Перевод: с русского на английский

с английского на русский


См. также в других словарях:

  • lie through one's teeth — To lie brazenly • • • Main Entry: ↑tooth * * * informal tell an outright lie without remorse …   Useful english dictionary

  • lie through one's teeth — idi lie through one s teeth, to tell a brazen, vicious lie …   From formal English to slang

  • lie in one's teeth — phrasal see lie in one s throat …   Useful english dictionary

  • lie through one's teeth — {v. phr.} To lie uninhibitedly and unashamedly. * /Everyone in the courtroom could sense that the accused was lying through his teeth./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lie through one's teeth — {v. phr.} To lie uninhibitedly and unashamedly. * /Everyone in the courtroom could sense that the accused was lying through his teeth./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • lie\ through\ one's\ teeth — v. phr. To lie uninhibitedly and unashamedly. Everyone in the courtroom could sense that the accused was lying through his teeth …   Словарь американских идиом

  • lie through one's teeth — informal tell an outright lie. → lie …   English new terms dictionary

  • lie through one's teeth — verb To tell a gross or egregious untruth. When a politician claims he can lower taxes without cutting spending, hes lying through his teeth …   Wiktionary

  • lie in one's throat — phrasal or lie in one s teeth : to lie flatly, maliciously, or outrageously * * * lie in one s throat ● lie …   Useful english dictionary

  • lie — lie1 [lī] vi. lay, lain, lying [ME lien < 2d & 3d pers. sing. of earlier liggen < OE licgan, to lie, akin to Ger liegen < IE base * legh , to lie, lay oneself down > L lectus & Gr lēchos, bed, lōchos, lair] 1. to be or put oneself in… …   English World dictionary

  • through one's teeth — (usu facetious) To lie shamelessly ● lie …   Useful english dictionary

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