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  • 41 μεμαντεύσθαι

    divine: perf inf mp
    divine: perf inf mp
    divine: perf inf mp
    divine: perf inf mp

    Morphologia Graeca > μεμαντεύσθαι

  • 42 μεμαντεῦσθαι

    divine: perf inf mp
    divine: perf inf mp
    divine: perf inf mp
    divine: perf inf mp

    Morphologia Graeca > μεμαντεῦσθαι

  • 43 μεμάντευσαι

    divine: perf ind mp 2nd sg
    divine: perf ind mp 2nd sg
    divine: perf ind mp 2nd sg
    divine: perf ind mp 2nd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > μεμάντευσαι

  • 44 οσία

    ὁσίᾱ, ὅσιος
    hallowed: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    ὁσίᾱ, ὅσιος
    hallowed: fem nom /voc sg (attic doric aeolic)
    ὁσίᾱ, ὁσία
    divine law: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    ὁσίᾱ, ὁσία
    divine law: fem nom /voc sg (attic doric aeolic)
    ὁσίᾱͅ, ὅσιος
    hallowed: fem dat sg (attic doric aeolic)
    ὁσίαι, ὁσία
    divine law: fem nom /voc pl
    ὁσίᾱͅ, ὁσία
    divine law: fem dat sg (attic doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > οσία

  • 45 δαιμόνιον

    δαιμόνιον, ου, τό (substant. neut. of the adj. δαιμόνιος [s. 2 below δαιμόνιον πνεῦμα], quotable since Homer; OGI 383, 175; Herm. Wr. 10, 19; Ps.-Phoc. 101; En 19:1; TestSol; GrBar 16:3; Philo; Jos., Bell. 1, 373; 6, 429) in Gk. lit. the δαιμον-family refers in general to powerful entities that transcend ordinary experience. After Homer’s time, the adj. δαιμόνιος means anything ‘sent from heaven’ or ‘that which is divine’ and the subst. τὸ δ. comes to mean ‘divine manifestation’ or ‘heaven’, as in our expression ‘what heaven decrees’ (Hdt. 5, 87, 2; cp. SIG 601, 15; Jos., Bell. 1, 69); or simply ‘the divine’ (Eur., Bacch. 894); cp. SIG 545, 14 (of religious piety). In our lit. the subst. gener. denotes a malevolent force.
    transcendent incorporeal being w. status between humans and deities, daemon (as distinguished from demon, which in Eng. gener. connotes inimical aspect), semi-divine being, a divinity, spirit, (higher) power, without neg. connotation. The subst. was freq. used by Hellenes in a gener. sense esp. of independent numinous beings or divinities, as distinguished from a more personalized θεός, e.g. nymphs, Panes, and Sileni (Pla., Symp. 23 p. 202e πᾶν τὸ δαιμόνιον μεταξύ ἐστι θεοῦ τε καὶ θνητοῦ=‘every δ. is between a god and a mortal’; cp. Philo, Mos. 1, 276; UPZ 144, 43; 50 [164 B.C.]; Vett. Val. 355, 15; Ps.-Lucian, Asinus 24 p. 592 οὐδὲ τὰ δ. δέδοικας; ‘aren’t you afraid of the spirits [powers]?’ The term is common in adjurations, e.g., δαιμόνιον πνεῦμα, w. ref. to the spirit of the departed as possessing extraordinary powers: lead tablet fr. Hadrumetum [Dssm., B 26, 35 (BS 271ff)]; PGM 4, 3038; 3065; 3075). ξένων δ. καταγγελεύς a preacher of strange divinities Ac 17:18 (cp. Pla., Apol. 26b; X., Mem. 1, 1, 1 καινὰ δαιμόνια εἰσφέρειν).
    a hostile transcendent being w. status between humans and deities, spirit, power, hostile divinity, evil spirit, the neg. component may be either specific or contextual, and w. the sense commonly associated w. the loanword ‘demon’ (δ. φαῦλα: Chrysipp. [Stoic. II 338, 32, no. 1178]; Plut., Mor. 1051c. φαῦλ. δ.: Plut., Mor. 277a, Dio 2, 5. Vett. Val. 67, 5; 99, 7. Herm. Wr. 9, 3; PGM 4, 3081; 5, 120; 165; 170; LXX; En 19:1). Beings of this type are said to enter into persons and cause illness, esp. of the mental variety (GrBar 16:3 ἐν μαχαίρᾳ … ἐν δαιμονίοις as punishment; Jos., Bell. 7, 185 [of the spirits of deceased wicked people], Ant. 6, 166ff; 211; 214; 8, 45ff): δ. εἰσέρχεται εἴς τινα Lk 8:30; δ. ἔχειν Mt 11:18; Lk 7:33; 8:27; J 7:20; 8:48f, 52; 10:20. ἔχων πνεῦμα δαιμονίου ἀκαθάρτου who was under the control of an unclean power Lk 4:33. ῥῖψαν αὐτὸν τὸ δ. vs. 35; cp. ἔρρηξεν 9:42. Hence the healing of a sick person is described as the driving out of malignant forces ἐκβάλλειν (τ.) δ. (Jos., Ant. 6, 211) Mt 7:22; 9:34; 10:8; 12:24, 27f; Mk 1:34, 39; 3:15, 22; 6:13; 7:26; 9:38; 16:9, 17; Lk 9:49; 11:14f, 18ff; 13:32. Pass. Mt 9:33. ἐξουσίαν ἐπὶ πάντα τὰ δ. Lk 9:1. τὰ δʼ ὑποτάσσεται ἡμῖν 10:17. ἐξέρχεται τὸ δ. (s. ἐξέρχομαι 1aβב.—Thrasyllus [I A.D.] in Ps.-Plut., Fluv. 16, 2 ἀπέρχεται τὸ δαιμόνιον) Mt 17:18; Mk 7:29f; Lk 4:41; 8:2, 33, 35, 38. Some live in deserted places 8:29, hence a ruined city is a habitation of (malevolent) powers Rv 18:2 (cp. Is 13:21; 34:11, 14; Bar 4:35). Their ruler is βεελζεβούλ (q.v.) Mt 12:24, 27; Lk 11:15, 18f. Erroneous instruction is διδασκαλίαι δαιμονίων (subj. gen.) 1 Ti 4:1. The ability of such beings to work miracles is variously described J 10:21 and Rv 16:14. They are objects of polytheistic worship 9:20 (Dt 32:17; Bar 4:7; cp. Ps 95:5; 105:37; En 19:1; 99:7; Just., Tat.; SibOr Fgm. 1, 22. Likew. among Persians and Babylonians: Cumont3 305, 97) 1 Cor 10:20f (w. satirical reference to the secondary status of these members of the spirit-world relative to deity); B 16:7. On Js 2:19 s. φρίσσω.—Of the evil spirit of slander Hm 2:3; of vengeance Hs 9, 23, 5; of arrogance Hs 9, 22, 3.—The δ. can appear without a tangible body, and then acts as a phantom or ghost ISm 3:2.—JGeffcken, Zwei griech. Apologeten 1907, 216ff; JTambornino, De Antiquorum Daemonismo 1909; RWünsch, D. Geisterbannung im Altertum: Festschr. Univ. Breslau 1911, 9–32; WBousset, Z. Dämonologie d. späteren Antike: ARW 18, 1915, 134–72; FAndres, Daimon: Pauly-W. Suppl. III 1918, 267–322; MPohlenz, Stoa ’49 (index).—HDuhm, D. bösen Geister im AT 1904; GBarton, EncRelEth IV 1911, 594–601; AJirku, Die Dämonen u. ihre Abwehr im AT 1912; ALods, Marti Festschr. 1925, 181–93; HKaupel, D. Dämonen im AT 1930; Bousset, Rel.3 1926, 331ff; Billerb. IV 1928, 501–35; TCanaan, M.D., Dämonenglaube im Lande der Bibel 1929 1–20.—WAlexander, Demonic Possession in the NT 1902; JSmit, De Daemonicis in Hist. Evang. 1913; RBultmann, Gesch. d. Syn. Tradition2 ’31, 223ff; HEberlein, NKZ 42, ’31, 499–509; 562–72; FFenner, D. Krankheit im NT 1930; ATitius, NBonwetsch Festschr. 1918, 25–47; GSulzer, D. Besessenheitsheilungen Jesu 1921; HSeng, D. Heilungen Jesu in med. Beleuchtung2 1926; WWrede, Z. Messiaserkenntnis d. Dämonen bei Mk: ZNW 5, 1904, 169–77; OBauernfeind, D. Worte d. Dämonen im Mk-Ev. 1928; AFridrichsen, Theology 21, ’31, 122–35; SMcCasland, By the Finger of God ’51; SEitrem, Some Notes on the Demonology in the NT: SymbOsl, Suppl. 12, ’50, 1–60; JKallas, The Satanward View (Paul), ’66; GTillesse, Le Secret Messianique dans Mk, ’68, 75–111; RAC IX 546–797; RMacMullen, VigChr 37, ’83, 174–92; G. Francois, Le polythéisme et l’emploi au singulier des mots ΘΕΟΣ ΔΑΙΜΩΝ ’57 (lit.); GRiley, Demon: DDD 445–55. S. also the lit. s.v. ἄγγελος.—B. 1488. DELG s.v. δαίμων. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > δαιμόνιον

