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  • 21 старые

    Русско-английский синонимический словарь > старые

  • 22 давнишний

    Sokrat personal > давнишний

  • 23 намучиться

    совер.; разг.
    be worn out, have had a hard time; have an awful lot to bear (о будущем)
    * * *
    * * *
    be worn out, have had a hard time

    Новый русско-английский словарь > намучиться

  • 24 В-142

    ВИДАТЬ (ВИДЫВАТЬ) ВИДЫ coll VP usu. this WO
    subj: human often active past Part) to have experienced much in life, endured various troubles
    X видал виды - X has been through plenty (in his time (life, lifetime))
    X has seen much (a great deal, a lot) in his time (day, life, lifetime) X has seen all sorts (kinds) of things (in his time etc) X has been through the mill X has been around (around the block) X is schooled in the ways of the world
    видавший виды — seasoned
    Фомин с силой сжал ногами бока коня, послал его в толпу. Народ шарахнулся в разные стороны. В широком кругу осталась одна вдова. Она видала всякие виды и потому спокойно глядела на оскаленную морду фоминского коня, на бледное от бешенства лицо всадника (Шолохов 5). Fomin dug his heels into his horse's flanks and rode into the crowd It drew back, leaving only the widow in the middle of a wide circle. She had seen much in her time, so she looked up imperturbably at the horse's bared teeth and the furious face of its rider (5a).
    Они слушали неумолчную трескотню словоохотливой и видавшей виды девушки (Пастернак 1)....They listened to the incessant chatter of the garrulous girl, who had seen a great deal in her life (1a)
    У Моей был неистовый темперамент южанина и не вполне безукоризненная биография мальчишки, видавшего за свои двадцать три года всякие виды (Катаев 1). Mosya had the violent temperament of a southerner, and the not entirely faultless biography of a gamin who had seen all sorts of things in the course of his twenty-three years (1a).
    ...Кирпиченко вдруг увидел, что ей (Ларисе) под тридцать, что она видала виды (Аксёнов 5)....Kirpichenko suddenly saw that she (Larisa) was getting on for thirty and that she had been around (5a).
    И кому-то нужно с таким человеком (, как Никандров,) связываться?.. Видавшие виды дамы просто обязаны предупреждать молодёжь женского пола: «И не вздумайте! Кроме головной боли, ничего не маячит!» (Залыгин 1). Who needed to get involved with a man like him (Nikandrov)? Seasoned women had a duty to warn the younger of their sex about men like him: "Don't even think about it! You'll get yourself nothing but a headache!" (1a).
    2. ( subj: concr) (of various devices, machines etc, often of furniture, clothes, footwear etc) to have been used a great deal, show signs of much wear
    X видал виды - X looks (is) the worse for wear
    X has seen better days X is timeworn (worn-out, well-worn, shabby).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > В-142

  • 25 видать виды

    [VP; usu. this WO]
    1. Also: ВИДАТЬ (ВИДЫВАТЬ) ВСЯКИЕ ВИДЫ [subj: human; often active past Part]
    to have experienced much in life, endured various troubles:
    - X видал виды X has been through plenty (in his time <life, lifetime>);
    - X has seen much (a great deal, a lot) in his time (day, life, lifetime);
    - X has seen all sorts (kinds) of things (in his time etc);
    - battle scarred.
         ♦ Фомин с силой сжал ногами бока коня, послал его в толпу. Народ шарахнулся в разные стороны. В широком кругу осталась одна вдова. Она видала всякие виды и потому спокойно глядела на оскаленную морду фоминского коня, на бледное от бешенства лицо всадника (Шолохов 5). Fomin dug his heels into his horse's flanks and rode into the crowd It drew back, leaving only the widow in the middle of a wide circle. She had seen much in her time, so she looked up imperturbably at the horse's bared teeth and the furious face of its rider (5a).
         ♦ Они слушали неумолчную трескотню словоохотливой и видавшей виды девушки (Пастернак 1)....They listened to the incessant chatter of the garrulous girl, who had seen a great deal in her life (1a)
         ♦ У Моей был неистовый темперамент южанина и не вполне безукоризненная биография мальчишки, видавшего за свои двадцать три года всякие виды (Катаев 1). Mosya had the violent temperament of a southerner, and the not entirely faultless biography of a gamin who had seen all sorts of things in the course of his twenty-three years (1a).
         ♦...Кирпиченко вдруг увидел, что ей [Ларисе] под тридцать, что она видала виды (Аксёнов 5)....Kirpichenko suddenly saw that she [Larisa] was getting on for thirty and that she had been around (5a).
         ♦ И кому-то нужно с таким человеком [, как Никандров,] связываться?.. Видавшие виды дамы просто обязаны предупреждать молодёжь женского пола: "И не вздумайте! Кроме головной боли, ничего не маячит!" (Залыгин 1). Who needed to get involved with a man like him [Nikandrov]? Seasoned women had a duty to warn the younger of their sex about men like him: "Don't even think about it! You'll get yourself nothing but a headache!" (1a).
    2. [subj: concr]
    (of various devices, machines etc, often of furniture, clothes, footwear etc) to have been used a great deal, show signs of much wear:
    - X видал виды X looks (is) the worse for wear;
    - X is timeworn (worn-out, well-worn, shabby).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > видать виды

