1 provide
provide [prə'vaɪd]∎ to provide sth for sb, to provide sb with sth fournir qch à qn;∎ who provided them with that information? qui leur a fourni ou transmis ces renseignements?;∎ to provide jobs fournir des emplois;∎ this factory will provide 500 new jobs cette usine créera 500 emplois;∎ they provide a car for her use ils mettent une voiture à sa disposition;∎ the plane is provided with eight emergency exits l'avion dispose de huit sorties de secours;∎ write the answers in the spaces provided écrivez les réponses dans les blancs prévus à cet effet∎ a small summerhouse provides some privacy un petit pavillon dans le jardin offre une certaine intimité;∎ I want to provide my children with a good education je veux pouvoir offrir ou donner une bonne éducation à mes enfants;∎ the book provides a good introduction to maths ce livre est une bonne introduction aux maths;∎ milk provides a good source of protein le lait constitue un bon apport en protéines(c) (stipulate → of contract, law) stipuler;∎ the rules provide that… le règlement stipule que…∎ to provide against sth se prémunir contre qch;∎ the Lord will provide Dieu y pourvoira∎ to provide for sb pourvoir ou subvenir aux besoins de qn;∎ I have a family to provide for j'ai une famille à nourrir;∎ an insurance policy that will provide for your children's future une assurance qui subviendra aux besoins de vos enfants;∎ his widow was left well provided for sa veuve était à l'abri du besoin∎ to provide for sth se préparer à qch;∎ they hadn't provided for the drop in demand la baisse de la demande les a pris au dépourvu;∎ expenses provided for in the budget dépenses fpl prévues au budget;∎ we try to provide for all eventualities nous nous efforçons de parer à toute éventualité(c) (contract, law)∎ to provide for sth stipuler ou prévoir qch;∎ the bill provides for subsidies to be reduced le projet de loi prévoit une baisse des subventions -
2 provide
A vtr1 ( supply) fournir [opportunity, evidence, jobs, meals] (for à) ; apporter [answer, support, understanding] (for à) ; donner [satisfaction] (for à) ; assurer [service, food, shelter] (for à) ; the club provides a meeting place le club fournit un lieu de réunion ; to provide access [path] assurer l'accès ; (to records, information) fournir l'accès ; ‘training provided’ ‘formation assurée’ ; to provide sb with fournir [qch] à qn [job, room, opportunity] ; assurer [qch] à qn [food, shelter, service] ; apporter [qch] à qn [support, understanding] ; the course provided them with a chance to meet people le stage leur a fourni l'occasion de rencontrer des gens ; to provide the perfect introduction to être une introduction parfaite à [subject, work] ; to provide an incentive to do être un encouragement à faire ; please use the bin provided veuillez utiliser la poubelle mise à votre disposition ; write your answer in the space provided écrivez votre réponse dans l'espace indiqué ;2 Jur, Admin ( stipulate) [law, clause, agreement] prévoir (that que) ; except as provided sauf indication contraire.B vi pourvoir aux besoins.▶ provideagainst [sth] parer à [possibility, hardship, disaster].■ provide for:▶ provide for [sth]1 ( account for) envisager [contingency, expenses, eventuality] ; to provide for sth to be done envisager de faire qch ;2 Jur [treaty, agreement, clause] prévoir ; the law provides for sth to be done la loi prévoit que qch sera fait ;▶ provide for [sb] [person, will] subvenir aux besoins de ; she provides for her family ou her family's needs elle subvient aux besoins de sa famille ; to be well provided for être à l'abri du besoin. -
3 provide
provide [prəˈvaɪd]• to provide o.s. with sth se procurer qch* * *[prə'vaɪd] 1.transitive verb1) ( supply) fournir [opportunity, evidence, jobs, meals] ( for à); apporter [answer, support, understanding] ( for à); donner [satisfaction] ( for à); assurer [service, food, access, training, shelter] ( for à)2.intransitive verb pourvoir aux besoinsPhrasal Verbs: -
4 provide
