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  • 1 frame of mind

    حَالَة نَفْسِيَّة \ frame of mind: state of mind: He’s in a generous frame of mind today. humour: temper; state of mind: Our teacher was in a bad humour this morning. mood: the state of one’s mind and feelings: She’s in a very good mood today; she feels happy. spirit: a state of mind: He’s in high spirits. His spirits rose when he heard the good news.

    Arabic-English glossary > frame of mind

  • 2 emporsteigen

    (unreg., trennb., ist -ge-) geh.
    I v/i rise (up), climb (up)
    II v/t climb (auch fig.)
    * * *
    to ascend
    * * *
    em|por|stei|gen sep irreg aux sein (geh)
    1. vt
    to climb ( up)
    2. vi
    to climb (up); (Mond, Angst etc) to rise (up); (fig = Karriere machen) to climb, to rise
    * * *
    I. vi Hilfsverb: sein (geh) to rise
    Zweifel stiegen in ihm empor doubts rose in his mind; (aufsteigen) to rise [up]
    der Rauch stieg in die Luft empor the smoke rose up into the air
    II. vt Hilfsverb: sein (geh)
    etw \emporsteigen to climb [up] sth
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein (geh.)
    2) <balloon, kite> rise aloft
    * * *
    emporsteigen (irr, trennb, ist -ge-) geh
    A. v/i rise (up), climb (up)
    B. v/t climb (auch fig)
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb; mit sein (geh.)
    2) <balloon, kite> rise aloft
    * * *
    to rise v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: rose, risen)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > emporsteigen

  • 3 emporsteigen

    em·por|stei·gen irreg vi
    sein ( geh) to rise;
    Zweifel stiegen in ihm empor doubts rose in his mind;
    ( aufsteigen) to rise [up];
    der Rauch stieg in die Luft empor the smoke rose up into the air
    vt sein ( geh);
    etw \emporsteigen to climb [up] sth

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch für Studenten > emporsteigen

  • 4 rampollare

    rampollare v. intr. (letter.)
    1 ( di acqua) to gush out, to spring* forth
    2 ( di pianta) to bud, to sprout, to shoot* (up)
    3 (fig.) ( discendere) to descend (from s.o.); ( sorgere) to rise*: i pensieri rampollavano nella sua mente, thoughts surged up in (o rose to) his mind.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo (aus. essere)
    1) (sgorgare) [ acqua] to gush (out), to spout (out)
    2) bot. [ pianta] to burgeon, to sprout, to shoot*
    3) fig. (avere origine) [ idee] to originate, to spring* up
    * * *
    /rampol'lare/ [1]
    (aus. essere)
     1 (sgorgare) [ acqua] to gush (out), to spout (out)
     2 bot. [ pianta] to burgeon, to sprout, to shoot*
     3 fig. (avere origine) [ idee] to originate, to spring* up.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > rampollare

  • 5 грубый

    1. rude; 2. rough; 3. coarse; 4. prickly; 5. scaly; 6. crude; 7. gruff; 8. flagrant; 9. gross; 10. rugged
    Русское прилагательное грубый многозначно употребляется во многих и разных ситуациях. Оно относится к свойствам и качествам предметов, а также к характеру речи и поведению человека. Английские эквиваленты соответствуют разным значениям русского прилагательного грубый, но некоторые из них также многозначны и характеризуют как одушевленные, так и неодушевленные существительные.
    1. rude — грубый, невежливый, наглый, нахальный, оскорбительный ( характеризует главным образом речь и поведение человека): rude manners — грубые манеры; rude language — грубый язык/корявая речь; rude words — грубые слова; rude reply — грубый ответ; rude remarks — грубые замечания; rude style — корявый стиль/грубый стиль; и rude person — грубиян; to be rude to smb — грубить кому-либо/оскорблять кого-либо; to say rude things — оскорблять/наносить оскорбления It is rude to point at people. — Показывать на людей пальцем неприлично. Would it be rude to ask them when they are likely to leave. — He будет ли бестактностью спросить их, когда они собираются уезжать?
    2. rough — (прилагательное rough многозначно, но большинство его значений эквивалентно значениям русского прилагательного грубый): a) грубый, шершавый, шероховатый, жесткий, неровный (в основном о поверхности чего-либо): rough skin — грубая кожа; rough hands — грубые руки/загрубевшие руки; rough paper — шершавая бумага; a rough road — неровная дорога/ ухабистая дорога; rough surface — неровная поверхность; rough country/ territory — пересеченная местность; rough edges of the stone — неровные края камня Her hands became rough with constant washing. — От постоянной стирки кожа руку нее огрубела./Руки у нее стали шершавые от постоянной стирки. She was surprised at how rough her hands felt. — Ее удивило, какие у нее шершавые руки. Suddenly he fell headfirst, badly cutting his head on the rough edges of a stone. — Он неожиданно упал головой вперед, сильно поцарапав лоб о неровные края камня./Он неожиданно упал головой вперед, сильно поранив лоб об острые края камня. The clay had a rough, gritty texture. — Глина была шершавой, зернистой на ощупь. b) необработанный, черновой, неотшлифованный, неотделанный ( относится к неодушевленным существительным): a rough copy — черновик; a rough translation — черновой перевод; а rough diamond — необработанный алмаз/неотшлифованный алмаз: rough leather — необработанная кожа; a dog with a rough coat — лохматая собака/собака с лохматой шерстью c) грубый, невежливый, неучтивый, жестокий, жесткий (о мерах) (относится к грубому обращению, действиям с применением силы): a rough voice — грубый голос; a rough joke — грубая шутка; a rough answer — грубый ответ; a rough game — грубая игра: rough manners — гpyбые манеры; a rough man — грубиян; rough language — грубое выражение/грубый язык; rough treatment (handling/behaviour) — грубое обращение (поведение) Don't be so rough with her. — He будь с ней таким грубым. Не has a rough temper. — У него жесткий/грубый характер. Не was very rough on her. — Он относился к ней без всякого снисхождения. Saying so you are rough on him. — Говоря так, вы его обижаете. They received a rough treatment during their long period of captivity. — С ними грубо обращались во время их длительного пребывания в плену. The police have been criticized for their rough handling of the demonstrators. — Полицию обвиняли в том, что она грубо обращалась с демонстрантами. d) бурный, неспокойный: rough sea — бурное море/неспокойное море; rough weather — непогода When we sailed to Europe, we had a very rough crossing. — Когда мы плыли в Европу, нас очень сильно качало. e) приблизительный, примерный: a rough plan — примерный план; rough estimates — приблизительные подсчеты/грубые подсчеты/примерная смета; a rough weight — примерный вес; the rough price of the house примерная цена дома I hope it will give you a rough idea of what we are going to do. — Надеюсь, это даст вам приблизительное представление о том, что мы хотим сделать./Надеюсь, это даст вам общее представление о том, что мы собираемся сделать. The rough age of the man was about 40. — Примерный возраст этого человека — около сорока. f) лохматый, косматый, нечесаный: rough hair — всклокоченные волосы; a face with a rough beard — небритое лицо/физиономия с косматой бородой
    3. coarse — грубый, жесткий, твердый, крупнозернистый, оскорбительный, невежливый (особенно, если характеризует материал и структуру предмета, сделанного из какого-либо грубого и жесткого сырья; также относится к речи или поведению человека): coarse food — невкусная пища/грубая пища; coarse manners — грубые манеры; coarse skin — грубая кожа/загрубевшая кожа; coarse woo) — грубая шерсть/сырая шерсть; coarse tuning грубая настройка/начальная настройка; coarse salt — крупнозернистая соль/крупная соль; coarse features of the face — грубые черты лица; coarse and offensive remarks — грубые и оскорбительные замечания; long coarse hair — длинные, жесткие волосы With a coarse gesture he deliberately wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. — Грубым жестом он нарочито вытер рот рукой. She speaks rather coarse language. — У нее грубая речь./У нее корявая речь. All hospital beds were covered with coarse cotton on sheets. — На всех больничных койках были простыни из грубого полотна. His straight brown hair was becoming grey and coarse. — Его прямые каштановые волосы становились седыми и жесткими. The fisherman's skin was dark and coarse his hands big and strong. — У рыбака были большие сильные руки, а кожа загорелой и огрубевшей.
    4. prickly — грубый, колючий: I hate wearing woolen underwear that feels so prickly. — Терпеть не могу такого колючего шерстяного нижнего белья.
    5. scaly — гpyбый, чешуйчатый, шершавый: То relieve itchy or scaly skin add a teaspoon full of fine oil to your bath water. — Чтобы облегчить зуд и шершавость кожи, добавьте в воду при принятии ванны чайную ложку рафинированного растительного масла. Experiments with snakes have shown that this scaly creatures are far from stupid. — Эксперименты со змеями показали, что эти покрытые чешуйками существа, далеко не глупы.
    6. crude — грубый, примитивный, сырой ( часто используется в знак неодобрения): crude spirit — неочищенный спирт; crude expression — грубое выражение; crude drawing — примитивный рисунок; crude facts — голые факты; crude oil сырая нефть/неочищенная нефть; crude thoughts — непродуманные мысли Your statement is a crude oversimplification. — Ваше заявление — грубое упрощение. His is a crude method of administration. — Он пользуется грубым методом администрирования. It is a crude kind of racial prejudice. — Это самый грубый вид расовых предрассудков.
    7. gruff — резкий, грубоватый, грубый, хриплый: gruff voice — грубый голос/хриплый голос Не spoke in a gruff voice. — Он говорил грубым голосом./Он говорил хрипловатым голосом
    8. flagrant — грубый, вопиющий: a flagrant mistake — вопиющая ошибка/грубая ошибка; flagrant injustice — вопиющая несправедливость
    9. gross — грубый, вопиющий, чрезмерный, явный ( нарушающий принятые нормы): a gross error — грубая ошибка; gross injustice — вопиющая несправедливость; gross negligence — грубая халатность/вопиющая халатность; gross exaggeration — явное преувеличение/чрезмерное преувеличение It was a gross misbehaviour. — Это было непозволительное поведение. Не is a gross eater. — Он просто обжора.
    10. rugged — (прилагательное rugged многозначно, но эквивалентно значению русского прилагательного грубый): a) неровный, изрезанный, извилистый: rugged coastline — изрезанная береговая линия; rugged terrain — пересеченная местность b) грубоватый, неправильной формы ( но несмотря на это привлекательный): rugged face — грубые (но привлекательные) черты лица/грубоватые (но привлекательные) черты лица; rugged manners — грубоватые манеры She couldn’t't help admiring his rugged good looks. — Она не могла не восхищаться его грубоватой привлекательностью. Whenever she remembered the events of those days, his rugged face rose before her mind's eye. — Всякий раз, когда она вспоминала события тех дней, перед ее мысленным взором вставало его грубоватое, но привлекательное лицо.

    Русско-английский объяснительный словарь > грубый

  • 6 Bibliography

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    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Bibliography

  • 7 дух

    1. фил. spirit, mind
    (нравствена сила, смелост) spirit, morale, mettle, tone
    здрав дух a sound mind, a healthy tone
    смел дух a brave/bold spirit
    силен дух a strong mind, an unbending spirit
    човек със силен дух a man of spirit, a man of a strong mind/of unbending spirit
    свободен дух a free spirit
    един от най-пламенните дух ове на своето време one of the most ardent spirits of his time
    висок дух high morale
    липсва ми дух have no spirit
    губя/запазвам присъствие на духа lose/keep o.'s head/o.'s presence of mind
    не губя присъствие на духа carry/keep a stiff upper lip
    поддържам дух a keep up the morale
    повдигам духа raise (the) morale
    загубвам дух lose morale; lose heart, be dejected, become downhearted
    2. (психическо състояние, настроение) spirit, spirits, frame of mind; mood
    работя/свиря без дух work/play without spirit
    радостен/оптимистичен дух a joyful/an optimistic mood/spirit
    с повишен дух in good/high/elevated spirits, in a good frame of mind
    повишавам духа на някого raise/revive s.o.'s spirits, cheer s.o. up, разг. ginger s.o. up
    духовете се повишиха, когато приближиха до града the spirits rose as they approached the town
    понижен дух poor/low spirits, despondency
    с понижен дух съм be despondent/depressed, be in a bad frame of mind, be in low spirits
    това понижи духа на компанията this lowered the spirits Of the company
    духовете са възбудени everyone is excited
    дух на недоволство a spirit of discontent
    авантюристичен дух an adventurous spirit
    с търговски дух commercially minded
    3. (същпост, насока) spirit
    духътна епохата the spirit of the times, the ethos, нем. Zeitgeist
    дух ът на закона the spirit of the law
    в духа на in the spirit of
    то е в духа на it fits into the pattern of
    в този дух on these lines
    в същия дух in the same vein, on the same lines
    влизам в духа на enter into the spirit of
    духът му витае сред нас his spirit is still with us
    5. (въображаемо, свръхестествено същество) spirit, ghost, phantom, phantasm
    зъл дух an evil spirit
    планински духове sprites
    дух-магьосник jinnee, разг. jinns
    викам дух raise a spirit
    предавам богу дух give up the ghost, breathe o.'s last, pass away
    свети Дух the Holy Ghost, ( празник) Whitsuntide
    * * *
    м., -ове, (два) ду̀ха 1. филос. spirit, mind; ( нравствена сила, смелост) spirit, morale, mettle, tone; висок \дух high morale; губя/запазвам присъствие на \духа loose/keep o.’s head/o.’s presence of mind; загубвам \дух lose morale; lose heart, be dejected, become downhearted; здрав \дух sound mind, healthy tone; липсва ми \дух have no spirit; не губя присъствие на \духа carry/keep a stiff upper lip; повдигам \духа raise (the) morale; поддържам \духа keep up the morale; показвам висок \дух show spirit; силен \дух strong mind, unbending spirit; смел \дух brave/bold spirit; grittiness; човек със силен \дух man of spirit, man of a strong mind/of unbending spirit; strong-willed man;
    2. ( психическо състояние, настроение) spirit, spirits, frame of mind; mood; \дух на недоволство a spirit of discontent; \духовете са възбудени everyone is excited; повишавам \духа на някого raise/revive s.o.’s spirits, cheer s.o. up, разг. ginger s.o. up; понижен \дух poor/low spirits, despondency; работя/свиря без \дух work/play without spirit; с повишен \дух in good/high/elevated spirits, in a good frame of mind; с понижен \дух съм be despondent/depressed, be in a bad frame of mind, be in low spirits; с търговски \дух commercially minded;
    3. ( същност, насока) spirit; в \духа на in the spirit of; в същия \дух in the same vein, on the same lines; в този \дух on these lines; \духът на епохата the spirit of the times, the ethos, нем. zeitgeist; то е в \духа на it fits into the pattern of; той каза още много неща в същия \дух he said a lot more in the same strain;
    4. ( памет на покойник) spirit; викане на \духове spirit-rapping; \духът му витае сред нас his spirit is still with us;
    5. ( въображаемо, свръхестествено същество) spirit, ghost, phantom, phantasm, spectre; викам \дух raise a spirit; \дух магьосник jinnee, genie; разг. jinny; зъл \дух evil spirit; планински \духове sprites; • предавам богу \дух give up the ghost, breathe o.’s last, pass away; Светият Дух рел. the Holy Ghost; ( празник) църк. Whitsuntide.
    * * *
    manitou (индиан.); mettle ; dobby ; fetch ; ghost (призрак); manes: sound дух - здрав дух; morale ; phantasm ; spirit {`spirit}: an unbending дух - силен дух
    * * *
    1. (въображаемо, свръхестествено същество) spirit, ghost, phantom, phantasm 2. (нравствена сила, смелост) spirit, morale, mettle, tone 3. (памет на покойник) spirit 4. (психическо състояние, настроение) spirit, spirits, frame of mind;mood 5. 3, (същпост, насока) spirit 6. ДУХ на недоволство a spirit of discontent 7. ДУХ ът на закона the spirit of the law 8. ДУХ-магьосник jinпее, разг. jinns 9. ДУХовете са възбудени everyone is excited 10. ДУХовете се повишиха, когато приближиха до града the spirits rose as they approached the town 11. ДУХът му витае сред нас his spirit is still with us 12. ДУХътна епохата the spirit of the times, the ethos, нем. Zeitgeist 13. авантюристичен ДУХ an adventurous spirit 14. в ДУХа на in the spirit of 15. в същия ДУХ in the same vein, on the same lines 16. в този ДУХ on these lines 17. викам ДУХ raise a spirit 18. висок ДУХ high morale 19. влизам в ДУХа на enter into the spirit of 20. губя/запазвам присъствие на ДУХа lose/keep o.'s head/o.'s presence of mind 21. един от най-пламенните ДУХ ове на своето време one of the most ardent spirits of his time 22. загубвам ДУХ lose morale;lose heart, be dejected, become downhearted 23. здрав ДУХ a sound mind, a healthy tone 24. зъл ДУХ an evil spirit 25. липсва ми ДУХ have no spirit 26. не губя присъствие на ДУХа carry/keep a stiff upper lip 27. планински ДУХове sprites 28. повдигам ДУХа raise (the) morale 29. повишавам ДУХа на някого raise/revive s.o.'s spirits, cheer s.o. up, разг. ginger s.o. up 30. поддържам ДУХ a keep up the morale 31. показвам висок ДУХ show spirit 32. понижен ДУХ poor/low spirits, despondency 33. предавам богу ДУХ give up the ghost, breathe o.'s last, pass away 34. работя/свиря без ДУХ work/play without spirit 35. радостен/оптимистичен ДУХ a joyful/an optimistic mood/spirit 36. с повишен ДУХ in good/high/elevated spirits, in a good frame of mind 37. с понижен ДУХ съм be despondent/depressed, be in a bad frame of mind, be in low spirits 38. с търговски ДУХ commercially minded 39. свети Дух the Holy Ghost, (празник) Whitsuntide 40. свободен ДУХ a free spirit 41. силен ДУХ a strong mind, an unbending spirit 42. смел ДУХ a brave/bold spirit 43. то е в ДУХа на it fits into the pattern of 44. това понижи ДУХа на компанията this lowered the spirits Of the company 45. фил. spirit, mind 46. човек със силен ДУХ а man of spirit, a man of a strong mind/of unbending spirit

