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  • 1 طريق

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل \ بِطَريقٍ مُتَشابهة \ similarly: in the same way: They were similarly dressed. \ طَرِيق تُرابِيّ \ path: (also footpath, pathway) a track made by people’s feet, across open ground; a way made for people to walk along: a path over the fields; a garden path. \ طَرِيق جَانِبيّ \ bypass: a road that avoids a town by passing round it. \ طَرِيق خاصّة \ drive: a private road to a house. \ طَرِيق سيارات سريع \ motorway, freeway: a broad road with limited entrances, for fast travel over a long distance, which goes over or under all other roads. \ See Also رئيسي (رئيسيّ)‏ \ طَرِيق ضيّق \ lane: a narrow road in the country. path: also footpath, pathway) a track made by people’s feet, across open ground; a way made for people to walk along: a path over the fields; a garden path. \ طَرِيق عامّ \ highway: a main road; any public road. \ See Also رئيس( رئيسسريع( سريع)‏ \ طَرِيق فَرْعِيٌّ \ byroad: an unimportant road; a side road. \ See Also خاص (خَاصّ)‏ \ طَرِيق مائيّ \ waterway: a river or canal along which boats can travel. \ طَرِيق مُخْتَصَرَة \ short cut: a way between two places that shortens the distance: Instead of following the road, we took a short cut across the fields, a quicker way of doing sth. I can add the numbers up in my head, but using a calculating machine is a short cut. \ طَرِيق مُسَفْلَتة \ tarmac: Tarred surface: The aircraft landed smoothly on the tarmac.

    Arabic-English dictionary > طريق

  • 2 مفتاح

    مِفْتاح \ button: a small round object that is pressed to work a bell or light. key: an instrument for opening locks; sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success, part of an instrument like a piano or typerwriter, that works when pressed with a finger. knob: a round handle for controlling parts of a machine (car, radio, etc.). wrench: a tool used for holding and turning things (esp. to tighten or loosen them). \ مِفْتَاح رَبْط \ spanner, wrench: a tool for screwing nuts and bolts. \ See Also صمولة (صَمُولة)‏ \ مِفْتَاح كَهْربائيّ \ switch: a device for starting and stopping a flow of electricity: a light switch.

    Arabic-English dictionary > مفتاح

  • 3 lesson

    دَرْسٌ (حِصَّة)‏ \ lesson: a fixed period for teaching: At school we have five lessons each morning, sth. that is learnt or taught Have you finished your history lesson? Read lesson 5 on page 17. My father gives driving lessons, (esp. in the phrase teach sb. a lesson) an experience that provides a warning or example You played with fire and burnt your fingers? Let that be a lesson to you. I hope that has taught you a lesson. \ عِبْرَة \ lesson: (esp. in the phrase teach sb. a lesson) an experience that provides a warning or example: You played with fire and burnt your fingers? Let that be a lesson to you. I hope that has taught you a lesson.

    Arabic-English glossary > lesson

  • 4 teach sb. a lesson

    دَرْسٌ (حِصَّة)‏ \ lesson: a fixed period for teaching: At school we have five lessons each morning, sth. that is learnt or taught Have you finished your history lesson? Read lesson 5 on page 17. My father gives driving lessons, (esp. in the phrase teach sb. a lesson) an experience that provides a warning or example You played with fire and burnt your fingers? Let that be a lesson to you. I hope that has taught you a lesson. \ عِبْرَة \ lesson: (esp. in the phrase teach sb. a lesson) an experience that provides a warning or example: You played with fire and burnt your fingers? Let that be a lesson to you. I hope that has taught you a lesson.

