1 rough runway
неровная ВПП -
2 rough runway
3 rough runway
4 rough runway criterion
критерий [нормированные виды] неровностей поверхности ВПП -
5 runway
лётная полоса (на суше, снегу или льду) ; взлетно-посадочная полоса; бетонированная лётная полоса; лётная полоса с усовершенствованным покрытиемfly off the runway — отрываться от ВПП, взлетать; сворачивать [сруливать] с ВПП (на рулёжную дорожку)
get off the runway — счищать [освобождать] ВПП; отрываться от ВПП (при взлете)
go off the runway — сходить с ВПП; выкатываться за пределы ВПП
line up with the runway — устанавливаться [двигаться] в створе [вдоль оси] ВПП
runway of marginal length — ВПП минимальной (для взлета данного самолёта) длины, ВПП «в обрез»
turn for the runway — разворачиваться на [в сторону] ВПП
veer off the runway — сходить [сворачивать] с ВПП (на грунт)
6 runway
1) проход, проезд2) взлётно-посадочная дорожка, полоса; беговая дорожка; путь; трек3) катальная доска, катальный ход4) подвесная однорельсовая дорога; подкрановый путь7) ложе реки8) блок, тали•- aluminium plank runway - asphalt runway - concrete runway - conveyer runway - crane runway - dual runways - gravel runway - gravity runway - heavy-duty runway - instrument runway - landing runway - mason's runway - paved runway - pierced-plank runway - rough runway - sanded runway - sealed runway - soft-surface runway - steel runway - take-off runway - tangential runway - total runway* * *1. проход; проезд2. переходный мостик3. взлётно-посадочная полоса, ВПП4. катальный ход; (крановый) рельсовый путь; подвесной однорельсовый путь, монорельс- balanced runway
- concrete runway
- crane runway
- dual-lane runway
- ILS runway
- noninstrument runway
- precision instrument runway
- primary runway
- taxiway soft runway
- visual runway -
7 runway
взлетно-посадочная полоса, ВППactive runwayasphalt runwaybattle damaged runwayconcrete runwayflat runwayflooded runwayILS equipped runwayinclined runwaymobile runwaynoise preferential runwaypaved runwayrepaired runwayrough runwayroughly repaired runwayslippery runwayslush-covered runwaysmooth runwaysurfaced runwayunimproved runwayunpaved runwayunsurfaced runwayupwind runway -
8 criterion
критерий, показатель; условие; признакairworthiness criterionattitude criterionbuckling criterionbuffet criterionconvergence criterioncreep-rupture criterioncumulative damage criteriondamage tolerance criteriondeparture criteriondeparture prediction criterionderating criteriondesign criterionempirical criterionestimation criterionfail-safe criterionfailure criterionflight path criterionflying qualities criterionfracture criterionfrequency domain criterionfrequency response criteriong-tolerance criterionGriffith's criterionhandling qualities criterionhigh-angle-of-attack criterionicing criterionidentification criterionLighthill's criterionlight-loss criterionload factor response criterionlongitudinal criterionLyapunov criterionmaneuvering criterionmission-oriented criterionNeal-Smith criterionNyquist criterionopen-loop criterionoptimality criterionparametric criterionperformance criterionpilot-centered criterionpitch sensitivity criterionpredictive criterionrecovery criterionrough runway criterionRouth-Hurwitz criterionSchuler criterionsecond tier criterionseparation criterionshort period criterionsmoothness criterionstability criterionstrength criterionTau criteriontracking criteriontransition criterionTresca`s yield criteriontrim-slope criterionvisual criterionvon Mises' yield criterionyield criterion -
9 landing
приземление; посадка; посадочныйlanding from 35 ft — посадочная дистанция с высоты 35 футов (10,5 м)
landing in cold temperature — посадка при низкой температуре (окружающего воздуха,)
practice a landing — тренироваться в посадке, отрабатывать посадку
10 surface
1) поверхность3) планировать; профилировать; выравнивать поверхность4) крепить поверхность ( грунта)7) полировать; покрывать лаком ( деревянные поверхности)8) подниматься на поверхность; всплывать9) выдавать на поверхность (напр. о скважине)10) гидр. уровень•to bring to true [uniform\] surface — провешивать поверхность; разравнивать; заглаживать ( в штукатурных работах)-
abrasive surface
absorbing surface
accessible surface
acting surface
active front surface
adsorbing surface
angled surface
annular lapping surface
antireflective surface
approaching surfaces
aquifer's potentiometric surface
armoring surface of plunge pool
artesian pressure surface
asphaltic runway surface
atomically clean surface
back surface
bar surface