  • 46 θεῖος

    θεῖος, θεία, θεῖον (Hom.+.; adv. θείως Just., A I, 20, 3.—RMuquier, Le sens du mot θεῖος chez Platon 1930; JvanCamp and PCanart, Le sens du mot theios chez Platon ’56).
    pert. to that which belongs to the nature or status of deity, divine
    adj. divine δύναμις (Pla., Leg. 3, 691e φύσις τις ἀνθρωπίνη μεμιγμένη θείᾳ τινὶ δυνάμει; Dio Chrys. 14 [31], 95; decree of Stratonicea CIG II 2715ab [Dssm., B 277ff-BS 360ff]; EpArist 157 al.; Philo, Det. Pot. Ins. 83 al.; SibOr 5, 249; Just., A I, 32, 9) 2 Pt 1:3. φύσις (Diod S 5, 31, 4; Dio Chrys. 11 [12], 29; Ael. Aristid. 37, 9 K.=2 p. 16 D.; Manetho: 609 Fgm. 10 p. 92, 16 Jac. [Jos., C. Ap. 1, 232]; SIG 1125, 8; Philo, Decal. 104 τῶν θείας φύσεως μετεσχηκότων; Jos., Ant. 8, 107) vs. 4. κρίσις (Simplicius in Epict. p. 20, 30; Philo, Spec. Leg. 3, 12, 1) 2 Cl 20:4. γνῶσις (cp. 4 Macc 1:16) 1 Cl 40:1. πνεῦμα (Menand., Fgm. 417, 3 Kö. [=482, 3 Kock]; PGM 4, 966; Aristobulus p. 218, 5 Denis [Eus., PE 8, 10, 4=Holladay p. 136 ln. 28]; ApcSed 14:6; Philo; Jos., Ant. 6, 222; 8, 408; 10, 239; Just., A I, 32, 2 al.; Tat. 13, 2; cp. 4:2 θειοτέρου) Hm 11:2, 5, 7ff, 12, 21 (TestSol 1:10 L). ἔργα of the deeds of the Virtues v 3, 8, 7.
    subst. τὸ θεῖον divine being, divinity, freq. simply = ‘the numinous’ (Hdt. 3, 108; Thu. 5, 70; X., Cyr. 4, 2, 15, Hell. 7, 5, 13, Mem. 1, 4, 18; Pla., Phdr. p. 242c; Polyb. 31, 15, 7; Diod S 1, 6, 1; 13, 3, 2; 16, 60, 2; Epict. 2, 20, 22; Lucian, e.g. De Sacrif. 1, Pro Imag. 13; 17; 28; Herm. Wr. 11, 21b codd.; ins [SIG index p. 377f]; UPZ 24, 11; 36, 13 and 22; 39, 5; Mitt-Wilck. I/2, 70, 14; 116, 2 σέβου τὸ θεῖον; PGM 3, 192.—Philo, Op. M. 170, Agr. 80, Leg. ad Gai. 3; Jos., Ant. 1, 85 and 194; 2, 275; 5, 133; 11, 127; 12, 281 and 302; 13, 242 and 300; 14, 183; 17, 41, Bell. 3, 352; 4, 190; Just., D. 3, 7 al.; Tat. 16, 2; Ath. 1, 2 al.—LXX, En, EpArist, SibOr and other pseudepigr. do not have τὸ θεῖον) Ac 17:27 D, 29; Tit 1:9 v.l.—New Docs 3, 68 (ins).
    of persons who stand in close relation to, or reflect characteristics of, a deity, including esp. helpfulness to one’s constituencies, divine (Diog. L. 7, 119: the Stoa says of the σοφοί: θείους εἶναι• ἔχειν γὰρ ἐν ἑαυτοῖς οἱονεὶ θεόν; cp. Pla., Rep. 366c.—Cp. on ἄνθρωποι θεῖοι Rtzst., Mysterienrel.3 25f; 237ff; 298; HWindisch, Pls u. Christus ’34, 1–114; BGildersleeve, Essays and Studies 1896, 251–96 [Apollonius of Tyana]; LBieler, Θεῖος Ἀνήρ I ’35; II ’36; CHolladay, Theios Aner in Hellenistic Judaism ’72; JKingsbury, Int 35, ’81, 243–57 [Mark’s Christology]; EKoskenniemi, Apollonios von Tyana in der neutestamentlichen Exegese ’94) in the superl. (Oenomaus in Eus., PE 5, 28, 2 Lycurgus as ὁ θειότατος ἀνθρώπων; Iambl., Vi. Pyth. 29, 161 ὁ θειότατος Πυθαγόρας; used of the emperors in ins [SIG index p. 378a] and pap [PLond III, 1012, 4 p. 266]) οἱ θειότατοι προφῆται the prophets, those people so very near to God IMg 8:2 (cp. TestSol 1:4 C ὦ θεῖε βασιλεῦ; Philo, Mos. 2, 188; Jos., Ant. 10, 35 ὁ προφήτης θεῖος, C. Ap. 1, 279 [Moses]). Of angels Papias (4).
    gener., of that which exceeds the bounds of human or earthly possibility, supernatural (Lucian, Alex. 12 θεῖόν τι καὶ φοβερόν) of a monster ὑπενόησα εἶναί τι θεῖον I suspected that it was some other-worldly thing Hv 4, 1, 6.—RAC XIII 155–366. DELG s.v. θεός. M-M. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > θεῖος