    Български-английски речник > дух

  • 8 настроение

    1. mood, humour, temper, spirits
    добро/весело настроение good/high spirits, a pleasant/jovial/merry mood
    лошо/потиснато настроение low spirits, dumps, doldrums, a sulky mood
    в добро настроение in a good mood/humour, in good spirits; of good cheer
    в лошо настроение in a bad humour/mood, out of sorts, seedy, разг. blue
    в потиснато настроение in low/poor spirits, dejected, разг. down in the mouth
    в мрачно настроение съм be (down) in the dumps, have the dumps
    във весело/повдигнато настроение in high/great/good spirits
    в отлично настроение съм be in full/high/fine/good/great feather
    нямам настроение, не съм в настроение be out of sorts/temper, be feeling cheap/blue, разг. be down in the mouth, be under the weather
    нямам настроение за I am in no mood/humour for
    днес нямам настроение да чета I don't feel like reading today
    той вече нямаше настроение да пише he was no longer in the mood to write
    настроението се понижи the spirits fell
    опитай се да го хванеш, когато е в настроение try to catch him in one of his good moods
    човек, който работи по настроение a fitful worker
    човек на/с различни настроения, човек на настроение/настроения a man of moods
    повдигам настроението на някого cheer s.o. up
    развалям настроението на някого spoil s.o.'s mood, damp s.o.'s spirits
    това ми развали настроението that spoiled my mood, that spoiled the fun
    настроението ми се покачи my spirits rose
    настроението е понижено, настроението падна (на нула градуса) the mood fell/dropped (below freezing point)
    поддържам настроението на някого keep up s.o.'s spirits
    пропъждам лошото настроение на някого cheer s.o., liven s.o. up
    това създава добро настроение it creates a jolly atmosphere, it livens up the (mood of the) party
    2. (отношение) disposition, frame of mind, inclination, sentiments
    общото настроение the general/public feeling
    създаде се настроение срещу него there was ill-feeling against him, there was opposition to him
    създавам настроение срещу някого stir up opposition to s.o.
    * * *
    ср., -я 1. mood, humour, temper, spirits; в лошо \настроениее in a bad humour/mood, out of sorts/temper, seedy, grumpy, grumpish; разг. blue; в мрачно \настроениее съм be (down) in the dumps, have the dumps; have the grumps; в \настроениее да разказва за миналото си in a reminiscent frame of mind; в отлично \настроениее съм be in full/high/fine/good/great feather; в потиснато \настроениее in low/poor spirits, dejected, разг. down in the mouth; gutty; under the weather; връща ми се доброто \настроениее resume (o.’s) spirits; cheer up; днес нямам \настроениее да чета I don’t feel like reading today; добро/весело \настроениее good/high spirits, pleasant/jovial/merry mood; fine/good fettle; имаш ли \настроениее за работа? are you up to doing some work? лошо/потиснато \настроениее low spirits, dumps, doldrums, sulky mood; на \настроениея moody; \настроениеето е понижено, \настроениеето падна (на нула градуса) the mood fell/dropped (below freezing point); the spirits fell; \настроениеето ми се покачи my spirits rose; нямам \настроениее за I am in no mood/humour for; опитай се да го хванеш, когато е в \настроениее try to catch him in one of his good moods; повдигам \настроениеето на някого cheer s.o. up; поддържам \настроениеето на някого keep up s.o’s spirits; пропъждам лошото \настроениее на някого cheer s.o., liven s.o. up; развалям \настроениеето на някого spoil s.o.’s mood, damp s.o.’s spirits; disgruntle s.o.; put a damper (on s.th.); това създава добро \настроениее it creates a jolly atmosphere, it livens up the (mood of the) party; той вече нямаше \настроениее да пише he was no longer in the mood to write; човек, който работи по \настроениее fitful worker; човек на/с различни \настроениея a man of moods;
    2. ( отношение) disposition, frame of mind, inclination, sentiments; общото \настроениее the general/public feeling; създавам \настроениее срещу някого stir up opposition to s.o.; създаде се \настроениее срещу него there was ill-feeling against him, there was opposition to him; създадоха се \настроениея срещу реформата there was opposition to the reform; • картината е изпълнена с \настроениее there is atmosphere in the picture.
    * * *
    cue; feeling; frame of mind; humour; mentality; mood{mu;d}: I'm not in the mood to do this. - Не съм в настроение да направя това.; temper
    * * *
    1. (отношение) disposition, frame of mind, inclination, sentiments 2. mood, humour, temper, spirits: добро/весело НАСТРОЕНИЕ good/high spirits, a pleasant/jovial/merry mood 3. НАСТРОЕНИЕто е понижено, НАСТРОЕНИЕто падна (на нула градуса) the mood fell/dropped (below freezing point) 4. НАСТРОЕНИЕто ми се покачи my spirits rose 5. НАСТРОЕНИЕто се понижи the spirits fell 6. в добро НАСТРОЕНИЕ in a good mood/humour, in good spirits;of good cheer 7. в лошо НАСТРОЕНИЕ in a bad humour/mood, out of sorts, seedy, разг. blue 8. в мрачно НАСТРОЕНИЕ съм be (down) in the dumps, have the dumps 9. в отлично НАСТРОЕНИЕ съм be in full/high/fine/good/great feather 10. в потиснато НАСТРОЕНИЕ in low/poor spirits, dejected, разг. down in the mouth 11. връща ми се доброто НАСТРОЕНИЕ resume (o.'s) spirits;cheer up 12. във весело/повдигнато НАСТРОЕНИЕ in high/great/good spirits 13. днес нямам НАСТРОЕНИЕ да чета I don't feel like reading today 14. картината е изпълнена с НАСТРОЕНИЕ there is atmosphere in the picture 15. лошо/потиснато НАСТРОЕНИЕ low spirits, dumps, doldrums, a sulky mood 16. на настроения moody 17. нямам НАСТРОЕНИЕ за I am in no mood/humour for 18. нямам НАСТРОЕНИЕ, не съм в НАСТРОЕНИЕ be out of sorts/temper, be feeling cheap/blue, разг. be down in the mouth, be under the weather 19. общото НАСТРОЕНИЕ the general/public feeling 20. опитай се да го хванеш, когато е в НАСТРОЕНИЕ try to catch him in one of his good moods 21. повдигам НАСТРОЕНИЕто на някого cheer s.o. up 22. поддържам НАСТРОЕНИЕто на някого keep up s.o.'s spirits 23. пропъждам лошото НАСТРОЕНИЕ на някого cheer s.o., liven s.o. up 24. просъветски настроения pro-Soviet leanings 25. развалям НАСТРОЕНИЕто на някого spoil s.o.'s mood, damp s.o.'s spirits 26. създавам НАСТРОЕНИЕ срещу някого stir up opposition to s.o. 27. създаде се НАСТРОЕНИЕ срещу него there was ill-feeling against him, there was opposition to him 28. създадоха се настроения срещу реформата there was opposition to the reform 29. това ми развали НАСТРОЕНИЕто that spoiled my mood, that spoiled the fun 30. това развали НАСТРОЕНИЕто (на всички) that put a damper on the party 31. това създава добро НАСТРОЕНИЕ it creates a jolly atmosphere, it livens up the (mood of the) party 32. той вече нямаше НАСТРОЕНИЕ да пише he was no longer in the mood to write 33. човек на/с различни настроения, човек на НАСТРОЕНИЕ/настроения a man of moods 34. човек, който работи по НАСТРОЕНИЕ a fitful worker

    Български-английски речник > настроение


    Мы приняли следующие сокращения для наиболее часто упоминаемых книг и журналов:
    IJP - International Journal of Psycho-analysis
    JAPA - Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association
    SE - Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, ed. James Strachey (London: Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1953—74.)
    PSOC - Psychoanalytic Study of the Child (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    PQ - Psychoanalytic Quarterly
    WAF - The Writings of Anna Freud, ed. Anna Freud (New York: International Universities Press, 1966—74)
    PMC - Psychoanalysis The Major Concepts ed. Burness E. Moore and Bernard D. Fine (New Haven: Yale University Press)
    О словаре: _about - Psychoanalytic Terms and Concepts
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    866. Weinshel, E. M. (1968) Some psychoanalytic considerations on moods. IJP, 51.
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    905. Zetzel, E. R. (1956) Current concepts of transference. TJP, 37.

    Словарь психоаналитических терминов и понятий > БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ

  • 10 Consciousness

       Consciousness is what makes the mind-body problem really intractable.
    ... Without consciousness the mind-body problem would be much less interesting. With consciousness it seems hopeless. (T. Nagel, 1979, pp. 165-166)
       This approach to understanding sensory qualia is both theoretically and empirically motivated... [;] it suggests an effective means of expressing the allegedly inexpressible. The "ineffable" pink of one's current visual sensation may be richly and precisely expressed as a 95Hz/80Hz/80Hz "chord" in the relevant triune cortical system. The "unconveyable" taste sensation produced by the fabled Australian health tonic Vegamite might be poignantly conveyed as a 85/80/90/15 "chord" in one's four channeled gustatory system.... And the "indescribably" olfactory sensation produced by a newly opened rose might be quite accurately described as a 95/35/10/80/60/55 "chord" in some six-dimensional space within one's olfactory bulb. (P. M. Churchland, 1989, p. 106)
       One of philosophy's favorite facets of mentality has received scant attention from cognitive psychologists, and that is consciousness itself: fullblown, introspective, inner-world phenomenological consciousness. In fact if one looks in the obvious places... one finds not so much a lack of interest as a deliberate and adroit avoidance of the issue. I think I know why. Consciousness appears to be the last bastion of occult properties, epiphenomena, and immeasurable subjective states-in short, the one area of mind best left to the philosophers, who are welcome to it. Let them make fools of themselves trying to corral the quicksilver of "phenomenology" into a respectable theory. (Dennett, 1978b, p. 149)
       When I am thinking about anything, my consciousness consists of a number of ideas.... But every idea can be resolved into elements... and these elements are sensations. (Titchener, 1910, p. 33)
       A Darwin machine now provides a framework for thinking about thought, indeed one that may be a reasonable first approximation to the actual brain machinery underlying thought. An intracerebral Darwin Machine need not try out one sequence at a time against memory; it may be able to try out dozens, if not hundreds, simultaneously, shape up new generations in milliseconds, and thus initiate insightful actions without overt trial and error. This massively parallel selection among stochastic sequences is more analogous to the ways of darwinian biology than to the "von Neumann" serial computer. Which is why I call it a Darwin Machine instead; it shapes up thoughts in milliseconds rather than millennia, and uses innocuous remembered environments rather than noxious real-life ones. It may well create the uniquely human aspect of our consciousness. (Calvin, 1990, pp. 261-262)
       To suppose the mind to exist in two different states, in the same moment, is a manifest absurdity. To the whole series of states of the mind, then, whatever the individual, momentary successive states may be, I give the name of our consciousness.... There are not sensations, thoughts, passions, and also consciousness, any more than there is quadruped or animal, as a separate being to be added to the wolves, tygers, elephants, and other living creatures.... The fallacy of conceiving consciousness to be something different from the feeling, which is said to be its object, has arisen, in a great measure, from the use of the personal pronoun I. (T. Brown, 1970, p. 336)
       The human capacity for speech is certainly unique. But the gulf between it and the behavior of animals no longer seems unbridgeable.... What does this leave us with, then, which is characteristically human?.... t resides in the human capacity for consciousness and self-consciousness. (Rose, 1976, p. 177)
       [Human consciousness] depends wholly on our seeing the outside world in such categories. And the problems of consciousness arise from putting reconstitution beside internalization, from our also being able to see ourselves as if we were objects in the outside world. That is in the very nature of language; it is impossible to have a symbolic system without it.... The Cartesian dualism between mind and body arises directly from this, and so do all the famous paradoxes, both in mathematics and in linguistics.... (Bronowski, 1978, pp. 38-39)
       It seems to me that there are at least four different viewpoints-or extremes of viewpoint-that one may reasonably hold on the matter [of computation and conscious thinking]:
       A. All thinking is computation; in particular, feelings of conscious awareness are evoked merely by the carrying out of appropriate computations.
       B. Awareness is a feature of the brain's physical action; and whereas any physical action can be simulated computationally, computational simulation cannot by itself evoke awareness.
       C. Appropriate physical action of the brain evokes awareness, but this physical action cannot even be properly simulated computationally.
       D. Awareness cannot be explained by physical, computational, or any other scientific terms. (Penrose, 1994, p. 12)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Consciousness

