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  • 1 مجلس

    مَجْلِس \ assembly: a gathering, esp. of law-makers for a special purpose. corporation: a body appointed to govern a large town or a business (often of national interest): the Corporation of Bristol; the British Broadcasting Corporation. council: a group of people chosen to look after public affairs, esp. in local government: a town council; a student council. \ مَجْلِس \ house: a gathering of people (in a theatre; in a meeting-place such as parliament); the place where they gather: He addressed a full house. \ See Also مكان مملوء بالناس \ مَجْلِس إدَارَة \ board: a group of people who control sth. (a company, a school, etc.). \ مَجْلِس إدارة جامعة أو كُلّية \ senate: a law-making body in some universities. \ مَجْلِس الأمّة أو الشَّعب \ parliament: the official group of persons who make a country’s laws: The British parliament includes the House of Lords and the House of Commons. \ مَجْلِس تَشْريعيّ \ senate: a law-making body, in ancient Rome, in some modern states (such as France or the USA). \ مَجْلِس الشيوخ \ senate: a law-making body, in ancient Rome, in some modern states (such as France or the USA). \ See Also الأَعْيان \ مَجْلِس العموم (البريطاني)‏ \ House of Commons: the lower house of the British parliament, whose members are elected. \ المَجْلِس المَحَلّي \ town hall: a building that contains the local government offices, besides a large room for official gatherings. \ See Also دَارُ البَلديّة \ مَجْلِسُ الوُزَراء \ cabinet: a group of the chief men in a government.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مجلس

  • 2 federal

    [ˈfedərəl] adjective
    (of a government or group of states) joined together, usually for national and external affairs only:

    the federal government of the United States of America.

    فدرالي، إتِّحادي

    Arabic-English dictionary > federal

  • 3 exchequer

    [ɪksˈtʃekə] noun
    1) the government department in charge of the nation's finances.
    وزارةُ الماليَّه في إنْجِلْترا
    2) the national or public money supply.
    الخِزانَه ، بَيْت المال

    Arabic-English dictionary > exchequer

  • 4 إقليمي

    إِقْلِيمِيّ \ provincial: of a province; (in a bad sense) like the provinces away from the main city; dull, or concerned with small and unimportant matters: She’s a member of the provincial government. Their life has become very provincial. regional: concerning an area; not national: regional differences in speech. territorial: of a territory.

    Arabic-English dictionary > إقليمي

  • 5 provincial

    إِقْلِيمِيّ \ provincial: of a province; (in a bad sense) like the provinces away from the main city; dull, or concerned with small and unimportant matters: She’s a member of the provincial government. Their life has become very provincial. regional: concerning an area; not national: regional differences in speech. territorial: of a territory.

    Arabic-English glossary > provincial

  • 6 regional

    إِقْلِيمِيّ \ provincial: of a province; (in a bad sense) like the provinces away from the main city; dull, or concerned with small and unimportant matters: She’s a member of the provincial government. Their life has become very provincial. regional: concerning an area; not national: regional differences in speech. territorial: of a territory.

    Arabic-English glossary > regional

  • 7 territorial

    إِقْلِيمِيّ \ provincial: of a province; (in a bad sense) like the provinces away from the main city; dull, or concerned with small and unimportant matters: She’s a member of the provincial government. Their life has become very provincial. regional: concerning an area; not national: regional differences in speech. territorial: of a territory.

