1 беречь энергию
1) General subject: (не растрачивать попусту) spin out energy2) Makarov: spin out energy, conserve energies -
2 не растрачивать попусту
Makarov: spin out, spin out energy, spin out healthУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > не растрачивать попусту
3 беречь (не растрачивать попусту) энергию
General subject: spin out energyУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > беречь (не растрачивать попусту) энергию
4 часть
1) General subject: allotment, ante, book, branch, cantle (отдельная), corner, (неотъемлемая) counterpart, deal, department, division, half (the larger half - большая часть), inside, interest, interior (чего-л.), line, manning unit, moiety, movement, nose-piece (шлема, очков), outfit, pane, parcel, part (чего-либо), part of (чего-л.), partition, percentage, piece, portion, prong, proportion, quantum, quota, quotient, quotum, reel (кинофильма; обыкн. около 1000 футов плёнки), section, sector, segment, share, sharer, slice, snack, stage, stake (в прибыли и т.п.), to (smb.) his portion (чью-л.), whack, instalment, (какой-л. программы разработки) spin-out, increment3) American: end, installment, prorate4) French: tranche5) Obsolete: dole6) Military: activity, body, command, major unit, military force, (воинская) military formation, organization, part (целого), replacement training unit, signal unit, unit7) Engineering: detail, element, fraction, island, limb, member, proportion (доля), quantity, share (доля)8) Bookish: passus9) Agriculture: diverting weir10) Rare: (отдельная) cantel, (отдельная) cantle11) Chemistry: feature12) Construction: integral part13) Mathematics: member (равенства или неравенства), side (of an equation or inequality)14) Railway term: bit16) Accounting: side17) Australian slang: chop18) Architecture: cut19) Mining: member (составной крепи)20) Diplomatic term: content22) Forestry: end (бумагоделательной машины)27) Immunology: subsample29) Banking: stake31) Business: dividend33) Sakhalin energy glossary: or any portion thereof34) Audit: component35) EBRD: subcommitment (доли или транша)36) Polymers: subdivision39) Robots: element (составная), part (запасная), side (напр. уравнения), subdivision (более крупного объекта)41) Makarov: clipping, contingent, detail (конструкции), draught, element (составная), fragment (чего-л.), in installments, in instalments, limb (прибора), member (механизма или машины), section (целого), some, stake (прибыли и т.п.), strand (проблемы и т.п.), tract (напр., водотока) -
5 producto
m.1 product (bien, objeto).productos (agrícolas) produceproducto acabado finished productproducto alimenticio foodstuffproductos de belleza cosmeticsproducto final end productproductos lácteos dairy produceproducto manufacturado manufactured productproducto químico chemical2 result, product (resultado).el accidente fue producto de un despiste del conductor the accident resulted from a lapse of attention on the part of the driver3 product (Mat).4 produce, result, return.* * *1 (gen) product2 MATEMÁTICAS product3 (resultado) result, product4 (provecho) fruit\producto acabado finished productproducto interior bruto gross domestic productproducto nacional bruto gross national productproducto químico chemicalproductos agrícolas agricultural produceproductos alimenticios foodstuffsproductos de belleza cosmeticsproductos de limpieza cleaning products* * *noun m.* * *SM1) (=artículo) productproductos de primera necesidad — staple items, staple products, basic necessities
"consuma productos españoles" — "buy Spanish goods"
productos agrícolas — agricultural produce sing, farm produce sing
productos derivados de la leche — dairy products, dairy produce sing
producto químico — chemical product, chemical
productos de marca — branded goods, brand name goods
productos lácteos — dairy products, dairy produce sing
2) (=producción) production3) (=resultado) result, productla clonación es producto de años de investigación — cloning is the result o product of years of research
4) (Econ) (=beneficio) yield, profitproducto interno bruto — Arg gross domestic product
5) (Mat) product* * *1)a) ( artículo producido) productproductos nacionales — home-produced goods o products
b) ( resultado) result, productsu éxito es el producto de mucho esfuerzo — her success is the result o product of a great deal of effort
todo es producto de su imaginación — it's all a product o a figment of his imagination
2) (Mat) product* * *= commodity, product, offering, emanation.Ex. Neither are the latter group, in the course of their professional activities, likely to feel that the treatment of information as a priceable commodity compromises a principle fundamental to their professional ethic.Ex. Printed title indexes which could be used as elementary subject indexes were one of the first products of computerised information retrieval systems.Ex. Currently SilverPlatter's major offering in this key topic area is 'Food Science and Technology Abstracts'.Ex. CCRC has considered radical things that don't seem to fit in with any of these aims, such as abandoning main entry and restricting corporate authorship by eliminating it entirely, and now euphemistically calling it corporate emanation.----* asociación de compradores de un tipo de productos = consumers union.* comercializar un producto = carry, market + product.* comprar comparando productos = shop around, shopping around.* Denominación Común de Productos Industriales (NIPRO) = Common Nomenclature of Industrial Products (NIPRO).