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produced coal/xx

  • 1 produced coal

    1. уголь для газогенераторной установки


    уголь для газогенераторной установки

    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]



    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > produced coal

  • 2 produced coal

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > produced coal

  • 3 produced coal

    Геология: добытый уголь

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > produced coal

  • 4 produced coal

    English-Russian mining dictionary > produced coal

  • 5 coal

    coal in pile уголь в насыпке;
    coal in solid уголь в целике;
    coal with high ash content зольный уголь;
    coal with low ash content малозольный уголь
    algal coal см. boghead coal
    allochthonous coal аллохтонный уголь
    altogether coal несортированный [рядовой] уголь
    alum coal квасцовый уголь
    amorphous coal аморфный уголь
    ample coal большой целик угля
    anthracite coal антрацит, антрацитовый уголь
    anthraxylous coal антраксильный уголь
    anthraxylous-attrital coal антраксильно-аттритовый уголь
    ash coal зольный уголь
    ash-free coal беззольный уголь
    asphaltic coal уст. асфальтовый уголь (см. тж. albertite)
    attrital coal аттритовый уголь
    attrital-anthraxylous coal аттрито-антраксильный уголь
    autochthonous coal автохтонный уголь
    baking coal спекающийся уголь
    ball coal шаровой уголь
    banded coal полосчатый уголь
    bank coal рядовой уголь
    barley coal антрацит-орех, АО
    bastard coal зольный уголь
    bench coal угольный пласт
    billy coal тонкий, не поддающийся разработке пласт (залегающий над или под разрабатываемым пластом)
    binding coal спекающийся уголь
    bird's-eye coal пятнистый уголь, уголь с «птичьим глазом»
    bituminous coal битуминозный уголь
    bituminous brown coal смолистый уголь
    black coal чёрный уголь (изменённый интрузией изверженной породы)
    blend coal кеннельский уголь, переслаивающийся с обыкновенным углем
    blind coal 1. слепой уголь (уголь, сгорающий без пламени) 2. природный кокс, напоминающий антрацит
    block coal уголь, разламывающийся на крупные глыбы кубической формы
    board coal бурый уголь, лигнит
    bog coal болотный уголь (землистая разновидность бурого угля)
    boghead coal богхед (сапропелевый уголь с преобладанием водорослей)
    bone [bony] coal 1. зольный уголь 2. глинистый уголь
    bottle coal газовый уголь
    bovey coal разновидность лигнита, бурый уголь, смолистое дерево
    branch coal расщепляющийся уголь
    brat coal 1. тонкий пласт угля, содержащий включения пирита и карбонатов 2. нечистый уголь
    brazilly coal уголь с большим содержанием пирита
    bright coal блестящий уголь
    bright-banded coal блестящий полосчатый уголь
    broken coal гранулометрический класс кусков антрацита
    brown coal бурый уголь
    bumpy coal отслаивающийся уголь
    burnt coal естественный кокс
    caking coal спекающийся уголь
    candle coal пламенный уголь
    cannel coal кеннельский уголь
    carbonaceous coal полуантрацит
    cat coal уголь, содержащий пирит
    cellar coal угольный пласт, расположенный немного ниже главного пласта
    chance coal угольный пласт в 9 дюймов (Стаффордшир, Англия)
    checker coal антрацит в кусках или зёрнах прямоугольной формы
    chemist's coal разновидность длиннопламенного угля
    cherry coal вишнёвый уголь (мягкий некоксующийся битуминозный уголь со смоляным блеском)
    chestnut coal- орешковый уголь (антрацит класса 5 3 1 -о — 1 -п. дюйма)
    chinley coal уголь в кусках (лучшая марка курного угля)
    chlorophyll coal хлорофилловый уголь (разновидность дизодиля)
    cinder coal естественный кокс
    cindery coal ококсованный уголь
    cinley coal крупный уголь (не проходящий через грохот)
    circular coal уголь с глазковой поверхностью
    clearly-banded coal яснополосчатый уголь
    clearly thin-banded coal ясно-тонкополосчатый уголь
    cleek coal рядовой уголь
    clod coal мягкий и вязкий сланец в кровле или почве угольного пласта
    coarse coal крупнокусковой уголь
    coke coal природный кокс
    coking coal коксующийся уголь
    columnar coal уголь со столбчатой отдельностью
    common-banded coal полосчатый уголь
    common bituminous coal обычный битуминозный уголь
    compact coal плотный уголь
    cone-in-cone coal уголь с текстурой «конус в конусе»
    coombe coal измельчённый уголь
    crop coal 1. часть угольной залежи у поверхности 2. обнажение угля, выходящего на поверхность 3. бедное месторождение угля
    cropper coal уголь, оставленный в почве пласта
    crow coal высокозольная разновидность землистого угля с малым содержанием битума
    crozzling coal коксующийся уголь
    crumble coal порошкообразный уголь
    crushed coal дроблёный уголь
    crystallized coal уголь с текстурой "конус в конусе"
    cube coal кубический уголь, уголь, разбивающийся на кубики
    D- coal уголь-D (мельчайшие, в основном дюреновые, частицы угля, обнаруживаемые при силикозе лёгких у шахтёров)
    dandered coal естественный кокс
    day coal верхний пласт угля (ближайший к поверхности)
    dead coal некоксующийся уголь
    deaf coal- уголь, изменённый интрузией изверженных пород
    decomposed coal выветрившийся уголь
    deep coal глубинный уголь (уголь, залегающий на значительной глубине)
    detrital coal детритовый [обломочный] уголь
    developed coal подготовленный для разработки уголь
    dice coal мелкокусковой уголь
    dirty coal- грязный зольный уголь
    distantly-banded coal редкополосчатый уголь
    domestic coal уголь для бытового отопления
    drift coal перенесённый [дрифтовый] уголь; аллохтонный уголь
    dross coal 1. неспекающийся уголь 2. мелкий уголь; угольная пыль
    drossy coal низкосортный загрязнённый уголь; уголь, содержащий пирит
    drub coal углистый сланец, нечистый уголь
    dry coal сухой уголь
    dry-burning coal тощий неспекающийся уголь
    dull coal матовый [тусклый] уголь
    dull-banded coal матовый [тусклый] полосчатый уголь
    dust coal угольная пыль
    earth(y) coal землистый уголь
    earthy brown coal землистый бурый уголь
    easy coal мягкий уголь
    edge coal крутопадающий пласт угля
    explosive coal стреляющий [взрывчатый, взрывной] уголь
    eye coal уголь с глазковой поверхностью
    F- coal уголь с преобладанием прослоек фюзена
    fancy coal обогащенный уголь
    fancy lump coal полуантрацитовый уголь (крупностью более 85 мм)
    fat coal жирный уголь
    fault coal низкосортный уголь
    fibrous coal волокнистый уголь
    fiery coal газовый уголь
    fine coal мелкий уголь, угольная мелочь
    finely banded [finely striated]
    coal тонкополосчатый [тонкоштриховатый] уголь
    finger coal пальчиковый уголь (природный кокс, встречающийся в виде небольших шестигранных столбиков вблизи интрузии изверженных пород)
    fire coal уголь, идущий на отопление
    flame coal пламенный уголь
    flat coal 1. пласт угля, залегающий горизонтально 2. плитняк
    flaxseed coal мелкий антрацит
    float coal плавающий уголь (мелкие неправильной формы отдельные тела угля в песчаниках или алевролитах)
    foliated coal рассланцованный уголь
    forge coal кузнечный уголь
    fossil coal ископаемый уголь
    foul coal нечистый уголь; некоммерческий уголь
    free coal блестящий уголь с хорошим изломом; самоотбивающийся уголь
    free-burning coal длиннопламенный уголь
    fresh coal свежий уголь
    freshly mined coal только что добытый из шахты уголь
    friable coal рыхлый [рассыпчатый] уголь
    frozen coal «присуха» (уголь, приставший к кровле или почве)
    gagate-like coal гагатоподобный уголь
    gaist coal уголь, горящий постоянным белым раскалённым пламенем
    gas (flame) coal газовый уголь
    gelosic coal уголь, богатый ульмином
    ghost coal уголь, горящий ярким белым пламенем
    glance [gloss] coal блестящий уголь
    graded coal сортированный уголь
    granular coal зернистый уголь
    grate coal грохочёный уголь (размером с яйцо)
    great coal отборный [крупный] уголь, уголь в крупных кусках
    green coal свежий уголь
    greenwood coal уголь из древесины лиственных пород
    grew coal угольный пласт, постепенно переходящий в покрывающую или подстилающую породу
    ground coal нижний слой [основание] угольного пласта
    hard coal каменный уголь
    hard ash coal тощий уголь
    heterogeneous coal неоднородный уголь
    high coal мощный пласт угля
    high-rank coal уголь высокой степени углефикации
    high-volatile coal уголь с высоким содержанием летучих веществ
    homogeneous coal однородный уголь
    humic coal гумусовый уголь
    humic cannel [humic sapropelic] coal гумусово-сапропелевый уголь
    humus coal гумусовый уголь
    hydrogenous coal уголь с большим содержанием влаги; уголь с большим содержанием летучих веществ
    impure coal нечистый уголь; зольный уголь
    indigenous coal уголь, образовавшийся на месте, автохтонный уголь
    indistinctly-banded coal неяснополосчатый уголь
    inferior coal уголь низкого качества
    initial coal исходный уголь
    intermediate coal переходный уголь
    jet coal гагат, чёрный янтарь
    kennel coal кеннельский уголь
