Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский


  • 1 clashing interests

    clashing interests
    interesses opostos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clashing interests

  • 2 to have someone’s interests at heart

    to have someone’s interests at heart
    importar-se com alguém, tentar ajudar alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to have someone’s interests at heart

  • 3 association with common interests

    communauté d'intérêts

    Investor's Forget-me-Nots Dictionary > association with common interests

  • 4 safeguarding interests

    • au mieux des interest
    • à soigner

    Investor's Forget-me-Nots Dictionary > safeguarding interests

  • 5 interest

    ['intrəst, ]( American[) 'intərist] 1. noun
    1) (curiosity; attention: That newspaper story is bound to arouse interest.) interesse
    2) (a matter, activity etc that is of special concern to one: Gardening is one of my main interests.) interesse
    3) (money paid in return for borrowing a usually large sum of money: The (rate of) interest on this loan is eight per cent; ( also adjective) the interest rate.) juro
    4) ((a share in the ownership of) a business firm etc: He bought an interest in the night-club.) acções
    5) (a group of connected businesses which act together to their own advantage: I suspect that the scheme will be opposed by the banking interest (= all the banks acting together).) sociedade
    2. verb
    1) (to arouse the curiosity and attention of; to be of importance or concern to: Political arguments don't interest me at all.) interessar
    2) ((with in) to persuade to do, buy etc: Can I interest you in (buying) this dictionary?) interessar
    - interesting
    - interestingly
    - in one's own interest
    - in one's interest
    - in the interests of
    - in the interest of
    - lose interest
    - take an interest
    * * *
    ['intrist] n 1 interesse, atração. he showed a great interest for my case / ele demonstrou grande interesse pelo meu caso. the book has lost all interest for me / o livro não me atrai mais. 2 Com ação, parte, porção. 3 coisa que interessa. 4 sociedade. 5 vantagem, benefício (próprio). 6 força (moral), influência, importância. he has no interest in the town / ele não possui influência na cidade. it is only of small interest to know / é de somenos importância saber. 7 Econ juros. he cannot pay the interest on the capital / ele não pode pagar os juros sobre o capital. he lends at interest / ele empresta dinheiro a juros. 8 Com lucro. • vt 1 interessar, atrair, cativar. 2 importar, concernir, atingir, comover. I interest myself in eu me interesso por. in my (your) interest em meu (seu) interesse. in the interest of em benefício de. the landed interest os latifundiários. to be interested in estar interessado em. to have someone’s interests at heart importar-se com alguém, tentar ajudar alguém. to take no interest in não interessar-se por.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > interest

  • 6 interest

    ['intrəst, ]( American[) 'intərist] 1. noun
    1) (curiosity; attention: That newspaper story is bound to arouse interest.) interesse
    2) (a matter, activity etc that is of special concern to one: Gardening is one of my main interests.) interesse
    3) (money paid in return for borrowing a usually large sum of money: The (rate of) interest on this loan is eight per cent; ( also adjective) the interest rate.) juro
    4) ((a share in the ownership of) a business firm etc: He bought an interest in the night-club.) participação
    5) (a group of connected businesses which act together to their own advantage: I suspect that the scheme will be opposed by the banking interest (= all the banks acting together).) grupo de interesses
    2. verb
    1) (to arouse the curiosity and attention of; to be of importance or concern to: Political arguments don't interest me at all.) interessar
    2) ((with in) to persuade to do, buy etc: Can I interest you in (buying) this dictionary?) interessar
    - interesting - interestingly - in one's own interest - in one's interest - in the interests of - in the interest of - lose interest - take an interest

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > interest

  • 7 clashing

    [kl'æʃiŋ] n choque, conflito, colisão. • adj conflitante, retumbante. clashing interests interesses opostos.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clashing

  • 8 colony

    plural - colonies; noun
    1) ((a group of people who form) a settlement in one country etc which is under the rule of another country: France used to have many colonies in Africa.) colónia
    2) (a group of people having the same interests, living close together: a colony of artists.) colónia
    3) (a collection of animals, birds etc, of one type, living together: a colony of gulls.) colónia
    - colonialism
    - colonialist
    - colonize
    - colonise
    - colonist
    - colonization
    - colonisation
    * * *
    [k'ɔləni] n colônia: 1 colonizadores, emigrantes. 2 povoação ou estabelecimento de colonos ou colonizadores. 3 possessão (geralmente além-mar). 4 agregação, agrupamento, grupo (também de animais). 5 Biol grupo de microrganismos que crescem em um meio sólido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > colony

  • 9 decency

    noun ((the general idea of) what is proper, fitting, moral etc; the quality or act of being decent: In the interests of decency, we have banned nude bathing; He had the decency to admit that it was his fault.) decoro
    * * *
    [d'i:sənsi] n decência, decoro, modéstia, honestidade, propriedade, asseio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > decency