* Denominación de Productos para las Estadísticas del Comercio Externo de la = Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States (NIMEXE).* desarrollo de nuevos productos = product development.* documentos producto de investigación = research materials.* empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.* energía producto de la fisión = fission energy.* evaluación de los productos = product rating.* exposición de productos artesanales = craft show.* gama de productos = product mix, product range.* gestión de la oferta de productos = range management.* industria de los productos lácteos, la = dairy industry, the.* información de precios de productos para el consumo = retail prices.* información sobre un producto = product literature.* ley de responsabilidad por el producto = product liability law.* línea de productos = product line.* oferta de productos = product offering.* producto agrícola = agricultural product, farm product.* producto alimenticio = food product.* producto bandera = showpiece.* producto básico = staple.* producto bibliográfico = bibliographic product.* producto comercial = commercial product, retail product.* producto cosmético = cosmetic product.* producto cultural = cultural product.* producto de = born of.* producto de consumo = consumable, consumer product, convenience product.* producto de cosmética = cosmetic product.* producto de fumigar = fumigant.* producto de importación = imported product.* producto de la combinación = recombinant.* producto de la imaginación = work of imagination.* producto de la información = information commodity.* producto de la necesidad = born of necessity.* producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.* producto de limpieza = cleaning product, cleanser, cleaner.* producto derivado = outgrowth, by-product [byproduct], spinoff [spin-off], off-shoot [offshoot].* producto derivado de la grasa animal = fat product.* producto desconocido = foreign substance.* producto de temporada = seasonal food, seasonal product.* producto emblemático = showpiece.* producto especializado = specialist product.* producto estrella = star product.* producto farmacéutico = pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical product.* producto final = end product, finished product, deliverable, final product.* producto final, el = finished work, the.* producto fresco = fresh food.* producto higiénico = hygiene product.* producto importado = import, imported product.* producto industrial = industrial product.* producto informativo = information product.* producto inorgánicoquímico = inorganic chemical.* Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) = Gross Domestic Product (GDP).* producto lácteo = dairy product, milk product.* producto lógico = logical product.* producto medicinal = medicinal product.* Producto Nacional Bruto (PNB) = Gross National Product (GNP).* producto natural = natural product.* producto ofrecido = offering.* producto orgánicoquímico = organic chemical.* producto para el hogar = household product.* producto para especialistas = specialist product.* producto para la conservación = preservative.* producto para la higiene = hygiene product.* producto para profesionales = specialist product.* producto petroquímico = petrochemical.* producto principal = staple.* producto profesional = specialist product.* producto promocional = tie-in.* producto químico = chemical, chemical product.* producto químico usado en agricultura = agrochemical.* productos = goods, wares, merchandise.* productos agrícolas = agricultural produce.* productos alimenticios = food supply, supply of food.* productos artesanos en madera = woodcraft.* productos cárnicos = meat products.* productos de confitería = confectionery.* productos decorados con tela escocesa = tartanware.* productos de imitación = imitation goods, replica goods.* productos de pastelería = confectionery.* productos de temporada = seasonal produce.* producto secundario = off-shoot [offshoot], by-product [byproduct].* productos enlatados = tinned goods.* productos impresos = print media.* productos lácteos = dairy produce.* productos manufacturados = manufacturing goods, manufactured goods.* productos nacionales = domestic goods.* productos ópticos = optical media, optical products.* productos perecederos = perishables.* productos prohibidos = contraband.* producto tóxico = toxic.* promoción de productos = product-promoting.* representante de productos farmacéuticos = pharmaceutical company representative.* selección de productos = merchandise selection.* ser producto de = spin off, be the product of.* ser un producto de su tiempo = be a product of + Posesivo + time.* tienda de productos ecológicos = health food shop, health food store.* vender un producto = carry.* volver a promover un producto = rehyping.* * *1)a) ( artículo producido) productproductos nacionales — home-produced goods o products
b) ( resultado) result, productsu éxito es el producto de mucho esfuerzo — her success is the result o product of a great deal of effort
todo es producto de su imaginación — it's all a product o a figment of his imagination
2) (Mat) product* * *= commodity, product, offering, emanation.Ex: Neither are the latter group, in the course of their professional activities, likely to feel that the treatment of information as a priceable commodity compromises a principle fundamental to their professional ethic.