    kerosine coal битуминозный нефтеносный уголь
    kilkenny coal разновидность антрацита
    kim coal нефтеносный сланец юрского возраста
    kimmeridge coal киммериджский уголь (вид горючего сланца)
    knotty coal пятнистый [узловатый] уголь
    lamellar coal листоватый уголь
    laminated coal слоистый уголь
    leaf coal разновидность бурого угля, состоящая в основном из листьев деревьев
    lean coal сухой уголь
    lean cannel coal кеннельский уголь с малым содержанием летучих веществ (переходный к битуминозному углю)
    level coal горизонтально залегающий пласт угля
    light coal газовый уголь
    lightly pitching coal пологопадающий пласт угля
    lignitic [lignitous] coal лигнитовый уголь
    lime coal низкосортный уголь, пригодный только для обжига извести
    lively coal уголь, легко распадающийся на куски средней величины
    long-flame coal длиннопламенный уголь
    loosened coal 1. отбитый уголь 2. измельчённый уголь
    low coal тонкий пласт угля
    lower-grade bituminous coal низкобитуминозный уголь
    low-sulfur coal уголь с низким содержанием серы
    low-volatile coal уголь с низким содержанием летучих веществ
    low-volatile bituminous coal битуминозный уголь с низким содержанием летучих веществ
    lump coal крупнокусковой уголь
    macroclastic coal макрокластический уголь (содержащий многочисленные, различимые невооруженным глазом обломки)
    macrofragmental coal макрофрагментарный уголь
    malting coal антрацит, угольная обманка
    matt coal матовый уголь
    medium-volatile bituminous coal битуминозный уголь со средним содержанием летучих веществ
    Mersey yellow coal тасманит
    metabituminous coal метабитуминозный уголь
    metaboghead coal высококачественный торбанит
    metal coal пиритсодержащий уголь
    metalignitous coal длиннопламенный уголь
    metallurgical coal коксующийся уголь
    microfragmental coal микрофрагментарный уголь
    mill coal некоксующийся уголь
    mineral coal каменный уголь
    molded coal брикетированный уголь, брикеты из древесного угля, связанного битумом
    moor coal рыхлый бурый уголь, рыхлый лигнит
    mushy coal пористый уголь
    needle coal волокнистый лигнит (состоящий из скопления сосудистых пучков и стеблей)
    nether coal нижняя пачка мощного угольного пласта
    niggerhead coal угольный пласт с включением пород в виде желваков, роговиков и т. п.
    nonbanded coal неполосчатый уголь
    nonclinkering coal неспекающийся уголь; необогащающийся уголь
    noncoking coal некоксующийся уголь
    ocean coal лежащие под океаном угольные пласты
    oil coal стелларит (разновидность асфальта)
    ooster coal уголь низкого качества
    open-burning coal длиннопламенный неспекающийся уголь
    opencast coal уголь, добываемый открытым способом
    open-grained coal яснополосчатый уголь
    orthobituminous coal битуминозный уголь; жирный уголь
    orthohydrous coal 1. обычный битуминозный уголь со средним содержанием водорода 2. мацерал с нормальным содержанием водорода (напр. витренит)
    ortholignitous coal уголь, содержащий 75—80 % водорода в беззольном остатке
    outbreak coal выход [обнажение] угольного пласта на дневную поверхность
    paper coal 1. тонкослоистый [бумажный, листоватый] бурый уголь 2. уголь с большим содержанием кутикул
    parabituminous coal парабитуминозный уголь (содержащий 84—87% углерода)
    paraffin coal парафиновый уголь (светлоокрашенный каменный уголь, идущий на производство минеральных масел и парафина)
    parrot coal «трескучий» [«попугаев»] уголь
    pea coal мелкий уголь
    peacock coal радужный [переливчатый, блестящий] каменный уголь
    peat coal торфяной уголь
    peaty fibrous coal волокнистый торф
    peaty pitch coal допплерит (сибирский асфальт)
    pebble coal уголь с комковатой структурой
    perbituminous coal пербитуминозный уголь
    perhydrous coal уголь, содержащий свыше 6 % водорода
    petroleum-oil cannel coal нефтеносный сланец
    picked coal обогащенный вручную уголь
    pillar coal уголь, оставленный в целике
    pit coal каменный уголь
    pitch coal 1. смолистый уголь 2. разновидность гагата
    placer brown coal разрушенный, а затем переотложенный бурый уголь
    plastic coal пластичный уголь
    possible coal вероятные [неразведанные] запасы угля
    powdered coal угольная пыль, порошковый уголь
    powdery coal рассыпающийся уголь; порошкообразный уголь
    pressed coal сцементированный [спрессованный] уголь (в результате тектонических движений)
    primary-type coal ингредиенты угля, литотипы
    produced coal добытый уголь
    proud coal уголь, легко распадающийся при разработке на пластины и чешуйки
    pulverulent brown coal пылевидный бурый уголь
    pyropissitic brown coal пирописситовый бурый уголь
    range coal уголь размером с крупный орех
    rare-banded coal редкополосчатый уголь
    raw coal рядовой [необогащённый] уголь
    recoverable coal извлекаемый уголь; уголь, поддающийся разработке
    rerun coal уголь, проходящий повторное обогащение
    resinous coal смолистый уголь
    resonant coal «поющий» уголь, уголь, выделяющий газ с шипением
    robble coal неустойчивый по составу и мощности угольный пласт
    roof coal низкокачественный уголь, добываемый около кровли пласта; уголь, оставляемый в кровле
    rooster coal глинистая (непосредственно налегающая) кровля угольного пласта
    run coal мягкий сыпучий уголь; мягкий битуминозный уголь; рядовой уголь
    run splint coal разновидность длиннопламенного (чистого и блестящего) угля
    rush coal лигнит, состоящий в основном из болотных растений
    salable coal товарный уголь
    sapropelic coal сапропелевый уголь
    sapropelitic-humic coal сапропелево-гумусовый уголь
    schistose coal сланцеватый уголь
    Scotch coal шотландский уголь
    semibright coal полублестящий уголь
    semicannel coal полукеннельский /тощий кеннельский/ уголь
    semilustrous coal полублестящий уголь
    semisplint coal полутвёрдый уголь
    separation coal обогащенный уголь
    set coal выветрелый уголь
    shallow lying coal неглубоко залегающий уголь
    shed coal пропласток [тонкий нерабочий пласт] угля
    short-flame coal короткопламенный уголь
    silt coal угольный шлам (отходы обогащения угля)
    sintering coal спекающийся уголь
    sized coal сортированный уголь
    slabby coal плитчатый уголь; слоистый уголь
    slabby foliated coal плитчатый листоватый уголь
    slate [slaty] coal сланцеватый уголь
    slaty cannel coal сланцеватый кеннельский уголь
    small coal 1. мелкий уголь 2. тонкий угольный пласт
    smiddy [smithing] coal кузнечный уголь
    smokeless coal бездымный уголь
    smudge coal естественный кокс; уголь, изменённый интрузией изверженной породы
    smut(h) coal 1. выветрившееся обнажение угольного пласта или рудной жилы 2. землистый уголь
    soft coal битуминозный уголь
    soldering coal спекающийся уголь
    sparry coal уголь с плёнками кальцита по трещинам и плоскостям наслоения
    specular coal блестящий уголь
    spin coal разновидность чёрного блестящего угля
    splint coal твёрдый каменный уголь
    split coal расщеплённый угольный пласт
    spore coal споровый уголь
    steam coal паровичный уголь; паровично-спекающийся уголь
    steam-baking coal паровично-спекающийся уголь
    steamboat coal корабельный антрацит, флотский уголь
    steeply pitching coal крутопадающий [наклонно залегающий] угольный пласт
    stellar coal стелларит (разновидность асфальта)
    sterile coal чёрный сланец; углистая глина, связанная с углем; слой углистого сланца в кровле угля
    sticky coal «присуха» (уголь, приставший к кровле или почве)
    stink coal вонючий уголь
    stone coal антрацит
    stove coal печной антрацит
    straight coal бурый уголь; суббитуминозный уголь
    striated coal штриховатый уголь
    strong coal крепкий уголь
    subbituminous coal суббитуминозный уголь
    subcannel coal субкеннельский уголь
    subhydrous coal уголь с низким содержанием водорода
    sulfonated coal сульфированный уголь
    sweet coal практически не содержащий серу уголь, ароматный уголь
    tar coal смолистый уголь
    thick coal мощный угольный пласт
    thin-banded coal тонкополосчатый уголь
    top coal верхняя часть угольного пласта
    ultraclean coal совершенно чистый уголь
    unit coal чистый уголь (для анализа)
    upper coal верхний угольный пласт
    virgin coal целик угля, неподработанный пласт угля
    wall coal средняя часть угольного пласта
    wandering coal угольное гнездо
    warrant coal огнеупорная глина, прослоённая углем
    washed coal промытый [обогащенный] уголь
    waste coal угольные отвалы
    wax coal пирописсит (разновидность парафинового угля)
    weak coal хрупкий уголь
    weather coal выветрелый уголь
    Welsh coal кардиффский уголь
    white coal тасманит
    white-ash coal уголь, дающий белую золу
    whole coal неразрабатываемый угольный район
    wide-banded coal широкополосчатый уголь
    wild coal уголь низкого качества; сланец с прослойками угля
    wind-blown coal выветрелый уголь
    withdrawable coal извлекаемый [добываемый] уголь
    wood coal бурый уголь, лигнит
    woody coal древесный уголь
    yellow coal тасманит
    yolk coal неспекающийся уголь
    * * *

