1 storage spool
Кино: накопительная катушка -
2 storage spool
3 storage spool
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > storage spool
4 storage spool
5 storage spool
6 spool
1. n тех. намоточный барабан, шпуля2. n катушка; шпулька3. n текст. катушка; шпуля; бобинаfeed spool — подающая бобина; подающая кассета
4. n эл. каркас обмотки5. n фото бобина, катушка, сердечникtake-up spool — приемная бобина; приемная кассета
6. n кино бобышка7. n вчт. катушка магнитной ленты8. v наматывать9. v вчт. буферизовать, записывать в буферный файлСинонимический ряд:bobbin (noun) bar; bobbin; bottom; cop; cylinder; reel; spindle; toilet roll; tube -
7 spool
1) катушка; бобина (напр. для магнитной ленты)2) намотанная ( на катушку или бобину) магнитная лента3) наматывать(ся) ( на катушку или бобину); сматывать(ся) ( с катушки или бобины)4) перематывать ( магнитную ленту)5) каркас ( катушки индуктивности)6) вчт пересылать данные в программный или аппаратный спулер ( для постановки в очередь и последующей обработки)•- open-reel tape spool
- single-flange spool
- storage spool
- supply spool
- take-up spool -
8 spool
1) катушка; бобина (напр. для магнитной ленты)2) намотанная ( на катушку или бобину) магнитная лента3) наматывать(ся) ( на катушку или бобину); сматывать(ся) ( с катушки или бобины)4) перематывать ( магнитную ленту)5) каркас ( катушки индуктивности)6) вчт. пересылать данные в программный или аппаратный спулер ( для постановки в очередь и последующей обработки)•- open-reel tape spool
- single-flange spool
- storage spool
- supply spool
- take-up spoolThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > spool
9 spool
10 field spool
1. катушка обмотки возбуждения2. каркас обмотки возбуждения -
11 film spool
12 photographic spool
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > photographic spool
13 fixed-spool reel
рыб. безынерционная катушка -
14 capacity
1) способность7) мощность8) выработка, выход продукции11) вчт. (информационная) ёмкость, объём12) вчт. разрядность•-
absorbent capacity
absorbing capacity
accumulator capacity
active storage capacity
adhesive capacity
adsorption capacity
aerodrome handling capacity
air cleaner capacity
air tank capacity
air-cooler capacity
aircraft capacity
ampere-hour capacity
anion-exchange capacity
apparent contaminant capacity
average freight car capacity
bale capacity
bar capacity
barrier layer capacity
base-load generating capacity
basic capacity
battery capacity
battery discharge capacity
bearing capacity
binding capacity
bit capacity
blotting capacity
body cubic capacity
boiler capacity
breaking capacity
brine heat capacity
bucket capacity
bucking shear capacity
buffer capacity
buffer storage capacity
cable off-load breaking capacity
cable-charging breaking capacity
caking capacity
calorific capacity
capacitor capacity
capillary capacity
capillary moisture capacity
carrying capacity
cation-exchange capacity
cellulose-decomposing capacity
cementing capacity
channel capacity
channel-storage capacity
charging capacity
chucking capacity
circuit capacity
climbing capacity
coal-fired generating capacity
coke-burning capacity
coking capacity
cold-storage capacity
combining capacity
compartment capacity
condensing unit capacity
conservation storage capacity
container capacity
contaminant capacity
conveyance capacity
conveyor capacity
cooling capacity
cooling system capacity
cooling-down capacity
correcting capacity
cracking capacity
cross-country capacity
crosscut capacity
crude-charging capacity
crush-loaded capacity
cryosorption capacity
cubic capacity
current-carrying capacity
current capacity
cushioning capacity
cutting capacity
cylinder capacity
daily crude capacity
damping capacity
dead load derrick capacity
deadweight capacity
deck load capacity
delivery capacity
design capacity
dicharge capacity
dipper capacity
dirt-holding capacity
dirt capacity
dischargeable gasholder capacity
display capacity
display character capacity
dissolving capacity
diversion capacity
draft gear capacity
drainage capacity
dry bulk cargo capacity
effective capacity
effective storage capacity
energy capacity
environmental capacity
evaporative capacity
exceed capacity
excess capacity
exchange capacity
exclusive flood-control storage capacity
face capacity
fatigue capacity
field moisture capacity
field producing capacity
film capacity
film loading capacity
film pulling capacity
filter capacity
filtering capacity
firm capacity
flood-control storage capacity
flotation capacity