Ex: Printed title indexes which could be used as elementary subject indexes were one of the first products of computerised information retrieval systems.Ex: Currently SilverPlatter's major offering in this key topic area is 'Food Science and Technology Abstracts'.Ex: CCRC has considered radical things that don't seem to fit in with any of these aims, such as abandoning main entry and restricting corporate authorship by eliminating it entirely, and now euphemistically calling it corporate emanation.* asociación de compradores de un tipo de productos = consumers union.* comercializar un producto = carry, market + product.* comprar comparando productos = shop around, shopping around.* Denominación Común de Productos Industriales (NIPRO) = Common Nomenclature of Industrial Products (NIPRO).* Denominación de Productos para las Estadísticas del Comercio Externo de la = Nomenclature of Goods for the External Trade Statistics of the Community and Statistics of Trade between Member States (NIMEXE).* desarrollo de nuevos productos = product development.* documentos producto de investigación = research materials.* empresa dedicada al desarrollo de productos = product developer.* energía producto de la fisión = fission energy.* evaluación de los productos = product rating.* exposición de productos artesanales = craft show.* gama de productos = product mix, product range.* gestión de la oferta de productos = range management.* industria de los productos lácteos, la = dairy industry, the.* información de precios de productos para el consumo = retail prices.* información sobre un producto = product literature.* ley de responsabilidad por el producto = product liability law.* línea de productos = product line.* oferta de productos = product offering.* producto agrícola = agricultural product, farm product.* producto alimenticio = food product.* producto bandera = showpiece.* producto básico = staple.* producto bibliográfico = bibliographic product.* producto comercial = commercial product, retail product.* producto cosmético = cosmetic product.* producto cultural = cultural product.* producto de = born of.* producto de consumo = consumable, consumer product, convenience product.* producto de cosmética = cosmetic product.* producto de fumigar = fumigant.* producto de importación = imported product.* producto de la combinación = recombinant.* producto de la imaginación = work of imagination.* producto de la información = information commodity.* producto de la necesidad = born of necessity.* producto del conocimiento = knowledge record.* producto de limpieza = cleaning product, cleanser, cleaner.* producto derivado = outgrowth, by-product [byproduct], spinoff [spin-off], off-shoot [offshoot].* producto derivado de la grasa animal = fat product.* producto desconocido = foreign substance.* producto de temporada = seasonal food, seasonal product.* producto emblemático = showpiece.* producto especializado = specialist product.* producto estrella = star product.* producto farmacéutico = pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical product.* producto final = end product, finished product, deliverable, final product.* producto final, el = finished work, the.* producto fresco = fresh food.* producto higiénico = hygiene product.* producto importado = import, imported product.* producto industrial = industrial product.* producto informativo = information product.* producto inorgánicoquímico = inorganic chemical.* Producto Interior Bruto (PIB) = Gross Domestic Product (GDP).* producto lácteo = dairy product, milk product.* producto lógico = logical product.* producto medicinal = medicinal product.* Producto Nacional Bruto (PNB) = Gross National Product (GNP).* producto natural = natural product.* producto ofrecido = offering.* producto orgánicoquímico = organic chemical.* producto para el hogar = household product.* producto para especialistas = specialist product.* producto para la conservación = preservative.* producto para la higiene = hygiene product.* producto para profesionales = specialist product.* producto petroquímico = petrochemical.* producto principal = staple.* producto profesional = specialist product.* producto promocional = tie-in.* producto químico = chemical, chemical product.* producto químico usado en agricultura = agrochemical.* productos = goods, wares, merchandise.* productos agrícolas = agricultural produce.* productos alimenticios = food supply, supply of food.* productos artesanos en madera = woodcraft.* productos cárnicos = meat products.* productos de confitería = confectionery.* productos decorados con tela escocesa = tartanware.* productos de imitación = imitation goods, replica goods.* productos de pastelería = confectionery.* productos de temporada = seasonal produce.* producto secundario = off-shoot [offshoot], by-product [byproduct].* productos enlatados = tinned goods.* productos impresos = print media.* productos lácteos = dairy produce.* productos manufacturados = manufacturing goods, manufactured goods.* productos nacionales = domestic goods.