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со всех языков на все языки


  • 21 kortgesloten leiding

    • short-circuited line
    • shorted line

    Nederlands-Engels Technisch Woordenboek > kortgesloten leiding

  • 22 короткозамкнутая линия

    short-circuited line электр.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь Масловского > короткозамкнутая линия

  • 23 линия

    arc, branch ж.-д., circuit, strip line, line, pin
    * * *
    ли́ния ж.
    line; ( на графике) curve
    по ли́нии — in the line of …
    располага́ться на одно́й ли́нии — be in line [be lined up] with one another
    ли́нии расхо́дятся — lines diverge
    ли́нии схо́дятся — lines converge
    абоне́нтская ли́ния — subscriber's [individual, exchange] line, subscriber's loop
    абоне́нтская ли́ния заво́дится в многокра́тное по́ле [в по́ле остальны́х коммута́торов] — each subscriber's line appears in multiple at several operator's positions
    абоне́нтская, возду́шная ли́ния — customer open wire line, open wire loop
    абоне́нтская, индивидуа́льная ли́ния — individual [direct exchange] line, one-party telephone
    ли́ния а́бриса картогр.planimetric line
    ли́ния АВ ( электрокаротаж) — energizing [current, power] line
    автомати́ческая ли́ния маш. — (automatic) transfer line, transfer machine
    автомати́ческая, жестяноба́ночная ли́ния — automatic can-making line
    автомати́ческая, ко́мплексная ли́ния маш. — integrated transfer line; integrated manufacturing system
    автомати́ческая, перенала́живаемая ли́ния маш.versatile transfer line
    автомати́ческая, n [m2]-позици́онная ли́ния маш.n -station transfer line
    автомати́ческая, прямолине́йная ли́ния маш.in-line transfer machine
    автомати́ческая ли́ния с ги́бкой свя́зью маш.non-synchronous transfer line
    автомати́ческая ли́ния с жё́сткой свя́зью маш.synchronous transfer line
    автомати́ческая ли́ния со спу́тниками маш.pallet type transfer line
    автомати́ческая, стано́чная ли́ния — transfer line
    автомати́ческая ли́ния с управле́нием от ЭВМ маш.computer-controlled transfer line
    агони́ческая ли́ния геод. — zero [agonic] line
    ли́ния а́зимута — azimuth line
    акусти́ческая ли́ния — acoustic line
    антисто́ксова ли́ния — anti-Stokes line
    ли́ния апси́д астр.line of apsides
    атмосфе́рная ли́ния тепл.air evacuation line
    ба́зисная ли́ния
    1. мат. reference line
    2. опт. base-line
    бесконе́чная ли́ния
    1. мат. line at infinity
    2. эл. infinite line
    ва́куумная (отка́чная) ли́ния — vacuum pump line
    ли́ния вало́в — line of shafting
    ли́ния верши́н зу́бьев шестерни́ — face line of teeth
    ли́ния взлё́тно-поса́дочной полосы́, осева́я — runway centre line
    ли́ния ви́димого горизо́нта — sky-line, horizon line
    ли́ния ви́димого ко́нтура ( на чертеже) — object line
    визи́рная ли́ния ( логарифмической линейки) — hair-line, indicator hair-line
    ли́ния визи́рования геод. — axis [line] of sight, observing [sight(ing) ] line
    винтова́я ли́ния — helical line, helix, spiral
    дви́гаться по винтово́й ли́нии — move in a helix [in a spiral]
    винтова́я, кони́ческая ли́ния — conical helix
    вихрева́я ли́ния мат. — vortex [whirl] line
    вихрева́я, за́мкнутая ли́ния мат.closed vortex line
    ли́ния влия́ния — influence line
    ли́ния вну́тренней свя́зи — inland circuit
    ли́ния возмуще́ний — Mach line
    ли́ния впа́дин шестерни́ — line of dents [dedendum line] of a gear
    ли́ния вса́сывания — suction line
    входна́я ли́ния вчт.input line
    ли́ния входя́щей свя́зи — incoming [inward] line
    ли́ния вы́борки вчт.select (ion) line
    выносна́я ли́ния ( на чертеже) — extension line
    выпускна́я ли́ния — exhaust line
    ли́ния выру́ливания ( со стоянки) ав.lead-off line
    ли́ния вы́ходов горн.outcrop line
    га́зовая ли́ния — gas line
    ли́ния генера́ции ( лазера) — lasing line
    геодези́ческая ли́ния — geodetic [geodesic] line
    ли́ния горизо́нта — sky-line, horizon line
    горизонта́льная ли́ния — level [horizontal] line
    горлова́я ли́ния мат. — striction line, line of striction (of a ruled surface)
    гребе́нчатая ли́ния элк.comb (transmission) line
    ли́ния давле́ния — pressure line
    ли́ния да́льности рлк.range line
    ли́ния движе́ния (частиц, электрона и т. п.) — trajectory
    ли́ния двоя́кой кривизны́ — line of double curvature, double-curved line
    ли́ния действи́тельного горизо́нта — true-horizon line
    ли́ния де́йствия — line of action
    ли́ния де́йствия си́лы — line of action of a force
    ли́ния де́йствия си́лы тя́жести — gravitational vertical
    ли́ния де́йствия тя́ги — thrust line, axis of thrust
    ли́ния де́йствующих забо́ев — line of active faces
    диагра́ммная ли́ния — (X-ray) diagram line
    ли́ния дислока́ций — dislocation line
    ли́ния дислока́ций выхо́дит на пове́рхность криста́лла — the dislocation line terminates at the surface of the crystal
    дифракцио́нная ли́ния — diffraction [diffracted] line
    дрена́жная ли́ния ( на самолёте) — vent line
    ли́ния ду́плекса, бала́нсная свз.duplex artificial line
    железнодоро́жная, грузонапряжё́нная ли́ния — heavy-traffic line
    железнодоро́жная, двухпу́тная ли́ния — double-track railway line
    железнодоро́жная, однопу́тная ли́ния — single-track railway line
    ли́ния жё́сткой тя́ги — pipe-line
    жи́рная ли́ния — heavy [heavily drawn] line
    ли́ния забо́ев — faces line
    ли́ния забо́ев, дугообра́зная — arched line of faces, arched faces line
    ли́ния забо́ев, искривлё́нная — bowed faces line
    ли́ния загоризо́нтной свя́зи — beyond-the-horizon [over-the-horizon] communication link
    ли́ния за́данного пути́ [ЛЗП] ав.брит. required [intended] track, track required, Tr. Req.; амер. course (line)
    ли́ния заде́ржки — delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, акусти́ческая — acoustic [sonic] delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки без поте́рь — dissipationless delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, водяна́я — water delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, герметизи́рованная — potted delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, иску́сственная — artificial delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, ка́бельная — cable delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, ква́рцевая — quartz delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, компенси́рованная — equalized delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, магнитострикцио́нная — magnetostrictive delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, многокра́тная — multiple delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, ни́келевая — nickel delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, поло́сковая — strip delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, про́волочная — wire delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, регули́руемая — variable delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, рту́тная — mercury delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, спира́льная — helical [spiral] delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки с распределё́нными пара́метрами — distributed-constant delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки с сосредото́ченными пара́метрами — lumped-constant delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, твердоте́льная — solid-state (delay) line, solid delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, ультразвукова́я — ultrasonic delay line
    ли́ния заде́ржки, электромагни́тная — electromagnetic delay line
    ли́ния заказна́я ли́ния тлф. — record operator's line, record circuit
    ли́ния залё́та топ.flight line
    ли́ния запасны́х забо́ев — line of reserved faces
    запрещё́нная ли́ния — forbidden line
    ли́ния зару́ливания ( на стоянку) ав.lead-in line
    заря́женная ли́ния — line of charge
    ли́ния застро́йки — building line
    ли́ния зацепле́ния голо́вок — head-line of contact, top line of action
    ли́ния зацепле́ния но́жек зу́бьев — dedendum line of contact
    зна́ковая ли́ния мат.directed line
    золоспускна́я ли́ния — sluice discharge pipe-line
    ли́ния зубча́того зацепле́ния — line of action
    ли́ния изги́ба ж.-д.curvature line
    ли́ния излуче́ния ла́зера — laser emission line
    измери́тельная ли́ния элк. — slotted [measuring] line, standing-wave meter
    и́мпульсная ли́ния ( в гидравлических и пневматических системах) — impulse line
    ли́ния инфильтра́ции — line of percolation
    ли́ния искажё́нных масшта́бов — zero line
    иску́сственная ли́ния эл.artificial line
    ли́ния исходя́щей свя́зи тлф. — outward [outgoing] line
    ли́ния кали́бра, нейтра́льная прок.neutral line of a groove
