Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 deceive

    (to mislead or cause to make mistakes, usually by giving or suggesting false information: He was deceived by her innocent appearance.) enganar
    * * *
    [dis'i:v] vt+vi 1 enganar, iludir, lograr, ludibriar, embair. 2 falhar, desapontar, faltar à palavra.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > deceive

  • 2 deceive

    iludir, enganar

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > deceive

  • 3 deceive

    enganar, driblar

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > deceive

  • 4 deceive

    (to mislead or cause to make mistakes, usually by giving or suggesting false information: He was deceived by her innocent appearance.) falsear

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > deceive

  • 5 calculated to deceive the public

    calculated to deceive the public
    intencionado a iludir o público.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > calculated to deceive the public

  • 6 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) falsificação
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) impostor
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) falso
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falso
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) forjar
    * * *
    [feik] n 1 fraude, algo ou alguém que é falso, falsificação. 2 impostor, charlatão, farsante. he’s a fake / ele é um farsante. • vt+vi 1 falsificar, imitar falsificando. 2 fingir, disfarçar. 3 improvisar. • adj Amer falso, falsificado, afetado. a fake passport / um passaporte falso.
    [feik] n Naut aduchas: voltas dos cabos enrolados. • vt aduchar, colher e enrolar (cabo e amarra).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fake

  • 7 trick

    [trik] 1. noun
    1) (something which is done, said etc in order to cheat or deceive someone, and sometimes to frighten them or make them appear stupid: The message was just a trick to get her to leave the room.)
    2) (a clever or skilful action (to amuse etc): The magician performed some clever tricks.)
    2. adjective
    (intended to deceive or give a certain illusion: trick photography.)
    - trickster
    - tricky
    - trickily
    - trickiness
    - trick question
    - do the trick
    - play a trick / tricks on
    - a trick of the trade
    - trick or treat!
    * * *
    [trik] n 1 engano, embuste, fraude, trapaça. none of your tricks with me / não tente lograr-me. 2 truque, malícia. 3 habilidade, artifício. he has a trick of finding / ele tem a habilidade de achar. 4 tramóia, peça, ardil. he did the trick / ele arrumou o negócio. he played me a dirty trick, he played a dirty trick upon me / ele me pregou uma peça. 5 travessura. 6 hábito, costume. she has tricks that remind me of him / ela tem costumes que me fazem lembrar, dele. 7 todas as cartas jogadas numa rodada. 8 tricks pl subterfúgios, artimanhas. she was up to his tricks / ela percebeu suas artimanhas. • vt+vi 1 enganar, lograr, iludir, pregar uma peça. 2 fazer mágica ou truques. 3 ornar, enfeitar. • adj mágico, relativo ao truque. by a trick of the eye por uma ilusão de óptica. to get/ learn the trick aprender o jeito, o truque. to trick into doing persuadir ou levar a fazer. to trick out, to trick up enfeitar. to trick out of desviar a atenção de, enganar, distrair. to trick with brincar, gracejar com. trick for trick na mesma moeda. tricks of law escapatórias da lei. tricks of memory ciladas da memória.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > trick

  • 8 fake

    [feik] 1. noun
    1) (a worthless imitation (especially intended to deceive); a forgery: That picture is a fake.) falsificação
    2) (a person who pretends to be something he is not: He pretended to be a doctor, but he was a fake.) impostor
    2. adjective
    1) (made in imitation of something more valuable, especially with the intention of deceiving: fake diamonds.) falso
    2) (pretending to be something one is not: a fake clergyman.) falso
    3. verb
    (to pretend or imitate in order to deceive: to fake a signature.) falsificar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > fake

  • 9 trick

    [trik] 1. noun
    1) (something which is done, said etc in order to cheat or deceive someone, and sometimes to frighten them or make them appear stupid: The message was just a trick to get her to leave the room.) ardil
    2) (a clever or skilful action (to amuse etc): The magician performed some clever tricks.) truque
    2. adjective
    (intended to deceive or give a certain illusion: trick photography.) trucado
    - trickster - tricky - trickily - trickiness - trick question - do the trick - play a trick / tricks on - a trick of the trade - trick or treat!