* productos ópticos = optical media, optical products.* productos perecederos = perishables.* productos prohibidos = contraband.* producto tóxico = toxic.* promoción de productos = product-promoting.* representante de productos farmacéuticos = pharmaceutical company representative.* selección de productos = merchandise selection.* ser producto de = spin off, be the product of.* ser un producto de su tiempo = be a product of + Posesivo + time.* tienda de productos ecológicos = health food shop, health food store.* vender un producto = carry.* volver a promover un producto = rehyping.* * *A1 (artículo producido) productconsuma productos nacionales buy home-produced goods o productslos productos derivados del petróleo products derived from petroleum, petroleum derivativesproductos de granja farm produce2 (resultado) result, productel acuerdo es el producto de varios meses de negociaciones the agreement is the result o product of several months of negotiationssu éxito es el producto de muchos años de esfuerzo her success is the result o product of many years of effortes el típico producto de esa clase de colegio he's the typical product of that kind of schooltodo es producto de su imaginación it's all a product o a figment of his imaginationCompuestos:foodstuffbeauty product, cosmeticwaste product, by-productbrand name productpromotional itemspin-offgross domestic product, GDPdairy productmanufactured productgross national product, GNPstaplechemical product, chemicalby-productfinished productB ( Mat) product* * *
producto sustantivo masculino
◊ productos agrícolas/de granja agricultural/farm produce;
producto alimenticio foodstuff;
producto lácteo dairy product
producto sustantivo masculino
1 (artículo producido) product
productos alimenticios, foodstuffs
2 Econ producto interior bruto (PIB), gross domestic product (GDP)
3 (consecuencia, resultado) esa enciclopedia es producto del esfuerzo de muchas personas, this encyclopedia is the result of a large team's efforts
' producto' also found in these entries:
- anestesia
- anunciar
- dañar
- decolorar
- derivado
- doméstica
- doméstico
- duda
- eficaz
- elaborada
- elaborado
- humectante
- indicada
- indicado
- lanzamiento
- liquidar
- liquidación
- mezcla
- muestra
- obra
- presentar
- presentación
- promoción
- promocionar
- pura
- puro
- salazón
- salida
- sintética
- sintético
- tierra
- abaratar
- bueno
- calidad
- comercializar
- confianza
- consumir
- contener
- contenido
- cosecha
- cotización
- crear
- cultivo
- desatascador
- desgravar
- desprestigiar
- distinguir
- bring out
- call
- cleanser
- collaboration
- come out
- competition
- deceive
- development
- domestic
- figment
- finish
- flaw
- Gross National Product
- hype
- impure
- introduce
- introduction
- label
- launch
- launching
- marketable
- moneymaker
- needlework
- one-off
- opportunity
- patent
- produce
- product
- promote
- promotion
- push
- put off
- reputable
- rework
- spin-off
- staple
- stuff
- test
- top-selling
- trial
- unavailable
- window cleaner
- withdraw
- woodcarving
- chemical
- cleaner
- commodity
* * *producto nm1. [bien, objeto] product;productos agrícolas agricultural produce;un producto derivado del petróleo an oil derivativeproducto acabado finished product;producto alimenticio foodstuff;producto básico [de primera necesidad] staple;productos de belleza cosmetics;producto final end product;Esp producto interior bruto gross domestic product; Am producto interno bruto gross domestic product;producto líder product leader;producto manufacturado manufactured product;producto milagro miracle product;producto nacional bruto gross national product;producto de primera necesidad staple;producto químico chemical;productos de la tierra agricultural o farm produce2. [ganancia] profit3. [resultado] result, product;el accidente fue producto de un despiste del conductor the accident was caused by a lapse of attention on the part of the driver;la obra es el producto de un gran esfuerzo colectivo the work is the product of a great collective effort4. Mat product* * *m product;producto acabado finished product* * *producto nm1) : product2) : proceeds pl, yield* * *producto n product -
6 obtener
v.1 to get (beca, cargo, puntos).2 to obtain, to gain, to get, to acquire.Ricardo ganó reconocimiento Richard gained renown.* * *1 to get, be obtained■ con este detergente se obtienen resultados sorprendentes with this detergent you get surprising results* * *verb1) to obtain, get2) attain* * *VT [+ resultado, información, permiso] to get, obtain; [+ mayoría, votos] to win, obtain; [+ premio, medalla, victoria] to win; [+ apoyo] to gain, get, obtain; [+ beneficios] to makeesperamos obtener mejores resultados este año — we are hoping to get o obtain o achieve better results this year
los socialistas obtuvieron la mayoría absoluta — the socialists won o obtained an absolute majority
con la venta de los derechos la editorial obtuvo varios millones de dólares — the publishers got several million dollars from the sale of the copyright
nunca obtuvo respuesta — he never got o received a reply