  • 26 видать всякие виды

    [VP; usu. this WO]
    1. Also: ВИДАТЬ (ВИДЫВАТЬ) ВСЯКИЕ ВИДЫ [subj: human; often active past Part]
    to have experienced much in life, endured various troubles:
    - X видал виды X has been through plenty (in his time <life, lifetime>);
    - X has seen much (a great deal, a lot) in his time (day, life, lifetime);
    - X has seen all sorts (kinds) of things (in his time etc);
    - battle scarred.
         ♦ Фомин с силой сжал ногами бока коня, послал его в толпу. Народ шарахнулся в разные стороны. В широком кругу осталась одна вдова. Она видала всякие виды и потому спокойно глядела на оскаленную морду фоминского коня, на бледное от бешенства лицо всадника (Шолохов 5). Fomin dug his heels into his horse's flanks and rode into the crowd It drew back, leaving only the widow in the middle of a wide circle. She had seen much in her time, so she looked up imperturbably at the horse's bared teeth and the furious face of its rider (5a).
         ♦ Они слушали неумолчную трескотню словоохотливой и видавшей виды девушки (Пастернак 1)....They listened to the incessant chatter of the garrulous girl, who had seen a great deal in her life (1a)
         ♦ У Моей был неистовый темперамент южанина и не вполне безукоризненная биография мальчишки, видавшего за свои двадцать три года всякие виды (Катаев 1). Mosya had the violent temperament of a southerner, and the not entirely faultless biography of a gamin who had seen all sorts of things in the course of his twenty-three years (1a).
         ♦...Кирпиченко вдруг увидел, что ей [Ларисе] под тридцать, что она видала виды (Аксёнов 5)....Kirpichenko suddenly saw that she [Larisa] was getting on for thirty and that she had been around (5a).
         ♦ И кому-то нужно с таким человеком [, как Никандров,] связываться?.. Видавшие виды дамы просто обязаны предупреждать молодёжь женского пола: "И не вздумайте! Кроме головной боли, ничего не маячит!" (Залыгин 1). Who needed to get involved with a man like him [Nikandrov]? Seasoned women had a duty to warn the younger of their sex about men like him: "Don't even think about it! You'll get yourself nothing but a headache!" (1a).
    2. [subj: concr]
    (of various devices, machines etc, often of furniture, clothes, footwear etc) to have been used a great deal, show signs of much wear:
    - X видал виды X looks (is) the worse for wear;
    - X is timeworn (worn-out, well-worn, shabby).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > видать всякие виды

