1 production
Glossaire des termes pour l'organisation d'événements > production
2 production
Dictionary of Engineering, architecture and construction > production
3 production
production -
4 production
production [prə'dʌkʃən](a) (process of producing → of goods) production f, fabrication f; (→ of crops, electricity, heat) production f;∎ the workers have halted production les travailleurs ont arrêté la production;∎ to go into/out of production être/ne plus être fabriqué;∎ the model is now in production le modèle est en cours de production;∎ this model went into/out of production in 1999 on a commencé la fabrication de ce modèle/ce modèle a été retiré de la production en 1999;∎ is it in production yet? est-ce qu'on en a commencé la production?;∎ to move or shift production relocaliser son unité de production(b) (amount produced) production f;∎ an increase/fall in production une hausse/baisse de la production ou du rendement;∎ wine production has increased la production viticole a augmenté(c) (of film) production f; (of play, of radio or TV programme → organization, financing) production f; (→ artistic direction) réalisation f, mise f en scène(d) (show, work of art) & Cinema, Radio, Theatre & Television production f; Art & Literature œuvre f;∎ the RSC's production of 'Macbeth' le 'Macbeth' de la RSC;∎ familiar figurative there's no need to make such a (big) production out of it! il n'y a pas de quoi en faire un plat ou toute une histoire!;∎ Cinema a film with high/low production values un film à gros/petit budget(e) (presentation → of document, passport, ticket) présentation f;∎ on production of this voucher sur présentation de ce bon►► Cinema, Radio, Television & Theatre production assistant assistant(e) m,f de production;Cinema, Radio, Television & Theatre production associate producteur(trice) m,f associé(e);Industry production budget budget m de production;Cinema, Radio, Television & Theatre production buyer responsable mf des achats;production capacity capacité f de production;production car voiture f de série;Cinema, Radio, Television & Theatre production company société f de production;Cinema, Radio, Television & Theatre production control direction f de la production;Cinema, Radio, Television & Theatre production control room salle f de contrôle de production;production cost coût m de production;production department service m (de) production;production director directeur(trice) m,f de production; Journalism directeur(trice) m,f de la fabrication; Television administrateur(trice) m,f de la production;production editor rédacteur(trice) m,f en chef technique;production flowchart organigramme m de production;production leadtime délai m de production;production line chaîne f de fabrication;∎ to work on the production line travailler à la chaîne;production manager directeur(trice) m,f de la production;production meeting conférence f de production;production mixer mélangeur m (de production);production overheads frais mpl généraux de production;production platform plate-forme f de production;production secretary secrétaire mf de production;production switcher mélangeur m (de production);production talkback system réseau m d'ordres, intercom m de production;production team équipe f de production -
5 production
production [prəˈdʌk∫ən]1. nouna. ( = manufacturing) production f• a new production of "Macbeth" une nouvelle mise en scène de « Macbeth »• the Theatre Royal's production of "Cats" ran for three years « Cats » s'est joué pendant trois ans au »Theatre Royal »2. compounds* * *[prə'dʌkʃn] 1.1) Agriculture, Industry (of crop, foodstuffs, metal) production f (of de); (of machinery, furniture, cars) fabrication (of de)to go into ou be in production — être fabriqué
2) ( output) production f also Biology, Physics3) ( presentation) (of document, ticket, report) présentation f (of de); ( of evidence) production f4) Cinema, Music production f (of de); Theatre mise f en scène (of de)X's production of ‘Le Cid’ — ‘Le Cid’, mis en scène par X
to work in TV production — être producteur/-trice à la télévision
2.to put on a production of — Theatre mettre en scène [play]
6 production
production 1. продукция; 2. продуцирование; 3. производство; 4. продуктивность, производительностьbelt system production конвейерное производствоcallus production продуцирование каллюсаcapital-saving production капиталосберегающее производствоcell production продуцирование клетокchemical production химическая продукцияchemical production химическое производствоdry matter production образование сухого веществаdry weight production накопление сухого веществаenergy production экол. энергетическая продуктивностьenergy-saving production энергоеберегающее производствоexpanded production расширенное производствоheat production тепловыделениеlabor-saving production трудосберегающее производствоlabour-saving production трудосберегающее производствоlarge-scale production крупномасштабное производствоnet production чистая продукцияorganic production биологическая продукцияpirmary production первичная продукцияpollen production пальцевая продукцияsecondary production вторичная продукцияseed production семенная продукцияsemicontinuous production полунепрерывный процесс производстваtotal nitrogen production накопление общего азотаtotal production общая продукцияtoxin production токсинообразованиеunit of production единица продукцииEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > production