  • 47 πληρόω

    πληρόω impf. 3 sg. ἐπλήρου; fut. πληρώσω; 1 aor. ἐπλήρωσα; pf. πεπλήρωκα; plpf. 3 sg. πεπληρώκει (on the omission of the augm. B-D-F §66, 1; Mlt-H. 190). Pass.: impf. ἐπληρούμην; 1 fut. πληρωθήσομαι; 1 aor. ἐπληρώθην; pf. πεπλήρωμαι; plpf. 3 sg. πεπλήρωτο (s. B-D-F §66, 1; Mlt-H. 190) (Aeschyl., Hdt.+).
    to make full, fill (full)
    of things τὶ someth. τὴν γῆν (Orig., C. Cels. 3, 8, 29) B 6:12 (Gen 1:28; cp. Ocellus [II B.C.] c. 46 Harder [1926] τὸν πλείονα τῆς γῆς τόπον πληροῦσθαι with their descendants). Pass., of a net ἐπληρώθη Mt 13:48. πᾶσα φάραγξ πληρωθήσεται Lk 3:5 (Is 40:4). ὀθόνη πλοίου ὑπὸ πνεύματος πληρουμένη a ship’s sail filled out by the wind MPol 15:2.—τόπον πληρῶσαι fill a space Hs 9, 7, 5. ἐπλήρωσεν τοὺς τύπους τῶν λίθων he filled in the impressions of the stones (that had been removed) 9, 10, 2.—Also of sounds and odors (as well as light: schol. on Pla. 914b) ἦχος ἐπλήρωσεν τὸν οἶκον a sound filled the house Ac 2:2 (Diod S 11, 24, 4 αἱ οἰκίαι πένθους ἐπληροῦντο=with cries of grief). ἡ οἰκία ἐπληρώθη ἐκ τῆς ὀσμῆς the house was filled with the fragrance J 12:3 (cp. Diod S 4, 64, 1 τὴν οἰκίαν πληρώσειν ἀτυχημάτων; Ael. Aristid. 36, 84 K.=48 p. 471 D.: ὅταν οἴκημα πληρωθῇ; TestAbr A 4 p. 80, 23f [Stone p. 8] πλήρωσον τὸν οἶκον ἡμῶν [with aromatic plants]).—Also in other ways of the filling of impers. objects with real but intangible things or qualities: τὸ πρόσωπον αὐτοῦ (i.e. of the martyr Polycarp) χάριτος ἐπληροῦτο MPol 12:1 (χάρις 1 and 4). πεπληρώκατε τὴν Ἰερουσαλὴμ τῆς διδαχῆς ὑμῶν you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching Ac 5:28. ὑμεῖς πληρώσατε (aor. impv. as a rhetor. demand; vv.ll. πληρώσετε, ἐπληρώσατε) τὸ μέτρον τῶν πατέρων ὑμῶν of filling the measure of sins (cp. Da 8:23) Mt 23:32; cp. ἐπεὶ πεπλήρωτο ἡ ἡμετέρα ἀδικία Dg 9:2. θεὸς πληρώσει πᾶσαν χρείαν ὑμῶν Phil 4:19 (cp. Thu. 1, 70, 7). πλ. τὴν καρδίαν τινός fill someone’s heart, i.e. take full possession of it (cp. Eccl 9:3) ἡ λύπη πεπλήρωκεν ὑμῶν τ. καρδίαν J 16:6. διὰ τί ἐπλήρωσεν ὁ σατανᾶς τ. καρδίαν σοὺ; Ac 5:3 (Ad’Alès, RSR 24, ’34, 199f; 474f prefers the v.l. ἐπήρωσεν; against him LSt.-Paul Girard, Mém. de l’inst. franc. du Caire 67, ’37, 309–12). ὁ ψευδοπροφήτης πληροῖ τὰς ψυχάς Hm 11:2 (θείου πνεύματος πληρώσαντος … τὰς ψυχάς Orig., C. Cels. 3, 81, 20).—Of Christ, who passed through all the cosmic spheres ἵνα πληρώσῃ τὰ πάντα Eph 4:10 (cp. Jer 23:24; Philo, Leg. All. 3, 4 πάντα πεπλήρωκεν ὁ θεός, Vita Mos. 2, 238, Conf. Lingu. 136; Ath.8, 3 πάντα γὰρ ὑπὸ τοῦτου πεπλήρωται). The mid. in the sense of the act. (B-D-F §316, 1; Rob. 805f. Cp. X., Hell. 6, 2, 14; 35 al.; Plut., Alc. 211 [35, 6]) τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ τὰ πάντα ἐν πᾶσιν πληρουμένου Eph 1:23 (πλήρωμα 2).
    of persons fill w. powers, qualities, etc. τινὰ someone ὁ ἄγγελος τοῦ προφητικοῦ πνεύματος πληροῖ τὸν ἄνθρωπον Hm 11:9a. τινά τινος someone with someth. (OdeSol 11:2; B-D-F §172; Rob. 510) πληρώσεις με εὐφροσύνης Ac 2:28 (Ps 15:11). Cp. Ro 15:13 (cp. POxy 3313, 3 χαρ[ᾶ ἡμ]ᾶ ἐπλήρωσα). τινά τινι someone with someth. (B-D-F §195, 2) ὁ διάβολος πληροῖ αὐτὸν τῷ αὐτοῦ πνεύματι Hm 11:3.—Mostly pass., in pres., impf., fut., aor. become filled or full (Scholiast on Pla. 856e of μάντις: ἄνωθεν λαμβάνειν τὸ πνεῦμα καὶ πληροῦσθαι τοῦ θεοῦ); in the perf. have been filled, be full: w. gen. of thing (Diod S 20, 21, 3 τῶν βασιλείων πεπληρωμένων φόνων=when the palace was full of murderous deeds; Diog. L. 5, 42 τὸ πάσης ἀρετῆς πεπληρῶσθαι) Lk 2:40 v.l.; Ac 13:52 (Jos., Ant. 15, 421 ἐπληρώθη χαρᾶς; cp. Just., A I, 49, 5); Ro 15:14; 2 Ti 1:4; Dg 10:3; IRo ins; Ox 840, 40f.—W. dat. of thing (Aeschyl., Sept. 464 et al.; Parthenius 10, 4 ἄχει ἐπληρώθη; 2 Macc 7:21; 3 Macc 4:16; 5:30; Just., D. 7, 1 πνεύματι. Cp. BGU 1108, 12 [I B.C.]) Lk 2:40; Ro 1:29; 2 Cor 7:4; Hm 5, 2, 7; 11:9b v.l. (for πλησθεί).—W. acc. of thing (pap use the act. and pass. w. acc. of thing in the sense ‘settle in full by [paying or delivering] someth.’: PLond II, 243, 11 p. 300 [346 A.D.]; 251, 30; POxy 1133, 8; 1134, 6; PFlor 27, 3 al.; B-D-F §159, 1; Rob. 510) πεπληρωμένοι καρπὸν δικαιοσύνης Phil 1:11. Cp. Col 1:9.—W. ἐν and dat. of thing ἐν πνεύματι with the Spirit Eph 5:18. ἐν πίστει καί ἀγάπῃ ISm ins. Cp. Col 4:12 v.l., in case ἐν κτλ. here belongs to πεπληρωμένοι (s. πληροφορέω 1b); but mng. 3 also merits attention. ἐστὲ ἐν αὐτῷ πεπληρωμένοι Col 2:10 is prob. different, meaning not ‘with him’, but in him or through him.—Abs. Eph 3:19 (εἰς denotes the goal; s. πλήρωμα 3b). πεπλήρωμαι I am well supplied Phil 4:18 (cp. Diod S 14, 62, 5 πληροῦν τινα=supply someone fully).