    ли́ния каса́ния — line of contact
    ли́ния каче́ния — line of rolling contact
    коаксиа́льная ли́ния — coaxial line
    коаксиа́льная, жё́сткая ли́ния — rigid coaxial line
    ли́ния кольцева́ния ав.cross-feed line
    кома́ндная ли́ния рлк.command link
    кома́ндная, проводна́я ли́ния рлк.wire command link
    конверсио́нная ли́ния — conversion line
    конта́ктная ли́ния эл.contact-wire line
    контро́льная ли́ния геод. — check(ing) [control, test] line
    ко́нтурная ли́ния (напр. на карте) — contour line
    ли́ния концентра́ции возмуще́ния — Mach line
    короткоза́мкнутая ли́ния — short-circuited line
    котида́льная ли́ния навиг.co-tidal line
    ли́ния крити́ческих то́чек аргд.stagnation line
    ли́ния ку́рса ав.брит. course (line); амер. heading
    ли́ния ку́рса курсово́го маяка́ — localizer course
    курсова́я ли́ния ав.heading line
    ла́зерная ли́ния — laser line
    ло́маная ли́ния — open polygon, broken [polygonal] line
    ли́ния Лю́дерса метал. — Lьder(s) [slip] line
    магистра́льная ли́ния — trunk [main] line
    ли́ния магни́тной инду́кции — line of magnetic flux, magnetic line of flux
    ма́зерная ли́ния — maser line
    ли́ния Ма́ки кфт.Mackie line
    меридиа́нная ли́ния — meridian line
    ме́рная ли́ния мор.trial course
    ли́ния метео́рной свя́зи — meteor-burst [meteor-scatter] link
    ли́ния нагнета́ния — discharge [delivery] line
    нагру́женная ли́ния эл., радиоloaded line
    назе́мная ли́ния — land [ground] line
    ли́ния наибо́льшего ска́та мат. — line of maximum inclination, steepest line (in a plane), line of greatest declivity
    ли́ния наиме́ньшего сопротивле́ния — line of least resistance
    ли́ния напла́вки — line of fusion
    ли́ния направле́ния съё́мки афс.course of flight
    направля́ющая ли́ния — directrix
    ли́ния насыще́ния — saturation line
    ли́ния нача́ла отсчё́та — fiducial (reference, zero, datum) line
    ли́ния неви́димого ко́нтура ( на чертеже) — invisible [hidden] line
    недиагра́ммная ли́ния — non-diagram (X-ray) line, X-ray satellite
    нейтра́льная ли́ния — neutral line
    неодноро́дная ли́ния свз. — non-uniform [heterogeneous] line
    непересека́ющаяся ли́ния — skew line
    неразрешё́нная ли́ния физ.unresolved peak
    несимметри́чная ли́ния свз.unbalanced line
    несо́бственная ли́ния мат.ideal line
    нивели́руемая ли́ния — line of levels
    нулева́я ли́ния — zero [null] line
    ли́ния нулево́го склоне́ния геод. — zero [agonic] line
    ли́ния нулевы́х значе́ний геод. — zero [agonic] line
    ли́ния обмета́ния ( гребного винта) — sweep line
    ли́ния обруше́ния горн.line of caving
    ли́ния обтека́ния — streamline
    одноро́дная ли́ния свз.uniform line
    осева́я ли́ния — axis, centre line
    ли́ния основа́ния зу́бьев ( шестерни) — bottom line of teeth
    ли́ния основа́ния карти́ны топ. — axis of homology, axis of perspective, perspective axis, ground line
    осно́вная ли́ния мор.base-line
    ли́ния отве́са геод.plumb (bob) line
    отве́сная ли́ния — tire vertical (line)
    отве́сная ли́ния задаё́тся отве́сом — the vertical [line] is assumed as a plumb-line
    ли́ния отде́лочных клете́й прок.finishing mill train
    ли́ния отко́са — shoulder [slope] line
    ли́ния отсчё́та — reference [dation] line
    ли́ния паде́ния горн.line of dip
    ли́ния па́лубы ( на теоретическом чертеже) — deck line, (на боковой проекции теоретического чертежа) sheer line
    ли́ния пе́ленга — bearing line, line of bearing
    ли́ния переда́чи эл., радио(transmission) line
    включа́ть ли́нию (переда́чи) на, напр. согласо́ванную нагру́зку — terminate a (transmission) line into, e. g., a matched load
    закора́чивать ли́нию переда́чи — short-circuit a (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи излуча́ет эне́ргию — a (transmission) line radiates
    ли́ния переда́чи без поте́рь — loss-free [lossless] line
    ли́ния переда́чи да́нных вчт.data line
    ли́ния переда́чи, дли́нная — long (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, закры́тая — close (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, коаксиа́льная — coaxial (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, многопроводна́я — multiwire (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, опти́ческая — optical transmission line
    ли́ния переда́чи, откры́тая — open (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, печа́тная элк.printed line
    ли́ния переда́чи, пневмати́ческая — airpressure line
    ли́ния переда́чи, поло́сковая — strip (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, поло́сковая несимметри́чная — microstrip (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, поло́сковая, симметри́чная — strip (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, полуволно́вая — half wave (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, разо́мкнутая на конце́ — open-ended (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи с больши́м затуха́нием — lossy line
    ли́ния переда́чи, сверхпроводя́щая — superconducting (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи с поте́рями — lossy line
    ли́ния переда́чи, трё́хпластинчатая — tri-plate line
    ли́ния переда́чи, узкополо́сная — narrowband (transmission) line
    ли́ния переда́чи, широкопо́лосная — wideband (transmission) line
    ли́ния перели́ва — overflow line
    ли́ния пересече́ния — line of intersection
    ли́ния перспекти́вы топ. — perspective line, perspective ray
    ли́ния пита́ния — supply [power] line
    пита́ющая ли́ния — incoming transmission line, feeder
    ли́ния погруже́ния, преде́льная мор.margin line
    подводя́щая ли́ния ( в гидравлических и пневматических системах) — feeding line
    ли́ния полё́та — flight path
    ли́ния положе́ния [ЛП] навиг. — line of position, position line, LP
    выходи́ть на ли́нию положе́ния — arrive at [strike] an LP
    оцифро́вывать ли́нию положе́ния коли́чеством микросеку́нд ра́зности вре́мени — identify a position line by its time-difference in ms
    ли́ния положе́ния, высо́тная — Sumner (position) line
    ли́ния положе́ния самолё́та [ЛПС] — aircraft-position line, APL
    полу́денная ли́ния геод. — magnetic north [meridian] line
    ли́ния по́ля — line of force, field line, line of field
    ли́ния постоя́нной интенси́вности ви́хрей — isocurlus
    ли́ния постоя́нной ско́рости — isovel
    пото́чная ли́ния — (continuous) production [flow] line
    сходи́ть с пото́чной ли́нии ( с конвейера) — roll off a production [flow] line
    по́ясная ли́ния ( кузова мобиля) — waistline
    ли́ния проги́ба — deflection [bending] line
    ли́ния прока́тки — rolling [mill] train
    ли́ния промежу́точного перегре́ва, горя́чая тепл.hot reheat line
    ли́ния промежу́точного перегре́ва, холо́дная тепл.cold reheat line
    ли́ния промерза́ния стр.frost line
    ли́ния простира́ния горн.strike line
    пряма́я ли́ния — straight line
    дви́гаться по прямы́м ли́ниям — move [travel] in straight lines
    ли́ния прямо́й ви́димости — line-of-sight
    пункти́рная ли́ния — dotted line
    ли́ния пути́ — track line, course line (Примечание. на практике в английской литературе наблюдается смешение track с course.)
    рабо́чая ли́ния проце́сса хим.operating line
    ли́ния ра́вного потенциа́ла — co-potential line
    ли́ния равноде́нствия — equinoctial line
    ли́ния ра́вных высо́т геод.line of equal elevation
    ли́ния ра́вных пе́ленгов самолё́та [ЛРПС] — line of bearings
    получа́ть ли́нии ра́вных пе́ленгов самолё́та — develop lines of bearings
    ли́ния ра́вных скоросте́й — isotach
    радиопроводна́я ли́ния — combined radio and wire link
    ли́ния радиосвя́зи — radio link, radio circuit
    ли́ния радиосвя́зи, реле́йная — microwave line-of-signal, radio link
    ли́ния радиосвя́зи, реле́йная бли́жняя — short-haul radio link
    ли́ния радиосвя́зи, реле́йная да́льняя — long-haul radio link
    радиотелеметри́ческая ли́ния — radio-telemetry link
    ли́ния радиотелефо́нной свя́зи — radiotelephone circuit
    ли́ния развё́ртки рлк., тлв. — beam trace, sweep-trace, scan(ning) trace
    ли́ния разде́ла — boundary (line)
    разме́рная ли́ния ( на чертеже) — dimension line
    ли́ния разре́за ( на чертеже) — cutting line
    разрешё́нная ли́ния
    1. resolved peak
    2. permissible [allowed] line
    ли́ния разъё́ма моде́ли литейн. — parting [joint] line of a pattern
    ли́ния разъё́ма фо́рмы литейн. — parting [joint] line of a mould
    ли́ния разъё́ма шта́мпа — die [flash] line
    распада́ющаяся ли́ния мат.decomposed line
    ли́ния распростране́ния — line of propagation
    расто́почная ли́ния тепл.start-up line
    ли́ния расшире́ния — expansion line
    реги́стровая ли́ния свз.sender link
    ли́ния регре́ссии — regression line, line of regression