foaming capacity
forest site capacity
forest capacity
formatted capacity
freezing capacity
fuel capacity
fuel tank capacity
full capacity
furnace capacity
gas capacity
general cargo capacity
generating capacity
grain capacity
gross column capacity
gross margin capacity
hardening capacity
harmonic capacity
hauling capacity
H-cycle capacity
heaped capacity
heat absorption capacity
heat capacity
heat exchange capacity
heat storage capacity
heating capacity
hoisting capacity
hold capacity
holding capacity
hook load capacity
hydropower-plant capacity
idle capacity
inactive storage capacity
induced surcharge storage capacity
inductive capacity
information capacity
input capacity
installed capacity
installed generator capacity
installed nuclear capacity
intake capacity of well
interrupting capacity
ion-exchange capacity
irrigation capacity
joint use storage capacity
lading capacity
latent heat capacity
leak capacity
lifeboat capacity
lift capacity
lifting capacity
limiting cycling capacity
line capacity
line carrying capacity
line off-load breaking capacity
line-charging breaking capacity
liquefaction capacity
liquid capacity
liquid cargo capacity
live storage capacity
load capacity of a lubricant
load drum lifting capacity
load-carrying capacity
lumber load capacity
magnetic capacity
making capacity
marginal load capacity
membrane-exchange capacity
memory capacity
mine capacity
minimum stable capacity
moisture capacity
moisture-holding capacity
music power-handling capacity
nameplate capacity
net capacity
nominal capacity
off-highway truck capacity
oil-refining capacity
open flow capacity
operating capacity
output capacity
overload capacity
paper stock water-retention capacity
passenger capacity
payload capacity
peaking capacity
peak capacity
percolating capacity
pile capacity
pipe capacity
pipeline input capacity
pipeline transmission capacity
plant capacity
potential capacity
power line capacity
power system connected capacity
power system installed capacity
power transmission capacity
primary cell capacity
production capacity
productive capacity
pulp swelling capacity
pump capacity
pumped-storage capacity
pumping capacity
racking capacity
railway tonnage capacity
rain capacity
rated capacity
rated discharge capacity
reclaiming capacity
reducing capacity
refill capacity
refrigerant heat capacity
refrigerated cargo capacity
refrigerating capacity
register capacity
reserve capacity
reservoir fluid capacity
reservoir reserve capacity
resin-exchange capacity
resolving capacity
retired capacity
roadway capacity
road capacity
rope capacity
rotary static load capacity
runway capacity
rupturing capacity
safe load derrick capacity
sealing capacity
seating capacity
secondary side heat capacity
sedimentation capacity
self-hardening capacity
self-purification capacity
sensible refrigerating capacity
service brake capacity
setback capacity
sewing capacity
shaft capacity
shell capacity
shock-absorbing capacity
shoot-forming capacity
short-circuit making capacity
short-time capacity
single chamber capacity
soil intake capacity
spare capacities
specific capacity
specific heat capacity
specific inductive capacity
spool capacity
spreading capacity
standby capacity
static load capacity
station capacity
steam capacity
steelmaking capacity
stockpiling capacity
storage capacity
strain capacity
struck capacity
supporting capacity of film
surcharge storage capacity
surface loading capacity
surplus capacity
swelling capacity
swing capacity
switching capacity
tank capacity
terminal capacity
thermal capacity
thermal storage capacity
throughput capacity
tire capacity
tool storage capacity
torque capacity
torque-carrying capacity
total moisture capacity
total storage capacity
total tankage capacity
track capacity
traffic capacity
traffic-carrying capacity
transmission capacity
transmission line capacity
transportation capacity
treatment capacity
truck capacity
turbine capacity
ultimate bearing capacity
underdeck capacity
unformatted capacity
unit capacity
usable storage capacity
useful capacity
utilized capacity
vacuum-degassing capacity
volumetric capacity
volumetric heat capacity
water absorption capacity
water capacity
water storage capacity
water-holding capacity
watt-hour capacity
wearing capacity
weft insertion capacity
weight-carrying capacity
wing bearing capacity
wiring capacity
word capacity
working capacity
zero-error capacity -
15 drum