    to complete a period of time, fill (up), complete (Pla., Leg. 9, 866a, Tim. 39d; Plut., Lucull. 516 [35, 8]; POxy 275, 24 [66 A.D.] μέχρι τοῦ τὸν χρόνον πληρωθῆναι; 491, 6; PTebt 374, 10; BGU 1047 III, 12 al. in pap; Gen 25:24; 29:21; Lev 8:33; 12:4; 25:30; Num 6:5; Tob 10:1; 1 Macc 3:49 al.; TestAbr B; TestJob 28:1 ἐπλήρωσα εἴκοσι ἔτη; ApcMos 13; Jos., Ant. 4, 78; 6, 49) in our lit. only pass. (Ps.-Callisth. 3, 17, 39; 41 πεπλήρωται τὰ τῆς ζωῆς ἔτη; Did., Gen. 195, 23) πεπλήρωται ὁ καιρός Mk 1:15; cp. J 7:8. χρόνος instead of καιρός Hs 6, 5, 2; cp. πληρωθέντος τοῦ χρόνου (pl.: Iren. 1, 17, 2 [Harv. I 168, 13]) when the time has elapsed 1 Cl 25:2. πεπλήρωνται αἱ ἡμέραι the days are over, have come to an end Hv 2, 2, 5. πληρωθέντων … τῶν ἡμερῶν GJs 5:2 (TestAbr B 1 p. 105, 4 [Stone p. 58]).—Ac 9:23. πεπλήρωται ὁ ὅρος τῶν ἐτῶν ending of Mk in the Freer ms. 6f. πληρωθέντων ἐτῶν τεσσερακοντα when forty years had passed Ac 7:30 (TestJud 9:2).—24:27; 1 Cl 25:5. ὡς ἐπληροῦτο αὐτῷ τεσσερακονταετὴς χρόνος when he had reached the age of 40 Ac 7:23 (PFlor 382, 6; 11 ἑβδομήκοντα ἔτη ἐπλήρωσας). ἐπληρώθησαν οἱ μῆνες αὐτῆς ὡς εἶπεν ἕξ (Anna) had passed her sixth month as (the angel) said GJs 5:2 (but s. deStrycker ad loc.).
    to bring to completion that which was already begun, complete, finish (X., Hell. 4, 8, 16; Herodian 1, 5, 8; Olympiodorus, Life of Plato p. 2 Westerm.: the hymn that was begun; Himerius, Or. 6 [2], 14 πληρῶσαι τὴν ἐπιθυμίαν=fully gratify the desire, in that the Persians wished to incorporate into their great empire a small piece of the west, i.e. Greece; ApcSed 13:1 τὴν μετάνοιαν) τὸ εὐαγγέλιον τοῦ Χριστοῦ bring (the preaching of) the gospel to completion by proclaiming it in the most remote areas Ro 15:19; sim. πλ. τ. λόγον τοῦ θεοῦ Col 1:25. πληρώσατέ μου τ. χαράν Phil 2:2. Cp. 2 Th 1:11.—Pass. 2 Cor 10:6; Col 4:12 v.l. (s. 1b above). ὁ πᾶς νόμος ἐν ἑνὶ λόγῳ πεπλήρωται Gal 5:14 because of its past tense is prob. to be translated the whole law has found its full expression in a single word or is summed up under one entry (s. s.v. λόγος 2a; some would put this passage under 4b). οὐχ εὕρηκά σου ἔργα πεπληρωμένα Rv 3:2. Johannine usage speaks of joy that is made complete (the act. in Phil 2:2, s. above) J 3:29; 15:11; 16:24; 17:13; 1J 1:4; 2J 12.
    to bring to a designed end, fulfill a prophecy, an obligation, a promise, a law, a request, a purpose, a desire, a hope, a duty, a fate, a destiny, etc. (Pla., Gorg. 63, 507e ἐπιθυμίας [cp. TestJos 4:7 ἐπιθυμίαν]; Herodian 2, 7, 6 ὑποσχέσεις; Epict. 2, 9, 3; 8 ἐπαγγελίαν; Plut., Cic. 869 [17, 5] τὸ χρεών [=destiny]; Procop. Soph., Ep. 68 τ. ἐλπίδας; Spartan ins in BSA 12, 1905/6, p. 452 [I A.D.] τὰ εἰθισμένα; pap, LXX; Philo, Praem. 83 τὰς θείας παραινέσεις μὴ κενὰς ἀπολιπεῖν τῶν οἰκείων πράξεων, ἀλλὰ πληρῶσαι τοὺς λόγους ἔργοις ἐπαινετοῖς=the divine exhortations it [God’s people] did not leave devoid of appropriate performance, but carried out the words with praiseworthy deeds; Jos., Ant. 5, 145; 14, 486).
    of the fulfillment of divine predictions or promises. The word stands almost always in the passive be fulfilled (Polyaenus 1, 18 τοῦ λογίου πεπληρωμένου; Alex. Aphr., Fat. 31, II 2 p. 202, 21 ὅπως πληρωθῇ τὸ τῆς εἱμαρμένης δρᾶμα; 3 Km 2:27; TestBenj 3:8 προφητεία; Ps.-Clem., Hom. 8, 4) and refers mostly to the Tanach and its words: τοῦτο γέγονεν ἵνα πληρωθῇ τὸ ῥηθὲν ὑπὸ κυρίου διὰ τοῦ προφήτου (cp. 2 Ch 36:21) Mt 1:22; cp. 2:15, 17, 23; 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 13:35; 21:4; 26:54, 56; 27:9 (PNepper-Christensen, D. Mt-evangelium, ’58, 136–62); Mk 14:49; 15:27(28) v.l. (after Lk 22:37); Lk 1:20; 4:21; 21:22 v.l.; 24:44; J 12:38; 13:18; 15:25; 17:12; 19:24, 36; Ac 1:16 (cp. Test Napht 7:1 δεῖ ταῦτα πληρωθῆναι); Js 2:23. A vision ἔδει γὰρ τὸ τῆς … ὀπτασίας πληρωθῆναι for what (Polycarp) had seen in his vision was destined to be fulfilled MPol 12:3.