/provide/ * nội động từ - ((thường) + for, against) chuẩn bị đầy đủ, dự phòng =to provide for an entertaiment+ chuẩn bị đầy đủ cho một cuộc tiếp đãi =to provide against an attack+ chuẩn bị đầy đủ cho một tấn công, dự phòng chống lại một cuộc tấn công - ((thường) + for) cung cấp, chu cấp, lo cho cái ăn cái mặc cho; lo liệu cho =to provide for a large family+ lo cái ăn cái mặc cho một gia đình đông con =to be well provided for+ được lo liệu đầy đủ cái ăn cái mặc, được cung cấp đầy đủ * ngoại động từ - ((thường) + with, for, to) cung cấp, kiếm cho =to provide someone with something+ cung cấp cho ai cái gì =to be well provided with arms and ammunitions+ được cung cấp đầy đủ súng đạn =to provide something for (to) somebody+ kiếm cái gì cho ai - (pháp lý) quy định =to provide that+ quy định rằng =a clause which provides that the tenant shall be held responsible for repairs+ điều khoản quy định rằng người thuê có trách nhiệm sửa chữa - (sử học), (tôn giáo) (+ to) chỉ định, bổ nhiệm (ai vào một thánh chức có lộc) -
5 provide
provide [prəˊvaɪd] v1) снабжа́ть; обеспе́чивать;he has a large family to provide for он соде́ржит большу́ю семью́
3) предоставля́ть, дава́ть;his father provided him with a good education оте́ц дал ему́ хоро́шее образова́ние
4) заготовля́ть, запаса́ть(ся);to provide an excuse (зара́нее) пригото́вить извине́ние
5) ста́вить усло́вием (that) -
6 provide
7 provide
provide v1. liefern, besorgen, beschaffen;2. bestimmen, festsetzen, vorsehen (Regelung);3. bereitstellen, anweisen (Geld) -
8 provide
provide v 1. FIN anschaffen (cover); bereitstellen (funds); 2. GEN leisten (assistance); versorgen mit, bereitstellen, beschaffen (goods and services); 3. LAW vorschreiben -
9 provide
provide v vorsehenEnglish-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > provide
10 provide
11 provide at
12 provide in
13 provide
постачати, забезпечувати, надавати, наділяти; постановляти, ухвалювати; обумовлювати, ставити за умову; вживати ( заходи); забороняти; передбачати, формулювати, встановлювати (в законі, нормі загального права тощо)provide a safe system of work and a safe working environment — забезпечувати техніку безпеки на роботі
provide for the removal of executive and judicial officers by impeachment — передбачати усунення посадових осіб виконавчої і судової влад з посад шляхом імпічменту ( про законодавство)
provide information leading to the apprehension of the criminal — надавати інформацію, що допоможе спіймати (заарештувати) злочинця
- provide a sanctionprovide personal protection to high government officials — забезпечувати особисту охорону високопосадових урядовців
- provide against
- provide by law
- provide cover
- provide emergency services
- provide explanation
- provide financial support
- provide for
- provide for a penalty
- provide for a punishment
- provide for all possibilities
- provide for confiscation
- provide for in law
- provide for smth. by law
- provide guarantees
- provide guarantees on paper
- provide in the contract
- provide legal aid
- provide legal protection
- provide legal services
- provide on paper
- provide protection to a person
- provide remedy
- provide sanctuary to hijackers
- provide secrecy of information
- provide some degree of freedom
- provide testimony
- provide the legal basis
- provide traffic control
- provide valid explanation
- provide with an acceptance -
14 provide
transitive verb1) (supply) besorgen; sorgen für; liefern [Beweis]; bereitstellen [Dienst, Geld]instructions are provided with every machine — mit jeder Maschine wird eine Anleitung mitgeliefert
provide homes/materials/a car for somebody — jemandem Unterkünfte/Materialien/ein Auto [zur Verfügung] stellen
provide somebody with money — jemanden unterhalten; (for journey etc.) jemandem Geld zur Verfügung stellen
be [well] provided with something — mit etwas [wohl]versorgt od. [wohl]versehen sein
provide oneself with something — sich (Dat.) etwas besorgen
2) (stipulate) [Vertrag, Gesetz:] vorsehen3)providing that — see academic.ru/58617/provided">provided