    ли́ния ре́зания горн. — cutting line, cutting horizon
    резона́нсная ли́ния — resonance line
    ре́перная ли́ния — datum line
    ли́ния рециркуля́ции тепл.recirculation line
    ли́ния сбро́са горн.fault line
    ли́ния сверхрешё́тки крист.superlattice line
    сверхструкту́рная ли́ния — superstructure line
    ли́ния свя́зи — communication line, communication link
    демонти́ровать ли́нию свя́зи — dismantle a (communication) line
    освобожда́ть ли́нию свя́зи ( об абоненте) — get off [clear] the (communication) line
    передава́ть ли́нию свя́зи в эксплуата́цию — open a [the] (communication) line [circuit] for traffic
    посыла́ть (сигна́л) в ли́нию свя́зи — transmit to a (communication) line
    ли́ния свя́зи испо́льзуется для, напр. телефони́и — the (communication) line carries, e. g., telephony
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи — use a (communication) line for multichannel operation
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи, напр. 10 кана́лами — multiplex [derive], e. g., 10 channels on a (communication) line
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи с вре́менным разделе́нием сигна́лов — time-multiplex a (communication) line, use a line for time-division multiplex
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи с часто́тным разделе́нием сигна́лов — frequency-multiplex a (communication) line, use a line for frequency-division multiplex
    уплотня́ть ли́нию свя́зи фанто́мной це́лью — phantom a (communication) line, set up [derive] a phantom circuit on a (communication) line
    ли́ния свя́зи, возду́шная — aerial line
    ли́ния связи́, двухпроводна́я — two-wire line, two-wire circuit
    ли́ния свя́зи, двухце́пная — double-circuit line
    ли́ния свя́зи, ка́бельная — cable line
    ли́ния свя́зи, комбини́рованная — composite communication link
    ли́ния свя́зи, ме́стная — local circuit
    ли́ния свя́зи, объединя́ющая тлф., телегр.concentration line
    ли́ния свя́зи, однопроводна́я — single-wire circuit, single-wire line
    ли́ния свя́зи, одноцепна́я — single-circuit line
    ли́ния свя́зи, отходя́щая — offgoing line
    ли́ния свя́зи, при́городная тлф., телегр. — suburban line, short-haul toll circuit
    ли́ния свя́зи, пупинизи́рованная — coil-loaded line
    ли́ния свя́зи, радиореле́йная — microwave relay [radio-relay] link
    ли́ния свя́зи, ретрансляцио́нная — relay link
    ли́ния свя́зи, служе́бная — order circuit, engineers order wire
    ли́ния свя́зи, спа́ренная — two-party line
    ли́ния свя́зи, спу́тниковая — satellite communication link
    ли́ния свя́зи, столбова́я — pole line
    ли́ния свя́зи, тропосфе́рная — troposcatter [tropospheric-scatter] link
    ли́ния свя́зи, уплотнё́нная — multiplexed [multichannel] line
    ли́ния сгора́ния — combustion [ignition] line
    секу́щая ли́ния — secant
    ли́ния се́тки координа́т — grid line
    ли́ния сжа́тия — compression line
    силова́я ли́ния — line of force, field line, line of field
    силова́я, магни́тная ли́ния — magnetic line of force
    ли́ния скачка́ уплотне́ния — shock line
    ли́ния скольже́ния
    1. glide line
    2. метал. slip line
    сливна́я ли́ния — drain line
    слоева́я ли́ния крист.layer line
    сма́зочная ли́ния — lubrication line
    ли́ния сме́ны дат — date line
    ли́ния смеще́ния — displacement line
    соедини́тельная ли́ния ( между коммутационными узлами) тлф.брит. junction (route), (inter-exchange) junction circuit; амер. trunk
    назнача́ть соедини́тельную ли́нию — allot a junction (route), assign a trunk
    соедини́тельная, входя́щая ли́ния тлф.incoming junction (route)
    соедини́тельная, исходя́щая ли́ния тлф.outgoing junction (route)
    соедини́тельная, транзи́тная ли́ния тлф. — through-traffic junction (route), tandem [built-up] trunk
    ли́ния сопротивле́ния, расчё́тная — calculated line of resistance
    спектра́льная ли́ния — spectral [spectrum] line
    выделя́ть спектра́льную, ли́нию — isolate a spectral line
    спектра́льная ли́ния раздва́ивается — the spectral line splits
    спектра́льные ли́нии сближа́ются — (the) spectral lines crowd together
    спектра́льные ли́нии сгуща́ются — (the) spectral lines crowd together
    спектра́льные ли́нии характеризу́ют [позволя́ют определя́ть] веще́ства — substances are identified by spectral lines
    спектра́льная, враща́тельная ли́ния — rotational spectral line
    спектра́льная, интенси́вная ли́ния — strong spectral line
    спектра́льная, колеба́тельная ли́ния — vibrational spectral line
    спектра́льная, ло́жная ли́ния — ghost spectral line
    спектра́льная ли́ния поглоще́ния — absorption spectral line
    спектра́льная, размы́тая ли́ния — diffuse spectral line
    спектра́льная, рентге́новская ли́ния — X-ray spectral line
    спектра́льная, сла́бая ли́ния — faint spectral line
    спира́льная ли́ния — spiral (line), helix
    ли́ния сплавле́ния — (weld-)fusion line
    сплошна́я ли́ния ( на чертеже) — full [solid] line
    спра́вочная ли́ния тлф. — information [inquiry] circuit
    сре́дняя ли́ния валко́в прок.roll parting line
    сре́дняя ли́ния про́филя прок.camber line
    сре́дняя ли́ния трапе́ции — median of a trapezoid
    ли́ния степене́й то́чности — line of precision
    сто́ксова ли́ния ( спектра) — Stokes line
    стрикцио́нная ли́ния — gorge [striction] line, line of striction
    ли́ния сходи́мости — convergence line
    ли́ния теку́чести — flow line
    телеметри́ческая ли́ния — telemetry link
    телефо́нная ли́ния — ( совокупность технических устройств) telephone line; ( в переносном значении) connection
    занима́ть (телефо́нную) ли́нию — hold the connection
    освободи́ть (телефо́нную) ли́нию — clear the line
    прове́рить (телефо́нную) ли́нию на за́нятость — test a line for the engaged condition
    (телефо́нная) ли́ния занята́ ( ответ оператора) — the line is busy [engaged]
    теорети́ческая ли́ния мор.moulded line
    технологи́ческая ли́ния — production line
    ли́ния то́ка
    1. аргд. stream-line
    визуализи́ровать [де́лать ви́димой] ли́нию то́ка — visualize the stream-line
    ли́ния то́ка, визуализи́рованная — traced stream-line
    ли́ния то́ка в крити́ческой то́чке — stagnation stream-line
    ли́ния то́ка, крити́ческая — stagnation stream-line
    ли́ния то́ка, раздели́тельная — discriminating [dividing] stream-line
    то́лстая ли́ния ( на чертеже) — heavy line
    трансмиссио́нная ли́ния — transmission line, continuous line of shafting
    ли́ния труб — run of pipes
    ли́ния тя́ги — draft line
    ли́ния уда́ра — line of impact
    узлова́я ли́ния — nodal line
    уравни́тельная ли́ния тепл.equalizing line
    ли́ния у́ровня мат. — contour [level] line, level curve
    ли́ния факти́ческого пути́ ав.брит. track made good, TMG; амер. track
    фока́льная ли́ния — focal line
    ли́ния фо́кусов аргд.aerodynamic centre line
    форва́куумная ли́ния — roughing-down line
    ли́ния форм релье́фа геод. — form [landform] line
    фраунго́феровы ли́нии — Fraunhofer-lines
    характеристи́ческая ли́ния — characteristic line
    ходова́я ли́ния геод., топ. — computation course, computation line, route
    холоста́я ли́ния эл.unloaded line
    ли́ния хо́рды ав.chord line
    ли́ния це́нтров — line of centres, centre line
    ли́ния це́нтров давле́ния — centre-of-pressure line
    цепна́я ли́ния мат. — catenary, catenary curve, catenary line
    ли́ния четырёхвалко́вых клете́й прок.quarto train
    чистова́я петлева́я ли́ния прок.looping finishing train
    ли́ния широты́ навиг.line of latitude
    ли́ния шри́фта — type line
    ли́ния шри́фта, ве́рхняя — top line of type face
    ли́ния шри́фта, ни́жняя — bottom line of type face
    штрихпункти́рная ли́ния — dash-dot line
    эквипотенциа́льная ли́ния — equipotential line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи [ЛЭП] — (electric) power line
    меня́ть ли́нию электропереда́чи — re-string a power line
    наве́шивать ли́нию электропереда́чи — string a (power) line
    осуществля́ть высокочасто́тную обрабо́тку ли́нии электропереда́чи — install carrier-frequency trapping and coupling equipment on a power line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи (нахо́дится) под напряже́нием — the power line is hot [live]
    ли́ния электропереда́чи, возду́шная — aerial power line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи высо́кого напряже́ния — high-voltage power lire
    ли́ния электропереда́чи, грозоупо́рная — lightning-resistant power line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи, ка́бельная — cable power line
    ли́ния электропереда́чи, подзе́мная — underground [buried] power line
    этало́нная ли́ния — standard line
    ли́ния этало́нной заде́ржки — standard delay line

