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    1.\PINAHUIZTLI en général, honte.
    Launey II 134 n 109.
    Esp., verguenza (M).
    Angl., shame, embarrassment (K).
    * à la forme possédée.
    " aoc tle îpînâhuiz ", elle n'a aucune honte - he had no shame. Sah4,13.
    Note: Launey transcrit pinâhuiztli.
    2. \PINAHUIZTLI entomologie, nom d'un coléoptère.
    Petit et rouge qui pique légèrement mais n'est pas venimeux, le rencontrer présage que quelque chose de honteux vous arrivera. Sah11,89.
    Objet de superstitions. Sah5,169.
    Note: Seler, op.cit., V 4 calls it a kind of chafer which the Mexicans considered an evil omen (citing Batres); he connects it with the tzitzimime. Molina defines it as 'cierto escarauajo que tenian por aguero'. Garibay op.cit. 310 note 10, defines it as Cotinis motabilis, Strategus julianus, or the like.
    Anders Dib V 169 note 169.
    Chafer = any of various large beetles (esp. fam. Scarabaeidae).
    Beetle = coléoptère. Cf. ausi pînacatl.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > PINAHUIZTLI


    1.\TEMAZCALLI bain de vapeur.
    Le temazcal est une construction en forme de demie sphère, à hauteur d'homme, qui sert aux bains de vapeur. Launey II 114.
    Esp., castilla como estufa a donde se bañan (M).
    Angl., sweathouse for bathing (K s temâzcalli).
    Description. Sah11,191 et Sah11,275. - casa donde se bañan.
    Les superstitions liées au temazcal. Sah5,195.
    " quitlâliah in îxiptlah in îxcuâc in temazcalli ", ils placent son image devant le bain de vapeur - they set up her image in the front of the sweat-houses. Il s'agit de Teteoh Innan. Sah1,70.
    W.Lehmann 1938,183 note 1 rapproche le temazcal de la Kiwa des Indiens Pueblo et d'autres constructions semblables du Nord Ouest de l'Amérique.
    Le temazcal sert en particulier à faciliter l'accouchement.
    2.\TEMAZCALLI four creusé sous terre.
    cueva para asal carne debajo de tierra - Underground cave for roasting meat. En ce sens temazcalli est syn. de texcalli = four.
    Description. Sah11,275.
    F.Karttunen transcrit temâzcalli.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > TEMAZCALLI


    Petit pilon servant à broyer les légumes dans le môlcaxitl.
    Launey II 217.
    Esp., tejolote (T227).
    Angl., grinding stone, pestle (K s texôlôtl).
    " texôlotl îhuân comalli ". le pilon et le plat de terre cuite - the pestle and the griddle.
    A propos de superstitions liées au jeu de patôlli. Sah5, 130
    Une autre superstition à propos du pilon et de la chasse aux souris. Sah5, 190.
    " ca nohuiyan nêci in îtapalcauh, in încôn, in întexôlouh, in înneneuh, in încohconêuh, in îmmâcuex ", c'est que l'on peut voir à leurs tessons, leurs poteries, leurs pilons, leurs figurines. leurs poupées, leur bracelets. Il s'agit des vestiges toltèques. Launey II 216.
    " in texôlotl canah xômolco quipiloâya ", il suspendait son pilon quelque part dans un coin - he hung his pestle somewhere in a corner. Sah5,190.
    " in texôlotl, in tenamaztli ", le pilon et les pierres du foyer - the pestles and the (three) hearth stones (upon which the cooking pots rested). Qui sont jettés à l'eau avant que l'on n'allume le feu nouveau. Sah7.25.
    " in petlatl, in tôlcuextli, in icpalli mochi yancuic in moteteca, îhuân in tenamaztli, in texôlotl ", les nattes, les nattes faites de joncs épais, les sièges, tout ce qui est installé est neuf, y compris les pierres du foyer et le pilon - the mats - the mats of large, fat reeds, - and the seats. All was new which was spread about, as well as the hearth stones and the pestles. Sah7,31.
    * à la forme possédée.
    " in îtexôlouh îhuân in îcomâl îhuân in îmetl ", son pilon, sa plaque à frire et sa pierre à moudre - his pestle and his griddle and his grinding stone. Sah5,190.
    Form: sur xôlotl, morph.incorp. te-tl.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > TEXOLOTL

