1 rechtop
• upright -
2 handstofzuiger
• upright vacuum cleaner -
3 steelstofzuiger
• upright vacuum cleaner -
4 verticale weerstand
• upright-mounted resistorNederlands-Engels Technisch Woordenboek > verticale weerstand
5 recht
recht1〈 het〉2 [rechtsregels; rechtsgeleerdheid] law3 [rechtspraak] justice4 [proces] court5 [bevoegdheid, voorrecht] right6 [meervoud] [bevoegdheden behorend bij een stand/positie] rights8 [meervoud] [bevoegdheid tot reproductie van een boek/film enz.] (copy)right(s)9 [belasting] duty♦voorbeelden:recht doen aan iets • do justice to something〈 figuurlijk〉 iemand/iets geen recht doen • be unfair to someone/somethinghet recht handhaven • uphold the lawhet recht met voeten treden • trample justice underfootin zijn recht zijn/staan • be within one's rightsje kan je met recht afvragen wat … • you may well wonder what …met recht razend zijn • have good reason to be furiousagrarisch/fiscaal/militair recht • agrarian/fiscal/military lawburgerlijk recht • civil lawhet geschreven recht • written/statute lawhet ongeschreven recht • unwritten/common lawpubliek en privaat recht • public and private lawRomeins recht • Roman lawhet recht in eigen handen nemen • take the law into one's own handsrechten studeren • read/study lawmeester in de rechten • Master of Lawskrachtens recht en gewoonte • by right and customkrachtens/volgens Engels recht • under English lawnaar Nederlands recht • according to Dutch lawrecht doen in een zaak • decide on a caserecht vorderen/zoeken • demand/seek justice4 in rechte iets afdwingen/eisen/vorderen • enforce/demand something in a court of lawhet recht van de sterkste • the law of the jungleaangeboren en verworven rechten • birthrights and acquired rightsdat is mijn goed recht • that is my righthet volste recht hebben om … • have every right to …zijn graad geeft hem het recht om … • his degree qualifies him to …het recht hebben om zijn kinderen te zien • have access to one's childrenniet het recht hebben iets te doen • have no right to do somethingiemand het recht ontzeggen om … • deny someone the right to …evenveel recht van spreken hebben als de rest • have an equal voice with the restgeen recht van spreken hebben • have no right to speakdoor dat te doen had hij geen recht van spreken meer • by doing that he put himself out of courtiedereen heeft het recht om … • everyone has the right to …op zijn recht(en) staan • insist on one's right(s)〈 figuurlijk〉 zijn kwaliteiten komen daar veel beter tot hun recht • he can make far better use of his talents there〈 figuurlijk〉 iemand/iets (niet) tot zijn recht laten komen • do (no) justice to someone/somethingvoor zijn recht(en) opkomen • defend one's right(s)de rechten van de vrouw • women's rightsburgerlijke/politieke rechten • civil/political rightsde oudste rechten hebben • have first claimgeen recht hebben op • have no right/claim tozijn rechten laten gelden • exercise one's rightsrecht hebben/geven op iets • have/give the right to somethingalle rechten voorbehouden • all rights reservedvrij van rechten • free of duties————————recht21 [niet gebogen/bochtig; niet scheef/schuin] straight2 [rechtop] straight (up), upright3 [normaal] 〈 bijvoeglijk naamwoord〉 right 〈 kant van stof〉; direct 〈 evenredigheid〉; 〈 bijwoord〉 directly 〈 evenredig〉♦voorbeelden:op het laatste rechte stuk • on the home straightje bord moet je wel recht houden • you must keep your plate straightde auto kwam recht op ons af • the car was coming straight at usiets recht leggen • put something straightrecht op iemand/iets afgaan • go straight for someone/somethingiets recht snijden • cut something (off) straightrecht omhoog/omlaag • straight up/downiemand recht in de ogen kijken • look someone straight in the eyerecht op zijn doel afgaan • go straight for one's goalrecht van lijf en leden • straight-limbedrecht voor zich uitkijken • look/stare straight aheadrecht op zijn benen staan • stand up straightrecht zitten/staan • sit/stand up straightrecht overeind • straight up, bolt uprightrecht evenredig zijn met • be directly proportional to〈 breien〉 eerst drie averecht, dan drie recht • first three purl, then three plainhet rechte van iets weten • know the ins and outs of somethingII 〈 bijwoord〉1 [formeel] [echt] really2 [precies] straight♦voorbeelden:2 hangt/zit mijn jurk recht? • is my dress straight?ze reden recht op elkaar in • they collided head-onhij woont recht tegenover mij • he lives straight across from merecht tegenover elkaar • face-to-face -
6 rechtop
♦voorbeelden:1 rechtop lopen/zitten • walk upright, sit up straightrechtop schrijven • have an upright hand -
7 kaarsrecht
♦voorbeelden:1 kaarsrecht lopen/staan • walk/stand bolt upright -
8 overeind
2 [niet omver] standing♦voorbeelden:1 overeind gaan staan • stand up (straight), get to one's feetovereind komen • 〈 van een verkeerde houding〉 right oneself; 〈 van een kromme houding〉 straighten oneself; 〈 plotseling〉 pop upovereind zitten • sit up (straight)〈 figuurlijk〉 iemand/een bedrijf weer overeind helpen • put someone back on his feet/a business back on its feet〈 figuurlijk〉 dat houdt hem (in z'n ongeluk) overeind • that keeps him on his feet (in his misfortune)weer overeind komen/krabbelen • pick oneself up (again), struggle to one's feethij vloog overeind • he sprang up(right) -
