Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 protect

    (to guard or defend from danger; to keep safe: She protected the children from every danger; Which type of helmet protects the head best?; He wore a fur jacket to protect himself against the cold.) proteger
    - protection
    - protective
    - protector
    * * *
    [prət'ekt] vt 1 proteger: a) defender, amparar, salvaguardar. protect my interests! / proteja os meus interesses! b) favorecer, beneficiar. 2 garantir o pagamento de (títulos).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > protect

  • 2 protect

    (to guard or defend from danger; to keep safe: She protected the children from every danger; Which type of helmet protects the head best?; He wore a fur jacket to protect himself against the cold.) proteger, amparar
    - protection - protective - protector

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > protect

  • 3 protect


    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > protect

  • 4 against

    1) (in opposition to: They fought against the enemy; Dropping litter is against the law (= illegal).) contra
    2) (in contrast to: The trees were black against the evening sky.) contra
    3) (touching or in contact with: He stood with his back against the wall; The rain beat against the window.) contra
    4) (in order to protect against: vaccination against tuberculosis.) contra
    * * *
    [əg'enst] prep 1 contra, contrário. I am against war / sou contra a guerra. that is against him / isto depõe contra ele. 2 em oposição a, oposto a. 3 defronte, diante. 4 em contraste com, em comparação com. 5 em contato com, junto a. 6 em preparação para, em previsão de. 7 em defesa de. against documents mediante apresentação de documentos. against morals contra os bons costumes. against the grain contra a própria convicção, com aversão. against your arrival na expectativa da sua chegada. against the stream contra a correnteza. to dry against the fire secar ao fogo. to fight against lutar contra. to knock against colidir com. to run up against encontrar por acaso. I ran up against my friend / encontrei por acaso meu amigo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > against

  • 5 armour

    1) (formerly, a metal suit worn by knights etc as a protection while fighting: a suit of armour.) armadura
    2) (a metal covering to protect ships, tanks etc against damage from weapons.) blindagem
    - armoury
    - army
    * * *
    ['a:mə] n, vt = link=armor armor.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > armour

  • 6 asbestos

    noun, adjective
    ((of) a mineral that will not burn which can protect against fire: an asbestos suit.) amianto
    * * *
    [æsb'əstəs] n 1 Min asbesto, amianto. 2 tecido (feito de asbesto) resistente ao fogo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > asbestos

  • 7 bodyguard

    noun (a guard or guards to protect (especially an important person): the president's bodyguard.) guarda-costas
    * * *
    [b'ɔdiga:d] n guarda-costas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > bodyguard

  • 8 cherish

    [' eriʃ]
    1) (to protect and love (a person): She cherishes that child.) acarinhar
    2) (to keep (a hope, idea etc) in the mind: She cherishes the hope that he will return.) acarinhar
    * * *
    [tʃ'eriʃ] vt 1 estimar, apreciar. 2 tratar com carinho, afagar, acariciar. 3 cuidar, tratar, criar. 4 lembrar (com prazer), ter sentimentos por. 5 nutrir, alimentar (esperança, etc.).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cherish

  • 9 cover

    1. verb
    1) (to put or spread something on, over or in front of: They covered (up) the body with a sheet; My shoes are covered in paint.) cobrir
    2) (to be enough to pay for: Will 10 dollars cover your expenses?) chegar para
    3) (to travel: We covered forty miles in one day.) percorrer
    4) (to stretch over a length of time etc: His diary covered three years.) abranger
    5) (to protect: Are we covered by your car insurance?) proteger
    6) (to report on: I'm covering the race for the local newspaper.) fazer a cobertura
    7) (to point a gun at: I had him covered.) ter na mira
    2. noun
    1) (something which covers, especially a cloth over a table, bed etc: a table-cover; a bed-cover; They replaced the cover on the manhole.) cobertura
    2) (something that gives protection or shelter: The soldiers took cover from the enemy gunfire; insurance cover.) cobertura
    3) (something that hides: He escaped under cover of darkness.) abrigo
    - covering
    - cover-girl
    - cover story
    - cover-up
    * * *
    [k'∧və] n 1 coberta, cobertura. 2 tampa. 3 cobertor. 4 invólucro, envoltório, embrulho. 5 envelope, sobrecarta. 6 proteção, abrigo, amparo. 7 capa de livro. 8 talher completo. 9 véu, disfarce. 10 pretexto. 11 Com cobertura, segurança. • vt+vi 1 cobrir, tampar. 2 cobrir a superfície de. 3 envolver, revestir. 4 esconder, ocultar. 5 abrigar, proteger, resguardar. 6 vencer espaço, percorrer, viajar. 7 incluir, compreender, abranger. the book covers the whole ground / o livro abrange toda a matéria. 8 bastar. 9 compensar, contrabalançar. 10 ter dentro do alcance (de arma de fogo). 11 pôr o chapéu. 12 trabalhar como repórter ou fotógrafo. 13 depositar, casar dinheiro em aposta. 14 Amer comprar ações ou títulos para fornecimento futuro como garantia contra desvalorizações. 15 chocar. 16 cobrir (animais), padrear. from cover to cover do começo ao fim. in paper covers brochado. to break cover levantar a caça. to cover in cobrir (uma casa). to cover over subscrever em excesso (empréstimo). to cover up encobrir, ocultar. to cover with leather revestir com couro. to take cover Mil procurar abrigo. two covers were laid puseram dois talheres. under cover a) embrulhado. b) apenso, anexo (a uma carta). c) em segredo, escondido. under cover of a) sob o endereço de. b) sob a cobertura de. under cover of darkness sob o manto da noite.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > cover