  • 11 subir

    1 to go/come up (ascender) (calle, escaleras).
    subió las escaleras a toda velocidad she ran up o climbed the stairs as fast as she could
    subir por la escalera to go/come up the stairs
    2 to lift up (poner arriba).
    3 to put up, to increase (increase) (precio, peso).
    La empresa sube los precios The company increases the prices.
    Me subió la calentura My fever increased.
    4 to raise (alzar) (mano, bandera, voz).
    El chico sube la cama The boy raises the bed.
    5 to raise the pitch of (Music).
    6 to go up, to rise (increase) (precio, temperatura).
    El elevador sube The elevator climbs.
    7 to get on (montar) (en avión, barco).
    sube al coche get into the car
    9 to walk up, to climb.
    Ella subió el sendero She walked up the path.
    * * *
    1 (ir hacia arriba - gen) to go up, come up; (- avión) to climb
    2 (en un vehículo - coche) to get in; (autobús, avión, barco, tren) to get on, get onto
    ¡venga, sube! go on, get in!
    3 (montar - bicicleta) to get on; (- caballo) to get on, mount
    4 (a un árbol) to climb up
    5 figurado (elevarse, aumentar) to rise
    6 figurado (categoría, puesto) to be promoted
    7 figurado (cuenta) to come (a, to)
    1 (escaleras, calle) to go up, climb; (montaña) to climb
    2 (mover arriba) to carry up, take up, bring up; (poner arriba) to put upstairs
    3 (cabeza etc) to lift, raise
    4 (pared) to raise
    5 COSTURA to take up
    6 figurado (precio, salario, etc) to raise, put up
    8 figurado (color) to strengthen
    1 (piso, escalera) to go up
    2 (árbol, muro, etc) to climb up (a, -)
    3 (en un vehículo - coche) to get in (a, -); (autobús) to get on (a, -); (avión, barco, tren) to get on (a, -), get onto (a,-)
    ¡súbete, súbete al coche! get in, get into the car!
    4 (en animales, bicicleta) to get on (a, -), mount
    5 (ropa, calcetines) to pull up; (cremallera) to do up, zip up; (mangas) to roll up
    subir a bordo to get on board
    subir al trono figurado to ascend to the throne
    subir como la espuma familiar to spread like wildfire
    * * *
    1) to increase, rise
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) (=levantar) [+ pierna, brazo, objeto] to lift, lift up, raise; [+ calcetines, pantalones, persianas] to pull up

    sube los brazos — lift your arms (up), raise your arms

    2) (=poner arriba) [llevando] to take up; [trayendo] to bring up

    ¿me puedes ayudar a subir las maletas? — can you help me to take up the cases?

    ¿puedes subir ese cuadro de abajo? — could you bring that picture up from down there?

    3) (=ascender) [+ calle, cuesta, escalera, montaña] (=ir arriba) to go up; (=venir arriba) to come up
    4) (=aumentar) [+ precio, salario] to put up, raise, increase; [+ artículo en venta] to put up the price of

    van a subir la gasolinathey are going to put up o increase the price of petrol

    5) (=elevar) [+ volumen, televisión, radio] to turn up; [+ voz] to raise

    sube la radio, que no se oye — turn the radio up, I can't hear it

    6) [en escalafón] [+ persona] to promote
    7) (Arquit) to put up, build

    subir una paredto put up o build a wall

    8) (Mús) to raise the pitch of
    2. VI
    1) (=ir arriba) to go up; (=venir arriba) to come up; [en un monte, en el aire] to climb

    sube, que te voy a enseñar unos discos — come up, I've got some records to show you

    2) (Transportes) [en autobús, avión, tren, bicicleta, moto, caballo] to get on; [en coche, taxi] to get in

    subir a un autobús/avión/tren — to get on(to) a bus/plane/train

    subir a un caballo — to mount a horse, get on(to) a horse

    subir a bordoto go o get on board

    3) [en el escalafón] to be promoted (a to)
    4) (=aumentar) [precio, valor] to go up, rise; [temperatura] to rise
    tono 2)
    5) (=aumentar de nivel) [río, mercurio] to rise; [marea] to come in
    6) [cantidad]

    subir a — to come to, total

    SUBIR Otros verbos de movimiento Subir la cuesta/ la escalera {etc}, por regla general, se suele traducir por to come up o por to go up, según la dirección del movimiento (hacia o en sentido contrario al hablante), pero come y go se pueden reemplazar por otros verbos de movimiento si la oración española especifica la forma en que se sube mediante el uso de adverbios o construcciones adverbiales: Tim subió las escaleras a gatas Tim crept up the stairs El mes pasado los precios subieron vertiginosamente Prices shot up last month Para otros usos y ejemplos ver la entrada
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) ascensor/persona ( alejándose) to go up; ( acercándose) to come up

    el camino sube hasta la cimathe path goes up to o leads to the top of the hill


    subir A algoa autobús/tren/avión to get on o onto sth; a coche to get in o into sth; a caballo/bicicleta to get on o onto sth, to mount sth (frml)

    subir a bordoto go o get on board

    c) ( de categoría) to go up; ( en el escalafón) to be promoted

    han subido a primera divisiónthey've been promoted to o they've gone up to the first division

    d) ( en tenis)
    a) marea to come in; aguas/río to rise
    b) fiebre/tensión to go up, rise; temperatura to rise
    c) leche materna to come in
    3) precio/valor/cotización/salario to rise, go up
    subir vt
    1) < montaña> to climb; < cuesta> to go up, climb; < escaleras> to go up, climb
    a) <objeto/niño> ( llevar arriba - acercándose) to bring up; (- alejándose) to take up
    b) <objeto/niño> ( poner más alto)
    c) <persiana/telón> to raise; < pantalones> to pull up

    ¿me subes la cremallera? — will you zip me up?, will you fasten my zipper (AmE) o (BrE) zip?

    d) < dobladillo> to take up; < falda> to take o turn up
    3) (Inf) to upload
    a) <precios/salarios> to raise, put up

    ¿cuánto te han subido este año? — how much did your salary go up this year?

    b) <volumen/radio> to turn up
    subirse verbo pronominal
    a) (a coche, autobús, etc) verbo intransitivo 1 b
    b) ( trepar) to climb

    se subió al árbol/al muro — she climbed up the tree/(up) onto the walls

    estaba subido a un árbol/caballo — he was up a tree/sitting on a horse

    c) (a la cabeza, cara) (+ me/te/le etc)
    2) (refl) <calcetines/pantalones> to pull up
    * * *
    = go up, move up, raise, rise, ascend, mount, walk up, elevate, climb, bring up, zip, move down, hike up, scale, spike, crank up, get + high, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, ratchet up, mark + Nombre + up, amp up, turn up.
    Ex. Since recall goes up as precision goes down, it is clearly not possible to achieve in general a system which gives full recall at the same time as full precision.
    Ex. Now we move up the chain providing index entries for each of the potentially sought terms.
    Ex. The speaker said that James estimated people function at only 20% of their capacity, and concluded that they could raise this percentage considerable if they knew how to manage their time more efficiently.
    Ex. If suppliers are forced out of business, there will be less software to lend and prices will rise with the lack of competition.
    Ex. As she ascended the staircase to the library director's office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.
    Ex. He fully expected the director to acquiesce, for his eyebrows mounted ever so slightly.
    Ex. Some of the questions to ask ourselves are will people walk up or down stairs, across quadrangles, etc just to visit the library?.
    Ex. Some of the things that are said about genuine bookselling do at times seem to elevate this occupation to a level far beyond mere commerce.
    Ex. Stanton felt a bit like someone who, after boasting that she could dive into water from a great height has climbed to the height and dares not jump, but knows that she must jump.
    Ex. Matrix and mould were pivoted and were brought up to the nozzle of a metal pump for the moment of casting, and then swung back to eject the new-made letter.
    Ex. The study investigated the use of a video to teach 3 self-help skills (cleaning sunglasses, putting on a wristwatch, and zipping a jacket) to 3 elementary students with mental disabilities.
    Ex. Of the 32 institutions indicating some change in status from July 1982 to January 1983, 19 moved down in status and 13 moved up.
    Ex. The government has hiked up the rate of income tax being paid by oil multinationals.
    Ex. You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.
    Ex. Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.
    Ex. Refiners are cranking up diesel output to meet rising global demand.
    Ex. Yes, some people with thin blood or whose pulse and blood pressure get high enough will have a nose bleed when excited.
    Ex. Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.
    Ex. Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
    Ex. There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.
    Ex. We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.
    Ex. David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.
    Ex. Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.
    Ex. After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.
    Ex. The health department has ratcheted up efforts to prevent or slow down the spread of swine flu in schools.
    Ex. Determine how much it costs to make the item, how much it costs to market that item, and then mark it up by 15-30% or more.
    Ex. In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.
    Ex. Cytokines are small proteins used to communicate messages between the immune cells in the immune system to either turn up or down the immune response.
    * estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.
    * subir a = board.
    * subir al poder = rise to + power.
    * subir al trono = ascend (to) + the throne.
    * subir a un barco = board + ship.
    * subir de nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * subir de precio = rise in + price.
    * subir el listón = raise + the bar, move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * subir el nivel = raise + standard, raise + the bar.
    * subir el precio = push + cost + up, raise + price, jack up + the price, rack up + the price.
    * subir el volumen = pump up + the volume.
    * subir en = ride.
    * subir en bici = ride + a bike.
    * subir en bicicleta = ride + a bike.
    * subir exageradamente = rise + steeply.
    * subir la moral = boost + Posesivo + morale, lift + morale, increase + morale, improve + morale, boost + Posesivo + confidence, bolster + confidence.
    * subirle la nota a Alguien = mark + Nombre + up.
    * subir ligeramente = nudge up.
    * subir los impuestos = push + taxes.
    * subir repentinamente = shoot up.
    * subirse al autobús = get on + the bus.
    * subirse al tren = jump on + the bandwagon, ride + the hype, catch + the fever.
    * subírsele a la cabeza = go to + Posesivo + head.
    * subírsele los colores = go + bright red.
    * subírsele los humos a la cabeza = get + too big for + Posesivo + boots, get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.
    * subirse por las paredes = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * subir y/o bajar = move up and/or down.
    * telón + subir = curtain + rise.
    * * *
    verbo intransitivo
    a) ascensor/persona ( alejándose) to go up; ( acercándose) to come up

    el camino sube hasta la cimathe path goes up to o leads to the top of the hill


    subir A algoa autobús/tren/avión to get on o onto sth; a coche to get in o into sth; a caballo/bicicleta to get on o onto sth, to mount sth (frml)

    subir a bordoto go o get on board

    c) ( de categoría) to go up; ( en el escalafón) to be promoted

    han subido a primera divisiónthey've been promoted to o they've gone up to the first division

    d) ( en tenis)
    a) marea to come in; aguas/río to rise
    b) fiebre/tensión to go up, rise; temperatura to rise
    c) leche materna to come in
    3) precio/valor/cotización/salario to rise, go up
    subir vt
    1) < montaña> to climb; < cuesta> to go up, climb; < escaleras> to go up, climb
    a) <objeto/niño> ( llevar arriba - acercándose) to bring up; (- alejándose) to take up
    b) <objeto/niño> ( poner más alto)
    c) <persiana/telón> to raise; < pantalones> to pull up

    ¿me subes la cremallera? — will you zip me up?, will you fasten my zipper (AmE) o (BrE) zip?

    d) < dobladillo> to take up; < falda> to take o turn up
    3) (Inf) to upload
    a) <precios/salarios> to raise, put up

    ¿cuánto te han subido este año? — how much did your salary go up this year?

    b) <volumen/radio> to turn up
    subirse verbo pronominal
    a) (a coche, autobús, etc) verbo intransitivo 1 b
    b) ( trepar) to climb

    se subió al árbol/al muro — she climbed up the tree/(up) onto the walls

    estaba subido a un árbol/caballo — he was up a tree/sitting on a horse

    c) (a la cabeza, cara) (+ me/te/le etc)
    2) (refl) <calcetines/pantalones> to pull up
    * * *
    = go up, move up, raise, rise, ascend, mount, walk up, elevate, climb, bring up, zip, move down, hike up, scale, spike, crank up, get + high, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, ratchet up, mark + Nombre + up, amp up, turn up.

    Ex: Since recall goes up as precision goes down, it is clearly not possible to achieve in general a system which gives full recall at the same time as full precision.