* * *verbo transitivo < premio> to win, receive; <resultado/autorización> to obtain; < calificación> to obtain, set* * *= derive, gain, generate, get, obtain, procure, secure, yield, spin off, elicit, reap, receive, come by, acquire.Ex. The scheme was designed for the Library of Congress and many of the features of the scheme derived from this fact.Ex. To many, therefore, this emphasis on information can provide a much-needed opportunity to gain the public library new influence and respect.Ex. Human indexers sometimes make inappropriate judgements, misinterpret ideas, have lapses of memory or concentration, and generate omissions and inconsistencies in their indexing.Ex. DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.Ex. In the event that the position in the matrix contains more than 32 entries, it is necessary for the user to interact with the system to obtain the miniature catalog that will contain the entry s/he seeks.Ex. They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.Ex. They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.Ex. This mixture of approaches is designed to yield maximum retrieval for as many users as possible by combining the different strengths of controlled and natural language indexing.Ex. A computerized search facility has been spun off from the basic work.Ex. This article looks at ways in which librarians in leadership roles can elicit the motivation, commitment, and personal investment of members of the organisation.Ex. Women suffragists reaped an unexpected publicity bonanza when the 1913 national suffrage parade in Washington was broken up by a drunken mob.Ex. If you receive a large number of titles on you initial search, you can narrow your search by using qualifiers.Ex. This article shows how teachers came by such information and the use they made it of in their work.Ex. Many libraries have special collections of foreign, unpublished or unusual materials which include items unlikely to be acquired by other libraries.----* difícil de obtener = difficult to come by.* fácil de obtener = easy to come by.* obtener acceso = gain + access, gain + admittance.* obtener algo de = get + something out of.* obtener beneficios = gain + benefit, make + a profit, realise + benefits, derive + benefit, reap + rewards, reap + benefits, reap + returns, make + profit.* obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.* obtener credibilidad = attain + credibility.* obtener de = get out of.* obtener el derecho para = win + the right to.* obtener el enunciado del problema = elicit + problem statement.* obtener el máximo beneficio = reap + full potential.* obtener el mayor rendimiento posible = maximise + opportunities.* obtener éxito = achieve + success.* obtener éxitos y fracasos = experience + problems and successes.* obtener fondos de = derive + finances from.* obtener ganancia = gain + benefit.* obtener gratificación = obtain + gratification.* obtener gratis = obtain + free.* obtener indicios sobre = get + an indication of.* obtener información = obtain + information, glean + information, gain + information, pick up + information, secure + information.* obtener información de = elicit + information from.* obtener la aprobación = meet with + approval.* obtener partido de = capitalise on/upon [capitalize, -USA].* obtener perspectiva de = gain + perspective on.* obtener pistas sobre = get + an indication of.* obtener placer = take + pleasure, obtain + pleasure from, derive + pleasure.* obtener placer de = get + pleasure from.* obtener + Posesivo + aprobación = meet + Posesivo + approval.* obtener promoción = arrive at + promotion.* obtener provecho = get + Posesivo + money's worth out of.* obtener reconocimiento = gain + recognition.* obtener resultado = obtain + result.* obtener resultados = get + things done.* obtener satisfacción = derive + satisfaction, gain + satisfaction, derive + gratification, obtain + satisfaction.* obtenerse = accrue.* obtenerse de = flow from.* obtener titulación = receive + degree.* obtener + Título = earn + Título.* obtener una categoría = gain + status.* obtener una cita bibliográfica = glean + citation.* obtener una idea = get + a sense of, gain + a sense of.* obtener una idea de = get + a taste of.* obtener una impresión = gain + picture.* obtener una perspectiva = gather + perspective.* obtener una referencia = glean + reference.* obtener un estatus = gain + status.* obtener un premio = earn + an award, win + award, win + prize.* obtener un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.* obtener un título = gain + a degree in.* obtener ventaja = gain + advantage.* obtener ventajas = reap + advantages.* se obtendrá algo de provecho = something is bound to come of it.* * *verbo transitivo < premio> to win, receive; <resultado/autorización> to obtain; < calificación> to obtain, set* * *= derive, gain, generate, get, obtain, procure, secure, yield, spin off, elicit, reap, receive, come by, acquire.Ex: The scheme was designed for the Library of Congress and many of the features of the scheme derived from this fact.