bath surface
bearing surface
bidden surface
bit gage surface
black chrome surface
Bloch surface
boundary surface
boundary-lubricated surface
break surface
bubble-melt surface
bulged surface
cam-contacting surfaces
caustic surface
center plate bearing surface
checked surface
clean surface
clearance surface
cleavage surface
close-packed surface
coated surface
colored keying surface
color keying surface
concave surface
concrete runway surface
conducting surface
conformal surface
conical bearing surface
contact surface
control surface
convergence surface
convex surface
cooling surface
corrugated surface
creep surface
crushed stone runway surface
curved surface
cut surface
cylindrical surface
cylindric surface
damming surface
datum surface
dichroic surface
diffuse surface
diffusing surface
dimple-type surface
dirt runway surface
display surface
dose packed surface
drag surface
drainage surface
drive surfaces
driving surface
edge surface
electroded surface
emitting surface
end surface
energy conduction surface
energy surface
engagement surface
engineering surface
equal energy surface
equiphase surface
equipotential surface
equipressure surface
equiscalar surface
exposed surface
Fermi surface
fillet surface
finished surface
flanged bearing surface
flank surface
flat surface
flaw-free surface
flowed surface
formed surface
fractured surface
fracture surface
free water surface
fresh mold surface
fretted surface
friction surface
front surface
functional surface
gaging surface
gassy surface
glazed surface
grained surface
grass runway surface
gravel runway surface
grooved runway surface
ground surface
groundwater surface
growth surface
hammered surface
hardened surface
heat sink surface
heat transfer surface
heat-absorbing surface
heat-dissipated surface
heat-emitting surface
heat-exchange surface
heat-generating surface
heating surface
heat-releasing surface
hot surface
hungry surface
hydrodynamically lubricated surface
illuminated surface
image surface
imaginary surface
interface surface
ion-exchanging surface
ironed surface
isothermal surface
job surface
Lambert surface
landing surface
lateral surface
leakage surface
light-sensitive surface
liquidus surface
location surface
low friction surface
macadam runway surface
machined surface
mating surfaces
matted surface
maximum controllable water surface
maximum water surface
median surface
mirrored surface
modified surface
molded surface
mottled surface
natural stream surface
neutral surface
nonanalytic surface
nonconforming surfaces
nonsingular surface
normal reservoir water surface
obstacle clearance surface
one-sided surface
one-side surface
optically plane surface
outgassing surface
packing surface
passivated surface
patch surface
perfect reflecting surface
peripheral surface
photosensitive surface
phreatic surface
piezometric surface
planar surface
porous runway surface
prevailing surface
printing surface
profiled surface
radial surface
radiant surface
raked surface
reciprocating surfaces
recording surface
reference surface
reflective surface
refrigerating surface
reheater surface
reservoir surface
ribbed surface
rigid surface
rippled surface
ritted surface
road surface
rough surface
roughened surface
rubbing surface
run-in surface
running surface
runway surface
ruptured surface
saddle surface
saturated surface
scabby surface
sculpted surface
sea level surface
sealing surface
selective surface
sensitive surface
settling-up surface
settling surface
singular surface
slagged surface
sleeper lower surface
sleeper upper surface
sliding surface
slip surface
smooth surface
solar module surface
solid-film lubricated surface
solidus surface
specific collecting surface
specific surface
specular surface
spherical bearing surface
spongy surface
stabilizing surface
standard isobaric surface
starved surface
storage surface
suction surface
superheating surface
supporting surface
surface of action
surface of failure
surface of revolution
surface of rupture
tapered surface
texturized surface
thermally distressed surface
transient surface
underlying surface
undulating surface
unfinished surface
unilateral surface
unmachined surface
unrun surface
upper surface
viewing surface
water surface
waterwall surface
wave surface
wavy surface
wearing surface
wear surface
work surface
workpiece surface
Wulff surface -
11 performance
