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  • 1 silent

    1) (free from noise: The house was empty and silent.) tichý
    2) (not speaking: He was silent on that subject.) mlčanlivý
    3) (not making any noise: This lift is quite silent.) tichý
    * * *
    • zamlkly
    • spiaci
    • tichý
    • bez obvyklých symptómov
    • rezervovaný
    • latentný
    • ludským uchom nepocutelný
    • mlciaci
    • mlcanlivý
    • nehovoriaci
    • necinný
    • nemý
    • nehlucný
    • nevyslovený
    • nepocutelný
    • nijak sa neprejavujúci

    English-Slovak dictionary > silent

  • 2 silent service

    • rozviedka

    English-Slovak dictionary > silent service

  • 3 keep silent

    • byt ticho
    • cušat

    English-Slovak dictionary > keep silent

  • 4 silence

    1. noun
    1) ((a period of) absence of sound or of speech: A sudden silence followed his remark.) ticho
    2) (failure to mention, tell something etc: Your silence on this subject is disturbing.) mlčanie
    2. verb
    (to cause to be silent: The arrival of the teacher silenced the class.) utíšiť, upokojiť
    3. interjection
    (be silent!) ticho!
    - silent
    - silently
    - in silence
    * * *
    • utíšit
    • zámerné mlcanie
    • žiadna zmienka
    • zmlknut
    • smrt
    • spôsobit ticho
    • stlmit
    • uspokojit
    • tlmit
    • ticho
    • umlcat
    • prinútit k mlcaniu
    • donútit mlcat
    • pauza
    • pomlcanie
    • potlacit
    • pomlcka
    • mlcanie
    • mlcanlivost
    • naveky umlcat
    • nehlucnost
    • nehlucný chod
    • odmlka
    • odhlucnit
    • odmlcanie
    • odrovnat

    English-Slovak dictionary > silence

  • 5 dumb

    1) (without the power of speech: She was born deaf and dumb; We were struck dumb with astonishment.) nemý
    2) (silent: On this point he was dumb.) nemý
    3) ((especially American) very stupid: What a dumb thing to do!) hlúpy
    - dumbly
    * * *
    • mlcanlivý
    • nemý

    English-Slovak dictionary > dumb

  • 6 morose

    (angry and silent.) nevrlý
    - moroseness
    * * *
    • morózny
    • mrzutý
    • nevlúdny
    • neprívetivý

    English-Slovak dictionary > morose

  • 7 mute

    1) (unable to speak; dumb.) nemý
    2) (silent: She gazed at him in mute horror.) nemý, tichý
    3) ((of a letter) not sounded in certain words: The word `dumb' has a mute `b' at the end.) nevyslovený
    * * *
    • smútocník
    • štatista
    • stlmit
    • stlmit zvuk
    • tlmit
    • tichý
    • tlmidlo
    • oplakávac
    • mlciaci
    • nevyslovený
    • nevyslovená hláska
    • nemé písmeno
    • nemý (clovek)
    • nemý (jaz.)
    • nemý sluha
    • neozvucený
    • nemý film
    • nevraviaci
    • nevyslovovaný (jaz.)

    English-Slovak dictionary > mute

  • 8 sulk

    (to show anger or resentment by being silent: He's sulking because his mother won't let him have an ice-cream.) trucovať, mračiť sa
    - sulkily
    - sulkiness
    * * *
    • byt mrzutý
    • mracit sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > sulk

  • 9 sullen

    (silent and bad-tempered: a sullen young man; a sullen expression.) mrzutý
    - sullenness
    * * *
    • chmúrny
    • mrzutý
    • namrzený

    English-Slovak dictionary > sullen

  • 10 hold one's tongue

    (to remain silent or stop talking: There were a lot of things I wanted to say, but I thought I'd better just hold my tongue.) držať jazyk za zubami

    English-Slovak dictionary > hold one's tongue

  • 11 hushed

    adjective (silent, still: a hushed room/crowd.) tichý

    English-Slovak dictionary > hushed

  • 12 in(to) a huff

    (being or becoming silent because one is angry, displeased etc: He is in a huff; He went into a huff.) zlá nálada

    English-Slovak dictionary > in(to) a huff

  • 13 in(to) a huff

    (being or becoming silent because one is angry, displeased etc: He is in a huff; He went into a huff.) zlá nálada

    English-Slovak dictionary > in(to) a huff

  • 14 tail off

    1) (to become fewer, smaller or weaker (at the end): His interest tailed off towards the end of the film.) vytrácať sa, zmenšovať sa
    2) ((also tail away) (of voices etc) to become quieter or silent: His voice tailed away into silence.) rozplývať sa

    English-Slovak dictionary > tail off

См. также в других словарях:

  • Silent Hill 3 — PAL region box art depicting main protagonist Heather Developer(s) Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo …   Wikipedia

  • Silent Hunter V: Battle of the Atlantic — Silent Hunter V: Battle of the Atlantic …   Википедия

  • Silent Hill (film) — Silent Hill Promotional poster Directed by Christophe Gans Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • Silent Hill (video game) — Silent Hill is a video game, the first in the survival horror series with the same name. The game was released in North America on January 31, 1999, Japan on March 4, 1999, and in Europe on August 1, 1999. It was released exclusively on the Sony… …   Wikipedia

  • Silent Hill — Originaltitel サイレントヒル Transkription Sairento Hiru …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Silent Hill (serie) — Silent Hill (série) Logo de Silent Hill Silent Hill est une série de jeux vidéo de type survival horror éditée par Konami. Elle a débuté en 1999 avec Silent Hill sur PlayStation. Les quatre premiers volets de la série ont été développés par la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Silent hill (série) — Logo de Silent Hill Silent Hill est une série de jeux vidéo de type survival horror éditée par Konami. Elle a débuté en 1999 avec Silent Hill sur PlayStation. Les quatre premiers volets de la série ont été développés par la « Silent… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Silent Hill 3 — Logotipo del juego Desarrolladora(s) Team Silent Distribuidora(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Silent Hill (videojuego) — Silent Hill Desarrolladora(s) Team Silent Distribuidora(s) Konami …   Wikipedia Español

  • Silent Hill 2 — Logotipo del juego Desarrolladora(s) Team Silent Creature Labs (PC) Distribuidora(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Silent Hill 4: The Room — Logotipo del juego Desarrolladora(s) Team Silent Distribuidora(s) …   Wikipedia Español

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