    Русско-английский политехнический словарь > линия

  • 24 короткозамкнутая линия

    1) Engineering: short-circuited line
    2) Telecommunications: short-circuit line

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > короткозамкнутая линия

  • 25 Kurzschlussleitung

    f <el> ■ short-circuited line

    German-english technical dictionary > Kurzschlussleitung

  • 26 kurzgeschlossene Leitung

    Leitung f: kurzgeschlossene Leitung f short-circuited line

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik > kurzgeschlossene Leitung

  • 27 invalidar

    to invalidate.
    * * *
    1 to invalidate
    * * *
    VT [+ certificado, resultado] to invalidate, nullify; [+ decisión] to reverse; [+ leyes] to repeal
    * * *
    verbo transitivo < documento> to invalidate, nullify; <premisa/argumento> to invalidate
    * * *
    = negate, override, overturn, render + redundant, render + suspect, render + wrong, rule out, rule out, short-circuit [shortcircuit], stultify, eviscerate, deflate, invalidate, preempt [pre-empt], pull + the plug on, overrule, void, make + redundant.
    Ex. Thus excessive delays in the availability of cataloguing records from the central agency will negate much of the value of a central service.
    Ex. On the final screen in the sequence, the default values for today's closing time and tomorrow's opening time may be overridden.
    Ex. However, any refinement involves greater human intervention, and this in turn can easily overturn the arguments in favour of subject indexes based upon titles.
    Ex. We need to replace those aspects of traditional public library service which have been taken over by other media or rendered redundant by social change.
    Ex. Poor standards of cataloguing in the past render many examples of retrospective music bibliography suspect.
    Ex. Further, changes in the external world serve to render judgments, valid at the moment, wrong at best, and detrimental to the effectiveness of the catalog at worst.
    Ex. If, however, we index documents about primary schools under the term primary school, we can immediately rule out a lot of irrelevant documents in our search.
    Ex. If, however, we index documents about primary schools under the term primary school, we can immediately rule out a lot of irrelevant documents in our search.
    Ex. There is little modulation, whole steps of division being short-circuited and an odd assembly of terms being frequently found: e.g.: LAW see also JURY, JUDGES.
    Ex. Excessive standardisation also tends to stultify development and improvement of IT products.
    Ex. Also, to become emotionally wedded to a particular view is to eviscerate one's effectiveness in achieving a workable solution.
    Ex. These developments deflate some traditional assumptions about and privileges associated with scientific and technical knowledge.
    Ex. However, in November 1976, with the eighth edition still hot from the press, the decision to revert wholly to indirect subdivision was implemented, thus invalidating a substantial part of the Introduction to the eighth edition.
    Ex. This article concludes that the main value of the indicators is as a management tool, as a means of preempting problems.
    Ex. However, the effects of media conglomeration on Times Mirror for bottom line results would pull the plug on the New York venture that was nearing its provisional term and beginning to show positive results.
    Ex. President Eisenhower overruled some of his military commanders in summer 1958, ordering them not to use nuclear weapons against China.
    Ex. However, in the case when the user's input fails, we would like to void the reserved funds.
    Ex. In one breath you say it's not very valuable and technologies will soon be here to make it redundant and in the next breath boast of its capabilities - you just can't have it both ways!.
    * invalidar las críticas = disarm + criticism.
    * invalidar las quejas = disarm + complaints.
    * invalidar un argumento = invalidate + argument.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo < documento> to invalidate, nullify; <premisa/argumento> to invalidate
    * * *
    = negate, override, overturn, render + redundant, render + suspect, render + wrong, rule out, rule out, short-circuit [shortcircuit], stultify, eviscerate, deflate, invalidate, preempt [pre-empt], pull + the plug on, overrule, void, make + redundant.

    Ex: Thus excessive delays in the availability of cataloguing records from the central agency will negate much of the value of a central service.

    Ex: On the final screen in the sequence, the default values for today's closing time and tomorrow's opening time may be overridden.
    Ex: However, any refinement involves greater human intervention, and this in turn can easily overturn the arguments in favour of subject indexes based upon titles.
    Ex: We need to replace those aspects of traditional public library service which have been taken over by other media or rendered redundant by social change.
    Ex: Poor standards of cataloguing in the past render many examples of retrospective music bibliography suspect.
    Ex: Further, changes in the external world serve to render judgments, valid at the moment, wrong at best, and detrimental to the effectiveness of the catalog at worst.
    Ex: If, however, we index documents about primary schools under the term primary school, we can immediately rule out a lot of irrelevant documents in our search.
    Ex: If, however, we index documents about primary schools under the term primary school, we can immediately rule out a lot of irrelevant documents in our search.
    Ex: There is little modulation, whole steps of division being short-circuited and an odd assembly of terms being frequently found: e.g.: LAW see also JURY, JUDGES.
    Ex: Excessive standardisation also tends to stultify development and improvement of IT products.
    Ex: Also, to become emotionally wedded to a particular view is to eviscerate one's effectiveness in achieving a workable solution.
    Ex: These developments deflate some traditional assumptions about and privileges associated with scientific and technical knowledge.
    Ex: However, in November 1976, with the eighth edition still hot from the press, the decision to revert wholly to indirect subdivision was implemented, thus invalidating a substantial part of the Introduction to the eighth edition.
    Ex: This article concludes that the main value of the indicators is as a management tool, as a means of preempting problems.
    Ex: However, the effects of media conglomeration on Times Mirror for bottom line results would pull the plug on the New York venture that was nearing its provisional term and beginning to show positive results.
    Ex: President Eisenhower overruled some of his military commanders in summer 1958, ordering them not to use nuclear weapons against China.
    Ex: However, in the case when the user's input fails, we would like to void the reserved funds.
    Ex: In one breath you say it's not very valuable and technologies will soon be here to make it redundant and in the next breath boast of its capabilities - you just can't have it both ways!.
    * invalidar las críticas = disarm + criticism.
    * invalidar las quejas = disarm + complaints.
    * invalidar un argumento = invalidate + argument.

    * * *
    invalidar [A1 ]
    ‹documento› to invalidate, nullify; ‹premisa/argumento› to invalidate
    * * *

    invalidar verbo transitivo to invalidate
    ' invalidar' also found in these entries:
    - negate
    - overrule
    - over
    * * *
    [sujeto: circunstancias] to invalidate; [sujeto: juez] to declare invalid;
    les invalidaron dos goles they had two goals disallowed
    * * *
    v/t invalidate
    * * *
    : to nullify, to invalidate

    Spanish-English dictionary > invalidar

  • 28 cambio

    1 change.
    se ha producido un cambio de situación the situation has changed, there has been a change in the situation
    a las primeras de cambio at the first opportunity
    cambio de domicilio change of address
    cambio horario = putting clocks back or forward one hour (bianual)
    cambio de gobierno change of government
    2 exchange (intercambio).
    a cambio (de) in exchange o return (for)
    no pido nada a cambio I'm not asking for anything back o in return
    3 change (monedas).
    nos hemos quedado sin cambio(s) we're out of change
    ¿tiene cambio de cinco mil? have you got change of o for five thousand?
    quédese con el cambio keep the change
    5 substitution, change (sport) (sustitución).
    hacer un cambio to make a substitution o change
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: cambiar.
    * * *
    1 change, changing
    2 (intercambio) exchange, exchanging
    3 (dinero suelto) change, loose change; (vuelta) change
    ¿me puedes dar cambio de cien euros? can you change a hundred euros?
    4 (acciones) price, quotation; (divisas) exchange rate
    5 (tren) switch
    6 AUTOMÓVIL gear change
    a cambio de in exchange for
    a las primeras de cambio figurado at the first opportunity
    en cambio on the other hand, but, whereas
    tú no puedes cantar, en cambio él sí you can't sing, but he can
    cambio automático AUTOMÓVIL automatic transmission
    cambio de la guardia changing of the guard
    cambio de marchas (acción) gear change 2 (caja) gearbox
    cambio de planes change of plans
    casa de cambio bureau de change
    libre cambio free trade
    * * *
    noun m.
    3) exchange, swap
    - en cambio
    * * *
    1) (=variación) change

    necesito un cambio de airesI need a change of scene

    siempre nos veíamos durante el cambio de clasewe always used to meet in the break between classes

    un cambio para mejor/peor — a change for the better/worse

    cambio de agujas — (Ferro) points junction, switch junction (EEUU)

    cambio de gobierno[completo] change of government; [parcial] reshuffle

    cambio de línea — (Inform) line feed

    cambio de marchas(=acción) gear change; (=mecanismo) gear stick, gearshift (EEUU)

    cambio de opinión — change of opinion, turn in opinion

    cambio de página — (Inform) form feed

    cambio de rasante, prohibido adelantar en un cambio de rasante — no overtaking on the brow of a hill

    cambio de tercio — (Taur) change of stage ( in a bullfight)

    cambio de velocidades= cambio de marchas

    cambio de vía — (Ferro) points pl, switches pl (EEUU)