—The OT type finds its fulfillment in the antitype Lk 22:16 (cp. MBlack, ET 57, ’45/46, 25f, An Aramaic Approach3, ’67, 229–36). At times one of Jesus’ predictions is fulfilled: J 18:9, 32. The act. bring to fulfillment, partly of God, who brings divine prophecies to fulfillment Ac 3:18; MPol 14:2, partly of humans who, by what they do, help to bring divine prophecies to realization (Vi. Thu. 1, 8 [=OxfT p. xii, 8] οὗτος ἐπλήρωσε τὰ μεμαντευμένα) Ac 13:27. Jesus himself fulfills his destiny by dying, as God’s messengers Moses and Elijah foretell Lk 9:31.—GPt 5:17.
    a prayer (Chariton 8, 1, 9 πεπληρώκασιν οἱ θεοὶ τὰς εὐχάς; Aristaen., Ep. 1, 16 the god πεπλήρωκε τ. εὐχήν [=prayer]; IBM 894, 8 of answered prayer) πληρῶσαί μου τὴν αἴτησιν answer my prayer ITr 13:3 (cp. Ps 19:5; TestAbr A 15 p. 96, 4 [Stone p. 40]). A command(ment) (Herodian 3, 11, 4 τὰς ἐντολάς; POxy 1252A, 9 πλήρωσον τὸ κεκελευσμένον; 1 Macc 2:55; SibOr 3, 246) πεπλήρωκεν ἐντολὴν δικαιοσύνης Pol 3:3. νόμον (Ps.-Demetr., Form. Ep. p. 12, 9; cp. Hdt. 1, 199 ἐκπλῆσαι τὸν νόμον) Ro 13:8; pass. Gal 5:14 (but s. 3 above and cp. Aeschyl., Ag. 313). τὸ δικαίωμα τοῦ νόμου Ro 8:4. πᾶσαν δικαιοσύνην (cp. 4 Macc 12:14 πλ. τὴν εὐσέβειαν) Mt 3:15 (s. AFridrichsen: Congr. d’Hist. du Christ. I 1928, 167–77; OEissfeldt, ZNW 61, ’70, 209–15 and s. βαπτίζω 2a, end); pass. ISm 1:1 (s. δικαιοσύνη 3b). Also ἐστὶ πρέπον πληρωθῆναι πάντα it is fitting that all things should be fulfilled GEb 18, 40 (cp. APF 3, 1906, 370 II, 7 [II A.D.] ἕως ἅπαντα τὰ κατʼ ἐμὲ πεπληρῶσθαι).—A duty or office βλέπε τὴν διακονίαν …, ἵνα αὐτὴν πληροῖς pay attention to your duty … and perform it Col 4:17 (cp. CIG 2336 πλ. πᾶσαν ἀρχὴν κ. λειτουργίαν; PFlor 382, 40 πληρῶσαι τὴν λειτουργίαν; ISardRobert I p. 39 n. 5).—Abs., in the broadest sense and in contrast to καταλύειν (s. καταλύω 3a): οὐκ ἦλθον καταλῦσαι ἀλλὰ πληρῶσαι Mt 5:17; depending on how one prefers to interpret the context, πληρόω is understood here either as fulfill=do, carry out, or as bring to full expression=show it forth in its true mng., or as fill up=complete (s. AKlöpper, ZWT 39, 1896, 1ff; AHarnack, Aus Wissenschaft u. Leben II 1911, 225ff, SBBerlAk 1912, 184ff; JHänel, Der Schriftbegriff Jesu 1919, 155ff; Dalman, Jesus 56–66 confirm; WHatch, ATR 18, ’36, 129–40; HLjungman, D. Gesetz Erfüllen, ’54; WKümmel, Verheissung u. Erfüllung3, ’56; JO’Rourke, The Fulfilment Texts in Mt, CBQ 24, ’62, 394–403).
    to bring to completion an activity in which one has been involved from its beginning, complete, finish (1 Macc 4:19) πάντα τὰ ῥήματα Lk 7:1 (cp. TestBenj 12:1 τοὺ λόγου). τὴν διακονίαν Ac 12:25. [τὰς τοῦ κυρίου οἰκο]νομίας πληρῶσε (=πληρῶσαι) to carry out to the end God’s designs (i.e. Paul’s life as programmed by God is about to be concluded) AcPl Ha 5, 27; cp. the restoration in 6, 26 ο̣ἰ̣κο̣ν̣[ομίαν πληρώσω] (cp. the description of Jeremiah’s death ParJer 9:31 ἐπληρώθη αὐτοῦ οἰκονομία); τὸν δρόμον Ac 13:25; cp. the abs. ἕως πληρώσωσιν until they should complete (their course) Rv 6:11 v.l. (s. 6 below). τὸ ἔργον Ac 14:26. τὴν εὐχήν MPol 15:1. τὰ κυνηγέσια 12:2 (another probability here is the quite rare [Hdt. 2, 7 al.] intr. sense be complete, be at an end). Pass. be accomplished, be finished, at an end (Ps.-Callisth. 1, 24, 9 as a saying of Philip as he lay dying: ἐμοῦ τὸ πεπρωμένον πεπλήρωται = my destiny has been fulfilled; Mel., P. 43, 297 ὁ νόμος ἐπληρώθη τοῦ εὐαγγελίου φωτισθέτος) ὡς ἐπληρώθη ταῦτα Ac 19:21. ἄχρι οὗ πληρωθῶσιν καιροὶ ἐθνῶν Lk 21:24. αἱ ἀποκαλύψεις αὗται τέλος ἔχουσιν• πεπληρωμέναι γάρ εἰσιν these revelations have attained their purpose, for they are completed Hv 3, 3, 2.
    complete a number, pass. have the number made complete (since Hdt. 7, 29; Iren. 1, 16, 2 [Harv. I 161, 6]; Hippol., Ref. 6, 51, 2) ἕως πληρωθῶσιν οἱ σύνδουλοι Rv 6:11 (s. 5 above).—CMoule, Fulfilment Words in the NT, NTS 14, ’68, 293–320. DELG s.v. πίμπλημι. M-M. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πληρόω