  • 27 видывать виды

    [VP; usu. this WO]
    1. Also: ВИДАТЬ (ВИДЫВАТЬ) ВСЯКИЕ ВИДЫ [subj: human; often active past Part]
    to have experienced much in life, endured various troubles:
    - X видал виды X has been through plenty (in his time <life, lifetime>);
    - X has seen much (a great deal, a lot) in his time (day, life, lifetime);
    - X has seen all sorts (kinds) of things (in his time etc);
    - battle scarred.
         ♦ Фомин с силой сжал ногами бока коня, послал его в толпу. Народ шарахнулся в разные стороны. В широком кругу осталась одна вдова. Она видала всякие виды и потому спокойно глядела на оскаленную морду фоминского коня, на бледное от бешенства лицо всадника (Шолохов 5). Fomin dug his heels into his horse's flanks and rode into the crowd It drew back, leaving only the widow in the middle of a wide circle. She had seen much in her time, so she looked up imperturbably at the horse's bared teeth and the furious face of its rider (5a).
         ♦ Они слушали неумолчную трескотню словоохотливой и видавшей виды девушки (Пастернак 1)....They listened to the incessant chatter of the garrulous girl, who had seen a great deal in her life (1a)
         ♦ У Моей был неистовый темперамент южанина и не вполне безукоризненная биография мальчишки, видавшего за свои двадцать три года всякие виды (Катаев 1). Mosya had the violent temperament of a southerner, and the not entirely faultless biography of a gamin who had seen all sorts of things in the course of his twenty-three years (1a).
         ♦...Кирпиченко вдруг увидел, что ей [Ларисе] под тридцать, что она видала виды (Аксёнов 5)....Kirpichenko suddenly saw that she [Larisa] was getting on for thirty and that she had been around (5a).
         ♦ И кому-то нужно с таким человеком [, как Никандров,] связываться?.. Видавшие виды дамы просто обязаны предупреждать молодёжь женского пола: "И не вздумайте! Кроме головной боли, ничего не маячит!" (Залыгин 1). Who needed to get involved with a man like him [Nikandrov]? Seasoned women had a duty to warn the younger of their sex about men like him: "Don't even think about it! You'll get yourself nothing but a headache!" (1a).
    2. [subj: concr]
    (of various devices, machines etc, often of furniture, clothes, footwear etc) to have been used a great deal, show signs of much wear:
    - X видал виды X looks (is) the worse for wear;
    - X is timeworn (worn-out, well-worn, shabby).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > видывать виды

  • 28 видывать всякие виды

    [VP; usu. this WO]
    1. Also: ВИДАТЬ (ВИДЫВАТЬ) ВСЯКИЕ ВИДЫ [subj: human; often active past Part]
    to have experienced much in life, endured various troubles:
    - X видал виды X has been through plenty (in his time <life, lifetime>);
    - X has seen much (a great deal, a lot) in his time (day, life, lifetime);
    - X has seen all sorts (kinds) of things (in his time etc);
    - battle scarred.
         ♦ Фомин с силой сжал ногами бока коня, послал его в толпу. Народ шарахнулся в разные стороны. В широком кругу осталась одна вдова. Она видала всякие виды и потому спокойно глядела на оскаленную морду фоминского коня, на бледное от бешенства лицо всадника (Шолохов 5). Fomin dug his heels into his horse's flanks and rode into the crowd It drew back, leaving only the widow in the middle of a wide circle. She had seen much in her time, so she looked up imperturbably at the horse's bared teeth and the furious face of its rider (5a).
         ♦ Они слушали неумолчную трескотню словоохотливой и видавшей виды девушки (Пастернак 1)....They listened to the incessant chatter of the garrulous girl, who had seen a great deal in her life (1a)
         ♦ У Моей был неистовый темперамент южанина и не вполне безукоризненная биография мальчишки, видавшего за свои двадцать три года всякие виды (Катаев 1). Mosya had the violent temperament of a southerner, and the not entirely faultless biography of a gamin who had seen all sorts of things in the course of his twenty-three years (1a).
         ♦...Кирпиченко вдруг увидел, что ей [Ларисе] под тридцать, что она видала виды (Аксёнов 5)....Kirpichenko suddenly saw that she [Larisa] was getting on for thirty and that she had been around (5a).
         ♦ И кому-то нужно с таким человеком [, как Никандров,] связываться?.. Видавшие виды дамы просто обязаны предупреждать молодёжь женского пола: "И не вздумайте! Кроме головной боли, ничего не маячит!" (Залыгин 1). Who needed to get involved with a man like him [Nikandrov]? Seasoned women had a duty to warn the younger of their sex about men like him: "Don't even think about it! You'll get yourself nothing but a headache!" (1a).
    2. [subj: concr]
    (of various devices, machines etc, often of furniture, clothes, footwear etc) to have been used a great deal, show signs of much wear:
    - X видал виды X looks (is) the worse for wear;
    - X is timeworn (worn-out, well-worn, shabby).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > видывать всякие виды