1. (летно-технические) характеристики, ЛТХ; летные данные; (рабочая) характеристика;2. работа; действие; выполнение < задачи>3. эффективность; производительность; работоспособностьacquisition performanceaerodynamic performanceagile performanceagility performanceair-to-fuel performanceaircraft performanceaircrew performanceairfield performanceairship performancealgorithm performancealong track performancealtitude performancealtitude-velocity performanceantijam performanceapproach performanceautopilot performanceautorotation performanceautorotative performancebench throttle performancebipropellant performanceCAS performanceclimb performanceclosed-loop performancecold takeoff performancecontrol performancecontrol law performancecrew performancecross-track performancecruise performancecumulative performancedecision-height performancedeck performancedive bomb performanceenroute performanceEW performancefail-operational performancefan performanceFCS performancefield performancefilter performanceflap performanceflawless performanceflight manual performanceflutter-free performancefrequency-domain performanceground attack performanceguidance's performancegust alleviation performancehigh-speed performancehigh-AOA performancehot and high performancehot-day performancehover performancehover performance out of ground effecthovering performancehuman performanceinlet performanceinstalled performancelanding performanceLevel 2 performancelift performancelift-to-drag performancelimit performancelongitudinal performanceloop performancelow-speed performancemaneuver performancemaneuvering performancemid-mission landing performancemission performancemodel preview performancenear-optimum performancenonafterburning performanceouter-loop performanceoverland performancepayload/range performancephase and gain performancepilot performancepilot/vehicle performancepitch performancepitching performancepoint performancepost-stall performancepowered-lift performancepropeller performancepropeller-nacelle performancerated performancereverse-thrust performanceroll performancerolling performancerough ground performancerough-field performancerunway performancesafety performancesingle-engine performancesingle-engine takeoff performancesingle-engine-out performancespoiler performancesteady state performanceSTO performanceSTOL performancestopping performancesupersonic cruise performancesustained maneuver performancesustained turning performancetail-chase performancetakeoff and landing performancetakeoff performancetask performancetaxi performancethrottle performancetilt-rotor performancetime-domain performancetracking performancetransient performancetransition performanceturning performanceV/STOL performancevelocity performancevibration performancewarload/radius performancewet field performancewet runway performancewindmilling performance -
12 operation
работа, действие; операция; бой, сражение; основная функция; деятельность; оперирование, манипуляция; эксплуатация; управление, пилотирование (ЛА) ; pl. полётыoperation of landing flaps — выпуск или уборка посадочных закрылков [щитков]
smooth operation of the aircraft — плавное управление [пилотирование] ЛА
13 edge
1) режущая кромка; лезвие ( инструмента)2) ребро; грань3) край, кромка; фаска || отделывать кромку; снимать фаску4) кайма; кант8) опорная призма ( коромысла весов)9) контур, граница, край ( изображения)•edge incident on (with) A and B— ребро, соединяющее А и В;to bevel edge — скашивать кромку; снимать фаску;to calk edge — подчеканивать кромку;to chamfer edge — скашивать кромку; снимать фаску;to curl edge — заворачивать кромкуedge of pavement — бордюр дорожного покрытия-
absorption edge
abutting edges
aerodynamic leading edge
alignment edge
arched edges
attacking edge
back edge
band edge
bearing edge
bench edge
berm edge
bevelled edge
beveled edge
bind pocket edge
binding edge
blade edge
blade leading edge
blind edge
blued edge
bluffed edge
bluff edge
bottom edge
bound edge
braided edge
brick edge
brightness edge
built-up edge
car edge
carbon edge
center edge
chamfered edge
chamfered rim edge
colored edge
concave edge
continental edge
corded edge
cracked edge
crease edge
crystal edge
curled edge
cutting edge of scraper bowl
cutting edge of shield
cutting edge
cutting tool edge
digging edge
directed edge
doubled edge
eased edge
effective photographic image edge
English edge
entering edge
fabric edge
face edge
falling edge of pulse
false edges
fan blade leading edge
fast ice edge
fat edge
feather edge
flanged edge
fracture edge
fracture-initiation edge
free edge
front edge
fuzzy edge
gilt edge
gob edge
guide edge
hard edge
hem pocket edge
ice edge
image edge
initiation edge
jagged edges
knife edge