  • 48 ὀργή

    ὀργή, ῆς, ἡ (Hes. et al. in the sense of ‘temperament’; also ‘anger, indignation, wrath’ (so Trag., Hdt.+)
    state of relatively strong displeasure, w. focus on the emotional aspect, anger GPt 12:50 (s. φλέγω 2). W. πικρία and θυμός Eph 4:31; cp. Col 3:8 (on the relationship betw. ὀργή and θυμός, which are oft., as the product of Hebrew dualism, combined in the LXX as well, s. Zeno in Diog. L. 7, 113; Chrysipp. [Stoic. III Fgm. 395]; Philod., De Ira p. 91 W.; PsSol 2:23; ParJer 6:23). W. διαλογισμοί 1 Ti 2:8. W. μερισμός IPhld 8:1. ἡ ἀθέμιτος τοῦ ζήλους ὀρ. the lawless anger caused by jealousy 1 Cl 63:2. ἀπέχεσθαι πάσης ὀρ. refrain from all anger Pol 6:1. μετʼ ὀργῆς angrily (Pla., Apol. 34c; Esth 8:12x; 3 Macc 6:23; JosAs 4:16 μετὰ ἀλαζονείας καὶ ὀργῆς) Mk 3:5; βραδὺς εἰς ὀρ. slow to be angry Js 1:19 (Aristoxenus, Fgm. 56 Socrates is called τραχὺς εἰς ὀργήν; but s. Pla., Phd. 116c, where S. is called πρᾳότατο ‘meekest’). ἐλέγχετε ἀλλήλους μὴ ἐν ὀρ. correct one another, not in anger D 15:3 (ἐν ὀργῇ Is 58:13; Da 3:13 Theod.). Anger ἄφρονα ἀναιρεῖ 1 Cl 39:7 (Job 5:2); leads to murder D 3:2. δικαιοσύνην θεοῦ οὐκ ἐργάζεται Js 1:20; originates in θυμός and results in μῆνις Hm 5, 2, 4.—Pl. outbursts of anger (Pla., Euthyphro 7b ἐχθρὰ καὶ ὀργαί, Rep. 6, 493a; Maximus Tyr. 27, 6b; 2 Macc 4:25, 40; Jos., Vi. 266) 1 Cl 13:1; IEph 10:2 (B-D-F §142; W-S. §27, 4d). JStelzenberger, D. Beziehgen der frühchristl. Sittenlehre zur Ethik der Stoa ’33, 250ff. S. also Ps.-Phocyl. 57f; 63f and Horst’s annotations 153, 155–57.
    strong indignation directed at wrongdoing, w. focus on retribution, wrath (Πανὸς ὀργαί Eur., Med. 1172; Parmeniscus [III/II B.C.] in the schol. on Eur., Medea 264 Schw. τῆς θεᾶς ὀργή; Diod S 5, 55, 6 διὰ τὴν ὀργήν of Aphrodite; Philostrat., Vi. Apoll. 6, 29; SIG 1237, 5 ἕξει ὀργὴν μεγάλην τοῦ μεγάλου Διός; OGI 383, 210 [I B.C.]; LXX; En 106:15; TestReub 4:4; ApcEsdr 1:17 p. 25, 11 Tdf.; ApcrEzk pap. Fgm. 1 recto, 6 [Denis, p. 125]; SibOr 4, 162; 5, 75f; Philo, Somn. 2, 179, Mos. 1, 6; Just., D. 38, 2; 123, 3; oft. Jos., e.g. Ant. 3, 321; 11, 127; Theoph. Ant. 1, 3 [p. 62, 21].—EpArist 254 θεὸς χωρὶς ὀργῆς ἁπάσης) as the divine reaction toward evil (παιδεύει ἡ καλουμένη ὀρ. τοῦ θεοῦ Orig., C. Cels. 4, 72, 4) it is thought of not so much as an emotion (οὐ πάθος δʼ αὐτοῦ αὐτὴν [sc. ὀργὴν] εἶναί φαμεν Orig., C. Cels. 4, 72, 1) as the outcome of an indignant frame of mind ( judgment), already well known to OT history (of the inhabitants of Nineveh: οἳ τὴν ὀρ. διὰ μετανοίας ἐκώλυσαν Did., Gen. 116, 22), where it somet. runs its course in the present, but more oft. is to be expected in the future, as God’s final reckoning w. evil (ὀρ. is a legitimate feeling on the part of a judge; s. RHirzel, Themis 1907, 416; Pohlenz [s. below, b, end] 15, 3; Synes. Ep. 2 p. 158b).—S. Cat. Cod. Astr. V/4 p. 155.