    Ex: Now we move up the chain providing index entries for each of the potentially sought terms.
    Ex: The speaker said that James estimated people function at only 20% of their capacity, and concluded that they could raise this percentage considerable if they knew how to manage their time more efficiently.
    Ex: If suppliers are forced out of business, there will be less software to lend and prices will rise with the lack of competition.
    Ex: As she ascended the staircase to the library director's office, she tried to fathom the reason for the imperious summons.
    Ex: He fully expected the director to acquiesce, for his eyebrows mounted ever so slightly.
    Ex: Some of the questions to ask ourselves are will people walk up or down stairs, across quadrangles, etc just to visit the library?.
    Ex: Some of the things that are said about genuine bookselling do at times seem to elevate this occupation to a level far beyond mere commerce.
    Ex: Stanton felt a bit like someone who, after boasting that she could dive into water from a great height has climbed to the height and dares not jump, but knows that she must jump.
    Ex: Matrix and mould were pivoted and were brought up to the nozzle of a metal pump for the moment of casting, and then swung back to eject the new-made letter.
    Ex: The study investigated the use of a video to teach 3 self-help skills (cleaning sunglasses, putting on a wristwatch, and zipping a jacket) to 3 elementary students with mental disabilities.
    Ex: Of the 32 institutions indicating some change in status from July 1982 to January 1983, 19 moved down in status and 13 moved up.
    Ex: The government has hiked up the rate of income tax being paid by oil multinationals.
    Ex: You'll be scaling walls, jumping between rooftops, swinging on ropes, hanging from pipes, sliding under 4WDs and doing anything you can to avoid those zombies.
    Ex: Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.
    Ex: Refiners are cranking up diesel output to meet rising global demand.
    Ex: Yes, some people with thin blood or whose pulse and blood pressure get high enough will have a nose bleed when excited.
    Ex: Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.
    Ex: Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
    Ex: There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.
    Ex: We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.
    Ex: David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.
    Ex: Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.
    Ex: After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.
    Ex: The health department has ratcheted up efforts to prevent or slow down the spread of swine flu in schools.
    Ex: Determine how much it costs to make the item, how much it costs to market that item, and then mark it up by 15-30% or more.
    Ex: In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.
    Ex: Cytokines are small proteins used to communicate messages between the immune cells in the immune system to either turn up or down the immune response.
    * estar que + subirse + por las paredes = tear + Posesivo + hair out.
    * obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.
    * subir a = board.
    * subir al poder = rise to + power.
    * subir al trono = ascend (to) + the throne.
    * subir a un barco = board + ship.
    * subir de nivel = move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * subir de precio = rise in + price.
    * subir el listón = raise + the bar, move it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch.
    * subir el nivel = raise + standard, raise + the bar.
    * subir el precio = push + cost + up, raise + price, jack up + the price, rack up + the price.
    * subir el volumen = pump up + the volume.
    * subir en = ride.
    * subir en bici = ride + a bike.
    * subir en bicicleta = ride + a bike.
    * subir exageradamente = rise + steeply.
    * subir la moral = boost + Posesivo + morale, lift + morale, increase + morale, improve + morale, boost + Posesivo + confidence, bolster + confidence.
    * subirle la nota a Alguien = mark + Nombre + up.
    * subir ligeramente = nudge up.
    * subir los impuestos = push + taxes.
    * subir repentinamente = shoot up.
    * subirse al autobús = get on + the bus.
    * subirse al tren = jump on + the bandwagon, ride + the hype, catch + the fever.
    * subírsele a la cabeza = go to + Posesivo + head.
    * subírsele los colores = go + bright red.
    * subírsele los humos a la cabeza = get + too big for + Posesivo + boots, get + too big for + Posesivo + breeches.
    * subirse por las paredes = be beside + Reflexivo.
    * subir y/o bajar = move up and/or down.
    * telón + subir = curtain + rise.

    * * *
    subir [I1 ]
    1 «ascensor/persona» (alejándose) to go up; (acercándose) to come up
    hay que subir a pie you have to walk up
    ahora subo I'll be right up, I'm coming up now
    voy a subir al caserío I'm going up to the farmhouse
    los autobuses que suben al pueblo the buses that go up to the village
    el camino sube hasta la cima the path goes up to o leads to the top of the hill
    2 (a un coche) to get in; (a un autobús, etc) to get on subir A algo ‹a un autobús/un tren/un avión› to get ON o ONTO sth; ‹a un coche› to get IN o INTO sth; ‹a un caballo/una bicicleta› to get ON o ONTO sth, to mount sth ( frml)
    subir a bordo to go/get on board
    3 (de categoría) to go up
    ha subido en el escalafón he has been promoted
    han subido a primera división they've been promoted to o they've gone up to the first division
    ha subido mucho en mi estima she has gone up a lot o ( frml) risen greatly in my estimation
    4 ( Arg fam) to take up office/one's post
    (en tenis): subir a la red to go up to the net
    1 «marea» to come in; «aguas/río» to rise
    las aguas no subieron de nivel the water level did not rise
    2 «fiebre/tensión» to go up, rise
    han subido las temperaturas temperatures have risen
    3 ( Med) «leche» to come in, be produced
    C «precio/valor/cotización» to rise, go up
    la leche subió a 60 céntimos milk went up to sixty cents
    el desempleo subió en 94.500 personas en el primer trimestre unemployment rose by 94,500 in the first quarter
    ha subido el dólar con respecto al euro the dollar has risen against the euro
    D ( Inf) to upload
    ■ subir
    A ‹montaña› to climb; ‹cuesta› to go up, climb
    tiene problemas para subir la escalera he has trouble getting up o climbing the stairs
    subió los escalones de dos en dos he went o walked up the stairs two at a time
    1 ‹objeto/niño› (acercándose) to bring up; (alejándose) to take up
    voy a subir la compra I'm just going to take the shopping upstairs
    tengo que subir unas cajas al desván I have to put some boxes up in the attic
    ¿puedes subir las maletas? could you take the cases up?
    sube al niño al caballo lift the child onto the horse
    ese cuadro está muy bajo, ¿puedes subirlo un poco? that picture is very low, can you put it up a little higher?
    traía el cuello del abrigo subido he had his coat collar turned up
    2 ‹persiana/telón› to raise
    ¿me subes la cremallera? will you zip me up?, will you fasten my zipper ( AmE) o ( BrE) zip?
    subió la ventanilla she wound the window up o closed o raised the window
    ven que te suba los pantalones come here and let me pull your pants ( AmE) o ( BrE) trousers up for you
    3 ‹dobladillo› to take up; ‹falda› to take o turn up
    1 ‹precios/salarios› to raise, put up
    ¿cuánto te han subido este año? how much did your salary go up this year?
    2 ‹volumen/radio› to turn up
    sube el volumen turn the volume up
    sube el tono que no te oigo speak up, I can't hear you
    sube un poco la calefacción turn the heating o heat up a little
    1 (a un coche, autobús, etc) subir vi A 2.
    2 (trepar) to climb
    se subió al muro she climbed (up) onto the wall
    les encanta subirse a los árboles they love to climb trees
    estaban subidos a un árbol they were up a tree
    el niño se le subió encima the child climbed on top of him
    3 (a la cabeza, cara) (+ me/te/le etc):
    el vino enseguida se me subió a la cabeza the wine went straight to my head
    el éxito se le ha subido a la cabeza success has gone to his head
    noté que se me subían los colores (a la cara) I realized that I was going red o blushing
    B ( refl) ‹calcetines/pantalones› to pull up
    * * *


    subir ( conjugate subir) verbo intransitivo
    a) [ascensor/persona/coche] ( ir arriba) to go up;

    ( venir arriba) to come up;

    ahora subo I'll be right up;
    el camino sube hasta la cima the path goes up to o leads to the top of the hill
    b) subir A algo ‹a autobús/tren/avión› to get on o onto sth;

    a coche› to get in o into sth;
    a caballo/bicicleta› to get on o onto sth, to mount sth (frml);
    subir a bordo to go o get on board

    ( en el escalafón) to be promoted

    [aguas/río] to rise
    b) [fiebre/tensión] to go up, rise;

    [ temperatura] to rise
    3 [precio/valor/cotización/salario] to rise, go up
    verbo transitivo
    1 montaña to climb;
    escaleras/cuesta to go up, climb
    a)objeto/niño› ( traer arriba) to bring up;

    ( llevar arriba) to take up;

    b) ( poner más alto) ‹ objetoto put up … (higher);

    cuello de prenda to turn up:

    c)persiana/telón/ventanilla to raise;

    pantalones to pull up;
    ¿me subes la cremallera? will you zip me up?, will you fasten my zipper (AmE) o (BrE) zip?

    falda› to take o turn up
    e) (Inf) to upload

    a)precios/salarios to raise, put up

    b)volumen/radio/calefacción to turn up

    subirse verbo pronominal
    a) (a coche, autobús, etc) See Also→ subir verbo intransitivo 1b

    se subió al árbol/al muro she climbed up the tree/(up) onto the wall;

    estaba subido a un árbol he was up a tree
    c) ( a la cabeza) (+ me/te/le etc):

    2 ( refl) ‹calcetines/pantalones to pull up;
    cuello to turn up
    I verbo transitivo
    1 (una pendiente, las escaleras) to go up
    (hacia el hablante) to come up
    (una montaña) to climb
    2 (llevar arriba) to take up: voy a subir las cajas, I'm going to take the boxes upstairs
    (hacia el hablante) to bring up
    3 (elevar) to raise: sube la mano izquierda, lift your left hand
    (el sueldo, la temperatura, la voz, etc) to raise: sube (el volumen de) la radio, turn the radio up
    II verbo intransitivo
    1 (ascender) to go up: ¿por qué no subimos a verla?, why don't we go up to see her?
    (acercándose al hablante) to come up ➣ Ver nota en ir 2 (a un avión, tren, autobús) to get on o onto: subimos al tren, we boarded the train
    (a un coche) to get into o in
    3 (la marea, las aguas) to rise
    4 (la temperatura) to rise
    5 (los precios, el sueldo, etc) to rise, go up
    6 (de categoría) to go up
    ' subir' also found in these entries:
    - abrochar
    - ascender
    - bordo
    - cajón
    - cerrar
    - cortante
    - embarcación
    - escena
    - estrado
    - irse
    - trono
    - abordar
    - alto
    - bien
    - escalafón
    - montar
    - volumen
    - ascend
    - board
    - boarding card
    - boarding pass
    - climb
    - come in
    - come up
    - curl
    - elevate
    - escalate
    - flight
    - get into
    - get on
    - go up
    - hand up
    - heave
    - hoist
    - increase
    - jump on
    - mount
    - move up
    - pile in
    - push
    - raise
    - rise
    - roll up
    - send up
    - sharply
    - shoot up
    - show up
    - slope
    - spiral up
    - stair
    - stand
    - steeply
    - tree
    - turn up
    - up
    - volume
    - walk up
    - zip up
    - air
    - come
    - do
    - flow
    - gain
    - get
    - go
    - jump
    * * *
    1. [poner arriba] [libro, cuadro] to put up;
    [telón] to raise; [persiana] to roll up; [ventanilla] to wind up, to close;
    he subido la enciclopedia de la primera a la última estantería I've moved the encyclopedia up from the bottom shelf to the top one;
    sube el cuadro un poco move the picture up a bit o a bit higher;
    ¿me ayudas a subir las bolsas? could you help me take the bags up?;
    ayúdame a subir la caja [a lo alto] help me get the box up;
    [al piso de arriba] help me carry the box upstairs
    2. [montar]
    subir algo/a alguien a to lift sth/sb onto
    3. [alzar] [bandera] to raise;
    subir la mano to put one's hand up, to raise one's hand
    4. [ascender] [calle, escaleras] to go/come up;
    [escalera de mano] to climb; [pendiente, montaña] to go up;
    subió las escaleras a toda velocidad she ran up o climbed the stairs as fast as she could;
    subió la calle a todo correr he ran up the street as fast as he could
    5. [aumentar] [precio, impuestos] to put up, to increase;
    [música, volumen, radio] to turn up;
    subió la voz o [m5] el tono para que se le oyera she raised her voice so she could be heard;
    sube la voz o [m5]el tono, no te oigo speak up, I can't hear you;
    subir el fuego de la cocina to turn up the heat;
    subir la moral a alguien to lift sb's spirits, to cheer sb up
    6. [hacer ascender de categoría] to promote
    7. Mús to raise the pitch of
    8. Fam Informát to upload
    1. [a piso, azotea] to go/come up;
    ¿podrías subir aquí un momento? could you come up here a minute?;
    subo enseguida I'll be up in a minute;
    subir corriendo to run up;
    subir en ascensor to go/come up in the Br lift o US elevator;
    subir por la escalera to go/come up the stairs;
    subir (a) por algo to go up and get sth;
    subir a la red [en tenis] to come (in) to the net
    2. [montar] [en avión, barco] to get on;
    [en coche] to get in; [en moto, bicicleta, tren] to get on; [en caballo] to get on, to mount; [en árbol, escalera de mano, silla] to climb up;
    subir a [coche] to get in(to);
    [moto, bicicleta, tren, avión] to get on; [caballo] to get on, to mount; [árbol, escalera de mano] to climb up; [silla, mesa] to get o climb onto; [piso] to go/come up to;
    subir a bordo to go on board;
    es peligroso subir al tren en marcha it is dangerous to board the train while it is moving
    3. [aumentar] to rise, to go up;
    [hinchazón, cauce] to rise; [fiebre] to raise, to go up;
    los precios subieron prices went up o rose;
    subió la gasolina the price of petrol went up o rose;
    el euro subió frente a la libra the euro went up o rose against the pound;
    las acciones de C & C han subido C & C share prices have gone up o risen;
    han subido las ventas sales are up;
    este modelo ha subido de precio this model has gone up in price, the price of this model has gone up;
    el coste total no subirá del millón the total cost will not be more than o over a million;
    no subirá de tres horas it will take three hours at most, it won't take more than three hours;
    está subiendo la marea the tide is coming in;
    el jefe ha subido mucho en mi estima the boss has gone up a lot in my estimation
    4. [cuenta, importe]
    subir a to come o amount to
    5. Culin [crecer] to rise
    6. Fam [ir, venir] to come/go up;
    subiré a la capital la próxima semana I'll be going up to the capital next week;
    ¿por qué no subes a vernos este fin de semana? why don't you come up to see us this weekend?
    7. [ascender de categoría] to be promoted (a to); Dep to be promoted, to go up (a to);
    * * *
    I v/t
    1 cuesta, escalera go up, climb; montaña climb
    2 objeto raise, lift; intereses, precio raise
    II v/i
    2 de precio rise, go up
    3 a un tren, autobús get on; a un coche get in
    subir al poder rise to power;
    subir al trono ascend to the throne
    * * *
    subir vt
    1) : to bring up, to take up
    2) : to climb, to go up
    3) : to raise
    subir vi
    1) : to go up, to come up
    2) : to rise, to increase
    3) : to be promoted
    subir a : to get on, to mount
    subir a un tren: to get on a train
    * * *
    subir vb
    1. (ir arriba) to go up
    ¡sube! ¡la vista es fantástica! come up! the view is fantastic!
    2. (escalar) to climb
    3. (en un coche) to get in
    4. (en un tren, autobús, avión) to get on
    5. (aumentar) to rise [pt. rose; pp. risen] / to go up
    6. (llevar arriba) to take up [pt. took; pp. taken] / to put up [pt. & pp. put]
    7. (incrementar) to put up [pt. & pp. put] / to raise
    8. (hacer más fuerte) to turn up