lace edge
lateral edge
leading edge
leaf edge
leaving edge
list edge
live edge
location edge
lower edge
major cutting edge
master link serrated edge
mill edge
minor cutting edge
multiple edges
negative edge
no-draw edge
noise edge
outer edge
overflow edge
overlapping edges
passband edge
peripheral edge
piped edge
plain edge
positive-going edge
pulse edge
quantization band edge
radiating edge
ragged edges
raised edge
reference edge
rim edge
rising edge
robust edge
rolled edge
rolling edge
rough edges
ruche edge
runway edge
runway leading edge
scalloped edge
scrap edge
serrated edge
shaped edge
sharp edge
sheared edge
shoe trailing edge
side edge
side-lay edge
simply supported edge
slit edge
sloping edge
snaky edge
soft edge
square edge
straight edge
stroke edge
swelled edge
tail edge
terminate edge
through-hardened cutting edge
top edge
torn edge
trailing edge
triggering edge
valve bevel edge
visual photographic image edge
water edge
wing leading edge
wing trailing edge
working edge
work edge -
14 operation
1. работа, действие; срабатывание3. операция4. эксплуатация < по назначению>; применение авиации5. управление, пилотирование <ЛА>6. полет7. боевые действия; бой; сражение4-D operationsaeronautical operationsair refuelling operationair-cargo operationsair-to-air operationsairborne operationaircraft operationaircraft operationsairdrop operationsairfield operationsairline operationairmobile operationsairport surface operationsairship operationsall-cargo operationsamphibious operationsantiarmor operationsaugmented power operationbackside operationbattle-damaged runway operationsBDR operationBDR runway operationsblue water operationbusiness flying operationscargo operationscargo-carrying operationscarrier operationscasevac operationsCategory II operationscommercial operationscommuter operationscontrol law operationcoupled operationcruise operationsdaylight operationsdecoupled operationdegraded mode operationdifferential operationdomestic operationsdry power operationemergency operationextended-range operationeyes out the cockpit operationfailure operationfeathering operationfield operationsfirefighting operationfixed-base operationflight operationflight refuelling operationfree-deck operationsfull-attention operationsground-air-ground operationhands-on-throttle-and-stick operationhead-down operationhead-up operationhelicopter operationhelicopter operationshelicopter-based minesweeping operationshigh-power operationHOTAS operationhover operationhub operationshub-and-spoke operationIFR operationsinstrument flight operationsjet operationjetborne operationslong range operationslow-level operationslow-speed operationmedevac operationsmedium-altitude operationsmedium-level operationsmine countermeasures operationsnap-of-the-earth operationsneutral backside operationnonreversing operationnonafterburning operationoff-base operationsoffshore operationsoil rig operationsparatroop operationspartial power operationpassenger carrying operationspostattack operationspursuit operationrecovery operationrefuelling operationrepair operationsrough airfield operationsround-the-clock operationssea-based operationsshipboard operationshore-based operationsshort range operationsshort-field operationsshort-haul operationsshuttle-type operationssingle-engine operationsingle-engined operationsingle-pilot operationsingle-seat operationslingload operationsstall-free operationSTO operationSTOL operationsSTOLport operationsSTOVL operationssub-zero operationstailwind operationtakeoff operationtakeoff and landing operationsthree-crew operationtilt-rotor operationstracking operationstrimmed operationtrouble-free operationtwin-engined operationtwin-jet operationstwo-crew operationtwo-pilot operationtwo-shift operationultralight operationsunfeathering operationunrestricted operationutility operationsvector operationsvertical operationvertical operationswinter operationszero-zero operation -
15 gear
шасси (ЛА) ; аппаратура, оборудование; см. тж. equipment, facility, installation; механизм; см. тж. mechanism; зубчатая передача; редуктор; см. тж. gearbox; шестерня; ( специальное) обмундирование, снаряжение (лётчика, космонавта)be unable to get gear down — быть не в состоянии [не суметь] выпустить шасси
blow the gear down — разг. выпускать шасси
check the gear down — проверять шасси в выпущенном положении; контролировать выпущенное положение или выпуск шасси
ease the nose gear off — поднимать [отрывать] носовое колесо (при разбеге)
free fall (landing) gear — шасси, выпускающееся под действием собственного веса