  • 10 fellowship

    1) (an association (of people with common interests): a youth fellowship (= a club for young people).) associação
    2) (friendliness.) companhia
    3) (a scholarship given to a graduate student for advanced studies or for research.)
    * * *
    [f'elouʃip] n 1 coleguismo, companheirismo, camaradagem, solidariedade, comunidade de interesses, cordialidade, participação, associação. 2 sociedade, companhia, corporação. 3 irmandade, confraternidade, comunhão. 4 dignidade ou cargo de membro de universidade ou sociedade literária ou científica. 5 congregação de universidade. 6 bolsa de estudos concedida a um graduado universitário para pesquisas. good fellowship camaradagem.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fellowship

  • 11 intellectual

    [-'lek uəl]
    adjective (of, or appealing to, the intellect: He does not play football - his interests are mainly intellectual.) intelectual
    * * *
    [intil'ektjuəl] n intelectual. • adj 1 intelectual. 2 inteligente. 3 destro. 4 compreensivo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > intellectual

  • 12 narrow

    ['nærəu] 1. adjective
    1) (having or being only a small distance from side to side: a narrow road; The bridge is too narrow for large lorries to cross.) estreito
    2) (only just managed: a narrow escape.) (por um) triz
    3) ((of ideas, interests or experience) not extensive enough.) limitado
    2. verb
    (to make or become narrow: The road suddenly narrowed.) estreitar-se
    - narrows
    - narrow-minded
    * * *
    [n'ærou] n 1 (geralmente no pl) estreito. 2 desfiladeiro, garganta. • vt+vi 1 estreitar. 2 apertar. 3 limitar, restringir. 4 diminuir, reduzir. • adj 1 estreito. 2 apertado. 3 limitado, restrito, exíguo. he kept her on the straight and narrow / ele a mantinha na linha (dentro das regras). 4 mesquinho, egoístico. 5 cuidadoso, minucioso. 6 insuficiente. 7 tenso. to have a narrow escape escapar por pouco. to narrow down to reduzir-se a, restringir-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > narrow

  • 13 outside

    1. noun
    (the outer surface: The outside of the house was painted white.) exterior
    2. adjective
    1) (of, on, or near the outer part of anything: the outside door.) exterior
    2) (not part of (a group, one's work etc): We shall need outside help; She has a lot of outside interests.) de fora
    3) ((of a chance etc) very small.) pequeníssimo
    3. adverb
    1) (out of, not in a building etc: He went outside; He stayed outside.) lá fora
    2) (on the outside: The house looked beautiful outside.) do lado de fora
    4. preposition
    (on the outer part or side of; not inside or within: He stood outside the house; He did that outside working hours.) fora
    - at the outside
    - outside in
    * * *
    [auts'aid] n 1 exterior. 2 aparência. to judge by the outside / julgar pela aparência. 3 extremo, limite máximo. 4 coll pingente. • adj 1 externo, exterior. 2 aparente, superficial. 3 extremo, máximo, remoto. • adv 1 para fora. 2 fora. 3 do lado de fora. • prep 1 fora, de fora, para fora. 2 sem. 3 além. from the outside do lado de fora.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > outside

  • 14 protect

    (to guard or defend from danger; to keep safe: She protected the children from every danger; Which type of helmet protects the head best?; He wore a fur jacket to protect himself against the cold.) proteger
    - protection
    - protective
    - protector
    * * *
    [prət'ekt] vt 1 proteger: a) defender, amparar, salvaguardar. protect my interests! / proteja os meus interesses! b) favorecer, beneficiar. 2 garantir o pagamento de (títulos).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > protect

  • 15 range

    [rein‹] 1. noun
    1) (a selection or variety: a wide range of books for sale; He has a very wide range of interests.) variedade
    2) (the distance over which an object can be sent or thrown, sound can be heard etc: What is the range of this missile?; We are within range of / beyond the range of / out of range of their guns.) alcance
    3) (the amount between certain limits: I'm hoping for a salary within the range $30,000 to $34,000; the range of a person's voice between his highest and lowest notes.) escala
    4) (a row or series: a mountain range.) cadeia
    5) (in the United States, land, usually without fences, on which cattle etc can graze.) pastagem
    6) (a place where a person can practise shooting etc; a rifle-range.) campo
    7) (a large kitchen stove with a flat top.) fogão
    2. verb
    1) (to put in a row or rows: The two armies were ranged on opposite sides of the valley.) alinhar
    2) (to vary between certain limits: Weather conditions here range between bad and dreadful / from bad to dreadful.) variar
    3) (to go, move, extend etc: His talk ranged over a number of topics.) estender-se
    * * *
    [reindʒ] n 1 extensão, distância. 2 círculo ou raio de ação, âmbito, faixa. 3 alcance, calibre. 4 percurso. 5 limite, variação. 6 área, espaço, campo de prova. 7 pasto, pastagem, invernada. 8 cadeia de montanhas, cordilheira. 9 linha de tiro. 10 fileira, ordem, classe, série, conjunto. 11 fogão de cozinha. 12 Naut cobro de amarra. 13 perambulação, caminhada. • vt+vi 1 variar dentro de certos limites. 2 percorrer, caminhar, vaguear. 3 pesquisar, explorar em determinada área. 4 enfileirar, alinhar, arranjar, agrupar, ordenar, classificar, sistematizar. 5 tomar o partido de. 6 estender-se (de lado a lado). 7 Naut costear. 8 alcançar, atingir determinada distância (uma peça de artilharia). 9 ocorrer. 10 soltar no pasto. 11 Bot, Zool crescer em determinada região. • adj de ou em campos de pastagem. a plant ranging from Canada to Mexico uma planta que ocorre do Canadá ao México. at close range à queima-roupa. at 10 yards’ range à distância de 10 jardas. free-range hens galinhas criadas soltas. long range gun peça (arma) de longo alcance. long range plane avião de longo percurso. maximum range raio ou limite máximo. prices range from 1 to 10 dollars os preços variam de 1 a 10 dólares. to range oneself entrar na linha, criar juízo. to range over variar. within range ao alcance.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > range