    Spanish-English dictionary > subir

  • 12 נוחַ

    נוּחַ(b. h.) to rest, lie; to be at ease, rest satisfied.Sabb.7b זרק … והלכה ונָחָהוכ׳ if one threw an object higher than ten handbreadths, and in its course it came to rest in a little hole. Ib. וזרק ונָח על גביו and he threw an object and it came to rest on it. Gen. R. s. 25 כיון שעמד נֹחַ נָחוּ when Noah rose, they rested (submitted to mans rulership; Yalk. Chr. 1072 נִינּוֹחוּ; Yalk. Gen. 42 נִחֲמָן he appeased them); ib. וכיון שעמד נֹחַ נחו and when Noah rose, they remained undisturbed in their graves; Yalk. Chr. l. c. נינוחו.Meg.25b, a. fr. יָנוּחוּ לו ברכותוכ׳ blessings rest upon his head. Sabb.152b, a. e. תָּנוּחַ … שהנחתוכ׳ let thy mind be at rest, for thou hast set my mind at rest; a. fr.part. נָח, נוֹחַ, f. נוֹחָה; Pl. נוֹחִים, נוֹחִין; נוֹחוֹת a) resting. Gen. R. s. 11 אתם נוחין you rest Y.Erub.III, end, 21c, a. fr. נוֹחֵי נפש whose souls are at rest; a. fr.b) pleased. Ab. III, 10 כל שרוח הבריות נ׳ הימנווכ׳ in whom the mind of man finds pleasure, the mind of God finds pleasure. Shebi. X, 9; a. fr.V. נוֹחַ. Hif. הֵנִיחַ, הִנִּיחַ (fr. יָנַח) 1) to set at rest; to set down, place. Gen. R. l. c. (ref. to Gen. 5:29) או נח זה יְנִיחֵנוּוכ׳ either let him be called Noaḥ, then it ought to read, ‘he shall set us at rest, or Naḥman Sabb. l. c. שהֵנַחְתָּ, v. supra; (Snh.30b שהתנחת, v. תָּנַח; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20). Ḥull.91b עלי יַנִּיחַ צדיקוכ׳ let this righteous man rest his head on me.B. Kam. III, 1. B. Mets.VI, 6 הַנַּח לפני put it down before me (I will take charge of it). Sabb.21b להַנִּיחָהּ על פתחוכ׳ to place it over the entrance ; a. fr. 2) to leave; to leave alone; to allow. B. Bath. IX, 1 מי שמת וה׳ בניםוכ׳ if a person died and left sons and daughters. Ib. 3 ראו מה שה׳ לנווכ׳ see what our father left us. Snh.30a מעות שה׳ לו אביו money which his father had left him (without telling him where it was deposited). Pesik. R. s. 26; Yalk. Ps. 884 אבינו ירמיה הרי אתה מַנִּיחֵנוּ שם J., our father, wilt thou leave us there (in Babylonia, without a prophet)?Bets.30a, a. fr. הַנַּח להם לישראל leave Israel alone (let them do as they please). Yoma I, 4 לא היו מְנִיחִים אותווכ׳ they did not let him eat much. Ab. Zar.10b, יַנִּיחֶנָּה, v. נוֹמִי. Ib. 17a לאה׳ זונהוכ׳ he did not forego a single prostitute Ex. R. s. 30 לאה׳ שלא היה מצערו he allowed no opportunity to pass without tormenting him; a. v. fr. 3) to relieve, remit. Ab. Zar.13a יום שע״א מֵנַחַת בווכ׳ a day on which the idol grants a remission of duties. Ib. כל מי … ויָנִיחַ … יָנִיחַוכ׳ to him who will take a wreath and place it on his head (in honor of the deity), he will allow a remission ; a. fr. 4) to wish rest (to a deceased); to bless the memory of. Yalk. Ex. 411 מזכירין ומניחין there are those who are mentioned and blessed (opp. משחקין); Ex. R. s. 48 מדכרין ומניחין; (Tanḥ. Vayakh. 4 מזכירין ומשבחים;) (Midr. Sam. ch. I מדכרין ומניחין we mention and let alone, neither praising nor blaming by mentioning the ancestry). 5) to give pleasure. Gen. R. s. 16 לַהֲנִיחוֹוכ׳ to give him pleasure, to protect him Hof. הוּנָח to be put down, rested. Sabb.4a, a. fr. קלוטה כמי שהוּנְחָה דמיא an object intercepted in the air (crossing an area, v. רָשוּת) is considered as having rested there, v. הַנָּחָה. B. Mets.III, 4, a. e. יהא מוּנָחוכ׳, v. אֵלִיָּהוּ. Yoma 72b עדיין מונח הואוכ׳ still lies (undisposed of), whosoever desires to obtain it Kidd.66a הרי כרוכה ומוּנַחַתוכ׳ it (the Law) is wrapped up and lies in the corner, whosoever wishes to study ; a. fr. Nif. נִינּוֹחַ to be released; to be rested. Cant. R. to VII, 5 והגליות באות ונִינּוֹחוֹתוכ׳ and the exiles will come and rest under it; (Yalk. Is. 334 ונוֹחוֹת; Yalk. Zech. 575 וחָנוֹת). Y.Ber.V, end, 9d בטוח אנישנ׳ בנווכ׳ I am confident that the son of … will recover from his illness. Gen. R. s. 13 נִינּוֹחוּ they are relieved (out of danger). Yalk. Chr. 1072, v. supra; a. e.

    Jewish literature > נוחַ

  • 13 נוּחַ

    נוּחַ(b. h.) to rest, lie; to be at ease, rest satisfied.Sabb.7b זרק … והלכה ונָחָהוכ׳ if one threw an object higher than ten handbreadths, and in its course it came to rest in a little hole. Ib. וזרק ונָח על גביו and he threw an object and it came to rest on it. Gen. R. s. 25 כיון שעמד נֹחַ נָחוּ when Noah rose, they rested (submitted to mans rulership; Yalk. Chr. 1072 נִינּוֹחוּ; Yalk. Gen. 42 נִחֲמָן he appeased them); ib. וכיון שעמד נֹחַ נחו and when Noah rose, they remained undisturbed in their graves; Yalk. Chr. l. c. נינוחו.Meg.25b, a. fr. יָנוּחוּ לו ברכותוכ׳ blessings rest upon his head. Sabb.152b, a. e. תָּנוּחַ … שהנחתוכ׳ let thy mind be at rest, for thou hast set my mind at rest; a. fr.part. נָח, נוֹחַ, f. נוֹחָה; Pl. נוֹחִים, נוֹחִין; נוֹחוֹת a) resting. Gen. R. s. 11 אתם נוחין you rest Y.Erub.III, end, 21c, a. fr. נוֹחֵי נפש whose souls are at rest; a. fr.b) pleased. Ab. III, 10 כל שרוח הבריות נ׳ הימנווכ׳ in whom the mind of man finds pleasure, the mind of God finds pleasure. Shebi. X, 9; a. fr.V. נוֹחַ. Hif. הֵנִיחַ, הִנִּיחַ (fr. יָנַח) 1) to set at rest; to set down, place. Gen. R. l. c. (ref. to Gen. 5:29) או נח זה יְנִיחֵנוּוכ׳ either let him be called Noaḥ, then it ought to read, ‘he shall set us at rest, or Naḥman Sabb. l. c. שהֵנַחְתָּ, v. supra; (Snh.30b שהתנחת, v. תָּנַח; v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 20). Ḥull.91b עלי יַנִּיחַ צדיקוכ׳ let this righteous man rest his head on me.B. Kam. III, 1. B. Mets.VI, 6 הַנַּח לפני put it down before me (I will take charge of it). Sabb.21b להַנִּיחָהּ על פתחוכ׳ to place it over the entrance ; a. fr. 2) to leave; to leave alone; to allow. B. Bath. IX, 1 מי שמת וה׳ בניםוכ׳ if a person died and left sons and daughters. Ib. 3 ראו מה שה׳ לנווכ׳ see what our father left us. Snh.30a מעות שה׳ לו אביו money which his father had left him (without telling him where it was deposited). Pesik. R. s. 26; Yalk. Ps. 884 אבינו ירמיה הרי אתה מַנִּיחֵנוּ שם J., our father, wilt thou leave us there (in Babylonia, without a prophet)?Bets.30a, a. fr. הַנַּח להם לישראל leave Israel alone (let them do as they please). Yoma I, 4 לא היו מְנִיחִים אותווכ׳ they did not let him eat much. Ab. Zar.10b, יַנִּיחֶנָּה, v. נוֹמִי. Ib. 17a לאה׳ זונהוכ׳ he did not forego a single prostitute Ex. R. s. 30 לאה׳ שלא היה מצערו he allowed no opportunity to pass without tormenting him; a. v. fr. 3) to relieve, remit. Ab. Zar.13a יום שע״א מֵנַחַת בווכ׳ a day on which the idol grants a remission of duties. Ib. כל מי … ויָנִיחַ … יָנִיחַוכ׳ to him who will take a wreath and place it on his head (in honor of the deity), he will allow a remission ; a. fr. 4) to wish rest (to a deceased); to bless the memory of. Yalk. Ex. 411 מזכירין ומניחין there are those who are mentioned and blessed (opp. משחקין); Ex. R. s. 48 מדכרין ומניחין; (Tanḥ. Vayakh. 4 מזכירין ומשבחים;) (Midr. Sam. ch. I מדכרין ומניחין we mention and let alone, neither praising nor blaming by mentioning the ancestry). 5) to give pleasure. Gen. R. s. 16 לַהֲנִיחוֹוכ׳ to give him pleasure, to protect him Hof. הוּנָח to be put down, rested. Sabb.4a, a. fr. קלוטה כמי שהוּנְחָה דמיא an object intercepted in the air (crossing an area, v. רָשוּת) is considered as having rested there, v. הַנָּחָה. B. Mets.III, 4, a. e. יהא מוּנָחוכ׳, v. אֵלִיָּהוּ. Yoma 72b עדיין מונח הואוכ׳ still lies (undisposed of), whosoever desires to obtain it Kidd.66a הרי כרוכה ומוּנַחַתוכ׳ it (the Law) is wrapped up and lies in the corner, whosoever wishes to study ; a. fr. Nif. נִינּוֹחַ to be released; to be rested. Cant. R. to VII, 5 והגליות באות ונִינּוֹחוֹתוכ׳ and the exiles will come and rest under it; (Yalk. Is. 334 ונוֹחוֹת; Yalk. Zech. 575 וחָנוֹת). Y.Ber.V, end, 9d בטוח אנישנ׳ בנווכ׳ I am confident that the son of … will recover from his illness. Gen. R. s. 13 נִינּוֹחוּ they are relieved (out of danger). Yalk. Chr. 1072, v. supra; a. e.

    Jewish literature > נוּחַ

  • 14 aumentar

    1 to increase, to rise.
    aumentar la producción to increase production
    la lente aumenta la imagen the lens magnifies the image
    me han aumentado el sueldo my salary has been raised
    aumentó casi 10 kilos he put on almost 10 kilos
    aumentar de peso/tamaño to increase in weight/size
    aumentar de precio to go up o increase in price
    el desempleo aumentó en un 4 por ciento unemployment rose o increased by 4 percent
    El ejercicio aumenta el apetito Exercising increases the appetite.
    Aumentaron los gastos The expenses increased.
    Nos aumentaron las ganancias este año Our profits increased this year.
    2 to magnify, to amplify.
    El reportero aumentó la noticia The reporter magnified the news story.
    3 to enlarge.
    Vamos a aumentar la casa We will enlarge the house.
    4 to raise, to improve.
    El movimiento aumentó la temperatura Movement raised the temperature.
    5 to increase the size of, to enlarge.
    * * *
    1 to augment, increase (precios) to put up; (producción) to step up
    2 (óptica) to magnify
    3 (fotos) to enlarge
    4 (sonido) to amplify
    1 to rise, go up
    1 to increase, be on the increase (precios) to go up, rise
    * * *
    * * *
    1. VT
    1) [+ tamaño] to increase; (Fot) to enlarge; (Ópt) to magnify
    2) [+ cantidad] to increase; [+ precio] to increase, put up; [+ producción] to increase, step up
    3) [+ intensidad] to increase
    4) (Elec, Radio) to amplify
    2. VI
    1) [tamaño] to increase
    2) [cantidad, precio, producción] to increase, go up

    este semestre aumentó la inflación en un 2% — inflation has increased o gone up by 2% over the last 6 months

    3) [intensidad] to increase

    aumentar de peso[objeto] to increase in weight; [persona] to put on o gain weight

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <precio/sueldo> to increase, raise; <cantidad/velocidad/tamaño> to increase; <producción/dosis> to increase, step up; dolor/miedo/tensión to increase
    b) < puntos> ( en tejido) to increase
    aumentar vi temperatura/presión to rise; velocidad to increase; precio/producción/valor to increase, rise

    aumentar de algode volumen/tamaño to increase in something

    aumentó de pesohe put on o gained weight

    * * *
    = accelerate, augment, become + large, enhance, enlarge, escalate, expand, grow + larger, increase, raise, rise, strengthen, accentuate, grow, add to, deepen, mushroom, intensify, wax, swell, pump up, bump up, step up, spike, crank up, ramp up, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, ratchet up, amp up, turn up.
    Ex. In recent years, the pace of change has accelerated with the introduction of on-line information retrieval.
    Ex. These sources which form the basis of the intellectual selection of terms may be augmented by the machine selection of terms.
    Ex. If the number of categories becomes large, cross-references will be necessary between individual files.
    Ex. An introduction explaining the nature and scope of the indexing language will enhance its value.
    Ex. Here entry is made under the original author of an edition that has been revised, enlarged, updated, condensed, and so on by another person.
    Ex. Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
    Ex. As the quantity of knowledge expands the need to organise it becomes more pressing.
    Ex. As the system grows larger it's more difficult to maintain that control.
    Ex. Recall is inversely proportional to precision, and vice versa, or in other words, as one increases, the other must decrease.
    Ex. The speaker said that James estimated people function at only 20% of their capacity, and concluded that they could raise this percentage considerable if they knew how to manage their time more efficiently.
    Ex. If suppliers are forced out of business, there will be less software to lend and prices will rise with the lack of competition.
    Ex. He proposes a research agenda that could strengthen archival appraisal and the profession's ability to document society.
    Ex. However, future trends may tend to accentuate this division.
    Ex. No true reader can be expected to grow on a diet of prescribed texts only regardless of how well chosen they are.
    Ex. In addition, Britain has one of the most extensive bodies of legislation in the world, which is added to daily and encrusted with myriad rules and regulations.
    Ex. One of the effects of reading in children is that their appreciation of the processes and function of literature is deepened.
    Ex. The use of electronic mail systems has mushroomed in the last 5 years in industrialised nations.
    Ex. Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex. The population waxed again slightly, then waned again, until it finally stabilized around its present 55,000.
    Ex. Reference work has been ill-served in the past by its expositors and theoreticians: its extensive literature of several hundred papers and books is swollen by a mass of the transient and the trivial.
    Ex. The article ' Pump up the program...' identifies the costs and benefits of undertaking a software upgrade.
    Ex. Most librarians will admit that they could probably increase the use made of their lending libraries and bump up their annual loans by stocking more romances and thrillers and fewer serious novels, but they do not do this.
    Ex. The intensity of marketing to schools and parents will have to be stepped up by publishers if they are to succeed in the more competitive market.
    Ex. Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.
    Ex. Refiners are cranking up diesel output to meet rising global demand.
    Ex. EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.
    Ex. Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.
    Ex. Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
    Ex. There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.
    Ex. We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.
    Ex. David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.
    Ex. Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.
    Ex. After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.
    Ex. The health department has ratcheted up efforts to prevent or slow down the spread of swine flu in schools.
    Ex. In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.
    Ex. Cytokines are small proteins used to communicate messages between the immune cells in the immune system to either turn up or down the immune response.
    * aumentar de importancia = grow in + importance, grow in + significance.
    * aumentar de tamaño = grow in + size, grow + larger, increase in + size.
    * aumentar de valor = increase in + value.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumentar el control = tighten (up) + control.
    * aumentar el esfuerzo = increase + effort.
    * aumentar el precio = mark up + price, jack up + the price.
    * aumentar el presupuesto = add + monies to + budget.
    * aumentar en cantidad = increase in + quantity.
    * aumentar en número = grow in + numbers, increase in + numbers.
    * aumentar en variedad = grow in + kind.
    * aumentar la confusión = add to + the confusion.
    * aumentar la experiencia = deepen + experience.
    * aumentar la productividad = increase + productivity, boost + Posesivo + productivity.
    * aumentar las diferencias entre... y = widen + the gap between... and.
    * aumentar las posibilidades = increase + the odds.
    * aumentar las probabilidades = shorten + the odds.
    * aumentar las ventas = boost + sales.
    * aumentar la velocidad = grow + faster.
    * aumentar los costes = cost + rise.
    * aumentar los impuestos = increase + taxes.
    * aumentar los ingresos = boost + Posesivo + income.
    * aumentar rápidamente = snowball.
    * crisis + aumentar = crisis + deepen.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <precio/sueldo> to increase, raise; <cantidad/velocidad/tamaño> to increase; <producción/dosis> to increase, step up; dolor/miedo/tensión to increase
    b) < puntos> ( en tejido) to increase
    aumentar vi temperatura/presión to rise; velocidad to increase; precio/producción/valor to increase, rise

    aumentar de algode volumen/tamaño to increase in something

    aumentó de pesohe put on o gained weight

    * * *
    = accelerate, augment, become + large, enhance, enlarge, escalate, expand, grow + larger, increase, raise, rise, strengthen, accentuate, grow, add to, deepen, mushroom, intensify, wax, swell, pump up, bump up, step up, spike, crank up, ramp up, move it up + a gear, notch it up + a gear, take it up + a gear, take it up + a notch, crank it up + a notch, crank it up + a gear, move it up + a notch, ratchet up, amp up, turn up.