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > coal

  • 6 coal

    каменный уголь, угольный; загрузить углём

    - altogether coal
    - ample coal
    - anthracitic coal
    - apple-coal
    - ash coal
    - average-size coal
    - baking coal
    - banded coal
    - bank coal
    - bastard coal
    - binding coal
    - bituminous coal
    - black coal
    - blind coal
    - block coal
    - blocky coal
    - board coal
    - bone coal
    - bony coal
    - bottle coal
    - bottom coal
    - bovey coal
    - bright coal
    - broken coal
    - brown coal
    - bumpy coal
    - caking coal
    - candle coal
    - cannel coal
    - cinley coal
    - coking coal
    - coombe coal
    - dead coal
    - developed coal
    - dirty coal
    - domestic coal
    - dross coal
    - drossy coal
    - dry coal
    - dry burning coal
    - easy coal
    - fat coal
    - fault coal
    - fiery coal
    - fine coal
    - fire coal
    - flat coal
    - foliated coal
    - friable coal
    - free-burning coal
    - frozen coal
    - gas coal
    - glance coal
    - glossy coal
    - graded coal
    - grate coal
    - ground coal
    - hanging coal
    - high coal
    - hard coal
    - hard ash coal
    - high coal
    - high-grade coal
    - high-volatile coal
    - house coal
    - humic coal
    - inferior coal
    - jet coal
    - large coal
    - lean coal
    - level coal
    - light coal
    - lightly pitching coal
    - longflame coal
    - low-sulphur coal
    - low-volatile coal
    - lump coal
    - meagre coal
    - medium volatile coal
    - merchantable coal
    - metabituminous coal
    - metalignitous coal
    - metallurgical coal
    - mill coal
    - mineral coal
    - moor coal
    - moulded coal
    - mushy coal
    - nether coal
    - noncaking coal
    - non-coking coal
    - nut coal
    - open burning coal
    - palm coal
    - peacock coal
    - pillar coal
    - pit coal
    - pitch coal
    - plastic coal
    - plate coal
    - possible coal
    - powder coal
    - powdered coal
    - powdery coal
    - prepared coal
    - produced coal
    - proud coal
    - pulverized coal
    - range coal
    - raw coal
    - rich coal
    - roof coal
    - rough coal
    - round coal
    - run coal
    - run-of-mine coal
    - saleable coal
    - sandwiched coal
    - screened coal
    - separation coal
    - shallow coal
    - short-flame coal
    - sintering coal
    - sized coal
    - slack coal
    - slate coal
    - small coal
    - smiddy coal
    - smuth coal
    - soft coal
    - soldering coal
    - solid coal
    - sooty coal
    - sparry coal
    - specular coal
    - splint coal
    - spontaneous combustion coal
    - steam coal
    - steeply pitching coal
    - sticky coal
    - stone coal
    - stove coal
    - subbituminous coal
    - sweet coal
    - thermal coal
    - through coal
    - tough coal
    - undersea coal
    - uninflammable coal
    - washed coal
    - waste coal
    - wood coal
    - yolk coal

    English-Russian mining dictionary > coal

  • 7 coal tar

    1. डामर
    Coal tar is produced when gas is made from coal.

    English-Hindi dictionary > coal tar

  • 8 gasification of residual coal produced from extraction

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > gasification of residual coal produced from extraction

  • 9 уголь для газогенераторной установки

    1. produced coal


    уголь для газогенераторной установки

    [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо-русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.]



    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > уголь для газогенераторной установки

  • 10 добытый уголь

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > добытый уголь

  • 11 produce

    1. prə'dju:s verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) sacar, extraer
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) tener, dar a luz
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) provocar, producir
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) producir, fabricar
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) producir
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) poner en escena (teatro); producir

    2. 'prodju:s noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) productos (agrícolas)
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity

    produce1 n productos
    produce2 vb
    1. producir / fabricar
    2. producir / dar
    3. producir / poner en escena
    4. sacar / enseñar
    tr[ (vb) prə'djʊːs; (n) 'prɒdjʊːs]
    1 (gen) producir; (manufacture) producir, fabricar
    3 (show) enseñar, presentar; (bring out) sacar
    4 (cause) producir, causar
    5 (film) producir; (play) poner en escena, dirigir; (tv programme) realizar
    produce [prə'du:s, -'dju:s] vt, - duced ; - ducing
    1) exhibit: presentar, mostrar
    2) yield: producir
    3) cause: producir, causar
    4) create: producir
    to produce a poem: escribir un poema
    5) : poner en escena (una obra de teatro), producir (una película)
    produce ['prɑ.du:s, 'pro:-, -.dju:s] n
    : productos mpl agrícolas
    producción s.f.
    producto s.m.
    fabricar v.
    hacer v.
    (§pres: hago, haces...) pret: hic-
    pp: hecho
    fut/c: har-•)
    ocasionar v.
    presentar v.
    procurar v.
    producir v.
    (§pres: produzco, produces...) pret: produj-•)
    rendir v.
    rentar v.
    sacar v.
    surtir v.

    I prə'duːs, prə'djuːs
    a) (manufacture, yield) \<\<cars/cloth\>\> producir*, fabricar*; \<\<coal/grain/beef\>\> producir*; \<\<fruit\>\> \<\<country/region\>\> producir*; \<\<tree/bush\>\> dar*, producir*
    b) (create, give) \<\<energy/sound\>\> producir*; \<\<interest\>\> producir*, dar*, devengar*

    a university which has produced many great scientistsuna universidad que ha dado or de donde han salido muchos grandes científicos

    c) ( cause) \<\<joy/reaction\>\> producir*, causar; \<\<effect\>\> surtir, producir*
    d) ( give birth to) \<\<young\>\> tener*
    2) (show, bring out) \<\<ticket/document\>\> presentar; \<\<evidence/proof\>\> presentar, aportar; \<\<gun/knife\>\> sacar*
    a) (Cin, TV) producir*, realizar*; ( Theat) \<\<play\>\> poner* en escena; \<\<show\>\> montar, poner* en escena
    b) (Rad, Theat) ( direct) dirigir*

    II 'prɑːduːs, 'prɒdjuːs
    mass noun productos mpl (alimenticios)
    1. [prǝ'djuːs]
    1) (=yield) [+ coal, crop, electricity, sound] producir; [+ milk] [farm] producir; [cow] dar; [+ interest] rendir, producir; [+ profit, benefits] producir, reportar

    oil-producing countriespaíses mpl productores de petróleo

    2) (=manufacture) [+ cars, weapons, drugs] fabricar, producir
    3) (=create) [+ novel] escribir; [+ magazine] publicar; [+ musical work] componer
    4) (=give birth to) [+ offspring] [animal] parir; [woman] tener, dar a luz a; [parents] tener
    5) (=bring out, supply) [+ gift, handkerchief, gun] sacar; [+ ticket, documents, evidence, proof] presentar; [+ argument] dar, presentar; [+ witness] nombrar; [+ meal] preparar
    6) (Cine, Theat) [+ film, play, show] producir; (TV, Rad) realizar; (Publishing) [+ magazine] publicar; (Mus) [+ record] producir
    7) (=cause) [+ symptoms] producir, causar; [+ response] provocar, producir

    it produced a sensation of drowsinessproducía or causaba una sensación de somnolencia

    by combining the two kinds of paint you can produce some interesting effects — combinando las dos clases de pintura puedes conseguir efectos interesantes

    you may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect — puedes encontrarte con que amenazar este procedimiento producirá el efecto deseado