Ex: To many, therefore, this emphasis on information can provide a much-needed opportunity to gain the public library new influence and respect.Ex: Human indexers sometimes make inappropriate judgements, misinterpret ideas, have lapses of memory or concentration, and generate omissions and inconsistencies in their indexing.Ex: DOBIS/LIBIS does not get a new document number, but reserves this document for you, so that no one else can change it while you are working on it.Ex: In the event that the position in the matrix contains more than 32 entries, it is necessary for the user to interact with the system to obtain the miniature catalog that will contain the entry s/he seeks.Ex: They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.Ex: They are responsible for putting together advertisements, securing proofs, procuring the matrices, electrotypes, and other duplicate plates needed for insertion in publications.Ex: This mixture of approaches is designed to yield maximum retrieval for as many users as possible by combining the different strengths of controlled and natural language indexing.Ex: A computerized search facility has been spun off from the basic work.Ex: This article looks at ways in which librarians in leadership roles can elicit the motivation, commitment, and personal investment of members of the organisation.Ex: Women suffragists reaped an unexpected publicity bonanza when the 1913 national suffrage parade in Washington was broken up by a drunken mob.Ex: If you receive a large number of titles on you initial search, you can narrow your search by using qualifiers.Ex: This article shows how teachers came by such information and the use they made it of in their work.Ex: Many libraries have special collections of foreign, unpublished or unusual materials which include items unlikely to be acquired by other libraries.* difícil de obtener = difficult to come by.* fácil de obtener = easy to come by.* obtener acceso = gain + access, gain + admittance.* obtener algo de = get + something out of.* obtener beneficios = gain + benefit, make + a profit, realise + benefits, derive + benefit, reap + rewards, reap + benefits, reap + returns, make + profit.* obtener conocimiento = gain + an understanding.* obtener credibilidad = attain + credibility.* obtener de = get out of.* obtener el derecho para = win + the right to.* obtener el enunciado del problema = elicit + problem statement.* obtener el máximo beneficio = reap + full potential.* obtener el mayor rendimiento posible = maximise + opportunities.* obtener éxito = achieve + success.* obtener éxitos y fracasos = experience + problems and successes.* obtener fondos de = derive + finances from.* obtener ganancia = gain + benefit.* obtener gratificación = obtain + gratification.* obtener gratis = obtain + free.* obtener indicios sobre = get + an indication of.* obtener información = obtain + information, glean + information, gain + information, pick up + information, secure + information.* obtener información de = elicit + information from.* obtener la aprobación = meet with + approval.* obtener partido de = capitalise on/upon [capitalize, -USA].* obtener perspectiva de = gain + perspective on.* obtener pistas sobre = get + an indication of.* obtener placer = take + pleasure, obtain + pleasure from, derive + pleasure.* obtener placer de = get + pleasure from.* obtener + Posesivo + aprobación = meet + Posesivo + approval.* obtener promoción = arrive at + promotion.* obtener provecho = get + Posesivo + money's worth out of.* obtener reconocimiento = gain + recognition.* obtener resultado = obtain + result.* obtener resultados = get + things done.* obtener satisfacción = derive + satisfaction, gain + satisfaction, derive + gratification, obtain + satisfaction.* obtenerse = accrue.* obtenerse de = flow from.* obtener titulación = receive + degree.* obtener + Título = earn + Título.* obtener una categoría = gain + status.* obtener una cita bibliográfica = glean + citation.* obtener una idea = get + a sense of, gain + a sense of.* obtener una idea de = get + a taste of.* obtener una impresión = gain + picture.