    Ex: In recent years, the pace of change has accelerated with the introduction of on-line information retrieval.

    Ex: These sources which form the basis of the intellectual selection of terms may be augmented by the machine selection of terms.
    Ex: If the number of categories becomes large, cross-references will be necessary between individual files.
    Ex: An introduction explaining the nature and scope of the indexing language will enhance its value.
    Ex: Here entry is made under the original author of an edition that has been revised, enlarged, updated, condensed, and so on by another person.
    Ex: Over the past two to three years the numbers of full text data bases and data banks has started to escalate considerably.
    Ex: As the quantity of knowledge expands the need to organise it becomes more pressing.
    Ex: As the system grows larger it's more difficult to maintain that control.
    Ex: Recall is inversely proportional to precision, and vice versa, or in other words, as one increases, the other must decrease.
    Ex: The speaker said that James estimated people function at only 20% of their capacity, and concluded that they could raise this percentage considerable if they knew how to manage their time more efficiently.
    Ex: If suppliers are forced out of business, there will be less software to lend and prices will rise with the lack of competition.
    Ex: He proposes a research agenda that could strengthen archival appraisal and the profession's ability to document society.
    Ex: However, future trends may tend to accentuate this division.
    Ex: No true reader can be expected to grow on a diet of prescribed texts only regardless of how well chosen they are.
    Ex: In addition, Britain has one of the most extensive bodies of legislation in the world, which is added to daily and encrusted with myriad rules and regulations.
    Ex: One of the effects of reading in children is that their appreciation of the processes and function of literature is deepened.
    Ex: The use of electronic mail systems has mushroomed in the last 5 years in industrialised nations.
    Ex: Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.
    Ex: The population waxed again slightly, then waned again, until it finally stabilized around its present 55,000.
    Ex: Reference work has been ill-served in the past by its expositors and theoreticians: its extensive literature of several hundred papers and books is swollen by a mass of the transient and the trivial.
    Ex: The article ' Pump up the program...' identifies the costs and benefits of undertaking a software upgrade.
    Ex: Most librarians will admit that they could probably increase the use made of their lending libraries and bump up their annual loans by stocking more romances and thrillers and fewer serious novels, but they do not do this.
    Ex: The intensity of marketing to schools and parents will have to be stepped up by publishers if they are to succeed in the more competitive market.
    Ex: Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.
    Ex: Refiners are cranking up diesel output to meet rising global demand.
    Ex: EGND has hit a home run with the introduction of a new product line, increasing sales projections, and ramping up production schedules.
    Ex: Liverpool and Chelsea are grabbing all the headlines, but Arsenal have quietly moved it up a gear scoring 10 goals in their last three league games.
    Ex: Start gently, ease yourself in by breaking the workout down into three one minute sessions until you are ready to notch it up a gear and join them together.
    Ex: There was not much to separate the sides in the first ten minutes however Arsenal took it up a gear and got the goal but not without a bit of luck.
    Ex: We have a good time together and we're good friends.. but I'd like to take it up a notch.
    Ex: David quickly comprehended our project needs and then cranked it up a notch with impactful design.
    Ex: Went for a bike ride with a mate last week, no problems so will crank it up a gear and tackle some hills in the next few weeks.
    Ex: After a regular walking routine is established, why not move it up a notch and start jogging, if you haven't already.
    Ex: The health department has ratcheted up efforts to prevent or slow down the spread of swine flu in schools.
    Ex: In order to gain strength fast, you need to immediately begin amping up your strength thermostat in your mind.
    Ex: Cytokines are small proteins used to communicate messages between the immune cells in the immune system to either turn up or down the immune response.
    * aumentar de importancia = grow in + importance, grow in + significance.
    * aumentar de tamaño = grow in + size, grow + larger, increase in + size.
    * aumentar de valor = increase in + value.
    * aumentar el conocimiento = expand + Posesivo + knowledge, deepen + awareness.
    * aumentar el control = tighten (up) + control.
    * aumentar el esfuerzo = increase + effort.
    * aumentar el precio = mark up + price, jack up + the price.
    * aumentar el presupuesto = add + monies to + budget.
    * aumentar en cantidad = increase in + quantity.
    * aumentar en número = grow in + numbers, increase in + numbers.
    * aumentar en variedad = grow in + kind.
    * aumentar la confusión = add to + the confusion.
    * aumentar la experiencia = deepen + experience.
    * aumentar la productividad = increase + productivity, boost + Posesivo + productivity.
    * aumentar las diferencias entre... y = widen + the gap between... and.
    * aumentar las posibilidades = increase + the odds.
    * aumentar las probabilidades = shorten + the odds.
    * aumentar las ventas = boost + sales.
    * aumentar la velocidad = grow + faster.
    * aumentar los costes = cost + rise.
    * aumentar los impuestos = increase + taxes.
    * aumentar los ingresos = boost + Posesivo + income.
    * aumentar rápidamente = snowball.
    * crisis + aumentar = crisis + deepen.
    * estar aumentando = be on the increase.

    * * *
    aumentar [A1 ]
    1 ‹precio› to increase, raise, put up; ‹sueldo› to increase, raise; ‹cantidad/velocidad/tamaño› to increase; ‹producción/dosis› to increase, step up
    el microscopio aumenta la imagen the microscope enlarges o magnifies the image
    no hizo más que aumentar su dolor/miedo all it did was increase her pain/fear
    esto aumentó la tensión this added to o increased the tension
    2 ‹puntos› (en tejido) to increase
    ■ aumentar
    «temperatura» to rise; «presión» to rise, increase; «velocidad» to increase; «precio/producción/valor» to increase, rise
    el niño aumentó 500 gramos the child put on o gained 500 grams
    su popularidad ha aumentado his popularity has grown, he has gained in popularity
    el costo de la vida aumentó en un 3% the cost of living rose by 3%
    la dificultad de los ejercicios va aumentando the exercises get progressively more difficult
    aumentará el frío durante el fin de semana it will become colder over the weekend
    aumentar DE algo to increase IN sth
    aumentó de volumen/tamaño it increased in volume/size
    ha aumentado de peso he's put on o gained weight
    * * *


    aumentar ( conjugate aumentar) verbo transitivo

    precio/sueldo to increase, raise
    b) (Opt) to magnify

    verbo intransitivo [temperatura/presión] to rise;
    [ velocidad] to increase;
    [precio/producción/valor] to increase, rise;

    aumentar de algo ‹de volumen/tamaño› to increase in sth;
    aumentó de peso he put on o gained weight
    I verbo transitivo to increase
    Fot to enlarge
    Ópt to magnify
    II vi (una cantidad) to go up, rise
    (de valor) to appreciate

    ' aumentar' also found in these entries:
    - engordar
    - explorar
    - separar
    - separarse
    - doblar
    - elevar
    - multiplicar
    - redoblar
    add to
    - appreciate
    - augment
    - boost
    - build up
    - deepen
    - efficiency
    - enhance
    - escalate
    - gain
    - grow
    - heighten
    - improve
    - increase
    - intensify
    - jack up
    - jump
    - magnify
    - mark up
    - mount
    - odds
    - put up
    - quantity
    - raise
    - rise
    - snowball
    - step up
    - surge
    - swell
    - up
    - add
    - develop
    - go
    - put
    - soar
    - strengthen
    * * *
    to increase;
    aumentar la producción to increase production;
    los enfrentamientos aumentaron la tensión en la zona the clashes increased the tension in the zone;
    me han aumentado el sueldo my salary has been increased o raised;
    la lente aumenta la imagen the lens magnifies the image;
    aumentó casi 10 kilos he put on almost 10 kilos
    [temperatura, precio, gastos, tensión] to increase, to rise; [velocidad] to increase;
    aumentar de tamaño to increase in size;
    aumentar de precio to go up o increase in price;
    el desempleo aumentó en un 4 por ciento unemployment rose o increased by 4 percent;
    con lo que come, no me sorprende que haya aumentado de peso it doesn't surprise me that he's put on weight, considering how much he eats
    * * *
    I v/t increase; precio increase, raise, put up
    II v/i de precio, temperatura rise, increase, go up
    * * *
    acrecentar: to increase, to raise
    : to rise, to increase, to grow
    * * *
    1. (hacer subir) to increase / to raise
    2. (subir) to rise [pt. rose; pp. risen] / to increase
    3. (con lupa, microscopio) to magnify [pt. & pp. magnified]

    Spanish-English dictionary > aumentar

  • 15 changer

    changer [∫ɑ̃ʒe]
    ➭ TABLE 3
    1. transitive verb
       a. ( = modifier) to change
    ça change tout ! that changes everything!
       b. ( = remplacer, échanger) to change
    changer 100 € contre des livres to change €100 into pounds
    changer les draps/une ampoule to change the sheets/a bulb
       c. ( = déplacer) changer qn/qch de place to move sb/sth (to a different place)
       d. ( = transformer) changer qch/qn en to turn sth/sb into
       e. ( = mettre d'autres vêtements à) changer un enfant/malade to change a child/patient
       f. ( = procurer un changement à) ils vont en Italie, ça les changera de l'Angleterre ! they're going to Italy, it will make a change for them after England!
       g. ► changer de to change
    changer d'adresse/de voiture to change one's address/car
    changer d'avis or d'idée to change one's mind
    changer de train/compartiment to change trains/compartments
    2. intransitive verb
       a. ( = se transformer) to change
    changer en bien/mal to change for the better/worse
       c. ( = procurer un changement) pour changer ! that makes a change!
    3. reflexive verb
       a. ( = mettre d'autres vêtements) to change
    va te changer ! go and change!
       b. ( = se transformer) se changer en to turn into
    * * *
    1) ( échanger) to exchange [objet] (pour, contre for); to change [secrétaire, emploi] (pour, contre for)
    2) ( convertir) to change [argent]
    3) ( remplacer) to change [objet] (par, pour for); to replace [personne] (par, pour with)
    4) ( déplacer)
    5) ( modifier) to change

    changer quelque chose/qn en — to turn something/sb into

    changer de verbe transitif indirect

    changer de place[personne] to change seats ( avec with); [objet] to be moved

    changer d'opinion or d'avis — to change one's mind

    changer de sexe — to have a sex change; chemise

    verbe intransitif
    1) ( se modifier) [situation, santé, temps] to change

    il a changé en bien/mal — he's changed for the better/worse

    il y a quelque chose de changé dans leur comportement — there's something different about their behaviour [BrE]

    2) ( être remplacé) [personne, livre] to be changed; [horaire] to change

    se changer verbe pronominal
    1) ( mettre d'autres vêtements) to get changed

    se changer ento turn ou change into

    * * *
    1. vt
    1) (= modifier) to change
    2) (= remplacer) [draps, ampoule] to change, [produit défectueux] to exchange

    J'ai changé les draps ce matin. — I changed the sheets this morning.

    Il est légèrement endommagé, va le changer. — It's slightly damaged, go and exchange it.

    3) FINANCE, [argent] to change

    J'ai changé trois cents euros. — I changed 300 euros.

    4) (= rhabiller) [malade, bébé] to change

    changer qn/qch de place — to move sb/sth to another place

    2. vi

    Il n'a pas beaucoup changé. — He hasn't changed much.

    Il a changé en bien. — He has changed for the better.

    changer de (= remplacer) [adresse, nom, voiture] — to change, (= permuter) [côté, place, train] to change + npl (= modifier) to change

    Il a de nouveau changé de voiture. — He has changed his car again.

    Il faudra changer de train. — We'll have to change trains.

    Il a changé de place avec Thierry. — He changed places with Thierry.

    Si on changeait de couleur? — What about a change of colour?, How about changing the colour?

    Il a changé de couleur. — It changed colour.

    Appelle-moi si tu changes d'avis. — Give me a ring if you change your mind.

