Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 red light

    red light
    [red l'ait] n 1 luz vermelha. 2 sinal de perigo. 3 sinal de trânsito que indica parada. 4 coll bordel.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > red light

  • 2 red-light district

    red-light dis.trict
    [red l'ait distrikt] n Amer zona de meretrício.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > red-light district

  • 3 tail-light

    noun (the (usually red) light on the back of a car, train etc: He followed the tail-lights of the bus.) luz traseira

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tail-light

  • 4 tail-light

    noun (the (usually red) light on the back of a car, train etc: He followed the tail-lights of the bus.) luz traseira

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > tail-light

  • 5 dark

    1. adjective
    1) (without light: a dark room; It's getting dark; the dark (= not cheerful) side.) escuro
    2) (blackish or closer to black than white: a dark red colour; a dark (= not very white or fair) complexion; Her hair is dark.) escuro
    3) (evil and usually secret: dark deeds; a dark secret.) sinistro
    2. noun
    (absence of light: in the dark; afraid of the dark; He never goes out after dark; We are in the dark (= we have no knowledge) about what is happening.) escuro
    - darkness
    - keep it dark
    * * *
    [da:k] n 1 escuridade, escuridão. 2 obscuridade, falta de clareza. 3 sombra. 4 noite, trevas, anoitecer, o cair da noite. 5 cor escura, matiz escuro. 6 ignorância. 7 segredo, mistério. 8 dúvida, incerteza. • adj 1 escuro, tenebroso, sombrio, falto de luz. 2 quase negro. 3 de cor sombria, carregada. 4 moreno, bronzeado, trigueiro. 5 fig ignorado, cego, difícil de entender, misterioso. 6 opaco. 7 secreto, oculto. 8 ambíguo, obscuro. 9 triste, lúgubre, aborrecido, abatido. 10 malvado, perverso. after dark depois do anoitecer. a leap in the dark um pulo no escuro. in the dark no escuro, sem informação ou conhecimento. to keep dark a) ficar quieto. b) não divulgar o que se sabe, sl esconder o leite.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > dark

  • 6 dark

    1. adjective
    1) (without light: a dark room; It's getting dark; the dark (= not cheerful) side.) escuro
    2) (blackish or closer to black than white: a dark red colour; a dark (= not very white or fair) complexion; Her hair is dark.) escuro
    3) (evil and usually secret: dark deeds; a dark secret.) sinistro
    2. noun
    (absence of light: in the dark; afraid of the dark; He never goes out after dark; We are in the dark (= we have no knowledge) about what is happening.) escuridão
    - darkness - keep it dark

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > dark

  • 7 bright

    1) (shining with much light: bright sunshine.) brilhante
    2) ((of a colour) strong and bold: a bright red car.) vivo
    3) (cheerful: a bright smile.) alegre
    4) (clever: bright children.) esperto
    - brightness
    - brighten
    * * *
    [brait] n Poet esplendor, fulgor. • adj 1 claro, luminoso, radiante, brilhante, luzente. 2 claro, vivo. 3 esperto, vivaz. 4 inteligente. 5 animado, alegre. 6 favorável, prometedor. 7 famoso. bright and early bem cedo. bright in the eye coll embriagado. things are looking brighter as coisas estão melhorando, as perspectivas são melhores.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bright