gear is down and locked — «шасси выпущено и встало на замки» (сообщение)
— gear up -
16 pavement
искусственное ( аэродромное) покрытие -
17 surface
поверхность; площадь; покрытие; поверхностныйILS obstruction clearance surface — поверхность, свободная от препятствий, в зоне захода на посадку по системе ИЛС
liquid nitrogen cooled surface — поверхность, охлаждаемая жидким азотом
obstacle clearance surface — поверхность, свободная от препятствий или с заданным превышением над препятствиями
18 RW
1) Общая лексика: перемотка вперёд (сокр. для rewind - напр. кнопки на аудио- или видеоплеере)2) Компьютерная техника: Re Writeable, Read Write3) Медицина: реакция Вассермана4) Спорт: RaceWalking5) Военный термин: Real World, Royal Warrant, radiation weapon, radio warfare, radiological warfare, radiological warhead, radiological weapons, recruiting warrant, repair-workshop6) Техника: regenerated wave, river water7) Математика: случайное блуждание (random walk)8) Юридический термин: Recovered Wife9) Грубое выражение: Raging Whore10) Телекоммуникации: Receiver Window11) Сокращение: Radioactive Waste, Reconnaissance Wing, Right Worshipful, Right Worthy, Rotary Wing, radiological weapon, raw water, right of way, read-write (head)12) Вычислительная техника: Read/Write (I/O)13) Геофизика: Электрическое сопротивление пластовой воды (Resistivity of formation water, RW)14) Транспорт: Rear Wheel15) Воздухоплавание: Runway Visibility Value16) Фирменный знак: Republic Wire17) Образование: Read And Write18) Полимеры: random widths19) Программирование: Rewrite While20) Автоматика: resistance welding21) Океанография: Rough Water22) Имена и фамилии: Roger Williams23) НАСА: Reaction Wheel24) Парашютный спорт: групповая акробатика25) Клинические исследования: randomized withdrawal -
19 Rw
1) Общая лексика: перемотка вперёд (сокр. для rewind - напр. кнопки на аудио- или видеоплеере)2) Компьютерная техника: Re Writeable, Read Write3) Медицина: реакция Вассермана4) Спорт: RaceWalking5) Военный термин: Real World, Royal Warrant, radiation weapon, radio warfare, radiological warfare, radiological warhead, radiological weapons, recruiting warrant, repair-workshop6) Техника: regenerated wave, river water7) Математика: случайное блуждание (random walk)8) Юридический термин: Recovered Wife9) Грубое выражение: Raging Whore10) Телекоммуникации: Receiver Window11) Сокращение: Radioactive Waste, Reconnaissance Wing, Right Worshipful, Right Worthy, Rotary Wing, radiological weapon, raw water, right of way, read-write (head)12) Вычислительная техника: Read/Write (I/O)13) Геофизика: Электрическое сопротивление пластовой воды (Resistivity of formation water, RW)14) Транспорт: Rear Wheel15) Воздухоплавание: Runway Visibility Value16) Фирменный знак: Republic Wire17) Образование: Read And Write18) Полимеры: random widths19) Программирование: Rewrite While20) Автоматика: resistance welding21) Океанография: Rough Water22) Имена и фамилии: Roger Williams23) НАСА: Reaction Wheel24) Парашютный спорт: групповая акробатика25) Клинические исследования: randomized withdrawal -
20 rw
1) Общая лексика: перемотка вперёд (сокр. для rewind - напр. кнопки на аудио- или видеоплеере)2) Компьютерная техника: Re Writeable, Read Write3) Медицина: реакция Вассермана4) Спорт: RaceWalking5) Военный термин: Real World, Royal Warrant, radiation weapon, radio warfare, radiological warfare, radiological warhead, radiological weapons, recruiting warrant, repair-workshop6) Техника: regenerated wave, river water7) Математика: случайное блуждание (random walk)8) Юридический термин: Recovered Wife9) Грубое выражение: Raging Whore10) Телекоммуникации: Receiver Window11) Сокращение: Radioactive Waste, Reconnaissance Wing, Right Worshipful, Right Worthy, Rotary Wing, radiological weapon, raw water, right of way, read-write (head)12) Вычислительная техника: Read/Write (I/O)13) Геофизика: Электрическое сопротивление пластовой воды (Resistivity of formation water, RW)14) Транспорт: Rear Wheel15) Воздухоплавание: Runway Visibility Value16) Фирменный знак: Republic Wire17) Образование: Read And Write18) Полимеры: random widths19) Программирование: Rewrite While20) Автоматика: resistance welding21) Океанография: Rough Water22) Имена и фамилии: Roger Williams23) НАСА: Reaction Wheel24) Парашютный спорт: групповая акробатика25) Клинические исследования: randomized withdrawal
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
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