Phrasal Verbs:- provide for* * *1) (to give or supply: He provided the wine for the meal; He provided them with a bed for the night.) be-, versorgen2) ((with for) to have enough money to supply what is necessary: He is unable to provide for his family.) sorgen•- provided- providing* * *pro·vide[prə(ʊ)ˈvaɪd, AM prəˈ-]I. vt▪ to \provide sth etw zur Verfügung stellen [o bereitstellen]we will not be able to \provide the same standard of teaching if there are funding cuts wir werden dieses Unterrichtsniveau nicht aufrechterhalten können, wenn der Etat gekürzt wirdto \provide employment Arbeitsplätze schaffento \provide evidence/an explanation Beweise/eine Erklärung liefernto \provide information about sb/sth Informationen über jdn/etw gebento \provide inspiration inspirierento \provide proof einen Nachweis erbringento \provide a thrill für Nervenkitzel sorgen▪ to \provide sb/sth with sth [or sth for sb/sth] (supply) jdn/etw mit etw dat versorgen; (offer) jdm/etw etw bieten [o geben]by being late he \provided ammunition for his boss to use against him durch sein Zuspätkommen lieferte er seinem Chef Material, das dieser gegen ihn verwenden konnteto \provide a reference for sb jdm eine Referenz gebento \provide sanctuary/shelter for sb/sth jdm/etw Zuflucht/Schutz bietento \provide treatment for sb/sth jdn/etw behandelnII. vi2. (look after)▪ to \provide for sb/oneself für jdn/sich selbst sorgencurrent legislation \provides for the detention of suspects die gegenwärtige Gesetzgebung erlaubt die Inhaftierung von Verdächtigen▪ to \provide that... festlegen [o bestimmen] [o vorsehen], dass...section 17 \provides that all decisions must be circulated in writing Artikel 17 schreibt vor, dass alle Entscheidungen schriftlich weitergeleitet werden müssen* * *[prə'vaɪd]1. vt1) (= make available) zur Verfügung stellen; (agency) personnel vermitteln; money bereitstellen; (= lay on, as part of service) chairs, materials, food etc (zur Verfügung) stellen; (= see to, bring along) food, records etc sorgen für; (= produce, give) ideas, specialist knowledge, electricity liefern; light, shade spenden, geben; privacy sorgen für, schaffen; topic of conversation sorgen für, liefern2)to provide food and clothes for one's family —
it provides a certain amount of privacy/shade for the inhabitants — es gibt den Bewohnern eine gewisse Abgeschlossenheit/etwas Schatten
they provide a restroom/bus for their workers — sie stellen einen Ruheraum/Bus für ihre Arbeiter
3)to provide sb with sth (with food, clothing etc) — jdn mit etw versorgen
the job provided him with a good salary/with the necessary experience — die Stelle verschaffte ihm genug Geld/die nötige Erfahrung
this provided the school with enough money to build a gymnasium — dadurch hatte die Schule genügend Geld zur Verfügung, um eine Turnhalle zu bauen
4) (= stipulate clause, agreement) vorsehenSee:2. via husband who provides well — ein Ehemann, der gut für seine Familie/Frau sorgt
3. vrto provide oneself with a good excuse — sich (dat) eine gute Entschuldigung zurechtlegen
* * *provide [prəˈvaıd]A v/t1. versorgen, ausstatten, beliefern ( alle:with mit):the car is provided with a radio der Wagen hat ein Radio oder ist mit einem Radio ausgestattet;provided with illustrations illustriert, mit Illustrationen (versehen)2. ver-, beschaffen, besorgen, liefern, zur Verfügung stellen, (bereit)stellen:he provides maintenance for them er sorgt für ihren Unterhalt;provide payment WIRTSCH Deckung anschaffen, für Zahlung sorgen;provide an opportunity eine Gelegenheit schaffen oder bieten3. JURa) vorsehen, -schreiben, bestimmen ( alle:that dass) (Gesetz, Vertrag etc)b) den Vorbehalt machen ( that dass):B v/iagainst vor dat, gegen):a) (sich) schützen vor (dat),b) etwas unmöglich machen, verhindern;provide for the future für die Zukunft vorsorgen2. provide fora) für jemanden od jemandes Lebensunterhalt sorgen:she has three children to provide for sie hat drei Kinder zu versorgenb) Maßnahmen vorsehend) Gelder etc bereitstellen* * *transitive verb1) (supply) besorgen; sorgen für; liefern [Beweis]; bereitstellen [Dienst, Geld]provide homes/materials/a car for somebody — jemandem Unterkünfte/Materialien/ein Auto [zur Verfügung] stellen
provide somebody with money — jemanden unterhalten; (for journey etc.) jemandem Geld zur Verfügung stellen
be [well] provided with something — mit etwas [wohl]versorgt od. [wohl]versehen sein
provide oneself with something — sich (Dat.) etwas besorgen
2) (stipulate) [Vertrag, Gesetz:] vorsehen3)Phrasal Verbs:* * *(for) v.sorgen (für) v.versorgen v. (with) v.versorgen (mit) v. v.anbieten v.beliefern v.bereitstellen v.beschaffen v.besorgen v.bieten v.(§ p.,pp.: bot, geboten)liefern v.unterstützen v.verschaffen v.versehen v.versorgen v.vorsehen v.zur Verfügung stellen ausdr. -
15 provide