    of the past and pres.: of judgment on the desert generation ὤμοσα ἐν τῇ ὀργῇ μου (Ps 94:11) Hb 3:11; 4:3. In the present, of Judeans ἔφθασεν ἐπʼ αὐτοὺς ἡ ὀρ. the indignation (ὀργή abs.= ὁρ. θεοῦ also Ro 12:19—AvanVeldhuizen, ‘Geeft den toorn plaats’ [Ro 12:19]: TSt 25, 1907, 44–46; [on 13:4; 1 Th 1:10]. Likew. Jos., Ant. 11, 141) has come upon them 1 Th 2:16 (cp. TestLevi 6:11; on 1 Th 2:13–16 s. BPearson, HTR 64, ’71, 79–94). Of God’s indignation against sin in the pres. ἀποκαλύπτεται ὀρ. θεοῦ ἐπὶ πᾶσαν ἀσέβειαν Ro 1:18 (JCampbell, ET 50, ’39, 229–33; SSchultz, TZ 14, ’58, 161–73). Of God’s indignation against evildoers as revealed in the judgments of earthly gov. authorities 13:4f (here ὀρ. could also be punishment, as Demosth. 21, 43). The indignation of God remains like an incubus upon the one who does not believe in the Son J 3:36 (for ἡ ὀρ. μένει cp. Wsd 18:20). Of the Lord’s wrath against renegade Christians Hv 3, 6, 1. The Lord ἀποστρέφει τὴν ὀρ. αὐτοῦ ἀπό τινος turns away (divine) indignation from someone (ἀποστρέφω 2a) Hv 4, 2, 6.—Of the wrath of God’s angel of repentance Hm 12, 4, 1.
    of God’s future judgment specifically qualified as punitive (ἐκφυγεῖν τὴν ὀρ. καὶ κρίσιν τοῦ θεοῦ Theoph. Ant. 2, 14 [p. 136, 16]) ἔσται ὀρ. τῷ λαῷ τούτῳ Lk 21:23; ἡ μέλλουσα ὀρ. Mt 3:7; Lk 3:7; IEph 11:1. ἡ ὀρ. ἡ ἐρχομένη 1 Th 1:10; cp. Eph 5:6; Col 3:6. σωθησόμεθα ἀπὸ τῆς ὀρ. Ro 5:9. οὐκ ἔθετο ἡμᾶς ὁ θεὸς εἰς ὀρ. God has not destined us for punitive judgment 1 Th 5:9. θησαυρίζειν ἑαυτῷ ὀργήν (s. θησαυρίζω 2b and PLond VI 1912, 77–78 ταμιευόμενος ἐμαυτῷ … ὀργήν and 81 εἰς ὀργὴν δικαίαν [opp. internal hostility, line 80]; s. SLösch, Epistula Claudiana 1930, 8. Claudius reserves to himself punitive measures against ringleaders of civil unrest; the par. is merely formal: in our pass. it is sinners who ensure divine indignation against themselves) Ro 2:5a. This stored-up wrath will break out ἐν ἡμέρᾳ ὀργῆς (s. ἡμέρα 3bβ) vs. 5b. Elsewhere, too, the portrayal of the wrath of God in Paul is predom. eschatological: ὀρ. καὶ θυμός (s. θυμός 2) Ro 2:8 (cp. 1QS 4:12); cp. 1 Cl 50:4; δότε τόπον τῇ ὀρ. Ro 12:19 (s. 2a above; τόπος 4). Cp. 9:22a. ἐπιφέρειν τὴν ὀργήν inflict punishment 3:5 (s. 13:4f under a above; s. Just., A I, 39, 2). Humans are τέκνα φύσει ὀργῆς by nature children of wrath, i.e. subject to divine indignation Eph 2:3 (JMehlman, Natura Filii Irae etc. ’57). τέκνα ὀργῆς AcPlCor 2:19 (on gnostic opponents of Paul). Cp. σκεύη ὀργῆς κατηρτισμένα εἰς ἀπώλειαν objects of wrath prepared for destruction Ro 9:22b. Of the law: ὀργὴν κατεργάζεται it effects/brings (only) wrath 4:15.—In Rv the term is also used to express thoughts on eschatology 6:16; 11:18. ἡ ἡμέρα ἡ μεγάλη τῆς ὀρ. αὐτῶν the great day of their (God’s and the Lamb’s) wrath (s. above) 6:17. On τὸ ποτήριον τῆς ὀρ. αὐτοῦ the cup of his wrath 14:10 and οἶνος τοῦ θυμοῦ τῆς ὀρ. τοῦ θεοῦ 16:19; 19:15, s. θυμός 1 and 2 (AHanson, The Wrath of the Lamb, ’57, 159–80).—ARitschl, Rechtfertigung u. Versöhnung II4 1900, 119–56; MPohlenz, Vom Zorne Gottes 1909; GWetter, D. Vergeltungsgedanke bei Pls1912; GBornkamm, D. Offenbarung des Zornes Gottes (Ro 1–3): ZNW 34, ’35, 239–62; ASchlatter, Gottes Gerechtigkeit ’35, 48ff; GMacGregor, NTS 7, ’61, 101–9; JHempel, Gottes Selbstbeherrschung, H-WHertzberg Festschr., ’65, 56–66. S. also κρίσις, end: Braun 41ff and Filson.—B. 1134. DELG 1 ὀργή. M-M. DLNT 1238–41. EDNT. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ὀργή