  • 64 TLAOLLI

    Grains de maïs, maïs égrainé.
    Angl., grains of dried maize. Sah11,279 et Sah10,66.
    A l'époque classique, se dit seulement du maïs égrainé: par la suite, désigne le maïs en général.
    Launey Introd 57 note 5.
    'tlaôlli' is sometimes applied to any shelled seed, as well as to a dough of these seeds.
    Anders. Dibb. X 70 note 3.
    Grains of maize. Dans une liste d'aliments. Sah12,75.
    Sah5,184 indique des superstitions liées aux grains de maïs.
    " in tlaôlli quitepêhuayah ", ceIle qui répandait des grains de maïs sur le sol. Comme pratique divinatoire, désigne une sorcière. Sah 1927,364.
    " tlaôlli quichayâhua ", elle répand des grains de maïs. Pratique divinatoire attribuée à la mauvaise guérisseuse, tîcîtl. Sah10,53.
    " in ihcuâc cencah tlazohtiya in tlaôlli ", à ce moment là le maïs était très précieux. Sah2,98.
    " huehueyi tilmahtli îhuân cuâchtli îhuân tlaôlli inic quimpatiyohticah pîpiltin ", avec de grands manteaux, de grandes pièces d'étoffe et des grains de maïs il paie la rançon des nobles - with larges capes and mantles and dried maize he paid the price for the noblemen. Sah8,41.
    " tlaôlli iztac ", le maïs blanc - dried grains of maize. Sah8,67.
    " in iztac tlaôlli in côztic tlaôlli ", le maïs blanc, le maïs jaune.
    En tête d'une liste de variétés de maïs. Sah 1927,83 = Sah2,64.
    " tlaôlli iztac, iyauhtlaôlli xiuhtoctlaôlli, côztic tlaôlli ", des grains de maïs blancs, noirs, rouge et jaune - dried grains of maize, white, black, red and yellow. Sah8,87.
    " iztac tlaôlli côztic tlaôlli iyâhuitl xiuhtoctli ", des grain de maïs blancs, des grains de maïs jaune, du maïs noir et du maïs rouge - weißen Mais, gelben Mais, schwarzen Mais, roten Mais.
    Sah 1927,182 = Sah2,124.
    " in ahmo tlatôctli tlaôlli ", le grain de maïs qui n'a pas été planté - the unplanted maize grain.
    Celui qui pousse à l'état sauvage. Sah11,232.
    " quitôcaqueh in tlaôlli in huauhtli in etl in âyôtl in chîlcotl in xitomatl ", ils ont semé des grains de maïs, de l'amarante, des haricots, des courges, du chili vert et des tomates - sembraron maiz, bledo, frijol, calabaza, 'chile' verde, 'jitomate'. Cron.Mexicayotl 38.
    " in îyôllo, in îihtic cah in îihtic tentihcac, iuhquin tlaôlli ", sa graine, ce qui est à l'intérieur, ce qui remplit son intérieur est comme un grain de maïs. Il s'agit du grain du cacaotier,
    Cod Flor Xl 123r = ECN11,68 = Acad Hist MS 210v.
    " in chicôme côâtl ca quîxiptlahtiâya in tônacayôtl, in tlaôlli, motquiticah cuâlôni ", Sept Serpent incarnait les récoltes, les grains de maïs tout à fait bons à manger - (the day sign) Seven Serpent represented our sustenance - grains of dried maize, completely edible. Sah4,49.
    " cen chiquiuhtzintli in tlaôlli ", un petit panier de grains de maïs. Sah2,127.
    " tlaôlli cen tzincopincâtôntli ", du maïs égrèné, un petit panier - of dried grains of maize one small basket. Sah3,7.
    * à la forme possédée inaliénable.
    " îtlaôllo ", sa graine.
    " yehhuâtl in, îtlaôllo mihcequi ca cencah tepitztic, huel tecoltic ", on grille les grains de cette plante, car ils sont très durs, (pour les rendre) comme du charbon - su grano, se tuesta en comal hasta ser como carbon porque es muy duro. Il s'agit de la graine de la plante cocopi.
    Cod Flor XI 177r = ECN9,208.
    " in îtlaôllo tomâhuac, chamâhuac ", ses grains sont gros, volumineux - its kernels are thick, fat. Sah11,282.
    * à la forme possédée.
    " in cîhuah întlaôl yetiuh ", les femmes portent leurs grains de maïs. Action cérémonielle. Sah9,41.
    " mochi tlâcatl îtlaôl quitquîtiuh ", tout le monde est en train d'emporter ses grains de maïs. Sah2,153.

    Dictionnaire de la langue nahuatl classique > TLAOLLI

  • 65 die

    I [daɪ]
    1) (pl. dice) (game) dado m.
    2) tecn. (for stamping) stampo m.; (for screw threads) filiera f.
    II 1. [daɪ]

    to die a violent death, a hero's death — morire di morte violenta, da eroe

    1) (expire) [ animal] morire; [ person] morire, decedere

    to die of o from — morire di [starvation, disease]

    2) (be killed) morire, perire ( doing facendo)

    I'd sooner o rather die (than do) preferirei morire (piuttosto che fare); to die for — morire per [beliefs, person]

    3) (wither) [ plant] morire; [ crop] seccare, rovinarsi
    4) fig. morire

    I wanted to die o I could have died when avrei voluto o volevo morire quando; I nearly o could have died laughing — per poco non morivo dal ridere

