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  • 1 חטף נקע בצוואר

    twisted his neck {looking after a beautiful girl}

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חטף נקע בצוואר

  • 2 חלה קלועה

    twisted loaf

    Hebrew-English dictionary > חלה קלועה

  • 3 מוח עקום

    twisted mind

    Hebrew-English dictionary > מוח עקום

  • 4 סובב אותו על האצבע הקטנה

    twisted him round his little finger

    Hebrew-English dictionary > סובב אותו על האצבע הקטנה

  • 5 סילף את העובדות

    twisted the facts, distorted the facts

    Hebrew-English dictionary > סילף את העובדות

  • 6 קיבל נקע בצוואר

    twisted his neck {looking after a beautiful girl}

    Hebrew-English dictionary > קיבל נקע בצוואר

  • 7 שכל עקום

    twisted mind

    Hebrew-English dictionary > שכל עקום

  • 8 פתיל

    פָּתִילm. (b. h.; פָּתַל) 1) twisted thread, border, edge. Gen. R. s. 85 (ref. to ופתילך, Gen. 38:18) זו סנהדרין שהן מצויינין בפ׳ this refers to the Sanhedrin that is distinguished by the (blue) cord (v. טַלִּית). Sifré Num. 115 (ref. to Num. 15:38) על מקום הארוג ולא על מקום פ׳ the show-fringe must be attached to the woven part of the garment, not to where the edge begins. Men.39b פ׳ בעינן the cord must be twisted, opp. גדיל plaited; a. e. 2) the twisted rim of an earthen vessel; צמיד פ׳ closely covered with a lid. Sifré Num. 126 (ref. to Num. 19:15) פ׳ זה העורף צמיד זה הדופק (not העודף) pathil is the neck of the vessel, tsamid the lid; Yalk. Num. 762 פתוח זה העורףוכ׳ (corr. acc.). Ib. מצילין (ב)צ׳ פ׳וכ׳ they keep uncleanness off when closely covered, though lying in a tent where there is a corpse. Gen. R. s. 39 צליחית … מוקפת צ׳ פ׳ a bottle closed with an air-tight lid. Ḥull.25a; a. fr.Tosef.Kel.R. Kam. VII, 7 מפני שהוא פ׳ ולא צמיד because a tin rim is twisted, but not close.

    Jewish literature > פתיל

  • 9 פָּתִיל

    פָּתִילm. (b. h.; פָּתַל) 1) twisted thread, border, edge. Gen. R. s. 85 (ref. to ופתילך, Gen. 38:18) זו סנהדרין שהן מצויינין בפ׳ this refers to the Sanhedrin that is distinguished by the (blue) cord (v. טַלִּית). Sifré Num. 115 (ref. to Num. 15:38) על מקום הארוג ולא על מקום פ׳ the show-fringe must be attached to the woven part of the garment, not to where the edge begins. Men.39b פ׳ בעינן the cord must be twisted, opp. גדיל plaited; a. e. 2) the twisted rim of an earthen vessel; צמיד פ׳ closely covered with a lid. Sifré Num. 126 (ref. to Num. 19:15) פ׳ זה העורף צמיד זה הדופק (not העודף) pathil is the neck of the vessel, tsamid the lid; Yalk. Num. 762 פתוח זה העורףוכ׳ (corr. acc.). Ib. מצילין (ב)צ׳ פ׳וכ׳ they keep uncleanness off when closely covered, though lying in a tent where there is a corpse. Gen. R. s. 39 צליחית … מוקפת צ׳ פ׳ a bottle closed with an air-tight lid. Ḥull.25a; a. fr.Tosef.Kel.R. Kam. VII, 7 מפני שהוא פ׳ ולא צמיד because a tin rim is twisted, but not close.

    Jewish literature > פָּתִיל

  • 10 פתל

    v. be twisted, bent, curved
    v. be twisted, bent; be perverted; struggle
    v. to twist, bend
    v. to twist, wind; evasive, wriggle; writhe (in pain)

    Hebrew-English dictionary > פתל

  • 11 דיקולא

    דִּיקוּלָאm. ( דקל; v. דֶּקֶל) anything made of thin twigs or reeds (cmp. דְּקוּרָא); 1) basket of twisted osiers or reeds. Snh.7a (prov.) היא ניימא וד׳ שפיל when she slumbers, the basket (upon her head) drops (laziness begets ruin). Meg.7b (prov.) if a peasant become a king, ד׳ מצואריהוכ׳ the basket will never come down from his neck (he will always betray his low birth). Pes.112b ריש תורא בד׳וכ׳ even when the ox has his head in the fodder basket, Ned.51a.Ḥull.98a, v. next w.Pl. דִּיקוּלֵי. B. Mets.83b ד׳ ד׳וכ׳ basketfuls of fat. Ab. Zar.75a דקולי ed., v. חַלְתָּא. 2) a shoe made of twisted reeds Pl. דִּיקוּלֵי. Yoma 78b בדיקו׳ Ar. (Ms. M. בדקולי, ed. בדיַבְלֵי, Var. in Mss. דכולי, דיקורי, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.).