  • 49 απομεμαντευμένα

    divine by instinct: perf part mp neut nom /voc /acc pl
    ἀπομεμαντευμένᾱ, ἀπομαντεύομαι
    divine by instinct: perf part mp fem nom /voc /acc dual
    ἀπομεμαντευμένᾱ, ἀπομαντεύομαι
    divine by instinct: perf part mp fem nom /voc sg (doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > απομεμαντευμένα

  • 50 ἀπομεμαντευμένα

    divine by instinct: perf part mp neut nom /voc /acc pl
    ἀπομεμαντευμένᾱ, ἀπομαντεύομαι
    divine by instinct: perf part mp fem nom /voc /acc dual
    ἀπομεμαντευμένᾱ, ἀπομαντεύομαι
    divine by instinct: perf part mp fem nom /voc sg (doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ἀπομεμαντευμένα

  • 51 δαιμονίω

    divine Power: neut nom /voc /acc dual
    divine Power: neut gen sg (doric aeolic)
    of: masc /neut nom /voc /acc dual
    of: masc /neut gen sg (doric aeolic)
    of: masc /fem /neut nom /voc /acc dual
    of: masc /fem /neut gen sg (doric aeolic)
    to be under the power of a: pres subj act 1st sg (epic doric ionic)
    to be under the power of a: pres ind act 1st sg (epic doric ionic)
    divine Power: neut dat sg
    of: masc /neut dat sg
    of: masc /fem /neut dat sg

    Morphologia Graeca > δαιμονίω

  • 52 ζαθέα

    ζαθέᾱ, ζάθεος
    very divine: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    ζαθέᾱ, ζάθεος
    very divine: fem nom /voc sg (attic doric aeolic)
    ζαθέᾱͅ, ζάθεος
    very divine: fem dat sg (attic doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > ζαθέα

  • 53 ζαθέων

    very divine: fem gen pl
    very divine: masc /neut gen pl
    very divine: masc /fem /neut gen pl

    Morphologia Graeca > ζαθέων

  • 54 θεολογία

    θεολογίᾱ, θεολογία
    science of things divine: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    θεολογίᾱ, θεολογία
    science of things divine: fem nom /voc sg (attic doric aeolic)
    θεολογίᾱͅ, θεολογία
    science of things divine: fem dat sg (attic doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > θεολογία

  • 55 θεοπτία

    θεοπτίᾱ, θεοπτία
    divine vision: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    θεοπτίᾱ, θεοπτία
    divine vision: fem nom /voc sg (attic doric aeolic)
    θεοπτίᾱͅ, θεοπτία
    divine vision: fem dat sg (attic doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > θεοπτία

  • 56 θεοσοφία

    θεοσοφίᾱ, θεοσοφία
    knowledge of things divine: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    θεοσοφίᾱ, θεοσοφία
    knowledge of things divine: fem nom /voc sg (attic doric aeolic)
    θεοσοφίᾱͅ, θεοσοφία
    knowledge of things divine: fem dat sg (attic doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > θεοσοφία

  • 57 θεοτερπή

    with divine portents: neut nom /voc /acc pl (attic epic doric)
    with divine portents: masc /fem /neut nom /voc /acc dual (doric aeolic)
    with divine portents: masc /fem acc sg (attic epic doric)

    Morphologia Graeca > θεοτερπή

  • 58 θεοτερπῆ

    with divine portents: neut nom /voc /acc pl (attic epic doric)
    with divine portents: masc /fem /neut nom /voc /acc dual (doric aeolic)
    with divine portents: masc /fem acc sg (attic epic doric)

    Morphologia Graeca > θεοτερπῆ

  • 59 θεουργία

    θεουργίᾱ, θεουργία
    divine work: fem nom /voc /acc dual
    θεουργίᾱ, θεουργία
    divine work: fem nom /voc sg (attic doric aeolic)
    θεουργίᾱͅ, θεουργία
    divine work: fem dat sg (attic doric aeolic)

    Morphologia Graeca > θεουργία

  • 60 θεοφορήσει

    divine possession: fem nom /voc /acc dual (attic epic)
    θεοφορήσεϊ, θεοφόρησις
    divine possession: fem dat sg (epic)
    divine possession: fem dat sg (attic ionic)
    deify: aor subj act 3rd sg (epic)
    deify: fut ind mid 2nd sg
    deify: fut ind act 3rd sg

    Morphologia Graeca > θεοφορήσει

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