1 points
points: points of claim before commercial court исковые заявления в коммерческий суд points: points of claim before commercial court исковые заявления в коммерческий суд points of defence before commercial court письменные возражения ответчика по иску в коммерческий суд points of law and fact вопрос права и вопрос факта suspension points многоточие -
2 Points On
A cotton quotation term. There are 100 points in one penny. A price may be quoted as so many " points on," e.g. above, the official grade quotation. -
3 Points
Ribbons with metal tags on them. During Queen Elizabeth's reign (1558-1602) such ribbons were used to tie separate sleeves to the epaulets. Points tied in bows were a popular form of trimming during the Cavalier period. -
4 points
статейный action without fixed points ≈ действие без неподвижных точек affine ratio of three points ≈ простое отношение трех точек analytically isomorphic points ≈ аналитически изоморфные точки biregularly corresponding points ≈ бирегулярно соответствующие точки collinearity of three points ≈ нахождение трех точек на одной прямой consisting of nine points ≈ девятиточечный content of set of points ≈ т. мн. объем множества точек;
емкость множества точек coplanarity of four points ≈ компланарность четырех точек cross ratio of four points ≈ сложное [ангармоническое] отношение четырех точек design with eight points ≈ план с восемью точками design with sixteen points ≈ план с 16 точками diameter of set of points ≈ диаметр точечного множества diametrically opposite points ≈ диаметрально противоположные точки distance between two points ≈ расстояние между двумя точками dynamics of mass points ≈ динамика системы точек game with equilibrium points ≈ игра с точками равновесия harmonically conjugate points ≈ гармонически сопряженные точки harmonically separated points ≈ гармонически разделенные точки line covers points ≈ т. граф. ребро покрывает вершину line joins points ≈ т. граф. ребро соединяет вершины linearly dependet points ≈ линейно зависимые точки linearly independent points ≈ линейно независимые точки method of fixed points ≈ метод неподвижных точек method of selected points ≈ метод выбранных точек (построение кривой по точкам, выбранным в качестве представителей групп) mounted abrasive points ≈ тех. инструмент абразивный points joined by line ≈ т. граф. вершины соединены ребром rise between two points ≈ подъем (кривой) между двумя точками sequence of extremal points ≈ последовательность экстремальных точек set of condensation points ≈ множество точек конденсации setting on points of control ≈ метод продолжения spectral function with critical points ≈ спектральная функция с критическими точками uniformly distributed points ≈ равномерно распределенные точки - aggregate of points - betwenness of points - cluster of points - collinear points - concyclic points - configuration of points - congruent points - conjugate points - connected points - coplanar points - copolar points - corresponding points - couple of points - ensemble of points - flock of points - functor of points - homologous points - independence of points - lattice of points - locus of points - manifold of points - mesh points - noncollinear points - noncoplanar points - percentage points - points at infinity - quadruple of points - range of points - right two points - scatter of points - sequence of points - set of points - space of points - spread of points - succession of points - symmetric points - trend in points Пункты(точки) points: ~ of claim before commercial court исковые заявления в коммерческий суд points: ~ of claim before commercial court исковые заявления в коммерческий суд ~ of defence before commercial court письменные возражения ответчика по иску в коммерческий суд ~ of law and fact вопрос права и вопрос факта suspension ~ многоточие -
5 points
– cluster of points
– diameter of set of points
– mesh points
– points at infinity
– right two points
mounted abrasive points — <tech.> инструмент абразивный
6 points
направляет; указывает; точки; пункты -
7 points
1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) skiftespor2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) tåspids* * *1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) skiftespor2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) tåspids -
8 points
n pl (BrE)RAIL aguja f, cambiavía m, juego de agujas mVEH (cf contact breaker-point AmE ) punto de interrupción de contacto m, ruptor m, platino del ruptor m -
9 points
1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) agujas2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) punta -
10 points
1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) die Weichen (pl.)2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) die Spitze von Ballettschuhen* * *pts abk* * *(railway) (UK) n.Weiche -n f. -
11 points
1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) skiptispor2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) tá -
12 points
váltó, kitérővágány* * *1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) váltó2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) spicc -
13 points
1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) agulhas2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) pontas -
14 points
n. demiryolu makası, makas (demiryolu)* * *1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) demiryolu makası2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) bale patikleri içindeki sert uçlar -
15 points
1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) kretnice2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) špice -
16 points
• vaihde• vaihde(kiskoissa)• pistemäärä* * *1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) vaihde2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) kärki -
17 points
1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) sporveksel, pens2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) tåspiss -
18 points
1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) scambio2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) punte -
19 points
* * *1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) zwrotnica2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) puenty -
20 points
1) (a movable section of rails which allow a train to cross over other lines or pass from one line to another: The points had to be changed before the train could continue.) pārmija2) (the solid tips in the toes of ballet shoes: She can dance on her points.) puante* * *pārmija; pirkstgali
См. также в других словарях:
points — points; points·man; … English syllables
Points — (fr., spr. Poäng), Spitzen. P. d Alençon (spr. P. d Alangsong), Spitzen von Alençon. P. d augne (spr. P. dons ), eine Sorte sehr seine Spitzen. P. à la Reine (spr. P. a la Rähn), Spitzenkanten ohne Bogen. P. de France (spr. P. d Frangs), weiße… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Points [1] — Points (franz., spr. pūäng), genähte Spitzen (s. Point); Augen auf Karten und Würfeln. Militärisch: Offiziere oder Mannschaften, die, meist zu Paradezwecken, durch Vortreten aus der Front die Festlegung einer genauen Richtungslinie erleichtern … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Points [2] — Points, s. Viehzucht (Exterieur) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Points — Points, s. Bobbinnet … Lexikon der gesamten Technik
Points — (frz., spr. pŏäng), Mehrzahl von Point (s.d.). P. douloureux (spr. duluröh), s.v.w. Valleixsche Druckpunkte (s. Neuralgie) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Points — 1. A 1% change in the face value of a bond or a debenture. 2. In futures contracts, a price change of one one hundredth, or 1% of one cent. 3. A $1 price change in the value of common stock. 4. In real estate mortgages, the initial fee charged by … Investment dictionary
Points-Cœur — Fraternité Molokai L œuvre Points Cœur a été fondée en 1990 par le P. Thierry de Roucy, de la congrégation religieuse catholique des Serviteurs de Jésus et de Marie, pour être une œuvre de compassion et de consolation en faveur des enfants et des … Wikipédia en Français
points — See boiling point breaker points contact breaker points contact points dual breaker points ignition points point … Dictionary of automotive terms
Points — When melodrama ruled the stage, points were the actor s stock in trade. Playing for points was a way of underscoring certain lines, poses, or dramatic moments to get a reaction from the audience. Actors who knew how to perform that kind of… … The Historical Dictionary of the American Theater
Points — This is a medieval occupational surname. It is recorded in the spellings of Point, Points, Pointer and Poynter and Poyntz. Points were a kind of tagged lace or cord of twisted yarn, silk, or leather used for fastening together the doublet and… … Surnames reference