21 dust
1. noun1) (fine grains of earth, sand etc: The furniture was covered in dust.) prah2) (anything in the form of fine powder: gold-dust; sawdust.) prah2. verb(to free (furniture etc) from dust: She dusts (the house) once a week.) obrisati prah- duster- dusty
- dustiness
- dustbin
- dust-jacket
- dustman
- dustpan
- dust-up
- dust down
- throw dust in someone's eyes* * *I [dʌst]nounprah; British English smeti; botany cvetni prah; slang denar; figuratively zemlja; figuratively posmrtni ostankito bite the dust — zgruditi se ranjen ali mrtev, iti v krtovo deželoto kick up ( —ali make, raise) a dust — vzdigniti prah, razburitito throw dust into s.o.'s eyes — vreči komu pesek v oči, slepiti gaAmerican to give the dust to s.o. — prehite(va)ti kogaAmerican to take s.o.'s dust — zaostajatito make the dust fly — švigniti, energično nastopitidown with the dust! — denar na roko!II [dʌst]transitive verb & intransitive verbprah brisati, omesti, oprašiti; potresti; American slang švigniti, zbežati, uitito dust the eyes of s.o. — varati, slepiti kogato dust one's hands of s.o. — ne želeti imeti s kom opravka -
22 materialize
1) (to take solid or bodily form: The figure materialized as we watched with astonishment.) utelesiti2) ((of something expected or hoped for) to happen: I don't think her plans will materialize.) uresničiti se* * *[mətíəriəlaiz]1.transitive verbmaterializirati, utelesiti; uresničiti, realizirati;2.intransitive verbpostati dostopen čutom, pojaviti se, prikazati se (in kot); uresničiti se -
23 matter
['mætə] 1. noun1) (solids, liquids and/or gases in any form, from which everything physical is made: The entire universe is made up of different kinds of matter.) materija2) (a subject or topic (of discussion etc): a private matter; money matters.) zadeva3) (pus: The wound was infected and full of matter.) gnoj2. verb(to be important: That car matters a great deal to him; It doesn't matter.) pomeniti- be the matter
- a matter of course
- a matter of opinion
- no matter
- no matter who
- what
- where* * *I [maetə]nounmaterija, snov, stvar; medgnoj; juridically zadeva, predmet; plural (brez člena) stvari, reči; povod, vzrok ( for za); predmet, tema, vsebina (knjige); printing rokopis, stavek; važnost (of)juridically matter in controversy — sporna zadevajuridically matter in issue — sporna zadeva; stvar, ki jo je treba še dokazatiprinted matter — tiskovina, tiskovinepostal matter — vse stvari, ki se lahko pošiljajo po poštias near as no matter — skoraj, za lasas a matter of fact — v resnici, pravzaprava hanging matter — zločin, ki se kaznuje s smrtjono laughing matter — ni šala, resna zadevanot to mince matters — ne slepomišiti, povedati odkritoto take matters easy — nalahko jemati, ne delati si skrbiwhat matter? — in kaj potem?what's the matter? — kaj pa je?what's the matter with this? — je kaj narobe s tem?II [maetə]intransitive verbbiti važen, pomeniti (to komu, za); medgnojiti sedoes it matter? — ali je važno?it doesn't matter — nič ne de, ni važno -
24 riot
1. noun(a noisy disturbance created by a usually large group of people: The protest march developed into a riot.) izgred2. verb(to form or take part in a riot: The protesters were rioting in the street.) razgrajati- rioter- riotous
- riotously
- riotousness
- run riot* * *I [ráiət]nounnemir, rabuka, nered, kaljenje miru, hrup, hrušč, kraval, razgrajanje; izgred, punt; razvratno življenje, razuzdanost, nezmernost, pijančevanje, bučna zabava, uživanje, orgija; figuratively izbruh; zmešnjava, zmeda, direndaj; slang hrupen uspehto run riot — izbesneti se; razuzdano živeti, preda(ja)ti se razuzdanosti; (o rastlinah) podivjati, bujno rasti ali se širiti; hunting iti po napačni slediII [ráiət]intransitive verb & transitive verbizbesneti se, izrohneti se; besneti, bučati, rohneti; udeležiti se izgredov (punta), rabuk; povzročiti, napraviti izgred, delati kraval, razgrajati, delati hrup; predajati se razuzdanosti ali ekscesom (orgijam); uživati, zabavati se, veseljačiti, razbrzdano se vdajati (in čemu)to riot in pleasure — veselo, veseljaško živetito riot out — zapravljati, trošiti, razsipavati, zapraviti, pognati -