7 ♦ production
♦ production /prəˈdʌkʃn/n.1 [u] (econ.) produzione; fabbricazione: the production of steel, la produzione dell'acciaio; oil production, la produzione di petrolio; mass production, produzione in serie● production bonus, premio di produzione □ (stat.) production census, censimento industriale □ (econ.) production cost, costo di produzione □ (econ.) production curve, curva della produzione □ production cycle, ciclo produttivo □ a production dip, un piccolo calo della produzione □ (econ.) production goods, beni capitali (o strumentali) □ (econ., org. az.) production line, linea di produzione □ (econ.) production machinery, apparato produttivo □ production management, gestione della produzione □ production manager, direttore di (o della) produzione □ production order, ordinativo (o buono) di lavorazione; commessa □ (econ.) production planning, programmazione della produzione □ (ind. petrolifera) production platform, piattaforma di produzione □ (econ.) production potential, potenziale produttivo □ (econ.) production recovery, ripresa produttiva □ (org. az.) production run, fase di fabbricazione □ production unit, unità produttiva □ (econ.) the countries with excess production, i paesi eccedentari. -
8 production
A n1 Agric, Ind (of crop, produce, foodstuffs, metal) production f (of de) ; (of machinery, furniture, cars) fabrication (of de) ; to go into ou be in production être fabriqué ; the model has gone ou is out of production on ne fabrique plus le modèle ; to be in full production [factory] tourner à plein rendement ; to take land out of production cesser l'exploitation d'une terre ;2 ( output) production f ; crop production production agricole ; production fell by 5% la production a baissé de 5% ;4 ( presentation) (of document, ticket, report) présentation f (of de) ; ( of evidence) production f (of de) ; on production of sur présentation de ;5 (of programme, film, record) production f ; ( of play) mise f en scène ; to work in TV production être producteur/-trice à la télévision ;6 ∁ (film, opera, programme, show) production f (of de) ; ( play) mise f en scène (of de) ; X's production of ‘Le Cid’ ‘Le Cid’, mis en scène par X ; to put on a production of Theat mettre en scène [play, work].B modif [costs, difficulties, levels, methods, quota, unit] de production ; [control, department] de la production. -
9 production
- production
- nпроизводство, изготовление
- cement production
- cold production
- concrete production
- fully automatic production of concrete slab
- heat production
- large-panel production
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
10 production
production [prəˊdʌkʃn] n1) производи́тельность; вы́работка, добы́ча2) произво́дство; изготовле́ние;production on a commercial scale произво́дство в промы́шленном масшта́бе
3) проду́кция; изде́лия4) (худо́жественное) произведе́ние; постано́вка (пьесы, кинокартины)5) attr. произво́дственный;production standard но́рма вы́работки
;production workers рабо́чие ( в отличие от служащих)
;production line пото́чная ли́ния; технологи́ческая ли́ния
11 production
1. Produktion f, Herstellung f, Fertigung f, Fabrikation f, Erzeugung f;2. Vorlage f, Beibringung f (von Dokumenten) -
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production [tant l'activité que son résultat]English-French dictionary of law, politics, economics & finance > production
13 production
production 1. GEN Erzeugung f, Vorlage f, Vorführung f; 2. IND Erzeugung f, Fabrikation f, Fertigung f, Herstellung f, Produktion f; Gewinnung f (extract, mine); Zubereitung f (preparation); 3. LAW Vorlegung f -
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English-German dictionary of Architecture and Construction > production
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production (MIX275) -
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/production/ * danh từ - sự đưa ra, sự trình bày - sự sản xuất, sự chế tạo - sự sinh - sản phẩm, tác phẩm - sản lượng - (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) sự bỏ vốn và phương tiện để dựng (phim, kịch...) -
18 production
1. производство; изготовление2. продукция; изделие3. производительность; выработка; добыча
* * *
1. производство; изготовление2. продукция; продукт; изделие
* * *
добыча, дебит, отбор, производительность; производство, изготовление
* * *
1) производство; изготовление; выпуск продукции2) выработка; производительность3) продукция; изделия; продукты4) добыча5) дебит6) естественный выход ( флюидов)•production on salvage basis — эксплуатация до предела рентабельности;
to bean up well production — увеличивать дебит скважины с помощью штуцера;
to gage the production of a well — измерять дебит скважины;
to increase production from an old well — повышать добычу в старой скважине;
to keep a well in production — обеспечивать эксплуатацию скважины;
to place zone on production — вводить горизонт в эксплуатацию;
- annual productionto put on production — вводить( скважину) в эксплуатацию;
- average daily production