    5) colloq. (long)

    to be dying for — morire dalla voglia di [ coffee]; morire dietro a [ person]

    to be dying for sb. to do — desiderare ardentemente che qcn. faccia

    6) (go out) [light, flame] spegnersi
    7) (fade) [ love] spegnersi; [memory, fame] estinguersi; [ enthusiasm] smorzarsi, raffreddarsi
    8) scherz. (cease functioning) [machine, engine] arrestarsi, fermarsi, spegnersi
    9) colloq. [ comedian] fare fiasco
    * * *
    I present participle - dying; verb
    1) (to lose life; to stop living and become dead: Those flowers are dying; She died of old age.)
    2) (to fade; to disappear: The daylight was dying fast.)
    3) (to have a strong desire (for something or to do something): I'm dying for a drink; I'm dying to see her.)
    - die away
    - die down
    - die hard
    - die off
    - die out
    II noun
    (a stamp or punch for making raised designs on money, paper etc.)
    III see dice
    * * *
    die /daɪ/
    1 (pl. dice) dado ( da gioco)
    2 (mecc.: pl. dies) conio ( per monete); stampo; filiera ( per filo metallico, per filettare viti)
    3 (elettron.) piastrina
    4 (archit.: pl. dies) plinto; zoccolo
    ● (tecn.) die block, blocco stampo; matrice di estrusione □ (metall.) die-casting, pressofusione; pezzo ottenuto per pressofusione □ (tecn.) die chaser, filiera □ (tecn.) die cutting, fustellatura □ (metall.) die drawing, trafilatura □ (metall.) die forging, fucinatura a stampo □ (metall.) die forming, stampaggio □ die-sinker, fabbricante di stampi per monete o medaglie; stampista □ (tecn.) die-sinking, lavorazione degli stampi □ (tecn.) die-stamping, punzonatura □ (fig.) as straight (o true) as a die, totalmente onesto □ the die is cast, il dado è tratto.
    ♦ (to) die /daɪ/
    A v. i.
    1 morire ( anche fig.): He died of natural causes, è morto per cause naturali; to die of (o from) cancer, morire di cancro; He died of ( o from) his wounds three days later, è morto per le ferite riportate tre giorni dopo; They died in a plane crash, sono morti in un incidente aereo; These people are willing to die for democracy, questa gente è disposta a morire per la democrazia; to die of a broken heart, morire di crepacuore; to die young [poor, childless], morire giovane [povero, senza figli]; to die a happy [wealthy] man, morire felice [ricco]; to die a hero [a martyr], morire da eroe [da martire]; He died to save us, è morto per salvarci; I'd rather die! (o I'd die first!), preferirei morire!; piuttosto la morte!; Love never dies, l'amore non muore mai; All hope has died, tutte le speranze sono morte NOTA D'USO: - morire-
    2 (fam.) to be dying of hunger [thirst, boredom, curiosity, etc.], morire di fame [di sete, dalla noia, dalla curiosità, ecc.]; to be dying for st. [to do st.], morire dalla voglia di qc. [di fare qc.]: I'm dying for a glass of wine, muoio dalla voglia di un bicchiere di vino; They were dying to know, morivano dalla voglia di sapere cos'era successo
    3 (mecc.) non funzionare più; ( di un motore) spegnersi: My printer's died, non mi funziona più la stampante; The engine suddenly died on me, il motore mi si è spento di colpo
    4 ( del fuoco) morire, spegnersi: to let the fire die, lasciar morire il fuoco
    5 ( del vento) cessare; calare: The wind died and the race had to be abandoned, è calato il vento si è dovuto interrompere la gara
    6 ( di un comico, ecc.) fare fiasco: To die in front of an audience is the most awful experience, fare fiasco davanti al pubblico è l'esperienza più terribile
    B v. t.
    fare ( una data morte); morire di: to die a natural [violent] death, morire di morte naturale [violenta]; to die a glorious death, fare una morte gloriosa; to die a hero's death, morire da eroe; fare una morte eroica; to die a sudden death, morire improvvisamente
    to die by one's own hand, morire di propria mano; darsi la morte □ (fam. GB) to die a death, scomparire; ( di progetto, ecc.) fallire: Some people think the printed book will die a death within the next ten years, alcuni pensano che il libro stampato scomparirà entro i prossimi dieci anni □ (fam.) to die for, fantastico; strepitoso □ to die hard, essere duro a morire: Old superstitions die hard, le vecchie superstizioni sono dure a morire □ to die in one's bed, morire nel proprio letto □ to die in harness, morire sulla breccia; morire al proprio posto di lavoro □ (fam.) to die on its feet, essere lì per fallire: When he took over, the show was dying on its feet, quando è subentrato, lo spettacolo era lì per fallire □ (fam.) to be dying on one's feet, non stare in piedi dalla stanchezza □ in the dying minutes [seconds, moments], negli ultimissimi minuti [secondi, istanti]: Chelsea scored in the dying seconds of the game, il Chelsea ha segnato negli ultimissimi secondi della partita □ to die of laughter (o fam. to die laughing), morire dal ridere □ to die with one's boots on, morire combattendo; morire sulla breccia □ (fam.) I nearly died! (o I could have died!, USA: I just died!), credevo di morire! ( per l'imbarazzo, la sorpresa, ecc.) □ Never say die!, mai arrendersi!; mai disperare! □ to one's dying day (o to the day one dies), fino alla morte □ with one's dying breath, fino all'ultimo respiro.
    * * *
    I [daɪ]
    1) (pl. dice) (game) dado m.
    2) tecn. (for stamping) stampo m.; (for screw threads) filiera f.
    II 1. [daɪ]

    to die a violent death, a hero's death — morire di morte violenta, da eroe

    1) (expire) [ animal] morire; [ person] morire, decedere

    to die of o from — morire di [starvation, disease]