барабан; барабан бетономешалки; магнитный барабан; барабанный инструментальный магазин; цилиндр; капитель; барабанная полость; металлическая бочка (ёмкостью 2082 куб.м.); стандартный бак (для смазочных материалов); железная бочка; цилиндрический контейнер; цилиндрическая ёмкость; цилиндрический блок; дром; ёмкость; резервуар; вал; круглая мембрана; обечайка; раскатной цилиндр; ворот; валец; вальцовый затвор; II дробить; II барабанный- drum cam- drum capacity - drum cavity - drum changer - drum changing - drum cleaning - drum clutch - drum controller - drum countershaft - drum cure - drum dial - drum diameter - drum diconnect coupling - drum display - drum drier - drum face - drum feeder - drum filter - drum flange - drum gate - drum governor - drum-hand derrick - drum handling truck - drum hoist - drum lathe - drum length - drum machining limit - drum membrane - drum mixer - drum of winch - drum on - drum pump - drum reductor - drum reel - drum roller - drum rotor - drum screen - drum scrubber - drum separator - drum servo - drum shaft - drum shell - drum-shifter - drum sifter - drum sort - drum-spherical - drum spool - drum switch - drum-to-rope ratio - drum tool carrier - drum tool magazine - drum turret - drum-type continuous milling machine - drum-type decoiler - drum-type indexing miller - drum-type miller - drum-type milling machine - drum-type mixer - drum-type shears - drum-type tool changer - drum-type tool magazine - drum-type turret - drum-type vacuum filter - drum-type washer - drum upon - drum water meter - drum welder - drum winding - drum winding machine - air drum - assembly drum - bailing drum - ball drum - barking drum - barrel drum - beating drum - belt drum - blade drum - boiler drum - boom cable drum - boom hoist drum - cable drum- cam drum- centrifugal drum - chain drum - conveyor tension drum - cotton-picker drum - cradle rotational position drum - crushing drum - deep-cutting drum - differential drum - doffing drum - double drum - double-circle tool drum - double drum hoist - double-drum drier - double-drum separator - double-drum winch - drawing drum - drawworks drum - drier drum - drive drum - driven drum - elevating drum - fan drum - feed drum - feed rate drum - fertilizer drum - fertilizer-spreading drum - finned brake drum - fixed drum - flash drum - fluted drum - format drum - friction drum - front floating brake drum - full aperture drum - germinating drum - grate drum - grooved drum - hauling drum - heavy steel drum - hoist drum - hoisting drum - humidifying drum - idle drum - inner drum - interlocking drum - internal expanding drum brake - knockout drum - lead drum - lifting drum - liming drum - load drum - load equalization at hoisting drums - load-lifting drum - loading drum - long drum - loose drum - magnetic drum - main hoisting drum - micrometer drum - mixing drum - moistening drum - mud drum - oil drum - outer drum - peg-tooth drum - photosensitive drum - picker drum - pulling drum - rake drum - recorder drum - recording drum - replacement tool drum - return drum - reversing drum - ribbed brake drum - riddle drum - roller hoop drum - rope drum - rotor drum - rubber fabric drum - rubbing drum - sanding drum - sandline drum - scouring drum - scroll drum - scutching drum - seamless drum - self-sumping cutter drum - separating drum - shoe-to-drum clearance - shredding drum - silage chopping drum - slave drum - smooth drum - sorting drum - spindle drum - split drum - spool drum - standby drum - stepped drum of turbine - stop drum - storage drum - tail drum - tanning drum - tappet drum - thrashing drum - tilting drum - tool drum - tool storage drum - tool-positioning drum - traction drum - trip drum - tumbling drum - twin drum - two-shoe drum brake - washing drum - winch drum - wind-up drum - winding drum - wire drum - wirerope supply drum -
16 DSA
1) Общая лексика: Проект допсоглашения (Draft Supplement Agreement)2) Компьютерная техника: Direct Screen Access, Distributed Systems Architecture, Dynamic Storage Area3) Медицина: дигитальная субтракционная ангиография (DSA).4) Спорт: District Soccer Association5) Военный термин: Defence Shipping Agency, Defense Shipping Authority, Defense Supply Association, Defense Systems Analysis, Designated Support Activity, Direct Sales Agreement, Directed Search Area, Disability Service Allowance, Disk Storage Assembly, data systems administration, declaration of simple alert, deputy senior adviser, designated security agency, digital signal analysis, direct service activity, distant