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > trick

  • 10 blind

    1. adjective
    1) (not able to see: a blind man.) cego
    2) ((with to) unable to notice: She is blind to his faults.) cego
    3) (hiding what is beyond: a blind corner.) sem visibilidade
    4) (of or for blind people: a blind school.) de cegos
    2. noun
    1) ((often in plural) a screen to prevent light coming through a window etc: The sunlight is too bright - pull down the blinds!) estore
    2) (something intended to mislead or deceive: He did that as a blind.) subterfúgio
    3. verb
    (to make blind: He was blinded in the war.) cegar
    - blindly
    - blindness
    - blind alley
    - blindfold
    4. verb
    (to put a blindfold on (some person or animal).) vendar
    5. adjective, adverb
    (with the eyes covered by a cloth etc: She came blindfold into the room.) de olhos vendados
    - the blind leading the blind
    * * *
    [blaind] n 1 cego. 2 cortina, veneziana, anteparo. 3 biombo, o que esconde alguma coisa. 4 pretexto, subterfúgio. 5 Amer esconderijo, tocaia. 6 antolhos de cavalo. 7 sl bêbado. • vt 1 cegar. 2 escurecer, obscurecer. 3 encobrir, esconder. 4 confundir, desconcertar. 5 ofuscar, deslumbrar. 6 eclipsar, sobrepujar, exceder. • adj 1 cego. 2 inconsciente. 3 encoberto, escondido. 4 feito às cegas, irracional. 5 insensível, apático. 6 sem abertura, sem saída. 7 com uma só abertura. 8 secreto. 9 para cegos, de cegos. 10 Bot sem flor. 11 ininteligível, ilegível. 12 opaco, sem brilho. among the blind a one-eyed man is king na terra de cegos quem tem um olho é rei. in a blind fury alucinado de raiva. stone-blind totalmente cego. to turn a blind eye to something ignorar alguma coisa, fechar os olhos diante de. Venetian blind veneziana. when the devil is blind no dia de São Nunca.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > blind

  • 11 bluff

    I adjective
    (rough, hearty and frank: a bluff and friendly manner.) rude
    II 1. verb
    (to try to deceive by pretending to have something that one does not have: He bluffed his way through the exam without actually knowing anything.) enganar
    2. noun
    (an act of bluffing.) engano
    * * *
    [bl∧f] n 1 Amer blefe, logro. 2 ameaça que não pode ser realizada. 3 blefista, pessoa que blefa. • vt+vi 1 iludir, blefar. 2 enganar pela aparência. 3 ameaçar.
    [bl∧f] n Amer costa íngreme, costão, alcantil. • adj 1 íngreme, escarpado. 2 abrupto, franco, sem cerimônias. 3 largo (proa de navio).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bluff

  • 12 calculate

    (to count or estimate, using numbers: Calculate the number of days in a century.) calcular
    - calculation
    - calculator
    * * *
    [k'ælkjuleit] vt+vi 1 calcular computar, contar, fazer cálculos. 2 avaliar, orçar, estimar. 3 conjeturar, prever. 4 planejar, projetar. 5 Amer conjeturar, supor, presumir. calculated to deceive the public intencionado a iludir o público. something we have not calculated upon algo que não esperávamos. to calculate the charge or mixture Tech dosar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > calculate

  • 13 charade

    (a piece of ridiculous pretence which is so obvious that it does not deceive anyone.) farsa
    * * *
    [ʃər'a:d; ʃər'eid] n charada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > charade

  • 14 delude

    (to deceive or mislead (usually without actually telling lies): She deluded herself into thinking he cared for her.) iludir
    * * *
    [dil'u:d] vt deludir, iludir, enganar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > delude

  • 15 dupe

    [dju:p] 1. noun
    (a person who is cheated or deceived: She had been the dupe of a dishonest rogue.) vítima
    2. verb
    (to deceive or trick: He duped me into thinking he had gone home.) ludibriar
    * * *
    [dju:p] n crédulo, ingênuo, incauto, simplório. • vt enganar, lograr, tapear, ludibriar. to be the dupe of someone deixar-se enganar por alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dupe

  • 16 false

    1) (not true; not correct: He made a false statement to the police.) falso
    2) (not genuine; intended to deceive: She has a false passport.) falso
    3) (artificial: false teeth.) artificial/postiço
    4) (not loyal: false friends.) falso
    - falsify
    - falsification
    - falsity
    - false alarm
    - false start
    * * *
    [fɔ:ls] adj falso: 1 não verdadeiro, contrário à verdade. 2 desleal, infiel. 3 errado, inexato, incorreto. 4 artificial, postiço. • adv falso, falsamente, erroneamente, desafinadamente. to sail under false colors navegar sob bandeira falsa. fig fingir.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > false