9 attentie
n. attention, concentration; consideration; military posture in which a soldier stands in an upright position with his hands at his sides and his heels together (Military) -
10 basviool
n. cello, large four-stringed instrument of the violin family that is played with a bow while resting upright between the player's knees -
11 brandkraan
n. fire hydrant, upright water pipe with places where fire hoses can be attached -
12 cello
n. cello, large four-stringed instrument of the violin family that is played with a bow while resting upright between the player's knees -
13 cross
n. cross, upright post with a transverse piece upon which people were once put to death; symbol which resembles this structure (symbol of Christianity) -
14 harp
n. harp, large stringed instrument with an upright triangular frame which is played by plucking the strings with the fingers -
15 honorabel
adj. honourable, deserving of respect and admiration; trustworthy, reliable, upright, principled (also honorable) -
16 hydrant
n. hydrant, water faucet, upright pipe with one or more nozzles which takes water from a water main -
17 kaarsrecht
adj. upright, vertical--------adv. as straight as a line -
18 oprecht
adj. sincere, straightforward, upright, forthright, honest, loyal, true, frank, candid, simple-hearted, single-hearted, freehearted, heart whole, heartfelt, hearty, faint-hearted, fair dealing, plain dealing, unfeigned, single, devout, aboveboard--------adv. sincerely, honestly, fairly, faintly, four square, devoutly, heat thoroughly, to one's face--------n. unreserve -
19 overeind
adj. upright, erect--------adv. on end, uprightly, up, endwise, endways, directly -
20 pianino
n. upright, piano whose strings are strung vertically
См. также в других словарях:
Upright — Up right , a. [AS. upright, uppriht. See {Up}, and {Right}, a.] 1. In an erect position or posture; perpendicular; vertical, or nearly vertical; pointing upward; as, an upright tree. [1913 Webster] With chattering teeth, and bristling hair… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
upright — [up′rīt΄; ] for adj. and adv., also [ up rīt′] adj. [ME < OE upriht: see UP1 & RIGHT] 1. standing, pointing, or directed straight up; in a vertical or perpendicular position; erect 2. honest and just; honorable adv. in an upright position or… … English World dictionary
upright — upright, honest, just, conscientious, scrupulous, honorable are comparable when they are applied to men or their acts and words and mean having or exhibiting a strict regard for what is morally right. Upright implies manifest rectitude and an… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Upright — Up right , n. 1. Something standing upright, as a piece of timber in a building. See Illust. of {Frame}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Basketwork) A tool made from a flat strip of steel with chisel edges at both ends, bent into horseshoe, the opening… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
upright — ► ADJECTIVE 1) vertical; erect. 2) greater in height than breadth. 3) strictly honourable or honest. 4) (of a piano) having vertical strings. ► ADVERB ▪ in or into an upright position. ► NOUN 1) … English terms dictionary
upright — O.E. upriht, from up up + riht right. Similar compounds are found in other Germanic languages (Cf. O.Fris. upriucht, M.Du. oprecht, O.H.G. ufreht, Ger. aufrecht, O.N. uprettr). Figurative sense of good, honest is first attested 1520s. The noun in … Etymology dictionary
upright — [adj1] straight up cocked, end on, end up, erect, on end, perpendicular, plumb, raised, sheer, standing, stand up, steep, straight, upended, upstanding, upward, vertical; concepts 581,583 Ant. fallen, lying, prone upright [adj2] honorable, honest … New thesaurus
upright — I adjective aboveboard, candid, circumspect, conscientious, erect, estimable, ethical, fair, forthright, good, guileless, highly principled, honest, honestus, honorable, incorruptible, integer, just, laudable, legitimate, moral, probus, pure,… … Law dictionary
upright — I UK [ˈʌpraɪt] / US [ˈʌpˌraɪt] adverb * sitting or standing with a straight back The dog was sitting upright on its hind legs. sit/stand bolt upright (= suddenly sit or stand very straight): Jenny sat bolt upright when she heard the noise.… … English dictionary
upright — up|right1 [ ʌp,raıt ] adverb * in or into a steady correct position: We struggled to keep the boat upright. a. in or into a straight standing position: Pictures were propped upright against all the walls. b. sitting or standing with a straight… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
upright — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} adj. VERBS ▪ be, sit, stand ▪ rows of children sitting upright at their desks ▪ come, jerk, shoot, spring … Collocations dictionary