  • 8 colour

    1. noun
    1) (a quality which objects have, and which can be seen, only when light falls on them: What colour is her dress?; Red, blue and yellow are colours.) cor
    2) (paint(s): That artist uses water-colours.) tinta
    3) ((a) skin-colour varying with race: people of all colours.) cor
    4) (vividness; interest: There's plenty of colour in his stories.) cor
    2. adjective
    ((of photographs etc) in colour, not black and white: colour film; colour television.) a cores
    3. verb
    (to put colour on; to paint: They coloured the walls yellow.) pintar
    4. noun
    ((sometimes used impolitely) a dark-skinned person especially of Negro origin.) pessoa de cor
    - colouring
    - colourless
    - colours
    - colour-blind
    - colour scheme
    - off-colour
    - colour in
    - show oneself in one's true colours
    - with flying colours
    * * *
    [k'∧lə] n 1 cor, colorido. 2 tinta, corante, pigmento. 3 vermelhão, rubor do rosto. 4 pretexto, disfarce. 5 plausibilidade, aparência de autenticidade. 6 cor da pele das raças que não são brancas. 7 aparência, aspecto. 8 detalhe realístico, vida. 9 caráter, feição. they showed their colours / revelaram suas intenções, mostraram quem realmente eram. he showed his true colours / fig ele mostrou seu verdadeiro caráter. 10 vivacidade, brilho, ânimo. his sincerity gives colour to all he does / sua sinceridade caracteriza todos os seus atos. 11 matiz, tonalidade. 12 Mus timbre, som. 13 colours cores, emblema, estandarte, bandeira. 14 Mil insígnia militar. 15 colours cor política, partido. • vt+vi 1 pintar, tingir, corar, colorir, dar cor a. 2 corar, mudar de cor, enrubescer. 3 fig corar, disfarçar, alterar, paliar, desculpar. 4 dar determinado aspecto a. 5 caracterizar. his prejudices coloured his facts / seus preconceitos manifestaram-se em seu relato. • adj em cores, de cor. body colour tinta opaca. complementary colour cor complementar. composite colours cores mistas. fast colours cores firmes. filling colour massa colorida para preparar a superfície a ser pintada. fundamental colours cores básicas. glaring colours cores berrantes. local colour colorido ou aspecto local. off colour coll exausto, esgotado, indisposto. painted in his true colours mostrado em seu verdadeiro aspecto. play of colours variação de cores. primary colours cores primárias. service with the colours serviço militar. to call to the colours convocar para o serviço militar. to change colour mudar de cor (pessoa), ficar pálido (ou vermelho). to come off with flying colours sair vitorioso. to give false colour to distorcer os fatos. to give/ lend colour to dar aparência de verdade a. to have a colour ter aspecto sadio, ter boa cor. to have a high colour estar corado. to hoist the colours hastear a bandeira. to join the colours alistar-se. to lose colour ficar pálido. to lower the colours a) baixar a bandeira. b) fig ceder, dobrar-se. to mail one’s colours to the mast manter-se firme em sua decisão. to sail under false colours fig agir com falsidade. to stick to one’s colours ser fiel à causa. trooping the colours desfile de bandeiras. under colour of sob o pretexto de. with flying colours com grande sucesso.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > colour

  • 9 fiery

    1) (like fire: a fiery light.) flamejante
    2) (angry: a fiery temper.) fogoso
    * * *
    [f'aiəri] adj 1 ígneo, de fogo, ardente, causticante, abrasador, flamejante, chamejante. 2 quente como fogo. 3 cor de fogo. 4 inflamável, inflamado. 5 fig faiscante, chispante. 6 fig ardente, veemente, fogoso, impetuoso, irascível, furioso, colérico, excitável, apaixonado, belicoso. fiery eyes olhos faiscantes. fiery nature indivíduo fogoso, colérico, impaciente. fiery pit inferno. fiery red rubro. fiery sore chaga inflamada.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fiery

  • 10 flame

    [fleim] 1. noun
    (the bright light of something burning: A small flame burned in the lamp.) chama
    2. verb
    1) (to burn with flames: His eyes flamed with anger.) flamejar
    2) (to become very hot, red etc: Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment.) incendiar-se
    - flammable
    - flame of the forest
    * * *
    [fleim] n 1 chama, fulgor, fogo, brilho, lume. 2 ardor, zelo, paixão. 3 coll namorado, namorada. • vt+vi 1 chamejar, flamejar, lançar chamas. 2 arder, queimar-se, incendiar-se, inflamar-se, brilhar, fulgurar, resplandecer. 3 arder em paixões, inflamar-se, abrasar-se, exaltar-se. 4 encolerizar-se, explodir. 5 ruborizar-se. in flames em chamas. to burst into flames fazer-se em chamas. to fan the flames, add fuel to the flames encorajar, tornar uma situação mais intensa ou extrema. to go up in flames incendiar-se rapidamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > flame

  • 11 glow

    [ɡləu] 1. verb
    1) (to give out heat or light without any flame: The coal was glowing in the fire.) brilhar
    2) (to have red cheeks because of heat, cold, emotion etc: The little boy glowed with pride.) inchar
    2. noun
    (the state of glowing: the glow of the coal in the fire.) brilho
    - glow-worm
    * * *
    [glou] n 1 incandescência, brasa, brilho. 2 ardor, rubor, vermelhão, paixão, animação, calor (interior). • vi 1 incandescer, estar em brasa, estar rubro, arder, brilhar intensamente. 2 estar corado ou afogueado, irradiar saúde ou alegria, ruborizar, estar apreensivo ou animado (com with). he glowed with indignation ele estava vermelho de raiva.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > glow