    Jewish literature > דיקולא

  • 12 דִּיקוּלָא

    דִּיקוּלָאm. ( דקל; v. דֶּקֶל) anything made of thin twigs or reeds (cmp. דְּקוּרָא); 1) basket of twisted osiers or reeds. Snh.7a (prov.) היא ניימא וד׳ שפיל when she slumbers, the basket (upon her head) drops (laziness begets ruin). Meg.7b (prov.) if a peasant become a king, ד׳ מצואריהוכ׳ the basket will never come down from his neck (he will always betray his low birth). Pes.112b ריש תורא בד׳וכ׳ even when the ox has his head in the fodder basket, Ned.51a.Ḥull.98a, v. next w.Pl. דִּיקוּלֵי. B. Mets.83b ד׳ ד׳וכ׳ basketfuls of fat. Ab. Zar.75a דקולי ed., v. חַלְתָּא. 2) a shoe made of twisted reeds Pl. דִּיקוּלֵי. Yoma 78b בדיקו׳ Ar. (Ms. M. בדקולי, ed. בדיַבְלֵי, Var. in Mss. דכולי, דיקורי, v. Rabb. D. S. a. l.).

    Jewish literature > דִּיקוּלָא

  • 13 סודרא

    סוּדָרָא, סוּדְרָא,ch. sam(סודר sudarium). Targ. Ruth 3:15 (h. text מטפחת). Targ. Y. Ex. 34:33, sq. (h. text מסוה). Targ. Y. Lev. 20:10 שינוק ס׳וכ׳ strangulation with a twisted scarf (v. Snh.VII, 2 quot. in preced.); Targ. Y. Ex. 21:15; a. fr.Ab. Zar.4a רמו ליה ס׳וכ׳ they twisted a scarf around his neck and tortured him. Ber.51a (expl. עיטוף) פריס ס׳וכ׳ spread the scarf over his head; a. e.Esp. turban. Pes.111b סוּדְרֵיה דמר כיוכ׳ your turban looks like that of a scholar, yet I am sure you do not know the benediction (on putting it on: עוטר ישראל בתפארה). Sabb.77b (playful etymology) ס̇ו̇ד̇ר̇א̇ ס̇וֹד̇ה׳ ליר̇א̇יו ‘the secret of the Lord is revealed to those that fear him (the turban being the scholars apparel); a. e.

    Jewish literature > סודרא

  • 14 סוּדָרָא

    סוּדָרָא, סוּדְרָא,ch. sam(סודר sudarium). Targ. Ruth 3:15 (h. text מטפחת). Targ. Y. Ex. 34:33, sq. (h. text מסוה). Targ. Y. Lev. 20:10 שינוק ס׳וכ׳ strangulation with a twisted scarf (v. Snh.VII, 2 quot. in preced.); Targ. Y. Ex. 21:15; a. fr.Ab. Zar.4a רמו ליה ס׳וכ׳ they twisted a scarf around his neck and tortured him. Ber.51a (expl. עיטוף) פריס ס׳וכ׳ spread the scarf over his head; a. e.Esp. turban. Pes.111b סוּדְרֵיה דמר כיוכ׳ your turban looks like that of a scholar, yet I am sure you do not know the benediction (on putting it on: עוטר ישראל בתפארה). Sabb.77b (playful etymology) ס̇ו̇ד̇ר̇א̇ ס̇וֹד̇ה׳ ליר̇א̇יו ‘the secret of the Lord is revealed to those that fear him (the turban being the scholars apparel); a. e.