    * * *
    changer verb table: manger
    A vtr
    1 ( échanger) to exchange [objet] (pour, contre for); to change [secrétaire, emploi] (pour, contre for); j'ai changé ma bicyclette pour un ordinateur I've exchanged my bicycle for a computer; changer un billet de 10 euros en pièces de 1 euro to change a 10-euro note into 1-euro coins; on m'a changé mon assistant I've been given a new assistant;
    2 ( convertir) to change [argent]; to cash [chèque de voyage]; vous pouvez changer jusqu'à 1 000 euros you can change up to 1,000 euros; changer des euros en dollars to change euros into dollars;
    3 ( remplacer) to change [objet, décoration] (par, pour for); to replace [personne] (par, pour with);
    4 ( déplacer) changer qch de place to move sth; changer un employé de poste to move an employee (to another position); ils ont changé les livres de place they've moved the books round GB ou around US; changer un livre d'étagère to move a book to another shelf; ⇒ épaule;
    5 ( modifier) to change [plan, attitude, habitudes, texte]; cette coiffure te change you look different with your hair like that; (mais) ça change tout! that changes everything!; qu'est-ce que ça change? what difference does it make?; il n'a pas changé une virgule au texte he didn't change a single comma in the text; tu as changé quelque chose à ta coiffure you've done something different with your hair; cela ne change rien à mes sentiments that doesn't change the way I feel; ça n 'a rien changé à mes habitudes it hasn't changed my habits in any way; cela ne change rien (à l'affaire) that doesn't make any difference; cela ne change rien au fait que that doesn't alter the fact that; tu n'y changerais rien there's nothing you can do about it; on ne peut rien y changer, on n'y peut rien changer fml we can't do anything about it; changer sa voix to disguise one's voice;
    6 ( transformer) changer qch/qn en to turn sth/sb into; essayer de changer le plomb en or to try to turn lead into gold; elle a été changée en statue she was turned into a statue; changer un prince en crapaud to turn a prince into a toad;
    7 ( rompre la monotonie) cela nous change de la pluie/du poulet it makes a change from the rain/from chicken; ça va le changer de sa vie tranquille à la campagne it'll be a change from his quiet life in the country; pour changer j'ai fait de l'oie I've cooked a goose (just) for a change; pour changer nous allons en Espagne cet été for a change we are going to Spain this summer; pour ne pas changer as usual; pour ne pas changer elle est en retard she's late as usual; ⇒ idée;
    B changer de vtr ind
    1 ( quitter) changer de to change; changer de main lit, fig to change hands; changer de profession/travail to change professions/jobs; changer de position to change position; changer de place [personne] to change seats (avec with); [objet] to be moved, to move; changer de chaussures/vêtements to change one's shoes/clothes; nous avons changé de route au retour we came back by a different route; changer de rue/quartier to move to another street/district; changer d'adresse to move to a new address, to change address; quand il m'a vu il a changé de trottoir when he saw me he crossed over to the other side of the road; elle change d'amant/de bonne tous les mois she has a new lover/maid every month; changer d'opinion or d'avis to change one's mind; à cette nouvelle, il a changé de tête or visage at this news, his expression changed; changeons de sujet let's change the subject; changer de propriétaire [maison, immeuble] to have a change of owner; changer de locataire [propriétaire] to get a new tenant; il a changé de caractère he's changed; changer de sexe to have a sex change; ⇒ chemise, disque;
    2 Transp changer de to change; changer de train/d'avion to change trains/planes.
    C vi
    1 ( se modifier) [situation, santé, temps] to change; il ne change pas, il est toujours le même he never changes, he's always the same; rien n'avait changé nothing had changed; il a changé en bien/mal he's changed for the better/worse; il y a quelque chose de changé ici/dans leur comportement there's something different here/about their behaviourGB;
    2 ( être remplacé) [personne, livre] to be changed; [horaire] to change.
    D se changer vpr
    1 ( mettre d'autres vêtements) to get changed, to change; je vais me changer et j'arrive I'm just going to get changed and I'll be with you; si tu sors, change-toi if you're going out, get changed first;
    2 ( se transformer) se changer en [personne, animal] to turn ou change into; se changer en citrouille to turn into a pumpkin; on ne se change pas people can't change.
    changer d'air to have a change of air; changer du tout au tout to change completely.
    [ʃɑ̃ʒe] verbe transitif (auxiliaire avoir)
    1. [modifier - apparence, règlement, caractère] to change, to alter ; [ - testament] to alter
    mais ça change tout! ah, that makes a big difference!
    2. [remplacer - installation, personnel] to change, to replace ; [ - roue, ampoule, drap etc.] to change
    3. FINANCE [en devises, en petite monnaie] to change
    4. [troquer]
    j'aime mieux ton écharpe, on change? I like your scarf better, shall we swap?
    5. [transformer]
    6. [transférer]
    changer quelqu'un de poste/service to transfer somebody to a new post/department
    7. (familier) [désaccoutumer]
    pars en vacances, ça te changera un peu (familier) you should go away somewhere, it'll be a change for you
    enfin un bon spectacle, ça nous change des inepties habituelles! (familier) a good show at last, that makes a change from the usual nonsense!
    viens, ça te changera les idées come along, it'll take your mind off things
    8. [bébé] to change
    [ʃɑ̃ʒe] verbe intransitif (auxiliaire avoir)
    1. [se modifier - personne, temps, tarif etc.] to change
    changer en bien/mal to change for the better/worse
    2. TRANSPORTS [de métro, de train] to change
    3. [être remplacé] to change
    [ʃɑ̃ʒe] verbe intransitif
    (auxiliaire être) [malade, personnalité] to change
    changer de verbe plus préposition
    changer de nom/nationalité to change one's name/nationality
    changer de partenaire [en dansant, dans un couple] to change partners
    a. [une fois] to change channels
    b. [constamment] to zap
    elle m'a fait changer d'avis she changed ou made me change my mind
    tu vas changer de ton, dis! don't take that tone with me!
    a. [généralement] to change direction
    b. [vent] to change
    a. [au tennis, au ping-pong] change ou switch sides
    b. [dans un lit] turn over
    changer de cap (sens propre & figuré) to change course
    se changer verbe pronominal
    se changer en verbe pronominal plus préposition
    to change ou to turn into
    pour changer locution adverbiale
    pour ne pas changer locution adverbiale

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais > changer

  • 16 FALLA

    * * *
    (fell; féll, féllum; fallinn), v.
    eigi fellr tré við fyrsta högg, a tree falls not with the first stroke;
    falla af baki, to fall from horse back;
    falla á kné, to fall on one’s knees;
    falla áfram (á bak aptr), to fall forwards (backwards);
    falla flatr, to fall prostrate;
    falla til jarðar, to fall to the ground;
    refl., láta fallast (= sik falla), to let oneself fall (þá lét Loki falla í kné Skaða);
    2) to drop down dead, be killed, fall (in battle);
    3) to die of plague (féllu fátœkir menn um alit land);
    4) to flow, run (of water, stream, tide);
    særinn fell út frá landi, ebbed;
    féll sjór fyrir hellismunnann, the sea rose higher than the cave-mouth;
    síðan féll sjór at, the tide rose;
    þeir sá þá ós mikinn falla í sjóinn, fall into the sea;
    á fél (a river flowed) við skála Ásólfs;
    var skipit svá hlaðit, at inn féll um söxin, that the sea rushed in at the prow;
    5) of clothes, hair, to fall, hang down;
    hárit féll á herðar honum aptr, the hair fell back on his shoulders;
    létu kvennváðir um kné falla, they let women’s dress fall about hi s knees;
    6) to fall, calm down (of the wind);
    féll veðrit (the storm fell) ok gerði logn;
    7) to fail, be foiled;
    sá eiðr fellr honum til útlegðar, if he fails in taking the oath, he shall be liable to outlawry;
    falla á verkum sínum, to have been caught red-handed, to be justly slain;
    falla or fallast at máli, sókn, to fail in one’s suit;
    falla frá máli, to give it up;
    fallinn at frændum, bereft of kinsmen;
    dœmi ek fyrir dráp hans fallnar yðrar eignir, I sentence your estates to be forfieited for his slaughter;
    refl., ef gerðarmenn láta fallast, if the umpires fail to do their duty;
    þá fallust öllum Ásum orðtök ok svá hendr, then voice and hands alike failed the Gods;
    féllust þeim allar kvéðjur, their greetings died on their lips;
    vill sá eigi falust láta andsvör, he will not fail or falter in replying;
    mér féll svá gæfusamliga (it befell me so quickly), at;
    stundum kann svá at falla, at, sometimes it may so happen that;
    9) to be had or produced (þat járn fellr í firði þeim; þar fellr hveiti ok vín);
    10) with adv., e-m fellr e-t þungt, létt, a thing falls heavily, lightly upon one (þetta mun ðr þungt falla);
    féll þá keisaranum þyngra bardaginn, the battle turned against the emperor;
    e-m fellr e-t nær, it falls nigh to one, touches one nearly;
    henni féll meinit svá nær, at, the illness fell on her so sore, that;
    mér fellr eigi firr en honum, it touches me no less than him;
    hörmuliga fellr oss nú, at, it falls out sadly for us, that;
    11) to please, suit;
    kvað sér, þat vel falla til attekta, said that it suited him well for drawing revenue from;
    honum féll vel í eyru lofsorð konungs, the king’s praise was pleasant in his ears;
    jarli féllst þat vel í eyru, the earl was well pleased to hear it;
    mun mér illa falla, ef, it will displease me, if;
    féll vel á með þeim, they were on good terms;
    refl., honum féllst þat vel í skap, it suited his mind well, he was pleased with it;
    féllst hvárt öðru vel í geð, they loved each other;
    12) with preps. and advs.,
    falla af, to fall, abate (féll af vindr, byrr);
    falla á e-n, to befall one;
    þær féllu lyktir í, at, the end was, that;
    falla í e-t, to fall into;
    falla í brot, to fall in a fit;
    falla í óvit, to faint, swoon;
    falla í villu, to fall into heresy;
    falla í vald e-s, to fall into one’s power;
    féll veðrit í logn, the storm calmed down;
    falla niðr, to fall, drop;
    mitt kvæði mun skjótt niðr falla, my poem will soon be forgotten;
    féll svá niðr þeirra tal, their conversation dropped, they left off talking;
    falla saman, to fill in with, agree;
    þó at eigi félli alit saman með þeim, though they, did not agree in everything;
    falla til, to occur, happen, fall out;
    ef auðna fellr til, if luck will have it so;
    litlu síðar féll til fagrt leiði, fair wind came on;
    öll þingviti, er til falla, all the fines that may fall in, be due;
    nema þörf falli til, unless need be;
    sem sakir falla til, as the case falls;
    falla undir e-n, to fall to one’s lot (of inheritance, obligation);
    arfr fellr undir e-n, devolves upon one;
    falla út, to recede, of the tide (þá er út féll sjórinn);
    falla við árar, to fall to at the oars.
    * * *
    pret. féll, 2nd pers. féllt, mod. féllst, pl. féllu; pres. fell, pl. föllum; part. fallinn; reflex. féllsk, fallisk, etc., with the neg. suffix fellr-at, féll-at, féllsk-at, Am. 6, vide Lex. Poët. [Common to all Teut. languages except Goth. (Ulf. renders πίπτειν by drjûsan); A. S. feallan; Engl. fall; Germ. fallen; Dan. falde; Swed. falla.]
    A. to fall; as in Engl. so in Icel. falla is the general word, used in the broadest sense; in the N. T. it is therefore used much in the same passages as in the Engl. V., e. g. Matth. v. 14, vii. 25, 27, x. 29, xii. 11, xiii. 4, xxi. 44, Luke xiv. 5, John xii. 24, Rom. xi. 11, xiv. 4, 1 Cor. x. 12, 1 Tim. vi. 9, Rev. viii. 10: blómstrið fellr, James i. 11: again, the verbs hrynja and hrapa denote ruin or sudden fall, detta a light fall, hrasa stumbling; thus in the N. T. hrynja is used, Luke xxiii. 30, Rev. vi. 16; hrapa, Luke x. 18, xi. 17, xiii. 4, Matth. xxiv. 29; hrasa, Luke x. 30; detta, xvi. 21: the proverb, eigi fellr tré við hit fyrsta högg, a tree falls not by the first stroke, Nj. 163, 224; hann féll fall mikit, Bs. i. 343; hón féll geigvænliga, id.; falla af baki, to fall from horseback, 344; f. áfram, to fall forwards, Nj. 165; f. á bak aptr, to fall on the back, 9; f. um háls e-m, to fall on one’s neck, Luke xv. 20; f. til jarðar, to fall to the ground, fall prostrate, Fms. vii. 13, Pass. 5. 4: to fall on one’s face, Stj. 422. Ruth ii. 10; f. fram, to fall down, Matth. iv. 9; f. dauðr ofan, to fall down dead, Fær. 31; ok jafnsnart féll á hann dimma og myrkr, Acts xiii. 11; hlutr fellr, the lot fell (vide hlut-fall), i. 26.
    2. to fall dead, fall in battle, Lat. cadere, Nj. 31, Eg. 7, 495, Dropl. 25, 36, Hm. 159, Fms. i. 8, 11, 24, 38, 95, 173, 177, 178, ii. 318, 324, 329, iii. 5, iv. 14, v. 55, 59, 78, 85, vi. 406–421, vii–xi, passim.
    3. of cattle, to die of plague or famine, Ann. 1341.
    4. medic., falla í brot, to fall in a fit, Bs. i. 335; f. í óvit, to swoon, Nj. 210: the phrase, f. frá, to fall, die (frá-fall, death), Grág. i. 139, 401, Fms. iv. 230, vii. 275; f. í svefn, to fall asleep, Acts xx. 9.
    II. to flow, run, of water, stream, tide, etc.: of the tide, særinn féll út frá landi, ebbed, Clem. 47; féll þar sær fyrir hellismunnann, the sea rose higher than the cave’s mouth, Orkn. 428; síðan féll sjór at, the tide rose, Ld. 58; ok þá er út féll sjórinn, Þorf. Karl. 420; sjórinn féll svá skjótt á land, at skipin vóru öll á floti, Fms. iv. 65: also used of snow, rain, dew, Vsp. 19; snjó-fall, a fall of snow: of the ashes of a volcano, cp. ösku-fall, s. v. aska: of a breaker, to dash, menn undruðusk er boði féll í logni, þar sem engi maðr vissi ván til at fyrri hefði fallit, Orkn. 164: of a river, nema þar falli á sú er eigi gengr fé yfir, Grág. ii. 256; vötn þau er ór jöklum höfðu fallit, Eg. 133; á féll ( flowed) við skála Ásólfs, Landn. 50, A. A. 285; þeir sá þá ós (fors, Hb.) mikinn falla í sjóinn, Landn. 29, v. l., cp. Fms. i. 236; Markar-fljót féll í millum höfuð-ísa, Nj. 142; á fellr austan, Vsp. 42; falla forsar, 58; læk er féll meðal landa þeirra, Landn. 145: of sea water, sjár kolblár fellr at þeim, the ship took in water, Ld. 118, Mar. 98; svá at inn féll um söxin, that the tea rushed in at the stern, Sturl. iii. 66.
    2. to stream, of hair; hárit silki-bleikt er féll ( streamed) á herðar honum aptr, Fms. vii. 155.
    β. of clothes, drapery, Edda (Ht. 2) 121.
    III. to fall, of the wind; féll veðrit ok görði logn, the wind fell, Eg. 372; þá féll byrrinn, Eb. 8; ok fellr veðrit er þeir koma út at eyjum, Ld. 116; hón kvaðsk mundu ráða at veðrit félli eigi, Gullþ. 30; í því bili fellr andviðrit, Fbr. 67; þá féll af byrrinn, Fms. vi. 17.
    2. falla niðr, to fall, drop; mitt kvæði mun skjótt niðr f., my poem will soon be forgotten, Fms. vi. 198; mun þat (in the poem) aldri niðr f. meðan Norðrlönd eru bygð, 372; féll svá þeirra tal, their speech dropped, they left off talking, Fas. iii. 579; as a law term, to let a thing drop, lát niðr f., Fs. 182; féllu hálfar bætr niðr fyrir sakastaði þá er hann þótti á eiga, Nj. 166, 250, Band. 18; þat eitt fellr niðr, Grág. i. 398, Fms. vii. 137; falla í verði, to fall in price, etc.
    IV. to fail, be foiled, a law term; sá (viz. eiðr) fellr honum til útlegðar, i. e. if he fails in taking the oath he shall be liable to outlawry, N. G. L. i. 84 (eið-fall); en ef eiðr fellr, þá fari hann útlægr, K. Á. 214; fellr aldri sekt handa á milli, the fine is never cancelled, N. G. L. i. 345; f. á verkum sínum, to have been caught red-handed, to be justly slain, Eg. 736; vera fallinn at sókn, to fail in one’s suit, N. G. L. i. 166; hence metaph. fallin at frændum, failing, bereft of friends, Hðm. 5; fallinn frá minu máli, having given my case up, Sks. 554, 747; því dæmi ek fyrir dráp hans fallnar eignir ykkar, I sentence your estates to lie forfeited for his slaughter, Fs. 122; f. í konungs garð, to forfeit to the king’s treasury. Fms. iv. 227; reflex., ef honum fellsk þessor brigð, if his right of reclamation fails, Gþl. 300; ef menn fallask at því, if men fail in that, N. G. L. ii. 345; ef gerð fellsk, if the reparation comes to naught, id.; ef gerðar-menn láta fallask, if they fail to do their duty, id., cp. i. 133, 415; to fail, falter, in the phrase, e-m fallask hendr, the hands fail one; bliknaði hann ok féllusk honum hendr, Ó. H. 70; þá féllusk öllum Ásum orðtök ok svá hendr, their voice and hands alike failed them, Edda 37; en bóndum féllusk hendr, því á þeir höfðu þá engan foringja, Fms. vi. 281; féllusk þeim allar kveðjur er fyrir vóru, their greeting faltered, i. e. the greeting died on their lips, Nj. 140; vill sá eigi fallask fáta andsvör, he would not fail or falter in replying, Hkr. i. 260; féllskat saðr sviðri, her judgment did not fail, Am. 6.
    V. metaph., falla í villu, to fall into heresy, Ver. 47; f. í hórdóm, to fall into whoredom, Sks. 588; f. í vald e-s. to fall into one’s power, Ld. 166; f. í fullsælu, to drop ( come suddenly) into great wealth, Band. 31; f. í fullting við e-n, to fall a-helping one, to take one’s part, Grág. i. 24; lyktir falla á e-t, to come to a close, issue, Fms. ix. 292. xi. 326; f. á, to fall on, of misfortune, vide á-fall.
    2. falla undir e-n, to full to one’s lot, of inheritance, obligation; arfr fellr undir e-n. devolves upon one, Gþl. 215; f. frjáls á jörð to be free born, N. G. L. i. 32; f. ánanðigr á jörð, to be born a bondsman, Grág. ii. 192.
    3. falla við árar, to fall to at the oars, Fms. xi. 73, 103; Þorgeirr féll þá svá fast á árar (pulled, so bard), at af gengu báðir háirnir, Grett. 125 A; f. fram við árar, id., Fas. ii. 495 (in a verse).
    VI. to fall out, befall; ef auðna fellr til, if it so falls out by luck, Fms. iv. 148; ef auðna vildi til f. með þeim, xi. 267; litlu siðar fellr til fagrt leiði, a fair wind befell them, 426; alla hluti þá er til kunni f., Nj. 224; öll þingvíti er til f., all the fines that may fall in, be due, Gþl. 21; nema þörf falli til, unless a mishap befalls him, i. e. unless he be in a strait, 76; mér féll svá gæfusamliga, it befell me so luckily, Barl. 114; verðuliga er fallit á mik þetta tilfelli, this accident has justly befallen me, 115; sem sakir f. til, as the case falls, Eg. 89.
    2. to fall, be produced; þat (the iron) fellr í firði þeim er Ger heitir, Fas. iii. 240; þar fellr hveiti ok vín, 360.
    VII. impers. in the phrases, e-m fellr e-t þungt, létt, etc., a thing falls lightly, heavily upon, esp. of feeling; þetta mun yðr þungt f., it will fall heavily on you, Band. 18; felir þá keisaranum þyngra bardaginn, the battle fell out ill to ( turned against) the emperor, Fms. xi. 32; at oss mundi þungt f. þessi mál, Nj. 191.
    2. the phrases, e-m fellr e-t nær, it falls nigh to one, touches one nearly; svá fellr mér þetta nær um trega, Nj. 170; sjá einn var svá hlutr, at Njáli féll svá nær, at hana mátti aldri óklökvandi um tala, this one thing touched Njal so nearly, that he could never speak of it without tears, 171; mér fellr eigi firr en honum, it touches me no less than him, Blas. 41; henni féll meinit svá, nær, at …, the illness fell on her so sore, that …, Bs. i. 178; féll henni nær allt saman, she was much vexed by it all (of illness), 351; e-t fellr bágliga, hörmuliga etc. fyrir e-m, things fall out sadly for one. Vígl. 30, El. 15.
    B. Metaph. to fall in with, agree, fit, suit, Germ. gefallen:
    I. to please, suit; kvað sér þat vel falla til aftekta, said that it suited him well for drawing taxes from, Fb. ii. 122: en allt þat, er hann heyrði frá himnaguði, féll honum harla vel, pleased him very well, Fms. i. 133; honum féll vel í eyru lofsorð konungs, the king’s praise suited his ears well, tickled, pleased his fancy, Bret. 16: reflex., þat lof fellsk honum í eyru, 4; jarli fellsk þat vel í eyru, the earl was well pleased to hear it, Bjarn. 7.
    β. falla saman, to fall in with, comply, agree; en þó at eigi félli allt saman með þeim, though they did not agree in all, Bs. i. 723.
    γ. féllsk vel á með þeim, they loved one another, Fas. i. 49; féll vel á með þeim Styrkári, i. e. he and S. were on good terms, Fms. iii. 120.
    δ. honum féllsk þat vel í skap, it suited his mind well, pleased him, Fas. i. 364; féllsk hvárt öðru vel í geð, they agreed well, liked one another well, Band. 9; fallask á e-t, to like a thing; brátt kvartar að mér fellst ei á, Bb. 3. 23.
    2. to beseem, befit; heldr fellr þeim ( it befits them), at sýna öðrum með góðvilja, Str. 2.
    3. falla at e-u, to apply to, refer to; þetta eitt orð er at fellr eiðstafnum, Band. MS. 15 (Ed. 18 wrongly eiðrinn instead of eiðnum).
    4. the phrase ‘falla við’ in Luke vi. 36 (bótin af því hinu nýja fellr eigi við hið gamla) means to agree with; hence also viðfeldinn, agreeable:—but in the two passages to be cited falla við seems to be intended for falda við, to enfold; hvergi nema þar sem falli við akr eða eng, unless field or meadow be increased or improved, N. G. L. ii. 116; ekki má falla (qs. falda) við hamingju-leysi mitt, ‘tis impossible to add a fold to my bad luck, it cannot be worse than it is, Al. 110.
    II. part. fallinn; svá f., such-like, so framed; eitt lítið dýr er svá fallið, at …, a small animal is so framed, that …, Stj. 77; hví man hinn sami maðr svá fallinn, how can the same man be so framed? Fms. xi. 429:—in law phrases, such-like, as follows, svá fallinn vitnisburð, testimony as follows, Vm. 47; svo fallinn órskurð, dóm, etc., a decision, sentence … as follows, a standing phrase; þá leið fallinn, such, such-like (Germ. beschaffen), Stj. 154.
    2. fallinn vel, illa, etc., well, ill-disposed; hann var vænn maðr ok vel fallinn, Fms. xi. 422; þau vóru tröll bæði ok at öllu illa fallin, Bárð. 165; fitted, worthy, bezt til konungs fallinn, Fms. i. 58; ok er hann bezt til þess f. af þessum þremr, vi. 386; at hann væri betr til fallinn at deyja fyrir þá sök en faðir hans, that he more deserved to die than his father did, x. 3; Ólafr er betr til yfirmanns f. enn mínir synir, Ld. 84; margir eru betr til fallnir fararinnar, Ísl. ii. 327; Hallgerðr kvað hann sér vel fallinn til verkstjóra, Nj. 57; sá er til þess er f., Sks. 299; ‘worthy,’ 1 Cor. vi. 2.
    3. neut. fit; ok hætti þá er honum þótti fallit, when he thought fit, Fms. vi. 364; slík reip sem f. þykir, as seems needful, Sks. 420; væri þat vel fallit, at …, it would do well, to …, Fms. ii. 115; þat mun nú vel fallit, that will be right, that will do well, Nj. 145; kallaði vel til fallit, said it was quite right, Fms. xi. 321.
    4. of a thing, with dat. suited to one; eigi þyki mér þér sú ferð vel fallin, i. e. this journey will not do for thee, will not do thee good, Fms. vi. 200; cp. ó-fallit, unfit.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FALLA