  • 17 fool

    [fu:l] 1. noun
    (a person without sense or intelligence: He is such a fool he never knows what to do.) tolo
    2. verb
    1) (to deceive: She completely fooled me with her story.) enganar
    2) ((often with about or around) to act like a fool or playfully: Stop fooling about!) brincar
    - foolishly
    - foolishness
    - foolhardy
    - foolhardiness
    - foolproof
    - make a fool of
    - make a fool of oneself
    - play the fool
    * * *
    [fu:l] n 1 louco, bobo, tolo, néscio, parvo, insensato, imbecil. I was fool enough to consent / fui tolo bastante para consentir. 2 bufão, bobo. 3 trouxa, joguete, ingênuo, ludíbrio. • vt+vi 1 bobear, fazer o papel de tolo, doidejar, brincar, desapontar, desperdiçar o tempo, folgar, gracejar. 2 fazer de tolo, fazer escárnio de, chasquear, zombar de. 3 enganar, burlar, engazopar, embrulhar, fraudar, trapacear. a big fool um perfeito idiota. a fool and his money are soon parted o tolo e seu dinheiro logo se separam. April Fool’s Day, All Fool’s Day dia primeiro de abril, dia da mentira. don’t make a fool of yourself não se faça de tolo. no fool like an old one não há tolo como tolo velho. to be a fool for one’s pains perder o tempo. to be nobody’s fool ser esperto, ser astuto. to fool about, Amer, coll to fool around a) vadiar. b) sl prevaricar, ter aventura sexual especialmente adulterina. c) sl flertar. to fool away malbaratar, desperdiçar. to fool on someone pregar uma peça a alguém. to fool someone of his money apanhar o dinheiro de alguém, com astúcia e velhacaria. to fool with não tratar seriamente, brincar irresponsavelmente. to make a fool of fazer de tolo. to make a fool of oneself fazer-se ridículo, fazer asneira. to play the fool fazer papel de bobo.
    [fu:l] n doce de fruta com nata batida.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fool

  • 18 fraudulent

    [-djulənt, ]( American[) -‹ulənt]
    adjective (dishonest or intending to deceive: fraudulent behaviour.) fraudulento
    * * *
    [fr'ɔ:djulənt] adj 1 fraudulento, frauduloso, doloso, desonesto. 2 falaz, enganador, falso, ardiloso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fraudulent

  • 19 guile

    (the ability to deceive or trick people: She used guile to get him to propose to her.) manha
    - guilelessly
    - guilelessness
    * * *
    [gail] n fraude, logro.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > guile

  • 20 hoax

    [həuks] 1. noun
    (a trick played to deceive people: There wasn't a bomb in the school at all - it was just a hoax.) brincadeira
    2. verb
    (to trick: They found that they had been hoaxed.) enganar
    * * *
    [houks] n 1 peça, brincadeira. 2 embuste, engano, logro. • vt 1 pregar uma peça. 2 enganar, fraudar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hoax

См. также в других словарях:

  • Deceive — De*ceive , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Deceived}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Deceiving}.] [OE. deceveir, F. d[ e]cevoir, fr. L. decipere to catch, insnare, deceive; de + capere to take, catch. See {Capable}, and cf. {Deceit}, {Deception}.] 1. To lead into error;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • deceive — de‧ceive [dɪˈsiːv] verb [transitive] to make someone believe something that is not true in order to get what you want: • Postal officials have long deceived the public on how slow mail delivery really is. deceive somebody into something •… …   Financial and business terms

  • deceive — de·ceive vb de·ceived, de·ceiv·ing vt: to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid vi: to practice deceit compare defraud, mislead Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster …   Law dictionary

  • deceive — [dē sēv′, disēv′] vt. deceived, deceiving [ME deceiven < OFr deceveir < L decipere, to ensnare, deceive < de , from + capere, to take: see HAVE] 1. to make (a person) believe what is not true; delude; mislead 2. Archaic to be false to;… …   English World dictionary

  • deceive — c.1300, from O.Fr. decevoir (12c., Mod.Fr. décevoir) to deceive, from L. decipere to ensnare, take in, beguile, cheat, from de from or pejorative + capere to take (see CAPABLE (Cf. capable)). Related: Deceived; deceiver; deceiving …   Etymology dictionary

  • deceive — deceive, mislead, delude, beguile, betray, double crossmean to lead astray or into evil or to frustrate by under handedness or craft. A person or thing deceives one by leading one to take something false as true, something nonexistent as real,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • deceive yourself — phrase to refuse to believe something because you do not want to You’re just deceiving yourself if you think he’ll come back to you. Thesaurus: to refuse to think about, believe or accept somethingsynonym Main entry: deceive …   Useful english dictionary

  • deceive by treachery — index betray (lead astray) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • deceive oneself — index miscalculate, misconceive Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • deceive — [v] mislead; be dishonest bamboozle*, beat, beat out of, beguile, betray, bilk, buffalo*, burn, cheat, circumvent, clip, con, cozen, cross up, defraud, delude, disappoint, double cross, dupe, ensnare, entrap, fake, falsify, fleece, fool, gouge,… …   New thesaurus

  • deceive — ► VERB 1) deliberately mislead into believing something false. 2) (of a thing) give a mistaken impression. DERIVATIVES deceiver noun. ORIGIN Old French deceivre, from Latin decipere ensnare, cheat …   English terms dictionary

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