    2) (=intercambio) exchange, swap *

    hicimos un cambio de coche — we exchanged cars, we swapped cars *

    3) (Econ)
    a) (=dinero suelto) change

    ¿tienes cambio de 50 euros? — do you have change for 50 euros?, can you change 50 euros?

    b) [de moneda extranjera] (=tipo) exchange rate

    Cambio — Bureau de Change, Change


    a cambio — in return, in exchange

    "admitimos su coche usado a cambio" — "cars taken in part exchange", "trade-ins accepted"

    a cambio de — in return for, in exchange for

    reclamaba dinero a cambio de su silenciohe demanded money in return o exchange for keeping quiet (about it)


    en cambio — whereas

    yo nunca llego a tiempo, en cambio ella es muy puntual — I never arrive on time, whereas she is very punctual

    ¿pero qué ha sucedido en cambio? — but instead, what has happened?

    * * *
    a) (alteración, modificación) change

    cambio de algo<de planes/domicilio> change of something

    un cambio de aires or ambiente — a change of scene

    a la primera de cambio — (fam) at the first opportunity

    b) (Auto) gearshift (AmE), gear change (BrE)

    meta el cambio — (AmL) put it in gear

    un coche con cinco cambios — (AmL) a car with a five-speed gearbox

    a) ( canje) exchange

    a cambio (de) — in exchange (for), in return (for)

    en cambio: a él le gusta a mí en cambio no he likes it but I don't; el autobús es agotador, en cambio el tren es muy agradable — the bus is exhausting; the train however o on the other hand is very pleasant

    a) (Fin) ( de moneda extranjera) exchange

    ¿a cómo está el cambio? — what's the exchange rate?

    cambio — bureau de change, change

    al cambio del día — at the current exchange rate; libre I 1)

    b) ( diferencia) change
    c) ( dinero suelto) change

    ¿tienes cambio de mil? — can you change a thousand pesetas?

    * * *
    a) (alteración, modificación) change

    cambio de algo<de planes/domicilio> change of something

    un cambio de aires or ambiente — a change of scene

    a la primera de cambio — (fam) at the first opportunity

    b) (Auto) gearshift (AmE), gear change (BrE)

    meta el cambio — (AmL) put it in gear

    un coche con cinco cambios — (AmL) a car with a five-speed gearbox

    a) ( canje) exchange

    a cambio (de) — in exchange (for), in return (for)

    en cambio: a él le gusta a mí en cambio no he likes it but I don't; el autobús es agotador, en cambio el tren es muy agradable — the bus is exhausting; the train however o on the other hand is very pleasant

    a) (Fin) ( de moneda extranjera) exchange

    ¿a cómo está el cambio? — what's the exchange rate?

    cambio — bureau de change, change

    al cambio del día — at the current exchange rate; libre I 1)

    b) ( diferencia) change
    c) ( dinero suelto) change

    ¿tienes cambio de mil? — can you change a thousand pesetas?

    * * *
    1 = adaptive response, alteration, change, editing, modulation, move, recasting, redesign, rotation, shift, transfer, transformation, changeover [change-over], disturbance, mutation, permeability, reformation, switchover, reverse, shift away from, shifting, changing of the guard, swing, bartering, switch, switching, change.

    Ex: It is too early to assess the success of the adaptive responses which have been instituted in most SLIS.

    Ex: A musical adaptation is a musical work that represents a distinct alteration of another work (e.g. a free transcription), a work that paraphrases parts of various works or the general style of another composer, or a work that is merely based on other music (e.g. variations on a them).
    Ex: These changes have meant modifications, some very time-consuming, to serials catalogues in libraries.
    Ex: To ensure further that all the index entries generated by chain procedure are indeed helpful, the initial analysis of the chain may require editing.
    Ex: There is little modulation, whole steps of division being short-circuited and an odd assembly of terms being frequently found: e.g.: LAW see also JURY, JUDGES.
    Ex: Better flexibility is achieved if the heating, ventilation and lighting can accommodate this move without the need for any alterations.
    Ex: This kind of large-scale recasting offers an opportunity for the scheme to go forward rather than stagnate until it is completely taken by events.
    Ex: This action was the redesign of the enquiry form in order to elicit more information from the enquirer.
    Ex: The entries that result from the rotation mechanism have standard layout, punctuation and typography, all of which have been pre-programmed.
    Ex: Transitory circumstances of daily life are what cause these shifts.
    Ex: When the record transfer is complete, the catalog summary screen is shown for the new record so that the user can review and update it.
    Ex: Hungary faces far-reaching socio-economic transformation which will inevitably affect libraries as well.
    Ex: The changeover has resulted in more rapid machine-editing of input and reduced costs for cataloguing.
    Ex: A centralised system was chosen to ensure speedy receipt and dissemination with minimal disturbances.
    Ex: The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.
    Ex: There is greater permeability than before between different types of library at the start of a career but, once settled in a post, fewer librarians than before change from one type of library to another.
    Ex: The author presents suggestions for the reformation of medical library education.
    Ex: The transition date for the switchover is 1 Oct 2000.
    Ex: Moreover, we conclude that the process of placing a feminist stamp on working relations is both far from complete and subject to reverses.
    Ex: This article discusses the effects of changes in the economy on the distribution of work in libraries which indicate a shift away from its female origins.
    Ex: This article considers the use of a spreadsheet in the shifting of periodicals collections in order to save time.
    Ex: The recent reorganization has resulted in a merger of the academic and public divisions and a changing of the guard among the company's top officials.
    Ex: The addition of new feedback techniques produced a significant swing in favour of the application.
    Ex: Holdings will become increasingly important as a bartering tool to gain additional access benefits.
    Ex: Office automation have brought about a switch to a paperless office.
    Ex: These 'spuriously loyal' customers are not willing to churn just because of switching costs.
    Ex: Most libraries maintain a small cash float for the giving of change and, in addition, money/ is received in payment of fines.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * aceptar el cambio = embrace + change.
    * aceptar un cambio = accommodate + change.
    * adaptarse al cambio = accommodate to + change, adapt to + change.
    * adaptarse a los cambios = flow with + the tides.
    * adoptar un cambio = adopt + change, accommodate + change.
    * agente de cambio = agent of(for) change, force for change, force of change.
    * agente del cambio = change agent.
    * aires de cambio = wind(s) of change, the, seas of change, the.
    * cambio a = flight to.
    * cambio brusco = revulsion, flip-flop.
    * cambio brusco de velocidad del viento = wind shear.
    * cambio climático = climate change, climatic change.
    * cambio cualitativo = step change, qualitative change.
    * cambio cuantitativo = quantitative change.
    * cambio cultural = cultural change.
    * cambio de actitud = change in attitude, change of heart.
    * cambio de aires = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene, greener pastures, pastures new.
    * cambio de ambiente = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene.
    * cambio de aspecto = lick of paint.
    * cambio de ciudadanía = change of citizenship.
    * cambio de dirección = change of hands.
    * cambio de dueño = change of hands.
    * cambio de énfasis = shift of emphasis, shift in emphasis.
    * cambio de entorno = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene.
    * cambio de hora estacional = daylight saving time.
    * cambio de idea = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de imagen = makeover [make-over], makeover [make-over].
    * cambio de instalación eléctrica = rewiring.
    * cambio de la guardia = changing of the guard.
    * cambio de look = lick of paint.
    * cambio de lugar = relocation.
    * cambio de manos = change of hands.
    * cambio de mirada = gaze-shift.
    * cambio demográfico = population trend.
    * cambio de nacionalidad = change of citizenship.
    * cambio de nombre = rebranding.
    * cambio de opinión = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de orientación = paradigm change, paradigm shift.
    * cambio de paradigma = paradigm change, paradigm shift.
    * cambio de parecer = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de procedimiento = procedural change.
    * cambio de propietario = change of hands.
    * cambio de proveedor = churn.
    * cambio de registro = code switching.
    * cambio de residencia = resettlement.
    * cambio de servicio = churn.
    * cambio de sexo = sex change.
    * cambio de título = title change.
    * cambio escénico = scene changing.
    * cambio estacional = seasonal change.
    * cambio hormonal = hormonal change.
    * cambio inesperado = twist.
    * cambio institucional = institutional change.
    * cambio metereológico = weather modification.
    * cambio + ocurrir = change + take place.
    * cambio + producirse = change + come about.
    * cambio profundo = profound change.
    * cambio radical = revulsion, sea change, radical change.
    * cambio radical de postura = about-face.
    * cambio revolucionario = revolutionary change.
    * cambios = second thoughts, ebb and flow.
    * cambio social = social change, societal change.
    * cambio + suceder = change + take place.
    * cambio + tener lugar = change + take place.
    * cambio total = turnabout [turn-about], turnaround.
    * cambio transformador = transformative change, transforming change.
    * cambio traumático = traumatic change.
    * cambio vertiginoso = spiral of change.
    * clima de cambio = climate of change.
    * efectuar cambios = wreak + changes.
    * efectuar un cambio = effect + change.
    * elemento de cambio = agent of(for) change.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * enfrentarse a los cambios = cope with + change.
    * en proceso de cambio = changing.
    * estado de cambio = state of flux.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar sujeto a cambios = be written in sand, not stone, be subject to change.
    * experimentar un cambio = bring about + change, undergo + modification, undergo + change, undergo + transition.
    * experimentar un cambio + Adjetivo = take + a + Adjetivo + turn.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer cambios indebidamente = tamper (with).
    * hacer el cambio = make + the change.
    * hacer frente al cambio = manage + change.
    * hacer frente a un cambio = meet + change.
    * hacer un cambio = make + change.
    * impulsor del cambio = driver of change.
    * introducir un cambio = bring + change.
    * libre cambio = laissez-faire.
    * línea internacional de cambio de fecha, la = International Date Line, the.
    * lograr un cambio = accomplish + change.
    * los constantes cambios de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * momento clave del cambio = tipping point.
    * moneda de cambio = bargaining chip.
    * mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brillo = flash up.
    * motor del cambio = driver of change.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no sufrir cambios = remain + normal.
    * ocasionar un cambio = bring about + change, trigger + change.
    * operación de cambio de sexo = sex-change surgery, sex-change operation.
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * proceso de cambio = process of change.
    * producir un cambio = effect + change, produce + change, trigger + change.
    * provocar cambios = wreak + changes.
    * provocar un cambio = bring about + change.
    * reacio al cambio = resistant to change.
    * realizar un cambio = make + alteration, implement + change.
    * repercusiones del cambio = impact of change.
    * resistente al cambio = resistant to change.
    * ritmo del cambio = rate of change, pace of change.
    * ser susceptible de cambios = be subject to change.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * subsidio para cambio de residencia = resettlement allowance.
    * suceder un cambio = occur + change.
    * sucesión de cambios bruscos = roller coaster ride, roller coaster.
    * sufrir un cambio = experience + change, undergo + change.
    * suponer un cambio = bring about + change.
    * trabajar a cambio de nada = work for + nothing.