support area, division service area, division support area, documentation staging area, dynamic structure analysis, Defense Security Agency (ROK), Direct Service Activities (SIGINT), Defense Supply Agency (US)6) Техника: Doppler shift attenuation, Doppler spectrum analyzer, deep space antenna, deployable solar array, diagnostic self-assessment, differential synthesis algorithm, diffusion self-alignment technology, discrete sample analyzer, double-diffused self-aligned process, down sensor assembly, нерасходуемый анод (Dimension Stable Anode)7) Шутливое выражение: Da Sprite Authentic8) Британский английский: Driving Standards Agency9) Железнодорожный термин: Soo Line Railroad Company10) Экономика: суточные11) Оптика: digital subtraction angiography12) Политика: Democratic Socialists Of America13) Телекоммуникации: Digital Signature Algorithm (NIST), Directory System Agent (X. 500)14) Сокращение: Defence Services Academy (Myanmar), Defence Supply / Support Agency, Depth & Simultaneous Attack, Dial System Assistance, Distributed System Architecture, Divisional Supply Area, Data Stripping Array, Dynamic Signal Analyser15) Физиология: Dental Stand Alone16) Электроника: Digital Simulation Archive, Display system activity17) Вычислительная техника: Data Service Adapter, Digital Storage Architecture, data striping array, dynamic signal analyzer, Distributed Systems Architecture (Bull), Dynamic Scalable Architecture (DB, Informix), Digital Signature Algorithm (Verschluesselung, NIST), Directory System Agent (X. 500, DSA), digital signature algorithm19) Геофизика: Dynamic Spring Analysis20) Образование: Driver Safety Awareness21) Микроэлектроника: двухстороннее совмещение (dual side alignment)22) Сетевые технологии: Directory Service Agent, Directory Synchronization Agent, Dynamic Scalable Architecture, агент синхронизации каталогов, алгоритм цифровой подписи, динамическая расширяемая архитектура, системный агент каталога23) Полимеры: dynamic strain ageing24) Сахалин А: drilling support area25) Химическое оружие: DPE support area26) Интернет: Directory System Agent27) SAP.фин. Direct Selling Association, Ассоциация прямых продаж, АПП28) Карачаганак: нагнетательный фланец (double studded adaptor)29) Электротехника: dimensionally stable anode, distribution substation automation, dynamic security analysis30) Имена и фамилии: Drake ST. Alexander -
17 chamber
1) камера; отсек; отделение || помещать в камеру || камерный2) камера, полость3) комната4) мн. ч. англ. квартира•chamber behind retarder piston — авто запоршневое пространство замедлителя хода-
absorption chamber
accelerating chamber
acoustic chamber
aerotype float chamber
air chamber
air lock chamber
air working chamber
airborne haze chamber
air-mixing chamber
air-ventilation chamber
altitude chamber
altitude test chamber
altitude/temperature chamber
amalgamating chamber
anechoic chamber
aneroid chamber
annular combustion chamber
anode chamber
aspirating chamber
atomizing chamber
baffle chamber
baking chamber
bathtub combustion chamber
bean combustion chamber
blasting chamber
blending chamber
box-type combustion chamber
brake chamber
brake diaphragm chamber
brine chamber
bubble chamber
burn-in chamber
cable chamber
camera chamber
cannular combustion chamber
can-type combustion chamber
carbon-settling chamber
carburetor diffuser chamber
carburetor float chamber
carburetor suction chamber
cartridge chamber
catalyst chamber
cathode chamber
checker chamber
chromatographic chamber
clay chamber
climatic chamber
cloud chamber
coating chamber
coke chamber
cold storage chamber
collision chamber
combustion chamber
compensated ionization chamber
compression chamber
conditioning chamber
cooking chamber
cooling chamber
cracking chamber
crimping chamber
crusher chamber
cushion chamber
cyclone combustion chamber
decay chamber
deck decompression chamber
decompression chamber
decontamination chamber
deep freeze storage chamber
defrosting chamber
delivery chamber
deposition chamber
detritus chamber
developing chamber
diffusion cloud chamber
diffusion chamber
digestion chamber
discharge chamber
diversion chamber
divertor chamber
divided combustion chamber
diving chamber
drawing chamber
drill chamber
drip chamber
drying chamber
dust collection chamber
dust chamber
dust precipitation chamber
echo chamber
electrical dust precipitation chamber
electrochemical machining chamber
electrode chamber
electrostatic paint chamber
end fission chamber
enriched-uranium fission chamber
