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mazut / fuel

См. также в других словарях:

  • Mazut — is a heavy, low quality fuel oil, used in generating plants and similar applications. In the United States and Western Europe, mazut is blended or broken down with the end product being diesel. Mazut may be used for heating houses in former USSR… …   Wikipedia

  • Fuel oil — An oil tanker taking on bunker fuel. Fuel oil is a fraction obtained from petroleum distillation, either as a distillate or a residue. Broadly speaking, fuel oil is any liquid petroleum product that is burned in a furnace or boiler for the… …   Wikipedia

  • mazut — noun A heavy, low quality fuel oil, used in generating plants and similar applications, or broken down to produce diesel …   Wiktionary

  • mazut — ► sustantivo masculino INDUSTRIA Residuo combustible obtenido de la destilación del petróleo bruto. SINÓNIMO [fuel oil] …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • mazout — [ mazut ] n. m. • 1902; mot russe ♦ Résidu de la distillation du pétrole, formé d un mélange de carbures solides et liquides. Liquide épais, visqueux, brun, utilisé comme combustible. ⇒ fioul. Poêle, chaudière à mazout. Chauffage au mazout. Nappe …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Tire recycling — is the process of recycling vehicles tires (or tyres) that are no longer suitable for use on vehicles due to wear or irreparable damage (such as punctures). These tires are among the largest and most problematic sources of waste, due to the large …   Wikipedia

  • PETROLEUM AND OIL PRODUCTS — In modern times Jews took part in the development of the oil industry, some in pioneering the extraction of oil and trade in its products in their respective countries, and some in financing the industry abroad. Eastern Galicia Oil prospecting… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • DRB Class 52 — Number(s): see text Quantity: 7000+ Manufacturer: see Text Year(s) of manufacture …   Wikipedia

  • Minsk — For other uses, see Minsk (disambiguation). Minsk Мінск, Минск …   Wikipedia

  • Volga River Steamers — The use of steam boats on the Volga River began in the year 1821.HistoryRapid developmentFormerly tens of thousands of burlaki, or Volga boatmen, were employed in dragging boats up the Volga and its tributaries, but this method of traction has… …   Wikipedia

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