    8) (Geom) [+ line, plane] prolongar
    2. [prǝ'djuːs]
    1) [mine, oil well, factory] producir; [land, tree] dar fruto(s); [cow] dar leche; [person] rendir
    2) (Theat, Cine) producir; (TV, Rad) realizar
    N (Agr) productos mpl agrícolas, productos mpl del campo

    produce of Turkeyproducto m de Turquía

    produce of more than one countryproducto m elaborado en varios países

    dairy 2., farm 4.

    produce counter N(US) mostrador m de verdura

    produce store N(US) verdulería f

    * * *

    I [prə'duːs, prə'djuːs]
    a) (manufacture, yield) \<\<cars/cloth\>\> producir*, fabricar*; \<\<coal/grain/beef\>\> producir*; \<\<fruit\>\> \<\<country/region\>\> producir*; \<\<tree/bush\>\> dar*, producir*
    b) (create, give) \<\<energy/sound\>\> producir*; \<\<interest\>\> producir*, dar*, devengar*

    a university which has produced many great scientistsuna universidad que ha dado or de donde han salido muchos grandes científicos

    c) ( cause) \<\<joy/reaction\>\> producir*, causar; \<\<effect\>\> surtir, producir*
    d) ( give birth to) \<\<young\>\> tener*
    2) (show, bring out) \<\<ticket/document\>\> presentar; \<\<evidence/proof\>\> presentar, aportar; \<\<gun/knife\>\> sacar*
    a) (Cin, TV) producir*, realizar*; ( Theat) \<\<play\>\> poner* en escena; \<\<show\>\> montar, poner* en escena
    b) (Rad, Theat) ( direct) dirigir*

    II ['prɑːduːs, 'prɒdjuːs]
    mass noun productos mpl (alimenticios)

    English-spanish dictionary > produce

  • 12 produce

    1. noun
    Produkte Pl.; Erzeugnisse Pl.

    ‘produce of Spain’ — "spanisches Erzeugnis"

    2. transitive verb
    1) (bring forward) erbringen [Beweis]; vorlegen [Beweismaterial]; beibringen [Zeugen]; geben [Erklärung]; vorzeigen [Pass, Fahrkarte, Papiere]; herausholen [Brieftasche, Portemonnaie, Pistole]

    he produced a few coins from his pocketer holte einige Münzen aus seiner Tasche

    2) produzieren [Show, Film]; inszenieren [Theaterstück, Hörspiel, Fernsehspiel]; herausgeben [Schallplatte, Buch]

    well-producedgut gemacht [Film, Theaterstück, Programm]

    3) (manufacture) herstellen; zubereiten [Mahlzeit]; (in nature; Agric.) produzieren
    4) (create) schreiben [Roman, Gedichte, Artikel, Aufsatz, Symphonie]; schaffen [Gemälde, Skulptur, Meisterwerk]; aufstellen [Theorie]
    5) (cause) hervorrufen; bewirken [Änderung]
    6) (bring into being) erzeugen; führen zu [Situation, Lage, Zustände]
    7) (yield) erzeugen [Ware, Produkt]; geben [Milch]; tragen [Wolle]; legen [Eier]; liefern [Ernte]; fördern [Metall, Kohle]; abwerfen [Ertrag, Gewinn]; hervorbringen [Dichter, Denker, Künstler]; führen zu [Resultat]
    8) (bear) gebären; [Säugetier:] werfen; [Vogel, Reptil:] legen [Eier]; [Fisch, Insekt:] ablegen [Eier]; [Baum, Blume:] tragen [Früchte, Blüten]; entwickeln [Triebe]; bilden [Keime]
    * * *
    1. [prə'dju:s] verb
    1) (to bring out: She produced a letter from her pocket.) hervorholen
    2) (to give birth to: A cow produces one or two calves a year.) erzeugen
    3) (to cause: His joke produced a shriek of laughter from the children.) bewirken
    4) (to make or manufacture: The factory produces furniture.) produzieren
    5) (to give or yield: The country produces enough food for the population.) produzieren
    6) (to arrange and prepare (a theatre performance, film, television programme etc): The play was produced by Henry Dobson.) produzieren, inszenieren
    2. ['prodju:s] noun
    (something that is produced, especially crops, eggs, milk etc from farms: agricultural/farm produce.) das Produkt
    - academic.ru/58165/producer">producer
    - product
    - production
    - productive
    - productivity
    * * *
    I. vt
    [prəˈdju:s, AM -ˈdu:s]
    to \produce sth etw herstellen [o produzieren]
    to \produce antibodies/red blood cells Antikörper/rote Blutkörperchen produzieren
    to \produce coal/oil Kohle/Erdöl fördern
    to \produce electricity Strom erzeugen
    to \produce ideas/thoughts Ideen/Gedanken entwickeln
    to \produce an illusion eine falsche Vorstellung erwecken
    to \produce a meal eine Mahlzeit zubereiten
    to \produce noise Lärm verursachen
    to \produce a novel/report einen Roman/Bericht schreiben [o verfassen]
    to \produce an odour einen Geruch absondern
    to \produce a painting/a sculpture ein Gemälde/eine Skulptur schaffen
    to \produce a shadow einen Schatten werfen
    to \produce a state of hypnosis einen Hypnosezustand herbeiführen
    to \produce static/sparks atmosphärische Störungen/Funken verursachen [o hervorrufen]
    to \produce wheat Weizen produzieren
    to \produce sth etw bewirken [o hervorrufen]
    to \produce a change eine Änderung bewirken
    to \produce an echo ein Echo hervorrufen
    to \produce an effect eine Wirkung erzielen
    to \produce hysteria/uncertainty Hysterie/Unsicherheit hervorrufen
    to \produce profits/revenue Gewinne/Erträge erzielen [o einbringen]
    to \produce results zu Ergebnissen führen
    to \produce a shift in public opinion die öffentliche Meinung ändern
    to \produce sb/sth jdn/etw zur Welt bringen
    to \produce kittens/puppies/young [Katzen]junge/Welpen/Junge bekommen
    to \produce offspring Nachwuchs bekommen, für Nachwuchs sorgen hum
    4. FILM, MUS
    to \produce sth film, programme etw produzieren; THEAT play, opera etw inszenieren
    to \produce top artists Spitzenkünstler/Spitzenkünstlerinnen produzieren
    to \produce a CD/record eine CD/Schallplatte produzieren
    5. (show)
    to \produce sth etw hervorholen
    to \produce a gun/a knife/a weapon eine Pistole/ein Messer/eine Waffe ziehen
    to \produce identification/one's passport seinen Ausweis/Pass zeigen
    to \produce a present ein Geschenk hervorzaubern
    to \produce a receipt eine Quittung vorlegen
    6. LAW
    to \produce an alibi/a witness ein Alibi/einen Zeugen/eine Zeugin beibringen
    to \produce evidence/proof den Beweis/Nachweis erbringen
    II. vi
    [prəˈdju:s, AM -ˈdu:s]
    1. (bring results) Ergebnisse erzielen; ECON einen Gewinn erwirtschaften
    2. (give output) produzieren; mine fördern
    3. (be fertile) humans Nachwuchs bekommen; plant Früchte tragen; land ertragreich sein
    4. FILM einen Film produzieren; THEAT ein Stück inszenieren
    III. n
    [ˈprɒdju:s, AM ˈprɑ:du:s, ˈproʊ-]
    1. AGR Erzeugnisse pl, Produkte pl
    dairy \produce Milchprodukte pl, Molkereiprodukte pl
    French \produce [or \produce of France] französische Erzeugnisse
    2. AM (fruit and vegetables) Obst nt und Gemüse nt
    IV. n
    [ˈprɒdju:s, AM ˈprɑ:du:s, ˈproʊ-]
    modifier AM (market, order, purveyor) Obst- und Gemüse-
    \produce section Obst- und Gemüseabteilung f
    * * *
    1. n no pl (AGR)
    Produkt(e pl), Erzeugnis(se) nt(pl)

    Italian produce, produce of Italy — italienisches Erzeugnis

    2. vt
    1) (= yield) produzieren; (IND) produzieren, herstellen; electricity, energy, heat erzeugen; crop abwerfen; coal fördern, produzieren; (= create) book, article, essay schreiben; painting, sculpture anfertigen; ideas, novel etc, masterpiece hervorbringen; interest, return on capital bringen, abwerfen; meal machen, herstellen

    the sort of environment that produces criminal types —

    to be well produced — gut gemacht sein; (goods also) gut gearbeitet sein

    2) (= bring forward, show) gift, wallet etc hervorholen (from, out of aus); pistol ziehen (from, out of aus); proof, evidence liefern, beibringen; results liefern; effect erzielen; witness beibringen; ticket, documents vorzeigen

    she managed to produce something special for dinner — es gelang ihr, zum Abendessen etwas Besonderes auf den Tisch zu bringen