    Ex: Forget climate change, voters want more loose change.

    * bolsa de cambio = stock exchange.
    * cambio de divisas = currency rate, currency exchange.
    * cambio de moneda = exchange rate, foreign exchange, currency exchange rate, market rate of exchange, foreign exchange rate, currency rate, rate of exchange, currency exchange.
    * letra de cambio = bill of exchange.
    * oficina de cambio = exchange office, currency exchange bureau, exchange bureau.
    * tipo de cambio = exchange rate, rate of exchange.
    * variación de los tipos de cambio = exchange rate change.

    3 = gear, derailleur.

    Ex: Their products were charming and much less expensive than American clockwork toys because they used tinplate gears rather than brass.

    Ex: There is a front and a rear derailleur on most modern bikes.
    * palanca de cambio = shifter.

    * * *
    1 (alteración, modificación) change
    el cambio que ha tenido lugar en él the change he has undergone
    cambio DE algo:
    un brusco cambio de temperatura a sudden change in temperature
    lo que tú necesitas es un cambio de aires or ambiente what you need is a change of scene
    ha habido un cambio de planes there's been a change of plan
    una operación de cambio de sexo a sex-change operation
    a la primera de cambio ( fam); at the first opportunity, the first thing you know ( colloq)
    2 ( Auto) gearshift ( AmE), gear change ( BrE)
    hacer un cambio to change gear
    meta el cambio ( AmL); put it in gear
    un coche con cinco cambios ( AmL); a car with a five-speed gearbox
    climate change
    change of address
    scene change
    change of guard, changing of the guard
    (dispositivo) transmission ( AmE), gearbox ( BrE); (acción) gearshift ( AmE), gear change ( BrE)
    automatic gearshift ( AmE) o ( BrE) gearbox
    manual gearshift ( AmE) o ( BrE) gearbox
    brow of a hill
    ( Auto) junction
    switch ( AmE), points (pl) ( BrE)
    1 (canje) exchange
    creo que has salido perdiendo con el cambio I think you've lost out in the deal
    [ S ] no se admiten cambios ni devoluciones goods cannot be exchanged or returned
    2 ( en locs):
    a cambio in exchange, in return
    a cambio de in exchange for, in return for
    estoy dispuesto a hacerlo a cambio de un pequeño favor I'm prepared to do it in exchange o in return for a small favor
    daría cualquier cosa a cambio de un poco de paz I'd do anything for a bit of peace
    en cambio: a él le parece espléndido; a mí, en cambio, no me gusta he thinks it's wonderful, but personally I don't like it
    el viaje en autobús es agotador, en cambio irse en tren es muy agradable the bus journey is exhausting whereas o but if you go by train it's very pleasant, the bus journey is exhausting; if you go by train, however o on the other hand, it is very pleasant
    cambio de divisas foreign exchange
    ¿a cómo está el cambio? what's the exchange rate?
    [ S ] cambio bureau de change, change
    al cambio del día at the current exchange rate
    libre1 (↑ libre (1))
    2 (diferencia) change
    quédese con el cambio keep the change
    me ha dado mal el cambio he's given me the wrong change
    ¿tienes cambio de diez? can you change ten euros?
    necesito cambio para el teléfono I need some change for the telephone
    daily exchange rate o rate of exchange
    foreign exchange
    * * *


    Del verbo cambiar: ( conjugate cambiar)

    cambio es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    cambió es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    Multiple Entries:
    cambiar ( conjugate cambiar) verbo transitivo
    a) (alterar, modificar) ‹horario/imagen/persona to change

    b) (de lugar, posición):

    cambié las flores de florero I put the flowers in a different vase
    c) ( reemplazar) ‹pieza/fecha/sábanas to change;

    cambiole el nombre a algo to change the name of sth
    d)niño/bebé to change

    e) (Fin) to change;

    cambié 100 libras a or (Esp) en dólares I changed 100 pounds into dollars
    2 ( canjear) ‹sellos/estampas to swap, to trade (esp AmE);
    cambio algo por algo ‹sellos/estampas› to swap o (esp AmE) trade sth for sth;
    compra› to exchange o change sth for sth;
    ¿quieres que te cambie el lugar? do you want me to swap o change places with you?

    verbo intransitivo
    a) [ciudad/persona] to change;

    le está cambiando la voz his voice is breaking
    b) (Auto) to change gear

    cambio de avión/tren to change planes/train

    d) cambio de algo ‹de tema/canal/color to change sth;

    cambio de sentido to make (AmE) o (BrE) do a U-turn
    cambiarse verbo pronominal

    b) ( refl) ‹camisa/nombre/peinado to change;

    cambiose de algo ‹de camisa/zapatos to change sth;

    cambiose de casa to move house;
    cámbiate de camisa change your shirt
    c) cambiose por algn to change places with sb

    d) ( recípr) ‹sellos/estampas to swap, to trade (esp AmE)

    cambio sustantivo masculino

    cambio de algo ‹de planes/domicilio› change of sth;
    un cambio de aire(s) or ambiente a change of scene
    b) (Auto) gearshift (AmE), gear change (BrE);

    cambio de sentido U-turn

    ( on signs) no se admiten cambios goods cannot be exchanged
    b) ( en locs)

    en cambio: el viaje en autobús es agotador, en cambio en tren es muy agradable the bus journey is exhausting;

    by train however o on the other hand is very pleasant

    ¿a cómo está el cambio? what's the exchange rate?;