  • 12 match

    [mæ ] I noun
    (a short piece of wood or other material tipped with a substance that catches fire when rubbed against a rough or specially-prepared surface: He struck a match.) fósforo
    II 1. noun
    1) (a contest or game: a football/rugby/chess match.) jogo
    2) (a thing that is similar to or the same as another in some way(s) eg in colour or pattern: These trousers are not an exact match for my jacket.) combinação
    3) (a person who is able to equal another: She has finally met her match at arguing.) igual
    4) (a marriage or an act of marrying: She hoped to arrange a match for her daughter.) casamento
    2. verb
    1) (to be equal or similar to something or someone in some way eg in colour or pattern: That dress matches her red hair.) combinar com
    2) (to set (two things, people etc) to compete: He matched his skill against the champion's.) confrontar
    - matchless
    - matchmaker
    * * *
    [mætʃ] n 1 igual, parelha. 2 companheiro. 3 luta, competição, partida, jogo. 4 casamento. 5 partido. • vt+vi 1 igualar, emparelhar. 2 casar, unir. 3 equiparar. 4 competir, medir forças. we cannot match them / não podemos medir forças com eles. 5 casar-se. 6 igualar-se. 7 combinar. an even match competição equilibrada. football match jogo de futebol. to be a match for estar à altura. he is more than a match for you / ele é superior a você (em qualidade, competência). he is not a match for me / ele não está à minha altura. to match a colour to another combinar uma cor com outra. to match coins tirar a sorte com moeda (cara ou coroa).
    [mætʃ] n 1 palito de fósforo. 2 mecha, estopim. to light a match acender um fósforo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > match

  • 13 primary colours

    ((of pigments, but not of light) those colours from which all others can be made, ie red, blue and yellow.) cores primárias
    * * *
    pri.ma.ry col.ours
    [praiməri k'∧ləz] n cores fundamentais.
    primary colours
    cores primárias.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > primary colours

  • 14 spark

    1. noun
    1) (a tiny red-hot piece thrown off by something burning, or when two very hard (eg metal) surfaces are struck together: Sparks were being thrown into the air from the burning building.) faísca
    2) (an electric current jumping across a gap: a spark from a faulty light-socket.) faísca
    3) (a trace (eg of life, humour): a spark of enthusiasm.) centelha
    2. verb
    1) (to give off sparks.) soltar faíscas
    2) ((often with off) to start (a row, disagreement etc): Their action sparked off a major row.) provocar
    * * *
    [spa:k] n 1 faísca, chispa, centelha (também fig). 2 Electr faísca, descarga elétrica. 3 clarão de luz. 4 traço, pequena quantidade, partícula. • vt+vi 1 reluzir, clarear. 2 faiscar, chispar. 3 entusiasmar, despertar para a ação. bright spark Brit coll pessoa alegre ou esperta. the spark of life a centelha de vida. to spark off Brit levar a, causar. to strike sparks off each other trocar estímulos mentais.
    [spa:k] n arch almofadinha, galanteador, janota. • vt+vi galantear, cortejar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spark

  • 15 spot

    [spot] 1. noun
    1) (a small mark or stain (made by mud, paint etc): She was trying to remove a spot of grease from her skirt.) mancha
    2) (a small, round mark of a different colour from its background: His tie was blue with white spots.) pinta
    3) (a pimple or red mark on the skin caused by an illness etc: She had measles and was covered in spots.) borbulha
    4) (a place or small area, especially the exact place (where something happened etc): There was a large number of detectives gathered at the spot where the body had been found.) no local
    5) (a small amount: Can I borrow a spot of sugar?) um pouco
    2. verb
    1) (to catch sight of: She spotted him eventually at the very back of the crowd.) avistar
    2) (to recognize or pick out: No-one watching the play was able to spot the murderer.) reconhecer
    - spotlessly
    - spotlessness
    - spotted
    - spotty
    - spottiness
    - spot check
    - spotlight
    3. verb
    1) (to light with a spotlight: The stage was spotlit.) iluminar
    2) (to show up clearly or draw attention to: The incident spotlighted the difficulties with which we were faced.) chamar a atenção para
    - on the spot
    - spot on
    * * *
    [spɔt] n 1 marca, mancha, borrão. 2 fig mácula. 3 pinta, espinha. 4 lugar, ponto, local. that is the sore/ tender spot / este é o ponto sensível. 5 coll pouquinho, pequena quantidade, pingo, gole, trago. 6 posição, cargo. 7 sl anúncio avulso, comercial curto (rádio ou televisão). 8 sl clube noturno, restaurante. • vt+vi 1 marcar, manchar, sujar, borrar. 2 ficar manchado, ter manchas ou marcas. 3 colocar em certo lugar ou ponto, espalhar em vários lugares. 4 coll localizar, descobrir, reconhecer. 5 macular, manchar, desonrar. 6 coll descobrir, perceber. 7 chuviscar, cair chuva leve ou irregular. 8 dar vantagem, dar de lambujem. • adj 1 pronto, instantâneo, imediato. 2 Com à vista. 3 transmitido, irradiado (estação de rádio). • adv Brit coll bem, exatamente. a spot of whisky um golinho de uísque. in a spot sl em dificuldade, em maus lençóis. it’s spotting with rain está chuviscando. on the spot a) naquele mesmo lugar, no lugar certo. b) imediatamente. he married her (up) on the spot / ele casou-se com ela imediatamente.c) Amer sl em dificuldade, em apuros. soft spot lugar de trabalho fácil. that hits the spot! isto sim! (que é gostoso). that puts me in a bad spot Amer coll isto me deixa em maus lençóis. to change one’s spots mudar a qualidade ou o modo de vida. to hit the high spots tratar dos pontos principais. to knock spots off Brit coll derrotar facilmente, ser muito melhor do que. to spot out tirar as manchas, limpar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > spot