25 run
1. present participle - running; verb1) ((of a person or animal) to move quickly, faster than walking: He ran down the road.) teči2) (to move smoothly: Trains run on rails.) teči3) ((of water etc) to flow: Rivers run to the sea; The tap is running.) teči4) ((of a machine etc) to work or operate: The engine is running; He ran the motor to see if it was working.) teči; spraviti v tek5) (to organize or manage: He runs the business very efficiently.) voditi6) (to race: Is your horse running this afternoon?) tekmovati7) ((of buses, trains etc) to travel regularly: The buses run every half hour; The train is running late.) voziti8) (to last or continue; to go on: The play ran for six weeks.) biti na sporedu9) (to own and use, especially of cars: He runs a Rolls Royce.) voziti10) ((of colour) to spread: When I washed my new dress the colour ran.) razlivati se11) (to drive (someone); to give (someone) a lift: He ran me to the station.) peljati12) (to move (something): She ran her fingers through his hair; He ran his eyes over the letter.) iti skozi; premikati13) ((in certain phrases) to be or become: The river ran dry; My blood ran cold (= I was afraid).) postati2. noun1) (the act of running: He went for a run before breakfast.) tek2) (a trip or drive: We went for a run in the country.) izlet3) (a length of time (for which something continues): He's had a run of bad luck.) obdobje4) (a ladder (in a stocking etc): I've got a run in my tights.) spuščena zanka5) (the free use (of a place): He gave me the run of his house.) prosta uporaba6) (in cricket, a batsman's act of running from one end of the wicket to the other, representing a single score: He scored/made 50 runs for his team.) kurnik7) (an enclosure or pen: a chicken-run.)•- runner- running 3. adverb(one after another; continuously: We travelled for four days running.) zapored- runny- runaway
- rundown
- runner-up
- runway
- in
- out of the running
- on the run
- run across
- run after
- run aground
- run along
- run away
- run down
- run for
- run for it
- run in
- run into
- run its course
- run off
- run out
- run over
- run a temperature
- run through
- run to
- run up
- run wild* * *I [rʌn]nountekanje, tek, sport vztrajnostni tek, tekmovanje, dirka, hiter galop; naval, lov ( for na), hajka; hoja, vožnja, (hitro) potovanje; pot, izlet, sprehod; jadranje; brzi koraki, hiter tempo, hitra kretnja, premik, hiter padec, beg; zalet, zagon, napad, juriš; figuratively potek, smer, ritem, tendenca, moda; nepretrgana vrsta, niz, serija, nepretrgan čas, trajanje; American potok, reka, jarek; tok, struja, plima, valovi; prost dostop (do), prosta uporaba; trop, jata; pašnik, ograda, ograjen prostor za živino, za perutnino; sankališče; commerce veliko povpraševanje (on po, za), dobra prodaja, trajen uspeh; commerce kakovost, kvaliteta, vrsta, sorta; music hitra vrsta tonov, gostolevek, rulada; theatre čas izvedbe, trajanje (gledališke igre), uprizarjanje, prikazovanje, nepretrgana vrsta predstav; (karte) sekvenca; naklada (časopisa); technical delovni čas (o strojih); presek, prerez, splošnost, večina; technical tračnica; deska za vkrcavanje in izkrcavanje; odvodna cevat the run, on the run — v tekuin the long run — sčasoma, končno, konec koncevon the run — na nogah, nepretrgoma zaposlen, ki leta sem in tja; military ki je na umiku, na begua run to Bled — vožnja, izlet, skok na Bleda run of ill luck — nepretrgana smola, vrsta nesrečthe common (ordinary) run of people — običajni, poprečni tip ljudito be in the run — teči, dirkati, figuratively kandidiratito be on the run — teči, tekati po