    ( on signs) cambio bureau de change, change

    I verbo transitivo
    1 to change
    2 (cromos, etc) to swap, (en un comercio) exchange
    3 (un tipo de moneda por otro) to change
    II verbo intransitivo to change
    cambiar de casa, to move (house)
    cambiar de idea, to change one's mind
    cambiar de sitio, to move
    cambiar de trabajo, to get another job
    cambiar de velocidad, to change gear
    cambio sustantivo masculino
    1 change
    (de opinión) shift
    un cambio de impresiones, an exchange of opinions
    2 (del dinero) change: ¿tienes cambio de cinco mil?, have you got change for five thousand?
    3 Fin (de la moneda extranjera) exchange
    (de unas acciones) price
    4 Auto gear change
    cambio automático, automatic transmission
    cambio de rasante, brow of a hill
    ♦ Locuciones: a cambio de, in exchange for
    a las primeras de cambio, at the firsl opportunity
    en cambio, on the other hand: él es muy engreído, en cambio ella es muy dulce, he's really conceited; on the other hand she is very sweet
    ' cambio' also found in these entries:
    - abrupto
    - aguantar
    - aire
    - alteración
    - apreciarse
    - benéfica
    - benéfico
    - biombo
    - brutal
    - desplazamiento
    - experimentar
    - girar
    - imponerse
    - inflexión
    - letra
    - oscilación
    - por
    - primera
    - primero
    - radical
    - semblante
    - sensible
    - tipo
    - vaivén
    - viraje
    - vuelta
    - acelerar
    - acentuado
    - apreciable
    - apresurar
    - brusco
    - cambiar
    - cara
    - cerrado
    - efectuar
    - feria
    - guardia
    - idea
    - importante
    - inevitable
    - lado
    - libre
    - nuevo
    - observar
    - operar
    - opinión
    - producir
    - quedar
    - rápido
    - adjustment
    - alarmed
    - alteration
    - bare
    - better
    - change
    - chapter
    - conversely
    - department
    - displacement
    - distinct
    - draft
    - dramatic
    - dramatically
    - drastic
    - euro
    - exchange
    - exchange rate
    - fall
    - float
    - gearshift
    - gearstick
    - instead
    - intend
    - into
    - likely
    - major
    - make
    - modification
    - occur
    - protection money
    - rate
    - refreshing
    - refreshingly
    - return
    - reversal
    - round
    - sex change
    - shift
    - short-change
    - slight
    - small change
    - subject
    - substantial
    - sudden
    - swap for
    - sweep
    - sweeping
    - swing
    * * *
    1. [alteración, modificación] change;
    vivimos una época de grandes cambios we live in times of great change;
    cambio de actitud change in attitude;
    cambio de gobierno change of government;
    cambio radical turnabout, turnround;
    cambio de tiempo change in the weather;
    ha ganado con el cambio de trabajo he has benefited from changing jobs;
    con el cambio de política hemos perdido todos we have all lost out as a result of the change in policy;
    se ha producido un cambio de situación the situation has changed, there has been a change in the situation;
    el cambio al sistema métrico ha sido muy sencillo the changeover to the metric system has been very straightforward;
    tu hijo ha pegado un cambio tremendo your son has really changed;
    a las primeras de cambio at the first opportunity;
    abandonó la carrera a las primeras de cambio she dropped out of the race almost as soon as it had started o shortly after it had started;
    cayeron eliminados a las primeras de cambio they fell at the first hurdle
    cambio climático climate change; Ling cambio de código code switching;
    cambio de domicilio change of address;
    cambio de escena Teatro scene change;
    Fig change of scene;
    cambio generacional: [m5] el partido necesita un cambio generacional urgente the party is in urgent need of a new generation of leaders;
    este joven pintor es un ejemplo del cambio generacional en marcha this young man is one of the new generation of painters who are coming to dominate the artistic scene;
    cambio de guardia [ceremonia] changing of the guard;
    cambio horario [bianual] = putting clocks back or forward one hour;
    cambio hormonal hormonal change;
    cambio de imagen image change;
    el cambio de milenio the end of the millennium;
    cambio de rasante brow of a hill;
    cambio de sexo sex change;
    Der cambio de tribunal change of venue; Ferroc cambio de vía Br points, US switch
    2. [reemplazo, trueque] exchange;
    (oficina de) cambio [en letrero] Br bureau de change, US foreign-exchange bureau;
    durante las rebajas no se admiten cambios while the sales are on, goods may not be exchanged;
    a cambio (de) in exchange o return (for);
    no pido nada a cambio I'm not asking for anything back o in return;
    se admite su vieja lavadora a cambio we will take your old washing machine in part exchange;
    te dejo el coche a cambio de que lo laves I'll let you use my car if you wash it for me
    Aut cambio de aceite oil change;
    cambio de impresiones exchange of views;
    Quím cambio iónico ion exchange;
    cambio de papeles role reversal
    3. [monedas, billetes] change;
    ¿tiene cambio? have you got any change?;
    ¿tiene cambio de 5.000? have you got change for o Br of 5,000?;
    nos hemos quedado sin cambio(s) we're out of change;
    quédese con el cambio keep the change;
    me ha dado el cambio incorrecto she gave me the wrong change
    4. Fin [de acciones] price;
    [de divisas] exchange rate;
    ha bajado el cambio del peso the (exchange rate of the) peso has fallen;
    los valores eléctricos han mantenido el cambio share prices in the electricity companies have remained steady;
    ¿a cuánto está el cambio de la libra? what's the exchange rate for the pound?
    cambio base base rate;
    cambio extranjero foreign exchange;
    cambio medio average exchange rate;
    cambio oficial official exchange rate
    5. Aut
    el cambio es muy duro the gears are rather stiff
    cambio automático automatic transmission;
    cambio de marchas [acción] gear change;
    [palanca] Br gear stick, US gear shift;
    cambio sincronizado [en bicicleta] indexed gear;
    cambio de velocidades [acción] gear change;
    [palanca] Br gear stick, US gear shift
    6. Dep [sustitución] substitution, change;
    hacer un cambio to make a substitution o change;
    el equipo visitante ha pedido (hacer un) cambio the away team want to make a substitution o change;
    el jugador lesionado pidió el cambio al entrenador the injured player signalled to the manager that he wanted to come off
    ¡cambio (y corto)! over!;
    ¡cambio y cierro! over and out!
    en cambio loc adv
    [por otra parte] on the other hand, however; [en su lugar] instead;
    ellos no pueden ayudarnos, en cambio tú sí they can't help us, but o whereas you can;
    éste me gusta, en cambio este otro es feo I like this one, but this other one is horrible
    * * *
    1 change;
    cambio de domicilio change of address;
    cambio de aires change of scene;
    cambio de turno change of shift;
    cambio de aceite AUTO oil change;
    ¡cambio! al hablar por radio over!
    2 COM exchange rate;
    el cambio del día the day’s (exchange) rate;
    libre cambio COM free trade
    3 ( suelto)
    ¿tiene cambio? do you have change?
    no se admiten cambios goods will not be exchanged
    a cambio de in exchange for;
    en cambio on the other hand
    * * *
    cambio nm
    1) : change, alteration
    2) : exchange
    3) : change (money)
    en cambio : instead
    en cambio : however, on the other hand
    * * *
    1. (en general) change
    ¿tienes cambio? have you got any change?
    2. (divisas) exchange rate