    Jewish literature > סוּדָרָא

  • 15 סוּדְרָא

    סוּדָרָא, סוּדְרָא,ch. sam(סודר sudarium). Targ. Ruth 3:15 (h. text מטפחת). Targ. Y. Ex. 34:33, sq. (h. text מסוה). Targ. Y. Lev. 20:10 שינוק ס׳וכ׳ strangulation with a twisted scarf (v. Snh.VII, 2 quot. in preced.); Targ. Y. Ex. 21:15; a. fr.Ab. Zar.4a רמו ליה ס׳וכ׳ they twisted a scarf around his neck and tortured him. Ber.51a (expl. עיטוף) פריס ס׳וכ׳ spread the scarf over his head; a. e.Esp. turban. Pes.111b סוּדְרֵיה דמר כיוכ׳ your turban looks like that of a scholar, yet I am sure you do not know the benediction (on putting it on: עוטר ישראל בתפארה). Sabb.77b (playful etymology) ס̇ו̇ד̇ר̇א̇ ס̇וֹד̇ה׳ ליר̇א̇יו ‘the secret of the Lord is revealed to those that fear him (the turban being the scholars apparel); a. e.

    Jewish literature > סוּדְרָא

  • 16 פזל

    פָּזַל (cmp. פָּזַז) to turn, twist (the head). Pesik. R. s. 14 (read:) עלה עליה עול עיניה מתחלפות והיא פוֹזֶלֶת ומסתכלת בעול once she has had a yoke on, her eyes change (she squints), and she turns her head and attempts to look at the yoke (Tanḥ. ed. Bub., Ḥuck. 3 עיניה מפלבלות). Nif. נִפְזַל to be twisted. Pesik. R. l. c. ועוד עינים מן העולשנ׳ (not שנפלו) and they had another evidence from the yoke (that had just been taken off her) the rope of which appeared twisted.

    Jewish literature > פזל

  • 17 שרשרת

    שַׁרְשֶׁרֶתf. (b. h.; preced.) twisted chain. Cant. R. to IV, 4 שתי ש׳ גבלותוכ׳ the two twisted chains Midd. III, 8 ש׳ של זהב golden rope (ladders).

    Jewish literature > שרשרת

  • 18 שַׁרְשֶׁרֶת

    שַׁרְשֶׁרֶתf. (b. h.; preced.) twisted chain. Cant. R. to IV, 4 שתי ש׳ גבלותוכ׳ the two twisted chains Midd. III, 8 ש׳ של זהב golden rope (ladders).

    Jewish literature > שַׁרְשֶׁרֶת

  • 19 הישזרות

    being twined, twisted

    Hebrew-English dictionary > הישזרות

  • 20 השזרות

    being twined, twisted

    Hebrew-English dictionary > השזרות

См. также в других словарях:

  • Twisted — may refer to: Music Industry: * Twisted Records (UK), a UK based record label specializing in psychedelic trance * Twisted Records (US), an American electronic music record label Works: * Twisted (Del Amitri album) * Twisted (Hallucinogen album) …   Wikipedia

  • Twisted — Тип фрей …   Википедия

  • Twisted — est un framework d application réseau écrit en Python et sous licence MIT. Twisted supporte TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS, multicast, Unix domain sockets, un grand nombre de protocoles dont HTTP, NNTP, IMAP, SSH, IRC, FTP, et beaucoup d autres. Twisted se… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Twisted — Título Giro Inesperado (España) Acechada (Hispanoamérica) Ficha técnica Dirección Philip Kauffman Producción Barry Baeres Anne Kopelson Arnold Kopelson Linne R …   Wikipedia Español

  • Twisted — Twist ed, a. Contorted; crooked spirally; subjected to torsion; hence, perverted. [1913 Webster] {Twisted curve} (Geom.), a curve of double curvature. See {Plane curve}, under {Curve}. {Twisted surface} (Geom.), a surface described by a straight… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • twisted — twisted; un·twisted; …   English syllables

  • twisted — index disordered, inextricable, labyrinthine, peccable, sinuous, tortuous (bending), unreasonable …   Law dictionary

  • twisted — (adj.) perverted, mentally strange, 1900, from TWIST (Cf. twist) (n.) in a sense of mental peculiarity, perversion first attested 1811 …   Etymology dictionary

  • Twisted — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Twisted – Der erste Verdacht Originaltitel Twisted …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • twisted — twist|ed [ˈtwıstıd] adj also .twisted up 1.) something twisted has been bent in many directions or turned many times, so that it has lost its original shape ▪ the plane s twisted wreckage 2.) seeming to enjoy things that are cruel or shocking, in …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • twisted — 1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. □ She was so twisted she couldn’t see. □ That chick is really twisted bad. 2. mod. suffering from drug withdrawal. (Drugs.) □ Frank was twisted and hurting bad. □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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