  • 16 bright

    1) (shining with much light: bright sunshine.) brilhante
    2) ((of a colour) strong and bold: a bright red car.) vivo
    3) (cheerful: a bright smile.) radiante
    4) (clever: bright children.) inteligente
    - brightness - brighten

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > bright

  • 17 colour

    1. noun
    1) (a quality which objects have, and which can be seen, only when light falls on them: What colour is her dress?; Red, blue and yellow are colours.) cor
    2) (paint(s): That artist uses water-colours.) tinta
    3) ((a) skin-colour varying with race: people of all colours.) cor
    4) (vividness; interest: There's plenty of colour in his stories.) colorido
    2. adjective
    ((of photographs etc) in colour, not black and white: colour film; colour television.) em cores
    3. verb
    (to put colour on; to paint: They coloured the walls yellow.) colorir, pintar
    4. noun
    ((sometimes used impolitely) a dark-skinned person especially of Negro origin.) negro
    - colouring - colourless - colours - colour-blind - colour scheme - off-colour - colour in - show oneself in one's true colours - with flying colours

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > colour

  • 18 flame

    [fleim] 1. noun
    (the bright light of something burning: A small flame burned in the lamp.) chama
    2. verb
    1) (to burn with flames: His eyes flamed with anger.) flamejar
    2) (to become very hot, red etc: Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment.) inflamar-se
    - flammable - flame of the forest

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > flame

  • 19 glow

    [ɡləu] 1. verb
    1) (to give out heat or light without any flame: The coal was glowing in the fire.) incandescer-se
    2) (to have red cheeks because of heat, cold, emotion etc: The little boy glowed with pride.) corar
    2. noun
    (the state of glowing: the glow of the coal in the fire.) incandescência
    - glow-worm

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > glow

  • 20 primary colours

    ((of pigments, but not of light) those colours from which all others can be made, ie red, blue and yellow.) cores primárias

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > primary colours

См. также в других словарях:

  • Red light — 1. an electrically operated set of lights at a road intersection which has different lights visible to traffic from different directions, designed to control vehicle traffic through the intersection. Each set of lights typically has a colored red …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Red light — may refer to: *Traffic light *Safelight *Red light district *Red Light, a 1949 crime filmee also*Red light/Green light *Blue Light, Red Light …   Wikipedia

  • red light — noun count * a red TRAFFIC LIGHT go through a red light to not stop when a red traffic light is showing …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • red light — red lights 1) N COUNT A red light is a traffic signal which shines red to indicate that drivers must stop. 2) ADJ: ADJ n The red light district of a city is the area where prostitutes work …   English dictionary

  • red-light — /red luyt /, v.t., red lighted, red lighting. Informal. to stop or deter by means of or as if with a red light. [1895 1900] * * * …   Universalium

  • red light — red′ light′ n. 1) trs a red colored traffic light used as a signal to stop 2) an order or directive to halt an action, project, etc 3) a signal of danger; warning • Etymology: 1840–50 …   From formal English to slang

  • red light — ► NOUN ▪ a red light instructing moving vehicles to stop …   English terms dictionary

  • red-light — /red luyt /, v.t., red lighted, red lighting. Informal. to stop or deter by means of or as if with a red light. [1895 1900] …   Useful english dictionary

  • red light — n. 1. any danger or warning signal; specif., a red lamp, flare, etc. 2. a red stoplight …   English World dictionary

  • Red Light — Quartier du Red Light de Montréal 45° 30′ 36″ N 73° 33′ 56″ W / 45.509888, 73.565467 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • red light — n. 1) to go through, run (AE) a red light (she ran a red light and was fined) 2) at a red light (to stop at a red light) * * * [ˌred laɪt] run (AE) a red light (she ran a red light and was fined) to go through at a red light (to stop at a red… …   Combinatory dictionary

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