    2) (be killed) morire, perire ( doing facendo)

    I'd sooner o rather die (than do) preferirei morire (piuttosto che fare); to die for — morire per [beliefs, person]

    3) (wither) [ plant] morire; [ crop] seccare, rovinarsi
    4) fig. morire

    I wanted to die o I could have died when avrei voluto o volevo morire quando; I nearly o could have died laughing — per poco non morivo dal ridere

    5) colloq. (long)

    to be dying for — morire dalla voglia di [ coffee]; morire dietro a [ person]

    to be dying for sb. to do — desiderare ardentemente che qcn. faccia

    6) (go out) [light, flame] spegnersi
    7) (fade) [ love] spegnersi; [memory, fame] estinguersi; [ enthusiasm] smorzarsi, raffreddarsi
    8) scherz. (cease functioning) [machine, engine] arrestarsi, fermarsi, spegnersi
    9) colloq. [ comedian] fare fiasco

    English-Italian dictionary > die

  • 66 irilla

    v.i. to growl, to snarl. (irillat, irillash)irim sirim, irim chirim(all kinds of) superstitions

    Uzbek-English dictionary > irilla

  • 67 xurofotfurush

    (Persian) spreader of superstitions

    Uzbek-English dictionary > xurofotfurush

  • 68 generare

    generare v. ( gènero) I. tr. 1. engendrer: Abramo generò Isacco Abraham engendra Isaac. 2. ( estens) ( dare vita) donner naissance à, produire: la Grecia generò poeti e filosofi la Grèce a donné naissance à des poètes et à des philosophes; la terra genera una grande varietà di piante la terre produit une grande variété de plantes. 3. ( fig) ( provocare) provoquer, éveiller, susciter: il suo atteggiamento genera sospetti son comportement éveille les soupçons; l'ignoranza genera le superstizioni l'ignorance engendre les superstitions; generare malcontento causer du mécontentement; generare diffidenza inspirer de la méfiance. 4. ( Tecn) produire, générer: generare elettricità générer de l'électricité. 5. ( Geom) engendrer, former. II. prnl. generarsi se former.

    Dizionario Italiano-Francese > generare

  • 69 kołtuństw|o

    n sgt pejor. narrow-mindedness, backwardness
    - wierzyć w przesądy to kołtuństwo to believe in superstitions is a sign of backwardness

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > kołtuństw|o

  • 70 przesą|d

    m (G przesądu) 1. (zabobon) superstition, old wives’ tale
    - wiara w przesądy belief in superstitions
    2. zw. pl (uprzedzenie) prejudice U
    - hołdować przesądom to bow to prejudice
    - walka z przesądami a fight against prejudice

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > przesą|d

  • 71 zakorzeni|ony

    adj. 1. (utrwalony) [zwyczaj, tradycja] deep-rooted
    - głęboko a. silnie zakorzenione przesądy deep-rooted superstitions
    - być głęboko zakorzenionym w kimś/czymś [nienawiść, zwyczaj] to be deeply ingrained a. rooted in sb/sth
    - zakorzenione w społeczeństwie stereotypy the stereotypes ingrained in our society
    - Biblia jest głęboko zakorzeniona w naszej świadomości the Bible is deeply ingrained in our minds
    - być zakorzenionym w tradycji [zwyczaj, motyw] to be rooted in tradition
    2. Bot. [roślina] rooted

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > zakorzeni|ony

  • 72 clear\ away

    1. I
    the clouds have cleared away тучи рассеялись; the thunder cleared away буря /гроза/ прошла /пронеслась/
    2. III
    clear away with. /smth. away/1)
    clear away a meal (the tea-things, the leftovers, what is left after a meal, etc.) убирать со стола после еды и т. д.; clear away rubbish убирать мусор; clear one's things away убирать свои вещи; I'll clear the dishes away, they will be able to work at the table я уберу тарелки, и тогда они смогут работать за столом
    clear away doubts (misconceptions, suspicions, etc.) рассеивать /отметать/ сомнения и т. д.; clear away one's difficulties (ancient prejudices and superstitions, obstacles, etc.) преодолеть трудности и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > clear\ away

  • 73 do\ away

    1. XI
    be done smth. with that obsolete method (this practice, this rule, death penalty, etc.) has been done away with этот устарелый метод и т. д. был отменен; our department was done away with наш отдел был упразднен / ликвидирован / ; the horse broke a leg and had to be done away with лошадь сломала ногу, и ее пришлось пристрелить
    2. XVI
    do away with smth., smb. do away with a rule (with most of these regulations, etc.) отменить правило и т. д.; do away with an evil practice (with a custom, with superstitions, with all ceremonies, etc.) покончить с порочной практикой и т. д.; do away with these old papers уничтожить эти старые документы; do away with the old dog усыпить старую собаку; do away with the sick chickens уничтожить больных цыплят; he is suspected of having done away with his wife coll. его подозревают в убийстве жены; do away with oneself сон, покончить с собой