  • 10 defence

    1) (the act or action of defending against attack: the defence of Rome; He spoke in defence of the plans.) defesa
    2) (the method or equipment used to guard or protect: The walls will act as a defence against flooding.) defesa
    3) (a person's answer to an accusation especially in a law-court: What is your defence?) defesa
    - the defence
    * * *
    [dif'ens] n Amer 1 defesa, defensa, amparo, proteção. 2 apologia, justificação, desculpa. 3 Mil fortificações, defesa, reparo. 4 contestação de uma acusação. 5 pessoas que em juízo cuidam da defesa. 6 grupo de jogadores que em vários jogos atuam na defensiva. air defence defesa aérea. in self defence em defesa própria. the lawyer for the defence o advogado de defesa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > defence

  • 11 defend

    1) (to guard or protect against attack: The soldiers defended the castle; I am prepared to defend my opinions.) defender
    2) (to conduct the defence of (a person) in a law-court.) defender
    - defender
    - defensive
    * * *
    [dif'end] vt (against, from) 1 defender, proteger, preservar, amparar. 2 justificar, opor defesa, fazer defesa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > defend

  • 12 environment

    ((a set of) surrounding conditions, especially those influencing development or growth: An unhappy home environment may drive a teenager to crime; We should protect the environment from destruction by modern chemicals etc.) ambiente
    - environmentalist
    * * *
    [inv'ai2r2nm2nt] n 1 meio, ambiente. 2 arredores.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > environment

  • 13 fender

    1) (anything used to protect a boat from touching another, a pier etc: She hung old car tyres over the side of the boat to act as fenders.) defesa
    2) (a low guard around a fireplace to prevent coal etc from falling out.) guarda-fogo
    3) ((American) a wing of a car.) guarda-lamas
    * * *
    [f'endə] n 1 defesa, guarda, proteção. 2 guarda-fogo de lareira. 3 pára-lama, guarda-lama. 4 limpa-trilhos. 5 Naut defensa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fender

  • 14 guard

    1. verb
    1) (to protect from danger or attack: The soldiers were guarding the king/palace.) guardar
    2) (to prevent (a person) escaping, (something) happening: The soldiers guarded their prisoners; to guard against mistakes.) guardar
    2. noun
    1) (someone who or something which protects: a guard round the king; a guard in front of the fire.) guarda
    2) (someone whose job is to prevent (a person) escaping: There was a guard with the prisoner every hour of the day.) guarda
    3) ((American conductor) a person in charge of a train.) revisor
    4) (the act or duty of guarding.) guarda
    - guardedly
    - guard of honour
    - keep guard on
    - keep guard
    - off guard
    - on guard
    - stand guard
    * * *
    [ga:d] n 1 guarda, vigia, escolta, sentinela. 2 proteção, defesa. 3 resguardo, corrente de relógio, guarda-mão da espada. 4 guarda, vigilância. 5 posição defensiva (esgrima), parada. 6 condutor, guarda-trem, guarda-linha. • vt 1 guardar, vigiar, proteger. 2 conservar, preservar. 3 proteger-se, tomar precauções, precaver-se, salvaguardar. advanced guard guarda avançada. body-guard guarda-costas. guard of honour guarda de honra. rear guard retaguarda. to be off one’s guard estar descuidado. to be on guard estar de guarda. to come off guard vir da guarda. to go on guard, to mount guard montar guarda. to keep guard estar de guarda. to put someone on his guard against prevenir alguém contra. to relieve guard render a guarda.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > guard

  • 15 helmet

    (a metal, leather etc covering to protect the head: Soldiers wear helmets when fighting.) capacete
    * * *
    [h'elmit] n elmo, capacete.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > helmet

  • 16 insulate

    (to cover, protect or separate (something) with a material that does not let especially electrical currents or heat etc pass through it: Rubber and plastic are used for insulating electric wires and cables.) isolar
    * * *
    ['insjuleit] vt Electr 1 isolar. 2 separar. insulate tube (conduit) conduíte isolador.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > insulate

  • 17 lifeguard

    noun (a person employed to protect and rescue swimmers at a swimming-pool, beach etc.) salva-vidas
    * * *
    [l'aifga:d] n salva-vidas.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lifeguard