    Arabic-English glossary > territorial

  • 8 علم

    عِلْم \ knowledge: what one knows: His knowledge of radio is very wide. His general knowledge is slight. learning: knowledge that is gained by long serious study: He is a man of great learning. scholarship: the qualities of a very learned person: This writer on Shakespeare is famous for his scholarship. science: the careful study of any serious subject: political science; the science of language. \ بِغَير عِلْمِه \ behind sb.’s back: when someone is not present: He tells untrue stories about me behind my back. \ عِلْم الآثار القَديمة \ archaeology, archeology: the scientific study of life in the distant past by digging up ancient cities, examining buried objects, etc. \ عِلْم الاجْتِماع \ sociology: the study of society and human behaviour in groups. \ عِلْم الإِحْصَاء \ statistics: (with pl. verb) facts that are shown by numbers; (with sg. verb) the science of showing facts by numbers: National statistics of births and deaths are collected regularly. Statistics is a modern science. \ عِلْم الأَحْياء \ biology: the science of living things. \ عِلْم الأخلاق \ ethics: the study of good and bad in human behaviour. \ عِلْم الأرصاد الجوّيّة \ meteorology: the science of the weather. \ عِلْم الأساطير \ mythology: myths in general; the study of myths. \ عِلْم الاشْتِقاق (في علم اللُّغَة)‏ \ etymology: the study of the history of words. \ عِلْم الأصوات \ phonetics: (as subject of study; pl. as a practical activity) the science of speech sounds; the signs used for these sounds; the practical use of this science: Phonetics is a modern science. Are these phonetics correct? Phonetics help foreigners to pronounce words. \ عِلْم الاقتصاد \ economics: the science of national economy. \ عِلْم الإنْسَان \ anthropology: the scientific study of man, his way of life, religions, races, etc. \ عِلْم بالوُصُول \ acknowledg(e)ment: a note of receipt: I sent the money but I’ve had no acknowledgement. \ عِلْم التاريخ \ history: an orderly record or study of past events: a student of history; the history of Europe. \ عِلْم التَّحْليل النَّفْسي \ psychoanalysis: (the scientific study of) a way of treating disorders ot the mind by examination of all that sb. can remember of his past life, dreams, feelings, etc.. \ عِلْم التَّدْبِير المنزليّ \ domestic science: the study of cooking and other housekeeping skills. \ عِلْم التَّنْجيم \ astrology: the study of the stars in relation to human fate. \ عِلْم الجَبْر \ algebra: a branch of mathematics, using signs and letters as well as numbers. \ عِلْم الجُغْرافيا \ geography: the scientific study of the structure, produce and use of the earth’s surface. \ عِلْم الحَرْب \ warfare: the science of making war; fighting. \ عِلْم حَرَكة السوائل \ hydraulics: the science of controlling and using liquid pressure, esp. for engineering purposes. \ عِلْم الحَشَرات \ entomology: the study of insects. \ عِلْم الحَيَوان \ zoology: the scientific study of animal life. \ عِلْم الرِّياضيّات \ mathematics: the science of numbers and space; the practical use of this science: Mathematics is an exact science. maths: the usual shortening of mathematics. \ عِلْم الزراعة بدون تُربة \ hydroponics: the science of growing plants in water, without soil. \ عِلْم السِّيَاسَة \ politics: (sg. as an art or activity; pl. as personal beliefs, etc.) the art of government; the affairs of government; one’s opinions on government: Is politics an art or a science? My politics are my private concern. \ عِلْم الصحّة \ hygiene: the study and practice of how to keep good health, esp. by paying attention to cleaniness. \ عِلْم صيانة الأحراش \ forestry: the science of growing trees for man’s use as wood. \ عِلْم الطّبّ \ medicine: the science and the art of dealing with disease. \ عِلْم طَبَقات الأرض \ geology: the study of the rocks that make up the earth. \ عِلْم الطبيعة \ physics: the science of heat, light, sound, Motion, etc.: Physics is an important branch of science. \ See Also الفيزياء \ عِلْم طبيعيّ \ science: the study of the substances, forces, etc. found in nature (esp. Biology; Chemistry; Physics): Schools teach science. \ عِلْم الطُّيُور \ ornithology: the scientific study of birds. \ عِلْم الفَلَك \ astronomy: the scientific study of the stars. \ عِلْم الكِيمْياء \ chemistry: the science that studies the nature and behaviour of all substances. \ عِلْم المالية \ finance: the science of controlling money. \ See Also إدارة المال \ عِلْم المَنْطِق \ logic: the science of reasoning. \ عِلْم النَّبَات \ botany: the scientific study of plants. \ عِلْم النَّفْس \ psychology: the scientific study of the mind. \ عِلْم الهَنْدَسة \ geometry: the science of lines, angles, surfaces and solid figures, and of their measurements.

    Arabic-English dictionary > علم

  • 9 ازدهار

    اِزْدِهار \ boom: (in trade) (be in) a successful state; (to be in) increased demand: The tobacco business is booming. There will be a boom in the sale of bicycles. prosperity: success; fortunate condition: National prosperity depends on hard work and wise government.