  • 29 П-180

    С ПЛЕЧА2 чьего coll PrepP Invar the resulting PrepP is a nonagreeing postmodif or subj-compl with бытье ( subj: a noun denoting a piece of clothing)) (a piece of clothing that) belonged to, was worn by another
    a hand-me-down (from s.o.)
    from (part of) s.o. 's wardrobe once (at one time) s.o. fc
    со своего плеча = from one's own wardrobe
    off one's own back.
    Чемодан внесли кучер Селифан... и лакей Петрушка, малый лет тридцати, в просторном подержанном сюртуке, как видно, с барского плеча... (Гоголь 3). The trunk was brought in by the joint efforts of Selifan the coachman...and the valet Petrushka, a fellow of thirty or so, wearing a very loose, well-worn coat, evidently a hand-me-down from his master... (3e). The trunk was brought in by Selifan, the coachman...and Petrushka, the valet, a fellow of about thirty, wearing a shabby loose frock coat (apparently at one time his master's)... (3c).
    Эта Ира чем-то так очаровала всемогущую Гридасову, что та снабдила ее чистым паспортом, одела с ног до головы в одежду со своего плеча и на свой счет отправила на материк (Гинзбург 2). Ira had somehow cast such a spell on the omnipotent Gridasova that the latter had provided her with a perfectly clean passport, given her a complete set of clothing from her own wardrobe, and paid for her passage back to the mainland (2a).
    Ваше благородие! Отец наш вам жалует лошадь и шубу с своего плеча...» (Пушкин 2). "Your Honor, the Tsar Our Father is sending you as a present this horse and a fur coat off his own back" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-180

  • 30 с плеча

    С ПЛЕЧА отвечать, осуждать и т.п. coll
    [PrepP; Invar; adv]
    (to answer, condemn s.o. or sth. etc) right away, without thinking:
    - (condemn <judge, reject>) out of hand;
    - (decide) on the spur of the moment.
         ♦ [author's usage]...Решено было, что Капа расскажет ей о письме Миная, о Родичеве и Гузуне всё, как оно есть... Как она воспримет эту историю?.. Не осудит ли с беззаботного плеча? (Солженицын 10). It had been decided that Kapa should tell her about Minai's letter and the whole truth about Rodichev and Guzun....How would she react?...Mightn't she condemn them thoughtlessly, out of hand? (10a)
    [PrepP; Invar; the resulting PrepP is a nonagreeing postmodif or subj-compl with быть (subj: a noun denoting a piece of clothing)]
    (a piece of clothing that) belonged to, was worn by another:
    - a hand-me-down (from s.o.);
    - from (part of) s.o.'s wardrobe;
    - once (at one time) s.o.'s;
    - off one's own back.
         ♦ Чемодан внесли кучер Селифан... и лакей Петрушка, малый лет тридцати, в просторном подержанном сюртуке, как видно, с барского плеча... (Гоголь 3). The trunk was brought in by the joint efforts of Selifan the coachman...and the valet Petrushka, a fellow of thirty or so, wearing a very loose, well-worn coat, evidently a hand-me-down from his master... (3e). The trunk was brought in by Selifan, the coach man... and Petrushka, the valet, a fellow of about thirty, wearing a shabby loose frock coat (apparently at one time his master's)... (3c).
         ♦ Эта Ира чем-то так очаровала всемогущую Гридасову, что та снабдила ее чистым паспортом, одела с ног до головы в одежду со своего плеча и на свой счёт отправила на материк (Гинзбург 2). Ira had somehow cast such a spell on the omnipotent Gridasova that the latter had provided her with a perfectly clean passport, given her a complete set of clothing from her own wardrobe, and paid for her passage back to the mainland (2a).
         ♦ "Ваше благородие! Отец наш вам жалует лошадь и шубу с своего плеча..." (Пушкин 2). "Your Honor, the Tsar Our Father is sending you as a present this horse and a fur coat off his own back" (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > с плеча