  • 16 sectarian

    1) (concerned with, especially the narrow interests of, a sect or sects: sectarian loyalties.) sectário
    2) (caused by membership of a sect: a sectarian murder.) sectário
    * * *
    [sekt'ɛəriən] n 1 sectário. 2 partidário ou membro de seita. • adj sectário.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > sectarian

  • 17 self

    plural - selves; noun
    1) (a person's own body and personality.) o eu
    2) (one's own personal interests or advantage: He always thinks first of self.) em si
    - selfishly
    - selfishness
    - selfless
    - selflessly
    - selflessness
    * * *
    [self] n (pl selves [selvz]) 1 eu, a própria pessoa, personalidade. she is his other self / ela é seu segundo eu. the picture is her very self / o retrato é muito natural. 2 interesses próprios. 3 caráter, natureza. • adj arch uniforme, puro. • pron si, mesmo, mesma. I did it myself / eu mesmo o fiz. did you bring it yourself? / você mesmo o(a) trouxe? he shot himself / ele se matou com um tiro. she is kindness itself / ela é a bondade em pessoa. • pref self- indicando: 1 de si mesmo, por si mesmo, automático. 2 independente, autônomo. she is self-sufficient / ela é auto-suficiente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > self

  • 18 solidarity

    noun (the uniting of the interests, feelings or actions (of a group): We must try to preserve our solidarity.) solidariedade
    * * *
    [sɔlid'æriti] n solidariedade, unidade.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > solidarity

  • 19 in common

    ((of interests, attitudes, characteristics etc) shared or alike: They have nothing in common - I don't know why they're getting married.) em comum

    English-Portuguese dictionary > in common

  • 20 in the interest(s) of

    (in order to get, achieve, increase etc: The political march was banned in the interests of public safety.) no interesse de

    English-Portuguese dictionary > in the interest(s) of

См. также в других словарях:

  • interests — index affairs, dealings Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 interests …   Law dictionary

  • interests — the equity interests of stockholders are often referred to in bankruptcy documents merely as interests. (Glossary of Common Bankruptcy Terms) United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012 …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • interests — n. stakes, investments 1) to have interests (to have interests throughout the world) 2) to advance, further, promote one s interests 3) to defend, guard, look after, protect one s interests 4) to serve smb. s interests (it serves their interests… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • interests — In everyday speech the word interests has three main interrelated meanings. Someone may be said to be interested in a topic, in the sense that it excites his or her attention, or curiosity. The usage has had little specialist significance in the… …   Dictionary of sociology

  • interests — Those things that a person needs, or that are conducive to his or her flourishing and success. The central examples of things against someone s interests are the things that harm or injure them. The concept thus inherits the problems of… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • interests — Synonyms and related words: Establishment, VIP, baron, big gun, big man, big name, bigwig, brass, brass hat, bureaucracy, celebrity, dignitary, dignity, directorate, elder, father, figure, great man, hierarchy, higher echelons, higher ups,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the United States — The Interests Section of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the United States is a part of the embassy of Pakistan in Washington, D.C., and is the de facto diplomatic representation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the United States. When the US… …   Wikipedia

  • interests — n. inflential group of people in business or society in·ter·est || ɪntrɪst n. involvement in something, curiosity about something; concern, affair; percentage on a loan which is paid over time (Finance); share, stake, claim; benefit v. arouse …   English contemporary dictionary

  • interests — See interest …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • INTERESTS — …   Useful english dictionary

  • future interests — Interests in real or personal property, a gift or trust, or other things in which the privilege of possession or of enjoyment is in the future and not present. Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Wells, C.C.A.6, 132 F.2d 405, 407. An interest… …   Black's law dictionary

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