até eu voltar. b) Amer ir mais devagar, esperar por alguém que vem mais atrás. wait and see! sl deixe como está, para ver como fica!

    English-Portuguese dictionary > wait

  • 17 waitress

    feminine; see waiter
    * * *
    [w'eitris] n garçonete, copeira.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > waitress

  • 18 catch someone's eye

    (to attract someone's attention: The advertisement caught my eye; I couldn't catch the waiter's eye and so we were last to be served.) atrair a atenção

    English-Portuguese dictionary > catch someone's eye

  • 19 settle up

    (to pay (a bill): He asked the waiter for the bill, and settled up.) pagar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > settle up

  • 20 bilingual

    1) (written or spoken in two languages: a bilingual dictionary.) bilíngüe
    2) (speaking two languages equally well: a bilingual waiter.) bilíngüe

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bilingual

См. также в других словарях:

  • Waiter — Wait er, n. 1. One who, or that which, waits; an attendant; a servant in attendance, esp. at table. [1913 Webster] The waiters stand in ranks; the yeomen cry, Make room, as if a duke were passing by. Swift. [1913 Webster] 2. A vessel or tray on… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • waiter — (n.) late 14c., attendant, watchman, agent noun from WAIT (Cf. wait) (v.). Sense of servant who waits at tables is from late 15c., originally in reference to household servants; in reference to inns, eating houses, etc., it is attested from 1660s …   Etymology dictionary

  • waiter — ► NOUN ▪ a man whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant …   English terms dictionary

  • waiter — [wāt′ər] n. [ME waitere, watchman] 1. a person who waits or awaits 2. a man who waits on tables, as in a restaurant 3. a tray for carrying dishes; salver …   English World dictionary

  • waiter —    This has been the professional title of the man who waits upon clients in a restaurant since the midseventeenth century. It replaced the earlier term ‘drawer’.    Mr Narindar Saroop, writing to the Times (3 June 1988) about the difficulty of… …   A dictionary of epithets and terms of address

  • waiter — waiterless, adj. /way teuhr/, n. 1. a person, esp. a man, who waits on tables, as in a restaurant. 2. a tray for carrying dishes, a tea service, etc.; salver. 3. a person who waits or awaits. 4. Obs. an attendant. v.i. 5. to work or serve as a… …   Universalium

  • waiter — [[t]we͟ɪtə(r)[/t]] waiters N COUNT A waiter is a man who works in a restaurant, serving people with food and drink. → See also dumb waiter …   English dictionary

  • waiter */ — UK [ˈweɪtə(r)] / US [ˈweɪtər] noun [countable] Word forms waiter : singular waiter plural waiters a man or boy who brings food and drink to your table in a restaurant or café …   English dictionary

  • waiter — noun a) A male attendant who serves customers in a restaurant, cafe or similar. Waiter! Theres a fly in my soup. b) Someone who waits, such as at a table. See Also: server, wait, waitress …   Wiktionary

  • waiter — noun Waiter is used after these nouns: ↑cocktail, ↑head …   Collocations dictionary

  • waiter — wait•er [[t]ˈweɪ tər[/t]] n. 1) a person, esp. a man, who waits on tables, as in a restaurant 2) a tray for carrying dishes or a tea service; salver 3) a person who waits or awaits 4) cvb to work or serve as a waiter • Etymology: 1350–1400 usage …   From formal English to slang

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