poslih, biti vedno na nogah, tekati sem in tjathis inn is quite out of the common run of country inns — ta gostilna je čisto različna od običajnega tipa podeželskih gostiščeverything went with a run — vse je šlo gladko, kot namazanoto have s.o. on the run colloquially pognati kogato have a run for one's money figuratively priti na svoj račun, zabavati se za svoj denarto have the run of s.o.'s house — imeti prost dostop v hišo kake osebe, počutiti se pri kom domaII [rʌn]intransitive verb & transitive verbI.intransitive verb1.teči, tekati, drveti, dirkati, udeležiti se dirke; voziti, hiteti, podvizati se; bežati, pobegniti, umakniti se ( from od), popihati jo, pobrisati jo; navaliti, jurišati (at, on na); hitro potovati, voziti se, pluti, redno voziti, vzdrževati promet; potegovati se ( for za), biti kandidat, kandidirati; hitro, naglo se širiti (novica, ogenj); (o času) poteči, preteči, miniti, bežati; trajati, teči, vršiti se (šola, pouk)to run amok (amuck) — pobesneti, letati kot nor, izgubiti popolnoma oblast nad sebojto run for it, to cut and run colloquially popihati jo, zbežatito run with the hare and hunt with the hounds figuratively skušati biti v dobrih odnosih z dvema nasprotnima si strankamarun for your lives! — reši se, kdor se more!to run for luck American poskusiti kaj na slepo srečoto run mad — zblazneti, znoretito run to meet s.o. — teči komu naprotito run to meet one's troubles figuratively vnaprej si delati skrbito run for an office — potegovati se, konkurirati, biti kandidat, kandidirati za neko službeno mesto (službo)he who runs may read it figuratively na prvi pogled se to vidi, to se da brez težave razumetitime runs fast — čas beži, hitro tečeto run on the wheels figuratively gladko iti;2.vrteti se, obračati se (on okoli); premikati se, kretati se, gibati se, kotaliti se, jadrati; (o stroju) delovati, biti v pogonu, obratovati, funkcionirati; (o tovarni itd.) biti odprt, delati; (o denarju) biti v obtoku, v prometu; (o vodi) teči, razliti se, izlivati se; (o morju) valovati; segati, raztezati se, razprostirati se; (o rastlinah) bujno rasti, pognati, iti v cvet, hitro se razmnoževati; (o menici) imeti rok veljave, teči, veljati; (o cenah) držati se; juridically ostati v veljavi; theatre biti na sporedu, uprizarjati se, predstavljati se, predvajati se, igrati se, dajati se; (o barvah) razlivati se, puščati barvo; (o očeh, nosu, rani) solziti se, cureti, kapati, gnojiti se; (o kovinah) taliti se; (o ledu) (raz)topiti se, kopneti; (o besedilu) glasiti se; (s pridevnikom) postati, nastati, bitimy blood ran cold figuratively kri mi je poledenela v žilahto run dry — posušiti se; biti prazen; figuratively onemoči, biti izčrpanto run to fat — (z)rediti se, postati debelthe garden runs east — vrt sega, se razteza proti vzhoduto run high — dvigati se, rastito run hot — postati vroč, segreti sethe lease runs for ten years — zakupna pogodba teče, velja deset letto run riot — (s)puntati se, upreti se; podivjati, pobesneti, (o rastlinah) bujno se razrastito run round in cercles figuratively kazati veliko aktivnost, a malo uspehathat runs to sentiment — to sega, gre človeku do srcawe ran short of coal — premog nam je pošel, zmanjkalo nam je premogamy supplies are running low — moje zaloge se manjšajo, gredo h krajuto run wild — podivjati; izroditi se, spriditi se, biti neukrotljivwords ran high — padle so ostre besede; prišlo je do ostrih besed, do hudega prerekanjathe works have ceased running — tovarna je ustavila delo;II.transitive verb1.preteči, preiti, teči skozi (čez), drveti (čez), voziti (skozi), preleteti, prepluti, prejadrati; teči (s kom) za stavo; figuratively meriti se (s kom); dirkati; hunting poditi, goniti, zasledovati; zbežati (iz), ubežati, zapustiti (deželo); opraviti (pot, naročilo)to run a blockade military prebiti blokadoto run s.o. close (hard) — teči za kom, biti komu