* obtener una perspectiva = gather + perspective.* obtener una referencia = glean + reference.* obtener un estatus = gain + status.* obtener un premio = earn + an award, win + award, win + prize.* obtener un puesto de trabajo = obtain + position.* obtener un título = gain + a degree in.* obtener ventaja = gain + advantage.* obtener ventajas = reap + advantages.* se obtendrá algo de provecho = something is bound to come of it.* * *vt‹premio› to win, receive; ‹resultado› to obtain, achieve; ‹calificación/autorización/préstamo› to obtain, getse han obtenido importantes mejoras significant improvements have been obtained o achievedobtuvimos los fondos necesarios del banco we got o obtained o ( frml) secured the necessary funding from the bank* * *
obtener ( conjugate obtener) verbo transitivo ‹ premio› to win, receive;
‹resultado/autorización› to obtain;
‹ calificación› to obtain, set
obtener vtr (conseguir) to obtain, get
' obtener' also found in these entries:
- sigilo
- abastecer
- alcanzar
- apuntar
- capacitar
- coger
- diplomarse
- ello
- obtuve
- sacar
- blank
- clear
- derive
- elicit
- extort
- get
- get in
- obtain
- poll
- procure
- profit
- qualify
- raise
- secure
- access
- achieve
- cream
- drum
- gain
- hope
- length
- lobby
- process
* * *obtener vt[beca, cargo, puntos, información] to get, to obtain; [resultado] to obtain, to achieve; [premio, victoria] to win; [ganancias] to make; [satisfacción, ventaja] to gain, to obtain;obtuvieron dos millones de beneficio de la venta de su casa they made a profit of two million from the sale of their house;la sidra se obtiene de las manzanas cider is obtained o made from apples* * ** * *obtener {80} vt: to obtain, to secure, to get♦ obtenible adj* * *obtener vb1. (conseguir en general) to get / to obtain -
7 раскручивать
2) Colloquial: (кого-л. что-л.) get underway, (кого-л. что-л.) hype or (smth.), (кого-л. что-л.) promote or (проводить активную рекламную компанию to run a public relations and/or advertising campaign to make a person, product or activity seem good; smth.), (кого-л. что-л.) start up (начинать дело, устранять первоначальные трудности to begin a new endeavor, usually by overcoming problems; smth.), (кого-л. что-л.) work the bugs out of (smth.), hype up (http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/hype)3) Engineering: bring to rotation, spin away (напр. заготовку при сверлении), start rotation, crank up4) Mathematics: disentangle, disentangling, twist, untie6) Textile: untwine (кручёную пряжу)7) Jargon: bilk out (на деньги)8) Information technology: bootstrap9) Astronautics: run up10) Mechanics: spin away12) Polymers: detwist13) Makarov: wind off14) Marketology: (например, брэнд) boost -
8 ответвление
1) General subject: arm, branch (дороги), derivation, embranchment, fork, lateral, offshoot, outlier, outshoot, rame, ramification, shoot, turn-out (дороги), filiation, spin-off5) Military: siding leg6) Engineering: T-off, branch circuit, branch line, branched circuit, branching, branching tap, branching tapping, derived circuit, diversion, dropping (каналов), fork (напр. русла), lateral conductor, leg, link (реки, канала), lobe (в кольцевых сетях), shunt, shunting, side chain, spur, subbranch, takeoff, tap circuit, olet (Деталь трубопровода)7) Construction: branch duct (канала, воздуховода), branch pipe (трубопровода), derivation (проводки), leg (дороги), offtake, outgo, shunting off, stub (от ВПП), take-off (трубопровода), take-off piece, take-off piece (трубопровода)8) Anatomy: diverticle (трубчатого органа)9) Mathematics: offset10) Railway term: bifurcation, turn out11) Automobile industry: turnout12) Mining: siding, spray, spur (рудной жилы)14) Telecommunications: subcircuit (цепи), tapoff15) Textile: loop (в развязке типа "кленовый лист")16) Electronics: coupling (разводка сигнала, i.e. directional coupling - направленное ответвление), tap, tap-off, tapping17) Information technology: branching-off18) Oil: branch (трубопровода)19) Communications: drop20) Astronautics: deriving22) Metrology: side arm23) Mechanics: lane24) Ecology: junction25) Drilling: take-off26) Sakhalin energy glossary: deviation27) Automation: branch line (в трубопроводе), branch passage, drop (в сети), leg (программы или цепной схемы), spur (напр. транспортёра)30) Makarov: T drop (в сети), branch (дороги и т.п.), branch line (от электрической линии), branch piece, derivation (напр. трубопровода), diverticulum (трубчатого органа), forking, leg (напр. дороги), off-shoot, offset (горного хребта или горы), offset (кабеля), spur duct (канала, воздуховода), tap lead (обмотки)31) oil&gas: leadaway, leadaway pipe, looping -