    Arabic-English glossary > teach sb. a lesson

  • 5 استخدم

    اِسْتَخْدَمَ \ apply: to put sth. on or into use (force, rules, etc.): Apply as much force as is necessary. employ: to give work to: My firm employs 300 men, to use: She employed every trick that she knew in the hope of getting what she wanted. engage: to give a job to: The school has engaged two new teachers. exercise: to make active use of (one’s mind, a power or right): Exercise a little more patience, please. exploit: to develop; make full use of (things that nature provides: forests, oil, coal, etc.): We can make electricity by exploiting the force of the river. take: to use; follow: We took the train to London. You took the wrong road. Don’t go! You should take this chance of a new job. take on: to give employment to: My company has taken on three new clerks. use: to employ (sth.) for a purpose; do sth. with: We use cups for drinking. I had to use force to open the door. utilize: to make use of (sth. that one has): Coal, oil and gas are all utilized as means of power. \ See Also شغل (شَغَّلَ)، وظف (وَظَّفَ)، استثمر (اِسْتَثْمَر)‏ \ اِسْتَخْدَمَ بِبَرَاعة (أداة، سُلْطة، إلخ)‏ \ wield: old use to use or handle effectively (an axe, sword, power, etc.). \ اِسْتَخْدَمَ الآلة بدلاً من الإنسان \ mechanize: to supply with machines; use machines for (instead of using men, horses, etc.): mechanized farming. \ اِسْتَخْدَمَ علامات الفصل والوقف في الكتابة \ punctuate: to put the stops (?;. etc.) into writing. \ اِسْتَخْدَمَ كَـ \ act as: to be useful for; be used as: The fallen tree acted as a bridge across the river.

    Arabic-English dictionary > استخدم

  • 6 متعهد

    مُتَعَهِّد \ contractor: sb. who makes a contract to supply materials or do work at a fixed price, esp. for building. \ المُتَعَهِّد بِتزويد الطَّعام \ caterer: one who provides food for a school, hospital, large party, hotel, etc.. \ مُتَعَهِّد دَفْن المَوْتَى \ undertaker: sb. who arranges for the burial of dead people. \ مُتَعَوِّد على \ accustomed to: used to: Cats are accustomed to the dark (it is not strange to them).

    Arabic-English dictionary > متعهد

  • 7 نبات

    نَبَات \ plant: sth. that grows from the ground (flowers, grass, crops, etc.; often not including bushes and trees): a tobacco plant. \ نَبَات \ corn: any plant that bears grain, esp. in BrE wheat, in AmE maize; the grain of such a plant. \ See Also حَبّ القَمْح، الذُّرَة \ نَبَات \ parasite: a creature (or plant) that lives on another and feeds on its blood, etc.; a person who lives on the efforts of sb. else and does not earn his own living. \ See Also حَيَوان أو شَخْص طُفَيْلِيّ \ نَبَات الأسَل \ rush: a plant that grows in wet places; its tall stems are used for making chair seats, baskets and floor coverings. \ نَبَات الأَفُوكاتَة (نبات)‏ \ avocado: pear a green tropical fruit with a large seed and smooth oily flesh. \ نَبَات البَنْجَر \ beet: a plant with a large root, of which the white kind produces sugar, and the red kind is used as a vegetable. \ See Also الشَّمَنْدَر \ نَبَات الجَاوْدَار \ rye: a kind of corn that is used for black bread. \ See Also الشَّيْلَم \ نَبَات الحَزَاز \ lichen: a very small plant which spreads over rocks, trees, etc.. \ نَبَات الخُرْشُوف (الأَرْضي شَوْكي)‏ \ artichoke: a kind of vegetable. \ نَبَات الخُزَامَى \ lavender: a plant with small sweet-smelling purple flowers and grey leaves. \ نَبَات الخَشْخَاش \ poppy: a wild red flower of several kinds (including the opium poppy). \ نَبَات الدِّفْلَى \ oleander: a bush with beautiful red or white flowers, common in gardens in hot countries. \ نَبَات الرَّاوَنْد \ rhubarb: a garden plant whose stems are cooked and eaten as fruit. \ See Also الرِّيباص \ نَبَات الرَّتَم \ broom: a bush with yellow flowers. \ See Also البَلاّن \ نَبَات الرَّتَم \ juniper: an evergreen bush whose fruit is used to give a taste to GIN. \ See Also العَرْعَر \ نَبَات الزنجَبيل \ ginger: a plant whose hot-tasting root is used in cooking. \ نَبَات السَّرْخَس \ fern: a feathery green plant with no flowers; a mass of this. \ See Also الخُنْشَار \ نَبَات السَّعَادة \ lotus: a flower that grows in lakes (also called the water lily). \ نَبَات شائِك \ thistle: a wild plant with prickly leaves. \ نَبَات الصَّبّار \ cactus, cacti, cactuses: a prickly plant that growns in a dry place. \ نَبَاتُ الفاصُوليَا \ bean: various kinds of plant that produce this. \ See Also اللُّوبيَا، الفول، إلخ \ نَبَات الفُطْر \ mushroom: a small leafless edible plant with a white circular top on a single stem, that can grow in one night. \ نَبَات القُرَّاص \ nettle: a wild plant whose leaves can sting. \ نَبَات القُطن \ cotton: a plant that has a soft white woolly substance round its seeds. \ نَبَات القنَّبِيط (القَرْنَبيط)‏ \ cauliflower: a vegetable with a large white head and green leaves. \ نَبَات القُنْدُول \ gorse: a prickly bush with yellow flowers, common on wild land in Britain. \ نَبَات اللَّبلاب (المتَسلّق)‏ \ ivy: a wild evergreen plant that climbs up trees and walls, and has a leaf with 5 points. \ نَبَات اللِّيف \ loofah: a climbing plant whose dried fruit is used as a brush for washing oneself; such a brush. \ نَبَات مُتَسَلِّق \ creeper: a plant that cannot stand by itself but climbs up walls or trees. \ نَبَات النِّيل (العَظْلَم) (صباغ أزرق)‏ \ indigo: a deep blue colouring matter; the plant that provides it. \ نَبَات الهِنْدِباء البَرّيّة \ dandelion: a yellow wild flower. \ نَبَات وزهرة السَّوْسَن \ iris: a tall plant that grows from a bulb and has gay flowers of various colours (blue, yellow, white, etc.).

