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См. также в других словарях:

  • address — ad|dress1 W2S2 [əˈdres US əˈdres, ˈædres] n 1.) the details of the place where someone lives or works, that you use to send them letters, emails etc ▪ Please write your name and address on a postcard. ▪ What s your new address? ▪ I can give you… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • envelope — en‧ve‧lope [ˈenvələʊp ǁ loʊp] noun [countable] a thin paper cover in which you put a letter ˌpadded ˈenvelope an envelope filled with soft material that is used for sending things which can easily be damaged ˌself adˌdressed ˈenvelope written… …   Financial and business terms

  • address — [ə dres′; ] for n. 2, 3, & 7, also [ a′dres΄] vt. [ME adressen, to guide, direct < OFr adresser < a , to + dresser < VL * directiare, to direct < L dirigere: see DIRECT] 1. to direct (spoken or written words) to someone 2. to speak to …   English World dictionary

  • address — ► NOUN 1) the details of the place where someone lives or an organization is situated. 2) Computing a number identifying a location in a data storage system or computer memory. 3) a formal speech. ► VERB 1) write someone s name and address on (an …   English terms dictionary

  • Envelope — This article is about envelopes in packaging. For other uses, see Envelope (disambiguation). Front of an envelope mailed in the U.S. in 1906, with a postage stamp and address …   Wikipedia

  • address — ▪ I. address ad‧dress 1 [əˈdres ǁ əˈdres, ˈædres] noun [countable] the number of the building and the name of the street and town etc where someone lives or works, especially when written on a letter or package: • I wrote the wrong address on the …   Financial and business terms

  • envelope — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ bulky, fat, thick ▪ large, small ▪ sealed ▪ return (AmE), self addressed …   Collocations dictionary

  • envelope — n. 1) to address; seal an envelope 2) a pay envelope (AE; BE has pay packet) 3) a self addressed; stamped; window envelope USAGE NOTE: AE has stamped self addressed envelope; BE has stamped addressed envelope. * * * [ envələʊp] seal an envelope… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • address — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 where you live/work ADJECTIVE ▪ home, private ▪ business ▪ contact ▪ Please leave a contact address. ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • address — 1 noun 1 (C) the number of the building and the name of the street and town etc where someone lives or works, especially when written on a letter or package: I wrote the wrong address on the envelope. | change of address: Please notify us of any… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • address — 1. noun 1) the address on the envelope Syn: inscription, superscription; directions, number 2) our officers arrived at the address Syn: house, apartment, home; formal residence, dwelling, dwelling place, habitation …   Thesaurus of popular words

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