1. IIIprovide smth. provide meals (translation, lodgings, etc.) обеспечивать питанием и т.д., предоставлять питание и т.д., this archway provides an exit через эту арку можно выйти; provide an excuse (a reason, etc.) заранее предусмотреть /заготовить/ предлог и т.д.; provide a means of escape заранее обеспечить себе путь к отступлению; you have to provide your own transport вам придется самим обеспечить себя транспортом2. IVprovide smth. in some manner provide smth. liberally (duly, adequately, graciously, etc.) щедро и т.д. предоставлять что-л. /обеспечивать чем-л./3. XI1) be provided for this has been provided for это было предусмотрено заранее; be provided for in some manner be well /amply/ provided for быть хорошо обеспеченным, ни в чем не нуждаться; the family was adequately provided for in his will по завещанию его семья получила достаточные средства; be provided with smth. I am already provided with what I need у меня уже есть все, что мне надо; we were provided with supplies enough to last a fortnight нас снабдили запасами на две недели; they are well (ill) provided with clothing они хорошо (плохо) обеспечены одеждой2) be provided in (wider) smth. the rules are provided under the regulations (in the law) правила предусмотрены уставом (законом); be provided for in smth. as provided for in the clause 221... согласно статье двести двадцать первой...; it is provided for in the contract это предусмотрено договором; be provided against smth. we suffer from misfortunes which could not have been provided against мы страдаем от несчастий, которые нельзя было [заранее] предотвратить4. XVI1) provide for smb. provide for oneself (for one's children, for one's wife and children, etc.) обеспечивать себя и т.д.; provide well (handsomely, liberally, etc.) for one's family хорошо и т.д. обеспечивать семью; he could not provide for such a large family он не мог прокормить такую большую семью; provide for smth. provide for old age (for the future, for urgent needs, etc.) обеспечивать старость и т.д.; provide for-one's wants удовлетворять свой запросы; provide for the child's education предоставить средства на образование ребенка || provide for /against/ a rainy day отложить деньги или сделать запасы про черный день2) provide for (against) smth. provide for everything (for the entertainments of one's guests, for public security, for some additional expenses, etc.) предусматривать все и т.д.; in cutting material provide for shrinkage in the wash при раскрое материала учтите /добавьте на/ усадку [при стирке]; provide against famine (against a shortage of coal, against cold weather, etc.) обеспечить себя на случай голода и т.д.; our insurance provides against the theft of the car в нашей страховке предусмотрена компенсация в случае угона машины; provide against accidents принять меры для устранения несчастных случаев5. XVIIprovide for doing smth. when cutting the cloth for my suit leave enough at the edges to provide for my getting fatter при раскрое материала мне на костюм оставьте запасы в швах на случай, если я пополнею6. XXI11) provide smb. with smth. provide smb. with food (with books and maps, with warm clothes, with money, with. ammunition, etc.) снабжать /обеспечивать/ кого-л. продуктами питания и т.д.; they provided us with a room for the night они предоставили нам комнату для ночлега; we shall provide you with employment an demobilization по демобилизации мы обеспечим вас работой; sheep provide us with wool овцы дают нам шерсть; he provided his boy with a good education он дал своему сыну хорошее образование; provide oneself with a camera (with an umbrella, with food and weapons, etc.) запастись фотоаппаратом и т.д.; provide smth. for smb., smth. provide food for one's family (books for the pupils, etc.) обеспечивать свою семью питанием /своей семье питание/ и т.д.; provide an opportunity for all of us предоставить всем нам какую-л. возможность; they provided a special train for the guests гостям был выделен специальный поезд; such events provide matter for newspapers подобные события provide интересный материал для газет; provide smth. with smth. provide a staircase with banisters (a building with fire-escapes, etc.) сделать на лестнице перила и т.д.; provide a house with electricity провести в доме электричество2) provide smb. against smth. provide the children against danger обеспечить безопасность детей7. XXIIprovide smth. for doing smth. provide everything necessary for gardening (materials for building, etc.) обеспечивать всем необходимым для садоводства и т.д.8. XXVprovide that... the clause (the agreement, the contract, the rule, etc.) provides that... статья и т.д. предусматривает, что...; the rules provide that you can't leave the camp without permission no действующим правилам нельзя покидать территорию лагеря без разрешения -
