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  • 1 तत्त्व

    n. true orᅠ real state, truth, reality ṠvetUp. Mn. Bhag. etc.;

    (in phil.) a true principle (in Sāṃkhya phil. 25 in number, viz. a-vyakta, buddhi, ahaṉ-kāra, the 5 Tan-mātras, the 5 Mahā-bhūtas, the 11 organs including manas, andᅠ, lastly, purusha, qq.vv.)
    MBh. XII, 11840; XIV, 984 R. III, 53, 42 Tattvas. ;
    24 in number MBh. XII, 11242 Hariv. 14840 (m.);
    23 in number BhP. III, 6, 2 ff. ;
    for other numbers cf. XI, 22, 1 ff. RāmatUp. ;
    with Māheṡvaras andᅠ Lokâyatikas only 5 <viz. the 5 elements> are admitted Prab. II, 18/19 ;
    with Buddh. 4, with Jainas 2 orᅠ 5 orᅠ 7 orᅠ 9 Sarvad. II f. ;
    in Vedânta phil. tattva is regarded as made up of tad andᅠ tvam, « that < art> thou», andᅠ called mahā-vākya, the great word by which the identity of the whole world with the one eternal Brahma < tad> is expressed);
    the, number 25 Sūryas. II ;
    the number 24 DevibhP. ṠBr. VII, 3, 1, 43 Sāy. ;
    an element orᅠ elementary property W. ;
    the essence orᅠ substance of anything W. ;
    the being that Jaim. I, 3, 24 Sch. ;
    = tata-tva L. ;
    N. of a musical instrument L. ;
    ( ena) instr. ind. according to the true state orᅠ nature of anything, in truth, truly, really, accurately Mn. VII, 68 MBh. R. ;
    - kaumudī f. « Tattva-moonlight»
    N. of a Comm. on Sāṃkhyak. Sarvad. XIV, 20 ;
    - candra m. « truthmoon»
    N. of a Comm. on Prakriyā-kaumudī;
    « Tattva-moon»
    N. of a Comm. on - kaumudī;
    - cintāmaṇi m. N. of a philos. work by Gaṇgêṡa;
    of another work Nirṇayas. III ;
    - jña mfn. ifc. knowing the truth, knowing the true nature of, knowing thoroughly
    Mn. XII, 102 MBh. (a- neg. XII, 6623) R. etc.;
    m. a Brāhman Npr. ;
    - jñāna n. knowledge of truth, thorough knowledge, insight into the true principles of phil. Sarvad. ;
    - jñānin mfn. = - jña W. ;
    - taraṉgiṇī f. « truth-river»
    N. of wk. by Dharmasāgara;
    - tas ind.= - ttvena MuṇḍUp. I, 2, 13 Mn. MBh. etc.. ;
    - f. truth, reality W. ;
    - tyaj mfn. mistaking the true state Viddh. III, 19 ;
    - trayamaya mfn. consisting of the 3 realities Hcat. I, 11, 893 ;
    - darṡa m. (= - dṛiṡ) N. of a Ṛishi under Manu Deva-sāvarṇi BhP. VIII, 13, 32 ;
    - darṡin mfn. = - dṛiṡ MBh. III, 1149 Rāmag. ;
    m. N. of one of Manu Raivata's sons Hariv. 433 ;
    of a Brāhman, 1265;
    - dīpana n. « Tattva-light»
    N. of wk.;
    - dṛiṡ mfn. perceiving truth Vedântas. ;
    - nikasha-grāvan m. the touchstone of truth Hit. I, 9, 12 ;
    - niṡcaya m. « ascertainment of truth», right knowledge Sarvad. VI, 91 and 94 ;
    - nishṭhatā f. veracity Hemac. ;
    - nyāsa m. « application of true principles»
    N. of a ceremony in honour of Vishṇu (application of mystical letters etc. to parts of the body while prayers are recited), Tantr. ;
    - prakāṡa m. « light of true principles»
    N. of a Comm. Sarvad. VII ;
    - prabodha-prakaraṇa n. N. of wk. by Haribhadra II (A.D. 1200);
    - bindu m. « truthdrop»
    N. of a philos. treatise;
    - bodha m. knowledge orᅠ understanding of truth, XII, 46 ;
    N. of wk. Tantras. II ;
    - bodhinī f. « teaching true principles»
    N. of a Comm. on Saṃkshepa-ṡārīraka;
    of a Comm. on Siddh. by Jñānêndra-sarasvatī;
    truth-teaching cf. RTL. p. 492 and 509 ;
    - bhava m. true being orᅠ nature KaṭhUp. VI ṠvetUp. I ;
    - bhūta mfn. true MBh. XII, 5290 ;
    -muktâ̱vali f. « necklace of truth»
    N. of wk. Sarvad. IV, 110 ;
    cf. RTL. p. 123 ;
    - vat mfn. possessing the truth orᅠ reality of things MBh. XII, 11480 ;
    - vāda-rahasya n. N. of wk. Sarvad. V, 110 ;
    - vid mfn. knowing the true nature of(gen.) Bhag. III, 28 ;
    - vivitsā f. desire of knowing the truth W. ;
    - viveka m. the sifting of established truth;
    N. of wk. on astron. ( alsoᅠ siddhâ̱nta-t-);
    of another work Sarvad. V, 6 ;
    - ka-dīpana n. « light of truth-investigation»
    N. of a philos. work;
    - ṡambara n. N. of a Tantra. Ānand. 31 Sch. ;
    (- raka, Āryav.);
    - ṡuddhi f. ascertainment orᅠ right knowledge of truth Kathās. LXXV, 194 ;
    - saṉgraha m. N. of wk. Sarvad. VII, 88 ;
    - satya-ṡāstra n. N. of a Buddh. work by Guṇaprabha;
    - samāsa m. « Tattva-compendium»
    N. of Kapila's Sāṃkhya-sūtras Tattvas. ;
    - sāgara m. « truth-ocean»
    N. of wk. Smṛitit. XI Nirṇayas. I, 318 ;
    - sāra m. « truth-essence»
    N. of wk. Ṡāktân. II ;
    -vâ̱khyānôpamā f. a simile expressing orᅠ stating any truth Kāvyâd. II, 36 ;
    -vâ̱dhigata mfn. learnt thoroughly Suṡr. ;
    -vâ̱pahnava-rūpaka n. a metaphor denying a truth (as that two eyes are not eyes but bees) Kāvyâd. II, 95 ;
    -vâ̱bhiyoga m. a positive charge orᅠ declaration Yājñ. II, 5/6, 4 ff. ;
    -vâ̱rtha m. the truth Sarvad. III ;
    - tha-kaumudī f. « truth-light»
    N. of a Comm. on Prāyaṡc. by (Govindânanda;
    - tha-vid mfn. knowing the exact truth orᅠ meaning of (in comp.) Mn. I, 3 ;
    ( seeᅠ veda-);
    - tha-sūtra n. N. of a Jaina work by Umā-svāti Sarvad. III, 103 ;
    -vâ̱vabodha m. perception of truth W.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > तत्त्व

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