    Arabic-English dictionary > ازدهار

  • 10 رجل

    رَجُل \ man: a fully grown male person. \ خَلِيق بالرِّجال \ manly: having a man’s qualities; fit for a man: manly sports. \ رَجُل إطفاء (الحريق)‏ \ fireman, firemen: sb. who is trained to put out dangerous fires. \ رَجُل أَعْمال \ businessman, businessmen: a person in business, usu. at a high level. \ رَجُل إحْصَاء (خَبير)‏ \ statistician: sb. who studies and works with statistics. \ رَجُل دَوْلَة \ statesman: a wise and important member of a government (as proved by history). \ See Also سياسة (سِيَاسَة)‏ \ رَجُل دِين مَسيحيّ \ clergyman, clergymen: a Christian priest. \ رَجُل سِيَاسيّ \ politician: sb. who takes an active part in national politics; (in a bad sense) one who puts the interests of his political party before those of his country. \ رَجُل صالِح \ saint: any very holy person; one who is tirelessly kind in spite of serious troubles. \ رَجُل صِناعَةٍ \ industrialist: sb., esp. a factory owner, who gains money through industry. \ رَجُل فاضِل \ gentleman, gentlemen: a man with polite and gentle manners, who considers the feelings of others. \ رَجُل مُتَقاعِد \ pensioner: sb. who receives a pension. \ رَجُل نَبِيل المَحْتِد \ gentleman: old use a man of quite high rank in society.

    Arabic-English dictionary > رجل

  • 11 assembly

    مَجْلِس \ assembly: a gathering, esp. of law-makers for a special purpose. corporation: a body appointed to govern a large town or a business (often of national interest): the Corporation of Bristol; the British Broadcasting Corporation. council: a group of people chosen to look after public affairs, esp. in local government: a town council; a student council.

    Arabic-English glossary > assembly

  • 12 corporation

    مَجْلِس \ assembly: a gathering, esp. of law-makers for a special purpose. corporation: a body appointed to govern a large town or a business (often of national interest): the Corporation of Bristol; the British Broadcasting Corporation. council: a group of people chosen to look after public affairs, esp. in local government: a town council; a student council.

    Arabic-English glossary > corporation

  • 13 council

    مَجْلِس \ assembly: a gathering, esp. of law-makers for a special purpose. corporation: a body appointed to govern a large town or a business (often of national interest): the Corporation of Bristol; the British Broadcasting Corporation. council: a group of people chosen to look after public affairs, esp. in local government: a town council; a student council.

    Arabic-English glossary > council

  • 14 boom

    اِزْدِهار \ boom: (in trade) (be in) a successful state; (to be in) increased demand: The tobacco business is booming. There will be a boom in the sale of bicycles. prosperity: success; fortunate condition: National prosperity depends on hard work and wise government.

    Arabic-English glossary > boom

  • 15 prosperity

    اِزْدِهار \ boom: (in trade) (be in) a successful state; (to be in) increased demand: The tobacco business is booming. There will be a boom in the sale of bicycles. prosperity: success; fortunate condition: National prosperity depends on hard work and wise government.

    Arabic-English glossary > prosperity

  • 16 توفيق

    تَوْفِيق \ happiness: gladness; contentment. prosperity: success; fortunate condition: National prosperity depends on hard work and wise government. success: doing what one has planned to do; an act of getting what one wants: He had no success in the exam.

    Arabic-English dictionary > توفيق

  • 17 فلاح

    فَلاَح \ prosperity: success; fortunate condition: National prosperity depends on hard work and wise government. success: doing what one has planned to do; sth. or sb. that succeeds; an act of getting what one wants: She was a great success as a writer. He had no success in the exam. \ See Also نجاح (نَجاح)‏

    Arabic-English dictionary > فلاح

  • 18 happiness

    تَوْفِيق \ happiness: gladness; contentment. prosperity: success; fortunate condition: National prosperity depends on hard work and wise government. success: doing what one has planned to do; an act of getting what one wants: He had no success in the exam.

    Arabic-English glossary > happiness

  • 19 prosperity

    تَوْفِيق \ happiness: gladness; contentment. prosperity: success; fortunate condition: National prosperity depends on hard work and wise government. success: doing what one has planned to do; an act of getting what one wants: He had no success in the exam.

    Arabic-English glossary > prosperity

  • 20 success

    تَوْفِيق \ happiness: gladness; contentment. prosperity: success; fortunate condition: National prosperity depends on hard work and wise government. success: doing what one has planned to do; an act of getting what one wants: He had no success in the exam.

    Arabic-English glossary > success

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