    Spanish-English dictionary > cambio

  • 29 cambio1

    1 = adaptive response, alteration, change, editing, modulation, move, recasting, redesign, rotation, shift, transfer, transformation, changeover [change-over], disturbance, mutation, permeability, reformation, switchover, reverse, shift away from, shifting, changing of the guard, swing, bartering, switch, switching, change.
    Ex. It is too early to assess the success of the adaptive responses which have been instituted in most SLIS.
    Ex. A musical adaptation is a musical work that represents a distinct alteration of another work (e.g. a free transcription), a work that paraphrases parts of various works or the general style of another composer, or a work that is merely based on other music (e.g. variations on a them).
    Ex. These changes have meant modifications, some very time-consuming, to serials catalogues in libraries.
    Ex. To ensure further that all the index entries generated by chain procedure are indeed helpful, the initial analysis of the chain may require editing.
    Ex. There is little modulation, whole steps of division being short-circuited and an odd assembly of terms being frequently found: e.g.: LAW see also JURY, JUDGES.
    Ex. Better flexibility is achieved if the heating, ventilation and lighting can accommodate this move without the need for any alterations.
    Ex. This kind of large-scale recasting offers an opportunity for the scheme to go forward rather than stagnate until it is completely taken by events.
    Ex. This action was the redesign of the enquiry form in order to elicit more information from the enquirer.
    Ex. The entries that result from the rotation mechanism have standard layout, punctuation and typography, all of which have been pre-programmed.
    Ex. Transitory circumstances of daily life are what cause these shifts.
    Ex. When the record transfer is complete, the catalog summary screen is shown for the new record so that the user can review and update it.
    Ex. Hungary faces far-reaching socio-economic transformation which will inevitably affect libraries as well.
    Ex. The changeover has resulted in more rapid machine-editing of input and reduced costs for cataloguing.
    Ex. A centralised system was chosen to ensure speedy receipt and dissemination with minimal disturbances.
    Ex. The very meanings of words like 'library' and 'university' are about to undergo mutations too radical to conceive, much less predict = Los significados mismos de palabras como "biblioteca" y "universidad" están a punto de experimentar cambios demasiado radicales de concevir y cuanto mucho menos de predecir.
    Ex. There is greater permeability than before between different types of library at the start of a career but, once settled in a post, fewer librarians than before change from one type of library to another.
    Ex. The author presents suggestions for the reformation of medical library education.
    Ex. The transition date for the switchover is 1 Oct 2000.
    Ex. Moreover, we conclude that the process of placing a feminist stamp on working relations is both far from complete and subject to reverses.
    Ex. This article discusses the effects of changes in the economy on the distribution of work in libraries which indicate a shift away from its female origins.
    Ex. This article considers the use of a spreadsheet in the shifting of periodicals collections in order to save time.
    Ex. The recent reorganization has resulted in a merger of the academic and public divisions and a changing of the guard among the company's top officials.
    Ex. The addition of new feedback techniques produced a significant swing in favour of the application.
    Ex. Holdings will become increasingly important as a bartering tool to gain additional access benefits.
    Ex. Office automation have brought about a switch to a paperless office.
    Ex. These 'spuriously loyal' customers are not willing to churn just because of switching costs.
    Ex. Most libraries maintain a small cash float for the giving of change and, in addition, money/ is received in payment of fines.
    * a cambio = in return.
    * a cambio de = in exchange for, in return for.
    * a cambio de nada = for nothing.
    * aceptar el cambio = embrace + change.
    * aceptar un cambio = accommodate + change.
    * adaptarse al cambio = accommodate to + change, adapt to + change.
    * adaptarse a los cambios = flow with + the tides.
    * adoptar un cambio = adopt + change, accommodate + change.
    * agente de cambio = agent of(for) change, force for change, force of change.
    * agente del cambio = change agent.
    * aires de cambio = wind(s) of change, the, seas of change, the.
    * cambio a = flight to.
    * cambio brusco = revulsion, flip-flop.
    * cambio brusco de velocidad del viento = wind shear.
    * cambio climático = climate change, climatic change.
    * cambio cualitativo = step change, qualitative change.
    * cambio cuantitativo = quantitative change.
    * cambio cultural = cultural change.
    * cambio de actitud = change in attitude, change of heart.
    * cambio de aires = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene, greener pastures, pastures new.
    * cambio de ambiente = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene.
    * cambio de aspecto = lick of paint.
    * cambio de ciudadanía = change of citizenship.
    * cambio de dirección = change of hands.
    * cambio de dueño = change of hands.
    * cambio de énfasis = shift of emphasis, shift in emphasis.
    * cambio de entorno = change of scenery, change of air and scene, change of air, change of scene.
    * cambio de hora estacional = daylight saving time.
    * cambio de idea = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de imagen = makeover [make-over], makeover [make-over].
    * cambio de instalación eléctrica = rewiring.
    * cambio de la guardia = changing of the guard.
    * cambio de look = lick of paint.
    * cambio de lugar = relocation.
    * cambio de manos = change of hands.
    * cambio de mirada = gaze-shift.
    * cambio demográfico = population trend.
    * cambio de nacionalidad = change of citizenship.
    * cambio de nombre = rebranding.
    * cambio de opinión = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de orientación = paradigm change, paradigm shift.
    * cambio de paradigma = paradigm change, paradigm shift.
    * cambio de parecer = change of heart, change of mind.
    * cambio de procedimiento = procedural change.
    * cambio de propietario = change of hands.
    * cambio de proveedor = churn.
    * cambio de registro = code switching.
    * cambio de residencia = resettlement.
    * cambio de servicio = churn.
    * cambio de sexo = sex change.
    * cambio de título = title change.
    * cambio escénico = scene changing.
    * cambio estacional = seasonal change.
    * cambio hormonal = hormonal change.
    * cambio inesperado = twist.
    * cambio institucional = institutional change.
    * cambio metereológico = weather modification.
    * cambio + ocurrir = change + take place.
    * cambio + producirse = change + come about.
    * cambio profundo = profound change.
    * cambio radical = revulsion, sea change, radical change.
    * cambio radical de postura = about-face.
    * cambio revolucionario = revolutionary change.
    * cambios = second thoughts, ebb and flow.
    * cambio social = social change, societal change.
    * cambio + suceder = change + take place.
    * cambio + tener lugar = change + take place.
    * cambio total = turnabout [turn-about], turnaround.
    * cambio transformador = transformative change, transforming change.
    * cambio traumático = traumatic change.
    * cambio vertiginoso = spiral of change.
    * clima de cambio = climate of change.
    * efectuar cambios = wreak + changes.
    * efectuar un cambio = effect + change.
    * elemento de cambio = agent of(for) change.
    * en cambio = by contrast, in contrast, instead, shifting, by comparison.
    * en constante cambio = ever-changing [ever changing], ever-fluid, on the move, fast changing [fast-changing], ever-shifting.
    * en continuo cambio = constantly shifting, ever-changing [ever changing], ever-shifting.
    * en estado de cambio = in a state of flux.
    * enfrentarse a los cambios = cope with + change.
    * en proceso de cambio = changing.
    * estado de cambio = state of flux.
    * estar en estado de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar en proceso de cambio = be in flux.
    * estar sujeto a cambios = be written in sand, not stone, be subject to change.
    * experimentar un cambio = bring about + change, undergo + modification, undergo + change, undergo + transition.
    * experimentar un cambio + Adjetivo = take + a + Adjetivo + turn.
    * hacer cambios en la búsqueda = renegotiate + search.
    * hacer cambios indebidamente = tamper (with).
    * hacer el cambio = make + the change.
    * hacer frente al cambio = manage + change.
    * hacer frente a un cambio = meet + change.
    * hacer un cambio = make + change.
    * impulsor del cambio = driver of change.
    * introducir un cambio = bring + change.
    * libre cambio = laissez-faire.
    * línea internacional de cambio de fecha, la = International Date Line, the.
    * lograr un cambio = accomplish + change.
    * los constantes cambios de = the changing face of, the changing nature of.
    * momento clave del cambio = tipping point.
    * moneda de cambio = bargaining chip.
    * mostrar por medio de cambio de intensidad en el brillo = flash up.
    * motor del cambio = driver of change.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no sufrir cambios = remain + normal.
    * ocasionar un cambio = bring about + change, trigger + change.
    * operación de cambio de sexo = sex-change surgery, sex-change operation.
    * permanecer sin cambios = remain + unchanged.
    * proceso de cambio = process of change.
    * producir un cambio = effect + change, produce + change, trigger + change.
    * provocar cambios = wreak + changes.
    * provocar un cambio = bring about + change.
    * reacio al cambio = resistant to change.
    * realizar un cambio = make + alteration, implement + change.
    * repercusiones del cambio = impact of change.
    * resistente al cambio = resistant to change.
    * ritmo del cambio = rate of change, pace of change.
    * ser susceptible de cambios = be subject to change.
    * sin cambio = inviolate.
    * sin cambios = monotone, stable, undisturbed, unchanged, unmodified, unaltered, unedited.
    * subsidio para cambio de residencia = resettlement allowance.
    * suceder un cambio = occur + change.
    * sucesión de cambios bruscos = roller coaster ride, roller coaster.
    * sufrir un cambio = experience + change, undergo + change.
    * suponer un cambio = bring about + change.
    * trabajar a cambio de nada = work for + nothing.

    Spanish-English dictionary > cambio1

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Transmission line — This article is about the radio frequency transmission line. For the power transmission line, see electric power transmission. In communications and electronic engineering, a transmission line is a specialized cable designed to carry alternating… …   Wikipedia

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  • Distributed element filter — Figure 1. A circuit featuring many of the f …   Wikipedia

  • Stub (electronics) — In electronic signaling, a stub is a section of transmission line with a calculated length. It is used for impedance matching or to obtain an exact capacitance or inductance.Because stubs take on reactive properties as a function of their… …   Wikipedia

  • kurzgeschlossene Leitung — trumpai sujungta linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. short circuited line vok. kurzgeschlossene Leitung, f rus. короткозамкнутая линия, f pranc. ligne court circuitée, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • ligne court-circuitée — trumpai sujungta linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. short circuited line vok. kurzgeschlossene Leitung, f rus. короткозамкнутая линия, f pranc. ligne court circuitée, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • trumpai sujungta linija — statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. short circuited line vok. kurzgeschlossene Leitung, f rus. короткозамкнутая линия, f pranc. ligne court circuitée, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • короткозамкнутая линия — trumpai sujungta linija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. short circuited line vok. kurzgeschlossene Leitung, f rus. короткозамкнутая линия, f pranc. ligne court circuitée, f …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • railroad — /rayl rohd /, n. 1. a permanent road laid with rails, commonly in one or more pairs of continuous lines forming a track or tracks, on which locomotives and cars are run for the transportation of passengers, freight, and mail. 2. an entire system… …   Universalium

  • electric motor — motor (def. 4). [1885 90] * * * Introduction       any of a class of devices that convert electrical energy to mechanical energy, usually by employing electromagnetic phenomena.       Most electric motors develop their mechanical torque by the… …   Universalium

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