9 sauce
n. f.1. 'Soup', heavy downpour of rain. Recevoir une sauce: To get soaked to the skin.2. Motor-fuel (petrol or diesel). Mettre la sauce: To 'burn some rubber', to accelerate violently.3. Coup de sauce (Sporting slang): Burst of energy. Répondre à chaque coup de sauce (Cycling slang): To counter every sprint.a To 'juice off', to ejaculate.b To fire off, to shoot (a gun).5. Etre dans la sauce: To be 'in the soup', 'in a pickle', to be in a fix.6. Allonger (also: rallonger) la sauce (of tale, narration): To 'spin it out', to make it last and last.7. Faire de la sauce (Musicians' slang): To 'fill in' with some spontaneous free composition.8. Mettre à toutes les sauces: To put someone or something to every possible use. Le pauvre, on le met à toutes les sauces! Poor bugger! He seems to be at everyone's beck and call!
См. также в других словарях:
Spin out — For the attraction, see Spin Out (ride). A spin out, also known as a spin off or a starburst, refers to a type of corporate action where a company splits off sections of itself as a separate business.[1] The common definition of spin out is when… … Wikipedia
Spin wave — Spin waves are propagating disturbances in the ordering of magnetic materials. These low lying collective excitations occur in magnetic lattices with continuous symmetry. From the equivalent quasiparticle point of view, spin waves are known as… … Wikipedia
Spin isomers of hydrogen — Spin Isomers of Molecular Hydrogen Molecular hydrogen occurs in two isomeric forms, one with its two proton spins aligned parallel (orthohydrogen), the other with its two proton spins aligned antiparallel (parahydrogen).[1] At room temperature… … Wikipedia
spin — 1. The form for the regular past tense and past participle of the verb is spun: • The other man spun towards the sound, gun extended, ready to fire A. Lejeune, 1986 • I was spun round, and dragged back A. Billson, 1993. Before the 20c span was… … Modern English usage
Spin (physics) — This article is about spin in quantum mechanics. For rotation in classical mechanics, see angular momentum. In quantum mechanics and particle physics, spin is a fundamental characteristic property of elementary particles, composite particles… … Wikipedia
Spin-statistics theorem — Statistical mechanics Thermodynamics · … Wikipedia
Spin-orbit interaction — In quantum physics, the spin orbit interaction (also called spin orbit effect or spin orbit coupling ) is any interaction of a particle s spin with its motion. The first and best known example of this is that spin orbit interaction causes shifts… … Wikipedia
Energy level — A quantum mechanical system or particle that is bound that is, confined spatially can only take on certain discrete values of energy. This contrasts with classical particles, which can have any energy. These discrete values are called energy… … Wikipedia
Spin-½ — In quantum mechanics, spin is an intrinsic property of all elementary particles. Fermions, the particles that constitute ordinary matter, have half integer spin. Spin ½ particles constitute an important subset of such fermions. All known… … Wikipedia
Spin-flip — otheruses4|black hole spin flips|atomic spin flips|Hydrogen lineA black hole spin flip occurs when the spin axis of a rotating black hole undergoes a sudden change in orientation due to absorption of a second (smaller) black hole.Spin flips are… … Wikipedia
Energy tower (downdraft) — An energy tower is a method for producing electrical power for consumer consumption, the brainchild of Dr. Phillip Carlson,ref|Carlson which has been expanded upon by Professor Dan Zaslavsky from the Technion.ref|ET brochure An energy tower… … Wikipedia