environmental chamber
environmental test chamber
evacuated chamber
evaporation chamber
exhaust chamber
expansion chamber
explosion chamber
exposure chamber
extinguishing chamber
fast ionization chamber
fast-neutron exposure chamber
filtration chamber
fission chamber
flash chamber
flat fission chamber
float chamber
float glass-forming chamber
flush chamber
foam chamber
foam-collecting chamber
foam-mixing chamber
fog chamber
freeze-drying chamber
freezing chamber
frozen products chamber
frying chamber
fuel injection chamber
fuel-changing chamber
fumigation chamber
furnace chamber
gamma-bucking ionization chamber
gamma-ionization chamber
gamma-ray chamber
gas discharge chamber
grit chamber
grouting chamber
heating chamber
hemispherical combustion chamber
humidifying chamber
hyperbaric chamber
influent chamber
inlet chamber
inspection chamber
intake chamber
ion production chamber
ionization chamber
ion chamber
irradiation chamber
jet chamber
ladle-degassing chamber
leak-detection chamber
lock chamber
low-pressure chamber
magma chamber
melting chamber
mixing chamber
moist chamber
multidiaphragm brake chamber
navigation chamber
neutron-detecting chamber
neutron-exposure chamber
nondivided combustion chamber
oil chamber
overflow chamber
piston retraction chamber
plenum chamber
plutonium fission chamber
polyspherical combustion chamber
pot chamber
power ionization chamber
precombustion chamber
precooling chamber
preheating chamber
preplasticizing chamber
pressure chamber
pressure test chamber
pretest chamber
primary drying chamber
priming chamber
processing chamber
process chamber
proof chamber
pull chamber
quenching chamber
radiation chamber
rapid temperature change chamber
reaction chamber
rebound chamber
reducing chamber
refrigeration chamber
regenerative chamber
resonance chamber
resonating chamber
reverberation chamber
reverse-flow combustion chamber
roasting chamber
rotary spool chamber
runner chamber
salt-fog chamber
sampler chamber
scintillation chamber
secondary drying chamber
sedimentation chamber
sediment chamber
separating chamber
settling chamber
shrink chamber
single combustion chamber
single-operating shrink chamber
skimming chamber
slag chamber
slow-neutron detecting chamber
slow-neutron exposure chamber
sludge chamber
sluice chamber
smelting chamber
smog chamber
smoke chamber
smoking chamber
soaking chamber
spherical combustion chamber
spinning chamber
spray chamber
spray cooling chamber
spray paint chamber
spring chamber
sputtering chamber
stagnation chamber
standing-off chamber
steam-curing chamber
still-water chamber
straight-through flow chamber
straight flow chamber
subfloor chamber
submersible decompression chamber
suction chamber
supply chamber
suppression chamber
surge chamber
swirl chamber
swirl combustion chamber
takeup chamber
target chamber
temperature cycling chamber
temperature chamber
test chamber
thermal shock chamber
thermal vacuum chamber
thermostatically controlled chamber
toroidal-cavity combustion chamber
track chamber
transfer chamber
triple diaphragm brake chamber
tubular combustion chamber
tuning chamber
turbulence combustion chamber
turbulent mixing chamber
uncompensated ionization chamber
vacuum chamber
vacuum test chamber
valve chamber
vapor chamber
vaporizing chamber
viewing chamber
vortex combustion chamber
washing chamber
wedge-shaped combustion chamber
welding chamber
wellhead chamber
Wilson cloud chamber
Wilson chamber
wind chamber
work chamber
working chamber -
18 holder
2) патрон; фиксатор3) резцедержатель; державка4) ручка; рукоятка5) контейнер6) резервуар8) корпус9) кассета || укладывать в кассету10) секция выдержки, выдерживатель ( в пастеризаторе)11) владелец (патента, сертификата)•-
air holder
aircraft licence holder
angle cock holder
angled holder
batten holder
bayonet holder
bobbin holder
broach holder
brush holder
bushing holder
bushing tool holder
carbon electrode holder
cartridge holder
cash holder
cassette holder
chain-type electrode holder
chip holder
cold-weld sealed holder
cone holder
core holder
crystal holder
diamond holder
die holder
Edison screw holder
ejector-type holder
ejector holder
electrode holder
electrolyte holder
evacuated glass holder
film holder
film pack holder
filter and matte holder
filter holder
flame holder
flash holder
floating tap holder
flue gas holder
fuse holder
gas storage holder
high-pressure gas holder
hill holder
IC holder
key holder
knife holder
lamp holder
lead holder
liquefied natural gas holder