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > do\ away

  • 74 make\ away

    1. XI
    be made away with he was made away with его убили /"убрали"/; be made away with by smb., smth. he was made away with by a gang его убила банда; he is said to have been made away with by poison говорят, его отравили
    be made away with all the money has been made away with все деньги спустили /промотали/
    2. XVI
    1) make away with smb. make away with one's rivals устранить своих соперников, we shall make away with our enemies мы уничтожим своих врагов; the cat made away with the mice in the attic кошка переловила всех мышей на чердаке; the trap made away with the rats крыс вывели с помощью мышеловки; make away with oneself покончить с собой; make away with smth. make away with illiteracy ликвидировать неграмотность; make away with superstitions (with prejudice, with bias, etc.) избавиться от суеверий /изжить суеверия/ и т. д.
    2) make away with smth. make away with smb.'s luggage (with the valuables, with the club's funds, etc.) украсть чьи-л. чемоданы и т. д., удрать с чьими-л. чемоданами и т. д.
    3) make away with smth. make away with one's money растратить /промотать/ свой деньги; the boys made away with the contents of the refrigerator мальчики расправились со всем, что было в холодильнике

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > make\ away

  • 75 play

    1. I
    1) children like to play дети любят играть /резвиться/; run away and play! беги играй!; he would rather play [than work] он предпочитает развлекаться [, а не работать]; can he come out to play? он выйдет играть?
    2) the band (the organ, the flute, etc.) is playing играет оркестр и т.д.; the music began to play заиграла музыка
    3) the fountains were playing били фонтаны
    2. II
    1) play in some manner play well (badly, poorly, skilfully, cunningly, absent-mindedly, etc.) хороню и т.д. играть /вести игру/; play fair /square/ играть честно, вести честную игру; play foul /false/ жульничать, обманывать, играть нечестно; play fast and loose вести нечестную игру; play high а) ходить с крупной карты; б) делать большие ставки, играть по большей
    2) play in some manner the piece (the drama, this script, etc.) will play well эта пьеса и т.д. сценична /выигрышна для постановки/; the lawn (the stadium, etc.) plays well на этой площадке и т.д. хорошо играть; play at some time what films are playing just now? какие сейчас идут фильмы?
    3) play in some manner play softly (well, magnificently. melodiously, exquisitely, etc.) a) играть тихо и т.д.; б) звучать тихо и т.д.; the radio was playing too loudly радио было включено на большую громкость
    3. III
    1) play smth., smb. play school (shops, house, soldiers, doctors and nurses, cowboys and Indians, etc.) играть в школу и т.д.; play ball играть в мяч; the children were playing a noisy game дети затеяли какую-то шумную игру
    2) play smth., smb. play tennis (football, cricket, golf, etc.) играть в теннис и т.д.; play a good (a poor) game быть хорошим (плохим) игроком; he plays a good game of tennis он хорошо играет в теннис; play a safe winning/ game играть наверняка; play a losing game вести безнадежную игру; play a waiting game занимать выжидательную позицию, тянуть время; play a double game вести двойную игру, двурушничать; play a match провести матч; when are we going to play their team? когда мы будем играть с их командой /выступать против их команды/?; he will play left end он будет [играть] крайним левым
    3) play smth., smb. play a pawn сыграть /сделать ход, ходить/ пешкой: play horses играть на скачках; play a horse (подставить на лошадь; play a card а) пойти /сделать ход/ картой; б) поставить на карту; play a wrong card а) сделать неверный ход (при игре в карты), б) сделать ложный шаг, совершить ошибку; play one's highest /best/ card а) пойти с самой крупной карты; б) использовать свой самый сильный козырь, бить наверняка; play one's ten of hearts (one's ace of hearts, etc.) ходить с десятки /десяткой/ червей и т.д.; play one's last card пустить в ход последний козырь, использовать последний шанс
    4) play smth., smb. play a comedy (a tragedy, a historical play. The Twelfth Night, etc.) играть /исполнять/ комедию и т.д.; play a part (a leading part, the part of a king, the role of a benefactor, Hamlet, Shylock, etc.) играть роль и т.д.; who is going to play Lady Macbeth кто будет играть леди Макбет?; play large houses (the principal cities, the larger cities, etc.) выступать /играть/ в больших театрах и т.д.
    5) play smb., smth. play the host (the hostess) выступать в роли хозяина (хозяйки); play the master хозяйничать, распоряжаться; play the man поступать как подобает мужчине; play the baby ребячиться, прикидываться младенцем; play the fool /the idiot, the ass/ валять дурака, глупо вести /держать/ себя; play the ape обезьянничать, передразнивать; play an important part играть важную роль
    6) play smth. play the violin (the flute, the piano, the drums, etc.) играть на скрипке и т.д.; play a melody (an air, a concerto, a march, a Beethoven sonata, a piece of music, etc.) играть мелодию и т.д.; play the gramophone ставить пластинки
    4. IV
    1) play smth. in some manner noisily (quietly, etc.) play hide-and-seek (cowboys and Indians, etc.) шумно и т.д. играть в прятки и т.д.
    2) play smth. in some manner play tennis (football, etc.) well (skilfully, clumsily, absent-mindedly, etc.) хорошо и т.д. играть в теннис и т.д.
    3) play smth. in some manner play one's cards well (badly) a) пойти (не)правильно (при игре в карты); б) (не) воспользоваться обстоятельствами
    4) play smth., smb. in some manner play one's part (Hamlet, etc.) well (wonderfully, masterly, etc.) хороню и т.д. играть свою роль и т.д.
    5) play smth. in some manner play music softly (delicately, loudly, too low, etc.) тихо и т.д. играть (на музыкальном инструменте); she plays Mozart well она хорошо исполняет /играет/ Моцарта; play smth. for some time she plays her radio all day long у нее весь день включено радио
    5. V
    play smb. smth. won't you please play me some Chopin /something by Chopin/? не сыграете ли вы мне Шопена?; I want to play you my favourite records я хочу проиграть вам /поставить для вас/ свои любимые пластинки
    6. VI
    play smb. in some state play smb. fair (foul) вести себя честно (нечестно) по отношению к кому-л.; his memory played him false [in this matter] [в этом вопросе] его подвела память
    7. XI
    1) be played in some manner this is not how the name is played в эту игру не так играют; be played with smb. he is not a man to be played with с ним шутки плохи