    I can't produce it out of thin airich kann es doch nicht aus dem Nichts hervorzaubern or aus dem Ärmel schütteln (inf)

    if we don't produce results soon —

    3) play inszenieren; film produzieren
    4) (= cause) famine, bitterness, impression, interest etc hervorrufen; spark erzeugen
    5) (MATH) line verlängern
    3. vi
    1) (THEAT) das/ein Stück inszenieren; (FILM) den/einen Film produzieren
    2) (factory, mine) produzieren; (land) Ertrag bringen; (tree) tragen

    this cow hasn't produced for years (produced calf) (produced milk) when is she going to produce? (hum)diese Kuh hat jahrelang nicht mehr gekalbt diese Kuh hat jahrelang keine Milch mehr gegeben wann ist es denn so weit?

    it's about time that you produced (hum)es wird bald Zeit, dass ihr mal an Nachwuchs denkt

    * * *
    produce [prəˈdjuːs; US auch -ˈduːs]
    A v/t
    1. a) Künstler etc hervorbringen, Werke etc schaffen
    b) hervorrufen, bewirken, eine Wirkung erzielen:
    produce a smile ein Lächeln hervorrufen
    2. Waren etc produzieren, erzeugen, herstellen, fertigen, ein Buch herausbringen oder verfassen, Erz, Kohle etc gewinnen, fördern
    3. a) BOT Früchte etc hervorbringen
    b) ZOOL Junge werfen
    c) hum ein Kind etc bekommen
    4. WIRTSCH einen Gewinn etc (ein)bringen, (-)tragen, abwerfen, erzielen:
    capital produces interest Kapital trägt oder bringt Zinsen
    5. heraus-, hervorziehen, -holen ( alle:
    from aus der Tasche etc)
    6. seinen Ausweis etc (vor)zeigen, vorlegen
    7. Zeugen, Beweise etc beibringen
    8. Gründe vorbringen, anführen
    9. einen Film produzieren, herausbringen, ein Theaterstück, Hör- oder Fernsehspiel
    a) aufführen
    b) einstudieren, inszenieren, THEAT, RADIO Br Regie führen bei:
    produce o.s. fig sich produzieren
    10. einen Schauspieler etc herausbringen
    11. MATH eine Linie verlängern
    B v/i
    1. produzieren:
    the factory has not yet begun to produce die Fabrik hat die Produktion noch nicht aufgenommen
    2. a) BOT (Früchte) tragen
    b) ZOOL werfen
    c) hum Nachwuchs bekommen
    3. WIRTSCH Gewinn(e) abwerfen
    C s produce [ˈprɒdjuːs; US ˈprɑduːs]
    1. (Boden-, Landes) Produkte pl, (Natur) Erzeugnis(se) n(pl):
    produce exchange Produktenbörse f;
    produce market Waren-, Produktenmarkt m
    2. Ertrag m, Gewinn m
    3. TECH (Erz)Ausbeute f
    4. TECH Leistung f, Ausstoß m
    prod abk
    * * *
    1. noun
    Produkte Pl.; Erzeugnisse Pl.

    ‘produce of Spain’ — "spanisches Erzeugnis"

    2. transitive verb
    1) (bring forward) erbringen [Beweis]; vorlegen [Beweismaterial]; beibringen [Zeugen]; geben [Erklärung]; vorzeigen [Pass, Fahrkarte, Papiere]; herausholen [Brieftasche, Portemonnaie, Pistole]
    2) produzieren [Show, Film]; inszenieren [Theaterstück, Hörspiel, Fernsehspiel]; herausgeben [Schallplatte, Buch]

    well-producedgut gemacht [Film, Theaterstück, Programm]

    3) (manufacture) herstellen; zubereiten [Mahlzeit]; (in nature; Agric.) produzieren
    4) (create) schreiben [Roman, Gedichte, Artikel, Aufsatz, Symphonie]; schaffen [Gemälde, Skulptur, Meisterwerk]; aufstellen [Theorie]
    5) (cause) hervorrufen; bewirken [Änderung]
    6) (bring into being) erzeugen; führen zu [Situation, Lage, Zustände]
    7) (yield) erzeugen [Ware, Produkt]; geben [Milch]; tragen [Wolle]; legen [Eier]; liefern [Ernte]; fördern [Metall, Kohle]; abwerfen [Ertrag, Gewinn]; hervorbringen [Dichter, Denker, Künstler]; führen zu [Resultat]
    8) (bear) gebären; [Säugetier:] werfen; [Vogel, Reptil:] legen [Eier]; [Fisch, Insekt:] ablegen [Eier]; [Baum, Blume:] tragen [Früchte, Blüten]; entwickeln [Triebe]; bilden [Keime]
    * * *
    Gewachs -¨e n. v.
    erzeugen v.
    herstellen v.
    hervorholen v.
    produzieren v.
    vorweisen v.
    vorzeigen v.

    English-german dictionary > produce

  • 13 Bergius, Friedrich Carl Rudolf

    b. 11 October 1884 Goldschmieden, near Breslau, Germany
    d. 31 March Buenos Aires, Argentina
    After studying chemistry in Breslau and Leipzig and assisting inter alia at the institute of Fritz Haber in Karlsruhe on the catalysis of ammonia under high pressure, in 1909 he went to Hannover to pursue his idea of turning coal into liquid hydrocarbon under high hydrogen pressure (200 atm) and high temperatures (470° C). As experiments with high pressure in chemical processes were still in their initial stages and the Technical University could not support him sufficiently, he set up a private laboratory to develop the methods and to construct the equipment himself. Four years later, in 1913, his process for producing liquid or organic compounds from coal was patented.
    The economic aspects of this process were apparent as the demand for fuels and lubricants increased more rapidly than the production of oil, and Bergius's process became even more important after the outbreak of the First World War. The Th. Goldschmidt company of Essen contracted him and tried large-scale production near Mannheim in 1914, but production failed because of the lack of capital and experience to operate with high pressure on an industrial level. Both capital and experience were provided jointly by the BASF company, which produced ammonia at Merseburg, and IG Farben, which took over the Bergius process in 1925, the same year that the synthesis of hydrocarbon had been developed by Fischer-Tropsch. Two years later, at the Leuna works, almost 100,000 tonnes of oil were produced from coal; during the following years, several more hydrogenation plants were to follow, especially in the eastern parts of Germany as well as in the Ruhr area, while the government guaranteed the costs. The Bergius process was extremely important for the supply of fuels to Germany during the Second World War, with the monthly production rate in 1943–4 being more than 700,000 tonnes. However, the plants were mostly destroyed at. the end of the war and were later dismantled.
    As a consequence of this success Bergius, who had gained an international reputation, went abroad to work as a consultant to several foreign governments. Experiments aiming to reduce the costs of production are still continued in some countries. By 1925, after he had solved all the principles of his process, he had turned to the production of dextrose by hydrolyzing wood with highly concentrated hydrochloric acid.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Nobel Prize 1931. Honorary doctorates, Heidelberg, Harvard and Hannover.
    1907, "Über absolute Schwefelsäure als Lösungsmittel", unpublished thesis, Weida. 1913, Die Anwendung hoher Drucke bei chemischen Vorgängen und eine Nachbildung
    des Entstehungsprozesses der Steinkohle, Halle. 1913, DRP no. 301, 231 (coal-liquefaction process).
    1925, "Verflüssigung der Kohle", Zeitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure, 69:1313–20, 1359–62.
    1933, "Chemische Reaktionen unter hohem Druck", Les Prix Nobel en 1931, Stockholm, pp. 1–37.
    Further Reading
    Deutsches Bergbau-Museum, 1985, Friedrich Bergius und die Kohleverflüssigung. Stationen einer Entwicklung, Bochum (gives a comprehensive and illustrated description of the man and the technology).
    H.Beck, 1982, Friedrich Bergius, ein Erfinderschicksal, Munich: Deutsches Museum (a detailed biographical description).
    W.Birkendfeld, 1964, Der synthetische Treibstoff 1933–1945. Ein Beitragzur nationalsozialistischen Wirtschafts-und Rüstungspolitik, Göttingen, Berlin and Frankfurt (describes the economic value of synthetic fuels for the Third Reich).