liquefied petroleum gas holder
magnetic holder
matte holder
microfiche holder
necking holder
needle holder
negative holder
nonrotatable holder
offset holder
oil holder
oxygen lance holder
pipe holder
plate holder
quick-change holder
ram holder
relief holder
revolving bundle holder
ruling pen holder
sample holder
sash holder
scraper-blade holder
seed holder
single bend electrode holder
slice holder
slide holder
slip holder
spool holder
stem holder
store holder
straight electrode holder
substrate holder
support holder
suspension-type electrode holder
template holder
tongs-type holder
tool holder
transparency holder
vacuum film holder
vertical offset electrode holder
wafer holder
waterless gas holder
welding rod holder
wet storage holder
work holder -
19 drum
1) барабан; цилиндр•- cable drum
- cam drum
- C-axis drum
- chain drum
- clutch driven drum
- clutch driving drum
- copier drum
- cradle rotational position drum
- double-circle tool drum
- drive drum
- feed drum
- feed rate drum
- friction drum
- grooved drum
- hauling drum
- lifting drum
- load drum
- master drum
- micrometer drum
- photosensitive drum
- recorder drum
- recording drum
- replacement tool drum
- reversing drum
- ribbed brake drum
- rope drum
- rotor drum
- sanding drum
- slave drum
- smooth drum
- spindle drum
- spool drum
- steam drum
- stop drum
- storage drum
- tappet drum
- tilting drum
- tool drum
- tool storage drum
- tool-positioning drum
- trip drum
- tumbling drum
- water drum
- winch drum
- winding drum
- wind-up drumEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > drum
20 chamber
камера; полость; комната; отсек; коробка; футляр; отсек; баллон; II простреливать (шпур или скважину); расширять (дно скважины); помещаться- chamber baking - chamber behind retarder piston - chamber charge - chamber drier - chamber drying - chamber filter press - chamber lifter - chamber pressure - chamber saturation - chamber space - chamber temperature - chamber test - chamber underground storage - chamber-type underground storage - acceleration chamber - acoustic chamber - aerotype float chamber - air-mixing chamber - air-ventilation chamber - anechoic chamber - baling chamber - bean combustion chamber - beater chamber - blending chamber - blowout chamber - bowl-in-piston combustion chamber - box-type combustion chamber - bubble chamber - burn-off chamber - bathtub chamber - can-type combustion chamber - cannular combustion chamber - carbon-settling chamber - carburetor diffuser chamber - catalyst chamber - cathode chamber - checker chamber - chopper chamber - climatic chamber - cloud chamber - coating chamber - collection chamber - combing chamber - compression chamber - conditioning chamber - cooling chamber - correction chamber - crank chamber - crimping chamber - crusher chamber - crushing chamber - curing chamber - cushion chamber - cutting chamber - cyclone combustion chamber - cylindrical runner chamber - damping chamber - decompression chamber - decontamination chamber - deposition chamber - degum the combustion chamber - delivery chamber - delivery air chamber - detritus chamber - diffuser chamber - diffusion cloud chamber - discharge chamber - divided combustion chamber - dozing chamber - draft tube gate chamber - drill chamber - drip chamber - dust chamber - dust collection chamber - dust precipitation chamber - drying chamber - echo chamber - electrical dust precipitation chamber - electrochemical machining chamber - electrode chamber - electrostatic paint chamber - elongated vibratory chamber - end fission chamber - environmental chamber - environmental test chamber - evacuated chamber - evaporation chamber - exhaust chamber - expansion chamber - explosion chamber - extinguishing chamber - fast ionization chamber - feed chamber - filtration chamber - firing chamber - flash chamber - flat fission chamber - float chamber - flush chamber - foam chamber - foam-collecting chamber - foam-mixing chamber - fog chamber - freezing chamber - fuel chamber - fuel-changing chamber - fuel injection chamber - fumigation chamber - gallery-simple-differential surge chamber - gas discharge chamber - gate chamber - governor chamber - grinding chamber - grit chamber - grizzly chamber - head combustion chamber - heating chamber - hemispherical combustion chamber - high-pressure chamber - humidifying chamber - ignition chamber - inspection chamber - inlet chamber - intake chamber - jet chamber - leak-detection chamber - loading chamber - low-pressure chamber - main combustion chamber - measuring chamber - melting chamber - mixing chamber - mixture chamber - moist chamber - monitor chamber - mud chamber - multidiaphragm brake chamber - nondivided combustion chamber - oil chamber - open combustion chamber - overflow chamber - pent-roof combustion chamber - petrol chamber - piston chamber - piston combustion chamber - piston retraction chamber - plain combustion chamber - plenum chamber - plenum mixing chamber - pneumatic surge chamber - polyspherical combustion chamber - power ionization chamber - precompression chamber - preheating chamber - preignition chamber - preplasticizing chamber - pressure chamber - pressure test chamber - pretest chamber - primary drying chamber - priming chamber - process chamber - processing chamber - pump chamber - quenching chamber - rapid temperature change chamber - rebound chamber - reducing chamber - refrigeration chamber - regenerative chamber - resonance chamber - resonant chamber - resonating chamber - reverberation chamber - reverse-flow combustion chamber - rotary spool chamber - runner chamber - salt-fog chamber - salt-spray chamber - scintillation chamber - sealed chamber - secondary drying chamber - setting chamber - setting box chamber - shielding chamber - sight chamber - silencing chamber - sound chamber - sound attenuating chamber - spherical segment combus-tion chamber - spring-loaded brake chamber - stripping chamber - stuffing box chamber - suction chamber - sustainer chamber - cruising chamber - swirl combustion chamber - thermal vacuum chamber - test chamber - toroidal combustion chamber - tubular combustion chamber - turbulence combustion chamber - ultra-high-vacuum chamber - vacuum chamber - valve chamber - vertical-vortex combustion chamber - vortex chamber - vortex combustion chamber - washing chamber - water chamber - wedge-section combustion chamber - well chamber
- 1
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См. также в других словарях:
spool — spooler, n. spoollike, adj. /spoohl/, n. 1. any cylindrical piece or device on which something is wound. 2. a small cylindrical piece of wood or other material on which yarn is wound in spinning, for use in weaving; a bobbin. 3. a small cylinder… … Universalium
IBM System/36 — The IBM System/36 was a minicomputer marketed by IBM from 1983 to 2000. It was a multi user, multi tasking successor to the System/34. Like the System/34 and the older System/32, the System/36 was primarily programmed in the RPG II language. One… … Wikipedia
IBM System/34 — The IBM System/34 was a minicomputer marketed by IBM from 1978 to 1983. It was a multi user, multi tasking successor to the single user System/32. Most notably, it included two very different processors, one based on System/32 and the second… … Wikipedia
Wire recording — A Peirce 55 B dictation wire recorder from 1945 … Wikipedia
Spooling — In computer science, spooling refers to a process of transferring data by placing it in a temporary working area where another program may access it for processing at a later point in time. This temporary working area could be a file or storage… … Wikipedia
Compact Cassette — A TDK D C60 cassette, a common speech quality tape with a 60 minute playing time, in a housing similar to that of the original Compact Cassette specification … Wikipedia
News server operation — Among the operators and users of commercial Usenet news servers, common concerns are the continually increasing storage and network capacity requirements and their effects. Completion (the ability of a server to successfully receive all traffic) … Wikipedia
Technical features new to Windows Vista — This article is part of a series on Windows Vista New features Overview Technical and core system Security and safety Networking technologies I/O technologies Management and administration Removed features … Wikipedia
Space elevator — A space elevator for Earth would consist of a cable anchored to the Earth s equator, reaching into space. By attaching a counterweight at the end (or by further extending the cable upward for the same purpose), the center of mass is kept well… … Wikipedia
Miller Reese Hutchison — Born August 6, 1876(1876 08 06) Montrose, Alabama Died February 16, 1944 ( … Wikipedia
Apollo Command/Service Module — Apollo CSM The Apollo 15 CSM in lunar orbit Description Role: Earth and Lunar Orbit Crew: 3; CDR, CM pilot, LM pilot Dimensions Height: 36.2 ft 11.03 m … Wikipedia