    Arabic-English dictionary > نبات

  • 8 button

    مِفْتاح \ button: a small round object that is pressed to work a bell or light. key: an instrument for opening locks; sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success, part of an instrument like a piano or typerwriter, that works when pressed with a finger. knob: a round handle for controlling parts of a machine (car, radio, etc.). wrench: a tool used for holding and turning things (esp. to tighten or loosen them).

    Arabic-English glossary > button

  • 9 key

    مِفْتاح \ button: a small round object that is pressed to work a bell or light. key: an instrument for opening locks; sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success, part of an instrument like a piano or typerwriter, that works when pressed with a finger. knob: a round handle for controlling parts of a machine (car, radio, etc.). wrench: a tool used for holding and turning things (esp. to tighten or loosen them).

    Arabic-English glossary > key

  • 10 knob

    مِفْتاح \ button: a small round object that is pressed to work a bell or light. key: an instrument for opening locks; sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success, part of an instrument like a piano or typerwriter, that works when pressed with a finger. knob: a round handle for controlling parts of a machine (car, radio, etc.). wrench: a tool used for holding and turning things (esp. to tighten or loosen them).

    Arabic-English glossary > knob

  • 11 wrench

    مِفْتاح \ button: a small round object that is pressed to work a bell or light. key: an instrument for opening locks; sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success, part of an instrument like a piano or typerwriter, that works when pressed with a finger. knob: a round handle for controlling parts of a machine (car, radio, etc.). wrench: a tool used for holding and turning things (esp. to tighten or loosen them).

    Arabic-English glossary > wrench

  • 12 course

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > course

  • 13 key

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > key

  • 14 passage

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > passage

  • 15 procedure

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > procedure

  • 16 process

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > process

  • 17 road

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > road

  • 18 route

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > route

  • 19 street

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > street

  • 20 tack

    طَرِيق \ course: a line of action to be followed: He was given a course of treatment for disease. Your best course is to wait for an answer. key: sth. that provides an answer, or a way to gain sth.: Hard work is the key to success. passage: passing; way: Fallen rocks blocked our passage. procedure: a regular or official way of doing things: What’s the usual procedure at an election?. process: a course of action, a course of change: Coal was formed out of forests by chemical processes. road: a track with a hard surface, suitable for cars, etc.: a main road; the road to London. route: the way that one takes from one place to another: Which is the safest route up the mountain?. street: a road in a town (or the main road in a village), with buildings beside it: Side streets lead from a main street into the back streets. tack: the course that is taken when one is tacking, the course that is being followed in any planned action: I think she’s on the right tack. track: a rough road or path: a cart track; a mountain track; a railway track (the ground on which the line is laid, or the line itself). way: a road: highway; motorway, a direction Which is the way to London? I’ve lost my way. It’s a long way away (it’s far away) Please lead the way (Please go in front). \ See Also طَريقَة عَمَلِيَّة، خطة (خُطَّة)، سَبيل، مفتاح (مِفْتاح)، درب (دَرْب)، مرور (مُرور)، مِنْهاج سَيْر العَمَل

    Arabic-English glossary > tack

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