za petamito run errands — opravljati nakupe (naročila), tekati po poslih, opravkihto run 30 knots nautical pluti s hitrostjo 30 vozlovto run messages — prinašati, prinesti sporočilato run a race — tekmovati v teku (dirki), dirkatito run a scent — iti za sledjo, slediti slediwe must let the things run its course — moramo pustiti, da gre stvar svojo potI'll run you to the tree over there — tekmoval bom s teboj v teku do onega drevesa;2.upravijati, voditi; predelati ( into v); spraviti v tek, v gibanje, v delovanje, pustiti, da nekaj teče, točiti; zakotaliti; gnati, goniti, poditi (konja); vpisati (konja) za dirko; pasti (živino); odpraviti, odpremiti, premestiti, transportirati; tihotapiti; zabiti ( into v), zasaditi, zariti, zadreti, zabosti (nož); spustiti, dati v promet, držati v pogonu (stroj); postaviti kot kandidata ( for za); izpostaviti se, biti izpostavljen; zabresti, pustiti zabresti (v); zaleteti se (v); (kovino) taliti; (o reki) nanositi (zlato); American potegniti (črto, mejo)to run debts — biti v dolgovih, zabresti v dolgoveto run the gauntlet figuratively biti izpostavljen ostri kritikito run one's head against the wall — zaleteti se z glavo v zid, riniti z glavo skozi zid (tudi figuratively)to run a horse — goniti, priganjati konja; vpisati (prijaviti) konja za dirkoto run logs — sploviti hlode, lesto run risks — tvegati, riskiratito run the show slang figuratively biti šef, voditi (neko) podjetjeto run a high temperature medicine imeti visoko vročinoIII [rʌn]adjective (o tekočini) iztekel, odcurel; raztopljen; vlit; raztaljen, staljen; nautical ki je dezertiral, dezerterski; (o ribi) ki se je preselila iz morja v reko na drstenje; (mleko) sesirjen; colloquially utihotapljen, nezakonito uvožen -
26 spell
I [spel] past tense, past participle - spelt; verb1) (to name or give in order the letters of (a word): I asked him to spell his name for me.) črkovati2) ((of letters) to form (a word): C-a-t spells `cat'.) sestavljati (besede)3) (to (be able to) spell words correctly: I can't spell!) znati pravilno pisati4) (to mean or amount to: This spells disaster.) pomeniti•- speller- spelling II [spel] noun1) (a set or words which, when spoken, is supposed to have magical power: The witch recited a spell and turned herself into a swan.) magične besede2) (a strong influence: He was completely under her spell.) čarIII [spel] noun1) (a turn (at work): Shortly afterwards I did another spell at the machine.) delovna izmena2) (a period of time during which something lasts: a spell of bad health.) obdobje3) (a short time: We stayed in the country for a spell and then came home.) kratek čas* * *I [spel]1.nounčarovna beseda ali formula; urok, začaranost; figuratively čar, draž, mik, privlačnost, fasciniranjeto be under a spell — biti uročèn; biti očaranto cast a spell upon s.o. — uročiti, začarati koga;2.transitive verbočarati, fasciniratiII [spel]1.noundelovni čas, delo; kratek čas, kratka doba; čas, porabljen za neko delo; (delovna) izmena, posada, posad, ekipa; Australian pavza, počitek, prosti čas; American colloquially kratka razdalja; American colloquially napad (kašlja ipd.)by spells — izmenoma, v izmenahto give s.o. a spell — zamenjati koga pri deluwait (for) a spell! — počakaj trenutek (hip)!we had a spell of fine weather — imeli smo kratko dobo lepega vremena;2.transitive verb Americanzamenjati, izmenjati, nadomestiti koga pri deluto spell a horse — dati počitka konju; intransitive verb menjati posado; Australian napraviti pavzoIII [spel]transitive verbčrkovati, brati ali izgovarjati črko za črko; sestavljati besede; pravilno pisati; pomenitito spell backward — nazaj (narobe) črkovati, figuratively nobenih težav ne imeti s pravopisomto spell out, to spell over — čitati kaj črkovaje, figuratively s težavo dešifrirati -
27 spin