- closed-in production
- commercial production
- commercial production of pool
- commingled production
- continuous production
- controlled production
- crude production
- cumulative production
- cumulative gas production
- cumulative oil production
- cumulative stock tank oil production
- cumulative water production
- current production
- current oil production
- daily production
- declining production
- deep production
- deferred production
- dissolved-gas drive production
- dual-tubing string two-zones flow production
- dual-zone production
- elastic water-drive production
- first commercial production
- flow production
- flush production
- follow-up production
- forced production
- future well production
- gas-cap drive production
- gas-expansion drive production
- gas-free production
- global oil production
- gravity elastic water-drive production
- gravity flow production
- gravity water-drive production
- gross production
- incremental oil production
- infill production
- initial production
- initial production after swabbing
- initial production on intermitter
- initial daily production
- intermittent production
- marine production
- multiple-string production
- multiple-zone production
- multizone production
- natural gas production
- offshore production
- oil production
- past production
- peak production
- petroleum production
- petroleum gas production
- planned production
- potential production
- predicted oil production
- preplanned production
- present oil production
- rated production
- sand production
- selective-zone production
- setting production
- shift production
- shut-in production
- simultaneous production
- single-tubing string two-zones flow production
- sour-gas production
- specific production
- stabilized production
- stripper production
- subeconomic production
- test production of pool
- total daily production
- triple-zone production
- two-zone tubing-casing flow production
- ultimate production
- unchecked sand production
- uncurtailed production
- underwater production
- volumetric production
- water production
- water-drive production
- water-free production
- well production* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > production
19 production
n1) изготовление; производство2) продукция•to cut (back) production — свертывать / сокращать производство
to diversify production — диверсифицировать / разнообразить продукцию
to limit production — ограничивать / сокращать производство
- anarchy of productionto reduce production — свертывать / сокращать производство
- animal production
- annual production
- arms production
- atomic power and energy production
- automation of production
- batch production
- coal production
- commercial production
- commodity production
- comprehensive mechanization of production
- continuous production
- costs of production
- crop production
- current production
- curtailment ofproduction
- cutback of production
- cuts in production
- daily production
- decline in production
- domestic production
- drop in production
- economically effective production
- effectiveness of production
- end production
- energy production - fertilizer production
- fishing production
- flexible production
- flow production
- food production
- full-scale production of the neutron bomb
- global production
- high production
- high-cost production
- highly organized production
- highly remunerative production
- improvement of effectiveness of production
- improvement of production
- individual production
- industrial production
- joint production
- labor-intensive production
- lagging industrial production
- large-scale production - line production
- machine mode of production
- mass production
- material production
- means of production
- mechanized production
- mode of production
- nonspecialized production
- nonwaste production
- per capita production
- per head production
- pilot production
- planned production
- power production
- production advances rapidly
- production declines
- production decreases
- production falls
- production increases
- production of consumer goods
- production of illicit alcohol
- production of means of production
- production outstrips demand
- production rises
- profitable production
- public production
- rate of production
- runaway production
- scale of production
- self-reliance in production
- self-sufficiency in production
- serial production
- short-run production
- small-scale production
- social character of production
- social production - sphere of material production
- stagnant production
- steel production
- structure of industrial production
- subsidiary production
- subsistence production
- switchover from military to civilian production
- technical reequipment of production - total world production
- unequally distributed food production
- uninterrupted development of production
- unprofitable production - war production
- waste-free production
- wasteful production
- wasteless production
- well organized production
- world production -
20 production
1) производство; изготовление; обработка || производственный; технологический2) объём выпуска, выпуск; выработка; производительность3) продукция4) правило вывода, порождающее правило ( в экспертных системах)•- automatic productionproduction in terms of finished components — производительность, выраженная в количестве обработанных деталей