16 provide
1) (to give or supply: He provided the wine for the meal; He provided them with a bed for the night.) proporcionar, proveer, suministrar, facilitar2) ((with for) to have enough money to supply what is necessary: He is unable to provide for his family.) mantener•- provided- providing
provide vb proveer / suministrar / proporcionarthe power station provides electricity for the whole area la central suministra electricidad a toda la zonatr[prə'vaɪd]1 (supply - gen) proveer, suministrar, proporcionar; (information, facts, etc) proporcionar, facilitar1 (of law, rule, clause) estipular2 proveer\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto provide oneself with something proveerse de algo1) stipulate: estipular2)to provide with : proveer de, proporcionarprovide vi1) : proveerthe Lord will provide: el Señor proveerá2)to provide for support: mantener3)to providefor anticipate: hacer previsiones para, preverv.• abastar v.• abastecer v.• apercibir v.• aportar v.• deparar v.• facilitar v.• habilitar v.• pertrechar v.• proporcionar v.• proveer v.• subvenir v.(§pres: -vengo, -vienes...-venimos) pret: -vin-fut: -vendr-•)• suministrar (IND, INF) v.• surtir v.prə'vaɪd
1) ( supply)to provide somebody WITH something — proveer* a alguien de algo, suministrarle or proporcionarle algo a alguien
to provide something (FOR/TO somebody/something): is accommodation provided? ¿nos (or les etc) dan alojamiento?; textbooks will be provided se proporcionarán or se facilitarán los libros de texto; the garden provides enough vegetables for the family el huerto abastece a la familia de verduras; the meeting provided an opportunity to... — la reunión ofreció or brindó la oportunidad de...
2) ( stipulate) (frml) \<\<clause/contract\>\> estipular
vi proveer*Phrasal Verbs:[prǝ'vaɪd]1. VT1) (=supply)a) [+ materials, food] proporcionar, suministrar; [+ money, information, evidence] proporcionar, facilitar; [+ service] prestarplease place your litter in the receptacle provided — por favor hagan uso de los recipientes que les hemos proporcionado or suministrado para depositar la basura
the meeting provided an opportunity to talk — la reunión les brindó or ofreció la oportunidad de hablar
to provide sth for sb/sth, I will provide food for everyone — proveeré a todo el mundo de comida, proporcionaré or daré comida a todo el mundoit provides accommodation for five families — provee a cinco familias de alojamiento, da or proporciona alojamiento a cinco familias
the company provides free health care for its employees — la empresa presta asistencia médica gratis a sus empleados
they've asked the United Nations to provide protection for civilians — han pedido a las Naciones Unidas que faciliten protección a la población civil
to provide funding/money for sth — proporcionar or facilitar fondos/dinero para algo
to provide a solution (to sth) — ofrecer una solución (a algo)b)• to provide sb with sth — [+ materials, food] proveer a algn de algo, suministrar algo a algn; [+ money, information, details] proporcionar or facilitar algo a algn; [+ service] proporcionar algo a algn; [+ means] facilitar algo a algn; [+ opportunity] brindar algo a algn
it provides the plant with a continuous flow of nutrients — provee a la planta de or suministra a la planta un flujo continuo de nutrientes
c)• to provide o.s. with sth — proveerse de algo
plants produce sugars and starch to provide themselves with energy — las plantas producen azúcares y almidón para proveerse de energía
2) (=have available) estar provisto dethe field provides plenty of space for a car park — el campo está provisto de muchísimo espacio para un aparcamiento de coches
3) (=stipulate)the law provides that... — la ley estipula or dispone que...