    2) be played for the world championship in tennis is played for разыгрывается мировой чемпионат по теннису; be played at some time the match is to be played on Monday матч состоится в понедельник
    3) be played an old comedy is being played идет старая комедия
    8. XV
    play in some state with smb. play fair with smb. вести себя честно по отношению к кому-л.; play false with smb. а) обманывать кого-л.; he played fast and loose with too many girls слишком многих девушек он обманул; he played fast and loose with her affections он играл ее чувствами: б) предавать кого-л.
    9. XVI
    1) play with smb., smth. play with his brothers (with one's playmates, with a child, with other children, with a kitten, with sticks and rags, etc.) играть со своими братьями и т.д.; play with one's doll играть в куклы; play with toys играть в игрушки; play with its tail ловить свой хвост; don't play with matches не балуйся со спичками; play at smth. play at hide-and-seek (at marbles, at leap-frog, at blind-man's buff, at robbers, at soldiers, etc.) играть в прятки и т.д.; what do you think you are playing at? ты хоть понимаешь, какую игру ты затеял /что ты делаешь/ ?; play at some time play from morning till night играть с утра до вечера; play by oneself my little daughter will play by herself for hours моя дочурка часами играет /забавляется/ одна; play in (inside, on, etc.) smth. play in the park (inside the yard, outside the school, in the water in the sand, on the beach, etc.) играть /забавляться, резвиться/ в парке и т.д.; the butterflies were playing in the air бабочки порхали в воздухе; bees play among flowers пчелы кружатся среди цветов; the moonlight (the sunlight, the first rays of the rising sun, the searchlight, etc.) played on the water свет луны и т.д. переливался в воде; dust (sand, etc.) is playing in the sunbeams пылинки и т.д. кружатся /мелькают/ в солнечных лучах; the wind plays in the trees ветер шелестит листвой [деревьев]; the wind plays through her hair ветер развевает ее волосы; fountain played in the air струйки фонтана переливались в воздухе; the lights played strangely over the faces of the actors по лицам актеров пробегали причудливые тени; а smile played on /about/ her lips у нее на губах играла улыбка || play by turns /in turn/ играть по очереди
    2) play with smth. play with one's stick (with one's fan, etc.) вертеть палку, поигрывать палкой и т.д., don't play with your health не шутите своим здоровьем; play with the idea of going to Australia подумывать о поездке в Австралию; play with words играть словами; play with fire играть с огнем; play with love (with a woman's affection, etc.) шутить с любовью и т.д., несерьезно относиться к любви и т.д.; play (up)on smth. play upon smb.'s feelings (on smb.'s fears, on smb.'s credulity, upon ignorant people's superstitions, etc.) играть на чьих-л. чувствах и т.д.; I played upon his love of flattery я использовал его любовь к лести || play into smb.'s hands сыграть кому-л. на руку
    3) play at smth. play at football (at games, at table tennis, at baseball, at billiards, at cricket, etc.) играть в футбол и т.д.; play for smth. play for one's city (for one's school, etc.) играть за свой город и т.д., защищать честь своего города и т.д.; play for one's country играть в сборной страны; play with smth. play with both hands (with one's head, etc.) играть обеими руками и т.д.
    4) play for smth. play for money (for a half-crown, for pleasure, for love, for nothing, etc.) играть на деньги и т.д., what stakes shall we play for? по скольку [мы] будем ставить?; play for time стараться выиграть /оттянуть/ время
    5) play at /in/ smth. play at concerts (in the theatre, in theatricals, in a large hall, etc.) выступать на концертах и т.д.; play in a film играть /сниматься/ в кино; play at business (at love, etc.) притворяться, что заинтересован делом и т.д., разыгрывать из себя бизнесмена и т.д.; play to /before/ smb., smth. play to an enthusiastic audience (to empty houses, before a thin /poor/ house, before a sold-out house, etc.) выступать перед восторженными зрителями и т.д.; play [with an eye] to the gallery играть, подлаживаясь под вкусы галерки, искать дешевой популярности; with smth. play with animation (with much passion, with brilliancy, with much soul, etc.) играть живо или с подъемом и т.д.
    6) play on smth. play on the piano (on the flute, on a mouth-organ, on many instruments, etc.) играть на фортепиано и т.д.; play at (by) smth. play at sight играть с листа; play by ear играть на слух; play to smth. play to smb.'s singing аккомпанировать чьему-л. пению; play for smb. aren't you going to play for us? вы нам не сыграете?
    10. XVII
    play at doing smth. play at keeping house (at keel-ling shop, at minding children, etc.) заниматься хозяйством и т.д. ради забавы; you are only playing at boxing ты только притворяешься, что интересуешься боксом; he is merely playing at being a student он лишь делает вид, что он студент /разыгрывает из себя студента/
    11. XXI1
    1) play smth. with smb. play hide-and-seek (ball, school, etc.) with the girls играть с девочками в прятки и т.д.; play smth. on smb. play a joke on smb. подшучивать над кем-л.; he played a [dirty] trick on me он сыграл со мной [злую] шутку
    2) play smth. with smb. play football (tennis, draughts, etc.) with another team (with strong partners, etc.) играть в футбол и т.д. с другой командой и т.д.; play smb. at smth. play smb. at chess (at golf, at draughts, etc.) играть с кем-л. партию в шахматы и т.д.; will you play me at chess? вы сыграете со мной в шахматы?; play smb. for smth. play smb. for championship (for money, etc.) играть /состязаться/ с кем-л. на звание чемпиона и т.д.
    3) play smth. on smth. play an air (a nice tune, etc.) on the flute (on the piano, on the violin, etc.) играть мелодию и т.д. на флейте и т.д.
    4) play smth. (up)on smth. play a hose on a fire (a stream of water on a burning house, water on flames, a searchlight on the clouds, a searchlight upon a ship, coloured lights on a fountain, our guns on the enemy's lines, etc.) направлять брандспойт на огонь и т.д.
    12. XXV
    1) play [that...] play that they are pirates ([that] we are soldiers, etc.) играть в пираты и т.д.; play that the hammock is a boat представлять, что гамак это лодка (в игре)
    2) play when... (until..., etc.) the teams have just started to play when it began to rain едва команды начали игру, как пошел дождь; he went on playing until he has lost everything он играл [до тех пор], пока все не проиграл /не спустил/