  • 18 mother

    1. noun
    1) (a female parent, especially human: John's mother lives in Manchester; ( also adjective) The mother bird feeds her young.) mãe
    2) ((often with capital: also Mother Superior) the female leader of a group of nuns.) Madre
    2. verb
    (to care for as a mother does; to protect (sometimes too much): His wife tries to mother him.) proteger
    - motherless
    - motherly
    - motherliness
    - mother-country
    - motherland
    - mother-in-law
    - mother-of-pearl
    - mother-tongue
    * * *
    [m'∧ðə] n 1 mãe, progenitora. 2 madre, freira. 3 matriz, fonte, origem. • vt 1 servir de mãe. 2 adotar. 3 criar. 4 dar à luz. • adj 1 materno, maternal. 2 nativo. every mother’s son todos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mother

  • 19 nail

    [neil] 1. noun
    1) (a piece of horn-like substance which grows over the ends of the fingers and toes to protect them: I've broken my nail; toe-nails; Don't bite your finger-nails.) unha
    2) (a thin pointed piece of metal used to fasten pieces of wood etc together: He hammered a nail into the wall and hung a picture on it.) prego
    2. verb
    (to fasten with nails: He nailed the picture to the wall.) pregar
    - nail-file
    - nail-polish
    - nail-varnish
    - nail-scissors
    - hit the nail on the head
    * * *
    [neil] n 1 prego. 2 cravo. 3 unha. 4 garra. 5 medida de 2 ¼ polegadas. • vt 1 pregar. 2 cravar. 3 fixar, segurar. 4 agarrar. 5 expor, revelar (uma mentira). hard as nails frio, sem emoções. on the nail imediatamente, sem delongas. to bite one’s nails roer as unhas. to hit the nail the on the head acertar em cheio. to nail down/up a) fechar com pregos. b) fechar, amarrar um acordo, um negócio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > nail

  • 20 overall

    1. ['əuvəro:l] noun
    (a garment worn over ordinary clothes to protect them from dirt etc: She wears an overall when cleaning the house.) avental
    2. adjective
    (complete, including everything: What is the overall cost of the scheme?) total
    3. [ouvər'o:l] adverb
    ((also over all) complete, including everything: What will the scheme cost overall?) no total
    * * *
    [ouvər'ɔ:l] adv 1 em toda parte. 2 de lado a lado. 3 além de tudo. 4 especialmente. 5 de ponta a ponta.
    ['ouvərɔ:l] n jaleco, guarda-pó. • adj global, total.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > overall

См. также в других словарях:

  • protect — pro·tect vt 1: to shield from injury or harm protect ing public health and safety 2: to secure or preserve against encroachment, infringement, restriction, or violation: maintain the status or integrity of esp. through legal or constitutional… …   Law dictionary

  • Protect — Pro*tect , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Protected}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Protecting}.] [L. protectus, p. p. of protegere, literally, to cover in front; pro before + tegere to cover. See {Tegument}.] To cover or shield from danger or injury; to defend; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • protect — [prə tekt′, prōtekt′] vt. [< L protectus, pp. of protegere, to protect < pro , before + tegere, to cover: see THATCH] 1. to shield from injury, danger, or loss; guard; defend 2. Commerce to set aside funds toward the payment of (a note,… …   English World dictionary

  • Protect Me — may refer to: *A song from James album Seven *Protège Moi, a single by Placebo …   Wikipedia

  • protect — (v.) 1520s, from L. protectus, pp. of protegere (see PROTECTION (Cf. protection)). Related: Protected; protecting …   Etymology dictionary

  • protect — shield, guard, safeguard, *defend Analogous words: *save, preserve, conserve: *ensure, insure, assure: shelter, *harbor …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • protect — [v] take care of; guard from harm assure, bulwark, care for, champion, chaperon, conserve, cover, cover all bases*, cover up, cushion, defend, fend, foster, give refuge, give sanctuary*, go to bat for*, harbor, hedge, insulate, keep, keep safe,… …   New thesaurus

  • protect — ► VERB 1) keep safe from harm or injury. 2) Economics shield (a domestic industry) from competition by imposing import duties on foreign goods. 3) (protected) (of a threatened plant or animal species) safeguarded through legislation against… …   English terms dictionary

  • protect — Assure the salesperson or trader that interest, buy or sell, will be attended to, given any change in the trading circumstances, as follows: At a price: If the stock trade at a certain price or price range, the trader will show this market to the …   Financial and business terms

  • protect — verb ADVERB ▪ completely, fully ▪ adequately, properly, well ▪ A cardboard box would protect the product better. ▪ inadequately …   Collocations dictionary

  • protect — 01. The cat ran up a tree to [protect] itself from the dogs. 02. The children were wearing heavy jackets, hats and wool mittens as [protection] from the severe cold. 03. A turtle s [protective] shell is very useful in keeping it safe from… …   Grammatical examples in English

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