  • 17 edel

    1. Gesinnung, Tat etc.: noble, hono(u)rable; Person: auch noble-minded, generous, magnanimous; Spender
    2. Qualität, Schmuck, Wein etc.: fine; Metall: precious; Pferd: thoroughbred; Rose etc.: species...; Holz: fine, precious; Tropfen
    3. geh. (wohlgeformt) noble, finely-shaped; von edlem Wuchs oder von edler Gestalt of noble stature
    4. altm. (adelig) noble, aristocratic; aus edlem Geschlecht of noble birth
    * * *
    precious; noble; lordly
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (attr = vornehm, adlig) noble
    2) (= hochwertig) precious; Hölzer precious, fine; Rosen, Speisen fine; Wein noble, fine; Pferd thoroughbred
    3) (= edel geformt, harmonisch) noble; Nase regal, aristocratic
    4) (fig) Gesinnung, Mensch, Tat noble; (= großherzig) noble, generous
    → Spender(in)
    2. adv
    eingerichtet classically; dinieren exclusively

    édel gestylt — with a classic design

    édel geformte Züge — classic features

    er denkt édel — he has noble thoughts

    * * *
    (honourable; unselfish: a noble mind; a noble deed.) noble
    * * *
    I. adj
    1. (großherzig) generous
    2. (hochwertig) fine, high-grade
    3. (aristokratisch) noble
    4. attr (veraltend: vornehm) noble
    von edler Abkunft sein to be of noble origin
    II. adv nobly
    \edel geformte Züge aristocratic features
    * * *
    1) nicht präd. thoroughbred < horse>
    2) (großmütig) noble[-minded], high-minded < person>; noble <thought, gesture, deed>; honourable < motive>

    edle Gesinnung — nobility of mind; noble-mindedness

    3) (geh.): (wohlgeformt) finely-shaped
    4) (geh.): (vortrefflich) fine < wine>; high-grade <wood, timber>
    5) nicht präd. (veralt.): (adlig) noble
    adverbial nobly
    * * *
    edel adj
    1. Gesinnung, Tat etc: noble, hono(u)rable; Person: auch noble-minded, generous, magnanimous; Spender
    2. Qualität, Schmuck, Wein etc: fine; Metall: precious; Pferd: thoroughbred; Rose etc: species …; Holz: fine, precious; Tropfen
    3. geh (wohlgeformt) noble, finely-shaped;
    von edler Gestalt of noble stature
    4. obs (adelig) noble, aristocratic;
    aus edlem Geschlecht of noble birth
    * * *
    1) nicht präd. thoroughbred < horse>
    2) (großmütig) noble[-minded], high-minded < person>; noble <thought, gesture, deed>; honourable < motive>

    edle Gesinnung — nobility of mind; noble-mindedness

    3) (geh.): (wohlgeformt) finely-shaped
    4) (geh.): (vortrefflich) fine < wine>; high-grade <wood, timber>
    5) nicht präd. (veralt.): (adlig) noble
    adverbial nobly
    * * *
    noble adj. adv.
    nobly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > edel

  • 18 حالة

    حَالَة \ case: a state of affairs; a condition: In most cases we can help, but your case is different, an example (esp. of a disease) There were three cases of food-poisoning in our class. circumstance: the facts connected with a person or event; the conditions; the case: He died in very strange circumstances. In (or under) the circumstances, I shall not punish you. condition: state: in good condition; in a dirty condition. phase: one period during a course of change; the look of a thing during that period: The baby was going through a noisy phase. Watch the phases of the moon. position: a personal condition: His death left me in a difficult position. repair: condition (of sth. that is not new and might need repair): Your house is in good repair. situation: position; state of affairs: The loss of several teachers left the headmaster in a difficult situation. state: condition: a dirty state; a state of confusion. \ See Also وضع (وَضْع)، ظرف (ظَرْف)‏ \ حَالَة الجوّ \ weather: the state of the sky and the air: fine sunny weather; cold wet weather. \ حَالَة حَرْب \ war: fighting between nations: the World War of 1939-45; two countries at war (with each other). \ حَالَةُ سُعَالٍ (مَرَضِيّة)‏ \ cough: an act of coughing; a condition of the throat that causes coughing: He gave a gentle cough to get my attention. Many smokers have a nasty cough. \ حَالَة صِحِّيَّة جَيّدة \ trim: a state of fitness and readiness: You must practise to keep in (good) trim for the race. \ حَالَة طارِئَة \ emergency: a sudden happening which forces us to act quickly. \ حَالَة اللاّتَعْشِيق (في تُرُوس الآلة)‏ \ neutral: (of the gears that can join a machine to its engine) being separated, so that the engine can run but the machine remains still: Your car must be in neutral (gear) when you start the engine. \ حَالَة نَفْسِيَّة \ frame of mind: state of mind: He’s in a generous frame of mind today. humour: temper; state of mind: Our teacher was in a bad humour this morning. mood: the state of one’s mind and feelings: She’s in a very good mood today; she feels happy. spirit: a state of mind: He’s in high spirits. His spirits rose when he heard the good news. \ حَالَة هُدوء \ calm: a time or state of being calm.

    Arabic-English dictionary > حالة

  • 19 humour

    حَالَة نَفْسِيَّة \ frame of mind: state of mind: He’s in a generous frame of mind today. humour: temper; state of mind: Our teacher was in a bad humour this morning. mood: the state of one’s mind and feelings: She’s in a very good mood today; she feels happy. spirit: a state of mind: He’s in high spirits. His spirits rose when he heard the good news.

    Arabic-English glossary > humour

  • 20 mood

    حَالَة نَفْسِيَّة \ frame of mind: state of mind: He’s in a generous frame of mind today. humour: temper; state of mind: Our teacher was in a bad humour this morning. mood: the state of one’s mind and feelings: She’s in a very good mood today; she feels happy. spirit: a state of mind: He’s in high spirits. His spirits rose when he heard the good news.

    Arabic-English glossary > mood

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