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > play

  • 76 ride

    1. I
    1) he can't ride он не умеет ездить верхом; he is learning to ride он учится ездить верхом /верховой езде/; how far did you ride? как далеко /сколько/ вы проехали [верхом]?; I've given up riding я перестал заниматься верховой ездой, я бросил /оставил/ верховую езду
    2) coll. let the matter ride пусть будет как будет
    2. III
    ride in some manner ride swiftly (slowly, carefully, blindly, recklessly, proudly, gracefully, etc.) быстро и т.д. ехать верхом; ride hard /full speed, full tilt/ мчаться во весь опор; ride at full gallop скакать галопом; ride a [good] расе ехать аллюром, иноходью; ride for some time I rode all the way я весь путь проделал /проскакал/ верхом; ride somewhere he jumped on his horse and rode away он вскочил на лошадь и уехал; they rode away waving goodbye to us они поехали и помахали нам на прощание рукой; he rode off он уехал /ускакал/; ride at some time we rode a lot last year мы много ездили верхом в прошлом году; he's getting too old to ride now он стареет и не может теперь ездить верхом
    ride somewhere cyclists riding alongside велосипедисты, едущие рядом; shall you ride back or walk back? вы обратно поедете или пойдете пешком?; ride at some time the witches ride by night ведьмы летают [верхом на помеле] по ночам
    ride in some manner the car rides smoothly эта машина идет очень плавно; the cart rides hard в телеге сильно трясет
    3. III
    1) ride smb., smth. ride a horse (a donkey, etc.) ездить верхом на лошади и т.д.; he's ridden horses all his life он всю свою жизнь ездил верхом; ride a race участвовать в скачках; ride side-saddle ездить на дамском седле; ride a bicycle (a motor cycle, a car, etc.) ездить /кататься/ на велосипеде и т.д.; do you know how to ride a bike? вы умеете ездить на велосипеде?; ride a broomstick летать верхом на помеле; ride a considerable distance (a hundred miles, etc.) ехать на значительное расстояние и т.д.
    2) ride smb. coll. leave her alone and stop riding her - she is doing her best оставь ее в покое и перестань ее дергать ride- она старается
    4. IV
    1) ride smth. somewhere ride a horseback home вернуться домой верхом на лошади
    2) ride smth. somewhere he rode a bicycle down a country road он ехал на велосипеде по проселочной дороге
    3) || ride smb. hard загнать кого-л.; he rode his horse hard он загнал свою лошадь
    5. XI
    2) be ridden by smth. be ridden by doubts (by [foolish] fears, etc,) быть охваченным сомнениями и т.д.; he is ridden by superstitions (by prejudice, etc.) он находится во власти суеверий и т.д.
    6. XVI
    1) ride (up)on smth. ride on horseback (on a camel, on an elephant, on an ass, upon an ox, on a stick, etc.) ехать /ездить/ верхом на лошади и т.д.; ride on smb.'s knee (on smb.'s foot, etc.) качаться, сидя у кого-л. на коленях и т.д.; ride round smth. he rode round his estate (round the fields, etc.) each day он каждый день верхом объезжал свое имение и т.д.; ride at smb., smth. he rode straight at us он направил лошадь /поехал/ прямо на нас: he rode straight at the fence он ехал прямо на барьер /на забор/
    2) ride in (on, around) smth. ride in a bus (in an omnibus, in a tramcar, in a vehicle, in /on/ a cart, in /on/ a railway train, etc.) ездить в автобусе и т.д.; ride in the train in the same compartment (up the hill in a jeep, up and down in an elevator, in a boat across /over/ a river, etc.) ехать в поезде в том же купе и т.д.; we rode in a boat on the river мы ехали в лодке по реке; ride around in his car кататься на машине; ride to smth. ride back and forth to one's work in a city ездить в город на работу и обратно; ride into smth. ride into town въезжать в город; ride straight into a lamppost наехать прямо на фонарный столб; ride over through, about/ smth. ride over /through/ the country (over /through/ a desert, over /through/ a ford, about /through/ [London] streets, etc.) ездить по стране и т.д.; ride on (over) smth. ride on (over) the waves плыть /скользить/ по волнам; ride past smth. I rode past my station я проехал мимо своей станции /свою станцию/
    7. XIX1
    ride like smth. ride like the wind лететь [на лошади] как ветер
    8. XIX2
    ride like being in some state ride like mad мчаться /нестись/ на лошади как безумный
    9. XXI1
    1) ride smb. at smth. ride one's horse at a fence направить лошадь к забору; ride smb. to death ride a horse to death загнать лошадь id ride a joke to death заездить шутку, затаскать остроту; he rides this theory to death он совсем заездил эту теорию
    2) ride smb. on smth. ride a child on one's shoulders (on one's back, etc.) нести ребенка на плечах и т.д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > ride