    Biographical history of technology > Bergius, Friedrich Carl Rudolf

  • 14 production

    1) (bringing forward) (of evidence) Erbringung, die; (in physical form) Vorlage, die; (of witness) Beibringung, die; (of passport etc.) Vorzeigen, das
    2) (public presentation) (Cinemat.) Produktion, die; (Theatre) Inszenierung, die; (of record, book) Herausgabe, die
    3) (action of making) Produktion, die; (manufacturing) Herstellung, die; (thing produced) Produkt, das

    be in/go into production — in Produktion sein/gehen

    be or have gone out of production — nicht mehr hergestellt werden; see also academic.ru/45478/mass_production">mass production

    4) (thing created) Werk, das; (Brit. Theatre): (show produced) Inszenierung, die
    5) (causing) Hervorrufen, das
    6) (bringing into being) Hervorbringung, die
    7) (process of yielding) Produktion, die; (Mining) Förderung, die

    the mine has ceased productiondas Bergwerk hat die Förderung eingestellt

    8) (yield) Ertrag, der

    [the] annual/total production from the mine — die jährliche/gesamte Förderleistung des Bergwerks

    * * *
    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) die Produktion
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) die Produktion
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) die Aufführung
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (process) Produktion f, Herstellung f; of coal Förderung f; of energy Erzeugung f
    \production of agricultural products Erzeugung f landwirtschaftlicher Produkte
    to be [no longer] in \production [nicht mehr] hergestellt werden
    to go into \production (factory) die Produktion aufnehmen; (product) in Produktion [o Fertigung] gehen
    2. no pl (yield) Produktion f
    drop in \production Produktionsrückgang m
    agricultural \production landwirtschaftliche Produktion
    industrial \production Industrieproduktion f
    3. no pl FILM, TV, RADIO, MUS Produktion f; THEAT Inszenierung f
    to do the \production [on a record] [eine Schallplatte] produzieren
    to get into \production in das Produzieren einsteigen fam
    to go into \production produziert werden
    4. (finished film, etc.) Produktion f; (version of play/opera) Inszenierung f
    5. no pl ( form: presentation) Vorweisen nt, Vorlegen nt
    entry is permitted on \production of a ticket Einlass nur gegen Vorlage einer Karte
    upon \production of your documents bei Vorlage Ihrer Papiere
    to make a \production [number] of sth aus etw dat ein Drama machen
    II. n modifier
    1. (of factory) (output, worker) Produktions-, Fertigungs-
    \production schedule Fertigungsplan m
    2. FILM (company, quality, studio) Produktions-
    * * *
    1) Produktion f; (IND) Produktion f, Herstellung f; (of electricity, energy, heat) Erzeugung f; (of crop) Anbau m; (of coal) Förderung f, Produktion f; (of book, article, essay) Schreiben nt; (of painting, sculpture) Anfertigung f; (of ideas, novel etc, masterpiece) Hervorbringung f

    to put sth into productiondie Herstellung or Produktion von etw aufnehmen

    when the new car goes into production —

    when we go into production ( with this new model) — wenn wir (mit diesem neuen Modell) in die Produktion or Herstellung gehen

    to take sth out of productionetw aus der Produktion nehmen

    2) (= output) Produktion f
    3) (= bringing forward, showing) (of ticket, documents) Vorzeigen nt; (of proof, evidence) Lieferung f, Beibringung f; (of witness) Beibringung f
    4) (of play) Inszenierung f; (of film) Produktion f

    there's no need to make a production ( number) (out) of it (inf)es ist nicht notwendig, daraus eine Staatsaffäre zu machen (inf)

    * * *
    production [prəˈdʌkʃn] s
    1. (Kälte-, Strom- etc) Erzeugung f, (Rauch- etc) Bildung f:
    production of current (smoke)
    2. WIRTSCH Produktion f, Herstellung f, Erzeugung f, Fabrikation f, Fertigung f:
    be in production serienmäßig hergestellt werden;
    be in good production in genügend großer Menge oder Zahl hergestellt werden;
    a) die Produktion aufnehmen (Fabrik),
    b) in Produktion gehen (Ware)
    3. a) CHEM, MINER, Bergbau: Gewinnung f:
    production of gold Goldgewinnung
    b) Bergbau: Förderleistung f
    4. (Arbeits)Erzeugnis n, ( auch Natur)Produkt n, Fabrikat n
    5. fig ( meist literarisches) Produkt, Ergebnis n, Werk n, Schöpfung f, Frucht f
    6. Hervorbringen n (von Künstlern etc)
    7. Vorlage f (seines Ausweises etc)
    8. Beibringung f (von Zeugen, Beweisen etc)
    9. Vorbringen n, Anführung f (von Gründen)
    10. Hervorholen n, -ziehen n ( beide:
    from aus der Tasche etc)
    11. MATH Verlängerung f
    12. THEAT etc Aufführung f, Inszenierung f:
    make a production (out) of sth fig umg viel Theater um etwas machen
    13. a) FILM, TV Produktion f
    b) THEAT, RADIO Br Regie f, Spielleitung f
    * * *
    1) (bringing forward) (of evidence) Erbringung, die; (in physical form) Vorlage, die; (of witness) Beibringung, die; (of passport etc.) Vorzeigen, das
    2) (public presentation) (Cinemat.) Produktion, die; (Theatre) Inszenierung, die; (of record, book) Herausgabe, die
    3) (action of making) Produktion, die; (manufacturing) Herstellung, die; (thing produced) Produkt, das

    be in/go into production — in Produktion sein/gehen

    be or have gone out of production — nicht mehr hergestellt werden; see also mass production

    4) (thing created) Werk, das; (Brit. Theatre): (show produced) Inszenierung, die
    5) (causing) Hervorrufen, das
    6) (bringing into being) Hervorbringung, die
    7) (process of yielding) Produktion, die; (Mining) Förderung, die
    8) (yield) Ertrag, der

    [the] annual/total production from the mine — die jährliche/gesamte Förderleistung des Bergwerks

    * * *
    (drama) n.
    Inszenierung f. n.
    Erzeugung f.
    Herstellung f.
    Produktion f.
    Regie -n (Theater, Fernsehen) f.

    English-german dictionary > production

  • 15 Macintosh, Charles

    b. 29 December 1766 Glasgow, Scotland
    d. 25 July 1843 Dunchattan, near Glasgow, Scotland
    Scottish inventor of rubberized waterproof clothing.
    As the son of the well-known and inventive dyer George Macintosh, Charles had an early interest in chemistry. At the age of 19 he gave up his work as a clerk with a Glasgow merchant to manufacture sal ammoniac (ammonium chloride) and developed new processes in dyeing. In 1797 he started the first Scottish alum works, finding the alum in waste shale from coal mines. His first works was at Hurlet, Renfrewshire, and was followed later by others. He then formed a partnership with Charles Tennant, the proprietor of a chemical works at St Rollox, near Glasgow, and sold "lime bleaching liquor" made with chlorine and milk of lime from their bleach works at Darnley. A year later the use of dry lime to make bleaching powder, a process worked out by Macintosh, was patented. Macintosh remained associated with Tennant's St Rollox chemical works until 1814. During this time, in 1809, he had set up a yeast factory, but it failed because of opposition from the London brewers.
    There was a steady demand for the ammonia that gas works produced, but the tar was often looked upon as an inconvenient waste product. Macintosh bought all the ammonia and tar that the Glasgow works produced, using the ammonia in his establishment to produce cudbear, a dyestuff extracted from various lichens. Cudbear could be used with appropriate mordants to make shades from pink to blue. The tar could be distilled to produce naphtha, which was used as a flare. Macintosh also became interested in ironmaking. In 1825 he took out a patent for converting malleable iron into steel by taking it to white heat in a current of gas with a carbon content, such as coal gas. However, the process was not commercially successful because of the difficulty keeping the furnace gas-tight. In 1828 he assisted J.B. Neilson in bringing hot blast into use in blast furnaces; Neilson assigned Macintosh a share in the patent, which was of dubious benefit as it involved him in the tortuous litigation that surrounded the patent until 1843.
    In June 1823, as a result of experiments into the possible uses of naphtha obtained as a by-product of the distillation of coal tar, Macintosh patented his process for waterproofing fabric. This comprised dissolving rubber in naphtha and applying the solution to two pieces of cloth which were afterwards pressed together to form an impermeable compound fabric. After an experimental period in Glasgow, Macintosh commenced manufacture in Manchester, where he formed a partnership with H.H.Birley, B.Kirk and R.W.Barton. Birley was a cotton spinner and weaver and was looking for ways to extend the output of his cloth. He was amongst the first to light his mills with gas, so he shared a common interest with Macintosh.
    New buildings were erected for the production of waterproof cloth in 1824–5, but there were considerable teething troubles with the process, particularly in the spreading of the rubber solution onto the cloth. Peter Ewart helped to install the machinery, including a steam engine supplied by Boulton \& Watt, and the naphtha was supplied from Macintosh's works in Glasgow. It seems that the process was still giving difficulties when Thomas Hancock, the foremost rubber technologist of that time, became involved in 1830 and was made a partner in 1834. By 1836 the waterproof coat was being called a "mackintosh" [sic] and was gaining such popularity that the Manchester business was expanded with additional premises. Macintosh's business was gradually enlarged to include many other kinds of indiarubber products, such as rubber shoes and cushions.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    FRS 1823.
    Further Reading
    G.Macintosh, 1847, Memoir of Charles Macintosh, London (the fullest account of Charles Macintosh's life).
    H.Schurer, 1953, "The macintosh: the paternity of an invention", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 28:77–87 (an account of the invention of the mackintosh).
    RLH / LRD