  • 31 с течением времени

    С течением времени - in time, in the course of time; with the passage of time; as time passes, as time goes on, as time progressed
     It [melamine] can readily be replaced if damaged or if, in the course of time, it becomes worn.
     With the passage of time the thickness of the frozen layer continues to increase, albeit at a slower rate because of the growing resistance to heat conduction across the layer.
     It is anticipated that increasing amounts of sigma phase precipitate occur with the passage of time.
     As time passes, a skin of frozen paraffin forms atop the liquid.
     The foregoing, which we shall endeavor to improve as time goes on, appears to call for reciprocity which we shall, of course, greatly appreciate.
     As time progressed and the thermal boundary layer increased, the usual heat transfer enhancement with increased flow rate was observed.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > с течением времени

  • 32 всё время

    * * *
    Всё время -- at all times, all the time, all along; ever, consistently, repeatedly (неизменно); steadily (стабильно); continually (непрерывно)
     It is recommended that the operator maintain an updated version of the file at all times.
     The same worn surface is in contact with the wearing material all the time
     With an ever restoring gyroscopic moment, steps (...) and (...) are skipped.
     Measured Nusselt numbers are consistently 15 percent higher than Nusselt number predictions obtained with the popular B. equation.
     If the overload guard trips repeatedly, the sludge is so hard that the drum must be dismantled.
     After the transition from adhesive to mild wear, the roughness will be steadily reduced.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > всё время

  • 33 Г-48

    1. Also: (ВСЕ) ГЛАЗА ВЫСМОТРЕТЬ coll to exhaust o.s. by staring into the distance for a long time in anticipation of the arrival of s.o. or sth.: X все глаза проглядел - X has (had) worn himself out watching for person Y
    X's eyes were tired from watching the door (the horizon etc) (in limited contexts) X had his eyes on (fixed on, glued to) the door the whole time X kept watching the door the whole time.
    (Варвара Капитоновна:) Вот вы, Вероника!.. Здравствуйте, здравствуйте! Боренька все глаза на двери просмотрел (Розов 3). (V.K.:) Veronika, here you are!...Hello, hello! Borenka kept watching the door the whole time (3a).
    2. - (на кого-что) obsoles to look at s.o. steadily, constantly (out of interest, because of emotional attachment etc)
    X все глаза проглядел (на Y-a) - X couldn't (didn't) take his eyes off (of) Y
    X never took his eyes off (of) Y.
    (Курчаев:) Тётка в вас влюблена... (Глумов:) Каким же это образом? (Курчаев:) В театре видела, все глаза проглядела... (Островский 9). (К.:)...My aunt is...in love with you. (G.:) How did that happen? (K.:) She saw you at the theatre, couldn't take her eyes off of you... (9b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-48

  • 34 все глаза высмотреть

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: (ВСЕ) ГЛАЗА ВЫСМОТРЕТЬ coll to exhaust o.s. by staring into the distance for a long time in anticipation of the arrival of s.o. or sth.:
    - X все глаза проглядел X has (had) worn himself out watching for person Y;
    - X's eyes were tired from watching the door (the horizon etc);
    - [in limited contexts]
    X had his eyes on (fixed on, glued to) the door the whole time; X kept watching the door the whole time.
         ♦ [Варвара Капитоновна:] Вот вы, Вероника!.. Здравствуйте, здравствуйте! Боренька все глаза на двери просмотрел (Розов 3). [V.K.:] Veronika, here you are!...Hello, hello! Borenka kept watching the door the whole time (3a).
    2. все глаза высмотреть (на кого-что) obsoles to look at s.o. steadily, constantly (out of interest, because of emotional attachment etc):
    - X все глаза проглядел (на Y-a) X couldn't (didn't) take his eyes off (of) Y;
    - X never took his eyes off (of) Y.
         ♦ [Курчаев:] Тётка в вас влюблена... [Глумов:] Каким же это образом? [Курчаев:] В театре видела, все глаза проглядела... (Островский 9). [К.:]... My aunt is...in love with you. [G.:] How did that happen? [K.:] She saw you at the theatre, couldn't take her eyes off of you... (9b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > все глаза высмотреть