  • 77 бороться

    Русско-английский юридический словарь > бороться

  • 78 предрассудок

    Русско-английский юридический словарь > предрассудок

  • 79 superstition

    1. суеве́рие; ве́ра (в + A) (croyance particulière);

    les superstitions du Moyen-Age — средневеко́вые суеве́рия;

    superstition du chiffre 13 (du mauvais œil) — ве́ра в число́ трина́дцать (в дурно́й глаз)

    2. чрезме́рное пристра́стие (к + D);

    il a la superstition des diplômes — он придаёт чрезме́рное значе́ние дипло́мам;

    il a la superstition de l'ordre — у него́ маниака́льное пристра́стие к поря́дку

    Dictionnaire français-russe de type actif > superstition

  • 80 enthral

    [ɪn'θrɔːl], [en-]
    гл.; брит.; амер. enthrall
    1) покорять, порабощать
    2) очаровывать, увлекать, захватывать

    The music teacher was enthralled with the child's singing. — Пение ребёнка поразило учителя музыки.

    I am not exactly enthralled with your work so far this year. — Не сказать, чтобы я был очень доволен вашей работой в этом году.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > enthral

См. также в других словарях:

  • superstitions — A superstition in language, like any superstition, is a widely held belief with no rational basis. In English these include the beliefs that sentences should not begin with and or but, that a sentence should not end with a preposition, that none… …   Modern English usage

  • Superstitions — Superstition Pour les articles homonymes, voir Superstition (homonymie). Le fer à cheval fait partie, dans certaines cultures, des objets porte bonheur. L …   Wikipédia en Français

  • superstitions —    Some recent folklorists shun the term superstition as being too pejorative, preferring the less value laden belief . This, however, is too broad a term and, for convenience, we have kept the older word, emboldened by the fact that it is… …   A Dictionary of English folklore

  • Superstitions of Malaysian Chinese — refers to traditional superstitious beliefs of Malaysian Chinese.Examples of superstitions* Car number plates of 8888, 888, 88, 8, 168, 668 are a sign of good fortune (The Cantonese pronunciation for 8 is patt which sounds similar to fatt which… …   Wikipedia

  • Superstitions (Mélusine) —  Pour l’article homonyme, voir Superstition (homonymie).  Superstitions 13e album de la série Mélusine Scénario Gilson Dessin …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Superstitions théâtrales — Superstition théâtrale Théâtre Par catégories Pe …   Wikipédia en Français

  • superstitions — su·per·sti·tion || ‚suːpÉ™(r) stɪʃn n. belief that is not based on fact; custom or action based on a superstitious belief; irrational fear of something that is unknown or mysterious …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Traditions et superstitions russes — Demande de traduction Russian traditions and superstitions → …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Theatrical superstitions — are superstitions particular to actors or the theatre.The Scottish playShakespeare s play Macbeth is said to be cursed, so actors avoid saying its name (the euphemism The Scottish Play is used instead). Actors also avoid even quoting the lines… …   Wikipedia

  • Japanese superstitions — are rooted in the culture and history of Japan and the Japanese people. Superstitious beliefs are common in Japan; many are related to the atom bomb, but even most of those have roots further back in Japan s history.cite journal |last=Simon… …   Wikipedia

  • Russian traditions and superstitions — include superstitions and customs of Russia and neighbouring former Soviet Union countries. Many of them are now inseparable parts of every day life, or simply common social etiquette, though they often have their origins in superstition. The… …   Wikipedia

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