[spin] 1. present participle - spinning; verb1) (to (cause to) go round and round rapidly: She spun round in surprise; He spun the revolving door round and round.) vrteti (se)2) (to form threads from (wool, cotton etc) by drawing out and twisting: The old woman was spinning (wool) in the corner of the room.) presti2. noun1) (a whirling or turning motion: The patch of mud sent the car into a spin.) vrtenje2) (a ride, especially on wheels: After lunch we went for a spin in my new car.) vožnja•- spinner- spin-drier
- spin out* * *I [spin]nounvrtenje (okoli osi), sukanje, obračanje; predenje; kratka in hitra vožnja; kratka ježa (jahanje); odvihranje; aeronautics vrtenje (letala) okoli podolžne osi; popolna zmešnjava, zmedato go for (to take) a spin — iti na kratko vožnjo ali sprehod (s kolesom, avtom, čolnom itd.)II [spin]transitive verbpresti, sukati (volno itd.); spremeniti (raztopino) v umetno svilo; obračati, vrteti (vrtavko); hitro obrniti okoli osi; stružiti; (na dolgo) pripovedovati; figuratively izmisliti si; loviti (ribe) z umetno vabo; slang vreči (kandidata) na izpitu; aeronautics vrteti (letalo) okoli podolžne osi; intransitive verb presti; (hitro) se obračati, vrteti se; krožiti; colloquially hitro iti, brzeti, drveti; postati omotičen; brizgniti (kri); aeronautics vrteti se okoli podolžne osi; ribariti z umetno vaboto spin (along) — drveti, brzeti (po)to spin a coin — vreči novec v zrak (pri žrebanju, stavi itd.)to spin plots — izmisliti si načrte, spletketo send s.o. spinning — udariti koga, da se zavrti okrog svoje osi -
28 sponsor
['sponsə] 1. verb1) (to take on the financial responsibility for (a person, project etc), often as a form of advertising or for charity: The firm sponsors several golf tournaments.) sponzorirati2) (to promise (a person) that one will pay a certain sum of money to a charity etc if that person completes a set task (eg a walk, swim etc).) gmotno podpreti2. noun(a person, firm etc that acts in this way.) pokrovitelj* * *I [spɔnsə]nounodgovorna oseba; porok; boter, botrica, kum, kumica; American figuratively pokrovitelj, zaščitnik; zakupnik radijskega programa v reklamne namene; organizatorto stand sponsor — biti porok, jamčitito stand sponsor to — biti za botra, botrovatiII [spɔnsə]transitive verbjamčiti, biti porok (za); podpreti (predlog); American botrovati (čemu); prevzeti pokroviteljstvo (nad); pospeševati; vzeti v zakup (radijski program v reklamne namene) -
29 tip
I 1. [tip] noun(the small or thin end, point or top of something: the tips of my fingers.) konica2. verb(to put, or form, a tip on: The spear was tipped with an iron point.) priostriti- tipped- tip-top
- be on the tip of one's tongue II 1. [tip] past tense, past participle - tipped; verb1) (to (make something) slant: The boat tipped to one side.)2) (to empty (something) from a container, or remove (something) from a surface, with this kind of motion: He tipped the water out of the bucket.)3) (to dump (rubbish): People have been tipping their rubbish in this field.)2. noun(a place where rubbish is thrown: a refuse/rubbish tip.) odlagališče- tip overIII 1. [tip] noun(a gift of money given to a waiter etc, for personal service: I gave him a generous tip.) napitnina2. verb(to give such a gift to.) dati napitninoIV [tip] noun(a piece of useful information; a hint: He gave me some good tips on/about gardening.) nasvet- tip off* * *I [tip]1.nounkonica, konec, kraj; vrh; technical okov (palice); ustnik (cigarete)I have it at the tips of my fingers — to imam v mezincu, to dobro znamI had it on the tip of my tongue — imel sem to na jeziku;2.transitive verbokovati, opremiti s konico; priostriti, zašiliti; okrasiti konico; podrezati, podstriči vrhove (vršičke)II [tip]1.nounnapitnina, darilce v denarju; (koristen) namig, informacija, nasvet (npr. glede izida pri dirkah, na borzi ipd.)the straight tip — dober, pravi nasvet (namig)I missed my tip — spodletelo mi je, ni se mi