  • 35 все глаза проглядеть

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also:(ВСЕ) ГЛАЗА ВЫСМОТРЕТЬ coll to exhaust o.s. by staring into the distance for a long time in anticipation of the arrival of s.o. or sth.:
    - X все глаза проглядел X has (had) worn himself out watching for person Y;
    - X's eyes were tired from watching the door (the horizon etc);
    - [in limited contexts]
    X had his eyes on (fixed on, glued to) the door the whole time; X kept watching the door the whole time.
         ♦ [Варвара Капитоновна:] Вот вы, Вероника!.. Здравствуйте, здравствуйте! Боренька все глаза на двери просмотрел (Розов 3). [V.K.:] Veronika, here you are!...Hello, hello! Borenka kept watching the door the whole time (3a).
    2. все глаза проглядеть (на кого-что) obsoles to look at s.o. steadily, constantly (out of interest, because of emotional attachment etc):
    - X все глаза проглядел (на Y-a) X couldn't (didn't) take his eyes off (of) Y;
    - X never took his eyes off (of) Y.
         ♦ [Курчаев:] Тётка в вас влюблена... [Глумов:] Каким же это образом? [Курчаев:] В театре видела, все глаза проглядела... (Островский 9). [К.:]... My aunt is...in love with you. [G.:] How did that happen? [K.:] She saw you at the theatre, couldn't take her eyes off of you... (9b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > все глаза проглядеть

  • 36 все глаза просмотреть

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: (ВСЕ) ГЛАЗА ВЫСМОТРЕТЬ coll to exhaust o.s. by staring into the distance for a long time in anticipation of the arrival of s.o. or sth.: X все глаза проглядел X has (had) worn himself out watching for person Y; X's eyes were tired from watching the door (the horizon etc); [in limited contexts]
    X had his eyes on (fixed on, glued to) the door the whole time; X kept watching the door the whole time.
         ♦ [Варвара Капитоновна:] Вот вы, Вероника!.. Здравствуйте, здравствуйте! Боренька все глаза на двери просмотрел (Розов 3). [V.K.:] Veronika, here you are!...Hello, hello! Borenka kept watching the door the whole time (3a).
    2. все глаза просмотреть (на кого-что) obsoles to look at s.o. steadily, constantly (out of interest, because of emotional attachment etc):
    - X все глаза проглядел (на Y-a) X couldn't (didn't) take his eyes off (of) Y;
    - X never took his eyes off (of) Y.
         ♦ [Курчаев:] Тётка в вас влюблена... [Глумов:] Каким же это образом? [Курчаев:] В театре видела, все глаза проглядела... (Островский 9). [К.:]... My aunt is...in love with you. [G.:] How did that happen? [K.:] She saw you at the theatre, couldn't take her eyes off of you... (9b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > все глаза просмотреть

  • 37 глаза высмотреть

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: (ВСЕ) ГЛАЗА ВЫСМОТРЕТЬ coll to exhaust o.s. by staring into the distance for a long time in anticipation of the arrival of s.o. or sth.:
    - X все глаза проглядел X has (had) worn himself out watching for person Y;
    - X's eyes were tired from watching the door (the horizon etc);
    - [in limited contexts]
    X had his eyes on (fixed on, glued to) the door the whole time; X kept watching the door the whole time.
         ♦ [Варвара Капитоновна:] Вот вы, Вероника!.. Здравствуйте, здравствуйте! Боренька все глаза на двери просмотрел (Розов 3). [V.K.:] Veronika, here you are!...Hello, hello! Borenka kept watching the door the whole time (3a).
    2. глаза высмотреть (на кого-что) obsoles to look at s.o. steadily, constantly (out of interest, because of emotional attachment etc):
    - X все глаза проглядел (на Y-a) X couldn't (didn't) take his eyes off (of) Y;
    - X never took his eyes off (of) Y.
         ♦ [Курчаев:] Тётка в вас влюблена... [Глумов:] Каким же это образом? [Курчаев:] В театре видела, все глаза проглядела... (Островский 9). [К.:]... My aunt is...in love with you. [G.:] How did that happen? [K.:] She saw you at the theatre, couldn't take her eyes off of you... (9b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > глаза высмотреть