    Biographical history of technology > Macintosh, Charles

  • 16 Chapelon, André

    b. 26 October 1892 Saint-Paul-en-Cornillon, Loire, France
    d. 29 June 1978 Paris, France
    French locomotive engineer who developed high-performance steam locomotives.
    Chapelon's technical education at the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, Paris, was interrupted by extended military service during the First World War. From experience of observing artillery from the basket of a captive balloon, he developed a method of artillery fire control which was more accurate than that in use and which was adopted by the French army.
    In 1925 he joined the motive-power and rolling-stock department of the Paris-Orléans Railway under Chief Mechanical Engineer Maurice Lacoin and was given the task of improving the performance of its main-line 4–6–2 locomotives, most of them compounds. He had already made an intensive study of steam locomotive design and in 1926 introduced his Kylchap exhaust system, based in part on the earlier work of the Finnish engineer Kyläla. Chapelon improved the entrainment of the hot gases in the smokebox by the exhaust steam and so minimized back pressure in the cylinders, increasing the power of a locomotive substantially. He also greatly increased the cross-sectional area of steam passages, used poppet valves instead of piston valves and increased superheating of steam. PO (Paris-Orléans) 4–6–2s rebuilt on these principles from 1929 onwards proved able to haul 800-ton trains, in place of the previous 500-ton trains, and to do so to accelerated schedules with reduced coal consumption. Commencing in 1932, some were converted, at the time of rebuilding, into 4–8–0s to increase adhesive weight for hauling heavy trains over the steeply graded Paris-Toulouse line.
    Chapelon's principles were quickly adopted on other French railways and elsewhere.
    H.N. Gresley was particularly influenced by them. After formation of the French National Railways (SNCF) in 1938, Chapelon produced in 1941 a prototype rebuilt PO 2–10–0 freight locomotive as a six-cylinder compound, with four low-pressure cylinders to maximize expansive use of steam and with all cylinders steam-jacketed to minimize heat loss by condensation and radiation. War conditions delayed extended testing until 1948–52. Meanwhile Chapelon had, by rebuilding, produced in 1946 a high-powered, three-cylinder, compound 4–8–4 intended as a stage in development of a proposed range of powerful and thermally efficient steam locomotives for the postwar SNCF: a high-speed 4–6–4 in this range was to run at sustained speeds of 125 mph (200 km/h). However, plans for improved steam locomotives were then overtaken in France by electriflcation and dieselization, though the performance of the 4–8–4, which produced 4,000 hp (3,000 kW) at the drawbar for the first time in Europe, prompted modification of electric locomotives, already on order, to increase their power.
    Chapelon retired from the SNCF in 1953, but continued to act as a consultant. His principles were incorporated into steam locomotives built in France for export to South America, and even after the energy crisis of 1973 he was consulted on projects to build improved, high-powered steam locomotives for countries with reserves of cheap coal. The eventual fall in oil prices brought these to an end.
    1938, La Locomotive à vapeur, Paris: J.B.Bailière (a comprehensive summary of contemporary knowledge of every function of the locomotive).
    Further Reading
    H.C.B.Rogers, 1972, Chapelon, Genius of French Steam, Shepperton: Ian Allan.
    1986, "André Chapelon, locomotive engineer: a survey of his work", Transactions of the Newcomen Society 58 (a symposium on Chapelon's work).
    Obituary, 1978, Railway Engineer (September/October) (makes reference to the technical significance of Chapelon's work).

    Biographical history of technology > Chapelon, André

  • 17 produce

    produits1 produire2 (a)-(c), 2 (f), 2 (g) rapporter2 (b) donner naissance à2 (d) causer2 (e) provoquer2 (e)
    1 noun
    ['prɒdju:s] (UNCOUNT) produits mpl (alimentaires);
    agricultural/dairy produce produits mpl agricoles/laitiers;
    farm produce produits mpl agricoles ou de la ferme;
    home produce produits mpl du pays;
    they eat their own produce ils mangent ce qu'ils produisent;
    produce of Spain (on packaging) produit en Espagne
    2 transitive verb [prə'dju:s]
    (a) (manufacture, make) produire, fabriquer;
    we aren't producing enough spare parts nous ne produisons pas assez de pièces détachées;
    our factory produces spare parts for washing machines notre usine fabrique des pièces détachées pour machines à laver;
    Denmark produces dairy products le Danemark est un pays producteur de produits laitiers;
    we have produced three new models this year nous avons sorti trois nouveaux modèles cette année
    (b) (yield → minerals, crops) produire; (→ interest, profit) rapporter;
    this mine is producing less and less coal la production de charbon de cette mine est en déclin;
    this region produces good wine cette région produit du bon vin;
    halogen lamps produce a lot of light les lampes halogènes donnent beaucoup de lumière;
    my investments produce a fairly good return mes investissements sont d'un assez bon rapport;
    this account produces a high rate of interest ce compte rapporte des intérêts élevés
    (c) (bring out → book, record) produire, sortir; (publish) publier, éditer;
    he hasn't produced a new painting for over a year now cela fait maintenant plus d'un an qu'il n'a rien peint;
    she has produced a lot of poetry elle a publié de nombreux poèmes;
    the publishers produced a special edition les éditeurs ont publié ou sorti une édition spéciale
    (d) Biology (give birth to → of woman) donner naissance à; (→ of animal) produire, donner naissance à; (secrete → saliva, sweat etc) secréter;
    she produced many children elle a eu de nombreux enfants
    (e) (bring about → situation, problem) causer, provoquer, créer; (→ illness, death) causer, provoquer; (→ anger, pleasure, reaction) susciter, provoquer; (→ effect) provoquer, produire;
    the first candidate produced a favourable impression on the panel le premier candidat a fait une impression favorable sur le jury;
    the team has produced some good results/some surprises this season l'équipe a obtenu quelques bons résultats/provoqué quelques surprises cette saison;
    she can produce a meal from nothing il lui suffit d'un rien pour cuisiner un bon repas;
    the drug produces a sensation of well-being cette drogue procure une sensation de bien-être
    (f) (present, show → evidence, documents) présenter, produire;
    he produced a £5 note from his pocket il a sorti un billet de 5 livres de sa poche;
    you have to be able to produce identification vous devez pouvoir présenter une pièce d'identité;
    the defendant was unable to produce any proof l'accusé n'a pu fournir ou apporter aucune preuve;
    to produce a witness faire comparaître un témoin;
    they produced some excellent arguments ils ont avancé d'excellents arguments;
    she is continually producing new ideas elle ne cesse d'avoir des idées nouvelles;
    he finally managed to produce the money il a enfin réussi à trouver l'argent ou réunir la somme nécessaire
    (g) (finance → film, play, programme) produire; (make → documentary, current affairs programme) réaliser;
    a well-produced play une pièce bien montée
    (h) Geometry (line) prolonger, continuer
    (i) Chemistry, Electricity & Physics (reaction, spark) produire; (discharge) produire, provoquer; (vacuum) faire, créer
    3 intransitive verb [prə'dju:s]
    (a) (yield → factory, mine) produire, rendre
    (b) (organize production of a film, play, radio or TV programme) assurer la production; (make film or programme) assurer la réalisation