posrečilo, izjalovilo se mi je;2.transitive verb & intransitive verbdati napitnino; colloquially dati nasvet (namig, informacijo); slang datitip me a bob slang daj mi šilingto tip s.o. the wink — skrivaj komu namignitito tip s.o.'s mitt(s) American izdati tajnost kake osebe, koga v sramoto spraviti, blamiratito tip off colloquially pravočasno posvariti, opozoritiIII [tip]1.nounnagnjenje, nagnjen položaj, nagib; odlagališčeto give a tip to s.th. — postaviti kaj v poševen položaj, prekucniti, prevrniti kaj;2.transitive verbprevrniti, prekucniti; nagniti; zvrniti; izprazniti z zvrnitvijo, z nagibanjem (npr. vagonček); intransitive verb nagniti se; (večinoma tip over) prevrniti se, prekucniti seto tip s.o. into the water — suniti koga v vodotip the water into the sink! — izlij vodo v izlivek!IV [tip]1.nounrahel udarec, dotik; sport slab udarec;2.transitive verbrahlo udariti ali se dotakniti; dotakniti se (klobuka, v površen pozdrav); intransitive verb drobneti, capljati, delati majhne korake, stopicati -
30 materialise
1) (to take solid or bodily form: The figure materialized as we watched with astonishment.) utelesiti2) ((of something expected or hoped for) to happen: I don't think her plans will materialize.) uresničiti se
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
take form — index crystallize, develop, evolve Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
take form — verb develop into a distinctive entity (Freq. 5) our plans began to take shape • Syn: ↑form, ↑take shape, ↑spring • Derivationally related forms: ↑formation (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
form — [fôrm] n. [ME forme < OFr < L forma, a shape, figure, image < ? (via Etr) Gr morphē] 1. the shape, outline, or configuration of anything; structure as apart from color, material, etc. 2. a) the body or figure of a person or animal b) a… … English World dictionary
form — Synonyms and related words: Berkeleianism, Hegelianism, Kantianism, MO, Masan, Neoplatonism, Platonic form, Platonic idea, Platonism, Procrustean law, SOP, absolute idealism, accumulate, acquire, act, adjustment, algorithm, allocation, allomorph … Moby Thesaurus
take shape — verb develop into a distinctive entity (Freq. 5) our plans began to take shape • Syn: ↑form, ↑take form, ↑spring • Derivationally related forms: ↑formation (for: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
form — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) External shape Nouns 1. form, formation, forming, figure, shape; make[up], conformation, configuration; make, frame[work], construction, cut, set, build, trim, cut of one s jib; stamp, type, cast, mold;… … English dictionary for students
form — form1 W1S1 [fo:m US fo:rm] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(type)¦ 2¦(way something is/appears)¦ 3¦(shape)¦ 4¦(document)¦ 5¦(art/literature)¦ 6¦(performance)¦ 7¦(school)¦ 8¦(grammar)¦ 9¦(criminal record)¦ 10 bad form … Dictionary of contemporary English
form — I. noun Etymology: Middle English forme, from Anglo French furme, forme, from Latin forma form, beauty Date: 13th century 1. a. the shape and structure of something as distinguished from its material b. a body (as of a person) especially in its… … New Collegiate Dictionary
take shape — Synonyms and related words: come together, crystallize, draw up, fall in, fall into line, fall into place, fall into rank, form, gather around, materialize, place itself, rally round, range itself, shape, shape up, take form, take its place, take … Moby Thesaurus
form — Kino. ♦ Printed form, pa i hakahaka, ho opihapiha. ♦ Shadowy form, haili aka. ♦ To have a dual form, kino pāpālua. ♦ To take form, ho okino; ōhopehopeke a (of tubers, rare) … English-Hawaiian dictionary
Take Ionescu — Prime Minister of Romania In office December 18, 1921 – January 19, 1922 Monarch Ferdinand I of Romania Preceded by … Wikipedia