  • 38 глаза проглядеть

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: (ВСЕ) ГЛАЗА ВЫСМОТРЕТЬ coll to exhaust o.s. by staring into the distance for a long time in anticipation of the arrival of s.o. or sth.:
    - X все глаза проглядел X has (had) worn himself out watching for person Y;
    - X's eyes were tired from watching the door (the horizon etc);
    - [in limited contexts]
    X had his eyes on (fixed on, glued to) the door the whole time; X kept watching the door the whole time.
         ♦ [Варвара Капитоновна:] Вот вы, Вероника!.. Здравствуйте, здравствуйте! Боренька все глаза на двери просмотрел (Розов 3). [V.K.:] Veronika, here you are!...Hello, hello! Borenka kept watching the door the whole time (3a).
    2. глаза проглядеть (на кого-что) obsoles to look at s.o. steadily, constantly (out of interest, because of emotional attachment etc):
    - X все глаза проглядел (на Y-a) X couldn't (didn't) take his eyes off (of) Y;
    - X never took his eyes off (of) Y.
         ♦ [Курчаев:] Тётка в вас влюблена... [Глумов:] Каким же это образом? [Курчаев:] В театре видела, все глаза проглядела... (Островский 9). [К.:]... My aunt is...in love with you. [G.:] How did that happen? [K.:] She saw you at the theatre, couldn't take her eyes off of you... (9b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > глаза проглядеть

  • 39 глаза просмотреть

    [VP; subj: human]
    1. Also: (ВСЕ) ГЛАЗА ВЫСМОТРЕТЬ coll to exhaust o.s. by staring into the distance for a long time in anticipation of the arrival of s.o. or sth.:
    - X все глаза проглядел X has (had) worn himself out watching for person Y;
    - X's eyes were tired from watching the door (the horizon etc);
    - [in limited contexts]
    X had his eyes on (fixed on, glued to) the door the whole time; X kept watching the door the whole time.
         ♦ [Варвара Капитоновна:] Вот вы, Вероника!.. Здравствуйте, здравствуйте! Боренька все глаза на двери просмотрел (Розов 3). [V.K.:] Veronika, here you are!...Hello, hello! Borenka kept watching the door the whole time (3a).
    2. глаза просмотреть (на кого-что) obsoles to look at s.o. steadily, constantly (out of interest, because of emotional attachment etc):
    - X все глаза проглядел (на Y-a) X couldn't (didn't) take his eyes off (of) Y;
    - X never took his eyes off (of) Y.
         ♦ [Курчаев:] Тётка в вас влюблена... [Глумов:] Каким же это образом? [Курчаев:] В театре видела, все глаза проглядела... (Островский 9). [К.:]... My aunt is...in love with you. [G.:] How did that happen? [K.:] She saw you at the theatre, couldn't take her eyes off of you... (9b).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > глаза просмотреть

  • 40 только однажды

    Только однажды-- The wearing material (chip) comes into contact with the worn material (tool face) once and for all, but the same worn surface is in contact with the wearing material all the time.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > только однажды

См. также в других словарях:

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  • time-worn — (adj.) 1729, from TIME (Cf. time) (n.) + WORN (Cf. worn) (adj.) …   Etymology dictionary

  • time|worn — «TYM WRN, WOHRN», adjective. 1. worn by long existence or use: »timeworn steps. 2. worn out by use; trite: »a timeworn excuse. 3. very old; ancient; antiquated: »a timeworn superstition …   Useful english dictionary

  • time worn — index antique Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • time-worn — also timeworn ADJ GRADED Something that is time worn is old or has been used a lot over a long period of time. Even in the dim light the equipment looked old and time worn... These time worn techniques are often very effective approaches to the… …   English dictionary

  • time-worn — UK / US adjective damaged or spoiled by being used a lot or by becoming old time worn stone …   English dictionary

  • time-worn — Synonyms and related words: ageing, ancient, antiquated, antique, archaic, broken down, dated, decrepit, dilapidated, dog eared, hackneyed, moth eaten, obsolescent, obsolete, old, old hat, old fashioned, overused, passe, ragged, ramshackle, run… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • time-worn — adj worn, old, aged, dog eared, out of date, passé, outworn, worn out, ruined, well worn, tired, trite, stock, stale, threadbare, bromidic, cliché(e)d, hackneyed, weathered, dated, decrepit, ancient, broken down, run down, shabby, ragged, hoary,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • time-worn — a. Impaired by time, superannuated, old, antiquated, dilapidated …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • time-worn — adjective no longer novel …   Wiktionary

  • time-worn — adjective impaired or made less interesting as a result of age or long use …   English new terms dictionary

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