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > produce

  • 18 Rammler, Erich

    b. 9 July 1901 Tirpersdorf, near Oelsnitz, Germany
    d. 6 November 1986 Freiberg, Saxony, Germany
    German mining engineer, developer of metallurgic coke from lignite.
    A scholar of the Mining Academy in Freiberg, who in his dissertation dealt with the fineness of coal dust, Rammler started experiments in 1925 relating to firing this material. In the USA this process, based on coal, had turned out to be very effective in large boiler furnaces. Rammler endeavoured to apply the process to lignite and pursued general research work on various thermochemical problems as well as methods of grinding and classifying. As producing power from lignite was of specific interest for the young Soviet Union, with its large demand from its new power stations and its as-yet unexploited lignite deposits, he soon came into contact with the Soviet authorities. In his laboratory in Dresden, which he had bought from the freelance metallurgist Paul Otto Rosin after his emigration and under whom he had been working since he left the Academy, he continued his studies in refining coal and soon gained an international reputation. He opened up means of producing coke from lignite for use in metallurgical processes.
    His later work was of utmost importance after the Second World War when several countries in Eastern Europe, especially East Germany with its large lignite deposits, established their own iron and steel industries. Accordingly, the Soviet administration supported his experiments vigorously after he joined Karl Kegel's Institute for Briquetting in Freiberg in 1945. Through his numerous books and articles, he became the internationally leading expert on refining lignite and Kegel's successor as head of the Institute and Professor at the Bergakademie. Six years later, he produced for the first time high-temperature coke from lignite low in ash and sulphur for smelting in low-shaft furnaces. Rammler was widely honoured and contributed decisively to the industrial development of his country; he demonstrated new technological processes when, under austere conditions, economical and ecological considerations were neglected.
    Rammler, whose list of publications comprises more than 600 titles on various matters of his main scientific concern, also was the co-author (with E.Wächtler) of two articles on the development of briquetting brown coal in Germany, both published in 1985, Freiberger Forschungshefte, D 163 and D 169, Leipzig.
    Further Reading
    E.Wächtler, W.Mühlfriedel and W.Michel, 1976, Erich Rammler, Leipzig, (substantial biography, although packed with communist propaganda).
    M.Rasch, 1989, "Paul Rosin—Ingenieur, Hochschullehrer und Rationalisierungsfachmann". Technikgeschichte 56:101–32 (describes the framework within which Rammler's primary research developed).

    Biographical history of technology > Rammler, Erich

  • 19 production

    1) (the act or process of producing something: car-production; The production of the film cost a million dollars.) producción
    2) (the amount produced, especially of manufactured goods: The new methods increased production.) producción
    3) (a particular performance, or set of repeated performances, of a play etc: I prefer this production of `Hamlet' to the one I saw two years ago.) puesta en escena, producción
    production n producción
    1 (gen) producción nombre femenino; (manufacture) fabricación nombre femenino, producción nombre femenino
    2 (showing) presentación nombre femenino
    3 SMALLTHEATRE/SMALL (show produced) producción nombre femenino
    4 (of film) producción nombre femenino; (of play) producción nombre femenino, puesta en escena; (of tv programme) realización nombre femenino
    1 de producción
    to go into production empezar a fabricarse
    to take something out of production dejar de fabricar algo
    production line cadena de montaje
    production [prə'dʌkʃən] n
    : producción f
    producción s.f.
    producto s.m.
    representación s.f.
    1) u
    a) ( manufacture) fabricación f, producción f
    b) ( output) producción f

    car/coal production — producción automovilística/de carbón

    2) u ( showing) presentación f

    on production of the correct documents — al presentar la documentación correspondiente, previa presentación de la documentación correspondiente

    3) c (staging, version) (Theat, Cin) producción f
    4) u
    a) ( act of producing) (Cin, TV) producción f; ( Theat) puesta f en escena, producción f
    b) ( direction) (Rad, Theat) dirección f
    1. N
    1) (=making) producción f ; (=manufacture) producción f, fabricación f

    the factory is in full production — la fábrica trabaja a plena capacidad

    the car is due to go into production later this year — está previsto que el coche empiece a fabricarse este año

    to put sth into production — lanzar algo a la producción

    to take sth out of production — [+ product] dejar de fabricar algo; [+ land] dejar de cultivar algo

    mass II, 4.
    2) (=output) (Ind, Agr) producción f ; (Art, Literat) obra f

    the firm exports 90% of its production — la empresa exporta el 90% de lo que produce or de su producción

    industrial/oil production — producción f industrial/de aceite

    3) (=act of showing) presentación f
    4) (Media)
    a) (=act of producing) (Theat) producción f, puesta f en escena; (Cine, TV, Rad) realización f

    the series goes into production in March — la serie empezará a realizarse en marzo

    b) (=play, film, programme) (Theat) representación f, montaje m ; (Cine, TV) producción f

    the opera has yet to receive its first productionno se ha hecho nunca una representación or montaje de la ópera, la ópera nunca se ha representado

    - make a production out of sth

    he made a real production out of it! — ¡montó un verdadero show! *

    CPD [process, department, costs, quota] de producción

    production agreement N(US) acuerdo m de productividad

    production assistant N — (Cine, TV) ayudante mf de realización

    production company N — (TV) (compañía f) productora f

    production costs NPLcostes mpl de producción

    production line Ncadena f de fabricación or montaje

    production manager N — (Ind) jefe(-a) m / f de producción; (Cine, TV) jefe(-a) m / f de realización

    production run Nserie f de producción

    * * *
    1) u
    a) ( manufacture) fabricación f, producción f
    b) ( output) producción f

    car/coal production — producción automovilística/de carbón

    2) u ( showing) presentación f

    on production of the correct documents — al presentar la documentación correspondiente, previa presentación de la documentación correspondiente

    3) c (staging, version) (Theat, Cin) producción f
    4) u
    a) ( act of producing) (Cin, TV) producción f; ( Theat) puesta f en escena, producción f
    b) ( direction) (Rad, Theat) dirección f

    English-spanish dictionary > production

  • 20 natural

    ['næ ərəl] 1. adjective
    1) (of or produced by nature, not made by men: Coal, oil etc are natural resources; Wild animals are happier in their natural state than in a zoo.) naturlig
    2) (born in a person: natural beauty; He had a natural ability for music.) medfødt
    3) ((of manner) simple, without pretence: a nice, natural smile.) naturlig
    4) (normal; as one would expect: It's quite natural for a boy of his age to be interested in girls.) naturlig
    5) (of a musical note, not sharp or flat: G natural is lower in pitch than G sharp.) uden fortegn
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is naturally good at something.) naturtalent
    2) (in music (a sign () indicating) a note which is not to be played sharp or flat.) node uden fortegn
    - naturally
    - natural gas
    - natural history
    - natural resources
    * * *
    ['næ ərəl] 1. adjective
    1) (of or produced by nature, not made by men: Coal, oil etc are natural resources; Wild animals are happier in their natural state than in a zoo.) naturlig
    2) (born in a person: natural beauty; He had a natural ability for music.) medfødt
    3) ((of manner) simple, without pretence: a nice, natural smile.) naturlig
    4) (normal; as one would expect: It's quite natural for a boy of his age to be interested in girls.) naturlig
    5) (of a musical note, not sharp or flat: G natural is lower in pitch than G sharp.) uden fortegn
    2. noun
    1) (a person who is naturally good at something.) naturtalent
    2) (in music (a sign () indicating) a note which is not to be played sharp or flat.) node uden fortegn
    - naturally
    - natural gas
    - natural history
    - natural resources

    English-Danish dictionary > natural

См. также в других словарях:

  • Coal gasification — is the process of producing coal gas, a type of syngas–a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O)–from coal. Coal gas, which is a combustible gas, was traditionally used as a source of energy for …   Wikipedia

  • as-shipped or produced coal — for the purpose of Test Method D4749, raw or prepared coal in any state or condition at which it leaves the mine property or loading facility. D4749 …   Coke&Coal Terminology

  • coal mining — Coal was very important in the economic development of Britain. It was used as fuel in the factories built during the Industrial Revolution and continued to be important until the 1980s. The main coalfields are in north east England, the north… …   Universalium

  • Coal liquefaction — is the process of producing synthetic liquid fuels from coal. Contents 1 Methods 1.1 Pyrolysis and carbonization processes 1.2 Hydrogenation processes 1.3 …   Wikipedia

  • Coal mining in Kentucky — Coal was discovered in Kentucky in 1750. Since the first commercial coal mine opened in 1820 coal has gained both economic importance and controversy regarding its environmental consequences. As of 2010 there are 442 operating coal mines in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs — Merrie Melodies series Coal Black title card. Directed by …   Wikipedia

  • Coal bed methane extraction — (CBM extraction) is a method for extracting methane from a coal deposit. Contents 1 Basic principles 2 Areas with coal bed methane extraction 3 Measuring the gas content of coal …   Wikipedia

  • Coal power in Russia — is one of the largest sources of energy in Russia, accounting for 14.4% of the country s energy consumption.[1] The prominence of coal power in Russia has been declining since 1990, although Russia has among the largest coal reserves in the world …   Wikipedia

  • Coal — Sedimentary Rock Anthracite coal Composition Primary carbon Secondary hydrogen, sulfur …   Wikipedia

  • Coal mining in Australia — Coal is mined in every state of Australia as well as the Northern Territory. It is used to generate electricity and is exported. 75% of the coal mined in Australia is exported, mostly to eastern Asia. In 2000/01, 258.5 million tonnes of coal was… …   Wikipedia

  • Coal Palace — Motto: Coal is light, heat, and power. General information Architectural style …   Wikipedia

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