2.VIprovide for* * *[prə'vaɪd]
1) ( supply)to provide somebody WITH something — proveer* a alguien de algo, suministrarle or proporcionarle algo a alguien
to provide something (FOR/TO somebody/something): is accommodation provided? ¿nos (or les etc) dan alojamiento?; textbooks will be provided se proporcionarán or se facilitarán los libros de texto; the garden provides enough vegetables for the family el huerto abastece a la familia de verduras; the meeting provided an opportunity to... — la reunión ofreció or brindó la oportunidad de...
2) ( stipulate) (frml) \<\<clause/contract\>\> estipular
vi proveer*Phrasal Verbs: -
17 provide
[prəˈvaɪd]provide снабжать; обеспечивать; he has a large family to provide for он содержит большую семью provide предоставлять, давать; his father provided him with a good education отец дал ему хорошее образование provide давать provide заготовлять, запасать(ся); to provide an excuse (заранее) приготовить извинение provide запасать provide запрещать provide обеспечивать provide обеспечивать средствами к существованию provide обусловливать provide постановлять provide предоставлять, давать; his father provided him with a good education отец дал ему хорошее образование provide предоставлять provide предусматривать provide принимать меры (against - против чего-л.); предусматривать (for) provide принимать меры provide снабжать; обеспечивать; he has a large family to provide for он содержит большую семью provide снабжать provide ставить условием (that) provide заготовлять, запасать(ся); to provide an excuse (заранее) приготовить извинение provide for обеспечивать средствами к существованию provide for обусловливать provide for предусматривать -
18 provide
1. v снабжать; обеспечивать2. v обеспечиватьprovide for — обеспечивать; предусматривать
3. v предоставлять, давать4. v принимать меры, готовиться5. v юр. предусматривать, обуславливать6. v юр. запрещать7. v церк. ист. предоставлять бенефиций до открытия вакансииСинонимический ряд:1. equip (verb) equip; outfit; supply2. furnish (verb) afford; arrange; contribute; furnish; grant; offer; prepare; produce; ready; render; stock; yield3. give (verb) deliver; dish out; dispense; feed; find; give; hand; hand over; transfer; turn over4. keep (verb) keep; maintain; support; sustain5. serve (verb) abet; accommodate; aid; assist; help; oblige; serveАнтонимический ряд:deny; deprive; refuse; remove; take; withhold -
19 provide
pro·vide [prə(ʊ)ʼvaɪd, Am prəʼ-] vtto \provide sth etw zur Verfügung stellen [o bereitstellen];we will not be able to \provide the same standard of teaching if there are funding cuts wir werden dieses Unterrichtsniveau nicht aufrechterhalten können, wenn der Etat gekürzt wird;to \provide employment Arbeitsplätze schaffen;to \provide evidence/ an explanation Beweise/eine Erklärung liefern;to \provide information about sb/ sth Informationen über jdn/etw geben;to \provide inspiration inspirieren;to \provide proof einen Nachweis erbringen;to \provide a thrill für Nervenkitzel sorgen;( offer) jdm/etw etw bieten [o geben];to \provide ammunition for sb/ sth [or sb/ sth with ammunition]; ( fig) jdm/etw Munition liefern ( fig)by being late he \provided ammunition for his boss to use against him durch sein Zuspätkommen lieferte er seinem Chef Material, das dieser gegen ihn verwenden konnte;to \provide a backdrop for sth den Hintergrund für etw akk liefern;to \provide a reference for sb jdm eine Referenz geben;2) ( look after)to \provide for sb/ oneself für jdn/sich selbst sorgento \provide for sth etw ermöglichen; law etw erlauben;current legislation \provides for the detention of suspects die gegenwärtige Gesetzgebung erlaubt die Inhaftierung von Verdächtigento \provide that... festlegen [o bestimmen] [o vorsehen], dass...;section 17 \provides that all decisions must be circulated in writing Artikel 17 schreibt vor, dass alle Entscheidungen schriftlich weitergeleitet werden müssen -
20 provide
[prəʹvaıd] v1. 1) (with) снабжать; обеспечиватьto provide smb. with money - снабдить кого-л. деньгами
to provide a boy with a good education - дать мальчику хорошее образование
to provide oneself with smth. - запастись чем-л.