- average-scale production
- batch production
- captive production
- chip production per time unit
- CNC production
- continuous production
- customized production
- dedicated production
- defect production
- duplicate production
- electronically gaged production
- family-of-parts production
- faulty production
- flexible production
- flow production
- flow-line production
- gross production
- group production
- hands-off production
- high production
- high-run production
- high-speed production
- high-variety production
- high-volume/low-variety production
- infrequent small lot production
- in-line production
- integrated production
- jigless production
- JIT production
- job lot production
- job shop production
- just-in-time production
- labor production
- large batch production
- large lot production
- large quantity production
- large scale production
- large series production
- lean production
- light production
- limited manning production
- limited manpower production
- line production
- long-run production
- lot production
- low production
- low-quantity repetition production
- low-volume/high-variety production
- mass production
- mechanical assembly production
- medium batch production
- medium quantity production
- medium run production
- medium size production
- medium volume production
- metalworking production
- mid-variety production
- mid-volume/mid-variety production
- mixed production
- mixed quantity production
- multikind production
- multipart production
- multiple production
- NC production
- net production
- net shape production
- nonstop production
- one setup production
- one-hit production
- one-off component production
- one-off production
- option production
- part family production
- piece production
- pilot production
- powertrain production
- prototype production
- quantity production
- random production
- repetition production
- repetitive batch production
- repetitive lot production
- replacement part production
- round-the-clock production
- run-out production
- semicontinuous production
- serial production
- series production
- shop floor production
- short-run production
- short-scale production
- single-operation production
- single-piece production
- small batch production
- small lot production
- small series production
- small volume production
- small-size production
- stop-and-go production
- substandard production
- turned part production
- unattended production
- unmanned production
- untended production
- variety-of-parts production
- volume productionEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > production
См. также в других словарях:
production — [ prɔdyksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • producion 1283; du lat. productus I ♦ Dr., admin. 1 ♦ Document, pièce qu on présente. 2 ♦ Le fait, l action de présenter un document, une pièce, etc. (⇒ présentation). Production de pièces à un procès. Production de témoins … Encyclopédie Universelle
Production I.G. — Logo de Production I.G., Inc. 株式会社プロダクション・アイジー [1] Création 15 décembre 1987 … Wikipédia en Français
Production IG — Production I.G Logo de Production I.G., Inc. 株式会社プロダクション・アイジー [1] Création 15 décembre 1987 … Wikipédia en Français
Production I.G — Тип кабусики гайся Год основания 1987 Расположение … Википедия
production — Production, Productio. La production d une partie, Instrumentum litis. Il pense que les juges asserront jugement sur sa seule production, Suis tabulis causam dicit. Les pieces et productions des parties, Litis instrumentum, Copiae sacculariae,… … Thresor de la langue françoyse
Production — may be:In Economics: * Production, the act of making products (goods and services) * Production, the act of manufacturing goods * Production as statistic, gross domestic productIn Entertainment: * Production, phase of filmmaking * Production,… … Wikipedia
Production I.G — Rechtsform Kabushiki gaisha (Aktiengesellschaft) Gründung 15. Dezember 1987 Sitz … Deutsch Wikipedia
Production I.G — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Production I.G. Tipo Estudio de animación Fundación 15 de Diciembre de 1987 Fundador(es) Mitsuhisa Ishikawa Sede … Wikipedia Español
production — I (operation) noun execution, industry, manifestation, manufacture II (output) noun accomplishment, attainment, business, compilation, composition, constitution, construction, consummation, creation, discharge, disclosure, dispatch, effectuation … Law dictionary
production — Production. s. f. v. Ouvrage, effet. Il se dit également des Ouvrages de la nature, & de ceux de l art & de l esprit. Toutes les productions de la nature sont admirables. c est une des belles productions de l art. on a vû plusieurs productions de … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Production — Pro*duc tion, n. [L. productio a lengthening, prolonging: cf. F. production. See {Produce}. ] [1913 Webster] 1. The act or process or producing, bringing forth, or exhibiting to view; as, the production of commodities, of a witness. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English