I am provided with everything I need - я обеспечен всем необходимым, у меня есть всё необходимое
all houses are provided with fringes - во всех домах установлены холодильники
2) (for) обеспечивать ( средствами к существованию)to provide for a large family - обеспечивать /содержать/ большую семью
to provide for old age - обеспечить (свою) старость, позаботиться о старости
to be well [poorly] provided for - быть хорошо [плохо] обеспеченным
2. предоставлять, даватьto provide an opportunity for smb. to do smth. - предоставить кому-л. возможность сделать что-л.
to provide conditions for peaceful coexistence - обеспечить условия для мирного сосуществования
to provide a patrol - воен. высылать дозор
to provide fire - воен. вести огонь
to provide resistance - воен. оказывать сопротивление
3. (against, for) принимать меры, (при)готовитьсяto provide against a surprise attack - принять меры против внезапного нападения
to provide for an eventuality - принять меры на случай непредвиденных обстоятельств
4. (for)1) предусматриватьin my plans for the journey, I have provided for possible accidents - планируя своё путешествие, я предусмотрел возможные случайности
2) юр. предусматривать, обуславливатьthe contract provides for payment in cash - договор предусматривает уплату наличными
the agreement provides that all disputes shall be referred to arbitration - договор обуславливает передачу всех споров в арбитраж
5. (against) юр. запрещатьthis contract provides against the resale of the goods - этот договор запрещает перепродажу товаров
6. церк. ист. предоставлять (священнику) бенефиций до открытия вакансии
См. также в других словарях:
provide — pro‧vide [prəˈvaɪd] verb [transitive] 1. to give someone what they need, or to make sure they get it: • The World Bank is providing funding for the project. provide somebody with something • Our computerised information service can provide busy… … Financial and business terms
provide — provide, supply, furnish mean to give or to get what is desired by or needed for someone or something. The words are often used interchangeably without seeming loss {provide what is needed for an army} {supply daily rations of food} {furnish… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Provide — Pro*vide , v. i. 1. To procure supplies or means in advance; to take measures beforehand in view of an expected or a possible future need, especially a danger or an evil; followed by against or for; as, to provide against the inclemency of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Provide — Pro*vide , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Provided}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Providing}.] [L. providere, provisum; pro before + videre to see. See {Vision}, and cf. {Prudent}, {Purvey}.] 1. To look out for in advance; to procure beforehand; to get, collect, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
provide — ► VERB 1) make available for use; supply. 2) (provide with) equip or supply (someone) with. 3) (provide for) make adequate preparation or arrangements for. 4) stipulate in a will or other legal document. DERIVATIVES provider … English terms dictionary
provide — I (arrange for) verb anticipate needs, appoint, care for, consulere, contract, direct, engage, get ready, look after, make allowance for, make preparations, make provision, make ready, manage, organize, pave the way, plan, prepare, providere,… … Law dictionary
provide — [v1] supply, support accommodate, add, administer, afford, arrange, bestow, bring, care, cater, contribute, dispense, equip, favor, feather*, feed, fit, fit out, fix up, fix up with, furnish, give, grant, hand over, heel*, impart, implement,… … New thesaurus
provide — (v.) early 15c., from L. providere look ahead, prepare, supply, from pro ahead (see PRO (Cf. pro )) + videre to see (see VISION (Cf. vision)). Related: Provided; providing … Etymology dictionary
provide — [prə vīd′, prōvīd′] vt. provided, providing [ME providen < L providere < pro , PRO 2 + videre, to see: see VISION] 1. Now Rare to get ready beforehand 2. to make available; supply 3. to supply (someone) with something … English World dictionary
provide — pro|vide W1S1 [prəˈvaıd] v [T] [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: providere to see ahead, provide , from videre to see ] 1.) to give something to someone or make it available to them, because they need it or want it →↑provision ▪ Tea and biscuits … Dictionary of contemporary English
provide */*/*/ — UK [prəˈvaɪd] / US verb Word forms provide : present tense I/you/we/they provide he/she/it provides present participle providing past tense provided past participle provided Get it right: provide: When provide means to give someone something they … English dictionary